"Usha and Blake" Usha Krishnan's first date was with the girl she had had a crush on for a whole yearreally a success story gone right. Blake Baum's first date was with a girl she barely knew, who had the gay naiveté to just walk up and ask her out, and later, she dated a girl who had apparently liked her in secret, yet had not the nerve to reveal her feelings until then. Mira van Dijk's first date was with Blake, and her tenth was with Usha. By this point, any outside observer could've concluded that it was Blake, none other, that Usha had liked for so long. Their exploits, first as strangers and second as girlfriends, were strange and peculiar, meriting a story in their own right. Starting from the day Usha first realized she liked Blake might've been poor, for too long a time was spread out between that day and the day they went on their first date together. But it was as good a place as any to begin, and all good stories usually start out at their origin anyway. Blake had been playing sports since before she met any of her four close friends. Riddled with a poor attention span and restlessness, her parents recommended something that would keep her busy and off the couch. They introduced her to soccer, which she did very poorly in until the day she became attracted to running. It was so generic and simple, and she could focus everything into it without really having to focus at all. When she got tired, she stopped and observed the world. When she caught her breath, she went on. Blake quickly found herself a natural, and soon won awards for her efforts in elementary school and subsequent middle school races. She got back into soccer around the 7th grade, and although she found herself average in general, she was an excellent runner and carried her team far in several games. She soon became a valuable player, and in her freshman year of high school, became Stanton's MVP (her position was now up for grabs in sophomore year; she predicted Zane Klein would win it). It was during one of these glorious games, the run for the championship (which the Badgers won), where a certain young woman with a passion paid attention to the sport, and the players, and the unassuming young girl who helped escalate her team. Usha and Blake knew each other by reputation only, but a year after Stanton's opening game in their championship run, they would know each other better. Blake knew most of her teammates well, and considered them friends, although none were as close as her "big four". Aintzane "Zane" Klein was eccentric and aggressive, a woman who could've played football and been perfectly at home, but since Stanton didn't offer the sport (nor rugby), she chose soccer. Zane was not nearly as good at running as Blake, but she was the offensive heart and the goal-scoring soul of the team. Alexis "X" Walker was very nearly as aggressive; combined, the two women mowed down their opponents like wrecking balls. Ivory Tran, not quite as physical, was still quick and had excellent balance, and she had a keen eye for the ball and a noticeable sixth sense when it came to strategy. Jocelyn McKeough didn't look like she belonged on the field, but she was speedy and certainly the most spirited of the team. Kathlyn Parkin, the newcomer, was a goalie unparalleled, despite her asthmatic weakness, and Leena K., their mentor and coach, was enjoyable and lovely and tough and inspirational all at once. The Stanton Badgers were strong, and beloved, and admiredbut one in particular was held in high regard outside. Usha had a crush on Blake long before she realized it. People would've asked why the eloquent, sophisticated woman with a future would "waste her time" with a common, everyday girl who seemed uninterested in high society, but Usha was very different and had a very unorthodox outlook on things. Her love and admiration of Mira, her newest political rival, proved she respected people and had the sense to admire talent when she saw it; her longtime "fanship" of Blake proved that even she cared for more than just the latest opinions and social happenings. Blake Freda Baum, her full name, was an inch shorter than Usha and a year younger, but considerably more athletic. Her legs were especially molded and perfected into pillars; her waist was within reasonable feminine width and her arms were thin but strong. She never wore skirts or anything that revealed her bust, and her hair was the color of falling autumn leaves, rusty and golden with reddish hue and a drop of brown. She wore clothes according to each season: green and blue for spring, colors similar to her hair in autumn; black in winter, white in summer. Anyone could see her physical traits; Usha wanted to know the deeper things. What did this girl like, besides track? Why was she so embarrassed about her figure? Her legs were strong and her chest, though petite, was nothing to be shy about. Did she read, watch movies, walk, go to the mall, swim, what? Was she interested in girls? Did she have a boyfriend? What was her type? What were her weaknesses, her fears, the things that made her angry or unhappy? What... Usha sighed. The crowds in the bleachers roared. Another goal for Walker. Blake didn't even look winded. Parkin looked like she had walked through a tornado. Leena was unreadable. She badly wanted to go over and embrace dear Blake, simply because she liked the girl and wanted, wanted, wanted so much to know her, to be with someone so totally unlike her, to be... But it was a fantasy. Usha didn't even think she had a crush on her. It was just admiration, all for a woman in sports. A female athlete and a female politician. It was her secret fantasy, and it would not come true. Not that day, at least. One day, Usha chose not to watch the game. She reasoned her obligation was with the GSA. She had never seen Blake attend any of those meetings, which further led her to believemaybeshe didn't have a chancebut ah, a chance at what? Was she gay, or bisexualor just puzzled? Puzzled. Definitely puzzled. The next day was harder, and easier. Mira had smiled at her yesterday, during the meeting. She had attended every day since she learned about it, sometimes even boasting of how big a "Dijk" she was. She was going for humor every time, but soon it got old. Usha smiled every time, though: Mira looked so happy, so completely open and free of her choice. She was simply gay about being... gay. Usha only wished she could have such clarity and contentment; it was one of the many reasons she liked Mira. But she didn't want to attend her GSA meeting that day. "To Hell with it," she muttered to herself as she forced her legs to lift, lift, lift her to the soccer field where the beloved Badgers were practicing. "I'm just going to go over and say hello and introduce myself, and then... I don't know." Ask her on a date? "Should I really ask her on a date?" she questioned. "Am I even like that? A lot of people think so already... Oh, I don't know, I just don't know." Krishnan was not used to being confounded, and since the experience was so new to her, she had no idea how to handle it. Her legs still managed to lift her, until they stopped at the bleachers. She raised her eyes and watched the girls run, pass, and kick, and searched for Blake. She could always recognize her from everyone else, because she was always the one who never got winded or tired. Some people might've been faster than her, but she could run a marathon like it was a jog next door. She was devotedUsha admired that devotion deeply. And besides, Blake was cute. Did I really think that? "Cute?" she whispered to herself. She watched Blake and Ivory double-team on another girl, overtaking her with speed and quick movement. Jocelyn took their pass and delivered flawlessly; the opposite goalie never had a chance. Parkin could've caught it; even Zane could've caught it. Leena blew a whistle, and rotated her team slightly. Now Blake was goalie, and the poor girl was on defense. Usha smiled sadly, knowing how things would turn out. Blake's ADD (which Krishnan was unaware of) made her terrible as a goalie; she needed to focus and pay precise attention. Needless to say, the score tipped against her. "Focus, focus!" she could hear Leena shout. "Blake, pay attention! Alisha, Erica, roundabout and head off Ivory when she gets to you. Katt, keep on X!" The girls all nodded and did their best to perform each job. Usha smiled, content to watch until practice was over. She had more homework than she knew what to do with, and her campaign was flopping like a trout on dry landbut she reasoned that after a year of being silent, she could make little sacrifices to finally reach closure. Once the game stopped and the girls were sent home, she had to fight to keep herself from cowering away. It would've all been for nothing to lose her nerve now. The words "Umm, hello," came harder to her than anything she had ever said, but twice the relief once they were out. Blake smiled awkwardly. "Oh, you watching the game? I didn't know we had a fan. You're Usha, right?" Usha nodded her head, showing amazing restraint despite the roaring smile in her heart. Blake knew her name! ...Well, of course she did, she had been sophomore and freshman class president. She was practically a celebrity. Duh. "Yes, I amand you're Blake Baum, the MVP." "Former MVP," replied Baum humbly. She stepped to the side so her fellow players could pass, while she faced Usha and leaned against the bleachers. "Yeah, this year it'll go to somebody else. I only won last year because Zane broke her arm." "Well, I believe it was well-deserved," said Usha. The praise didn't sound sickening, although Blake became flustered. She just made a sound and waved her away. "Anyway..." resumed Krishnan, "you were right about having a fan: I've been watching your games ever since you came to this school, and I must say that I've liked them all. I was so happy you won the championship, I forgot to do my homework!" (This was something monumental to Usha; to Blake, it was like saying she forgot a pencil) "Oh? So you're a fan? Y...ou want my autograph?" Usha smiled so brilliantly that she didn't even need to reply. She hadn't expected Blake to ask, but... "Well, okay. Um, how do you spell your name?" Usha spelled it out, including her family name, and watched as Blake signed a soccer ball. She twirled it in the air briefly before handing it over. It read: To my #1 fan, Usha Krishnan Good luck in the election Your pal, Blake F. Baum "That's so sweet, albeit unexpected," whispered Usha quietly. Blake gave a humble grin. "You're my first fan, and that was my first autograph. When I become a famous Olympic athlete, that ball might be worth something." "Oh, you want to get into the Olympics?" Now they were getting somewhereand Usha had been scared! "If I can. I mean, it's what I can do best. Either soccer or track, doesn't matter to me. I don't think I need to ask about you." "No." Usha kept her smile; it had long ago stopped being polite and started being genuinely happy. Blake was average, but a sweet and earthy average, just like Mira. She wasn't stuck-up, spoiled, or seemingly superior; she was honest and humble, and seemed well at peace with herself. "Could you..." began Krishnan carefully, keeping her eyes on Blake's forehead, "quite possibly... afford the time to... well, converge and converse in acquaintanceship with me?" "Hmm? Uh, you wanna be friends, right?" Usha nodded. "Well, I guess, though I don't know why the class president would wanna hang around me. I'm a scrambly-minded bookworm who's lazy, sloppy, antisocial, and tomboyish. And I've got ADD, so don't expect me to pay you too much attention." "I get enough as it is," replied Usha wittily. Half of Blake's mouth grinned. "Oh, well, and I guess you can help me with my homework as well." "You're not the first self-proclaimed procrastinator I've met; I've seen how well people can work when they really wish it." "Not me." "You don't give yourself enough creditand for the record, I'm not president yet. Do you know my opponent, Mira van Dijk?" Blake stared at Usha, not quite knowing how to answer. She was Mira's frickin' girlfriend. "A bit," she managed. She emphasized more truthfully with, "I have a few classes with her, and I've got science class with the both of you." Usha nodded her head. Well, now she felt silly. "That's right. Anyway, you should then know that she calls herself exactly what you have called yourself, yet here she is, making me work extra hard. I've not faced someone like that since..." Usha paused, then stopped talking. She apologized for yammering, but Blake had tuned her out. Then they both giggled. "It seems we could be good friends, if I no longer had any doubts," said Baum, sounding embarrassed. "Doubts? About what?" She grinned sheepishly. "I still don't know why you wanna be my friend." A pause. Feeling she had gone far, yet still not far enough, Usha went for broke and opened herself up. "To be honest, I want to go on a date with you, Blakeand be your girlfriend." That caused a reaction. "Whuh?" "Ah... too direct? Or... um... I mean... I had hoped you were like that, but if you are not, please forgive my idiocy." "Um..." Blake was still floored from the sudden declarationthe second, she noted. How odd. Nearly six years after she realized she was attracted to other girls, when she felt as if all hope of her ever finding a girlfriend had been lost for good, what happens? Two womentwo very beautiful, very special womenhad pursued her, coming right out of the blue and asking for her hand. It was staggeringunbelievableshockingimplausible! The others would just die. "It's... not like I'm not flatteredI am!" she managed. "But I'm terribly confused. And you know why." "Ye... no." A very long pause passed, long enough to make both girls shift the weight on their feet twice. Blake frowned. "Listen, I'm not offended," she offered, and with a blush, added, "Nor am I disgusted. I am attracted to womenI just... well... I guess some people just don't put themselves out very well. You could say I'm insecure and shy." "You're not proud?" "Are you?" Blake had her there. Usha sighed and made no comment. Blake fidgeted with her hands. "Listen, I..." What about Mira? You two are already a couple. What, you want to have two girlfriends? You hussy. You player. You... wish. It'll never work out. Mira and Usha are rivals. It'd be too silly. Boy, it'd be a good story, though! "I... would honestly... love to accept," she admitted. Usha braced herself for the worst. "But?" "There's no buts. I'd love to accept, that's all." Usha visibly loosened with relief. To her amazement, Blake did as well. What, relieved? For saying you'll go out with another girlthat you'll go out with Usha? What's the matter with you? Look, having two crushes is one thing, but two girlfriends... that's unheard of! And you know they're going to meet each other, with you along for the ride, so how's that gonna turn out? Ugly, right? Right? "When should I pick you up, and where?" Blake told her. That is, as long as her parents allowed her. Her daddy was perfectly open to her sexual preference and subsequent girlfriend, but her mother... Ah, Jewish mothers. Mothers in general. Blake loved her, but... she was such a bitch sometimes. "I look forward to it," said Usha, her voice dreamy. She took Blake's hand, and together the two young women felt each other. "I... definitely feel the same way," was all the other could say. She could be so clumsy with words sometimes. She envied Olivia; that girl had a silver tongue. Victoria, too: her thoughtful silence lent her good wisdom. At least she wasn't as course and curt as Gabrielle, though. And Mira. Don't forget Mira. I believed you thought the world of her. What happened? You gonna break up with her? No? Don't be so greedy. You can't have both. Only one. You've got to pick, and soon. You want the fan or the friend? The Dutch or the Indian? The fun or the intelligent? Huh? "Simple," she told herself as she waited for Usha to pick her up, three hours later: "I want both." After tonight, you think they'll both want you? Wishful thinking. That night, the two girls went on their first date together, mere hours before the next big game. They only cared about each other, not the silly differences that rested between them. Underneath that gray-black sky, with a warm wind and a gentle moon above, they shared their very first kiss of intimacy together. It was their first with each other, but only Usha there had her first kiss ever with another girl. The following week, Blake, Mira, and Usha were to meet at a semi-fancy restaurant. Each girl had a "friend" they wanted to introduce to the other, and while they all remained unaware of what was coming, doubtless the date would be a memorable one. Whether it would be an enjoyable one, though... that was something else.
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