Note: Hey everyone, I hope youre enjoying this fic so far. What started out as peep induced madness has turned into something, in my humble opinion at least, pretty cool. Thanks to everyone who has commented on this fic, you guys are very encouraging. Its enough to make The Cyclone a little misty. *sniff* Well, enough ego inflation, on with the show ------------------------------------------------------------ I look at the half-eaten sandwich in my hands and sigh. It isnt a culinary masterpiece at any rate yet, I know that I should finish it. But I just dont feel like eating. Honestly, I havent felt like doing much of anything the past few days. All Ive been able to do is sit around my apartment and try to figure out how to get Setsuna to talk to me. I havent come up with anything. Theres a reason we leave all the tactical planning to Ami, you know. I just dont know what to do. How do you get someone who can travel through time as she pleases to sit down for a talk when she doesnt want to even see you? I close my eyes and lean against the large tree Im currently seated under. I came to the park today in hopes of finding some answers while in my element. However, natures not being too helpful. "At least Im getting some fresh air." "Talking to the trees again Makoto?" A husky voice chuckles. I pop one eye open to glance at my guest. To someone who didnt know better, it would appear that a rather handsome young blond man was standing before me, I however, knew better. "Hello, Haruka." "Hi Makoto," She gestures to the grass beside me. "Mind if I have a seat?" "Would it matter if I did?" She smiles and shakes her head. "Not really." Then she sits down beside me. I close my eye and steady myself. I have the distinct feeling that Im not going to like this conversation. "Why havent you been answering your phone, odango and the others are worried about you?" "I havent answered my phone because I didnt want to talk to anyone." Haruka raises an eyebrow at me. "Really, or is it just that you didnt want to talk to the people that did call?" "I just want to be left alone for a little while." "Running from things wont help the situation. Trust me, Im an expert at running." "I need to work this through on my own." "No, you need help Mako. You still havent talked to anyone about your memories yet. You need to face the things you saw and accept your past. Stop being a coward." My eyes snap open at that comment, Im barely able to keep my rising anger in check. All of the sudden something in me snaps, and before I know it words are flying from my lips. "Ive accepted it. Gods, Ive accepted it. Im not the one whos running from her past Haruka. In fact Im not the one you should be giving this little lecture to either, so why dont you get out of my face already, before I make you get out of it." A small smile spreads across Harukas face. I half expect her to make another rude remark, but she surprises me instead. "Youre right. Youre not the one I should be lecturing, but she has this nasty habit of running off to the gate every time Michiru and I try to talk to her about this." "If Im right then why are you here?" "To make sure that you felt about her the way we though you did. Besides you were worrying the princess " She answers and then mumbles something I cant entirely understand. "What was that last part?" She sighs and places a hand on my shoulder. "And because I was worried about you too." A very strange look must be crossing my face at the moment, because she begins to speak again. "Look, I know we havent been on the best of terms in this life." "Not on the best of terms? Well, lets see you let a youma almost kill me so you could see if I had a talisman. You called me and any other inner senshi weak whenever you got the chance. You constantly " "Alright," She interrupts me before I can go any further. "Maybe not on the best of terms was a bad choice of words." I cant help but smile. "Its okay, you were doing your duty. I did manage to punch you in the gut after all." She smiles back at me. "That you did. Not just anyone can break through my defenses like that, youre quite the warrior Makoto." I think my eyes are going to pop out of their sockets. Did Haruka just complement me on my fighting abilities? I put a hand to my heart dramatically. "Quick the world is going to explode at any second, the great Sailor Uranus just acknowledged that an inner senshi can actually fight." She rolls her eyes at me. "Anyway, the point is weve all remembered a lot about our past lives and one of the things I remember most is that we were friends then, good friends. Id like to be your friend again if youll let me." I meet her gaze and from the look in her eyes I can tell thats shes serious about this. "I think Id like that Haruka. But if you ever call me a coward again..." *** Haruka and I sat under the tree for hours after that talking about the past. Shes actually a good listener. It felt good to talk about things even if it wasnt with Setsuna The sun was making its way past the tree tops when she rose to leave. "Sorry, to have to stop the drive down memory lane, but I promised Michi that Id take her out tonight and I need to get cleaned up before our date." I nod. "I really should get home too. I need to call the girls and let them know that Im still alive." She offers her hand and helps me up. We say our good-byes and each go our separate ways. Ive only walked a few feet when I hear her call my name. "Oh Makoto, when you call Usagi will you check on Hotaru for me? Shes spending the night over there and since Michiru and I are going out tonight I wont be able to do it myself." "Sure, Haruka." She runs a hand through her hair and shakes her head. "Its a shame really. Hotarus going to be at Usagis place and Michiru and I probably wont be home till tomorrow morning, I dont know what Setsuna is going to do in that big house all by herself tonight. Maybe someone should go and keep her company." I smile and nod. Having Haruka as a friend is going to be a very good thing. "Maybe someone should." ------------------------------------------------------------ Another note: I know you guys are like "wheres the action?" Sorry, but Ive always wondered if Haruka and Makoto had ever worked out their differences over the events that happened in the S season. Ive read a couple of fics that explored the issue and I thought Id take a crack at it. Dont worry in next episode therell be the showdown that youve all been waiting for, at least I hope youre waiting for it youre waiting right? Right?
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