Haruka’s POV, vision
The peaceful atmosphere of Crystal Tokyo: a place of purity and harmony…Where friendship and love bound the people together. There was light, its warmth encircled the area and lulled the inhabitants into a soothing mood. From outside the castle, fields of flowers were in full bloom as they always had been since the formation of the peaceful era. Soft, velvet petals of various colors grasped the wandering wind’s invisible hand as the two joined in a private dance. No movements were identical. It was as though each pairing had an individual soul.
I was walking on a predetermined path through the flowers. As I made my way I couldn’t help but allow myself to be surrounded by a mix of sweet scents. They did smell nice…It feels so relaxing, I should bring her here again sometime, I’m sure she’d love to re-visit.
Are these my thoughts?
My pace quickened as I struggled to stay on task. Now I only hope the father to be is feeling as relaxed as I am.
Finally I made it to the palace entrance and escaped the earthly ground to walk on the solid marble tiles. Oh, someone re-decorated! After living for a few centuries it was a pleasant surprise to see that Minako finally got around to upholding her promise.
“Hey! What do you think?” Speak of the devil…
“It’s very well done Minako! Although I almost suffered a heart attack; you actually did some work around here.”
The blond reminds me of someone…where did I see her before?
“Come on, give me a break.” The shorter blond whined. Today she was wearing the usual orange dress. “You know I’ve been busy, the Queen has been waiting awhile for this and some things just come first. Besides, you people should be thankful that I fixed this place up on time. I did promise to do it before the baby will be born and it’s done.” She crossed her arms and gave me a sulky, expectant look.
“Hai, hai…I did say it was a good job didn’t I?” I made my way to pass her but stopped at her side when she grabbed hold of my arm.
“You really don’t think do you?” Glancing down at the shorter girl I found cerulean eyes scolding me. “Honestly…don’t you think if the place was re-modeled that rooms would be moved around too?”
“Oh…” Well okay, I hadn’t thought of that. “Then Minako chan, would you be as so kind to direct me to father to be?”
She sighed. “Really, after a few centuries you’d think you’d learn to pay more attention.” Moving one of her hands to the bow of her dress she retrieved a small piece of paper.
“He should still be right here at the moment, hasn’t left all day as far as I know.” She pointed to a colored room on the map. “You should be able to find it without any problem.”
“Arigato.” With one hand I messed the younger girl’s hair and took the map with the other. She merely glared at me, probably thinking ‘I’m not a little kid anymore’.
“Hmm…It should be this way.” I muttered to myself.
Following the diagram’s instructions I walked up a flight of stairs and continued forward into the main hall of the palace. Minako really did a job on this place…The paintings had all been fixed up, their built up grim gone. The tiles were transparent tiles were replaced with solid marble…And most importantly the seals on the pedestals had been reinforced as well. Momentarily side tracked I moved towards the small stand with ‘Uranus’ engraved on its lip. Monsters were a thing of the past now. Without the need to train and fight our scout powers had been frozen into these crystal orbs and were protected by various spells as they lay on these cement supports. My hand brushed around the space outside the protective area and watched the orb emit a recognizing golden glow. I don’t miss the fighting or the killing. It was better that the past stays the past. But…A dark thought crossed my features. If anything does happen, all the sailor senshi have the emergency device if a dire situation arises. Ah! I better get moving, can’t stand here rambling the entire day.
Continuing through the hall I waded my way through the maze of rooms. Many of the halls looked identical to each other, or maybe I was going around in circles. If I hadn’t known better, I’d say Minako cut corners and had the Queen do the mapping work. The writing was just atrocious!
Fifteen minutes later I had finally came to the room. Hopefully he’s still here. I made to knock on the door but someone else had beaten me to it. The door swung open slowly and a familiar face greeted me.
“Mamoru san!” I greeted the man. He looked terrible.
He does look terrible…
“Thank you for coming. I’m sorry, I’ve been such a nervous wreck lately. Please excuse my appearance.” The black haired man’s hair stuck up everywhere and it appeared he hadn’t shaved his face for days.
“It’s completely understandable, I mean, it’s not everyday that your child will be born.”
“Oh…” I watched him bury his face in one hand. “Don’t remind me…”He groaned.
“Well I’m here. If you want to talk about something, anything, I’ll be more than happy to listen.”
“Yes, that’s exactly what I need right now. Please, come in.” He motioned for me to enter.
Stepping past the sleep deprived father to be I made my way to a chair and sat down. Mamoru joined me, sitting down on a chair by the opposite side of the table. With one arm he continued to support his head. You couldn’t really blame the poor guy. For the past century and a half everyone has been so busy trying to get the kingdom established to the state it’s in now. For decades the sailor scouts have been hunting down illegal genetic labs and only recently has the experimental ban been passed. From past experiences, monsters were created through these unnatural nature meddling acts…The Queen had refused to even consider childbirth until she was sure the world was safe.
So here we are now…Mamoru is finally becoming a father but looking at the man now, I’d say he’d rather go back to fighting monsters.
“I’d rather be fighting monsters…” He finally mumbled. Guessed right.
“Don’t be like that, the feeling will pass. You’ll be feeling nothing but pride once your daughter is born, just you wait.”
“But…Will I be a good father? I’ve never done it before, I mean… my father was never around for me. I don’t know how to act.”
My heart went out to him but I felt that he was in a better situation than if we ever switched places.
“You’re a kind man Mamoru. Just be yourself.” I encouraged. “It’ll all turn out.” I gave him a warm smile to lift his spirits.
He lifted his head out of his hand and for the first time in awhile, he returned the smile. “Domo arigato, Haruka.”
Jolt back to life
“AHH!” My body bolted into an upright sitting position. He said Haruka, that was me right? What…an odd dream, I expected it to be one those ‘end of the world’ ones. Now I’m just confused.
The room was slightly warm as sunlight seeped through the cracks in the blinds of my apartment window. It looks like morning had come finally. I found myself automatically staring down at my bare feet. A few of my blankets, I noticed, were barely clinging onto the side of the bed. Had I really rolled around that much in my sleep? Maybe once I get used to this new type of dream…no, actually, forget it.
“I have enough to worry about already.” Absent-mindedly I brushed my hand through my short blond locks. Some sweat had attached itself to my flesh. “Like taking a shower.” I grumbled.
Swinging my long legs over the side of the bed, I sent a few sheets sliding onto the hardwood floor with a light thud. With my arms I pushed to my feet I then took a few steps on the spot, allowing my legs time to adjust to the additional body weight. Always feels odd to stand up first thing early morning.
“Yaaaaaa…” A yawn escaped my lips as I lifted my arms over my head and stretched. Then I bent over to the sides and rotated my torso feeling the tension leave my muscles. I had made it a ritual, do it every morning; you can get cramped muscles if you don’t stretch. Besides, it feels good.
Finishing up with the aerobics I stepped over the sheets I made my way over to the bathroom. Today was the day that I beat Kaiya! How I’ve been waiting to upstage that know it all.
Discarding my clothes I moved into the bathtub and turned on the shower function. Warm water soon rained from the showerhead and down onto my face. As the water droplets hit my skin I found myself pleasantly awakening as each cell tingled from the sensation.
Michiru seemed to take quite a liking towards that new comer. They both seem pretty close…I mean, what’s the deal with that? I’m Michi’s partner! We fight together against the forces of evil; don’t we both risk our lives for the world everyday? My hands groped the sides of the structure until they grasped the bottle of shampoo. What does…that other girl have that I don’t? I could feel my teeth grind together as my fingers transformed the hair cleaner into a pile of foam on top of my head.
Coming up with no answer I yelled, “Ahh!” And proceeded to swap furiously at my hair, sending the bubbles in various directions.
Thump, thump.
Huh? My face turned away from the running water, my ears had pricked up slightly. Did I just hear someone knocking? Several more minutes passed and nothing. Probably just the neighbors creating a racket as usual.
After I had rinsed off I turned off the comforting water system, My hands then wrapped a thin, dry towel around my wet body. I mean, they only just met recently and Michiru would tell me if anything funny happened right? The way I see it now, I just have to prove to Michi that I’m ten times better than that look alike.
Leaving the steamy room still with the towel wrapped tightly around my sides I made a beeline for the clothing drawer but found it virtually empty. I really should do the laundry sometimes I mentally noted. When was the last time I did the demeaning chore? Monday, thursday, sunday…I guess about a week I felt myself shrug. Doing the next best thing I wandered around the room and rummaged through various dirty piles looking for a decently clean top and bottom to complete one school uniform. It’s not like people will walk up and smell you… My thoughts wandered to the possible extremities of fan girls. Well, just in case, I should dump on the cologne anyway.
Finally finding all the necessary parts I moved back to the bed and dumped them before proceeding to sort the various cloths in order. Shirt, suit, tie, underwear, pants, socks, …am I forgetting anything? I had almost put on the shirt but stopped and remembered.
“Right, the most important part!” I slapped my forehead.
Returning to the dresser I pulled out a large roll of tensor wrap. No one at school knows that I’m actually a girl, except for Michiru and another friend of ours. Dressing up as a boy was just a habit, or maybe it’s the actor inside me that makes me bind my breasts. I glanced over at my clock. Well, whatever it was, I better get ready fast or I’ll be late. Faster I can get to school, the faster I can kick that know-it-all’s ass.
“I will win!” I shouted, pumping my fist with the roll in the air.
At that same moment Michiru just walked into my apartment. Damn, I forgot that she had the spare key!
“Win whaaaa-“ She froze upon seeing my semi covered body. Oops.
I couldn’t think, I didn’t move; time seemed to have frozen. All I could hear was our breathing, her slight gasp of surprise still lingering in my ears. It was just too much to comprehend at once. Here I was, standing with only a towel covering my body and water still dripping from my form onto the floor. The soft dripping sound reminded me…that my apartment was an absolute mess! The bed was unmade, sheets littered the hardwood and my entire wardrobe lay in mountain sized piles everywhere! Then there was the kitchen, oh Kami, don’t remind me. The dishes hadn’t been washed for a week and the place needs to be dusted, the windows needed to be wiped, and…and…Someone please kill me now.
Michiru’s POV
Holy…If my mind were an electrical system I’d say it had just short-circuited. I must be blushing as bad as Haruka is right now, as the heat was definitely on my cheeks this moment. No, it didn’t occur to me that she was in the shower when I had knocked earlier; when there was no reply I assumed that the sleepyhead was snoozing away. She’s such a deep sleeper I mean it usually takes a wake up call or a bucket of ice cold water to her head to get her moving.
I continued to stare at the poor girl, not in pity but more like awe. Rarely do you get a glimpse of those gorgeous curves that snake her body, not with the baggy attire she insists on wearing. Even as her partner, I’ve only experienced such a treat during battle…Sometimes and it does makes me feel ashamed of a myself but there were times when I’ve become all fired up for fight just to see her in her sailor fuku. I shouldn’t be happy fighting. I do know that I’d rather not do it all my life, I’d give it up now if I could... My hands tightened on the strap of my book bag.
But… Looking at the blond, I realized how right it was to see her as she was without being Sailor Uranus. She doesn’t belong in a battle outfit, not a kind hearted person such as her. People see nothing but the rough, tomboy edge to her persona but that’s not the entire truth. If you looked closely and had the patience to understand, you’d see the deep purity of her soul. When I had found out we were partners I was happy but I was also sad; that she should suffer and carry the heavy burden. She didn’t do anything to deserve this.
“M-Michiru…” Her weak, shaky voice suddenly caught my attention.
Right, she’s the focus of this embarrassing situation. How can I make this any easier for her?
“Haruka…” My eyes wandered the room, stopping at every out of place item. “Your apartment’s a MESS!” I dashed forward past the motionless girl and started to pick up the littered clothing. “Honestly, when was the last time you did laundry?”
“Here.” I picked her clothing off the bed and hastily handed it to her in one neat pile. “Get dressed, I won’t forgive you if we’re late.” Whether she had the answer or not, it was irrelevant.
The blond took the armful of clothing, saying nothing. She opened her mouth to speak but decided to get changed first. While she left I forced myself not to stare. Until I heard the bathroom door shut did I then proceeded to tidy up what I could before she would return.
Really, the place was a mess. If I lived here it wouldn’t be like this. I found myself sighing softly as my arms flapped the resistant sheets into place on her bed.
Haruka’s POV
The bathroom door shut behind me with a click. For a moment I continued to stand on the spot, trying to think things through. What did I expect her to do anyway? Maybe to slam the door?
My shaking arms dropped the pile of clothing as I leaned my back against the door for support, slowly dropping myself onto the cold ground. I groaned and buried my head in my hands.
“I suppose I should get dressed…”
Minutes later I checked over my reflection from the large bathroom mirror. Shirt, suit, tie, underwear, socks, pants and yes, chest is all bound up. Everything seems to be in order. I turned towards the door and took a deep breath. Just act cool, like nothing happened. However as soon as I reminded myself of the embarrassing ordeal I felt myself break out into another blush.
“This is silly.” I shook my head and turned the doorknob.
When I had stepped out my eyes stared transfixed at the foreign area. It was like going from Earth and landing on the moon. The place was clean, never had it been this tidy before. The bed was made, all the clothes all stuffed into one bag…The floor had been swept and the blinds were pulled back.
“Haruka, are you out yet?” Michiru called from the kitchen.
“Uhh, yeah! Are you ready to go?” I called back.
The sea goddess turned the corner and made her way towards me, my eyes indulged in every graceful step she took.
“Sorry about that Ruka, there are still some dishes left to do…”
Was she serious? The fact that she managed to do this much…there was no way I could express my thanks.
“Don’t worry about it, honestly, you didn’t have to do all that work Michi.” I’d prefer it if she didn’t; she shouldn’t have to worry about me on top of her other problems. I wanted to take away some of those burdens, not add to them.
“It’s nothing.” She smiled. “I hope you don’t mind, I also pushed away the blinds. See? Now your room has some light to brighten it.” She pointed towards the window.
You’re my light. I wanted to say it and almost did.
“Well, shall we go now? Kaiya said she’d meet us over at school, you haven’t forgotten the bet have you Ruka?”
Oh, right…Kaiya. The image of the girl dressed up in a devil’s outfit and holding a pitchfork formed in my mind. I felt myself frown as the image evolved to having the little brat jabbing my side with the weapon. So I had almost forgotten due to the previous incident but no longer.
“No, of course not! In fact I’ve been dying to get started.” I posed with a wide grin.
Michiru giggled.
“Try to go easy on her Haruka, we’re trying to make friends with her after all.”
Yeah, we can be friend’s after she realizes who’s Michi’s favorite, I thought.
After I picked up the bag of clothing, Michiru took my arm and we left the building face another challenge.
Kaiya’s POV
Dear Journal,
I told myself that I wouldn’t make any friends but sadly I’m already falling into the trap. It’s just that Haruka and Michiru seem different, although I have no clue why. Michiru saved my life when I first made it here, or so she says and I believe her. I mean, why else would I end up in her house swaddled in blankets? Did you know that she’s a great artist too? Well, okay, maybe you didn’t but you do now. I had spotted some of her works hanging in the art room and when she asked to look at my drawing I couldn’t resist but ask for advice. My shading is much better now and she even offered to give me lessons on coloring! It’s great, back at home there was no one that I could share my talents with, everyone was either busy or stuck up to even care.
Then there’s Haruka. He’s all right for the most part, but we always argue. When he chased me through the school yesterday I thought I’d have a heart attack. What a persistent bastard he was…Oh, I almost forgot to mention that he’s also a major pervert. I caught him lying on top of Michiru. Yeah, Haruka said it was an accident and all but his eyes told me he still enjoyed it.
I was surprised to hear that they weren’t a couple. That was really weird, they would be so perfect together. It really makes me wonder why they aren’t an item…The way both of them acting towards each other you’d be expecting to do the whole kissing thing every moment they’d get.
Okay, I have to leave for school soon so I have to cut this short. Haruka in all his pride betted that I couldn’t go a day through school disguised as his double. If he loses he has to dress up as a girl for a day and if I lose I have to be the third person for his group. Yeah, surprisingly Michiru and Haruka want me to play a few concerts with them. So…I said yes, I took the bet. Losing wouldn’t be a great loss; I had planned on accepting the concert proposal anyway. But still…losing would suck so I’m aiming to win.
“Kaiya, I’m ready to go! C’mon, I don’t want to be late!”
Rei’s calling. Somehow she twisted my arm and now I have to drive her to school. I think people in this time use something called a ‘car’ as the main transportation. It sounds like a lot of fun. Well, catcha later,
I closed the small book and stuffed it into the back of my dressing drawer. It’s my own room, so I don’t have to worry about people snooping around. Even if they did, I doubt they could break the journal lock; it only responds to me.
All right, now for one last check up. I moved over to a small mirror to observe my altered appearance. Shirt, suit, tie, pants, underwear, socks, Hotaru’s pouch…My chest was bound, looking good so far…Now for the extra touch. Taking a small comb I pulled up a few of my long blond strands and tied them together in a ponytail and then tucked it under the collar of my suit. There, now that’s what I call a masterpiece!
I walked out to meet Rei, anxious to see the younger girl’s reaction.
“All right, let’s go.” I deepened my voice slightly, testing for the proper tone. If you are going to do something, you should always give it your all.
“H-Haruka san?” Rei squeaked upon seeing me.
“It’s me.” My voice returned to its normal pitch feeling myself chuckle Haruka style. I continued forward to meet the girl.
“Kaiya, is that really you?” She peered at my face.
“So how do I look?” I inquired. “How close to Haruka?”
“Hmm, your eyes are different from Haruka san’s…besides that you look exactly like him! But…you’re much prettier.” She added, a faint blush appeared across her features.
Things are looking very good; I have the look down for the most part. Now for that charm…
“Why thank you…” I pictured Haruka’s signature smile as I made to imitate it. “But your beauty outclasses all else in this world.”
I watched the younger girl break out into a crimson blush. Her eyes were sparkling out of control, cute.
“Shall we go?” I extended my arm to her.
She eagerly took it and then lead me to the car. I hadn’t paid much attention but Rei was rambling on that this Yuuchiro guy brought the vehicle from his latest trip.
“Be careful with it. I was lucky to get it out…” She cautioned. Seeing my questioning look she continued. “He came back late last night…you weren’t awake at the time. He’s sleeping now though…”
“Oh…so we’re borrowing it?”
“Pretty much, just-“
“Be careful with it, got it.”
Hmm…I looked over the bottom floor of the strange hunk of metal. My foot moved up to the gas pedal. I believe it was this one…
The car sprang to life and we went flying down the street. Rei was screaming something but I couldn’t quite hear her. Ah well, I’m sure I’ll have this figured out soon enough.
Somehow I managed to drop Rei off, the raven-haired girl kind of staggered as she left the vehicle…I wonder if she’s all right. I did ask but she kept saying ‘I’m fine’ So…Never mind, school is going to start soon and I have to meet up with Haruka and Michiru.
After locking the car up and parking it in the school parking lot I ran to the art room where we had agreed to meet before class. Apparently, there were some rules that needed to be debated upon. As I opened the door and walked into the familiar surroundings an annoying voice drew my attention.
“Jeez you’re late.”
Haruka stood beside Michiru at a small corner of the room. They looked relaxed.
“Sorry, I was learning how to drive.”
The two of them gave me an odd look.
“You can’t drive?” Haruka looked absolutely shocked. “Hey, then you probably should back out of this bet while you can.”
I shook my head.
“Oh, I can now. Besides there’s no way I’m backing down.”
The taller blond shook her head and then continued on to critique my disguise.
“Pfft, that’s a lame cover up Kaiya. It doesn’t look a bit like me.” Haruka crossed his arms.
“Now, now Haruka.” Michiru stood up and smiled at me. “Let the students be the judge of that.” She tapped the blond’s nose with her index finger. “Back to why we are here. There are some set terms that need to be reviewed. Kaiya will take Haruka’s place in all of her usual daily activities and classes for the day.”
I nodded my head.
“Haruka will follow you being disguised as some random student while I’ll watch you directly as I am in all of Haruka’s classes today.”
“That’s it right?” Just to make sure.
“Yeah, that’s it.” Haruka grunted. “And just be prepared to lose.”
I shrugged my shoulders, no point in letting him get to me. Besides, I had done my research before hand there wasn’t anything unusual to worry about. Haruka roughly gripped my shoulder as he passed, looking slightly annoyed after seeing my reaction to his taunt. What a child he was.
“Your imitation is actually very good.”
Michiru hadn’t left to follow her friend to my surprise.
“Think so?”
“Yes. However there are a few minor adjustments that could make it better.” She critiqued. “You know, your eyes almost give you away.”
“Hmm…I guess. But there really isn’t anything I can do about my eye color.”
“Here, where this.” Michiru handed me a small box. “Have you ever used contacts before?”
“Contacts…?” What could they be if they were small enough to fit into this box? I rotated the small cartoon in my hands, peering at it curiously.
“Don’t worry.” The smaller teenager assured me. “They’re the standard sized for the colored type, no prescription. There shouldn’t be any problems.”
“How… do you use them?”
For a moment Michiru stood still and stared at me blankly. Then she suddenly burst into fits of giggles, was I really that amusing? I could feel heat rise to my cheeks.
“I’ll show you, it’s easy once you get the hang of it.” She made to move towards me.
“Wait, why would you help me Michiru? I mean, don’t you want Haruka to win?”
She looked up thoughtfully at me, perhaps there was a speck of guilt in those eyes.
“Just between us, I wouldn’t mind seeing Haruka in a skirt.” She smiled again. In that moment some of the pressure lifted off my shoulders; for once in my life there was someone either than my sister that I could count on. But why would she want to see a guy in a skirt? The idea seems a bit odd.
“Start by opening the box…”
“Tenoh san, you’re late!” The teacher had scolded me at the door. Under his breath I barely caught “Just what I need, another disturbance.”
“Gomen nasai sensei!” Disturbance, what did he mean?
I rushed into the class, feeling a multitude of eyes trail my every movement. Just act like Haruka I repeated to myself, act cool. Moving past the teacher I made my way up the steps to my assigned seat and came face to a unexpected surprise.
“When you said a random student…” My voice was barely above a whisper as I tried to keep my rage from ruining everything. Two sets of aqua eyes stared up into my disguised green. “I didn’t think you meant…”
In my seat, sitting beside Michiru was a copy of me. Or should I say, a certain blond who looked like me dressed in a boy’s uniform. Haruka’s smug look was getting under my skin. Not only did I have to worry about maintaining Haruka’s image but now I had to watch out for my own!
“Grr…” The small growl came out as I took Haruka’s seat.
Class had started. Repetitively I struggled between paying attention to the teacher, eyeing Haruka and deciding whether to play my role and slack off. Although I suppose I could always get the notes from Michiru later…With that decided I made my way to look bored while glancing occasionally over to Haruka…who was goofing off! I could feel a headache coming on. If he chooses to imitate me, he should at least try to do a good job! Wait, I’m talking about Haruka here…Knowing him, he’s probably doing this on purpose. Well, just you wait…I’ll get my revenge Tenoh.
Purposely I stayed behind, waiting for everyone to leave before I exploded.
“Would ya stop yelling?” Haruka cupped his ears.
“Please calm down Kaiya.” Michiru replied. “It wouldn’t look good on your school record if you skip class on your second day of school.”
“But, but…” I stuttered.
“Don’t worry, Haruka will do his best to…well, he’ll try not to mess with your image too much.” She gave a warning glance to the rebellious blond.
“Right, if anything, I’ll make it better.” My impersonator casually offered.
“NO!” Argh, I just want to strangle that menace. My hands twitched, trying their best to resist.
“Let’s go Kaiya, we have a spare this block. Haruka, you need to hurry to math.” Michiru took a hold of my arm.
“WHAT? You mean I have to leave that THING out of my sight?”
“It’ll be all right.” Michiru tried to assure me as she was now dragging me towards the door.
“My notes! I’m going to fall behind without them! Haruka, you better pay some attention in class, I’m not going to forgive you if you fall asleep…!”
“You’re making a fuss.” Michiru sighed. “Remember, you have to act like you know who.”
We were now out of the classroom and in the hallway. A light bulb went off in my head.
“All right, if you insist.”
Instantly I moved aside and started to flirt with a group of freshmen girls.
“Hi.” Of course I didn’t need to do much, that one word sent the crowd melting on the spot. Haruka must get a kick from doing this…cause I sure was. “So, when you might have some free time-ahhhhh…You’re choking me.” The last sentence was a squeak of surprise.
Michiru had grabbed my tie and was currently dragging me off further down the hall.
“Don’t overdo it.” Oh…She looked kind of pissed off. It had just dawned on me, I bet she’s jealous! Doesn’t want competition to fight when the real Haruka gets back. Ah well…I’m sure there are other times to have some fun.
Lunch Time
Now I found myself eating those words. Okay, so maybe there wasn’t. Michiru and I were sitting in the cafeteria; lunch period had only started. While we waited for Haruka…well, let’s just say Michiru seems calm about the bet, but she won’t let me out of her sight. The entire time she dragged me around and refused to let me talk to anyone! I mean, how can I try to imitate my target to the best of my ability if I can’t do Haruka’s number one function, flirting?
As far as progress is going, no one has seems to have caught onto our little scheme. The teachers scolded me as they normally would Haruka, can’t blame them though, Haruka really is a delinquent. But it’s fun, for a change of pace. Back at home I’d be swamped with princess etiquette boot camp. The thought of wearing a bright pink dress caused shivers to run down my spine.
“Kaiya’s late…” Michiru finally muttered. She was eyeing the groups of students pass our table.
She elbowed me in the ribs and my memory jogged. Which reminds me…I wonder how bad Haruka tarnished my reputation, probably is acting like himself if anything. Lazily I shoved half a roast beef sandwich to my mouth and took a bite, then chewed thoughtfully. Would it really matter? Why should I care about what other people think…I mean I’m just me, whoever I am. If Haruka and my personalities were switched for real I’d probably worry about the exact same thing, then again, maybe everyone questions their identity every once in awhile. My eyes wandered through the crowd. People eating, talking and laughing with their friends. Watching their fake smiles makes me sick to my stomach and it isn’t the sandwich. They pretend to be someone they’re not. If those people removed the masks and showed their insecurities, doubts and expressed their concerns of their lives, would those friends still want to remain friends? I doubt it.
I looked back up at the clock. Haruka was really late. Did something happen? Maybe he went out with some friends…okay, no, that doesn’t make me feel better. The idea of having some followers after all this isn’t a pleasant thought in the least! I was tapping my foot on the ground now, trying desperately not to lose my cool.
The sudden voice made me jump in my seat. A short, rugged looking man was rapidly approaching our table and he looked like he wanted something. What did I do?
“What the hell are you doing here? You have practice!” He demanded. A small whistle dangled from his neck. “Get off your lazy ass and get changed, we’re out on the track today.”
“W-wha…” Haruka does track at lunch?
“If you aren’t out in five minutes I’m going to replace you.”
“Replace?” Uh oh, I don’t think Haruka would be impressed if I lost his spot on the team.
“Yeah, you heard me.” The figure crossed his arms. “There’s this new kid, Tenou Kaiya, maybe you’ve heard of her? Quite the runner.” There was an impressed expression in his eyes.
“SAY WHAT!” I slammed my hands on the table, creating a large thud sound. My eyes must’ve been as wide as plates.
“Thought that’d grab your attention.” The short man grinned. “See you out there.”
“Well, that was a surprise.” Michiru casually stated the obvious. She didn’t look surprised the least bit.
“I’m…going…to…kill…him!” The words came out, each articulated and packed with rage. I certainly did not want attention drawn to myself.
No sooner had I thought that, I was rushing off to the change room. Michiru tailed behind me, occasionally reminding me not to lose my temper.
Time ticked on and moments later I had made it outside in a thin long sleeved sweater (to hold my ponytail in) and a short pair of shorts. Michiru told me it was acceptable track wear so here I was. My head turned right and left, hoping to spot my double and slap some sense into him before it was too late.
“Wooo! Way to go Kaiya!”
The voices drew my attention and there I-well, Haruka was. His disguise was good…those fake breasts were looked almost too perfect, no hint or trace that they could be seen as fake. I remember Michiru mentioning how she got Haruka to look more ‘girly’. Similarly as I wore contacts to make my eyes look green, Haruka was wearing them to have his look aqua. The hair…hair extensions could do wonders. But she didn’t mention the chest job.
“Hey! Tenoh, you finally decided to show.” A tall male student about my height ran up. Thin figure, muscular legs…probably does a lot of running and most likely, in great shape. “C’mon, you have to race Kaiya san, she’s beating everyone on the team! You’re our best runner, save what’s left of our team pride.”
“I don’t know…” What were the chances that I could keep up with the ‘track star’.
“Where’s your school spirit?” The teen demanded. “You’ve got to, we look up to you as captain!”
“All right, all right.” These people were really pushy, what was the point in arguing now anyway? I did agree to do all of Haruka’s extra curricular activities too didn’t I?
Someone pulled me over to the track and called my double over. After all that sprinting, Haruka barely seemed to have broken a sweat. I cleared my throat and adjusted my voice once more.
“Impressive, you might have some potential after all.” I’m sure he’d say exactly that.
“Why thank you…er…”
“Haruka, Tenoh Haruka.” Playing ignorant huh? Jeez…I’m not that bad.
“What’s with this team? Everyone here are slower than turtles.” Haruka taunted. Great, I could feel myself groan inside, now I’ll have the track team for enemies once this is over with.
“Pretty confident aren’t you?”
Some people were already gathering around us, eager to listen.
“Of course, I’ve beaten everyone except… Say, do you want to race?”
Whispers and mutterings buzzed in the air, can’t back down I suppose.
“Heh…just be prepared to lose.” Bingo! I hit that one dead on.
“Woot! Go Haruka!”
“Leave the noob in your dust!”
“Yeah, show her what you’re made of!”
Haruka and I made our way to the starting line. Looks like the four hundred-yard sprint to my relief, I suck at long distance.
“Quite excitable aren’t they?” Haruka muttered to me when no one was within ear shot.
“Yes, I see you’re very popular with the crowd. They really worship you.”
“You don’t say.” He chuckled.
“Too bad that’s about to change.”
“Think about it. If you beat me, you’ll be winning as me, Kaiya, not yourself.” Haruka’s eyes widened at the realization. “I don’t mind winning or losing you know. Even if I did win, I’ll be able to leave the track team without a problem.”
“You better go full out.” Haruka growled. Secretly unknown to Haruka I had planned on doing just that, I wasn’t completely heartless. His reputation was on the line after all.
“On your marks…” Someone started the count. “Get set…GO!”
My body fell forward as my legs stood still. I had already been low to the ground but I waited, letting myself fall till that moment when my legs instinctively tried to catch myself before it was too late. Finding the center of it all I leaped outward, one leg shooting down and out setting the rest of my body into one smooth motion. Believe it or not, there was a proper way to running…
Arms pumping at a rough ninety degree angle, hands open, opposite arm and leg motion…Stay low I told myself, do not straighten up until absolutely necessary. This was to keep my back leg on the ground as long as possible. Making a bunch of smaller, faster steps did not matter for this game of speed, not so much as longer strides and making sure your legs contacted the ground just behind your hip at each step.
I was half way done, almost there. The wind blew at my face, my heart pounding loudly. A few times I had almost tripped, thinking too hard about my actions. However, no matter what, I kept my eyes straight ahead. I could not allow myself to be distracted about someone else’s movements. Besides, by feel alone I could tell Haruka was right beside me, his breathing soft and slower to my own. Was he really trying?
The cheering grew louder and more ecstatic as the two of us had only a quarter to go. My legs were already growing tired from the strain but what I could expect; I didn’t warm up or anything. Certainly I was warm now but the race here took priority, nothing before or after mattered. I had to win.
Haruka pulled ahead by a few steps. I didn’t want to lose…Something inside snapped. I won’t lose! My muscles all tensed as the movements became more forceful, coaxing myself to push my limits.
Now at the finish line I launched myself forward, in a partial dive motion.
“Haruka is the winner!” The coach yelled.
Great…I had wanted to collapse to the ground right there but that wouldn’t be very Haruka like, so I forced myself to stay on my feet. A few deep breaths and my heart rate had returned to normal but the sweat made itself more known as time increased. I hadn’t really won; Haruka slowed down. He wasn’t really trying, it looked like he was suppressing the urge to humiliate me the entire time. People were now coming up and patted me on the back, whispering comforting words of cheer. Instead of allowing myself to be swallowed in their praise I ignored them and met up with my blond double.
“Good race.” I extended my hand out to my impersonator. Haruka looked me warily, deciding on what to do. For a moment, it looked like he wanted to slap my hand away but a glance from Michiru seemed to have changed his mind.
“Yeah, you too.” He took my hand. That’s odd, why was it so soft?
Faintly the school bell rang throughout the field.
“I should be going now.” Haruka walked off to the change room.
“Kaiya, you’re on the team, I don’t care what you say!” The coach followed Haruka. Damn, does that mean I have to run again later?
“We should get going too.” Michiru finally spoke. “Today is day two of our schedule, so all three of us have swimming next.”
“S-swimming?” Someone kill me, please!
“It’ll be good for your muscles, they look so tense right now.” She grabbed my arm and led me away. I don’t care; I’d rather run another race.
At the pool
Being as careful as always I chose to wear a t-shirt and a pair of trunks as swim wear. It wasn’t that unusual right? Really, it was the only way I could actually dress without showing off the bindings on my chest. Just for this period Michiru had me remove my contacts as well, something about it being a bad thing going swimming with them without goggles.
“Doesn’t appear to be too many people today.” I heard Michiru comment to Haruka. My double was also wearing a t-shirt and shorts. It had also appeared that Haruka removed his contacts as they were now their natural dark green.
“Probably all in the hot tub Michi.” Haruka observed. Indeed, it did appear that there were moving forms on the other side of the room.
“Even better, that means we practically get the pool to ourselves.” The aqua haired teenager replied. There was a sparkle to her eyes as she spoke. Sounds like she really enjoys swimming.
Michiru dropped her towel, revealing her one pieced swimsuit. I could see Haruka drooling out of the corner of my eye, man, so obvious. Only, I wished he wouldn’t do it while pretending to be me, that could cause some people to get the wrong idea.
There was a small splash as Michiru dived into the pool’s deep end. It was done in one smooth motion. Now, I’ve only known Michiru for a short time but the one definite feature that anyone could point out immediately was her grace. It was almost mind boggling that she was even more beautiful in the water. Haruka dove in after her and soon the room was filled with their laughter.
“Hmm…” I stood at the pool’s edge, twirling one of my fingers over the surface. It felt cold…and made me feel uneasy. I shouldn’t be so close but after seeing Michiru and Haruka having so much fun it made me envious and curious even. But you know what they say about the cat…
“Hey, aren’t you going to come in?” I slowly looked up to see Haruka treading water an arm’s reach away from me.
“Well, why not? It’s fun.” The blond questioned. I bet he wanted to dunk me or something.
“I just…I like it here, okay?” It was irritating me, why won’t he leave me alone? There was a good reason why I didn’t want to swim. Remembering my situation I backed away from the pool and glared at Haruka who continued to stare at me, grinning. Michiru had stopped swimming her lengths and watched us intently, looking amused.
“Oh!” Someone had gasped.
My attention fixed on the owner of the voice.
“Michiru, Haruka, you have swimming right now too? What a coincidence.”
A girl wearing the same swimsuit as Michiru walked over to us, her chestnut colored hair bouncing in their curls of a long ponytail. However, the most striking features were her violet eyes, they gave off a similar feeling as Rei’s, intense but calm. As she neared closer I could tell that she had a slim build, not super skinny but just enough to say she was thin. Now standing beside me I automatically did another comparison. I’d also say she was Michiru’s height, give or take a bit.
“Haruka, how’ve you been?” She addressed me. I hesitated with my answer for a moment. Now what would Haruka say?
“Umm…All right.” Came out a rough voice.
“Who’s this?” She seemed to ignore my awkwardness and moved over to the real Haruka.
“Tenou Kaiya, it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” Haruka took the smaller girl’s hand and kissed it. Damn it Haruka, stop flirting as me!
“My, my…” The girl seemed to blush lightly. “A friend of yours Michiru?”
“Yes.” She laughed. “Isn’t she the charmer?”
“She?” Hisa laughed. “Another one huh?”
Another one? Another what?
“Haruka, come on, join us for a swim.” Hisa encouraged, and was soon followed by the other two. “I know you can swim.”
A cold feeling washed over me, as though a bucket of cold water had been dumped over my head. The truth was, I couldn’t swim. I never learned, Hotaru said my mother had planned on teaching me but then she…
While deep in thought I hadn’t noticed that Haruka left the pool and now stood beside me.
“I’m sure Haruka can swim.” He stressed ‘can’ quite a bit.
Before I could protest I was shoved towards the pool. Trying to regain my balance the back of my foot clumsy tripped on the small curb that laced the edge of the pool and everything then on started to play in slow motion. I was falling backwards…into the water. The clear liquid soon gripped at my clothing and pulled me under. It feels like then, back there. Water everywhere, I can’t breathe but his time I was sinking. There were no chains to hold me up. My eyes opened and squinted against the burning sensation of the chlorine, I could see the light reflecting and refracting off the surface above but it was now beyond my reach.
To my surprise I wasn’t panicking, I made no attempt to thrash my limbs this time. If I tried I’d only get myself stuck between the two extremes, if I wait…maybe I’ll hit the bottom before I pass out and be able to push myself off to the surface.
“Argh…” It came out in a blub sound.
My ears! I felt my hands move automatically to them in a futile attempt to stop the pain. The water pressure was taking its toll to my unaccustomed body and I could feel my eyes clamp shut. Nothing ever works out does it? Answering my own question the last bit of oxygen escaped my lungs as bubbles and rose up towards the surface. Everything started to fade like the last time…Didn’t Michiru say I had almost drowned back then as well? As my body started to go numb and limp I just had to ask, would it be really so bad…if I died?
Somewhere in the distance I heard a loud splash and then it fell quiet.
Waking up, expecting to be dead I opened my eyes to see a familiar setting and felt the binds around myself once more. It puzzled me, if I were here, was I alive or dead? To my relief I was not sinking and in a way, perhaps the chains were protecting me. I’ve never thought about it in that way before but they’ve never let me fall. My arms twitched as their hold suddenly tightened…Right, it would be all dandy if they didn’t try to crush me. If I could, I would’ve laughed at my own sense of humor.
All of the chains were still surrounded in their colors: pink, orange, yellow, aqua and gold…Green! The realization that another had vanished hit me as though I had been run over by a truck. First red and now the green one…Almost as if they were dropping like flies. Why were they disappearing, what would happen if all of them disappeared? My head throbbed as I pondered on all the racing thoughts, that was, until I was interrupted.
It felt like a pair of hands had hit me square between the ribs. The shock caused everything around me to spin…
I was numbly aware that water escaped out of my mouth as I coughed. “Unnnnnnh…” It burned, my eyes hurt and everywhere else felt cold. Shivering slightly I moved my hand up to give my eyes shelter from the light, it was too much at the moment. I was surprised at how comfortable my head lay against the cool cement and concluded that someone must’ve taken out my ponytail, but…if they did…
Against my better judgement I tried to push myself up, only to feel a hand on my chest gently push me down again.
“Try to rest, you’re still in shock.”
The voice didn’t sound like Michiru’s or Haruka’s, it must’ve been Hisa.
“Are you cold? Would you like another towel? It’s Hisa if you’re wondering. Haruka was very upset and ran off. Michiru went too…”
If she knew I wasn’t Haruka why would she care so much? Her hand came up and lightly touched my lips.
“Cold and slightly blue…I hope its not hypothermia.” The girl sighed.
That was all I could take. My eyes shot open and I bolted for the change rooms, ignoring the other girl’s shouting for me to stop. I couldn’t think, nothing made sense. Dashing through the locker room I merely swiped up my uniform and my bag before running outside.
When I had finally stopped, it was under one of the trees in the schoolyard. As much as I wanted to, I couldn’t leave school yet; there was band next block. There were a few people outside but they generally ignored me for the most part. Still in my drenched attire I sat down on the itchy grass and allowed the sun to start the drying process. It was embarrassing, someone found out. Now not only had I lost the bet but…I had to be saved once again! My hands clenched together into two fists. Shimatta! Shimatta! Shimatta! Since I’ve come here, why is it always me who needs to be saved? Aren’t I strong enough on my own?
Without another thought I removed Hotaru’s pouch from my bag. I haven’t opened it yet but…it didn’t feel like the right time to. Something inside told me that. I rubbed the velvet like material between my fingers, hoping that it would give me an answer.
“Daijobu des ka?” Not an answer but another question, I felt myself sigh.
There was no need to turn around, I already knew it was Hisa. I didn’t answer her back because I didn’t know myself, was I really all right? She copied my sigh and then sat down beside me, not looking at my face but straight ahead. I glanced over at her briefly noticing that she had changed into the girls’ school uniform and her hair was now let down. For awhile, none of us said anything.
“You know…Haruka was really upset, I wasn’t lying.”
I continued to feel the small pouch cradled in my hands. Personally I couldn’t imagine seeing Haruka upset.
“After she saved you she ran off and Michiru went to chase her. Although, I don’t know where they are right now.” She admitted.
“They shouldn’t worry about me…Wait.” I blinked, then turned my head to look at the other girl. “Did you just say ‘she’?”
“Haruka is a girl, didn’t you know?” Seeing my shocked expression she giggled. “Never mind, most people don’t but since you were hanging with them I thought you knew.”
Haruka was a girl…well I’ll be darned. Not like I was disgusted or anything, it was just news to me.
“Oh.” I replied back, all I could really say about it.
“I’m sure she’ll be all right though, Michiru is probably with her right now. But seriously, how are you feeling?. I don’t know why you and Haruka were dressing as each other but you should’ve told us that you couldn’t swim.”
“I would’ve lost.”
“Lost?” Hisa frowned at the word.
“Yeah…” I took a deep breath, not sure how she’d react. “It was a bet. I was supposed to pretend to be Haruka for a day but I didn’t bargain that…” The word was somewhat foreign to my tongue still. “She would disguise herself as me.” Stressing the word ‘she’.
I hadn’t expected it but a hand slapped me hard on my face. Without a thought automatically one of my hands moved up to the wounded area, it stung.
“Don’t be so stubborn and prideful! Something like a bet isn’t worth losing your life over!”
Looking into those violet eyes I saw anger but I had also saw concern. She wasn’t mad that Haruka and I deceived her, she was angry that I made such a childish mistake.
“Gomen ne…” Really I was at a loss for words, her reaction reminded me a lot of my sister.
“As long as you understand.” Hisa’s eyes softened. She turned to her bag and pulled out a cloth and a small water bottle. Wetting the material with some water she then pressed it against the stinging area on my cheek. It still burned and I was sure there was a mark where the blow landed however I didn’t shrink away from her gesture; the coolness of the cloth felt soothing.
“It’s okay, I can handle it.” With one hand I moved it from the pouch and grasped the cloth, holding it in place where she had placed it.
“So Kaiya, you’re new here right?” I should’ve seen the question coming.
“That’s right.”
“Are you here for a running scholarship? I saw you during the track practice, even if you were pretending to be Haruka you held up all right for a first time against the champ. It was amazing!”
“A scholarship?” I think that was where you got an offer from a place that was willing to give you some support if you attended their group. What to say? If I told her the truth and said the owner of the academy was paying my tuition for no apparent reason that might get him into trouble wouldn’t’ it? I’ll just nod my head.
“I thought so.” Hisa giggled. “Everyone that attends this academy usually had some sort of scholarship offer because…”
“It’s the place for the elite, the talented and the best of the best.” I heard this speech already.
“Yup, you’ve got that right. The only real downside is that we don’t get to see our parents very much while school is in session. You might’ve already guessed with all the dorms around campus.”
“What, you mean your parents just ship you off to some school and that’s it?” The idea appeared to be disguised abandonment to me.
“Yes, pretty much.” She looked down at her shoes and played with the laces.
“Don’t you hate them, your parents?” I had wanted to say ‘it sounds awfully like they want to get rid of you’ but chose not to let my emotions get the best of me.
Hisa shook her head.
“No…Do you Kaiya?”
“They were never around, even when I was at home.” The words just came out.
The girl beside me weakly smiled. “I’m sure our parents are very busy people, after all, they have to attend other obligations that society expects of them. Can you imagine how much more burdened they’d be if they had to constantly watch us as well? Look at us, we’re almost adults ourselves, we shouldn’t be clinging constantly to them as newborn chicks.” She paused. “Besides, they work to support us…I don’t know the situation between you and your parents Kaiya but they must have a good reason why they weren’t around.”
A good reason? That’s a laugh, there was no reason at all, they just disappeared.
“It may hurt and you may feel lonely sometimes but nothing will come from hating them. Life is what you make of it and I choose not to worry about things I cannot change.”
Looking at her now was just a sight to behold. Hisa was practically radiating her inner peace and I admired it. The wind rustled the branches above and shook a few loose leaves, causing them to spiral down. With a free hand the girl caught one in the palm of her hand and looked lovingly at it. Light danced around her face, illuminating her peaceful smile even more. Springing up on cue a rush of another breeze sent her lengthy locks backwards. She looked like an angel, almost with the same aura Michiru carried. Hisa didn’t have that inner hate that I had…How did I look compared to her at the same moment? She was pure… If anything, I probably look like a monster or worse. Yes, I was envious, but I couldn’t let go of my hate, not yet.
“You’ll get over it.” She reached out a hand and gently shook my shoulder. “In the mean time, want to see something neat? There’s this spot behind the school, it’s an incredibly beautiful garden. Since you’re new I wasn’t sure if you’ve seen it yet.” She smiled
“Sounds like a plan to me.” I found myself smiling back.
Picking up our bags we jogged out around back through a few bushes and overgrown weeds. At first I began to doubt her words when encountering the wild vegetation but we had made it.
It was incredible, maybe more so than the environmental domes at home because it was natural. I took a few steps forward onto the red bricked path. Looking up and down the precisely marked trail I noticed it snaked around various corners and continued up further through an archway down at the other end. It was a big garden that was for sure. As for the plants themselves…Flowers of every kind and color shone brightly and almost even glowed as the sun’s rays illuminated their petals. Their heads stood straight as though a person with pride and with more consideration than the average human, they did not fight over for the sunlight’s attention. The giant fountain in the middle of the entire structure attracted my attention next. The sound of the trickling water already calmed my nerves from my previous incident. I wasn’t afraid of water in small amounts, only when it came to large quantities where I was liable to drown. Speaking of water, I loved the way the droplets created miniature rainbows as the fountain shot them into the air. Soon I my eyes were transfixed on the motions, that was, until a single butterfly flew into my line of vision.
“How unusual.” Hisa commented from the side, watching the creature zigzag in front of my face. “It’s out of season for them to be around…even stranger how there is only one.”
I wanted to touch it. I’ve never seen one in real life before. But as I outstretched my free hand Hisa stopped me.
“You shouldn’t touch its wings; it might not be able to fly again if you do. Hold your hold out with your palm outstretched, maybe it’ll come down.” She turned my hand upwards and I offered my palm as suggested. Would it really meet me, someone who was as pathetic as I was? I’ve never hated myself more in my life.
“Oh…” Hisa whispered.
The butterfly circled briefly over my palm and finally landed, flapping its wings slowly every so often as it rested. I was speechless; it had made me so happy. This fragile creature seemingly was entrusting its life in my hands literally. With one smooth motion if I decided I could end its life. Why…
“I think it likes you.” The girl beside me giggled. I looked over to her and smiled, this time an honest smile.
It likes me…I lifted my hand and watched the animal take flight once more. To my surprise it circled around my head a few more times and lingered in our presence.
“Hisa how did you ever find out about this place? Do you come here often?”
“Well I accidentally stumbled upon it a few years ago.” One of her hands gently caressed a nearby bed of flowers.
“A few years ago? You don’t mean…?”
“Yes, it’s my last year here.” So that’s what she meant about us being nearly adults. “You know, the entire time since I found this place I’ve never met the gardener. A lot of the time I find myself coming back here whenever I need to relax, so in return, I’ve taken to watering the plants whenever I can.”
“So this place is a big secret? Aren’t you worried that I’ll tell anyone else?”
Hisa’s violet eyes bore into my aqua ones.
“No, I know you won’t. I trust you, you’re a good person.”
Inside everything froze. It was the first time anyone had said something like that to me before…I can’t even remember Hotaru ever saying something so heart felt. I stood still, watching the girl run a few steps forward before turning towards me again.
“C’mon, don’t just stand there.”
The next thing I knew I was walking forward towards the fountain with Hotaru’s pouch lightly grasped between the fingers of one hand, the butterfly stayed close in my presence. It was pleasant, Hisa and I talked for the most part about our lives, although I’ve been quite careful with what I revealed. As I got to know her a bit more my fondness for people grew as well. Since my journey has begun I’ve met five good people: Michiru, Haruka, Hisa, Hotaru and Rei. How is it that the past and future human’s are so different? What happened that caused such a change in civilization?
“Hold on, I’m just going to give some of the plants a bit of H2O.”
“All right.”
Hmm…I probably should change into my school uniform soon. When does the bell ring anyway? It wouldn’t look good to miss band…I suppose I’ll have to face Haruka and Michiru and accept I lost. I scratched the back of my head in thought. Oh well…
“Hey, where are you going?” The butterfly fluttered away quickly.
“Head’s up!”
That was all for the quick warning and I was ambushed with a stream of pressured water.
“Gotcha!” Hisa was grinning at me. My eyes trailed down to see a garden hose clutched in her hands. “Round two!” She suddenly yelled.
Diving around one of the flowerbeds I waited and watched a trail of water fly over top. Once feeling safe I ducked my head slightly above the ledge and yelled,
“Just you wait, I’ll get you…Holy shit!”
A bright light erupted from the garden hose and the air was filled with Hisa’s screams.
“What’s going on here!” I shouted. The only reply was a really annoying laugh.
Some walking garden hose had wrapped the rope around Hisa. A youma…They didn’t exist in the future, ever since the experiments had been banned. Worse yet, I hadn’t expected to run into one here and now! How did it just appear of out nowhere? Shimatta! Even if I wanted to I can’t be of much help.
“Take the crystal.” Looking up I saw a woman with red hair and draped in red just floating in the air above the demon. A black star appeared on its arm and as it flexed a black beam shot out into Hisa’s chest, the air was filled with the girl’s screams again.
“Stop that!”
The truth was, although I was the heir and all…and I should be able to use my parent’s powers…I couldn’t. In the times of peace the people didn’t need sailor senshi anymore and so, instead of new henshin pens being forged anew the old ones were simply sealed away. Hotaru taught me that…Although the henshin pens have disappeared there was a rumor that a certain technology had been especially for the old sailor generation that would allow them to use their powers in dire situations. However, Hotaru had confirmed to me that it was only a rumor.
“Get rid of the other girl Hosei!” The floating woman laughed.
Powers or none, I can’t just stand here!
I was charging straight towards the monster, barely noticing the laughing figure above me. The other end of the hose came shooting towards me and I had managed to dodge the initial attack. To my horror as I tried to land my back leg slipped on some water leftover from earlier. Caught between mid motion I could see the attacking weapon double back through the corner of my eye. My breath caught in my chest as I predicted the blow to come.
Just when I thought the attack would hit a pair of arms wrapped around me, sending me mid air. I opened my eyes I saw someone that made my heart skip a beat.
“Don’t get in the way.” Is it who I think it is?
“Haa!” The figure threw me over into the wild vegetation. Faintly I remember rolling across the rough terrain as it scratched my arms and legs. Dust clouds were sent up flying until I finally came to a stop. Everything whirled around me and I found myself staying down as the feeling moved to pass. Then vaguely my mind caught two phrases.
“I am Sailor Uranus…”
“And I am Sailor Neptune….”
The rest of their speech fell on deaf ears, only the first bits were important. I thought so! It was Uranus and Neptune. Madly my hands groped the ground, looking for Hotaru’s gift. Where was it? Don’t tell me it fell out of my hands back there!
Despite my stinging wounds I dove back down towards where I exited the garden. Searching especially along the ground I brushed through small branches and the mounds of dirt and leaves. Dried twigs snapped practically at my every movement. Kami, please don’t say I’ve lost it. Battle cries echoed through the air only served to stimulate my frustration; never have I felt more useless. If I knew this would happen I would have wished that I drowned!
In blind anger I swapped at a over hanging branch and cried out when it came back, smacking me square in the face.
I rolled back onto my rear end, cradling my wounded head. Tears started to form in my squinted eyes.
“Shimatta!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.
But no one heard me… no one came. It was just like that time back then. I was somewhat conscious of my body trembling, the way my breathing had become ragged trying to fight the ashamed tears.
“I hate this…” Again I was on the verge of lashing out, ready to punch anything even if it were the trees.
Then when I thought it couldn’t get any worse there an odd noise.
What was that? I asked myself, momentarily distracted but even then I did not move from my position.
“Hey lady, did you lose something?” Came a child-like voice.
I brought my face out of my hands slowly and looked up to see a tiny glowing figure of a little girl. However the light was too intense to be able to make out her facial features clearly. Not bothering to wait for a response she took my hand and opened it slightly before shoving a familiar velvet feeling material into it.
“Let’s play again sometime.”
A strong breeze ran through the undergrowth causing mass piles of leaves airborne and she was gone. Looking back down into my hands I could almost cry, I had the pouch again. But there was something different about it; it was emitting a bright, purple glow. With trembling hands I opened the small sack and pulled out a pair of bracelets with a note attached to them. There were other materials in the bag but the bracelets were the materials emitting the strange glow momentarily. Holding the two metal materials in one hand I opened the note with the other, eager to read.
Crack. A twig had snapped.
Now I was running, running back towards the battlefield, screams of ‘deep submerge’ and ‘world shaking’ battered back and forth between two voices. All I could think about was what the note had said.
Dear Kaiya,
By the time you may read this I don’t doubt that you’ll be in a tough situation. To make things short, the two bracelets are the emergency devices we, the sailor senshi carry in case of any possible tough jams. What they do is draw out any hidden powers. Since most of ours were sealed away the device was seen as relatively safe in our hands…however, yours have not been safeguarded. I do not know what will happen if you choose to use it, it’s very possible that another accident may occur, I’m sure you remember the last very well. This is my own pair and I want you to return them to me when you get back.
Take care,
With these I have at least some hope of fighting. I jumped onto a sturdy branch of a tree and jumped through the other trees over the thicket. There was no sense wandering through the thorns; it’ll only slow me down. Finally I reached the area just in time to hear the demon scream,
“Give it back!”
Uranus, a short haired blond smirked and taunted,
“Come get it.”
As the monster lunged Uranus tossed the crystal over to Neptune, her aqua hair whipping as she turned to catch the glowing object. What are they doing playing around in a time like this? Even more confusing, what was I doing standing around when I should be trying to kill them? Or…maybe I already knew the answer. I looked back towards Hisa’s limp body on the ground further ahead and I heard her voice prod my disorganized thoughts. ‘I don’t know the situation between you and your parents Kaiya but they must have a good reason why they weren’t around’. That was why…if I was wrong, killing them would be another childish mistake. It’s not that I like them any better than I did before seeing them now, if they get hurt then that’s…
“Uranus!” I heard Neptune cry out, the monster had wrapped Uranus in its hold. She looked distressed, torn between abandoning the crystal or rescuing her partner.
“Die!” The youma cried, ready to crush Uranus in its hold.
“World…” Before I knew what was happening the words started to tumble from my mouth. A gold glowing symbol of Uranus appeared on the dark metal as the attack formed and I grabbed the ball of energy. “SHAKING!” Throwing the momentum into the ground a bright planet emerged from my hands and sped towards the demon.
“YaAaAa!” The monster shrieked.
Its hold on Uranus was released. While paralyzed Uranus and Neptune combined attacks shouting,
Numbly I was aware of the two glowing powers being released, their voices sounded so faint. I wanted to puke, using that attack totally wasted any energy that I had before. Turning to go I dragged myself back further into the wild vegetation a few meters, not wanting to be caught too close to the battlefield just as an explosion rocked the area. Trees shifted slightly and a few grasses were uprooted from their hold on the ground.
Silence. Then voices emerged.
“Kaiya!” Two voices called.
I closed my eyes, intently listening. Someone was running closer, their footsteps caused the ground under me to shake slightly.
“Kaiya! There you are. Kami, what happened? Hey, wake up!”
Two arms slipped around my waist then flipped me over and shook me slightly. Wearily against my body’s protests I opened my eyes to see Haruka with a concerned look on her face.
“Hey…” I managed to croak out.
“What happened? How’d you get all these bruises and scrapes?” She demanded.
“Is Hisa all right?” I ignored her question, I had to know.
“Yeah…she’s doing fine. Michiru is with her now.”
“Good…” Overdue for a long rest I finally gave into asleep.
Later, Haruka’s POV
Hisa appeared to be relatively fine, once again the pure heart was a dud. Michiru and I walked her to band instead of the nurse’s office. When she had asked what happened we told her Kaiya and her collapsed in the heat. Of course she gave us a suspicious look but she couldn’t really argue, she couldn’t remember anything at all.
As for Kaiya, Michiru and I asked for an early leave of absence from school and took the girl to Michiru’s house.
As soon as the front door had closed I carried the shorter blond to the couch while Michiru made her way upstairs for the hydrogen peroxide. I put the sleeping girl down on one of the couches and waited. Casually my eyes examined the other blond from a distance. Even from a here I could see the scrapes that littered her arms and legs were worse than the ones I received at the shrine a few days back. I felt myself wince, did I throw her that hard?
“I think you over did it this time Ruka.” Michiru came back with gauze and a bottle of the sanitation liquid.
“Well, it’s better than if she got involved in the fight. That witch would’ve had her killed.”
“That’s true…but what I’m more concerned about is what happened after that.”
“You mean…?”
“Where did that attack come from? It was your world shaking but…you didn’t initiate it.” Michi was staring at me now.
“I don’t know! It doesn’t make any sense, I’m just confused as you are.” Perhaps I was even more afraid. Wasn’t I the only one who could wield Uranus’s powers? I am the rightful sailor scout right? Or what if my powers had been duplicated…The whole thing was making my head hurt.
“Shh, she’s starting to wake up.”
Kaiya had started to move around slightly and opened her eyes, confusion apparent in those aqua orbs.
“Try to hold still Kaiya, this’ll sting a bit.” Michi gently told the semi conscious girl.
“Ow!” Kaiya hissed, she clenched her teeth together trying to hold back the urge to yell out right as the liquid cleaned her scrapes.
“I’ll ask you again, what happened? You had us worried when we found you in bad shape.” I asked her. Really, I wanted to know if she remembered the demon and us fighting.
“…Nothing…” She finally muttered. Michiru gave me an questioning look, guess we should ask her about the other thing while we were at it.
“Did you see…anything weird?” Michiru tried.
Obviously she was hiding something but if pushed it she might grow suspicious. Oh well, it was worth a shot.
“Hey, I’m really sorry about earlier…I didn’t know you couldn’t swim. If I had known, I wouldn’t have…you know…” Apologies weren’t my thing and I soon found myself looking away, scratching the back of my head.
“It’s all right. I’m okay aren’t I?” She weakly smiled. I half expected her to explode and say she’d never forgive me.
“So you, you really won the bet. Pick the day and I’ll do it, I’ll dress as…as a girl.” I really did owe it to this person, especially after almost drowning her and chucking her into the bushes earlier.
“You mean it?”
“Kaiya, Haruka never goes back on her word. If she says she’ll do it, she will.” Michiru giggled and sealed my fate.
For awhile Kaiya seemed to consider the offer carefully in silence. The only downside to losing was now she didn’t have to play with our music group…Michiru was really looking forward to it too.
“…Is that third spot still open?” I had almost stopped breathing right there. “If you’re still offering…”
I gave Michiru a knowing look and watched happily as her eyes twinkled in return, it seemed this would make her the happiest.
“Welcome to the group.” I eagerly said, outstretching my hand for Kaiya to take and she took it. Maybe we aren’t really that different after all.
With the last of the bandages in place Michiru and I left to let the girl rest. I was glad Kaiya was all right, however my mind still lingered on the world shaking that appeared out of nowhere. Was it an ally or foe…or did I, no I only hoped I had imagined it all. Whatever it is, I want to find out as soon as possible.
Kaiya’s POV
I managed to tear out a piece of paper from one of my school binders and reached for a pen. Until I get back to the shrine I might as well write the journal entry now and then stick it into my journal later. For a moment I shifted my position several times before I settled into a comfortable pose. Now let’s see…how to start? I probably should keep it general in case Michiru or Haruka find it.
Dear Journal,
A lot of things happened today…I’m still sort of tired, so I’ll make this short. During the bet Haruka almost drowned me when she pushed me into the pool, yes, Haruka is a girl I found out recently. I met this nice person named Hisa and she showed me this pretty garden, there was even a butterfly there and I got to hold it.
Sis also gave me a neat gift I love it. And the bet…well Haruka and I lost so I’m playing in their group now and Haruka will still dress up as a girl for a day. Hmm…now I have to pick a day. Oh well, I’m sure I’ll think of something.
Catch you later,
But you know, I think I really won that bet still, my imitation was practically flawless until the pool incident as Haruka said. I leaned back against the pillows and soon fell asleep on the couch, thinking how I’ll call Rei later.
However unknown to me my imitation today had been more than perfect.
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