Mr. Toasty presents the final segment of the first part of "All Girls School": "Evenings", an eight-part miniseries "Evening with the Twins" With the winter holidays not far off, the world was transforming, again and again. The winds that had once been fair and warm were now bitter and chilling. The sky, once purest sapphire, was now a tainted gray. Rarely did the sun come out, and not once did it share its once revered glowing warmth. Crystals of ice came from heaven to form on the ground as snow, and the world soon became covered in red, white, and green lights. Pine trees dotted lots and yards. Nativity scenes sprang up. Menorahs began to glow faithfully. When night came, the stars shone out clearly in the cold air, and the world shivered just slightly from the feel of magic. By now, June Tramble could see her breath whenever she exhaled. The heater had to be kept on constantly, and she and her twin sister were now resorting to wearing sweaters and long-sleeved shirts around the house. June, being born in the twilight of spring, didn't care for cold weather nor the hazards involved with it. It had been years since she saw winter as a wonderlandit had been during one icy day when she lost the use of her legsand even though there was a pretty snow bunny in her life named Victoria, June still felt more Scrooge than Saint. "Bah humbug," she sighed, spraying the window with her ghostly breath. The snow outside was piling up graduallysoon May and her parents would have to go out and shovel the drivewayand the radio playing worn-out holiday songs wasn't making the mood any better. June had never really liked Christmas, though she attended church service religiously and observed most of the customs. It was, after all, the time of year when she was most reminded of her handicap, when she seemed most helpless, the most cold, the most lonely. Her sister came back inside, shivering but clearly happy. "You should come outside!" she exclaimed, rubbing her hands on her face. "It's so beautiful, June! There's snow everywhere." "I can see it just fine here." Knowing how glum her twin usually got during this time of the year, May trailed over and tickled the slightly younger girl. "Aren't we a Grinch this year! Come on, cheer up!" "Stop it!" squealed June amidst laughter. May refused and even went faster. "No way, come on! You've got no excuse to be sad this year. You're out of the closet, mom and dad are cool with it, you've got a wonderful girlfriend and you've had good grades all through the semester. And also don't forget me!" She beamed merrily, in too good a mood to be let down by anybody else, and fortunately it was contagious. June sighed and reached up for her sister's hand. "I appreciate it, but you know..." "Hey, I have faith that you'll walk again, and when you do, I'll want to dance with you and race you and do all sorts of stuff." June sighed, rubbing her legs as if it could revive them. "I've been doubtful as of late, sis. And I'm really trying, but it just seems hopeless. I may as well get used to this piece of junk." She leaned back and rolled her eyes. Her day got a little worse as she noticed something green hanging on the ceiling, placed there a few days earlier by her father (who "tested it out" on his wife). "Oh, drat," said June. May looked up and noticed the mistletoe. "Oh yeah. There's one tradition I can hate too. But hey, let's observe it just once. I've never been kissed under the mistletoe beforehey, what about Vicki? Don't you two, you know, get close and personal under these things?" "She hates mistletoe," said June cheerfully. "And so do I. We both feel that it isn't necessary for some plant to decide when to be romantic." "Well, it's the suddenness that counts. Being caught underneath it with another person, you know. So pucker up." "Ew, hey!" June laughed and swatted at her sister as she knelt down. May's bright face was doing a good job of erasing her gloom, and honestly, June really did want her sister to kiss her. After all, when she was fifteen... "You know, I just realized something," said the elder seriously. "We've never actually kissedon the lips, I mean. I mean, shouldn't we be comfortable enough with each other to be okay with it?" "I've seen Alisha and Erica kiss a few times," admitted June. She blushed and smiled, "I have to admit, it looks kind of cute. I...wouldn't mind, you know." "First time for everything. I don't think it will make me a lesbian." "Yeah, you got that covered with Janine." May snorted and slapped her sister's leg gently; she just laughed out loud. They soon became quiet, as quiet as snowfall, and shared a deep, sisterly starethe bond between them stronger because of their love. May chose to say nothing as she leaned in and placed her mouth on her sister's, and kept it there just long enough to know what her sibling tasted like. She pulled away, barely flushed, and smiled. "Whew, not bad. I can see why Vicki likes you!" "Oh, stop it!" They slapped each other playfully for a moment, and shared a hugJune thanked May for being such a good sister, for staying with her during those lonely days, for encouraging her and loving her. She knew, too, it was time to tell her sister everything. She dared pull May in for another kiss and sighed once it was over. "Uh...May?" "Yes?" She smiled, breathed in, and braced herself. "I,'m...... I love you, May." She kissed her sister's forehead. "I love you too, June." "Not just as a sister." And now May was motionless. She could tell by the strength in June's eyes that her sister was very serious. She sighed and linked their hands together. "June, don't. No. We can't. You know that." "Yeah, I know. I just...wanted to say it. I needed to. I've been sort of carrying that around for three years. I, uh...I hope you're not too awkward about it." "A bit," confessed May with a smile, "mostly because I didn't really expect it. I mean, I know we love each other, but...jeez, June. We're sisters. And even if we weren't related, you still have a girlfriend, and I'm straight!" "Are you sure?" May could not answer that at first. She really had to think about it. Her sister had been bold with her honesty, so how could she do any less with hers? "No, I'm not." "Janine?" May nodded. "Kula's been flirting with me too, but...yeah. Janine." "Are you in love with her?" She chuckled quietly. "I wouldn't go so far as to say that, but...I'm definitely attracted to her a bit. Just a bit." "Oh, yeah right. I know how you two make out, I've seen you. You can barely control yourselves." "Hey, don't be spying on us!" she screeched, pushing June's chair so hard it rolled back. Tramble shrieked and stopped herself, then glared at her sister. "If I fall out of this thing, you'll have to carry me wherever I want to go!" "Just don't do it on purpose," snorted May. June gave her a coy look, winked, and wheeled back to her original position. She sighed and rested her head in her hands. "Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that. You're right, we shouldn't have a relationship together." "Well," said May fondly, "it's not really what you think. I'm more concerned about Vicki. She loves you. If you two weren't together, I'd seriously consider it!" "God!" blurted an indignant girl, "You really don't mean that, do you?" "Oh, it's passed my mind, I'll admit!" chuckled May playfullynot indicating at all whether she really meant it or not. "Let's face it, there are some people who wonder what it'd be like to have sex with their clone or whatever. I'm just one of them, and you're as close as a clone as I'll get." "You're unnatural!" shrieked June, her face nearly broken from the big smile on it. "Mabel Romia Tramble, I never thought I'd hear those words from your mouth!" "Hey, you said you were the one with a crush on me." "It was...that know I didn't mean...May, that was three years ago!" May laughed and gave her sister a fond kiss on her cheek. All in good play. She caressed the younger girl's face gently, smiling and sharing intimate eye contact. "I am a little curious," she admitted. June turned faint red. "Just a little. I'm not as easy to predict as I appear. I was serious when I said it's passed my mind before. Some nights I really wondered what it'd be like to have sex with you. Do you think those were lesbian vibes, or incest vibes, or just unnatural vibes coming through?" "Unnatural, like you." June made a face and ruffled her sister's hair. "Besides, like you said, Vicki... We couldn't. I really do love her." They smiled and took each other's hands. May dared to share a third kiss between thembut she kept her mouth there much, much longer than before, like she had done with Janine several times before. She really had wondered what it was like to kiss June, at least that much, and everything else... Perhaps the result of a sexually inexperienced young girl who allowed her mind to wander when she was alone in her bed? May felt June's tongue poke shyly out of its fleshy shell, knowing that her sister's inhibitions were fading, her "unnatural" desires were baring themselves, and her subconscious mind was winning over reason. She allowed the soft pink muscle inside her mouth and gave herself to her sister; she lifted June's sweater up and discarded it on the bed. One of them suggested going to their room, perhaps to continue or to stop altogether, but they went there regardless and for the rest of the evening, learned new things about each other that even they, as twin sisters, never knew before. ......... The following day, it was unanimously decided between the two of them that first, their activities would be kept a secret between themselves, and second, they would never partake in them again. June had Victoria, after allas her sister put it, "a more sensible prospect"and May, it seemed, could possibly have a future down another path as well. They went to school in a good mood, amidst the gray skies, silver bells, and falling snow, and split up for classes. Along the way, May found Janine, who was also in a cheery mood. They waved at each other and approached for a hug. "Can I ask you something?" said Bautista. "Sure." "My friends are getting together at my place for Christmas and New Year's, and I was wondering if you and June would like to come as well." "Well, you can't count all your friends if we're not there, right?" Janine smiled. "You've got a point. That makes me glad. Be sure to tell your sister after class, all right?" "Will do." The tardy bell rang, so they scurried inside Madsen's class. Oddly enough, as Zane later pointed out, their beloved teacher was nowhere in sight. "It's not like her to be this late," added Klein. "You think she got caught in the snow?" "No, I saw her earlier. She was hanging around Miss Keeping." A few of the girls snickered, knowing full well what that meant. Meanwhile, safely locked in a bathroom stall, Hitomi Madsen was lost in her girlfriend's administrations, unaware of the time that had passed. Abby had worn a mistletoe hat to school, and far be it from Hitomi to not put it to good use. Next time: Evening with the Light
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