The Battle of Rosenheim ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ The Palace of Freiheit, Munich, Neo-Germany "You are back, Commander Highland." Though the portcullis of Freiheit Palace rose in front of him via the doorman, Aarin paid no attention to him. The old swordfighter was far too focused on his meeting with the council at the Great Hall of Ogma. To think those diplomatic buzzards had kept the breach of the Neo-German border a secret for over three months. Day by day, Aarin was growing less attracted to the secretive nature of the council. But without them, it was impossible to keep the Order of Light on its feet. Aarin released a breath, then strode through the archway leading into the main courtyard. As he walked towards the front gates that led inside the Palace itself, a young man ran up to him, a helper, obviously. "Welcome back, Commander." The boy said. Aarin kept walking forward, but spoke. "...I need you to do something. Announce to all of the soldiers stationed here that there will be a meeting in the main hall. It will be held in one hour. Be as quick as you possibly can!" The boy nodded, then scampered off. Aarin couldn't believe that he would have to organize the Special Mission Corps for action tomorrow morning. It was around midnight at the moment, and now he was disturbing these young soldiers in their rare moments of peace. But the meeting did take place. A special alert had been announced and all soldiers either sleeping or training were summoned to the main hall with the utmost speed. The hall itself was almost completely full by the time Aarin had written down what he wanted to say. The aging Neo-English got his bearings together and left for the main hall as soon as the hour was up. As he got there, everyone was ready. There were hundreds of members of the Special Mission Corps, but they had all made to effort to get to the hall when asked. Even though the didn't look in the best of shape (some were still half-asleep) it mattered very little to Aarin at that point. All he was concerned with was the newest mission handed to them by the council. Aarin walked up to the stage and sighed, standing before that podium once again. He was had only been spending a few months with the Special Mission Corps, but so far he had been asked for a lot here. "Soldiers," The old master began, "I am sure you are all wondering why I have called you here. Well I will make this short and direct. Three months ago, the day before the mission conducted at Tuatha De Danann, the Neo-German border had been broken," There was a collective set of gasps, followed by light whispers. Aarin ignored all of it. "The small amount of soldiers that broke through our lines have isolated themselves at a town to the south called Rosenheim. The council has ordered us eliminate the enemy their and reclaim the town from their grip. The plan of attack has already been created, you will be briefed about it by your respective squad leaders. The three wielders of the divine swords... will follow up the assault. " Aarin took a look at the crowds for them. He could only see Rainhande. "Irrespective of rank, every able soldier will be involved in this mission. Only a small group of soldiers will be left to defend Freiheit Palace in the event that we are defeated. The Special Mission Corps will depart at 0600 hours tomorrow. The attack will begin at 0900 hours. Do all you can to prepare yourselves for confrontation." And with that short piece, Aarin stepped off the podium and walked down the stage. Though his declaration had been short, his words had struck home. This situation was serious. The soldiers knew that. They all mumbled between themselves about it, knowing that the expression on Commander Highland's visage was less than cheerful. It was a face that held back supreme anger. Anger at the council for keeping such a development a secret. The soldiers were more concerned with the breaking of the front line. Though it was obvious that enemies have been active in Neo-Germany (the mission at Tuatha De Danann being a prime example) but no one had ever thought that this was because of their struggling armies. It was widely believed that the Neo-German border was secure. Saizaki was sitting at the back of the hall, standing next to some of the older soldiers, the ones in the thirties. Though he was one of the last to get here, he was the taking this situation with the most seriousness. It looked like he and the Fire Cutter would be getting their first taste of a real battlefield. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Shrine of Quetzacoatl, Cath Maige Tuired "What kind of magic can do this sort of damage in a single blow?" It was clearly something that Prasutagus could not imagine. And he had seen quite a few spells in his time, despite the fact that he was not a soldier for the Order of Light. But there were those whose concern was for more than that. The startled Rhiannon took a moment to swallow all of this. She kneeled downwards, and inspected the five corpses left of the guards that were stationed to guard the Shrine of the Quetzacoatl. All of her own troops. Rhiannon sighed. This was completely unexpected. Things were going so well, too. For the past three months the group had been getting on so well at Prasutagus Manor. No problems whatsoever in the long run. Which allowed Rhiannon to concentrate most of her time on Bonnie. They had been dating almost every night, always coming back tired but deeply aware of how much they enjoyed life when they were with each other. Now this had to happen. And such an unexpected event would force Rhiannon to switch from girlfriend-mode into soldier-mode again. Just her luck. One of her dead soldiers lay amidst the rubble of the shrine doors. His eyes were still open. The redheaded descendant of the Highland Family moved her hand over his bloody face and shut them. He was killed before he even knew what had hit him. And the others were probably the same way. Rhiannon then stood back up and looked over at Prasutagus. "Whoever did this is powerful," Rhiannon began, "The magic is as strong as it is fast. I don't think that any of my other soldiers would stand a chance against something the likes of which can do this." "What about you then?" Prasutagus questioned. "...My Grandmother taught me how to fight against magic," She replied, "But I've never come up against something like this before. Considering that there isn't much burning or residual energy... it was probably a Non-Elemental Magic Attack." Prasutagus held a hand to his chin. "This might not be very good. Magic might mean that the Covenant are involved. I shudder to think what good we can do if that is the case." "The Covenant?" Rhiannon looked over at the ruined path to the shrine, "Call me crazy but this just doesn't strike me as the handiwork of the Covenant. They tend to be methodical and precise when it comes to this sort of thing. It might sound odd... but this whole issue just has recklessness painted all over it. Childish recklessness." And that gave Prasutagus something new to think off. "You can't possibly be suggesting that this act was committed by a magic-user outside the influence of the Covenant of Sorcerers, can you?" "I'm... not sure... is there anyone alive who saw what happened here?" "Yeah... me..." Both Prasutagus and Rhiannon turned to the busted doors of the shrine. And saw the man standing there. The chosen Guardian of the Quetzacoatl, Leignitz. His scythe was strapped to his back this time, not drawn, while his disposition was far less frustrated. Rhiannon looked up and down the guy. "Who are you?" She asked. Leignitz looked over at her and snorted. "I'm not giving my name to some inconsequential woman soldier from England. The Highland Family have no business here." A deep look of anger passed through Rhiannon's eyes. "What did you just say?! Now you listen here, I'm Lieutenant Highland of the Northern European Civilian Division! While the Shrine of the Seal works with us the Shrine of Quetzacoatl is under our jurisdiction! Now unless you want to reap the full and un-hospitable benefits of defying my superiors, you better start answering my questions in full!" Leignitz sneered at her, ignoring everything and anything Rhiannon had to say. "Why is it that women love to talk so much?" "Why you little-" But before anything got started between the two of them, Prasutagus stepped in between Leignitz and Rhiannon, turning attention to the Highland girl. "Now there is no need for an argument. Especially at this point in time. Lieutenant, this man is called Leignitz. He is the current Guardian of the Quetzacoatl. He claims to have seen the magic-user who did this." Leignitz pulled the bangs from his eyes lazily. "That's right. I saw her. But she wasn't alone. She had help. From something she called 'Gram'. They destroyed the doors to the shrine and charged in. I attempted to fend off the one she called Gram but she got in the way before I could stop him." "Who's she?" Rhiannon asked curiously. "The child magic-user who is after the Quetzacoatl," He answered back, "Gram called her by the name 'Ursula'. She looked about twelve or thirteen years of age. But her magic is strong, very strong in fact. Her current mess is proof enough of that." Rhiannon pondered this. "A kid? A kid with magic this strong? It's weird... but from what I've seen of her results... this kid has magic equal to the strength of a high-ranked magic-user in the Covenant's army. So lets just hope that this is the worst she can do. But from now on we can't take anymore chances. The sealing ceremony takes place the day after tomorrow. So I'll place the rest of my men around the shrine to secure it for the night. Then I'll personally accompany Bonnie when she performs the sealing rites." Again, Leignitz just sneered at Rhiannon. "...Humph. The Order of Light are outclassed here. They always have been. Stationing your fellow soldiers around the shrine would just slow me down when they make their next attack. If you had any common sense... you'd keep out of this and spare the lives of your troops." And following that cold little reply, Leignitz walked back through the ruined doors into the shrine again. Rhiannon scowled at the nasty-styled man and gripped her hand into a fist. That guy just annoyed the hell out of her. "Who the hell does he think he is?" Rhiannon spoke to herself. "He is one of the Guardians," Said Prasutagus, "Elite fighters raised and trained by the Shrine of the Seal for the purpose of protecting the weapons and artefacts sealed away by the group. I assure you that they are not all like Leignitz. But he is one of the strongest Guardians in Cath Maige Tuired. Maybe in the entire Shrine of the Seal. He was orphaned as a youngster, both of his parents killed during the war. Leignitz was then brought into the shrine because of his unusual affinity with the power of Chi. Eventually they made a warrior out of him. But they didn't cultivate much of a personality, however." Rhiannon just shook her head. "Orphan or not, Chi-user or not, he isn't invincible. I'll still have the rest of my squad camped here for the next two nights. And I'll stay with Bonnie until the sealing rites begin." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Inner Grasslands of Rosenheim, Neo-Germany Saizaki, Lilia and Rainhande all watched the town of Rosenheim and waited for the battle that was about to take place. It was a bright sunny morning, perfect for fighting. The ground was grassy not rocky, this being one of the few places in Southern Neo-Germany that was not covered in stone and mountains. All three were armed with their sacred swords, Fire Cutter, Wind Soul, and Lightning Tooth. And all were dressed in their traditional battle garbs. Full body robes of pure white and brown, tunic flowing down from the shoulders, and a hidden steel breastplate over the chest. It was the standard battle attire (minus the chest plate) of the Order of Light. So it was perfectly understandable that the soldiers involved took this mission very seriously. The Special Mission Corps very rarely got involved in the wars of attrition that the regular army did, so a situation that demanded this union was no less than urgent. The weight of this urgency was felt on Saizaki's shoulders. The young man peered over the edge of the hill and looked down as the bulk of the Special Mission Troops marched towards the town of Rosenheim. An organized force of 330 soldiers, varying from trainees to elite rank. They were grouped in rows of twenty, armed with some of the finest swords that the Order of Light could create. "Those guys look ready," Saizaki said slowly. "They had better be. We can't afford to screw this mission up. Otherwise, the Special Mission Corps are history." "Yes," Rainhande nodded. For the first time he agreed with Saizaki about something. "But we have the edge. The Covenant's troops are boxed in as they are. The only way out would be to retreat back towards the Bavarian Alps. And our armies are stationed well there." Lilia wasn't so sure. "But that's assuming they retreat, Captain. They might not do that. And we have no idea how many soldiers are inside the town." "Can't be much," Saizaki offered. "After all, why would the council send us into battle with the Covenant if they didn't think we could handle their numbers? Nah, this one shouldn't be too difficult for us." Rainhande staked the Lightning Tooth into the earth. "Not necessarily. If magic-users are amongst those that penetrated the front line, this battle might just be a tad longer than the council are willing to admit." "Magic-users?" Lilia walked up to the edge of the hill, "I wonder if the people that attacked us during the mission to Tuatha De Danann are in Rosenheim right now...?" Rainhande looked over at the young Lieutenant. "Do you mean that jezebel-incarnate, Esperanza? It is quite possible. Especially if the force that occupies Rosenheim is aware that the Special Mission Corps is in possession of our three swords." Saizaki shook his head. "I don't think Esperanza will be down there. She said that she was going to give the Shadow Edge to Al Gul Jehed. And since she's not a magic-user, she'll probably have sailed to Neo-England by now." "It only takes a couple of days to reach Neo-England by sea." Lilia answered, looking over at Saizaki, "She could have come back at anytime. Besides, she said that she was going to be coming back for you." Saizaki rolled his eyes. "...Well, gee, aren't I lucky?" The three then stopped talking. Instantly, the quiet countryside was rocked with the sound of an explosion. Rainhande, Lilia and Saizaki ran up to the edge of the hill, and looked down on their army. There was a small smoking crater just before the army. It had stopped marching, and was now waiting for combat. Which they were about to receive, as soldiers of the Covenant began pouring down from the ramshackle huts and houses that were of the town of Rosenheim. The explosion had obviously been caused by a magical attack. "I think this thing has started." Lilia's lips claimed quietly. They could all see that much. Screams and war-cries were now starting below them. The sound of swords clashing with steel then proceeding to rend flesh... the horrors of war. The young man Saizaki knelt down on one knee, keeping Fire Cutter in a tight grip. He then grinned. "Well, it looks like it's time to slit some throats..." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ "Raaah!" Aarin Highland growled ferociously, the material of his tunic flashing around his legs as his body spun in motion. The slashing tip of his sword cut through the air and went straight through the gullet of an enemy soldier. The man guzzled his own blood like water, then collapsed to the ground. Aarin just ignored the corpse and went for some else in the crowds surrounding him and his troops. The aging warrior charged to a younger, taller more able looking man. The grunt thrust his large sword in Aarin's direction. The Neo-Englishman dodged to one side, the blade hitting nothing but grass. Aarin took his opportunity, rushing forward and striking. The blade of his Double-Cleaver sword went straight though the stomach of the man and reappeared at his back, in an awkward angle and with a fresh coating of blood. Aarin ripped his sword out of the man's stomach, then moved on to the next victim. The surrounding soldiers for the Order of Light watched their Commander go to work with the rival army. Aarin's killing power was legendary. So legendary that many people had come to fear him. Even his allies. Aarin growled angrily and set himself on another of the enemy warriors. His sword flew as fast as the wind itself, and cut open stomachs, necks, skulls and ribcages. As time grew, stains of blood began to harden on his Double-Cleaver. And it had escaped no one's notice that a single blow had yet to be landed upon him. That was until one man came from behind. A large hulk of a man attacked Aarin while his back was turned, slashing at the old warrior's back. Aarin winced in agony as he felt steel cut through the fabric of his tunic and the flesh of his back. What was once a white and brown garment now gained a shade of red. Aarin swung his body around and attacked. The Double Cleaver went straight for the waist of the bigger man. He gasped, then fell backwards upon death. Aarin sneered at him, then held a hand to his back. It wasn't a deep cut but it would need to be treated eventually. For now, the commander of the Order of Light ignored his slight pain and set himself against more of the enemy. The soldiers of the Order all began to mix in battle with the soldiers of the Covenant. Blood splattered against the dry grass, and corpses began dropping to the ground every few seconds. Cries of pain, emotion and momentum all echoed in the once sleepy countryside of Neo-Germany. Along with the monotonous sounds of steel clashing with steel. Aarin's sword deflected an incoming slash, then blocked the following one. As his sword locked with that of an enemy soldier, the old man backed up with a fellow soldier, on his own side. "This... is odd!" Aarin said with difficulty, trying to speak and to defend himself at the same time. The man at Aarin's back cut down the man that was attacking him, then replied to his leader. "What's odd, sir?" Aarin shoved his own attacker forwards, out of their sword lock, then chopped him down in one brutal and violent downward slash. "There are no magic-users! The soldiers fighting us are just normal troops! How could they have broken our front line?!" The younger man had no answer for his commander, just shrugged and went to attack someone from the opposing side. Aarin's stern blue eyes looked over to his left, and noticed that three men were running to attack in his directions. His eyes looked over to his right to see a forth man steaming in for a kill. Aarin waited for them to get closer, then launched himself into the air. The four men watched with awe as Aarin rotated his body in mid-air and descended towards them, his sword at the ready, yelling fervently, "4-Edge Cut!" There was a flash of momentum, but seconds later, the damage was shown. Four bodies collapsed to the ground in death. Each one of their craniums had been sliced open. But not a single one of them had even known what had hit them. A fifth enemy soldier was about to try his luck with Aarin, but froze in fear when he saw that display. There was a chill running down his spine. "That man... killed four men in one attack... is he the grandmaster swordsman we were warned about?!" Aarin stood up from the crouching position he hand landed in. "Hurry and attack me." That cowardly soldier froze in place. He was terrified. Aarin growled in frustration, then ran forward towards the boy. But rather than use his sword, Aarin knocked the wind out of him with a swift punch. The wizened sage was not going to waste time killing soldiers who were afraid to die. The boy passed out, and Aarin charged over to his left, in the aid of his fellow soldiers. "For a return to peace. For our beautiful, wounded earth..." Aarin drew up his sword as another man came at him in his stride. "You must die!" And so the battle raged on. The battle for possession of Rosenheim. The two forces set themselves against each other with brutal ferocity. It was almost like a front line battle. Men and woman all tore into each other, clashing their weapons together and attacking vacant weak points. Bodies were littering the ground, along with broken weapons, blood, and scraps of dismembered limbs. It was the kind of brutality that plagued wars in this century. No finesse, no flair, just ruthless killing. And though these soldiers had no lust for killing, you had to become a demon of destruction to survive conflict. As the battle reached the half-hour mark, Aarin killed one last attacker, then drew in breath. His body was not what it used to be. Aarin's crystalline eyes scanned the battlefield. He was seeing more of the enemy than he was of his own people. Though he shuddered to think what that might mean. "Damn..." Aarin scowled, "Where in God's name are..." "Thunder Shot!" The question was answered for him. The old soldier grinned devilishly as a wave of shocking compressed electricity surged through the air. It rammed into and stunned a nearby soldier for the rival forces. He screamed as his body was wracked with streams of lightning magic, and collapsed to the ground, choking up his own blood and bile. Aarin looked over to his left, from whence the blast came. He was greeted with the stone frown of Rainhande. Soon his was not the only magic on the attack. Just a short distance behind Rainhande was the swordswoman, Lilia, battling for all her worth. Though she was surrounded by scores of larger, muscular men, she had no trouble in handling herself. The girl ran into one the larger enemy men, ramming her shoulder into his chest. The man gasped and stumbled backwards. Lilia swerved expertly from him to another behind her and then readied her sword. A stalwart gust blew into the battlefield just as Lilia prepared the Wind Soul for attack. The girl crossed her arms over her chest, then spread them out again, automatically performing a slashing manoeuvre. "Whirlwind Slash!" A circular burst of wind magic was released from the swipe. Two enemy soldiers yelled in confusion as the mini-slipstream was hurled in their direction. The men were both lifted off their feet and hurled skywards, crashing down again by the power of gravity. She winced when she saw the look of pain in their eyes. It was obvious that Lilia was not suited to this background, this killing. But it was where she wanted to be. To be defending the world from what she saw as a threat. Aarin smiled generously at Rainhande and Lilia. In a short three months they had begun to master the powers of the sacred swords. But he didn't see... "Where is Lieutenant Saizaki?" The commander asked. Rainhande cut down one soldier from the opposing army before answering that question. The German boy threw his thumb over his shoulder and pointed to the right. Aarin followed that idea and looked towards that area. He could not see Saizaki, the crowds of battling men were too thick, but he could make out flashes of flame. Flame which struck down enemy soldiers in their pairs. That had to be Saizaki. And it was. Though the Neo-Japanese soldier was cut off from the other sacred sword users, Saizaki was very comfortable with his current position. The fierce swordsman yelled many battle cries as he slashed and hacked through the surrounding soldiers. Once the Fire Cutter had been embedded inside one man, Saizaki was already planning his assault on the next. He ripped his sword free of the enemy soldier's carcass, than strode over to another one. Saizaki brought up his sword to deflect that man's impending blow, then slashed straight through his neck, in a gruesomely deep cut. At that point he turned around to see two other men running for him. The Japanese soldier gripped the hilt of the Fire Cutter, and watched them advance. Fire sparked off around the sword, as it pointed downwards. Saizaki lifted it above his head with both arms, as the blade was embraced with searing hot fire. "Wanna play with fire, boys?!" Saizaki grinned with heartfelt passion, "Burn Flow!" He slashed downwards, hurling a wave-like cluster of spinning flame at the two soldiers. They stopped running, but were too late. They screamed respectively as burning fire scorched their flesh. Even if they survived the attack they would be hideously scarred for life. Saizaki showed no remorse what so ever and went in for the attack against another adversary. Things were beginning to look bleak for the soldiers occupying Rosenheim. In the short ten minutes of the divine sword's unleashing on the battlefield, over 75 men in their ranks had fallen. And with the grandmaster Aarin Highland assisting them, it seemed as if Rosenheim would fall back into the hands of the Order. And being that they were behind enemy lines, there was no where for them to run to. Saizaki noticed the diminishing forces of the enemy. It had only been an hour and it looked like victory was secure. Until... Saizaki didn't know what made him jump away from that exact spot, you may as well call it instinct. But it was in good timing. The air around that part of the battlefield grew thicker in some way. There was a twinge in the air, everything felt slow, like being inside the eye of a hurricane. Then in an instant all that stillness became action. Saizaki heard a female voice yell the word 'Pulsation' and then sheer destruction began. A swirling sound filled the air, followed by a tremendous beam of pure white energy. Saizaki gasped as the beam completely cut him off from the larger side of the battleground. It was a tearing and aggressive energy, that dissolved the twenty or so bodies that were in its path. The beam travelled onwards until it smashed into the hill overhanging the town on the horizon. Moments later, the energy slowly dissipated, leaving behind the phenomenal damage. A huge trench (3x85 metres long) had been burned into grassy ground. The only thing left of the soldiers that were in its path was ash. But not only were those soldiers of the Order, but also of the Covenant. That attack had killed members of both parties. "Fucking hell! What in the world was that?!" The Neo-Japanese man said fearfully. One of the soldiers of the Order, his leg burnt off from the knee joint, struggled to clutch his sword. "That was... a magic attack..." Saizaki was less concerned with what spell had been cast, and more concerned about who had been the one to cast it. "What kind of lunatic kills their own people?" A woman appeared at the other side of the trench that was dividing the battlefield into two sections. Nearly everyone on this side had been killed. Aside from Saizaki. And the fighting on the other side was so thick that Saizaki could not see Lilia, Rainhande or Aarin. He was alone in a sea of corpses as the woman began walking toward his path. She looked just a few years older than he was, with silvery-blonde hair and a pale skin tone. Who was she? The woman rested a solitary hand at her waist. "Saizaki Seisuji, I presume?" "Who the hell are you?" Saizaki questioned. The girl pulled a cold smile. "Me? My name is Diana Angelinous. Second in command of the Covenant of Sorcerers. I am surprised you haven't heard of me. After all, it was that wretched father of yours who killed my love, Zephaniah." Zephaniah? Saizaki had heard that name from somewhere before, but where? Well it didn't matter. This woman was of the enemy. Saizaki drew up his sword and got into a fighting stance. He was cautious this time around however. This woman was obviously very skilled when it came to magic. This was the kind of strength that Order was struggling to defeat. Saizaki asked another question. "...You knew my Dad?" "I used to. But I hear that he is dead now." Anger flashed in Saizaki's dark eyes. Suspicions appeared in his mind. "What do you know? Were... you involved in the death of my Dad?! Do you know something!?" "No..." Diana said simply. "But I wish I had been there. To exact my vengeance on your miserable father... I would have crossed the gates of Hades themselves. I will eternally be an enemy to all members of the Seisuji family. Including you." Saizaki's feet suddenly did the thinking for him, as he rushed over to this woman. Though he was worried about her magical capabilities, Saizaki would not stand for anyone insulting the man who had raised him. The Japanese swordsman ran towards her, then jumped into the air, the Fire Cutter in hand. Diana's eyes watched his movements but she did not move. As Saizaki descended towards the magic-user, he drew his right leg close to his body while the other one extended outwardly. The boot of Saizaki's extended leg soon was swathed in the burning flames produced by the Fire Cutter. "Dragon's Fang!" Diana glared at him, then waved her hand slowly. Saizaki's foot collided with something. Something invisible. A magical shield. Saizaki skidded off the shielding force, and fell to the ground, with Diana standing above him in dominance. She shook her head. "...Pathetic." Saizaki scuttled away from Diana, and got back onto his feet. The young man charged at her, his sword upraised for a direct strike. Diana did the exact same thing as before, deflecting the blow with magical defensive energies. Saizaki gasped as he was blown back from the girl, all a result of the powerful magics that she invoked. Saizaki tumbled to the ground, dropping the Fire Cutter. He reached for it, before he was left defenceless. Too late. Diana flashed her hand, and an invisible force blew the Fire Cutter out of Saizaki's reach. "Damn!" The boy yelled. Diana gave him a cold glance, lowering her hand. "Your father destroyed the only thing I ever loved about this world. The man that was supposed to be my husband. Setsuya Seisuji took the most previous thing from me. And although he isn't here to suffer from it, I will do the same to him. By killing you." Diana's fingertip started to glow as she pointed it at Saizaki. There was nothing he could do to stop this at all. Not with the Fire Cutter being stripped from his hand. The young warrior looked on helplessly as this magician was about to rob him of his life... "Prepare to descend into the netherworld, little boy."
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