Con Su Adios, Usted Toma Con Usted Mi Co (part 6 of 14)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by Songficcer

Back to Part 5
After a few weeks, Makoto was able to walk away from the accident, 
with nothing but a few scars. The docters were surprised she recovered 
as well as she had, considering she had been in acoma.

The day after Makoto left the hospital, things pretty much returned to 
nornal, all things considered. There had been no attacks as of late, 
something Makoto was thankful for. She had no intention of wanting to 
use her powers so soon.

Minako seemed to have been wanting to spend more time with her, Makoto 
noticed. Makoto wasn't exactly sure why, but didn't question it. But 
she did start questioning her own actions when around the blonde. She 
started to slowly fall for her again.

Remember when, we never needed each other
The best of friends like
Sister and Brother
We understood, we'd never be,

Those days are gone, and I want you so much
The night is long and I need your touch
Don't know what to say
I never meant to feel this way
Don't want to be
Alone tonight


Minako climbed the stairs to Rei's temple, the cold wind burning her 
cheeks. Artemis was at her heels, his little white furry face also 
slightly red from the cold.

"I need to speak to Makoto-san," he said quietly as the climbed the 

Minako stopped and looked down at him. "Nani? What for?"

"She wasn't just your friend, Minako. She and I were very close too, 
you know," He said matter of factly. "I think it would be nice to see 
and talk to her once again." Minako nodded. 

They were quiet for a few more moments before Artemis asked, "She 
hasn't brought up the past or the senshi has she?"

Minako snapped out of her thoughts. "Nani? Oh, no, she hasn't. We 
really haven't spoken much since the accident."

"Excuse me? You two have been unseparble since she was relaesed from 
the hospital."

"I know. I meant we haven't had much time alone to talk. The girls are 
always there."

"Do you think she knows?"


When they finally reached the top, Minako headed straight for Rei's 
bedroom. When she got there, she saw only Luna.

"Hey Luna," Minako said, waking her up from her cat nap on Rei's bed. 
"Where is everybody?"

Luna yawned. "They're down the hall I believe. Makoto is help 
Yuuchirou with his band. The girls have become very interested in that 
for some reason."

"Thanks, Luna," Minako said, leaving Artemis with Luna, who jumped up 
next to her, laid next to her and drifted off into a cat nap himself.

Minako walked down the hall to the recording room Rei had in her 
temple. It wasn't really a recording room. Just a room with sound 
proof walls with instrments in it.

Minako poked her head inside and saw Rei, Usagi, and Ami sitting in a 
window seat on the far side of the room. Yuuchirou's band and Makoto 
were at the insterments. Yuuchirou was, of course, playing a guitar. 
His fellow band mates at their interments; bass, guitar, drums, and a 
turn table. Makoto was at the piano. There were mircophones in front 
of Makoto and Yuuchirou.

Minako walked in and everyone looked up. Makoto nodded at Yuuchirou 
who said," Ok guys. Thats enough practice for today. Makoto, think 
you'll have those lyrics ready for this song by next friday?"

Makoto nodded as she stood. "Hai. My half. Are your's finished?" 
Yuuchirou nodded. "Ok. I'll see you guys later," Makoto said as 
Yuuchirou's band mates left the room, smiling at Minako and the other 
girl's as they left.

"I take it I missed band practice," Minako said smiling.

"Hai. Thats what you get for being late," Makoto said smirking. "Tell 
me, Minako. What is it that you do at night that makes you sleep all 
day?" Minako's face reddend slightly as Makoto smirked more and walked 
to Rei's bedroom. Ace at her heels.

Minako turned back to the girls as they approached her. "So, Usagi," 
Minako started. "Why did you want us here for?"

"I was at home watching tv when I saw an ad for free ice skating 
lessons," Usagi said smiling broadly.

"I'll see you girls later," Yuuchirou said, leaving. He didn't want to 
stick around and listen to the girls gab. Or hear Usagi's wails after 
Rei was done teasing her, which he knew would be soon. The girls waved 
good bye to him.

"What does that have to do with us, Usagi-chan," Ami asked.

"Well, I want to go to them. But you need to be in a group of five to 

"Nani? Why," asked Rei.

"I don't know,"Usagi said. "But I thought the we could go.."

"But, thats only four," Minako said.

"...and ask Makoto to join us," Usagi said not even listening to 
Minako. "That way we would have five."

"Will she go," Minako asked, sounding a little more hopeful than she 
meant to.

"I'll ask her," Rei said. "I'm sure she will. She doesn't have 
anything to do later today. Come on," Rei said leaving the room to go 
to her bed room. Usagi, Minako, and Ami followed her. When they 
reached rei's bed room, Mkaoto was sitting at Rei's desk, reading a 
magazine, Ace and Artemis were playing on the floor. 

Usagi walked in and sat in the bed next to Luna, Minako following her 
and sitting on the other side of Luna. Rei also sat on the bed, next 
to Usagi. Ami stood in the doorway, no more emoty seats for her to 

Makoto looked up to see her standing there and stood from the desk, 
motioning for her to take the seat before going over to sit at the end 
of Rei's bed, sitting in the floor. Ami took the seat after Makoto sat 

"Hey, Mako-chan," Rei said. "The girls and I were thinking of hitting 
the ice rink for some free skating lessons. Wanna come with us?"

Makoto tossed the magazine onto Rei's bed. "Sure. I don't care. Give 
me some time to unwind."

Minako smiled.

I hear your voice
And I start to tremble
Brings back the child that, I resemble

I cannot pretend, that we can still be friends
Don't want to be,
Alone tonight

After arriving to the ice rink, the girls were soon dressed in their 
skating uniforms, and waiting for their instructors, Misha and 
Jenelle, to come out and greet them.

As they sat near the rink walls, Makoto was sulking over what she had 
to wear.

"It doesn't look THAT bad, Mako-chan," Minako said, looking at the 
green body suit with a skirt Makoto was wearing.

"I feel like such a girl in this," Makoto said, half growling. "I HATE 
wearing skirts!"

"Well..."Minako said, blushing slightly and dropping her voice so only 
Makoto could hear. "You look good in it."

Makoto's mood brightened, but didn't show it. She continued to sulk. 
Just then, a loud cheering made them look up and they saw Misha and 
Jenelle come out and greet them.

After a few hours, the girls were finally skating well enough where 
they didn't have to hold onto the wall or each other. All, except, 
Usagi, who would fall down everytime she'd stand up. Ami and Rei had 
their hands full with her, helping her stand and stay up right.

Minako was skating well, too. If not a little wobbly. She was trying 
to keep up with Makoto, who seemed interested in talking to Janelle. 
And Misha seemed interested in speaking to Makoto. Minako's heart sank 
when Maoto finally caught Janelle's attention, and the two began 
speaking. Misha was soon joining the conversation as well.

Minako sighed and turned around, heading back to where Usagi, Rei, and 
Ami were. She skated slowly, trying to remain up on her feet. Her mind 
quickly wandered to Makoto and what had happened all those years ago. 
Something inside of her wanted to despertley to get back what they had 
on that night.

Not watching what she was doing, Minako was rammed by another skater 
who knocked her down. The skater just looked at her before standing 
hersef, turning her nose up and skating back to her friends, who were 
laughing at Minako. Minako tried to stand, but kept slipping and 
falling back down, in the back of her mind, she could hear the girls 
laughing at her. 

As Minako started to stand back up, she began to slip again. As she 
fell, she felt two arms circle around her waist and hoist her back up. 
The arms held her until she was steady on her feet. Minako turned 
around and blushed a deep red.

"Uh...Thanks, Mako-chan."

Makoto smiled slightly and winked at her. "Any time." She then skated 
over to where Usagi, Rei, and Ami were, Minako following closely this 

What can I do, to make it right
Falling so hard so fast this time
What did I say, what did you do?
How did I fall in love with you?

Afetr joining the other girls, Makoto and Minako began helping Ami and 
Rei to hold Usagi up. Makoto smiled and took both of Usagi's hands in 
her own and pulled her gently away from the others. Makoto then began 
to skate backwards slowly, holding up Usagi as she did, coaching her 
as to what to do while on the ice. After a ten minutes or so, Usagi 
was skating on her own, Makoto next to her should she fall.

Soon after Usagi was able to skate on her own, Janelle's voice came 
over the loud speaker.

"Would everyone please leave the rink. Today's lesson is over. Thank 
you for coming." The girls all looked at each other, shrugged, and 
began to exit the rink with everyone else. But Makoto was stopped by 

"Please," he said, "Won't you stay longer? For an extra lesson?"

Makoto blinked several times, looked over at the others who only 
stared back at her, before answering, "Uh...sure. Alright." Looking 
back at the girls, Makoto said, "I'll catch up with you guys later." 
They nodded and waved their goodbyes.

As soon as everyone was gone, and it was just Makoto and Misha left on 
the ice, Misha said, "Thank you for staying."

"You're welcome," Makoto said. "I think." Why am I getting such a bad 
vibe from him?, Makoto thought to herself.

"Misha!" Both Makoto and Misha lloked up to see Janelle standing about 
ten feet away from them. "I knew you were looking for a new partner. 
But this...this amazon!"

"Janelle," Misha said, stepping a little closer to his partner," 
Please, calm down. I only kept her here cause she was a good skater. I 
thought maybe she was Sailormoon. I wasn't trying to replace you!"

Makoto looked at Misha in shock. "Nani!?"

"LIAR!" Janelle's body began to glow blue, her entire body changing to 
that of a Negaverse youma. When she was finished transforming, she 
screamed loudly and threw a wave blast towards Makoto and Misha, 
sending them both sailing into the wall that was behind them.


Rei, Minako, and Ami left the building, chatting away about what had 
just happened.

"I wonder why they cut the lessons short," Ami asked out loud.

"I don't know," Minako said sighing. She looked around and soon 
noticed one other person was missing besides Makoto. "Hey you guys. 
Where's Usagi?"

The trio looked back at the building and sighed. "Lighting Usagi 
strikes again." Just then the building's metal walls that prtected the 
windows after close up time slammed down, locking in all who were 
still inside.


Usagi crept down the halls, giggeling madly. "Makoto shouldn't be the 
only one who gets Misha all to herself. After all, why would she want 
him? She's gay..." Usagi heard screams coming from a room and ran down 
to it, and slowly peeked her head inside to see a room filled with 
moniters. One of them showed Makoto and Misha being attacked by a 

Usagi gasped. As she began to leave, she heard a small crackeling 
noise and turned her head to see another wall of moniters, one of them 
busted, and sparks flew from it like mad. Usagi's eyes widened and she 
soon ran from the room, the monitor soon blowing up, causing a giant 


"Please! Janelle..." Misha said, looking up at his attacker.

"Hai, Misha," Janelle said, her eyes glowing with evil. "My 
partner..." Janelle lowered her hand, Misha raised one of his own, 
their fingers interlocking. 

Misha began to glow red, his body also turning into that of a youma. 
Makoto looked up from where she was slouched against the wall. She 
soon saw two demons, not just one. She glared at them and wearily 
stood up. She couldn't believe just one hit could wear her down so 

The two youma glared her down before jumping up at her, their skates 
pointed at her head. Makoto dove out of the way before they struck 
her. However when her back was turned, she didn't see them do the 
exact same thing, striking her in the back.

Makoto slid forward and hit the rink wall, head first. The two youma 
were about to deliever the final blow when they all three heard a 
voice above them.

"How dare you attack an innocent girl just because she loves to skate! 
On behalf of the moon, I shall punish you!" 

That was the last thing Makoto heard before blacking out...

Oh I want to say this right
And it has to be tonight
Just need you to know, oh yeah

I don't want to live this life
I don't want to say goodbye
With you I wanna spend
The rest of my life


Makoto felt cold. Her entire body was freezing. She blinked several 
times before her vison finally came into focus. She saw someone was 
holding her. It was Minako. Avtually, it was Sailor Venus, but Makoto 
knew who it was.

She could hear yelling. The voice was male, one she didn't know.

"Kunzite! You come back here!"

"Sorry Prince. I don't help those who help our enemy," said Kunzite, 

"Kunzite," Tuxedo Kamen growled. I have to stop this, he thought to 
himself. He looked up and saw what was causing the feirce winds and 
cold. Taking out his cane and extending it, Tuxedo Kamen threw his 
cane up at the small dome on the ceiling, cracking it. The cold 

"Sailor Moon! Heal them,' Mars yelled, motioning towards Misha and 
Janelle, who were ready to attack again.

Sailor Moon stood from her spot on the ice, raised her cresent moon 
wand and yelled, " Moon healing escalation!" The two youma cried out 
in pain as they were transformed back to normal.

While everyone was busy with the Misha and Janelle, Venus shook Makoto 
slightly. 'Mako-chan," she whispered. "Are you alright?"

Makoto looked up at her and nodded slightly. "Hai, I am." Venus smiled 
and hugged Makoto close.


"Hey!" Makoto and Venus looked up to see Sailor Moon with a dumb 
struck look on her face. 

"Nani," Venus asked, going slightly red.

"Where did Tuxedo Kamen go??" The othes sweadropped and groaned.

What can I do, to make it right
Falling so hard so fast this time
What did I say, what did you do?
How did I fall in love with you? 

Onwards to Part 7

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