Something to Believe (part 10 of 10)

a Maria-sama ga Miteru fanfiction by Dreiser

Back to Part 9
Sitting in class, surrounded by her classmates happy chatter, Touko was 
lost in her thoughts about her feelings for Yumi when Noriko approached 
her with a worried look on her features. "Is it that bad?" Noriko 
questioned softly.

"Not really," said Touko, offering a wry smile. "Just confusing. I know 
what I want to do and I know what I think I should do and I also know 
what Sachiko-oneesama wants. I just don't know how Yumi-sama feels or 
what she wants from me..."

"And that's where it gets confusing," finished Noriko with 
understanding. Sitting next to her friend, she said, "Why not stop 
thinking about what you know and go with your instincts? Honestly, 
Touko," Noriko said fondly. "You tend to overanalyze at times."

Releasing a sound of agreement, Touko looked at the girls in their class 
which were gathered in a large group, chattering excitedly and shooting 
speculative looks at them every few seconds. "I wonder what that's all 
about," Touko murmured.

"That?" Noriko turned to the girls and released a humorous scoff. 
"They're tying themselves into knots about the Valentine's Day card hunt 
that the newspaper has roped the en boutons into doing again. Although I 
doubt they're curious about where I'm hiding my card so much as spying 
on you to try and figure out where Yumi-sama is putting hers."

"Valentine's Day card hunt?" asked Touko, blinking.

"They did it last year and it was really popular," said Noriko with a 
shrug. "The en boutons each hide a Valentine's Day card and whoever 
finds them wins a date." She looked to Touko who wore a stunned look on 
her face. "I'm surprised you haven't heard about it."

"Sachiko-oneesama never spoke about it, neither did Yumi-sama," said 
Touko quietly. Turning her attention to the gossiping students in her 
class she thought about the card Yumi would be hiding and how she would 
feel if any of these girls found it and were able to have a date with 
Yumi. A sudden rush of jealousy filled her and Touko had the answer to 
her earlier questions. If Sachiko wasn't going to hate her for it and it 
wouldn't ruin their relationship then there really wasn't anything 
stopping her from doing exactly what she wanted. Which at this point at 
time would be finding that Valentine's Day card and winning a date with 
Yumi. Looking Noriko firmly in the eyes, she said, "I'm going to find 
that card."

"Yumi-sama's?" asked Noriko, her eyes going wide. Touko gave a solemn 
nod and Noriko grinned. "You've made up your mind then? That's good," 
Noriko huffed. "I was getting sick of looking out for you during your 
depressed moments."

Scowling at this, Touko gave Noriko a sly look and said, "I suppose the 
Rosa Gigantea will be looking for your card? Don't think I've been too 
depressed to notice how much time you've been spending alone with her."

"I hate you," Noriko muttered, turning red with embarrassment.

"Hate me if you must because I'm not depressed anymore," said Touko, 
smiling wide and shaking her finger at my friend. "In fact," she said 
quietly, eyeing the potential card hunting competition. "I know exactly 
what I'm going to do."


The last thing Yumi expected was to be told that Touko was standing 
outside her classroom waiting for her but there she was, standing and 
waiting, her hands folded over her book bag neatly, wearing a beautiful 
smile that lit up her face. "Touko-chan," said Yumi in something close 
to shock. She was struggling for what to say next when the younger girl 
reached out to hold one of her hands and stepped closer, a mischievous 
twinkle in her eyes.

"I won't take much of your time, Yumi-sama," said Touko earnestly, 
looking up at the other girl with a mixture of amusement and solemnity. 
"I just wanted to tell you that I plan on being the one to find your 
Valentine's Day card."

"Touko-chan?" said Yumi with some surprise. "Why?"

"Because I don't want anyone else to go on a date with you," replied 
Touko, a dangerous spark in her eyes as she focused on the gathering 
crowd of students behind Yumi. Leaning close to the older girl, she 
said, "I won't ask for any special favors or hints about the location of 
the card but I wanted you to know I'll be looking and I plan on being 
the one to find it. Now," Touko pulled back and wore a wry expression on 
her features. "Whether Yumi-sama wants me to find it is entirely up to 

"Touko-chan," Yumi whispered, tears forming in her eyes, hating herself 
for only being able to say the younger girl's name when there was so 
much more she wanted to tell her. Touko formed an understanding smile 
and began walking down the hall, she was several steps away when Yumi 
moved forward and cried out, "I want Touko-chan to find it! I only want 

Continuing in her walk, Touko raised her hand in a friendly wave to Yumi 
who smiled brightly at this and released a happy laugh before skipping 
back inside her classroom to gather the rest of her things. Touko was 
around the corner and heading down the stairs when a disturbingly even 
voice remarked, "I wonder if this means you've made your decision."

"Hosokawa," Touko said her name with some distaste but kept her gaze 
focused ahead as she kept walking. "Can I help you?"

Walking at a steady pace at Touko's side, Kanako murmured, "Not really. 
I simply wanted to say it's good to see Yumi-sama looking so cheerful. I 
was afraid she wouldn't ever wear such a bright smile on her face 

"I'm glad you're pleased with Yumi-sama's expressions," said Touko, 
looking irritated.

"You've made a decision then?" questioned Kanako, her eyes moving 
vaguely about the campus. She came to a stop when the shorter girl 
paused in her walk. "Will you pursue your own desires or stand 
permanently aside out of respect for the Rosa Chinensis? Despite the 
misery this might cause Yumi-sama?"

"I've made a decision," said Touko, looking back at Kanako with a stern 

"But you won't tell me?" asked Kanako, lifting an eyebrow.

"I'll be the one to find Yumi-sama's Valentine's Day card, isn't that 
all the answer you need?" questioned Touko, turning her back to Kanako 
and resuming her walk across campus.

Watching Touko go, Kanako formed a slow smile and murmured, "I suppose 
it is."


Staring at the Valentine's Day card she was supposed to be hiding, Yumi 
tried to figure out where would be the best place to put it. The places 
that held the most meaning for her in Lillian Academy would be easily 
guessed by the students seeking her card and she wanted to make it just 
a little difficult to find. Difficult for everyone but Touko, that is.

But how could she know the perfect place to put the card that would make 
it easy for Touko to find but hard for everyone else? Frowning deeply, 
Yumi tipped her head back and stared up at the sky, tapping the red card 
against her chin, totally unaware of the small crowd her actions were 

Then it hit her. She should put the card somewhere special to Touko! If 
she did that then surely the younger girl would find the card and 
everyone else would be lost in the Valentine's Day chase. Jumping to her 
feet, Yumi was ready to get to hiding when she noticed several eager 
looking first years fixated on the red card in her hand and the 
direction she was headed. It was then that she decided it would be best 
if she hid the card during a less conspicuous time of day.

And so, a half an hour after the Yamayurikai meeting had ended and it 
was the dark of night, Yumi pulled her coat close to her and smiled at 
the sight of her breath on the air. Running across campus, Yumi pushed 
through the trees and by memory she made her way to the small grove 
where she had first informed Touko of her true intentions. It was here 
that she felt their relationship truly began because here was the place 
that she spoke to the younger girl from her heart. She let Touko see all 
of her hopes and her fears and somehow, despite all that, it ended so 
beautifully. With Touko accepting them with a kind and gentle heart. 
Stopping in the center of the grove, Yumi carefully put the red card 
into place.

Crouching down to arrange it perfectly, she couldn't help but think if 
Touko knew to come to this place that maybe they could have a second 
chance. That it meant Touko could accept her once again with a kind and 
gentle heart, that she could deal with Yumi's uncertainty and the hold 
Sachiko would always have over her, and she would love her despite all 
of this. Yumi knew it was a lot to ask, especially of one person but 
somehow she just felt if Touko could find her way here...

They could find their way to one another, no matter the circumstances.

Standing up and walking away from the card perfectly placed in the 
center of the grove, Yumi stared at it, thinking somehow it was like her 
heart perfectly on display. Left out in the open for one special person 
to find but safely hidden from everyone else. She hoped that it would 
remain that way until Touko could find her way to it. Because if she 
couldn't find her way then Yumi truly knew all was lost.


The popularity of the Yamayurikai never ceased to amaze Touko.

Perhaps it had to do with being their personal acquaintance but it 
baffled Touko how most of the school held them up to this strange higher 
standard. As if they were the celebrities of the school and everyone 
else was but meager peasants. They were nothing more than girls, friends 
in some instances, to Touko. Of course, Sachiko and Yumi were so much 
more than that. Sachiko was her beloved big sister whom she admired more 
than anyone else in the world and Yumi...

She was the most precious person that Touko could imagine. Someone whose 
true value could never be properly explained and that was why she found 
herself scowling darkly amongst these teeming masses who treated Yumi 
like she was some sort of delicate idol to be placed on shelf, never to 
be spoken to, never to be touched, always lonely in herself. Bouncing up 
on her feet, she caught sight of the older girl and managed to hold her 
gaze for a moment. Seeing that she had Yumi's attention, she jerked her 
head to one side and was rewarded with an eager nod of agreement for her 

Dropping down to her feet before her fellow contestants noticed her 
movements, Touko did her best to listen to the instructions of the 
newspaper staff all while loathing the idiocy of the entire thing. 
Honestly, Yoshino was right when she spoke about how it was wrong to 
auction off their free time. It was kind of creepy if you stopped to 
think about it, being forced to spend time with a complete and utter 
stranger that had an unnatural fixation on you just because you're a 
student council member.

Noticing the eerie gleam several girls had when they looked at Yumi, she 
knew there wasn't much choice. She had to find that card before any of 
them. Jealousy or not, it just wouldn't be a good thing for that kind of 
person to be near Yumi. When it came to Yoshino and Noriko she wasn't 
nearly as worried because she had faith that they knew how to take care 
of themselves. And it wasn't so much that she thought Yumi wasn't 
capable of that but more that she was too innocent to understand this 
level of insane fixation. After all, Touko snorted inwardly, look at how 
she handled Hosokawa Kanako.

Starting at the high pitched whistle, Touko watched the girls scatter 
like so many cockroaches approached with a can of Raid. Releasing a 
quiet sigh, she made her way over to the side of the building where she 
had nodded to before. Seeing Yumi slipping away, she knew they would 
only have a few minutes, if even that, to themselves before they were 
interrupted by nosy card seekers. Hurrying over, Touko stood in wait for 
Yumi who appeared a few moments later, breathless but smiling.

"Touko-chan," Yumi said, huffing slightly. "You wanted to see me?"

"I don't want any hints, Yumi-sama," said Touko seriously, stepping 
close to the other girl and looking into her eyes. "I just wanted to let 
you know I'm going to do my best to find your card. Not only because I 
don't want anyone else to find it but also because I want to be the one 
to spend that time with you."

"I want that too," said Yumi quietly, reaching out and gently pushing a 
stray lock of hair behind Touko's ear. Her hand fell away to caress the 
younger girl's cheek and ducking her head, she murmured, "I know 
Touko-chan doesn't want any hints but..." Yumi looked up, her expression 
sweet and longing. "After you came to see me, I decided to hide the card 
someplace special to us. Someplace I thought that only Touko-chan would 
know where to find it." Seeing Touko blush at this admittance, Yumi 
turned red herself and her expression was nervous as she stammered, "I 
didn't think it was against the rules--!"

"I don't it is either, Yumi-sama," Touko laughed, moving up to cup the 
other girl's face in her hands, warming her skin with her touch. She 
tilted her head to one side, curls bouncing as her eyes twinkled 
playfully. "After all, you're not telling me where this special place to 
us is, are you?"

"No, I'm not!" Yumi exclaimed aggressively, shaking her head adamantly.

"Then it's not against the rules," said Touko softly. Hearing the sound 
of footsteps approaching, she reluctantly pulled away. "I'm afraid we're 
about to be discovered so I should be going. But I want you to remember 
one thing, Yumi-sama."

"Yes?" asked Yumi, her eyes wide.

"I will be the one to find your card," said Touko strongly, flashing her 
most arrogant smile before dashing off.

Watching Touko run away with a quickly pursuing crowd of girls after 
her, Yumi couldn't help but believe she was right. She would be the one 
to find her card and all of the other precious things that went along 
with it.


"I decided to hide the card someplace special to us."

"Someplace I thought that only Touko-chan would know where to find it."

These words echoed through Touko's mind again and again as she rushed 
about the Lillian Academy campus. Pausing every now and again to throw 
her pursuers off track. When she was finally certain that she had lost 
the last of them, Touko sank to the ground, mindful to not get her skirt 
dirty, and thought of all the possible places that Yumi could have 

The first place she thought of was the greenhouse but it was such an 
obvious choice and one that didn't hold those all important words close 
to it. That it wasn't a place special to them alone so that removed it 
from the possibilities. Then there was the stage where Yumi solved so 
many of her problems and went to retrieve her that important day...

Thinking back on that day, the day that Yumi told her of her true 
intentions, it wasn't the stage that was the most special place to them. 
No, it was the small grove, isolated and far away from the prying eyes 
of the other students. A grove that only Touko would be able to find 
because she had been the only one there with Yumi that day.

Standing up hurriedly, Touko peered around the corner and released a 
sigh of relief on seeing that the other card seekers hadn't found her 
out yet. Then with a determined smile and nod of her head, she took off 
in a run, dashing into the woods and making her way by memory to that 
grove where Yumi first asked for a chance.

Pushing her way through the low hanging branches, scowling as the leaves 
got in her eyes, Touko made her way to the grove moved by a kind of 
desperation she couldn't explain. Some part of her felt that if the card 
wasn't here then she wasn't right in her hopes for a relationship with 
Yumi, that she had gotten everything wrong, and no matter what Sachiko 
said she couldn't be the one to make the other girl happy again. 
Breaking through the last of the branches, Touko stepped into the small 
grove and her eyes were immediately drawn to its center, where a small 
circle of light broke through the trees, perfectly illuminating the 
single red card that stood there, looking as if it was waiting for 
Touko's arrival.

Slowly walking forward, Touko dropped to her knees and reached for the 
card with shaking hands. Hating herself for showing such foolish 
emotion, it was just a card, wasn't it? This was just some silly school 
game, nothing more. But if that's all it really was why did it matter so 
much that she found it? Why did it feel as if this card had been placed 
here just for her and for a very special reason? Holding the card up, 
Touko opened and released a strangled laugh on seeing Yumi's neat 
cursive script.

Happy Valentine's Day, Touko-chan.

It was written to her. Despite the fact that she knew how many other 
countless students were looking for this card and could have possibly 
found it, Yumi wrote the card to her. Hoping that she would be the one 
to find it, having faith that she would be the one, and leaving it out 
in this place that was hidden, yes, but still so open...

Yumi believed in her.

Holding the card close to her heart and rising shakily to her feet, 
Touko angrily rubbed at her eyes, not wanting tears to fall on the card 
and ruin its perfect appearance. Besides, she paused to look at her 
watch, time was almost up and she had to return to the council building 
soon to let everyone know she had found Yumi's card. Along with 
everything that went with it.


When they announced the winners of the Valentine's Day card hunt, 
neither Yumi nor Touko were anywhere in sight. Sachiko had watched out 
of the corner of her eye as Touko took Yumi's hand and led her into the 
woods, no doubt to the same place that Yumi hid the card. Smiling 
softly, she hoped this would be the final step that would lead them to 
one another. Then she could rest easy and not have to worry about Yumi's 
happiness and try to focus on her future.

However unpleasant a thought it might be.

"You're sure that you're fine with this," said Rei quietly, studying 
Sachiko with a worried light in her eyes.

"I was the one to bring them together, so I hope I should be more than 
fine with it," said Sachiko, keeping her gaze forward and smiling at the 
mass of students that still surrounded them. She paused a moment and 
closing her eyes, she allowed just a small part of her real feelings to 
slip out. "Touko will make her happy, Rei. That's a good thing."

"What about you?" Rei questioned, her brow furrowing in slight 

"I will be happy knowing she's happy," offered Sachiko, opening her eyes 
and walking to the newspaper staff that were approaching her with 
questions about how to further arrange future events. "That is enough."

Frowning deeply as she watched her friend walk away, Rei murmured, "I 
don't think it is."

"Rei-chan don't frown at me!" Yoshino declared, appearing at her side 
and hooking their arms together. "I don't even know this strange girl 
I'm supposed to go on a date with. How do you I think I feel?"

"Yoshino?" Rei blinked at her cousin. "No... it isn't that..." Trailing 
off, Rei didn't know what to say next. Unsure if she would upset Yoshino 
by revealing she wasn't jealous but instead was worried about Sachiko. 
Deciding that even if she did upset Yoshino she still would appreciate 
hearing her opinion, she said, "It's Sachiko. You know that Touko-chan 
found Yumi's card?"

"Sachiko-sama is upset by it?" asked Yoshino, appearing puzzled at the 
idea of this.

"No," Rei shook her head. "She insists that she's happy about it. But 
how can she really be happy, Yoshino? She loves Yumi-chan." Focusing on 
the Rosa Chinensis who was surrounded by students and wearing her usual 
beatific smile on her face, Rei continued, "She says she just wants 
Yumi-chan to be happy and then she'll be happy as well but can that 
really work?" Looking down at Yoshino with a troubled expression, Rei 
said, "What's left for her?"

Understanding why Rei was so bothered, Yoshino sighed quietly and rested 
her head on the taller girl's shoulder. "Sachiko-sama has to make her 
own decisions, Rei-chan," she said softly. "Even if they're not the 
smartest ones for her head or her heart. I think she will be happy 
knowing Yumi-chan is happy but you're right too. That's not enough for 
her. But it's her decision to make." Yoshino looked up at Rei with a 
sardonic expression and remarked, "Stupid as it is." When Rei gave a sad 
chuckle Yoshino moved closer in her arms and murmured, "Just make sure 
she knows you're there for her, Rei-chan. Because when she finally does 
realize what a dumb choice she's made she'll be sure to need you."

"She'll need all of us," said Rei with a sigh.

Watching Sachiko play the part of perfect student council member, no one 
seeing the real her, only this ideal she helped create with the help of 
her family, Yoshino whispered under her breath, "Yumi-chan especially."


They stood silently in the center of the grove for several minutes 
before Yumi finally spoke. "I knew that Touko-chan would find it," said 
Yumi softly, looking at the younger girl with shining eyes. "I knew that 
she would remember our special place."

"Is that why you wrote the card to me?" asked Touko, ducking her head 
and feeling her cheeks heat with embarrassment. Getting irritated with 
herself for feeling that way, Touko looked up at the older girl and wore 
a chiding expression. "That wasn't very smart, Yumi-sama. What if 
someone else found that card? They'd be writing more articles about us 
in the paper!"

"I don't care about the articles," Yumi murmured, moving closer to Touko 
and smiling gently. "Do you?"

Still red in the face, Touko muttered, "Not really. Still," she insisted 
stubbornly, meeting Yumi's gaze head on. "You shouldn't have addressed 
it to me. How would have another girl felt if she found it?"

"But I knew Touko-chan would find it so why bother to address it to 
anyone else?" asked Yumi innocently.

"Yumi-sama," Touko released a growl of annoyance. "You're doing this 
just to bother me, aren't you?"

"Just a little," admitted Yumi with a giggle. When Touko scowled at her, 
Yumi released a sigh and pushed a lock of hair back from Touko's eyes. 
Her hand drifted down to cup the younger girl's cheek, stroking the soft 
skin with her thumb and she murmured, "It's over, you know. Between 
Sachiko and I. She's still my oneesama, of course, and I will always 
love her but it won't ever the be same."

"I know," said Touko, closing her eyes and leaning into Yumi's touch. 
"Sachiko-oneesama told me."

"That doesn't surprise me," Yumi said in a whisper. Her thumb stopped 
it's steady caress and Touko's eyes opened. Smiling at this, Yumi 
dropped her hand down to hold Touko's and continued, "At first, I might 
have just been doing what she suggested. Trying to replace her with you 
by making you my petite soeur. But the more I got to know you," Yumi 
lifted her gaze and looked at Touko with dark and longing eyes. "The 
less I thought of her. Slowly I was filled with thoughts of you and the 
more I was with you the less I ached for her. I know that this is what 
she wants and I know it might seem like I'm still just doing what she 
has planned but it isn't like that anymore, Touko-chan!" Yumi exclaimed, 
now clinging to both of Touko's hands and looking at her with an 
expression of desperation. "I want you and it has nothing to do with 
oneesama, nothing at all!"

After saying this, Yumi clung to the other girl, burying her face in her 
shoulder and crying in earnest. Smiling sadly at the older girl as she 
stroked her hair, Touko said tenderly, "Yumi-sama is still such a 
delicate creature, isn't she?" When Yumi released a dry and barking 
laugh at this, Touko chuckled quietly and pressed a soft kiss to her 
hair. "I believe you. After all, why would you go to such trouble of 
bothering me all of the time if it was only because someone else told 
you to? It makes no sense. There had be something you got out of it as 

"Touko-chan," Yumi breathed her name more than said it as she lifted her 
head and looked deep into the other girl's eyes. Touko met her gaze 
almost anxiously and seeing this, Yumi wore the sweetest of smiles as 
she murmured, their faces just an inch apart, her expression one of 
utmost solemnity, "I'm falling in love with you." No immediate response 
came, Touko's skin paled and her eyes went wide and to Yumi, it appeared 
as if the younger girl went into a state of terrible shock. Panicking on 
causing such a reaction, Yumi immediately exclaimed, "Not that I expect 
anything from you! I just wanted you to know how I feel. I'll wait as 
long as you need and just like before, if you don't want to be with me, 
or you want me to stop trying all you need to do is tell me to stop and 
I--" Gentle fingers pressed over her lips and Yumi looked at Touko with 
confusion, the younger girl had her head lowered from Yumi's view and as 
her fingers fell away, she whispered, "Touko-chan?"

"I don't want you to stop," said Touko in a hush, her head kept low and 
from Yumi's gaze. Slowly she lifted it, looking up at the older girl, 
eyes shining with tears and so many emotions that Yumi couldn't possibly 
interpret them all. But one emotion was stronger than all of the others 
and it shone so clearly that she gasped at it. Love, clear, pure, and 
unfettered. Her voice hoarse and breaking, Touko declared, "I don't need 
to wait, Yumi-sama! I love you. I always have."

"Touko-chan," Yumi said her name again, feeling discouraged at her lack 
of ability to say anything else. Shaking the cobwebs from her mind, she 
smiled sadly at the younger girl, reaching for her hands and stepping 
closer. "You don't have to say that because you think that's what I 
want, what will make me happiest. I'm willing to wait for you, 
Touko-chan. I want to wait until you really can believe you're the one 
that I want, not oneesama."

Growing still and stiff in the older girl's grasp, Touko yanked her 
hands away in a jerky movement, stamping her feet and looking at Yumi 
with flashing eyes as she put her hands on her hips. "Mou!!" she cried 
in out frustration. "I don't want to wait anymore! I love you and I want 
to be your petite soeur. What do I have to do to make you believe me?"

Laughing happily at yet another cute instance of Touko's stubbornness, 
Yumi's eyes twinkled playfully and hopping close to the younger girl, 
she put their faces close together and said mischievously, "Kiss me."

Silence and Touko seemed to freeze and her features were so comical to 
Yumi that she laughed again and was about to tease the girl further when 
Touko darted forward, pressing her lips gently against Yumi's for the 
kiss that had been requested. And it was just that, a kiss, a simple and 
sweet touch of two lips together but somehow it was so much more than 
that. It was promise of what was to come, of a new beginning for them 

"There," Touko muttered as she pulled away, a blush dusting her pale 
features and her eyes lidded, hidden from Yumi's gaze, attempting to 
protect herself from the rejection she still thought might come. "Now do 
you believe me?"

Watching the other girl, Yumi slid her hand under her chin, raising her 
head so their eyes could meet. Once they did, a quirky smile tugged at 
her lips, loving but almost naughty at the same time. "No," Yumi said 
plainly, unable to help chuckling when Touko's eyes flashed with anger. 
Lowering her head, she put their lips a breath apart, her brown eyes 
light and filled with an easy contentment that hadn't been there in 
weeks. "So Touko-chan will just have to do it again."

A slow smile spread across Touko's features, lighting her like the sun 
and Yumi was able to laugh happily one more time before Touko claimed 
her lips again. This kiss was nothing like the first. It wasn't just a 
kiss, simple and sweet, meant to express the mere surface of the purest 
of emotions. Instead it was like a tidal wave, sweeping them up, one 
kiss leading to another, until they knew nothing but the touch of one 
another. Lips tugging at each other in a practiced harmony, Yumi's soft 
moans filling Touko's mouth as they moved backwards, propelled by their 
passion and Yumi was pressed against the rough bark of a tree, Touko's 
hands on her hips, who eagerly pulled the older girl more firmly into 
her. When Yumi opened her mouth, it seemed the most natural thing for 
Touko's tongue to slip in and finally taste the girl she loved so long 
but had kept herself from and Yumi sighed at this touch, losing herself 
into the melting taste of Touko and never wanting this to stop. It 
seemed as if they could have kept kissing forever.

That's only if Yumi's hair hadn't gotten tangled in a nearby branch. 
They parted with gasps and Yumi's desperate cries for freedom from the 
branch, comically pleading with it as if it was person, so she could 
continue with their previous activity.

"Yumi-sama," said Touko with dry humor, tilting her head and causing her 
curls to bounce as she looked at the older girl with good humored 
affection. "Stop struggling," she continued, carefully untangling Yumi's 
hair from the branch. When she had all of the strands separated, she 
tossed the branch aside and looked at Yumi with dark eyes filled with 
mirth. "You're free."

"Yes," Yumi said sweetly, hands winding around Touko's neck, pulling the 
younger girl to her once again. Smiling as their bodies pressed close 
and their lips met in another kiss that was better than all the rest. 
Deeper and harder and filled with such depth of emotion she thought she 
might start crying at it. Losing herself in that kiss and the feeling of 
happiness that welled inside of her, she whispered, "At last."

And while it was very clear that Touko had finally accepted her role as 
Yumi's petite soeur it would be several hours before she received the 
rosary. Simply because performing the ceremony meant they would have to 
stop kissing. Something that, for them, just was not an acceptable 
option. So the rosary ceremony would wait as the kisses continued, for a 
very great while.


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