Of Demons and Love (part 4 of 20)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by Byakko Rei

Back to Part 3
QUEEN SERENITY... a lesson in history

  Usagi got into a groove on the old Kohno and 
played some non-schoolwork stuff for a while, 
before she put everything away. 
  She faced the fire and enjoyed its warmth and 
smell. Then she closed her eyes and rested her 
painful head on her drawn up knees. She had 
woken up with the headache, and couldn't seem to 
get rid of it. Her heavy heart didn't help 
  She concentrated on her mother and felt the 
ginsuishou warm on her breast and grow brighter. 
  "Oh, Mother, I need you. I'm so confused about 
how I feel about Rei, and Mamoru. I wish you 
could help me!" 
  The fire grew bright and the air shimmered 
between it and Usagi. She shielded her eyes 
until the shimmer stopped. When she looked up, 
the spirit of Queen Serenity stood before her. 
Usagi's eyes moistened as she beheld the vision 
of her mother. 
  "You came!" she said incredulously. 
  "Yes darling, you have reached a major 
crossroad in your life. I expected your plea 
for help." 
  Queen Serenity's fingers touched Usagi's pale 
hair, as the fire's colors of light flickered 
and reflected in the waves of platinum blond. 
My daughter looks so run down... so disturbed.
  "Oh, mother, the bond between Mamoru and I, 
has changed somehow. I can still feel when he 
is in trouble, but I can't feel his emotions, 
his heart, or his thoughts. 
  Ever since Celeste transferred her power to 
him, it's as if he's a different person... a 
different soul. He has become so self absorbed, 
and there doesn't seem to be room for me any 
more, though, he says it's only temporary. 
  He says he still loves me, but when he wants 
to, um, sleep with me, it's more like 'have sex' 
instead of 'make love', and he... hurts me. I 
still find him attractive, but the appeal to 
stay with him forever, has waned." 
  Usagi began to cry. 
  "I feel so selfish and guilty, and I just 
don't know what to do." she sniffled a little, 
"and then there's Rei." 
  Usagi wiped her eyes.
  "I have always had deep emotions for her I 
could never understand. She affects me like no 
one else. It's seems as though her soul and 
Mamoru's soul are almost identical. 
  I have always been attracted to, and drawn to 
both, until now. When I hold Rei, I feel such 
incredible warmth and tenderness. It feels so 
good, so right, familiar somehow... like an old 
friend that's come back. I want to love and 
protect her with all that is me. But I don't 
think she feels the same way at all... she 
always pushes me away." 
  Usagi choked back another sob.
  Serenity smiled warmly at her confused 
  "Perhaps I can help a little if I explain 
what happened to Mamoru." She began. 
  "But first, I'd like for you to have 
something I found in the ruins on the moon 
where your bedroom was." 
  Queen Serenity handed Usagi an ornate metal 
box a tad bigger than a large boot box.
  Usagi turned it around, and searched for a 
way to open it. 
  Her mother watched in amusement.
  "It's voice activated by a password given by 
  Usagi's face made an 'oh' expression. 
  "I guess I'll try to figure it out later." 
She said with a sigh, and put it into her 
subspace pocket. 
  "I would rather hear your explanations now, 
  Queen Serenity nodded, then began her tale.

                   * * *
  "Many millennia ago, the Goddess Selene, 
daughter of Titans Theia and Hyperion, fell 
deeply in love with a mortal shepherd, named 
Endymion. Selene desired for him to have 
immortality, so she asked Gaea to help her. 
Gaea looked upon Endymion, and found favor with 
his comeliness. She agreed to help Selene. 
  Gaea spoke to Zeus who granted him one wish. 
He chose eternal youth, and Gaea blessed 
Endymion with a spirit of eternal youth. In my 
behalf, she went on to deem by oath, that the 
Earth and the Moon would forever be linked 
together by destiny. 
  Endymion was still mortal, though, and had no 
way to protect his youth. So Gaea granted 
Endymion access to the powers of her Earth. The 
kinsuishou (golden crystal) was created by Gaea 
as a means to control Earth's powers, and was 
given to him. She went on to name him as her 
avatar for Earth. Access to Earth's powers were 
to be naturally transferred to his first born." 
  Serenity looked away from Usagi and into the 
  "The shepherd Endymion was like a god in a 
mundane land where magic was all but forgotten. 
He became King, elected and ordained by the 
people of Elis. The Earth Kingdom was born, and 
he ruled with power and fairness. 
  Because of my love for a mortal, Gaea chose 
me to be the god's liaison between them and 
mankind. She renamed me 'Queen Serenity' to 
appease magic-leery humans, and the Moon Kingdom 
was born. Gaea ordered me to create the Silver 
Millennium to unite the planets and govern over 
  All the planets in our solar system have 
innate powers from a god or goddess, and each 
of the gods or goddesses have chosen for 
themselves a goddess as their planet's 
avatar and gave them star seeds so they could be 
reborn... the senshi. To protect and insure 
peace, the ginsuishou was created to control the 
powers from all the planets except Earth. It was 
given to me in addition to my Goddess powers. 
  After the birth of the Silver Millennium was 
realized, King Endymion asked for my hand in 
marriage and we were betrothed. We agreed to 
rule together as Gaea had destined. Together, 
with our two crystals, we were to be a united,
formidable team. Earth would be, once again, a 
place where god and man could commune together.
  One day, however, as King Endymion passed 
through a small shepherd village, he espied a 
young maiden and fell deeply in love with her. 
She was the beautiful, enigmatic, Setsuna... 
daughter of Chronos and Titanide Themis, and 
avatar to Pluto. 
  Pluto had been sent there to investigate a 
disturbance in time. In truth, the fates had 
meddled in our affairs again, and had engineered 
their encounter. It was they who had soul mated 
the two together. 
  After Endymion learned from villagers where 
her abode was, he disguised himself as a local 
shepherd, and made haste to woo Pluto. Neither 
of them ever told the other what their true 
identities were. She, of course, fell in love 
with him and they lay with each other.
  Pluto soon discovered the deceitfulness of 
Endymion, and his infidelity to me. Pluto, who 
had already allied with me, was heartsick and 
angry. Endymion had given Pluto the kinsuishou 
as a token of his love to appease her when he 
found she had become impregnated. She was to 
give it to her son. 
  Because King Endymion mysteriously lost his 
ability to control Earths powers, Metallia was 
able to penetrate our defenses and infect Beryl 
which led to the eventual demise of the Silver 
  Pluto eventually gave birth to Sensei Celeste. 
Earth's powers were naturally transferred to 
Celeste... and she had the means to control 
Earth's powers. As it turns out, it was Endymion 
and Pluto's little tryst that had caused the 
time distortion! 
  Pluto feared she would have to destroy Celeste 
to maintain the original timeline. But she 
couldn't, she truly loved both Endymion, and 
Celeste. So she took herself, Celeste and the 
kinsuishou out of the timeline and began to 
train her new daughter for duties as Pluto's 
avatar and gatekeeper. 
  Pluto's heart was broken, her soul in agony 
for her Endymion, but she had hoped King 
Endymion would forget about her and fulfill his 
destiny and find happiness with me."
  Serenity cleared her throat, and let the irony 
sink in. 
  "It was not to be, however. Pluto didn't 
realize the damage for me had already been done, 
for I had witnessed the union. Even in disguise, 
I recognized King Endymion... the disguise was 
not very original! 
  I had followed him to his destination 
covertly. I hid in the shadows under Hecate's 
waning moon, and by the faint moonlight, I 
watched as my betrothed took another. In their 
moment of ecstasy, I heard her cry out, and I 
knew who she was. I cursed in the name of 
Hecate... and fled to the Moon Kingdom. 
  As the magic of my sister, Eos, manifested 
and faded the reins were handed to my brother, 
Helios, and the sun rose. 
  Endymion sent the huntress Artemis to find me 
when I did not meet with him. She found me, but 
could not comfort me, for that is not her 
greatest asset. She sent her twin brother, the 
fair Apollo, to heal my wounded soul. 
  I looked upon him, and immediately fell in 
love with him, and he with me... as the fates 
would have it. We enjoyed each other for many
  Queen Serenity turned to face Usagi. She 
smiled tenderly at her, and brushed a stray 
bang out of her eye. 
  "You are the result of our union, my beloved 
princess. I think you are blessed with his 
finest qualities. Your giftedness for music and 
your ability to heal souls are from him." 
  As she returned her gaze sadly to the fire, 
her voice became embittered. 
  "Our relationship was not to last, however. 
Zeus terminated it while you were still a baby. 
He had fallen in love with me, and had become 
jealous of my relationship with Apollo. Zeus 
forbade us to be together. 
  I was devastated, but Apollo who had many 
lovers, had already moved on. I, like Pluto 
before me, was heartbroken and plunged myself 
into my duties to rule the Moon Kingdom and 
over-see the Silver Millennium while King 
Endymion ruled the Earth Kingdom. 
  Meanwhile, King Endymion married the Lady 
Bridget who bore him three sons and a daughter. 
They named their firstborn Paeon, but he was 
known as... Endymion the younger, the powerless 
heir to the Earth Kingdom. 
  The Earth kingdom joined the Moon Kingdom's 
Silver Millennium and would go on to rule 
peacefully as separate, but united, Kingdoms 
joined by destiny as ordained by Gaea's original 
  We never slept together." 
  She paused briefly. 
  "You were born about three years after Paeon. 
I was overjoyed and loved you more than life 
itself. I knew you were special from the very 
  While Zeus didn't dislike you, he didn't 
exactly love you either. So I bore him his own 
children. You have two younger half-sisters 
through Zeus whose names are Pandia and Ersa. 
Zeus seemed satisfied with me and asked no more 
of me." 
  Serenity went on, the bitterness gone from her 
  "With my own broken heart, I took you and went 
to the time portal and sought Pluto. I wanted to 
let her know she had never been blamed for 
anything, and to beg her to rejoin the timeline. 
  By then, Celeste had grown to become a 
beautiful young woman. As our souls touched, 
hers was like that of my beloved Apollo's. I 
loved her, and she loved me. We joined by blood 
oath, which my 'moon sister' your aunt Artemis, 
presided over. If Zeus knows of the 
relationship, he has never stepped in to stop 
it. Pluto has, in deference to me, left us 
  Celeste confided to me what King Endymion 
and Pluto had agreed on had she been 'Prince 
Endymion'." Queen Serenity smirked. 
  "When Paeon was around four, Celeste and I 
magically hid the kinsuishou inside the boy."
  Usagi listened to her mother, spellbound. 
   "Why did Celeste feel compelled to give 
Gaea's power to Mamoru if they were rightfully 
hers? I didn't think Celeste even had powers. 
When she was our Sensei, she couldn't use 
magic... she was a great martial arts type 
fighter and tactician." 
  Serenity sighed and had a pained look on her 
  "Pluto forbade Celeste to use the phenomenal 
powers of Earth when she was your Sensei. I 
think Pluto knew something and tried to protect 
  I awakened Celeste's powers when Beryl 
attacked the Earth, but it was too little too
late... and she didn't have the kinsuishou. We 
both died that day." Queen serenity swallowed 
  "Our souls found each other because our beings 
are eternally bound." She wipe her tears and 
  "Celeste had truly felt remorse over her half 
brother, Paeon, and the abuse he took from his 
father. Though Paeon and his siblings received 
Gaea's gift of eternal youth through their 
father, because of her, 'Endymion the Younger' 
was denied access to Earth's powers and Gaea's 
kinsuishou erroneously. Celeste wanted to 
restore the original balance of the time line, 
and give the son of King Endymion his rightful 
heritage. She had no desire to rule herself.
  She has sacrificed everything to come during 
this time, but did it because of her love for 
her half brother... now Mamoru, his intended 
and my daughter... you, and I... her lover. She 
thought it would also make her mother, Pluto, 
  Serenity glanced at Usagi apologetically 
before she continued. 
  "Celeste thought that only the powers of 
earth would transfer. She didn't realize that 
both powers, those of Earth, and also those of 
Pluto had fused together to become, in essence, 
  Mamoru, being only at best a demi-god because 
his mother was mortal, and his father's powers 
were given unnaturally by Gaea, he received 
powers he couldn't handle. His soul... had to 
change in order to accommodate the powers of 
Pluto, or die. 
  Neither he nor his powers are evil, do not 
worry. But his soul will never again be mated 
to yours. He will instead be mated to Pluto's 
soul, as the fates had ordained originally in 
the past. 
  He will have considerably more power now, 
still a fraction of your own, yet not unlike 
your own. I personally feel Celeste, being half 
goddess, could have wielded and controlled the 
kinsuishou's power more effectively... but I'm 
rather partial to her." Serenity winked at her 
  Usagi was not amused... her stomach felt 
sick, and her heart was heavy. 
  "Chibi Usa... those garnet eyes..." she began 
in a whisper.
  "She is Pluto's second daughter by Endymion 
the younger. Small Lady will be raised by 
Endymion, and will become Earth's first senshi 
and have the unique abilities of time travel, 
since Celeste had been groomed to become Pluto's 
replacement." Serenity turned away.
  "I don't know what will become of my beloved 
now. I assume Aradia has her by now." She 
straightened and lifted her chin regally, and 
  "The Earth's power, and the kinsuishou, were 
designed by Gaea to complement my powers and 
the ginsuishou's. That is why Chibi Usa can 
transform the way she does with you, and Mamoru 
into Tuxedo Kamen." 
  Queen Serenity smiled at her. 
  "In the event that you should choose to rule 
with Mamoru, you shall raise Small Lady 
together. You will be as her mother because 
Pluto has other duties, and can not always be 
there for her."  
  Usagi felt as though her whole world had 
crashed and tumbled around her. She felt dizzy, 
and her headache made her nauseous. 
  Serenity's finger brushed a tear from Usagi's 
pale cheek, before she continued.
  "Setsuna-chan was afraid Mamoru's connection 
to you could be damaged and wanted to prevent 
the power transfer from Celeste, even if it 
meant her own daughter's death. Apparently, 
Pluto arrived too late to prevent the transfer. 
  I don't know why Pluto wanted to kill Celeste 
after the transfer. It could be she was ordered 
to, or, Celeste committed some forbidden 
Plutonian taboo. She is one of the original 
Titans, and even I don't understand all of her 
  I do know Pluto has sworn fealty to you, and 
loves you, my angel, never doubt that. Yours and 
Endymion's happiness, Crystal Tokyo's existence, 
and the birth of a new Moon Princess, means more 
to her than her own happiness. Even if it means 
a life without Celeste, whom she also loves as 
the only flesh and blood from her only true 
love... but, she is also a constant reminder of 
the tryst that caused a major timeline 
distortion and shouldn't have happened. She 
feels responsible for... everything." 
  Usagi wept silently. Setsuna-sama...
  "Mother, what am I to do? It all seems so out 
of control. Has the ginsuishou's connection been 
severed from the kinsuishou, too?" 
  Serenity spoke gently. 
  "Princess, the fates are the ones who 
determine which souls are compatible for a bond. 
They are meddlesome and capricious, not even 
Gaea, Hera, Zeus or... Pluto can control them. 
Fate is out of your control." 
  Queen Serenity gazed into those deep sapphire 
eyes so like those of Apollo's, then touched the 
hair so like her own. 
  "As you know, destiny bonds also exist. It is 
that bond you still have with Mamoru. Destiny 
bonds are oaths, or vows, granted to you by a 
god, or goddess, most notably by Gaea and 
  They are forever sacred. To break such an 
oath, you may incur the wrath of the gods, 
which means you risk a curse or certain death. 
In your case, you are bound by destiny to rule 
with Endymion by Gaea's original oath to me. 
You will always be connected to him in this way, 
and no, the two crystals and powers will always 
complement or augment each other." 
  Usagi's tears fell harder. 
  "So I am destined to marry and rule forever 
with someone whose soul belongs to another? He 
can't truly love me anymore, and I'm afraid... 
he will always hurt me."
  Queen Serenity looked miserable. 
  "Yes, darling, that is your duty, the only 
option for Crystal Tokyo here on Earth, and as 
far as I know, for the continuity of the 
  Usagi stifled her anguish with a hard swallow. 
  Queen Serenity watched her only daughter by 
her beloved Apollo in silence, and considered 
the alternative before speaking again softly. 
  "There is one other option, precious, but the 
journey will be just as hard. You can take my 
place, and rule alone. You could restore the 
Moon Kingdom and her planetary constituents, 
with the help of your senshi, and resume the 
Silver Millennium. You will fulfill destiny and 
rule in harmony with Endymion's Earth." 
  Usagi's lips trembled, "Rule alone?" 
  "Yes, but by doing so, you may also be joined 
together with your beloved... your other soul 
mate, by blood oath. However, you and she will 
only be truly free if both of your male 
counterparts agree, or they have been taken 
from you both." 
  Usagi visibly sagged. 
  "If it is Rei, she will never agree. She is so 
principled, and steeped in tradition. She would 
never allow herself love me." 
  Serenity gently put a finger under her 
daughter's chin and lifted it so they could see 
eye to eye. 
  "Usagi, don't be so sure of her convictions 
without first finding out the truth." 
  She smiled. 
  "Your heart does not betray you... Rei is your 
soul mate. She is very much like her mother, and 
once she learns to trust you, she will be loyal 
without fault, and be a fierce protector. She 
will make for you a most passionate, yet gentle 
lover. Your love and patience will be well 
  You would be the last Serenity to rule, 
however, barring some quirk of the fates, of 
  I will be happy to preside over either the 
marriage vow to Endymion, or the blood bond oath 
to your soul sister and mate. Destiny will be 
fulfilled in either case. You must decide the 
manner in which it takes place. My energy 
weakens, love, I must go now, my princess. 
Choose well." 
  "Wait please, Mother, who are Rei's parents?" 
Usagi entreated hurriedly. 
  "Artemis, Goddess of the hunt and chastity, 
and Hephaestus, God of forge and fire. 
   Ares tricked his brother and put Artemis to 
sleep then disguised her with blond hair. He 
smuggled her into Hephestus's bed, so he could 
consort with Aphrodite, Hephaestus's wife. 
  When Artemis found herself with child 
mysteriously, she confronted Ares, suspicious 
of his well-known trysts with Aphrodite. He 
confirmed his trickery proudly, and when 
Artemis would have killed the fetus, Arch Mage 
Hecate of the new moon, intervened and begged 
Artemis to let her carry the baby to term and 
raise the child as her own. Apollo was summoned 
as a physician to transplant the child into 
  Queen Serenity's eyes were alit with mischief 
as she looked upon her fair daughter. 
  "Apollo and I conceived you a few days later,
as fate would have it.   
  When the beautiful baby girl was born, Ares, 
who fancied her as his greatest achievement, 
named her Diana. It was a sort of an 'in your 
face' act towards the virgin Artemis. 
  Diana possessed the beauty, and temperament 
of her mother, and a heart as kind as her 
father. She showed great skill with weaponry 
and control over fire like Hephaestus, and she 
became a fierce warrior and hunter like Artemis. 
  When Arch Mage Hecate carried Diana in her 
womb, her blood and magic nurtured her until 
her birth. Diana was inundated with her magic. 
So Arch Magi Hecate taught Diana how to control 
her passions, her magic and sorcery, and how to 
use it with goodwill. 
  Ares adored the formidable Diana, and later 
named her his avatar to Mars." 
  Queen Serenity's benevolent image faded from 
Usagi's view. 
  "Beware of the wrath of Artemis."
  Usagi's throat was so tight, she could 
scarcely breathe. Her mind reeled as her 
memories flooded back to her from a long past
forgotten era. She passed out.

Onwards to Part 5

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