Champions (part 10 of 56)

a Original Fiction fanfiction by Al Kristopher

Back to Part 9
I see the world through the eyes of a child

I am immobile, and they fear my wrath

Damned from birth I, yet damned to live on

Helpless and hopeless I sit on my throne

Cursed to watch all and never to speak

Anger, tormented, unfair, help

Yet cruelty plays an unusual hand

When it bestowed upon me this horrible skill

For with a single gaze I, greater than a gorgon

Can turn your body to dust, and have the last laugh



Time does not seem to pass when you're sitting around in a strange 
building, waiting for something to happen and wondering why you're there 
in the first place. It feels like eternity, like time itself doesn't 
even matter, and no matter what you do, the world will still be there 
when you get out—unchanged and solid, though rotting from the inside. It 
wasn't as if I didn't have anything to do, because boredom can be cured 
if you have an imagination. It was the sheer act of waiting, of not 
knowing where you were going next or even why you weren't doing anything 
at all. I had explored as much of the place as I could since I arrived, 
and had gotten to know at least one person well. Our group numbers 
three—four if you count "him"—but we seem to be less since one member of 
our "team" wants nothing to do with us.

I wasn't given any details about Kagemusha, not even why she was here, 
and she wouldn't tell me no matter how much I asked. Rancor, who turned 
out to be a good friend in spite of her name, said simply that her 
reason was to "cure her anger and to find somebody who can penetrate her 
shell with love". It seemed like a pretty noble idea; I just wanted 
freedom and relief from my prison, and I got it.

"So what do we do now?" I asked her.

"Dunno. It's up to Mr. White. He told us that one of our purposes was 
adding more members to our group, but how're we supposed to do that? The 
world's a pretty big place—I mean, where do you start looking? Kagemusha 
and I, now, we were referred here by Dr. Kamaguchi, and you..."

"I was just found," I stated. "Or selected, you could say. Do you know 
how he knew about me?"

"Mm-nn," she shook her head. "Mr. White is a big mystery. I've known him 
the longest, I guess, but that's not saying a lot. Sorry."

"You don't have to apologize." I crossed my arms and let the silence 
fall over me. Well, though it was pointless, dreary, and lifeless around 
there, at least it was better than that lab I was taken out of. I had 
learned of its destruction not long ago, and read that a girl who could 
control fire had helped destroy it. I knew it was Kailin, and felt 
relieved that she was all right. I wanted to go out looking for her, but 
as Rancor said, where could we start? And would Mr. White even consider 
Kailin "lost"? What was the criteria, anyway, or was there any?

"I've got a headache," I murmured. Rancor smiled sadly and gave me a 

"Yeah, you look real stressed. You want something to drink?"

"Yeah, tea or milk is fine. Kagemusha, we're going for drinks. You want 
any?" As usual, the shadow master-girl answered with silence before 
answering with words.

"...No thanks." I shrugged and walked to the kitchen, Rancor following 
me. I knew the place well; it was the closest thing to a real home I had 
ever known. Rancor and I had become fast friends, but I suppose when 
there are only three people constantly in one space, and one prefers 
strict solitude, it's inevitable that the remaining two draw to each 
other. We got along well in spite of Rancor's warnings, and there was 
little conflict between us. We drank our drinks and decided the kitchen 
was just as good a place to stay in, so we remained.

"The Lost..." I mused to myself. "What do you suppose it means? Lost 
from what? Who determines whether we are lost? Does he, Mr. White, mean 
lost possessions or parts of one's self, or lost in the path of life, or 
maybe just a poor wandering soul that is lost from all the others?"

"I don't know," said Rancor honestly. She washed both glasses and 
resumed leaning against the counter. "Hopefully," she added, "we'll get 
some answers, and not before it's too late."

"Too late for what?"

"Just...too late. Or is that too morbid?" I shook my head.

A girl who has psychic abilities is rarely surprised, but this time...

"Marissa, Merry, come to the central room. I would like to speak with 
you." We both looked up, wondering where the familiar voice had come 

"Was that...Mr. White?"

"I guess so. Looks like you're not the only telepath in the family." 
Rancor gave me a playful nudge and led me back to the room we had come 
from earlier. Kagemusha was still there, of course, and she still hung 
back even as Mr. White appeared from, it seemed, the air itself.

"Good morning," he said. How can anyone tell the time in this place? "I 
have an announcement to make, everybody. Through special contacts and 
communications, I have discovered the possibility of another candidate 
for ‘The Lost'. She is...quite powerful, and quite dangerous, so I 
suggest all three of you go on this mission. I want you to find her and 
try to convince her to come with you. If you cannot, send me a distress 
signal and I shall attempt negotiations personally." He smiled, as 
always, and with a gesture, a large holographic image with perfect 
reception appeared before our trio.

I saw a picture of a girl trapped inside the confines of a wheelchair, 
and instantly I felt pity for her. I knew what it was like to be a 
prisoner of sorts, and the indifference I felt earlier washed a little 
more away. She was young, about Kagemusha's age, but seemed sick and 
gaunt from malnourishment. Her hair was matted and tangled, her eyes 
dull and sunken, her face childish and wild. Her right arm was in some 
kind of brace; she moved very slowly, very unsteadily, and could only 
move her arm and her head. I gasped; Rancor watched sadly; Kagemusha 

"Who's the quadriplegic freak?"

"That," said Mr. White, a hint of sharpness in his voice, "is Alisti 
Kreager, known as the Disintegrator. Her mind and body are all but lost, 
yet she continues to be one of the deadliest people in the world. She 
has the ability to break matter down and tear it on a quantum level, 
reducing it to dust. She has wiped out all attempts to stop her, and her 
motives and movement now remain unknown at best. I want her here, where 
she will hopefully feel less subjugated by the whims of the outside 

In unison, all three of us gawked at him.

"You're kidding, right?!"

"Disintegration? No way? I'm not about to be killed for 
some...handicapped kid who can blast things apart! Find yourself another 
lab rat!"

"I hate to say it," grumbled the shadow girl, "but I agree with pinky. 
There's nothing we can do; a power like that is far too strong to 
control. You must think we're gods or something."

"I believe on the contrary," he said, smiling eerily. "And Miss Kreager 
may indeed accept our offer without a fight. Do not be alarmed. I would 
not send you up against a...hopeless match, you suspect, without proper 
aid. I will give you equipment that will repel the forces projected upon 
your molecules and keep you safe from harm."

"Why do I have the most unusual feeling of distrust and disgust?" 
snorted Kagemusha. I agreed.

"Mr. White, perhaps this is not the best way to go about this. Are you 

"Yes, completely. She would be less of a threat to others and herself if 
she were confined here. Well...I shall not force any of you to go. But 
remember, I have bargained with each of you. I am giving you what we 
agreed for; matters of this kind are what I have agreed upon. In other 
words, ladies, if you do not help me, why should I be inclined to help 
you?" I looked at Mr. White in disgust, and I can safely say that 
everyone else did as well. I was okay with doing odd jobs here and 
there, and going out to bring in new members—evangelism, I guess you 
could call it—didn't bother me. But risking my life in the process? 
Going up against a mindless person who could turn me into dust like 
that?! Ridiculous!!

"Fine," sighed Kagemusha, "I'll do it. Where's that damn protection?" 
Rancor gawked as Mr. White pointed the shadow girl in the right 

"Waitaminute! Are you seriously going out there?" Kagemusha turned her 
head, and for once, didn't seem to have a look of hatred or spite for 
her, or anybody.

"I don't have a choice."

"Then I'm coming along! I'm not gonna just let you die out there!"

"It's your choice. I don't care one way or the other."

"Come on, Marissa!" She slapped my arm and gave me a 
What-are-you-waiting-for look. "You're coming too, right? I mean, 
Kagemusha may need our help! She is our friend, even though she doesn't 
act like it!"

"I heard that," muttered she. I gave my good friend a grimace, but knew 
that in order to be a good friend, I would have to stand by her when 
things got tough—and it normally doesn't get tougher than negotiating 
with a girl who can blast you to smithereens with a thought.

"I'll go," I said at last. "Mr. White, I hope for everybody's sake that 
this protective equipment works. If not, we'll haunt you forever." He 
smiled that same usual smile—not that he had ever shown any other 
face—and nodded.

"Trust me."


Kagemusha said she had no choice, so there must've been something deep 
gnawing at her mind to make her accept this do-or-die mission. Maybe it 
was something horrible, or very personal, like revenge or forgiveness. 
No matter what it was, she wasn't telling a soul, but if it was so 
important that the young woman would risk her life for it, I could 
understand why she kept silent. Rancor was merely trying her hardest to 
be a good friend, as I was, but midway into the mission, things caused 
us to question our position. Like, should we run and forget about this? 
We're free, aren't we? Rancor and I could scratch out a living 
ourselves, and disappear from society if need be.

But the shadow girl, ah, she had no choice. And Rancor wasn't going to 
let her die alone and forgotten. So neither was I.

"This is the place," I whispered, "but nobody's here."

"That's because this whole place is in ruins, fool."

"That could be why," noted Rancor. We wandered and wondered, juggling 
whether or not we should split up. I thought we could cover more ground, 
but Rancor argued we would be able to protect each other better if we 
stayed together. We both knew that Kagemusha would want to go off on her 
own, so we left her to her decision and stayed with each other. The 
young girl gave us a snort, but stayed by our side.

"The least you could do is act as a shield in case this equipment fails. 
And what good do you think a couple of necklaces could do anyway?" She 
looked down at the thin silver chain around her neck and fingered it. It 
looked just like any cheap piece of garbage you'd find in the bargain 
bin. I left mine alone and prayed it would suffice. No sense having any 
freedom if you die before you know what it's like.

As one, with the cloak of shadows hanging over us (yes, provided by 
Kagemusha to ensure our better chances), we crept through the ruins 
towards what we hoped would be a peaceful meeting with a possible 
teammate. Kagemusha was taking the rear, keeping the darkness looming 
before our trio; Rancor was ahead of us, flexing her powers in case some 
attack came. Her skin could turn into thick armor and back again into 
soft flesh; I used my psychic powers during peaceful intervals to 
determine if anybody was around. We were quite a good team when it came 
to stealth—now if only we could cooperate so easily in leisure!

"Hey," I whispered some lonely moments later, "I can feel somebody's 
presence. But the's made of pure childish malevolence. It's 
like there's nothing left of it at all but carnal feelings and primitive 
emotions. I don't even know if this is a person."

"Where at?" I closed my eyes and in spite of the oncoming headache, I 
focused in the direction. I shrieked suddenly as a piercing sound 
blocked my senses, and fell to the floor in pain. It sounded like a 
loud, shrill whistle had blown in my ear, but I regained control after 
taking a few breaths.

"I'm all right," I said to Rancor as she helped me up. "I just felt a 
strong defensive presence. Whoever this is, they have telekinetic powers 
as well."

"So that's a problem," stated Kagemusha.

"Yes, but not a big one. It was very weak. If it came from our target, 
there's no doubt she's in more pain than I am. It must've taxed her to 
use so much force to block my probing. Now's a good time to head out." I 
ran ahead of the group, with the others following behind, Rancor 
deactivating her armor for better mobility. I led the team where my mind 
had been earlier, and stopped as it had stopped, right around the point 
of defense. We could see our target—not much different than the image 
Mr. White had shown us—and sure enough, she seemed dazed. I took a 
cautious step forward, holding my hands out to indicate peace.

"Easy now. Easy there. I won't hurt you, Alisti. I'm a friend. I want to 
help you." The girl was unresponsive, but that wasn't necessarily a good 
thing. Silently, I motioned for the others to step in, and noticed that 
our target's head was slumped down. I dared to touch her pulse.

"She's alive, maybe sleeping. I don't suppose we can take her with us in 
this state, can we?"

"Unlikely. She looks like she needs that wheelchair. Moving her would be 
a bad idea."

"Why?" Kagemusha seemed to radiate in darkness, as the sky itself turned 
black and all sorts of shadows came out. One in particular fell on 
Alisti. Kagemusha began muttering dark, nonsensical words, and to my 
amazement, the wheelchair-bound girl lifted off the ground, aided by the 
hands of thousands of dark servants.

"...That's impressive," admitted Rancor. "How did you—"

"Ssh! I need to concentrate!" We left Kagemusha to her business and 
watched. Suddenly, a movement came from the wheelchair, and a squeal 
rose up from the dark silence. A mute voice howled, and my ears suddenly 
felt like a shattering pain was destroying them. Every part of my mind 
and body was quivering with flame—and then she spoke.


"Put her down!" shouted Rancor—but Kagemusha was already weakening and 
losing her grip. The chair fell with a crash, jostling the poor girl as 
it came down. The master of shadows fell to her knees limply; I remained 
screaming in pain. The wheelchair turned around, Alisti now fully awake, 
glaring at us in juvenile hatred.


"We're friends!" shouted Rancor. It was like yelling through a gust. 
Alisti gave a guttural roar and moved closer, her right hand braced and 
moving tenderly.


"We came to help you!"


"We want to help you! We know somewhere you can be safe, where you won't 
have to keep running from people! Alisti, please, let us help you!"

STUPID! A blast of indescribable power thrust itself against Rancor, and 
I screamed. She formed as much of her armor as she could and held fast 
as the disintegration struck her. From my position, I could actually see 
the blast of power: it sunk into a depression around some invisible 
barrier. I gasped as I realized the necklaces had done their work.

"Rancor!" She couldn't talk because of her armor, so I tried 
communicating with the deranged girl. Listen, Alisti! We don't want to 
harm you. We came to help. Do you understand?

STUPID! I buckled under the pure rage.

We're friends! My name's Marissa...that's Rancor and Kagemusha. We came 
to take you to a safe place!


It's the truth! Please, listen to us!


"NO!" The blast struck me, but all I felt was a gale. Kagemusha growled 
and produced what looked like a sword made entirely of black air.

"This is pointless! We should kill her now and put her out of her 
misery, and ours!"

"Stop, don't! I won't let her die!"

"Don't touch me, bitch!" Rancor wrestled with the shadow girl, but 
having an advantage in terms of size, strength, and age gave her an easy 
win. She pinned the girl close to her chest easily, holding her back 
from the killing blow. Kagemusha spat and struggled, but could not break 
free. Rancor then turned to the source of all this terror.

"Listen to me, Alisti! Don't you see? I want to protect you, and so does 
Marissa! Our friend here isn't bad; she just wants for all of us to be 


"Shut up! Alisti, please!"


"Oh, no." Blast after blast came after us, until it felt like even the 
necklaces couldn't keep us from harm. None of us could stand up to that 
power, so what could we do except submit and die in defeat?

Fortunately, we never got the chance.

But only because "he" showed up.

Battered and wind-torn, I watched as Mr. White appeared from nowhere, as 
was his custom, and walk up to our target. Alisti studied him with 
disinterest, and sneered as he came closer. He smiled, and didn't even 
slow down as she tried to blast him. Her head suddenly fell into a 
slump, and I could only assume she had blacked out from too much use of 
her power. Mr. White came over to her and touched her scraggly hair, 
like a father would to his daughter.

"She will be all right. I am sorry to put you all through this; I did 
not think her powers were this great."

"You bastard! What have we been telling you this whole time?"

"Shut up, Kagemusha!" Rancor tossed her on the ground; she stumbled and 
managed to stand up properly. We all glared at him regardless. I walked 
up to him, still wary of the unconscious creature sitting there.

"Will she be all right?"

"As right as rain, but who can say when? I will bring her home 
personally; we have much to discuss. You see, I have been looking for 
her for a very long time now. It does irritate me when I cannot utilize 
every source at my disposal, but...such is my position. Now."

The next thing I knew, I was feeling very tired. After that, I entered 
the land of no dreams, and vaguely remembered Rancor asking me to wake 
up. It seems our little group had increased in number since my brief 
absence. Well, the more the merrier, right?

Yeah, I know. I have a bad feeling about this too.


May the Lost find their way home, wherever it is, whenever it may be.

In the next chapter, the four lost souls are asked to search for one 
that may not even have a soul, one who has nearly succumbed to the 
designs of machines.

In the next chapter, sterility, logic, and order shall determine 
everyone's fate, in "Technomancer".

Onwards to Part 11

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