Hero: Hi, all! Magical fairies of wonder Hero and Ayanna here to greet you all! Ayanna: And here you thought you'd seen the end of us and our cool costumes! Hero: Well, mine's kinda snug... Ayanna: All the better for me, honey pinches Hero: Yeowch! ...That kinda felt good. Ayanna: Ooh, you like that, babe? Hero: Umm... sweat drops Anyway, let's continue with the story, shall we? Ayanna: Yes. Today, we are most proud to present to you a totally made-up farcical chapter, one pitting our heroines in situations so unlikely and absurd, you'd be crazy to think they're real. Hero: We're also going to include several special cameo appearances, but since they're so special, we can't tell you who they are yet. Ayanna: Let's just say you'll be pleased. Hero: We also want to give a shout-out to the story for passing its one year mark! Happy birthday, "All Girls School"! May your greatness never fail, and may your failures never be great! Ayanna: Finally, a magical treat for you all: fan service at long last, starting with the two of us! Hey Hero, just how snug is that fairy costume of yours? Hero: blush Y-yikes...! I dunno whether I should be scared or excited. Ayanna's giving me the eyes, folks! What should I do? Italy Ishida: I think we all know the answer to that! Hero and Ayanna: ITALY ISHIDA!!? Ayanna: What are you doing here? I thought your cameo appearance had already passed. Italy: Yeah, well, a contract's a contract. Hehknow you know we'll be sued! Ayanna and Hero: -- Italy: Enjoy, folks! And don't forget to visit me at "The Lounge"! Hero: Gahh, shameless self-promotion!! "A Puck's Fine Day" The farcical AGS chapter "Very nice, Tristan," said Ethan Nikholai, obviously bored. "What else can you tell me before our time runs out and I slip into a coma?" "Well, there was with one time I actually met Frank Gorshin, the guy who played the Riddler. He was a...very polite gentleman, but he never...struck me as the kind to be all that dangerous, least not along the lines of, say, Burgess Meredith or Cesar Romero. And...another time, at this convention, Lee Meriwether" Zing! Cut off, just like that. Ethan jolted awake, having fallen asleep of course. "Huh? What was that? Oh, did we lose him? ...Okay. We're back on the air with special guest star, Drew Carey! Or was it Carey Elwes? Or Drew Barrymore? Maybe it was Carey BarrymoreCarey Barry? The Care Bears?" "Egad!" exclaimed Avelina. Ethan nodded. "Yes, I agree completely. Now what in the world happened to Tristan? Vai? Vai, is he still there? Vai, where the heck is Tristan?" Vairocana Knox did not answer. "Darn that woman," he sighed. Ethan got up and walked over to where Vai was supposed to be, but only found a ransom note instead. It read... "Surrender control of your talk show and give me all your DVDs! If you fail to comply, I will have your precious director thrown into a Death Mine! Sincerely, Evil Lord Gary" "Holy stolen characters, Ethan!" exclaimed Avelina. "Vai's been kidnapped!" "That's right, old chum, and there's only one person who can rescue her from the clutches of...EVIL LORD GARY!" "You mean Burt Ward?" "No, me! Now turn around so that I can transform!" Avelina wheeled around. Meanwhile, back where Ethan was, a hideous mutation was taking place! So hideous, that it must...BE CENSORED!!! "GAHH!" KA-BOOM!!! "I shiver with power!" quoth he as the smoke settled. "I ache with vengeance! I...am WOM...batman!" "Holy transformation, Wombatman!" exclaimed Avelina. Ethan smacked his fist into his palm. "That's right, old chum! And I'm gonna stop...EVIL LORD GARY, or my name isn't...WOMBATMAN!" Ethan swung his fist into the air just to demonstrate how he was going to stop...you know who. BAM!! "Hey, that was cool!" squealed Avi. "Yeah, I know. Throw a punch and you get a word!" THWACK!! BIFF!! POW!! SPOON!! "Punch an adjective!" said Avi. Ethan swung... LOOPY!! "Punch a preposition!" BETWEEN!! "Punch...the state capital of Rhode Island!" PROVIDENCE!! "Look well into the face of justice, Evil Lord Gary!" exclaimed Ethan/Wombatman once he was all punched out. "For soon, it is a face that will spell the end of your reign of evil! And I mean that literally, since...I can...spell. ...Really fast! So...watch out!" "Yeah!" cheered Avi. "Now I gotta go change too, into your sidekick." "No time for that, old chum. You've got to get to the control room." "For butter and cheese?" "No, we need to contact the spirits of Frank Gorshin and Burgess Meredith. Only they know the true scope of evil. Only they can help us." "But you said you were the only one that could" "Never mind! Just do it!" Avelina sighed. "Yes, dear." (the Wombatman signal pans forward and back quickly) Avelina sat in the control room and called up the spirits of dead Batman villains...and surprisingly, one showed up! "Burgess Meredith!" Bum-bum-bumm!!! "...You were the Penguin!" "Yeah, I know. So what can I do for ya, kid?" "...Danny Devito was better." "Bah, he was a bum. He was born a bum, he lived like a bum, he directed movies like a bum, he'll die like a bum." Avi froze. "Okay, that's the last time we'll have any Rocky references. Sheesh!" "I think it's an insult to one's acting if they remain consistent. I prefer larger roles that don't typecast me." "Good luck with that," she murmured. "So Burgess, Evil Lord Gary has kidnapped my buddy Vai. Will you help us with your years of experience?" "Hey, I got a news flash for ya: I'm dead! What does it look like?!" A pause. "So...is that a yes?" ".........No." "So is that a, 'No I won't help', or a 'Yes, that's a no'?" "...This is screwy." "That's what we're aiming for, pal." Meanwhile! Zip! "Oh, am I on again?" "Tristan!" Bum-bum-bumm!! It was Tristan Reeves (Ivory's best friend's boyfriend), back from the void of televised space. "Good to see you back, Tris. We're having a villain problem." "Oh. Do you think it could be Dr. Stabs-a-Lot?" "No, we ruled him out. Malpractice suit." "Oh. Well, what about Rubber Rear, the man with an eraser for a butt?" "He's...busy. Erasing things. With his butt." "I see, I see. What about Professor Murder?" "Um, he's...dead." "Did you forget...Y2K Woman?" "Oh, she was beaten by Y2K-Compliant woman. And a big ball of Nobody Cares." A pause. "What about Yul Brinner? He's got a shiny head." "Yes! I must admit, that man has a shiny head. Never have I seen such a gleam on a man's noggin before." "And Natalie Portman...now there's a shiny head for ya." "Yeah, when she's not parading around in that Star Wars crap, sheHEY, are you trying to distract me?" Tristan laughed. "Am I a bad talk show guest?" Ethan/Wombatman frowned. Then he punched him. BOOF!! "Put that in your Batcave and drive it!" Meanwhile... "Burgess Meredith...... Gimme a dollar!" Bum-bum-bumm!! "Excuse me?" he whispered. "I said gimme your money!!!" "Oh, dear..." Meanwhile-meanwhile... "That was a waste of guest timeoh, I got another transmission!" Ethan reactivated his television setbut on the other end was the dreaded Evil Lord Gary! "Ah, Wombatman, at last we meet!" "Do I know you?" "No! But soon you will, for I am about to tell you! And when I tell you, you'll know! I am the Evil Lord! Buwhahahahahahahahaaaaa!!!!" There is an awkward pause. "......Gary." Bum-bum-bumm!! Ethan gasped: "You're Evil Lord Gary??!?!?!?!!?" "YES!!!" Bum-bum-bumm!! A pause. "Man...what were your parents thinking?" "Shut up! Shut up! I hate my stupid name! I sent my parents to Miltorkka's Death Mines for giving me such a horrible name!" Ethan gawked. "You killed your own parents?!" "Well...no, not really. But I'm planning to, as soon as I move out of the house!" "You haven't even moved out yet?" he snickered. "How old are you, anyway? Thirty, twenty-five?" "I shall be 27 this coming week!" Ethan laughed out loud; Evil Lord Gary snapped at him. "Shut up, shut up! How dare you mock me and my perfect villainy! Just for that, the deadline for releasing your friend has just been shortened!" "Holy Bob Kane! I forgot all about her! You monster!!!" "You have just one hour left, Wombatman!" exclaimed ELG wickedly. "Surrender control of your show or else! Once your time expires, I shall send both your friend and my parents to the Death Mines! There they will live the rest of their short, miserable lives in agony! Mruahahahahahahaahaha!!!!!" There is an awkward pause. "Gwuahahahahahahaha!!!" Another awkward pause. "How do you...turn this stupid webcam off? Lousy, stinking...the guy at the store said all I had to do was push this button. ...I'm pushing it. Am I off?" "Uh, no. I can still see you." "Drat! Another enemy of mine to throw into the mines! Stupid, raggin-fraggin" Will Wombatman be able to save his friend in time? Will Evil Lord Gary triumph and have not one but several last laughs? Will Avelina ever actually accomplish anything with the spirits of the Penguin and the Riddler? Or will she simply continue those one-line phrases that are always punctuated by suspenseful yet cheap music? WHAT WILL HAPPEN?! Will anything happen? The answers...are yes, no, no, yes, Good Lord Yes, and maybe. Alexandra "Furious Hail" was sleeping in Mrs. Keys' art class one day, dreaming of Corona (both the girl and the beer, which led to dreams of Corona drinking...Corona), when she found herself the subject of a Victorian-era ladies' dress!! Bum-bum- Hold on, we're not doing the suspenseful music in this section. Sorry. Right. Anyway, Alex was in a dress! "OMG, I'm in a dress!" she exclaimed, noticing the obvious. She turned around, getting a good look at herself in a mirror. She grinned and exclaimed, "Hey, this actually makes me look kinda hot! Maybe I oughta wear it when Corona takes me on our next date." With thoughts of her beloved in her mind, Alex Blair started walking, not knowing where though. Suddenly, she saw a white rabbit and realized exactly where this was going! "Umm...a Matrix parody?" Yes, Alex, wearing a Victorian dress and following a rabbit down a hole will lead to a Matrix parody. "Well, it can't possibly be worse than Matrix Revolutions." She has a point, folks. As it turned out, though, the bunny was really Alisha Fox, and she was really quite revealing in it, just like a Playboy bunny only with a little bit more class. "And yet less of an endowment," she moped, examining her you-know-what. Alex followed her, as the plot dictated, and found herself in a very, VERY big room. But everything else was tiny! And Alisha the Rabbit was gone! "So now what?" she asked. Along came a griffinreally it was Nomiand a mock-turtle (Amina), and each one presented to her a bottleboth, as you probably have guessed, marked "Drink Me". "We get paid for every word the author writes," explained Nakatori, "so don't think we're humiliating ourselves for free." "Actually," whispered Amina, "I like turtles. And Lewis Carrol." "We are so sued," sighed Blair. She shrugged, then chugged, and also got mugged! Alisha ran by and stole all her clothes! "GACK! My sexy Victorian dress! Come back here you wascawwy wabbit!" Speaking of being sued... "Not now, I gots ta get me stuff back!" So Alex streaked after the mischievous bunny-girl, only slightly aware that a pun had just been made. She also felt a chill that had not been there a few minutes earlier. Soon she discovered why. "Hey!" exclaimed Zane, appearing out of nowhere. "She's NAKED!!!" Everyone turned to gasp and look; Hail sputtered and ran off, covered only by the occasional, well-placed leaf. "No, no, you got it all wrong! Men have leaves, women have...uh...Y-shaped objects!" Well, all right, she was covered by Y-shaped objects from time to time. Which brings me to my next point: climate control. Am I right, folks? "STAY ON TRACK!!!" Whoops, sorry. Got distracted. Anyway, Alexandranow truly furiousfound some poor schmuck to rob, and beat him senseless so she could steal his clothes. Of course, this made many fans sad (being as how she was no longer naked), but it made others rather happy since Miss Blair can look sexy in almost anything she wears. "I swear, when I find something to shove up your assanything, reallyyou had best just watch out." Ah. Point taken. Alex ran about looking for Alisha to retrieve her nice clothes, but then ran into a crack-smoking caterpillar! Who came from out of nowhere! "Actually, it's just all us teachers on a smoke break," said Hitomi. Alex sighed with relief and joined them, taking a few puffsHEY! You can't be smoking now! You've got a rabbit to chase after! "Oh, and then what? Have graphic sex?" Well, uh, yes. "Sorry, man, Alisha's not my type. I'd much rather snuggle up with my sweet Corona. " Which, the beer or the girl? "Both. " I see. Well then, Alisha ran into the Queen of Hearts, who was really just Olivia in a red dominatrix outfit. The bunny and the queen had some "private meetings" together, giving Alex time to retrieve her dress. "I'm going to change," she alerted the author. "No peeking." Uh, sorry folks, you're gonna have to look away for awhile. Let's see what's happening elsewhere. When we last left Wombatman and his trusty sidekick, Evil Lord Gary had just finished making unreasonable demands! We also learned that Evil Lord Gary was really a wussy villain who still lived with his parents, and was probably being kicked around by Vai a lot. Avelina, meanwhile, was having a heart-to-heart with the ghosts of old Batman villains, and Ethan was exercising his right to make words from his punches. And now, let's tune in to the conclusion of...the first section of this chapter! "I bet that narrator's worn out by now," mentioned Ethan. Bum-bumwait, are we back? Yes, we're back. Just checking. ...BUMM!!!!! "Also, that spider needs a shave." "NO!" screamed Victoria. "Don't shave Dick Tracey!" "I'm sorry! I must! To save the world!" Ethan walked up to Victoria's pet spider with an electric razor, grinning wickedly as he aimed it at the non-bug-like creature. "Dick Tracey, you need a shave!" ZZT! "Ow!! ...Stupid spider bit me!" "Serves you right," pouted Vicki, snuggling her poor pet. Dick Tracey gave Ethan the finger (eight times over!) and squeaked as he returned Vicki's love. June, who had observed it all, blanched. "She's hugging that spider more than she's hugging me!" "June!" screamed Vicki randomly. "Let's take another bath together!" "...Okay! " They went offEthan gawked. "But the shave..." He looked at Gabrielle, who snatched poor Muraki away before she too could be stripped of hair, then at Lilian, who snorted as she stood over her doggies protectively. Ethan would not get to shave any pets that day. "You can shave me!" exclaimed the "other" Alex. Ethan stared at Miss Walker. "A bald female...oh, why not? The author has a sick fetish for bald girls. And redheads. And albinos." After reading off exactly how many fetishes I had, Ethan resumed his shaving quest and robbed Alex of all her hair. She stood happy and bald before the world, hugged Ethan, then went skipping along in search of another girlfriend. Ethan, meanwhile, was left with Walker's hair, and of course, the Boog. "We must get this hair to Evil Lord Gary before he sends our friend Vai to the Death Mines!" he exclaimed. Meanwhile, Captain Plot Device was being paid handsomely for his role in this story... Meanwhile... "Hey Frank. I just wanted to tell you, Jim Carrey really blew it when he played your role. To me, you shall always be the Riddler." "I think this Batman parody thing has worn out its welcome," he told her. "I'm sure the author wants to get back to when Alex was in Wonderland. Heh! Alex in Wonderland! Get it?" "I get it," sighed Avelina. She then punched the ghost of Frank Gorshin. PTOOIE!! "That's a new one," she observed. "But now we have no more ghosts to summon, unless somebody wants to go out and make some more." Ethan: Avi, that's a terrible thing to say! Avi: Since when are we doing script format? Ethan: Since the author got lazy. Avi: Oh. Well, let's get cracking. Evil Lord Gary won't be waiting forever. ELG: Actually, your time is up! Such mindless lollygagging has ruined the life of your friend! Now, to the Death Mines with her! Ethan: But we have the hair... ELG: Oh, well, that changes everything. ...Oh, what the heckinto the Death Mines anyway! Avi: What?! Nuuuuuu!!! Ethan: VAIII!!!! Vai...Vai... "Snurkk! Huh, what?" Ethan Nikholai suddenly woke up, finding himself back in his seat, with Tristan still going on about his usual nonsense. "Oh, hey, it was all a dream! God, could the author be any less original? That whole dream sequence ending is older than dirt!" "Hey, it works," said Vai. Ethan and Avi squealed. "VAI! Is that really you?" "Yup, in the flesh. Well, not really; I'm just a fictional character." "Good enough. Ya know what, I'm so happy we're all safe and sound, let's celebrate. Tonight, the steaks are on me!" "Yay!! Avelina suddenly wakes up in her bed and realizes that she, too, has been dreaming Avi: What a strange dream. Hey, waitasecond! How could I have a dream about Ethan having a dream?! Unless... Vai: Morning hunny! Avi: AAAAH!!! This is a dream too, isn't it? Later, Vai woke up, realized that she had dreamt it all, then went outside. The sky, as always, was still purple. Evil Lord Gary: But I never got my chocolate milk! "There, that's better!" Alexandra Blair finally finished changing back into her Victorian dress, and just in time, too! Kathlyn the Cheshire Cat had arrived. "So now I'm Katt the Cat?" Yeah, pretty much. "Bah! Who else saw that one coming? Go on, raise your hands. I've got all day." Thankfully, Leena came by to remove her sweetheart (aw, c'mon, it wasn't like they weren't gonna hook up), leaving Alex free to date Corona at long last. Unfortunately, miss Marcos was wearing the exact same dress as her girlfriendthe ultimate faux pas! "Noooo!!!!" Alex suddenly bolted upright, her body covered with sweat. She breathed quickly before realizing she had been asleep in her room the whole time. She grumbled: "Whoa, I gotta lay off the shrooms. Did that really happen, or was it just some magical dream?" "You tell me, sweetie!" said Corona, laying next to her in a bunny costume. Alex would've screamed and pulled her hair out, but hey, you don't get too many opportunities like this, so she took itand how! Miss Marbel gathered all the students together in the gymnasium for an assembly. It was one of those miraculous days where everybody was present and accounted for, so naturally, the place was both crowded and loud. She could silence them, though, and stood at the podium clearing her throat in an attempt to do so. Suddenly, Steve McQueen came from out of nowhere, and all the lesbians in the room got hearts bulging in their eyes. Lotta hearts. "Why Steve McQueen?" asked Marbel. "Simple," explained Ivory. "He is only one of three men, that I know of, that can turn any gay girl straight! The other two are Billy Lee Black from Xenogears" At the mere mention of the priest, nearly all the girls in the auditorium sighed dreamily. "And of course," continued Ivory, "Randolph Scott." "Randolph Scott?" blurted Ancelin. She along with everyone else stood up and covered their hearts with their hands. In unison they cried, "RANDOLPH SCOTT!", and sat back down. McQueen cleared his throat. "...Okay. Uh...everyone quiet please. Your teacher's got a word for you." The girls naturally obeyed; Marbel resumed, her face flushed. "Ah, yes. As you all know, the Christmas season is upon us. Now I realize that most of you will want to run around with mistletoe hats, give presents, and stay places for New Year's, but we've got to have a decorum of order here! I can't just allow all of you to slack off and ride the rest of the month; we're going to buckle down here. That includes midterms, which I'm sure you're all looking forward to." Naturally, none of the girls were; they were rather looking forward to Steve McQueen doing wonderful things with his motorcycle. "So without further delay," concluded the Headmistress, "we should all return to class and realize that the toughest days are aheadso you had all best behave. Any chaos will not be tolerated!" Suddenly, of course, a great big ball of chaos rolled into the auditorium, banging through the doors until it forced itself inside. The girls stood up in exclamation as they saw that it was every single character from the author's first interactive story!! The auditorium became crowded as Sayrah, Diana Jade, Dana Withers, Zet the elf, Sahn, Greg Rodriguez, Woolyford the goat, Cat Prepells, Dustin Harper, Jerwon Nodsten, General Brokolov, Melena Fara'dellyn, Titania Prepells, Ketra Glang, Shadi, Malecanthrite, Frost, Cedro Fontano, Sean Gilliam, Klarana, and Seraph Stone stuffed themselves inside it. "What are you doing here?" demanded Marbel. "Uh, remember Hero and Ayanna talking about special guest appearances?" "Oh." "Yeah. Technically our contract hasn't expired yet." "Hey, there's some missing!" "Oh. ...They're all dead." "I see." Soon everybody got in a terrific fight (except for Jerwon and Seraph Stone, whom most of the girls were cuddling/ogling), with interactive story characters flying everywhere. Things didn't calm down from there, however, as the ceiling immediately blew up. Several figured rappelled down to meet the increased crowd, and wouldn't you know it, it was every single character from the author's second interactive story!! Aisuna, Kit Hiro, Eien Kinu, Captain Jack Lazarus, Shellby Blake, Lantariz Tornheart, Asuka Honmisei, Bloodstorm, Keiko Yamanaka, Glavius, Ichi, Thirteen (not the "Champions" one), Max Rockwell, Silvara, Brinna Ptolemie, Galaga Starik, Kagai Shazou, Matthew Dark, and Miichi Zuroi all descended down, standing before the casts of the author's "other" two interactive stories. "This is going a bit overboard," muttered Marbel. Unfortunately, things went awry after that: Kit and Eien were too busy cuddling, Shellby and Lantariz wanted time to themselves, Asuka and Brinna snuck off for hot dancer-elf sex, more than a few characters from AGS egged Silvara and Miichi about getting together, and everyone that had died in the interactive story now died again. By explosion. "Gaah, what's nextthe Spanish Inquisition?!" No sooner had Gabrielle said that, did the windows break open and shatter, ushering in a large team of elderly pirates. "Worse!" shouted Mira. "It's the Crimson Permanent Assurance!!!" "Well, that's our Monty Python reference for the day..." The auditorium came alive with battle as every character from the author's interactive stories (except that one, which was never finished, and of course the superhero one), plus the Crimson Permanent Assurance, got into a huge, violent free-for-all. I do expressly apologize for this interruption, but rest assured, steps are being taken to fix it. Meanwhile, aboard the Death Star... Darth Vader observes the goings-on in Stanton, and knowing what the author wants to do, points a dreadful finger at Imperial Officer #4. "You, dog! Prepare to fire the Death Star on my count!" "Death Star prepared to fire, sir!" "Good! Fire at will!" The Death Star charged up, blasted its immense laser, and instantly blew up David Carradine. Vader turned and laid an invisible scowl at the Officer. He could only chuckle weakly. "Well, whaddya know? We killed Bill. Tarantino's not gonna like this." "At least we didn't shoot Will from Illusion of Gaia again," muttered Officer #7. "Yeah, that one's getting old." "Shut up!" spat Vader. "Destroy the planet Earth!" "Yes sir!" The Death Star prepared to fire another blast; meanwhile, of course, our heroes and heroines had no idea of the imminent doom they would soon face. But they would!! Until then, it was up to June to stop the madness, so she wheeled close to the podium and shouted. "HEY! Everybody freeze!" Frost, of course, cackled wickedly, but she gave him a "you know that's not what I meant" glare that chilled even him. June got up and slammed her fist on the podium angrily: "I cannot tolerate this anymore! Now everybody stop; let's not fight again. Don't you see? We can use our combined skills to take over the world......cattle industry!" "June, your legs!" June looked down, noticing that she was standing up for once. She screamed and raised her fists in the air. "Meine fuehrer! I'M WALKING!!!!!!" KA-BOOM!!!!! Some time later, around the old campfire... "I guess that must've been the only time the author killed off lesbians in this story," observed Ancelin. Ivory nodded. "Yeah. Well, glad he got it out of his system. And hey, technically, none of this happened anyway." "Oh, you're right! Now let's cuddle!" "Yee! " Ivory and Ancelin cuddled, and soon practically everyone attached themselves to somebody else (yes, yes, May and Janine started snuggling too, you happy? Fan-service over), except of course for Vai. As usual, she was left with nobody to love, but not to worry, folks! I've got the perfect solution! Zing! The girls gasped in unison. "It's Mr. Toasty! And he's finally made his prerequisite cameo appearance!" "Yeah, it's me," I said humbly. A few of the girls rushed over for autographs and stuff, but I pushed through and made my way to Vai. She smiled shyly and nodded. "Hello." "Hi. So, I guess you wouldn't mind hooking up with me for a bit." "No, not at all. " I squealed happily and picked her up in my arms; Kula snorted. "You do realize that she's a fictitious character, right?" "So? I don't care. This is as close as I'll get to a real girlfriend, so don't ruin it." "Yeah, buzz-kill! Party pooper! Wet blanket! Sour grape! ...Um...nerd gobbler!" "Hey, I resent that," she grumbled. "So, Mr. Toasty," said Vai cheerfully, "how do you think we'll end this chapter?" "Well, I've been pondering it for a long time, Vai, and I came to the only conclusion worth speaking of. ...LET'S HAVE AN ORGY!" "Yee!" squealed about five dozen girls. So everybody (censored). Somebody (censored) while somebody else (censored) with their (censored). Hitomi and Abby (censored) with their (censored) on top of the (censored) with Leena's (censored). Mr. Toasty (censored) around (censored) random preposition meant to represent unspoken sexual act (censored) salad dressing! Ana and Rai (censored) with a midget, while (censored) with (censored) until (censored) broke! (censored) (censored) (censored) (censored) pencil! Meanwhile... "I wonder what everybody else is doing." Avelina posed this thought to Ethan as they sat cuddled in a couch by a fire; he smiled gently and squeezed her a little closer. "I'm sure they're all having fun. But are you positive you don't want to join them?" "Yeah. I think I'll just stay here...with you." She kissed him and rested her head against his chest; he took time in caressing her hair, until they both drifted off and slipped into another fanciful dream... If we shadows have offended, Think but this, and all is mended: That you have but slumbered here, While these visions did appear; And this weak and idle theme, No more yielding but a dream, Gentles, do not reprehend. If you will pardon, we will mend. And as I am an honest puck, If we have unearned luck Now to 'scape the serpent's tongue, We will make amends ere long, Else the puck a liar call. So, good night unto you all. Give me your hands, if we be friends, And Mr. Toasty shall restore amends!
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