Minako looked in thru the glass window to Makoto's room. Her friend laid there, comatose, for three days. And it worried Minako; she showed no sign of waking up ever. The room Makoto laid in was dark, with no light, except for the heart moniter, that beeped a greenish blue in sync with Makoto's heart beat. Mianko's heart seemed to beat along with her friend's. And it ached when she could do nothing for her. A pair of strong arms incircled Minako's waist and Mianko looked behind her and smiled a little. Her boyfriend, Mashou, had come to see her at the hospital. He was a lean boy with dark green that seemed to stay untidy, even after Minako would brush it wit her fingers. His eyes were a brilliant green and he wore glasses. He huugged Minako from behind and laid his head on her chin and smiled a little. "How is she doing," he asked quietly. Mianko sighed. "No different from yesterday. But no worse, so thats a good thing, I guess." He nodded slightly. "Are you ok?" Mianko bowed her head slightly and nodded. "I think so." Minako turned her head back to face her friend. "I just wish I knew if she will be alright..." ~There are places I remember All my life though some have changed Some forever not for better Some have gone and some remain~ Makoto groaned and opened her eyes. Rubbing her head with one hand, and braceing herself up with the other, she looked around, wondering where she was. There was a bluish grey mist all around her, and everything seemed dark. Not black, just dark. She stood, wondering where she was. The last thing she remebered was being hit by a speeding car and hearing metal and glass crunch when it came into contact with her body. Then, nothing. I wonder if I'm dead, she thought to herself. "No, you are not dead," came a voice behind her. Makoto spun aroun and gasped at who she saw. A small child, of no more than six stood before her. What shocked Makoto so much, was the child was her at that age. Makoto stared at the girl in disbelief. "Who...who are you?" The girl smiled sweetly. "You know who I am. I'm you." The girl's face fell slightly. "Well...sorta.." "What do you mean sorta," Makoto asked. Chibi-Mako looked back up. "I'm you, or, your younger self from a thousand years ago." Makoto blinked and nodded. "Riiiight..." "You don't believe me?" Makoto laughed a little. "Iie, I don't. I'm either dreaming or I'm dead. Which is it?" "...A dream..." Makoto nodded. "Thats what I thought. How do I wake up from it?" Chibi-Mako bowed her head once again. "You can't...not yet, anyway." "And just why not?!" "I have to take you some place first." Chibi-Mako raised her head and looked into Makoto's eyes. "But you must believe what you see." Makoto looked skeptical. "And if I don't?" "Then you coming here was in vain, and you may never wake up." Makoto blinked, and looked at her younger self. Something pulled at her heart;she knew something was about to happen that would change her life. Chibi-Mako, sensing Makoto's will to agree to what she was about to do, she walked up to her and tugged on Makoto's arm, wanting her to kneel to her level. "What you about to see and do, remeber no one can see you...these are memories that have been locked away from you," Chibi-Mako said, her little hands resting on either side of Makoto's face. "Why were they hidden?" Chibi-Mako smiled. "It will be reveiled..." Before Makoto could question the child, a bright green light engulfed them both. Makoto had to close her eyes when the blinding light struck them. She could still feel the childs hand's on her face when the light hit them. Seconds after it engulfed them, Makoto felt the child's hands began to slip away. She tried to reach out to the child, but Makoto couldn't feel anyone in front of her. Frantic, Makoto snapped her eyes open. She was no longer standing in the mist... ~All these places have their moments With lovers and friends I still can recall Some are dead and some are living In my life I've loved them all~ Makoto stood from her knealing postion and took a look around her. The mist she and her former self had been standing in, had vanished. She was now in a stone and tiled hall way, the ceiling appeared to be 20 feet or so high. The walls had huge portraits of kings, queens and other royalty and nobelity. Makoto stood, wondering where she had been transported to. Hearing voices in a room down the hall, Makoto cautiously made her way over to the doors. They were cracked slightly, so Makoto peeked in, not wanting to be seen. Inside she saw a man, who was large in both build and height, a brown beard, with a hint of gray, and his eyes were a dark green. He wore fine clothes of deep forest green, a belt around his waist doned a sword, and a golden crown with emeralds sat atop his head. he must be a king, Makoto thought to herself. The man he was talking to was quiet different. He wore white and silver, a small dagger at his hip instead of a sword. He was small compared to the king; he on;y came up to the man's shoulders. He had white blonde hair, and silver eyes. It was obvious they were fighting, but Makoto could not understand the language they were speaking. As Makoto listened in, trying to figure out what was going on, a small child with chesnut brown hair pulled back into a pony tail, emarld eyes, and a few freckles came to stand beside her, trying to figure out was going on. When Makoto looked up, it was her forner self again. Sighing slightly, Makoto whispered to her, "Its about time you showed up. I was begining to think I was stuck here..." But the girl didn't respond. He gaze was still locked inside the room. Makoto looked at her, then tapped her on the shoulder and gasped when her hand went straight thru the small girl. Makoto then heard a man yell from in the room and the child jumped back in surprise. It was the king who had yelled. His tome suggested he was very angry...but also upset and sad. Makoto could see the slightest hint of tears in the old man's eyes. The smaller man spoke in a clam voice, as the king slid into a chair, bowing his head. After a few moments, the king nodded. The man in white bowed in respect then came walking slowly towards the doors. Makoto jumped back, and hid behind the door as it opened, forgeting all about the girl. When the door had closed, Makoto could see the small girl had hidden behind a pedstal, that was holding a rather expensive vase. The small girl then opened the door back up and walked ino the room, Makoto following suit. She now realized, even after being told, that no one could see her. The child walked up to the man and layed her head in his lap. Looking up, Makoto seen she had been right about the tears, for now they were streaming down his face. Picking the small child up, the king cradeled her in his massive arms. "That was our father during the Silver Millenium," came a small voice behind her. Makoto spun around to see the castle had vanished, to be replaced by the mist once again. Her former self, Chibi-Mako once again stood before her. "What had happed to him? Why was he crying," Makoto asked. Chibi-Mako bowed her head and sighed. "Its a long story...You see, our mother died when we were very young. Younger than what I am now. She died a Senshi." "A what?" "A sailor Senshi...She was Sailor Jupiter. She died in the line of duty, protecting the queen of the moon, Serenity, shortly after we were born." "What does that have to do with the king crying?" "The man that was with Father, he was a messanger for the moon kingdom. I was called up to take my mother's place. All the princess' from all the planets have been. The time had come for our Senshi training." "Why were we so young when called," Makoto asked. "For preperation mostly. We didnt leave for the moon until we were between the ages of nine and ten. Thats everyone." Makoto nodded. "What else am I going to see here? I know there is more." "Hai..there is," Chibi-Mako started, "But i won't be the one to show you." Makoto looked at her. "If not you, then who?" "Me," Came a voice behind them. Makoto spun around and there stood another incarnation of her at age 14 or so...she stood in a senshi fuku; skirt and cape green, her bow was pink. "Who are you," Makoto asked, already knowing the answer. "I'm you. Age 15," she replied. "I am known as Sailor Jupiter." Makoto nodded and turned back around, to find Chibi-Mako was gone. Spinning back around, she asked, "Where did she go??" "Back into your memory. We both can't exsist at the same time in your mind," Jupiter explained. "Oh..." "Are you ready?" Makoto looked up and then nodded. "Close your eyes," Jupiter whispered. Makoto closed her eyes once again, feeling that same light surround her once more. She felt light head, when she opened her eyes again. She looked around her, the mist gone, to be replaced by a garden of white roses. Makoto looked around and all she could see were roses. She looked up and noticed the sky was black, tinkeling with stars. But something told her it was day and not night. Looking behind her, but still up at the sky, Makoto saw the earth and imediatly figured out she was on the moon now. Hearing screams behind her, she turned and walked toward them, a large marble palace coming into veiw. She could see people running from it and this caused Makoto to run toward the palace, forgetting she could not help if there was danger. Luckily, there wasn't. Just a group of girls playing a game. Makoto smiled and breathed a sigh of releif and was about to turn when she realized who they were. Looking at them once more, she saw one girl, with long raven colored hair to be Rei; the one with short blue hair as Ami; smiling, she saw herself, and then Usagi, who had a cresent moon on her forhead. She then caught sight of another blonde, who didn't seem to have changed from her memory of her. Minako. ~But of all these friends and lovers There is no one compares with you And these memories lose their meaning When I think of love as something new~ She had never chnged, although the others seemed to have. Rei didn't seem as nasty towards Usagi anymore. Ami and herself seemed to have been very close for they were playing a game of chess that had set up after running out side. Usagi seemed wise for her age, and more graceful than she had ever seen her before. And Minako... Minako seemed to still be a bit of an airhead, but still smart for her age. She sat with Usagi and Rei, making most of the jokes and talking. The other two didn';t seem to mind. Makoto smiled at them all, even tho she had no idea what they were saying still. The language they spoke, although seemed familiar to her, also seemed alien at the same time. What seemed like hours to Makoto was only a mere few minutes to the dream world. No sooner had Makoto sat down to watch her memories replay them selves had an alarm went off somewhere with in the Palace. The girls looked up at the alarm, to one another then nodded. And, for the first time since being in the dream, she could understand her memories language. "MERCURY POWER MAKE UP!" "MARS POWER MAKE UP!" "JUPITER POWER MAKE UP!" "VENUS POWER MAKE UP!" After bright flashes of differnt colors of light, Makoto opened her eyes to see thay had al lchanged into senshi except Usagi. The senshi escorted her inside, and as Makoto was about to follow, something seemed to have struck her in the back of the head, making everything go black. ~Though I know I'll never lose affection For people and things that went before I know I'll often stop and think about them In my life I love you more~ Makoto woke up, and when she did, she noticed the palace was now in ruin. Looking around franticly. she knowticed everything was destroyed. And the moon seemed darker than it had before. She walked around the rubble, trying to figure out what happened, but there were no clues. Everyone seemed to have disappeared, there was nothing there but what was left of the palace. "Sad, isn't it?" Makoto spun around and saw a woman standing before her who looked to be what Usagi would like like when she was older. Gazing up at her, Makoto noticed she had the same cresent moon shape on her forhead she had seen Usagi wearing. "Who are you," Makoto asked, feeling she should know this person, but didn't know why. "And what happeend here?" "My name is Queen Serenity," the woman said. "And this," she siad, gestureing withher hand," is what is left of the Moon Kingdom and the Silver Millenium." Makoto blinked and looked at her. "What happened?" "It was destoyed, by an evil Queen," Serenity said, a hint of sadness in her voice. "She desroyed what I refused to give her." "Where is everybody," Makoto asked. "They were killed in the blast." Makoto blinked. "...Everyone?" The Queen nodded. "Well..you're here...so not everyone...died...." Makoto stopped in midsentence. "You're part of my memory, aren't you?" "Hai, I am," The Queen said. "Is there a reason you're showing me this?" Makoto asked. "Hia, there is." Serenity stepped up to Makoto, the palm of her hand mere inches from Makoto's forhead. Serenity's hand began to glow slightly. Makoto could feel a burning sensation in the middle of her forhead, before there was a blinding green and white light... Makoto groaned slightly, somewhere in the back of her mind she could hear a beeping noise. Her mind was flooded with images she had seen in her dreams. She felt something next to her, and tightened her grip on it. It was her new henishen stick. Tightening her grip on it, she felt it disappear. Before panicing, however, she heard the Queen's voice in her mind. *You're Sailor Jupiter, Makoto. You henishen stick will be ready for when you need it." Makoto mentally nodded and opened her eyes. She felt pain course thru her body as she felt her sore muscles move. Turning her head slightly, she saw a blonde standing by the window. She was wearing a look of shock. Makoto wondered why..then remebered the car. She tried to sit up, but since her body seemed to have frozen in place, Makoto smiled weakly at Minako(she recognized her by her red bow) and waved slightly... ~Though I know I'll never lose affection For people and things that went before I know I'll often stop and think about them In my life I love you more In my life I love you more~
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