Of Demons and Love (part 3 of 20)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by Byakko Rei

Back to Part 2
GRANDPA... just lonely

  Usagi found Grandpa in the fire room as he 
swept the floor. 
  He looked up at her when she entered the 
  "Well, how is my ornery granddaughter? 
Yuuichiro spoke with Rei when she got home late 
yesterday, packed his things, and told me he had 
to go home to run his father's company. 
  Rei did her chores, then asked me if she could 
skip supper. She said she didn't feel well and 
wanted to go to bed... then she closed herself 
in her room. When she missed breakfast, I asked 
her if she was all right, she told me she felt 
like she had the flu. She wouldn't let me near 
her and didn't want a doctor." 
  Grandpa sure didn't need to know that Rei had 
tried to commit suicide... it would kill him.
  Usagi smiled at him before she replied. 
  "She's certainly sick to her stomach and she 
has a really wicked headache, but she should 
feel better by tomorrow sometime. She's finally 
fallen asleep. If you don't mind, I'd like to 
stay with her through the night. She's pretty 
dehydrated so I'll need to get some liquids 
into her as soon as she wakes." 
  Grandpa looked relieved and pointed in the 
direction of the hall closet. 
  "There are extra futons and quilts in there. 
You better call your Mom, it's almost supper 
time, and we don't want her to worry." 
  Usagi accepted the offer.
  While Usagi was on the phone, Grandpa had 
answered the door, disappeared into the kitchen 
and came back with a small bag of flour. After 
she hung up, she asked Grandpa if she could cook 
something for the two of them.
  Grandpa smiled delightedly. 
  "Hai, I would like that."
  Usagi retrieved Mako's chicken soup from her 
backpack and transferred it to a microwave-safe 
  Grandpa looked at it hungrily, and Usagi 
laughed at him. 
  "Oh no, Mako sent this over for your sick 
granddaughter. It's not dinner! Our dinner is 
out in the muddy garden." 
  She pointed to the window where the rain fell 
against it in sheets. 
  Grandpa managed to look like a petulant little 
  Grandpa and Usagi put on some rain gear, and 
he showed Usagi where Yuuichiro had tended his 
vegetable garden. After they made a few 
selections, they headed back to the jinja. They 
laughed about how they would hardly have to wash 
  Grandpa then showed her where everything was 
in the kitchen. Since it was pretty meager fare, 
it didn't take long. It was apparent neither of 
them cooked much. 
  Usagi wasn't exactly the consummate cook 
Makoto was, but she could make due with what 
she found. 
  Soon, Grandpa happily ate some fish, rice, 
fresh salad, and cantaloupe for desert with 
green tea. 
  "Rei would have really enjoyed this!" 
Grandpa enthused.
  "I don't think Rei could keep manna down 
right now." Usagi remarked dryly. 
  Then, more seriously, she inquired, 
  "Grandpa, if something ever happens to you, 
do you have provisions for help here at the 
jinja for Rei? This is her home and her life, 
now. She's not likely to leave it."
  "Hai, actually, I had made two contingency 
plans. If I died before Rei was 18, I wanted her 
to have the kind of stable, loving, environment 
she deserves. I was at a loss for fukei 
(guardians) for years until Rei started to 
actually make some true friends. She was always 
popular at school because she's so pretty, 
athletic, and smart. But every time one of her 
so-called 'friends' found out she lived here, 
they'd drop the 'friendship', and would tell her 
she was too strange. You and your friends have 
been the exception." 
  Grandpa's chin trembled a bit. 
  Usagi didn't tell him she liked Rei because 
she was different!
  "I asked your parents when she was 14 if they 
would consider being Rei's fukei, since the two 
of you had quickly become like sisters after you 
met. Your parents thankfully agreed, but they 
said they'd rather adopt Rei instead, if I died 
while she was underage. They already loved her 
like a daughter. In which case, another Guji 
(Chief Shinto Priest) who follows 
Hinokagutsuchi, our local Kami, and has the same 
shinto traditions, would run Hikawa and teach 
Rei until she was fully trained and ready to be 
this jinja's Guji."
  Usagi sucked her breath in sharply. Her 
parents wanted to be Rei's fukei! Who knew! 
They were practically sisters for real! 
  Grandpa moved on.
  "Since Rei is 18, if I were to die now, the 
local shinto has agreed to send a Guji to help 
her run the jinja, but not interfere with Rei's 
policies for which I have already taught her as 
tradition for fire god Hinokagutsuchi. Rei has 
surpassed almost all priests, me included, in 
her ability to communicate with the Kami, read 
fire for foresight, and has uncanny insight on 
spiritual matters. She has mastered all 
disciplines of martial arts. She has already 
achieved a First grade status because of her 
educational background. She had attained a 
Meikai rank before she was even 16. 
  My granddaughter is very gifted, very adroit, 
and blessed by the Kami. She lacks only to learn 
all the festival practices and the logistics to 
run a Shinto jinja. 
  Rei could be Guji of Hikawa Jinja now, but I 
think Rei believes she is too young for such 
responsibilities, and wishes to earn the respect 
of her older peers." 
  Grandpa smiled. 
  "Only Rei stops Rei!"
  After they finished their food, Usagi was 
pensive as she cleared everything away and 
washed the dishes. Was it because of her senshi 
status, that Rei had not realized her dreams to 
be a fully dedicated Chief priestess at Hikawa 
  After she did the rest of Rei's chores, she 
spread out her homework in front of the fire. 
It was a comfort and the warmth felt good. The 
bookwork finished, she asked Grandpa if 
Yuuichiro had left any of his guitars behind. 
She needed a release. 
  Grandpa smiled, "No, but you are welcomed to 
use my old one. Rei won't touch it... she says 
she prefers the piano. I'll be right back!" 
  Grandpa positively beamed when he returned. 
  Usagi looked at the dusty, battered case and 
raised an eyebrow. 
  "Make much money on the streets?" She 
  "No, people loved to hear me play, but wished 
I would shut up." He replied with a twinkle in 
his eye. 
  She raised the lid and stared. Usagi had a 
steel-string Takamine electro-acoustic. This 
was a classical nylon six-string. Boy, he hadn't 
kidded about the 'old' part. Usagi looked at the 
luthier's label inside which read 'Sakurai 
Kohno'. He had died in 1998 of renal cancer. 
Usagi's eyes watered as she carefully lifted the 
instrument out of its weathered home. 
  Grandpa had watched her reaction closely and 
was not disappointed. 
  "Usagi, I would be honored if you would accept 
the Kohno as a gift from me. I actually bought 
it for my musically inclined wife. She taught my 
daughter Yuri how to play, and eventually gave 
it to her when she constantly found it in Yuri's 
room. Since my daughter's death, it has just 
collected dust. I think both my 'girls' would 
also be honored if you played it and loved it 
the way they did." 
  Grandpa bowed.
  Usagi bowed back. 
  "If it honors your family, I humbly accept." 
  It took her a few minutes to tune it. It 
sorely needed new strings. She sighed as she 
strummed and picked it lovingly, then she got to 
work on her composition for her music class.
  Grandpa was amazed as he watched her write the 
scores for piano, and scribble chords above the 
notes. Then she would play. 
  "I've never heard that guitar sound so good! 
You truly have a gift. That song you're 
composing is so full of soul, what are you 
titling it?" he asked.
  "Thank you, I thought I might call it 'The 
Road to Promise'. 
  Grandpa scratched his chin and looked at the 
  "That seems to fit. It's about my 
granddaughter, isn't it? You really do love 
her, don't you?"
  It was really about her own ascension to 
Queen, the birth of Crystal Tokyo, and her 
apprehension of both. It was about a life 
shrouded in secrecy, and written as a love 
  She smiled at him. 
  "Yes, in a way it is, and yes I do. She's 
easy to love."
  Grandpa said with a wink, "I would never call 
her 'easy', she's stubborn as a mule and proud 
as a peacock. I'm glad you are able to love her 
in spite of everything. She has been through a 
lot, and needs someone to care for her besides 
  Usagi leaned forward with a secretive 
  "Is that your way of saying you want me stick 
around to take care of her, or you?" 
  Grandpa looked a bit sheepish. 
  "Am I that obvious? Heh, heh, I had to try, 
didn't I? How good are you at making charms?" 
he grinned, and ducked under her hand swipe, 
"I could teach you how to improve your aim if 
you stayed." 
  Usagi glared at him. 
  "I may put up with Rei, but I refuse to put 
up with you," she retorted, and stuck her 
finger in his chest. 
  "And, by the way, your granddaughter thinks 
I'm a nuisance and can't stand me, so it's 
highly unlikely I could ever stay here! 
Besides, why would I want to subject myself to 
all the abuse I'd likely recieve between the 
two of you?" 
  Grandpa pouted. 
  "Well, I'll retire to my room to sulk before 
I sleep. Ja ne!" He took her hand and kissed it. 
  "Goodnight Grandpa, I'll see you for 
breakfast, my treat, you old mooch!" She kissed 
his forehead fondly, and laughed at his blush. 
   "I'll not stay up much longer." 

Onwards to Part 4

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