"If you need me, I'll be reading. Don't stay up too late; you've both got a busy day tomorrow." "Kay'. Bye, mom." Janet Keys smiled, closed the door to her room, and left the two girls to their privacy for the remainder of the evening. Jocelyn perched herself on the couch and patted the seat next to her, inviting Erica to join her. Feeling slightly bloated from dinner, Erica sat and nervously wrung her hands. Her eyes wandered to Jocelyn and to the floor, but she was otherwise unoccupied and ill-prepared for the promised talk. Jocelyn edged a little closer. "To tell you the truth," she said, laughing very weakly, "I'm really grateful you're here. You're not... always here, but you're here when it matters, and... that's good. I like that. I like having you around." "Oh. Good." Fox mentally winced. Oh, good? What kind of a response was that? Jocelyn smiled, sensing her friend's anxiety. She nudged a little closer and took Erica's hand. "You're a godsend, you know. I, uh... I really couldn't have gone very far without ya. Sounds stupid, I know, but it's the way I feel." "It's not stupid, but... I kinda feel left behind. Like you're getting all the... action." "Well what do you want?" Erica looked away. Uh-oh. This was the question she had such a hard time answering. What did she want: peace on Earth, or peace in their homes? To find love, or for Jocelyn to find peace? To have Alisha shut up, or to have her be a real sister and be kind to her? A million dollars, or other riches? What, what? "What do you think about... what I told you?" she squeaked. Oh, so was that what she wanted? She wanted Jocelyn to answer in a way that made her happy, right? But wasn't that selfishor did Erica Fox finally deserve to think about herself, after bearing her friend on her shoulder all that time? In any case, it took McKeough some time to answer. "You're really in love with me? I mean, honestly? And by that you mean... like romantic love? Because... I love you as a sister, of course." "Oh, if that's the way you want to interpret it, then I'm okay." "But what did you mean?" Erica looked away bashfully, rubbing her arms as if she were cold. "Um... I guess you could say I... kinda got attracted to you in an unusual way, kinda after the, uh... the funeral and all. I mean, I don't mean it like I was stalking you and waiting for your boyfriend to die or anything, I just..." She had Jocelyn's attention. Here was a girl she could be honest with, and not expect angry repercussion. So she relented and released her thoughts. "I was just there for you," she murmured, "and you needed my help, and I stepped up and helped you. And since then... yes, I can say that I fell in love with you. But you're my best friend, and I'm... well, you know, gay, so maybe it was expected. I mean, I've never thought of you that way before, and I don't know why I do now, it's just..." And here her voice lowered to a whisper, and she blushed and smiled. "I needed someone, and you were there for me; then you needed someone, and I was there for you. It... sounds kinda silly now." She laughed softly and rubbed her cheek, not knowing what to make of the developments. Jocelyn put her best foot forward and kissed Erica on her lips. And held it. "You're my guardian angel," she whispered, taking Erica's semi-long soft curly copper hair in her fingers. She looped the twists and waves around her fingers until they were securely coiled, and kissed Erica again. "It's weird in a way, me doing this with you so soon after his death," she whispered. "But I think Andrew would want me to find somebody who would take care of me and the baby, somebody I knew we could all trust. Who better to fit that description than you?" "But... I don't want to replace him, and that's part of the problem." Both girls blushed a little as Jocelyn put her forehead against her friend's, pressing their noses together and letting their eyes meet. "I know. Nobody can. But you're pretty irreplaceable yourself, Rickyand I do love you, honestly I do. I think I've known ever since the day after the funeral, when I wept over little more than delicious waffles. Remember?" Erica grinned and nodded, though she was crying. Joss had been a mess back then, but time and love had healed that wound, and here she was now, about ready to lead people in a protest! "So, do you...?" It was almost too much to hope for... "Yes, I do." But on very, very rare occasions, hope can come through and give people an extra reason to believe in it. Erica couldn't help but beam with joy when she heard the news. Nor could Jocelyn, as she was thanked and embraced. Together, they lost count of how many times they kissed and held and whispered that night, until bed and the pressing issues of the world called them for rest. And in this fashion, the week began. The Protest "Part Five: Negotiations" Alisha keenly watched Vai Knox from afar, keeping herself warm in the cold morning. She was feeling awfully serene that day, neither in a mood to pester her sister nor one to scout for a date, nor even one for great excitement. She was at peace with herself, probably because she had been told the truth just recently. So, Erica was finally ready to admit it. Well, she looked happier for it, and supposedly that was all that mattered. Even Jocelyn looked more peaceful, more passionate than before, and spoke with a new voice, although everyone felt like the climax of the protest was over, and now it was only a matter of time before results came in. Only a matter of time before people lost their spirit... It was obvious not everyone thought as Usha or Jocelyn did. The war was far away, irrelevant in their own homes, something in the back of their minds: to complain or lampoon, to comment or criticize, to hail or to scornbut not to care about, not for long. Usha was just burning herself out, poor thing, and it looked as if Jocelyn had found a new source of peace, one that quelled her hatred and anger and turned it into a new form of generosity and kindnesssimilar to its elder incarnation, but different, maybe better. Alisha still didn't have a girlfriend. Bummer. She didn't know Vai well enough to know whether she was interested in girls or notheck, during the play, the two of them had a faux romantic scene and were supposed to embrace, but Vai always did it uncomfortably. It was like hugging a steel beam. She had excellent ideas and quietly took Miss Post aside to share them, but otherwise didn't interact at all. Well, maybe she was just shy, and shy girls were certainly okay in Fox's book. She shivered and approached Vai, who was off by herself, not a friend to talk to. So she was lonely. Also a plus. "Hey." Vai nodded. "Cold out here, huh?" "I hate small talk," she grunted bluntly. Alisha frowned. "Yeah, me too. It's such a load of bullshit. So, uh, whaddya make of the play?" "I think I might quit it," said Knox, emitting a ghost as she sighed. "I'm no good on the stage. I mean, I've dreamt of going on there, it's just... I'm inexperienced. My parents say I'd do good, but what do they know? They're slowly fazing themselves out of my life. Come my twenty-first birthday, they won't know me from a stranger." "Oh, that sucks." "Yeah. Plus, I have no idea where I'm going for college, and I haven't found a good job yet since my temporary one ended a month ago." "Oh, where did you work?" "Some dorm on campus. I was cleaning rooms and stuff. Worst job I ever had." "Oh, crap." Alisha made a face and grunted. "Man, that does sound like shit. The worst job I ever had was working for UPS. Guess how long that lasted." "A month?" Alisha touched her nosebingo. "Yeah, about thirty days too many. I'm still living off that money, believe it or not. Say, you doing anything tonight?" "I wouldn't consider a whole lot of nothing much of an activity, so no." Alisha crossed her arms. Now here was a girl with a snake's bite, a chip on her shoulder the size of a tree, and obvious pain from several bad circumstances. Perhaps if a different person had experienced her troubles, they would've killed themselves or gone mad, or else turned to crime or drugs or some other self-destruction (Fox noticed a few self-inflicted wounds on Vai's arm and cringed). Vai, though beautiful, looked haggard and beaten, like an old ship that had gone through a storm only to find a hostile port. She was a strong, beautiful, frightening woman, maybe too much for Alisha. Then again, she was pretty damned horny. "Would you like to go out somewhere, do something?" Vai frowned. "Only if you're serious." "I am." "Are you? Really?" "Yes, yes." Why was she asking, anyway? Of course Alisha was serious. What, had some guy approached her, offered to be her boyfriend, and ignored her the next day? (Ah, indeed, the levels of pain a human can bear rival the very circles of Hell) "...I'd love to," she answered. Alisha grinned. "Great, it's a date." "Oh, waitI'm not so sure if I want to date a girl." What are you saying, Vai? Go for it! This may be your only chance! "If we're going as friends, sure, no problem. I'm just... I don't think I'm interested in girls." Vai, honey, you masturbate thinking about girls. You nearly took your own virginity thinking about Dawn, that stupid fairy-girl you created for your story! Go for it! "If you were a guy, it'd be a different story, of course." Come on, give it a chance! Don't pass up another opportunity. Remember the seventh grade? "Um... that's fine," said Alisha; "I'm willing to compromise. Just as friends, then, wherever you want." Yup, you blew it. And she's probably your type! You blew it, Fox. A nice angsty girl like that and you blew it. She's probably your type, too! "All right. Um... I've got a car, let's just meet at that deli place down the street. Uh... Slot's-something; I can't pronounce the name." "Yeah, me neither. Cool." Alisha hung back, and little by little, she distanced herself from Vai, and became lost in the group of girls and women. Vai sighed, tapping the back of her head against the brick wall as she berated herself. You are so going to regret this. "Shut up," she whispered to herself; "I know what I'm doing." ....... In spite of how she had previously felt about Usha, Kula couldn't help but pity the woman for what she was doing to herself. She was obviously weak from so many days of speaking out, protesting, and generally making a prudish firebrand of herself. How had Marbel done it, all those years ago? Usha looked ready to faint at any given moment, and her health was probably deteriorating due to being outside so much. Then again, Jocelyn looked healthier than ever, and she had gone through similar ordeals. Perhaps this business sucked away one's life: by slipping into it momentarily, one did not feel its affects, but if one had a prolonged stay... Usha quietly and suddenly excused herself, feeling exhausted. Mira guided her down and held her, warming her slowly with her body heat. Blake was unfortunately home sick, and could barely make it past her bedroom door, let alone her house, so it was up to Krishnan's rival, partner, and girlfriend to support her. She was still capable of speaking and listening, so the two exchanged words. It was agreed that Usha would say no more, simply because she had said everything possible. As newcomer Yuki Kogure had said, "It's now in the hands of other people." "So what do we do?" wondered Alexis Walker to herself. "Wait? Just wait for news, for reactions? Maybe all this has been in vain after all. Who cares?" "Don't say that," said Kathlyn, who was next to her. "A lot of people put some real effort into this, and you gotta admit, this whole week of marching around the school has made a believer in a lotta people." "A believer in what?" "In whatever they like to believe in. For some, it's an end to the war, or the abolition of the draft; for others, it's just belief, or hope, or vague things like that." "What about you?" "Me? Oh, I've already got my thing. I'm just here out of curiosity, and besides, the nice crisp air makes me feel a little better." Walker smirked and grunted before sneezing. "Damn, this morning air is some chilly shit. If they're gonna do something, they better do it fast." "Yeah. It is pretty cold." Kathlyn grinned, but excused herself a moment later. Alexis watched her leave and enter into the embrace of Leena, where she stayed for the duration of the morning vigil. Walker raised a curious eyebrow: the actions of her ex-girlfriend were now of sudden interest to her. "They can't be," she mused to herself. "...Can they?" Mira was keeping Usha warm. Jocelyn and Erica were holding hands. Ayanna and Hero were talking. Marbel was nowhere to be found. The group started to disperse. And then, the bell rang. The protest was over for another day, and school was about ready to begin. The crowd thinned and vanished, leaving none behind. Usha gave Mira a sad look. "Was it all for nothing? Has nothing been accomplished?" "Hush, silly," hissed van Dijk gently. "You're too impatient. Just wait. We'll learn something later. Come, you are like a kid waiting for Sinterklaas to arrive." Mira guided Usha inside, and promised to meet her again as many times as possiblemaybe sneak off together and make out in secret. As weary and disappointed as she was, Usha could not refuse that offer. Andeira Torvald was just getting into her Spanish lessons when the PA came on. Headmistress Marbel sounded happier than usual, if the stern woman was even capable of unusual happiness. Naturally, when she spoke, everyone listened, which was just the affect she had wanted. "Attention, students and faculty of Stanton. For the past week, many of you have participated in the protest that has attracted people from all over the area, even some from other states. We've been on the news and the newspapers, and people have talked about us, how we operate and what we believe in. Students and faculty, I have just been informed that the President of the United States, afterand I quoteserious deliberation and regards to the public opinionhere's where I'd like to wedge in our own little contributionafter all that thinking, he has rescinded his earlier proposal in regards to the draft. It will notI repeat, the draft will not be in affect for his upcoming election year! Thank you, that is all." A few of the older women remembered times when they had cheered to the sounds of good news, and now was no different. Few classrooms did not have some girl hissing in excitement. One or two had people shouting, standing on desks, whistling, hugging, even kissing. Andeira Torvald breathed a sigh of relief and smiled as her class celebrated in their own way. Usha received her fair share of pats on the back, and even got one from Kula. "Well done, old bird," she said, faking an English accent. "I guess being a selfish asshole does pay off once in awhile, eh?" "Uh, thanks," she managed. Kula laughed and slapped hands with her classmates; Torvald calmed her students a few minutes later, congratulated all of them, and resumed, with all the other members of Stanton's faculty, business as usual. ............ Janet had heard the news and was glad, and congratulated her foster daughter over dinner. She did not yet know the full extent of her relationship with Erica, but even as a substitute parent, Keys could figure a few things out and add things up. She would learn eventually, but for the moment, being in the dark wasn't so bad. She had not seen Jocelyn so happy since she moved in, nor Erica so open and loving. The girls were skittish and a little bubbly, but considering what had happened (both on and off campus), it was expected. Janet figured the young ones would want privacy again for the evening, so she retired to her room and caught up on a few movies. As soon as they were alone, Erica leaped into her best friend's arms like a tigress and kissed her deeply, furiously, using an intensity that was alien to her. Jocelyn squealed and giggled, fitting her arms around her best friend and locking them together, until their bodies pressed against each other's. Their gasps surged in between kisses; their eyes, both like seas during a bleak storm, relished in the visual art before them and met, storm clashing against storm, lips brushing as hands clasped and bodies twisted. Erica cupped her dearest friend's jaw in her hand, and smothered her mouth with a desperate kiss. She put her tongue forth boldly, first pressing up against the barrier that was Jocelyn's mouth, then finding tentative access as she submitted to the carnal urges of her meek friend. Erica was sacrificing reason for instinctno matter that this was her best friend, or a girl who had been straight a month ago, or that she was pregnant with her boyfriend's childno matter, Erica was parched for the other woman, and as Jocelyn's tongue wrapped itself around her own, the thirst became even more desperate. Erica gasped and dug deep for more. She licked the insides of her beloved's mouth, painting the fleshy walls with her tongue, nearly choking as Jocelyn slathered her with saliva and kisses. She took her beloved's tongue deep in her mouth, sucking on it softly, gently, running her lips over it like it was a Popsicle. Jocelyn shuddered and grabbed her friend's hands, entwining fingers together in an erotic touch, electrifying the sensitive nerves in the fingers and palm as skin met with skin. Pregnant or no, she leaned forward heavily, pressing her weight into her friend, until they fell gracefully into the lap of the couch, desperate and irrational. Jocelyn dislodged herself from Erica after awhile to breathe, and pulled her friend up so they could at least kiss. She smiled as she caressed those curly locks, colored like shining pennies from heaven, yet richer in scent and value. She gasped as she saw levels of Erica's beauty that had never been discovered before: a weight revealed, tiny secrets kept during lonely days, nightly dreams and prayers, little hopes and irritations during the days that seemed most lonely, most depressing and sacred. She kissed her friend in every place she needed, and whispered her name, saying how much she was in love. That was it, then. Jocelyn McKeough was in love with her own best friend. Not a lesbian, she said playfully, not even bisexualjust in love. There was a difference. Erica laughed. She placed her lips on her friend's neck and explored it thoroughly, leaving tiny little trails of moisture and very, very faint impressions. It was like making a path through a forest, and here were markers to show her where she had beenfamiliar territory, or unexplored areas? Jocelyn hissed and tilted her head far back, totally exposing her neck; Erica licked her friend's throat from top to bottom, and nibbled at the sides, wedging her teeth into the skin just enough to give her friend a little jolt. Jocelyn cooed and found herself lostbut ah, there were plenty of markers to show her the way back, if she desired it. Erica kissed Jocelyn's ear and whispered for her to raise her arms. She did so, slowly and willingly. Her long-sleeved blue lacetop came off, masking her face briefly before finding itself neatly placed on the couch, and she became a little more naked for her friend. Jocelyn blushed as Erica gazed at her skin, imperfect and blemished faintly around the shoulders. Erica squeezed her beloved's shoulders and nuzzled her neck, loving her deeper. Boom-boom-boom went her pulse; closing her eyes accentuated the pleasure. Erica stared hard at Jocelyn as she unbuttoned her blouse. She looked so serious, so wanting, that Jocelyn felt it a crime not to help. They giggled as their fingers stumbled and fumbled, sometimes "accidentally" brushing up against the chest, and kissed just to feel each other again. The blouse came off without flair and joined the shirt; two girls in girlish brassieres held each other and felt new waves of wonder as bare skin met bare skin: arms entwined, chests discovered friction, lips and tongues went everywhere, "I love you so much." Together the girls raced inside Jocelyn's room, carrying their discarded shirts with them. Together they stood and melded, meshing lips and tongues together as their arms explored each other's bodies, rubbing and touching shoulders, the back, the arms, and the bottom. Erica gave a cute yelp as Jocelyn squeezed her rear, and shuddered with a great moan as her friend got down on her knees, kissed her little belly button, and took off her jeans. Undressed, Erica took her beloved's hands and pinned her to the floor, towering over her slightly until she pressed the weight of her body upon her. Her hands worked to take off Jocelyn's black baggy pants, struggling with the belt until all was gone. She took her friend's hand, climbed into the bed, and held tight as they exchanged anxious glances. "This is getting intense," whispered Fox, touching her beloved's cheek. "Yeah," she croaked. She tried breaking the ice by kissing Erica's nose, and whispered, "I like it." "Should we really... do this? Joss, if this makes you uncomfortable..." "Do you really think it does?" Erica giggled. "No. All that moaning certainly didn't help." They laughed softly together, kissed again, and drew their bodies together for deep intimacy. Their legs locked together as the only barriers between them merged; Jocelyn looked up at her dearest friend and smiled, knowing what she wanted to dowhat she meant to do. She put her hands on her back and struggled for a few seconds to release the undergarment, and Erica's breasts were free to the world. Jocelyn grinned and took one in her hand. "They're so... cute!" "Heehee, thanks. Now let's see yours." "Oh," she sang, feeling lightheaded. Since she was lying down, Erica atop her, she sat up briefly just so she could twist her bra around and unhook it easier. This way, Erica saw a premature version of her friend's naked chest, and tried not to blush too hard as she helped get it off. She giggled and smiled, kissing Jocelyn's lips once as she caressed one of the ovular mounds in her palm. "They're beautiful," she said. "Thanks. So are you." "Heehee, so corny." "Aw, you love it!" Their moaning became louder as they hugged, each breast finding a mate to bury itself into. They hissed and gasped as their naked chests swept sideways and up and down, feeling each other's sensitivity through their own. Jocelyn must've blacked out a little once as Erica released herself and kissed her nipple; she moaned desperately as the girl's tongue circled around. She panted as her hands ran over the other one, tickling and feeling and allowing the erotic sense of touch take over. Gasp, moan, hiss, pleasures anew, and greater because of their source. Erica put her lips on the chest bone that covered her friend's heart, and laid them there until she could feel its pulse in her mouth. She smiled up at Jocelyn, eyes misty, and kissed lower: down to her rising and falling tummy, onto her belly buttonher tongue dipped in a few timesfurther down to her hips. "Lips and hips," she mused, tracing her finger along the hem of her friend's underwear. She giggled as she saw them close up: "Heehee, chocobo underwear? You really are obsessed, Joss." "Hey, I... found them on E-bay for fifteen bucks, I couldn't resist!" Fox laughed and tickled her through her underwear, making Joss miserable with new pleasures and feelings. She gasped, and kept gasping, as Erica slipped her hand beneath them, and wiggled them off with a bit of effort. She threw them on the ground, smiling maliciously. The look on her face was neither meek nor gentle, but foxy, seductive, and sexual. Erica had an animal in her after all, and that animal had urges that Jocelyn found, quite frankly, exciting. "Hey, come on," she managed as Erica tickled her pubic hair. "You gotta get naked for me too." "Mm, say please." "Please, Erica, please... let me undress you." Fox laughed seductively, driving her best friend wild. "Oh, you're sexy when you beg. Well, here they are." Erica turned around completely, aiming her rear straight at Jocelyn's face. McKeough grimaced and gave the girl's hindquarters a firm slap. "Hey, don't stick that thing in my face!" She laughed and yanked down Erica's uninspiring white panties, and pulled them off as her friend stretched her legs out. She slapped her behind once more for good measure, and since they were in that position anyway... "Hey Jocelyn, what number am I thinking of?" It was an obvious answer. "Sixty-nine, dudes!" ...... Weary and yet oddly horny at the same time, Jocelyn twisted herself and her lover around until she was on top, looking down upon her guardian angel with ferocious love and sexual instinct. It was now her turn to take Erica's breasts in her mouth, to lick her chest greedily, to stuff her face in the girl's armpits and neck and tickle her. It was her turn to please her friend; she raised herself slightly and touched her friend's pubic hair, very nearly reaching her vagina. Erica was seeing stars and hearing fireworks. "Jocelyn," she whispered. Her friend and lover smiled at her. "Yeah?" What Erica said next was too beautiful, too honest to describe. "I want to give you my virginity." "...Are you sure?" "Yes, I'm positive. Please." There was no way now that Joss could refuse. "When I gave Andrew my virginity," she mused, digging two fingers inside her lover at long last, "it felt masochistic, good and bad at the same time. I gotta be honest with you, Ricky: the stuff hurts like hell, even if the person doing it is someone you know and trust. And yeah, it does feel kinda good, but kind of in a sick way." "Please," she begged, whispering gently, "do it." Jocelyn smiled and used her free hand to grab Erica's floundering hand. "With pleasure." She found Erica's hymen after some effortshe had once accidentally touched her own during masturbation, and had stopped right then out of frightand pierced it as gently and lovingly as she could. Erica gagged herself on a pillow to stop screaming. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... fuck! ...Damn, that hurt!" she spat. Her face turned cherry red as she caught her breath. "Oh, uh, sorry." Jocelyn merely giggled. "Heehee, it's okay. I'm sorry too." "No," gasped Fox, "don't be sorry at all. I... wanted you to do that, remember?" "Yeah. Sheesh, what a mess. Be right back." Jocelyn wandered away, snuck into the bathroom, and came out a few seconds later with a wet, warm rag. Erica winced as her friend matted up the blood, and just to be safe, she kissed it better. Fox giggled and moaned a little at the same time. "Hurt?" "Mm, kiss it again." Jocelyn laughed and happily obeyedseveral times. She finally snuggled back into Erica's arms, staring down at the woman she loved, the woman she was now connected to for all of time. She rested her palm on the girl's face and sighed, kissing her deeply before speaking. "This was... indescribable. I can't believe I made love to my own best friend. Mmm, but it kinda makes sense in a way. I believe you can't really be in love with anyone unless they're your best friend." "Yeah." Erica grinned, content to feel her friend's naked skin touch hers so closely, and cuddled closer still. She touched one of her breasts delicately and kept her hand there. "Joss?" "Yeah?" "I think... after today... I might be a little more than a godmother to that baby of yours." Jocelyn smiled and laughed, and for good measure, they made love to each other one last time before falling asleep. And in this fashion, the week ended. The End of "The Protest" Stay tuned for the next "All Girls School" mini-series, "Opening Night".
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