All Girls School (part 89 of 109)

a Original Fiction fanfiction by Al Kristopher

Back to Part 88
"Ivory's Crucible"

It could easily be said that Ivory Tran was having a bad day. Not only 
did she wake up tired and exhausted, eyes bleary against the mercilessly 
bright February sun, and not only did she have to deal with the usual 
daily dose of nonsense from her mother (plus she skipped breakfast 
again), but it was cold and clammy outside, and her jacket was hardly 
suited for winter weather. It felt like it would be cold forever—didn't 
temperatures start to climb up during late February?—and to top all that 
off, as Ivory neared her school, she just remembered some homework she 
had forgotten to do. She cursed and moaned, but it was too late—she'd 
just have to settle for an incomplete assignment again. Miss Torvald was 
going to kill her.

"What else could possibly go wrong?" she moaned. It was a mistake to say 
that, for no sooner had she gone a few more steps and crossed two more 
streets was she approached by two police officers, grim and rough.

"Excuse me, are you Ivory Tran?" asked one. Perhaps it wasn't a good 
idea to put up a nasty display, especially considering her earlier 
brushes with the law, but Ivory was mad and not in the mood for 

"Yeah, so what did I do this time, huh? I didn't fucking jaywalk, you 

"Ma'am, we just want confirmation. Are you saying you're Ivory Tran?"

"Yeah, don't you believe me? I'll even get out my fucking driver's 
permit if you tell me what the hell's going on." The other officer took 
her hand, not very gently, and to her shock, placed handcuffs over her. 
"Wh-what the hey...?!"

"We are placing you under arrest for the charge of rape. You have the 
right to remain silent..."

"Bullshit!" she screamed, "I never raped anybody in all my life!"

"Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. 
You have the right to an attorney..."

"Didn't you hear me, bastards?! I said I never raped anybody!"

"Ma'am, do not resist this arrest or you will face further criminal 
charges." Ivory gawked, and had she been in any other stage in her life, 
she definitely would've resisted the false charge and even fought back. 
What did she have to lose, after all? But now, she had Ancelin to 
consider, and Madeline and Kiki, and Farrah too, who went above and 
beyond the call of friendship daily for her. She cooperated with the 
police only for those she loved, and obediently slipped into the squad 
car, making two final snarky remarks before she was silenced.

"The interiors of these things sure haven't changed," and not that it 
really mattered, but, "In case it helps, I haven't even had sex with 
another person for several months. I'm telling the truth, you know."

I just had to open my big fat mouth! Ivory snorted to herself. "What 
else could possibly go wrong?" Ooh, you idiot!!!


The juvenile hall that Ivory was led to was different than the one she 
had been in before, but to her surprise, a few people recognized her. 
Some of the girls called out to her, cursed her, spat or flirted, and 
made obscene gestures. Ivory only bothered to look if they did nothing: 
those were the ones to watch out for. She marched into her cell quietly, 
hoping this was all a misunderstanding, and awaited her turn at the 
phone. She knew she had the right to one call, and she knew who she'd 
call as soon as she got into the squad car. Hopefully, they would still 
have their cell phone with them...

"Tran, Ivory," she heard a woman shout. She stuck her arm out.


"You get one call, Tran."

"I know." She was escorted to it, and dialed the number by heart. 
Thankfully, it barely even had to ring before it was answered.

"Madeline's Garden, Madeline Yi speaking, how may I help you?"

"Hey Mads, it's me." Ancelin's mother recognized the voice instantly.

"Ivory? Are you calling me from school? What's happened?"

"No, I got arrested! They think I raped somebody!"

"Oh, my! My God, that's awful!"

"Yeah, tell me about it! They think I'm guilty but this time I'm 
innocent! You know I didn't do anything like that, right? You believe 
me, don't you?"

"Of course," said Madeline, her voice stretched between calm and 
anxious. "I do believe you. Uh, sh-should I call Ancelin?"

"Don't worry her unless things are looking really bad for me. Odds are 
they'll figure out this is some big mistake and let me go, but just in 
case, I'd like you and Kiki in my corner."

"What about your mother?" Ivory sneered.

"That bitch wouldn't save me if I was drowning in the bathtub! Look, 
you're the only adult I trust to say this to. Come by when you can; I'm 
in—" She covered the phone suddenly and asked her escort where she was. 
Continuing, "Neville Juvenile Correctional Facility."

"...All right. Neville...Juvy Hall. Ivory, this is serious."

"Yeah, I know. Look, I think my time's up—just come by when you can, 
bring some friends, I dunno. I'm really up shit creek now."

"Don't worry, you're fine. I believe you. Take care."

"I'll try. Thanks, Mad. I owe you big for this."

"Don't mention it." Click. Sigh.

"Done," she said to her escort. Ivory was then taken back to her cell, 
where she spent some of the most miserable hours of her life.

Madeline Yi came two hours later, with Kiki at her side and, to Ivory's 
surprise, Hitomi Madsen as well. She was looking glum until they came, 
but soon she brightened up, almost to the point where it felt like she 
wasn't even in a cell at all. A middle-aged man followed them, but only 
so far, and hung back respectively to give the women time to chat.

"Hey, you made it!" Ivory exclaimed. She got hugs from everyone except 
Hitomi, who merely gave her a friendly smile. "And Miss Madsen too. 
Well, how on Earth did you manage to play hooky?"

"Mrs. Yi explained the situation to me, then I explained it to Ms. 
Marbel. She thought it would be best to send a teacher here as well, and 
I was the first to volunteer."

"You volunteered?" Ivory was floored by Madsen's actions and frankly 
couldn't say anything else. Of course Hitomi was happy to do it—if 
nothing else, to prove her love and dedication to her students.

"Of course. I consider you one of my more...interesting students after 
all. You always act so tough, but I know that deep down, you're really 
rather sweet. Oh—we should get to business before we start making things 
too sappy. Madeline, would you like to start?"

"Yes, thank you." To Ivory: "We've learned some interesting things since 
you called us two hours ago. It seems this might make the evening news."

"Which I hope it doesn't," muttered Tran. "Lord knows I've been 
humiliated enough."

"...Yes. There's more, too. It seems that the person who is accusing you 
is a girl, and is also a student from the school that you and your 
friend Farrah used to attend before you were expelled and transferred."

"Oh, boy." Ivory rolled her eyes. "I know where this is going. She 
probably just wants to get back at me for something. I know I made a 
lotta enemies over there, so it could be anybody."

"That is most unpleasant news," said Hitomi grimly. "...But...the past 
does have a way of coming back to haunt all of us. Ivory, would you 
happen to know exactly who is saying these things?"

"No, not really. I mean, yeah, I fucked a lot of girls back then, but it 
was all, uh, what's the word? Consensual! Yeah, it was all consensual. 
If they didn't want it, I didn't give it."

"Are you sure? Some things may have been distorted and misunderstood in 

"Miss Madsen," she said in her usual wiseass voice, "I know what rape is 
and I know I never did it. If you say you believe me, then you better 
believe me, ma'am."

"I do, I do, I just want to be sure. You may make mistakes here and 
there but that's no reason to put you in jail or this trial."

"Ah, so they are going to have a trial." Ivory pointed to the man that 
had followed the women in, the one who had been waiting, and guessed, 
"Is that my lawyer?"

"Uh, yes, Dr. Leitley. He'll speak with you once we're done."

"Done? Ho, wait—I don't want you to leave! I need you guys by my side! I 
can't go through this alone!"

"Relax," Madeline assured her, "we're not going to leave, we'll just be 
away for a little while. We've all asked to be your character witnesses 
in this trial, plus we're going to see if we can't get any more."

"It's too bad we were unable to reach your father," Madsen lamented. 
"From the way you talk about him, I'd guess he'd be your main support." 
Ivory just had to smile, even though her father had been a no-show for 
most of her life and she had really only seen pictures of him. Her 
parents had divorced so early in her life...

"Yeah... My dad can be a real jerk like that. I wish he'd just turn into 
a tree or something; that way he'll just stay put for once. I guess 
now's not a good time to reminisce or ask What If." The women smiled 
sadly, and spoke with Ivory a bit more. Madeline promised that Ancelin 
would be at the trial, and Hitomi said she'd gather anyone that could 
say something good about Ivory, which was really more than anyone 
thought it would be. Despite being cold, snappy, immature, even cruel 
and obnoxious, quite a few people liked Ivory, and surprisingly, the 
majority were boys she ran into.

Madeline and Kiki said farewell once it looked like their services were 
no longer needed, and Hitomi left with them, saying she still had some 
classes to finish. Ivory thanked them all, and finally got a hug out of 
her teacher, who whispered her support. That just left her lawyer, a 
balding thin man with glasses and an ordinary brown suit. He reminded 
Ivory of a feeble little pencil-pushing doormat, and although he spoke 
quietly, he worked and thought very meticulously, very carefully. She 
soon grew to respect just how shrewd he was.

First he began asking her questions, carefully and slowly, and sometimes 
the same question was worded differently. He asked her to remember days, 
and times, and events that were now far off, and he asked about the 
people around her and what time they were there, what they might have 
seen and what other sorts of details were there. The man was obsessed 
with details, and even asked if there were such things as certain 
lights, what position this was in, what exactly this person said, and so 
forth. Naturally he inquired Ivory about her relationship with the 
accuser, a girl she remembered faintly: called Selma-something. Selma 

"That's right," she whispered, "Selma was in one of my classes back 
then. She heard how big a...uh, I mean, how proactive I was when it came 
to matters of indiscretion, and seemed interested in said matters. I 
was...occupied at the time, very much so and quite intimately, and told 
her that I didn't want any...interference. The...occupying force that 
was in my life at the time did not permit the, um...addition of others, 
you could say."

"It's okay," he told her, "you don't have to go into such deep detail. 
You are guaranteed a bit of privacy, and this matter that Miss Frisk 
brought up is the only relevant issue."

"Good," she said, smiling in relief. She then explained the rest of her 
relationship with Selma Frisk, and how badly it had ended. Selma had 
declared a quiet hatred of Ivory, and pursued her further. Bits and 
pieces of memory were lost, because it was a long time ago, and lots had 
happened that made Ivory forget (which, to her, was a bonus), but she 
got the general areas covered. Ivory had left Selma's world when she was 
expelled, and ever since lady Marbel offered her a second chance, her 
life had progressively been getting better. She had actually forgotten 
about Selma until that very moment, thus Madsen's observation of how 
aggressive a person's history could be.

At last their discussion seemed at an end. Dr. Leitley closed his notes 
and offered a thin smile. His hand was small but warm, and quite firm in 
Ivory's grasp. He seemed confident of a victory, although he regretted 
that Ivory would have to stay in her cell until the trial commenced. 
That wasn't until early morning the next day, approximately 22 hours 
into the future. Tran whined—"Shit, I don't wanna wait that long to get 
this crap over with!"—but she had no choice. Her lawyer stayed behind to 
keep her company for a little while, but left to attend other matters. 
Ivory was once again thrust into misery, and no matter how sure she felt 
about the next day, she couldn't help but feel rotten as well.

Maybe this was karma: she had been so filthy and promiscuous in her life 
that somewhere down the line, she'd have to pay for all that. Ivory used 
to believe that she could just have sex with whoever she wanted, 
wherever she wanted, for as long as she wanted, without any reprisal. 
She didn't figure in STDs, AIDS, or pregnancy because she always had 
intercourse with women, and she didn't even delve into heartbreak 
because all the ladies wanted it; they had desired her. But after 
countless nights in other girls' beds, how could she not be punished? 
She deserved this, she knew, no matter how well things fared the next 
day. All she could hope for was a speedy trial, and Ancelin's love when 
all this was over.


When Ivory woke up, she remembered that she was in a jail cell and 
scheduled for a trial. Damn. So it wasn't just a dream. She got a visit 
from her lawyer quicker than she anticipated; he ran over basic court 
protocol, told her how to act and how to respond, and gave her the 
proper attire to wear, since she had not gone out of her regular clothes 
since yesterday morning. She had a shower first and a pitiful breakfast, 
and when she was ready, he escorted her to the courthouse.

Now in all honesty, everything the movies and television had to say 
about trials really didn't prepare Ivory for that day. It certainly was 
no circus, nor a sexually-charged room with gorgeous women, dreamy men, 
and jurors who were all stupid and lemming-like in demeanor; it was much 
simpler, more base, with most everyone seeming to be normal and quiet, 
even the judge, who regarded Ivory with the same boredom he must've 
regarded every other case that came his way.

The whole thing opened up with statements from Selma's lawyer, who acted 
as prosecutor, and then Ivory's, who was defendant. Both men looked like 
they knew what they were doing, and seemed calm about everything, never 
getting into passionate tizzies or wearing their throats thin with long 
dull monologues. Selma's lawyer simply made statements disguised as 
accusations, and seemed to stretch certain details more than others, 
such as the relationship between the two girls and how much they had 
liked each other. Everything went back and forth too much for Ivory to 
keep track of, and not being a student of law or even one remotely 
interested in it, she found the whole thing tedious. Then it came time 
for her to speak.

First, she placed her hand on the Bible, and had to swear to tell the 
truth, et cetera. Then she was asked to state her full name—Ivory Shana 
Tran—and was subsequently grilled by the prosecutor. Yes she did know 
his client. Yes she did attend Morton High School with her some years 
ago. Yes they had Mr. Dryden as a teacher. Yes they did talk from time 
to time. No she did not consider his client a close personal friend—more 
like an acquaintance. No she did not know any of his client's friends, 
just Farrah Kwong, and she didn't know his client either.

No, she never made any kind of advances on her, sexual or otherwise, nor 
did she intend to. Why? Because she was already in a relationship, and 
her current love interest did not have any intention of adding a third. 
Yes it was another woman—but objection, the question was irrelevant. No 
her girlfriend did not consider his client a friend, nor was there any 
sexual or friendly interest between the two. They barely knew each 
other. Yes they did confront each other on the day in question; no Ivory 
did not make unwanted advances on his client that day, nor did she 
continue at any time throughout the day.

"And that's the truth," stated Tran firmly, though it wasn't necessary 
to add that in. That was all the questions Selma's lawyer wanted to ask 
for the time, so he dismissed himself and Ivory. Then Ivory's lawyer 
called Selma to the stand, and the whole thing started all over again. 
As Dr. Leitley interviewed her, Ivory felt tempted to sleep. Instead she 
twisted her head around, as slowly and subtly as she could, to see who 
was in attendance—the audience to her demise or her salvation. As it 
turned out, most all the teachers she had were there, plus Ms. Marbel, 
plus any of her friends that could make it (it was of course a Saturday; 
otherwise the situation would be more grim for her). Ivory smiled as she 
noticed Ancelin and her family, and winked. All three women gave her a 

"Let me get this straight," Ivory could hear Dr. Leitley say. "My client 
says that she never made any advances on you, and yet you tell a 
completely opposite story. Perhaps we should have her up here again and 
ask a completely different set of questions." The judge looked to 
Selma's lawyer, who appeared to agree, but only on the condition that 
the courtroom be adjourned briefly for a recess. The judge agreed and 
everyone was dismissed for thirty minutes. The very first person that 
Ivory went to, out of everyone there, was Ancelin. They didn't say 
anything for awhile, they just embraced.


Ancelin left Ivory's side with a quiet "excuse me", wanting to speak to 
Selma. She believed in her girlfriend's innocence much as her mother 
did, but took it to a different level by going after her accuser. She 
found Selma hugging herself outside, isolated and cold, apparently not 
wanting any contact. Through sheer friendliness, Ancelin managed to get 
a spot next to her, and opened up with a smile. She knew that the best 
way to get the truth was not through force or fear, but understanding.

"Hi. You're that girl, right?"

"Yes, and you?"

"Ancelin. Nice to meet you. So did you really get raped?"

"Of course." She drew her arms further in, nearly burying her face in 
her limbs. "I didn't want it, of course, but how're you supposed to 
fight back if the other person has you pinned up like that?"

"So that girl had you locked in somewhere?"

"Yeah, she did. I screamed and screamed, but nobody ever came to help 
me. Eventually she just got tired, hit me, and walked off."

"You didn't tell anybody then?"

"No, I was too scared. I couldn't even get up the courage to say 
anything even after she was expelled."

"So why now?" A pause.

"Have you ever felt overwhelming pain for so long that you feel like if 
you don't let it go, it'll just destroy you? I reached my breaking point 
recently. I had to say something, or I'd go nuts. I'm still scared, 
but...better to live in fear than madness." Ancelin had to agree with 
that, but something didn't quite add up. Ivory's transfer had not been 
that recent, but still she had been away from her old school long 
enough. And if the girl really had been raped, then somebody would have 
found out. The guilt would've surely eaten away sooner than this. Things 
just didn't make sense.

"Don't you believe me?" she whispered. Ancelin sighed wearily.

"It just doesn't seem to make total sense, is all. I mean, I'm sure 
you've been hurt before in the past, but...well, are you really sure?"

"Yes! I'm positive! Why, are you friends with that sicko?"

"I love her," Ancelin stated, proud and without any shame, "very much." 
Selma's reaction was as she expected.

"That's disgusting!! Don't you know who Ivory really is?! She's a whore, 
she's a slut, a tramp, she's slum trash! She's the worst scum that's 
ever lived! I'm surprised she hasn't raped you yet."

"Don't talk about the woman I love like that," said Ancelin, her voice 
deathly cold. Selma snorted.

"Why? She deserves it and more."

She deserves it and more, eh? Hmm...interesting. Ancelin stood up. She 
was satisfied.

"I hope you're not doing this as a way to get back at her."

"Of course not! If I wanted to do that, I'd...oh, I dunno, hit her or 
something! She really did rape me, you know."

"I doubt that," stated the brunette. "I may not know Ivory well, but I 
do know her well enough. I've forgiven her for her past, and I've looked 
through that and have seen a beautiful young woman that I cherish. If by 
some way she has harmed you in the past, and this is your way of getting 
back at her, I ask you to stop and come clean before things get out of 
hand. Could you really live with yourself, knowing you've done this to a 
person who didn't deserve it?"

"She does deserve it!" Selma screamed. "She deserved to be...locked in 
Hell forever! I hate her! And I hate you too! Get out of here! Get out 
of my face! Go away!"

Ancelin happily obeyed the young woman's wishes.

When the break was over, the court seemed to be more relaxed in general, 
although there was definitely some tension in Selma's area. Ancelin gave 
Ivory another smile, silently wishing her good luck as the procedures 
started up again. This time, Dr. Leitley asked Ivory to the stand, and 
popped some questions that, if she were truly guilty, would've condemned 
her. Ancelin watched with a smile, though, as her girlfriend easily 
sailed through them, stating what they both knew to be the truth.

I really have forgiven you of your past, Ivory, Ancelin thought to 
herself. Ever since I've met you, you've been nothing but sweet and 
honest to me. I have never been given any reason to doubt you, so I will 
not start now. If you can look me in the eye and say you are innocent, I 
will believe you, and I will continue to believe you until everyone else 
believes the same. I love you, and I trust you.

Then came character witnesses. With Ivory's mother absent—she had been 
called, and as Tran thought, the woman didn't bother showing up—other 
people had to vouch for her instead: first came Madeline Yi and Kiki 
Fiske, then Hitomi Madsen and most of Ivory's teachers, followed by a 
solid speech by Bernadette Marbel, showcasing just how much the 
defendant had improved since arriving in Stanton. Lilian Nachtheim was 
chosen to represent Miss Madsen's class (since obviously the whole lot 
of them couldn't come to the stand), and read off their sentiments and 
statements fluidly. Finally came Farrah, who in her honesty and 
steadfast loyalty, nearly single-handedly saved Ivory.

Ancelin took the seat next. She looked directly at Selma. "Listen to all 
these people, Selma," she implored. "They can't all be wrong. Even the 
Headmistress of the school says good things. Now granted, Ivory does 
make mistakes now and then, and sometimes they can be avoided, but she 
is getting better, and she does express remorse over her shortcomings. I 
believe in her, implicitly, when she says she's innocent—and I challenge 
the courtroom to not only procure any further witnesses that can testify 
against the defendant, but to disagree with me as well, barring the 

This last statement caused quite a stir in the courtroom. The judge 
actually had to call for order, but only once, and he didn't raise his 
voice. The prosecutor failed to meet Ancelin's challenge. It seemed that 
the only sole witness was Selma herself, and that was not quite enough 
to go by. That seemed to be the final nail in the coffin—without 
anything else to base her claim on, Selma's accusation had little to go 
on, and it looked like the procedure would end quickly. Before 
everything collapsed on her, Selma's lawyer pulled her to the side, 
whispering to her during the tense lull.

"Your honor," he announced when they were through, "since we have no 
further witnesses and my client has been unable to establish proof of 
her charges, we ask for an acquittal."


"(I'm trying to get you out of here as painlessly as possible,)" he 
murmured to Selma. "(It's the wise man who knows when he's bested, 
unless you know of somebody who was witness to this event.)" Of course, 
Selma could not produce anyone—because in awful reality, there were no 
witnesses, there had been no rape, and she had nothing to go on but pure 
spite, nothing more. Yet she could not say that this had all been a 
setup, or else she would've been the one behind bars (on counts of 
perjury and falsified testimony in court). She was effectively trapped, 
left only to sulk in her own schemes.

The judge called the acquittal, setting Ivory free and giving the 
prosecutor a wary gaze before retiring. Selma had escaped, just barely. 
She would not have her revenge. All she could hope for was a nasty gaze, 
a curse, and a quiet leave from the room. She would not bother Ivory 
again; there was no further point.

Naturally, when she heard the news, Ivory smirked.

"Eh, I knew it all the time! No worries, see? It was in the bag! You 
worked for the right girl, doc!" She slapped Leitley's back happily—he 
just smiled thinly, adjusted his glasses, and went off to speak with 
some people who looked important. Ivory then got glomped by Ancelin and 
Farrah, and soon the whole courtroom was abuzz with activity, nearly 
suffocating the freed woman.

So, this is what it feels like when one emerges successfully through a 
crucible. Not bad, I'd say.


Since Ivory had had a rotten morning—or rather, a whole rotten day—it 
only seemed fitting to give her a wonderful evening. She happily spent 
the rest of the day and the night at Ancelin's house, basking in the 
love that the Yi women gave her. She was beginning to seriously think of 
them all as family, with Madeline acting as a more proper mother figure 
and Kiki a kind of aunt (Ancelin was of course more of a lover than a 
sister, but hey, close enough, and that's what Farrah was for). Farrah 
was absent, saying that she had done enough for one day, and even though 
she had her own problems to deal with and Ivory now owed her even more, 
she would still be at the girl's service if she needed it.

"She's a true friend," sighed Kiki happily. "I wish everyone had someone 
like her in their life. Then maybe the world wouldn't be in the 
condition it is now. So what was the deal with the acquittal thing?"

"I think miss Selma just didn't have a legitimate case on her hands," 
answered Ancelin. "I spoke with her earlier and got some pretty good 
information. I got the feeling she just did it all for spite. What 
exactly happened, Ivory?"

"Oh, how'm I supposed to know? It was like, what, two years ago? I don't 
know! She had a thing for me, I guess, and I broke her heart or some 
shit. I dunno. Women are crazy like that." She laughed, meaning it as a 
joke, and the others went along, knowing she wasn't totally serious. 
Night came slow but welcome, with Madeline and Kiki retiring to "their" 
room (naturally Kiki slept with her lover whenever she stayed the night, 
and vice versa) and Ancelin and Ivory to "theirs". Once they were alone, 
Ivory could no longer restrain herself: she took her girlfriend in her 
arms and smothered her face with kisses.

"I missed you," she sighed, "so much..."

"Yeah...I really missed you too, honey." Ivory smiled sweetly. She loved 
it so much when Ancelin called her nice things like that! It made her 
feel...special. She traveled to the brunette's gorgeous neck and laid 
her lips here and there, drawing sighs and quiet gasps from the taller 
woman. Ancelin was enraptured, her vision swimming, her brain bloated 
with the beginnings of lust. A small part of her wanted Ivory naked, to 
ravish and drink in, to merge with and become one; she wanted to be a 
part of Ivory's literal self, while still retaining her own identity. 
The thought was so beautiful and sexual that she nearly had a small 
orgasm right there.

They undressed a little, both lifting each other's outer shirts off 
until only a filmy layer of white cotton remained. Ancelin didn't bother 
to hide the fact that she was staring: Ivory was so gorgeous! Her dyed 
blonde hair, the piercings on her face, her two-colored eyes so full of 
mischief and love, the scars on her body that made her look so fragile 
and so tough all at once, the clarity of her skin, the rise of her 
mammary glands...

Ancelin blushed as she realized she had been staring right at Ivory's 
boobs...and she clearly wasn't wearing a bra.

"Hey," laughed Tran, "what'choo starin' at, Annie-kins? Heh...ya like my 

"Ivory...!" Tran chuckled louder, blushing a little herself as Ancelin 
hid herself.

"So cute!" she crooned. She slipped out of her jeans and stood before 
the woman she loved in only her panties and a tee—the epitome of 
sexiness, or certainly one of them! Ancelin herself undressed likewise, 
and took the offensive as she wrapped her almost-naked body around 
Ivory, kissing deeper and deeper, greedy for the lips of her love.

They collapsed gently on the bed, still entwined, fingers and toes, arms 
and legs, lips and eyes, so delicate. Ancelin grinned, wholesome, and 
kissed Ivory again—then sent her girlfriend into a whole new world of 
eroticism by boldly sliding her tongue through those ivory lips, into 
the moist mouth to meet the other tongue. Ivory was shocked and sent 
into Heaven—Ancelin was Frenching her, like only a French woman could!! 
She wanted to attack Ancelin, rip off her clothes and make sweet awesome 
love to her until dawn came and then some—but no, no, this was a moment 
of deep love, where a new level was reached, one that needed to be 
relished. Not that Ivory had a problem with that!

Finally, they stopped long enough to look into each other's eyes and 

"Je'taime, Annie."

"Wo ai ni, Ivory." A pause.

"Uh...did you mean ‘good night' or...the other one?" A smile.


"Oh. Um, ditto, I guess." A giggle. Sometimes, the best way to conclude 
a day was to find oneself in the loving embrace of another; that's all 
either of them could ask for.

Nobody knows

Just why we're here

Could it be fate

Or random circumstance

At the right place

At the right time

Two roads intertwine

And if the universe conspired

To meld our lives

To make us

Fuel and fire

Then know

Where ever you will be

So too shall I be

Close your eyes

Dry your tears

'Coz when nothing seems clear

You'll be safe here

From the sheer weight

Of your doubts and fears

Weary heart

You'll be safe here

Remember how we laughed

Until we cried

At the most stupid things

Like we were so high

But love was all that we were on

We belong

And though the world would

Never understand

This unlikely union

And why it still stands

Someday we will be set free.

Pray and believe

When the light disappears

And when this world's insincere

You'll be safe here

When nobody hears you scream

I'll scream with you

You'll be safe here

Save your eyes

From your tears

When everything's unclear

You'll be safe here

From the sheer weight

Of your doubts and fears

Wounded heart

When the light disappears

And when this world's insincere

You'll be safe here

When nobody hears you scream

I'll scream with you

You'll be safe here

In my arms

Through the long cold night

Sleep tight

You'll be safe here

When no one understands

I'll believe

You'll be safe,

You'll be safe

You'll be safe here

Put your heart in my hands

You'll be safe here

Onwards to Part 90

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