ALIELLE: I don't know about you, but I'm excited! It's... THE ADVENTURES OF ALIELLE AND FATORA Featuring Fatora, El-Hazard's favourite princess*; and Alielle, Fatora's favourite. (*opinion on Fatora was obtained from a representative survey of Roshtarian citizens held at knifepoint) FATORA: You join us once more in the royal bedroom. ALIELLE: A sweet cafe of love, where Fatora is the district manager, and I am the humble waitress! FATORA: What? Oh, forget it. Anyway, since last time, we've received a lot of mail from the dedicated masses out there. It seems that just everyone is seeking advice from El-Hazard's perfect couple. Alielle, why don't you read us a letter? ALIELLE: "Dear Fatora and Alielle, it is well established that your love is one of the greatest ever known, and no ordinary person could ever hope to match it..." FATORA: Whoa, what a creep! I like your style, kid. The knighthood's in the post, heheh... ALIELLE: "You never seem to argue. What's your secret?" FATORA: Alielle, is this person, um, male or female? ALIELLE: Female. FATORA: Well, the solution is simple. Come on down to the palace and we'll see to it that you get some one-on-one tutoring... heheh... But, that's not the solution for everyone. Any men out there thinking of sneaking into my bedroom will be shot on sight! So for them, I'll offer up another tale from my recent past to serve as advice. You may not believe this, but there was a time when our relationship was at risk... ALIELLE: So, are you sitting comfortably? FATORA: Well, don't! I'm a princess, you should be standing! Where's your respect? Nobody sits in the presence of Fatora! ALIELLE: Of course, there are those who are allowed to lie down... FATORA: Heheh... Alielle, that reminds me... CUT!! CHAPTER TWO: "MINDGAMES" There were a few familiar faces among the crowd as Nanami busily double-checked the final preparations for the official opening. The restaurant had, of course, been open for some time already, but with all the chaos surrounding the Fujisawa wedding, she had been forced to delay the big opening she'd planned until now. Scanning the people present, she could see Afura Mann, Mr Fujisawa, and his new wife Miz. But where were the others? Nanami had also invited Alielle and, grudgingly, Shayla and Fatora. Maybe they've all finally got together, Nanami giggled to herself. The most notable absence, however, was one she was trying not to think about. Makoto. He'd be along in a minute, surely. "Target two approaching target one. Got that, Alielle?" Fatora and Alielle were lying flat on the balcony, peeping over the edge. Below them, Shayla-Shayla had just caught up with Makoto and was trying nervously to start a conversation. Fatora could only make out odd words, but she watched closely, taking in every detail. Next to her, Alielle's short attention span was starting to get the better of her. "I'm bored of this now, Fatora. Can we go and see Nanami's restaurant?" "Forget about that for just a minute, will you?" Fatora hissed. "Look down there. See? You are looking at a genius at work." Alielle couldn't really see the point of this exercise. To her, it was simply a fact of life that Makoto was popular with women, Shayla and Nanami in particular. But Fatora was convinced that Makoto had some incredible secret technique up his sleeve, and recently she had been observing him closely in an effort to mimic, or maybe even better, his mysterious talents. "It doesn't make sense," Fatora repeated to herself. "A boy like him- dull personality, physically weak... my double, so he's got looks on his side, I guess... Why him?" "Well, pondered Alielle, "there is one thing I noticed about him..." "Oh? What's that?" "He seems to give off this aura of... well, 'niceness' is probably the word." "Niceness, huh?" Fatora replied. "No, that can't be it. I'm nice too." "But of course, Fatora my love," Alielle reassured. "Makoto though, he doesn't seem to dislike anyone. Not even you. Not even after the time you kidnapped him and stole his clothes." "That's just stupid," Fatora said. "They can't possibly admire him for that... can they?" "I have no idea, princess," sighed Alielle. "There are some things in life we may never understand." Makoto and Shayla walked towards the palace gates. "So Makoto..." Shayla started, "what kept you? I thought you'd be at Nanami's restaurant by now." "Well, Miss Shayla, I guess I must've lost track of time," laughed Makoto. "I was in the palace library. The doctor's found some pretty ancient stuff about the Eye of God. I totally forgot about the restaurant." "Oh. Sounds like you've been busy." "I sure have," he agreed. "I just know I'm getting closer to understanding the Eye of God. Soon, I'm sure I'll figure out how to get Ifurita back." "Yeah," sighed Shayla. "Her." Makoto, of course, didn't notice her disappointment. Intelligent he may have been, but perception was not his strong point. It only made it more difficult for Shayla, who wished that Makoto could just open his eyes and see her muddled attempts at flirting for what they were. She also wished, deep down, that he would grow tired in his efforts to retrieve Ifurita, and just forget about her. But, even if such a thing was possible, it was something she could never ask of him. Makoto and Shayla walked into the Shinonome Diner together and immediately ruined Nanami's day. What the hell is he doing with her, she thought, furious. Shayla, sensing Nanami's anger, gave her a mocking wave. "Excuse me! Stand aside! Just get the hell out of the way, will ya?" Makoto and Shayla knew, before they turned around, that Princess Fatora was approaching. The princess marched across the square, casually yelling at passers-by, as Alielle tripped along behind her. Making her grand entrance into the restaurant, she was disappointed to see that very few people seemed to notice. "Hi Shayla." Fatora smiled a sinister smile. "Whatever it is you're planning, forget it," Shayla frowned. "Oh, Priestess Shayla, what kind of a person do you think I am?" Fatora asked innocently. "I know your first kiss has left you feeling confused. So I think it's only fair for me to lay off you for a while. To let you, you know, work things out." Shayla wanted to respond, but by the time she'd worked out her reply, Fatora and Alielle were already halfway across the room, making their way towards Nanami. "Miss Fatora," whispered a concerned Alielle, "you're not seriously thinking of laying off Miss Shayla, are you?" "For a while," Fatora smiled. "Until I get that flame-retardant outfit made. Besides, I suspect we have a far more likely convert in our midst. Behold... Miss Jinnai." Nanami was taken completely by surprise when Alielle grabbed her from behind. "Nanami! Guess who?" Alielle squealed happily. "Oh, I have no idea. Let me see now..." replied Nanami sarcastically. "Hey Nanami," greeted Fatora. "How's business?" "Just fine. Could you tell Alielle to let go? I'm kind of busy." "Alielle, don't monopolise Nanami," Fatora said. Alielle let go and went back to clinging onto Fatora. "Nice place you have here," commented Fatora, glancing around. "It'll do well. But..." Fatora leaned in close to Nanami. "I bet it'd do even better with a royal seal of approval." "Oh yeah?" said a sceptical Nanami. "And what strange sexual acts would I have to participate in to get one of those?" "Oh, hey, come on!" protested Fatora. "It's not as if you wouldn't enjoy it too!" "Absolutely," Alielle agreed. "We guarantee satisfaction!" "Yeah," continued Fatora. "You're a businesswoman. Think of it as a contract." "Listen, Fatora," sighed Nanami. "Even if I was into... that... do you think I'd be prepared to do it with you, of all people? No way!" "Well..." said Fatora, "somebody here sure knows how to break a girl's heart." "If you want my advice," said Nanami, "you might have more luck attracting women if you weren't so... unpleasant." "Unpleasant?" Fatora objected. "That's a slander on the royal house! If I wasn't so kind-hearted, you'd be..." "See? That's exactly what I mean!" exclaimed Nanami. "And it isn't just me. You ask anyone, they'll agree." "Okay then," smiled Fatora. "Let's see, who should I ask... whose opinion do I trust..." She finally looked down at Alielle, who was holding her hand up expectantly. "Alielle, do you think I'm unpleasant?" "Alielle, you don't count!" Nanami snapped. "Why not?" asked a disappointed Alielle. "Because you always side with Fatora no matter what! What you see in her, I'll never know." "Come on Alielle," grumbled Fatora. "Let's leave this misguided individual to her cooking." They moved off to the far corner of the restaurant. Fatora looked back over her shoulder. "Hey Nanami, if business starts to dry up, remember my little offer remains open!" Night. Fatora and Alielle lay next to each other in the darkness. "Think she'll take us up?" pondered Fatora. "Not tonight anyway," Alielle said. Fatora looked at Alielle, whose face was half-illuminated by the moonlight streaming from the window. "Alielle, what should I do? How can I be more... pleasant?" "But Fatora, you're perfect just the way you are," protested Alielle. Fatora sighed. Alielle sighed too. Obviously that wasn't the kind of answer Fatora had been looking for. Then Alielle had an idea. "Hey, Fatora. How about this? What do Nanami and Sister Shayla have in common?" "I don't know. Unobtainable? Unadventurous? Repressed sexuality, is that it?" "Think of what person they have in common," Alielle smiled. "Makoto!" Fatora realised. "What are you thinking, Alielle?" "The way I see it, trying to improve your relationship with Nanami and Shayla by doing them favours won't work. They'll just assume you're up to something. But they both like Makoto. If you help him out instead, they'll see, and realise what a warm and compassionate woman you truly are!" Alielle quickly turned over and wrapped herself around Fatora. "Excellent suggestion, my dear Alielle," Fatora smirked. "But what could I possibly do for Makoto?" "Princess Fatora, I never expected you to volunteer. You're just exactly the person I need," Makoto said with his usual cheerfulness. "Great," replied Fatora, wondering what she had just volunteered for. All she had done was ask Makoto if she could help him with anything. "You must know a lot about how the Eye of God works. I mean, you have used it once before," he continued, leading her into a room off from the library. So that's it, Fatora thought. He thinks I can help bring Ifurita back. The room, previously part of Doctor Schtalubaugh's domain, had been given to Makoto as a base for his research. It was a mess. Bits and pieces of ancient technology covered the desk and most of the floor, making the room look like a museum's anthropology section after a major tremor. Some objects had the disconcerting habit of lighting up and making a strange clicking sound when Makoto walked past them. Handy for finding your way around in the dark, I suppose, Fatora considered. "Sit down, princess," Makoto said. "Oh, uh, just move those." Fatora picked up three dome shaped devices that were occupying her seat, and placed them in a vacant spot on the floor. She sat down, and Makoto looked through a pile of notes. "I really don't know how much I can tell you," Fatora explained. "I've only used the Eye once, of course. Oh, apart from tests." "Tests?" Makoto looked up with curiosity. "Yeah, tests," Fatora continued. "A few times in the past, we've tested the Eye to let everyone see it's still under our control. It's a show of force." "Oh, I see. Like testing a nuclear weapon, right?" "Hmm, maybe," Fatora nodded. "Actually, I have no idea what you're talking about." "So," said Makoto as he wrote something down, "does the Eye actually fire during a test?" "Good God, no," Fatora stressed. "The Eye remains sealed, and in its elevated position. One of the princesses goes to the top of the Stairway to the Sky..." "Why only one princess?" "One princess is enough to confirm control of the Eye," Fatora pointed out. "Both are needed to fire it, but alone, either Rune or myself can operate some minor functions of the Eye." "Really...?" said Makoto, an idea already forming in his head... "Aw, quit following me around, kid!" Shayla snapped as Alielle danced along behind her. "Don't you have a princess you can go cling to?" "I told you, Sister Shayla," Alielle grinned, "Fatora's with Makoto. I'm going to meet her!" "Makoto, huh?" They looked up as Makoto, accompanied by Fatora, stepped into the courtyard. Alielle ran excitedly to meet Fatora. Shayla followed. "M... Makoto..." Shayla stammered. "How's it going?" "Great!" Makoto smiled back. "I've just been discussing the Eye of God with Fatora. Tomorrow, she's agreed to go up there with me, and use her control of it to help me out." "Oh, Fatora!" squeaked Alielle in her usual congratulatory manner. "How generous of you to donate your precious time to help Makoto's research. Once again you've shown what a benevolent and truly wonderful person you are!" "Fatora," said Shayla through gritted teeth, "can I have a word?" Shayla led Fatora to one side. Naturally, Alielle followed. "I think it's perfectly obvious what you're up to this time!" Shayla hissed. Fatora was indignant. "Whatever do you mean?" "All this helping Makoto, going up to the Eye of God... you want him to get Ifurita back!" "Why shouldn't he get her back?" Fatora asked. "Don't play dumb!" Shayla said, furious. "You think that if Ifurita comes back and takes away Makoto, I'll suddenly forget about him and fall into your arms. Well, it won't happen!" "Well deduced," said Fatora, surprised. "But sadly inaccurate. I'm helping Makoto out of the goodness of my heart." "Ha!" Shayla yelled as she walked away. Fatora was annoyed as she watched her leave. Three hours of being quizzed by Makoto, and now it seemed she was further away from Shayla's bedroom than ever before. "Alielle, we've hit a serious snag." "I don't think we have," replied Alielle. "Sister Shayla's right. If Ifurita comes back, she and Nanami might finally give up on Makoto and look for more... inviting alternatives." Fatora's eyes lit up. "Alielle, you're a genius!" Alielle looked down, flattered. "I owe it all to your divine guidance, my love." "Hey, Makoto!" Fatora beckoned him over, as she was now rooted to the spot by Alielle's vice-like grip. "I don't know about you, but I can't wait for tomorrow. I just know we're gonna rescue Ifurita!" Two figures stood at the summit of the Stairway to the Sky, the massive, towering column that allowed interaction with the Eye of God, which hung high above them. For Fatora, this was nothing new, and by now she had learned to ignore the great feeling of exposure that came with being so far up, with a deadly drop in every direction. Alielle, however, was completely overwhelmed by the experience. This was the first time she had ever been to the top of the Stairway, and even the tiniest gust of wind caused her to cling on to Fatora's arm in fear. Fatora was about to point out that her right hand had gone completely numb, when a third figure quickly descended from the sky above, landing a few metres away. Afura Mann, the Elemental Priestess of Wind, walked casually towards Alielle and Fatora. Her powers of flight meant that she was the ideal candidate for ferrying people up to the Eye of God. "Makoto's up there," said Afura calmly. "Fatora, you hold on to my back. Alielle, I'll carry you. And both of you, let me make one thing absolutely clear." "What's that?" Fatora asked. "Keep your hands to yourselves or I'll drop you." Fatora blinked at Afura. She wasn't kidding. Best not to chance it, anyway. "I never expected it to be so dark in here," Fatora remarked as they made their way through an access tunnel inside the Eye. Afura led the way, followed by Makoto, with Fatora and Alielle some distance behind. The only light, in fact, was coming from the wall panels which lit up as Makoto passed them, in much the same way as the ancient artefacts in his research laboratory. They came to a large, empty chamber. Lights on the ceiling came on as Makoto entered. "This should be a peripheral communications nexus," Afura commented. Makoto studied what appeared to be a map of the Eye's internal passageways. "I think you're right," he agreed. "Now, there should be an access point here for the Eye's secondary systems." As Makoto and Afura went about translating the hieroglyphics that covered the walls, Alielle found herself ignoring their voices. This was a truly amazing experience. This room had probably lay unoccupied since the Eye's construction, way back in history. Since childhood she had dreamed of visiting the Eye, and the recent revelation that it was, indeed, a gateway of sorts, had only heightened her curiosity. Her mother's stories about the Eye of God as a crossover point between two distant worlds, which she had long dismissed as a parent's fanciful attempts to protect a child from the terrible truth, had some basis in fact after all. She had begged Fatora to let her visit they with her- and now here she was, wandering around inside the very object of so many of her childhood thoughts. A large, square panel caught her attention. It had lit up when Makoto had entered, and was giving off a green light. But there was something very strange about this light. Although the panel was clearly flat, the light had a sort of depth to it, one which she found impossible to ignore. She found herself reaching out to touch the light... "Alielle!" she heard Fatora shout. She looked around, dazed, as if waking from a dream. "Don't touch that, we don't know what it does yet!" Fatora commanded. "What are you doing, trying to blow yourself up?" "It's okay, Fatora," said Makoto, studying his map. "That panel doesn't seem to be connected to anything, it's safe. Go on, princess. Touch it, see what it does." Fatora cautiously extended one arm. She placed her hand flat on the panel. It was an odd feeling, almost like immersing her hand in warm liquid. "I don't think it does anything," Fatora said. "Feels kind of weird though. I wonder how it..." Makoto looked over to see why Fatora had stopped. To her horror, the light was migrating from the panel and creeping up her arm. She could only watch as it moved slowly towards her chest... "Fatora, what's it doing?" asked Afura. Fatora didn't have time to reply. As soon as the green glow touched her chest, something threw her. She flew through the air, then skidded backwards along the floor until she hit the back wall. She keeled over, eyes closed, silent. Alielle screamed. Running over to where Fatora lay, she cradled her fallen lover and tried desperately to revive her. "Fatora! Don't die, Fatora! How could I go on living without the joy you..." Alielle detected a sound coming from Fatora. "Mm... mm..." "Fatora, what is it? What are you trying to say?" whispered Alielle. "Mm... Makoto, you big piece of crap, you said it was safe!" Fatora was, it seemed, perfectly alright. Alielle's relief was quite evident. "Oh! Fatora, my dearest love! I was so worried, I'm so glad that you're okay! Oh, I could never bear to lose you, my inspiration, my..." "Okay, Alielle. Okay! Your concern is much appreciated, but let me assure you I'm fine, no thanks to him." "I wonder what that was," Afura pondered as she surveyed the panel where the light had been, and set about trying to interpret the ancient writing underneath it. "I'm really sorry, princess," said Makoto with his trademark sincerity. "I had no idea it was going to..." "Keep away from me!" Fatora warned him, as she tried to wriggle free from Alielle's tight embrace. "I just wanted to check you're okay," Makoto said, putting his hand on Fatora's shoulder. "Hey, get your damn male hands off!" Fatora objected. "I don't allow men to touch me. And while you're..." Makoto froze as Fatora's complaints were joined by a second voice inside his head. Strangely, this voice also sounded like Fatora's. But this one was talking in a bizarre, complex dialect. "Specifications. Eye exists in nine subspace layers. Draws high yield chaotic energy from twenty-six further subdomains. Entropy balance maintained by periodic dimensional plane shift. Core is composed of..." Alielle stared at Fatora and Makoto, both apparently frozen. The only comparable thing she had ever seen was on the Forbidden Island, where Makoto and Ifurita had exchanged thoughts for the first time. Afura hadn't noticed. She was still trying to translate the writing on the panel. "The first symbol means... pattern? No, maybe data. Makoto, could you help me translate this?" Makoto's link to Fatora ended abruptly. They both sat, looking at each other in wonder. "It's an archive," said Makoto. "Incredible!" proclaimed Doctor Schtalubaugh. "Your majesty, it seems you have indeed gained possession of a telepathic archive detailing the Eye of God's workings." "Lucky me," said Fatora as she paced around the doctor's lab, catching sight of Makoto's expectant face. "So why can't I access any of this stuff?" "It would seem that you are merely the receptacle," the doctor theorised. "The data is within your subconscious mind, but another person is needed to access it. Makoto, with the abilities he gained on his journey here, has the power of access." "Well, he can forget it!" Fatora insisted. "There is no way I'm risking getting my mind chewed up just so he can finish his little research project faster." "The procedure is quite safe, princess," Schtalubaugh said. "Although I have never encountered an archive of this type, I am aware of many such systems being used in ancient El-Hazard as a means of efficient data exchange." "Please, Princess Fatora," Makoto pleaded. "It really would mean a lot to me." "You think I give a damn about that?" Fatora snapped. "But this could be what I've been waiting for. The key that helps me get Ifurita back." For a moment, Fatora pondered upon the image of Makoto's blissful reunion with Ifurita, and more precisely the image of Nanami and Shayla running to her and Alielle for the consolation only they could provide... Well, half an hour couldn't hurt, could it? "So, what was it like, Miss Fatora?" Alielle asked innocently. Fatora found it impossible to explain. She had expected it to be tremendously dull- after all, just how stimulating could an extended time in Makoto's mind be? But the strange thing was, the experience had actually been quite enjoyable. It had, a first, been a little daunting. Telepathy revealed one's inner thoughts and feelings, laid them out plainly for the other person to see. Of course, Fatora was known for speaking her mind, but she also thrived upon deception. It was of paramount importance to her to remain a few steps ahead of everybody else, and there were very few people she really trusted. Adrift in the telepathic link, though, there were no barriers between her thoughts and Makoto's. It was an oddly liberating experience. But to describe it? "Interesting..." Fatora found this to be the best word to settle on. "To be honest, Fatora, I never expected you to agree to linking with Makoto," Alielle continued as they walked down the corridor to Fatora's wing of the palace. "The things we do for love," Fatora laughed. "Actually, Alielle, just out of interest... before I got back from the Phantom Tribe, what did you think of Makoto?" What an unusual question, Alielle thought. Fatora's opinions of Makoto were reasonably well established- at best he was an unnecessary male presence, at worst he was the ultimate rival in the pursuit of romance. But Fatora was also aware of Alielle's more charitable attitude towards Makoto- he had, after all, orchestrated Fatora's rescue from the Bugrom, and had been a much-needed friend for Alielle during the lonely days of Fatora's absence. "You know what I think about Makoto, princess," Alielle replied. "I'm grateful to him for bringing you back to me." Fatora looked thoughtful. "You see, Alielle... I think I may have misjudged him." Now this was a surprise. Not just the fact that Fatora seemed to have changed one of her most deeply held opinions, but also that she had admitted to being wrong- a rare event indeed, and one which caused a little concern to Alielle. "Miss Fatora, are you... um... okay?" Fatora laughed. "I know it must sound strange. But I feel like I know Makoto a lot better after being in the telepathic link with him. He's not such a bad person, you know." Alielle wasn't going to argue with this. If the link meant that she and Fatora now agreed about Makoto, she had no problem with it. Although Fatora had originally said she would only participate in the link once, her new attitude towards Makoto meant that was quietly forgotten. Soon, Fatora and Makoto were sharing the telepathic archive at least once a day, and for hours at a time. And it seemed that for most of the time that he wasn't spending in the link, Makoto was now spending with Fatora and Alielle. This confused Alielle as much as it pleased her. She had never suspected that Fatora and Makoto could have so much in common. It was late afternoon in the Shinonome Diner. Fatora, Alielle and Makoto occupied a small table near the window. Makoto had brought along his new data on the Eye of God, and was excitedly leafing through it. "I've found out so much over this last week," he said. "Princess, I have you to thank for this." "Oh, not at all!" Fatora smiled. "Helping people is my mission in life!" The figure of Nanami, talking to two customers at the far end of the restaurant, caught Alielle's eye. Something occurred to her. "Miss Fatora!" Alielle whispered. "I just realised that it's been days since we last hit on Nanami." "Is that true?" Fatora raised an eyebrow. "Wow, I've really lost track of time this week." "That's okay, Fatora my love," Alielle replied with a wicked look in her eye. "Inspired by your genius, I have taken the liberty of devising a complex yet foolproof plan for seducing Nanami." She took out a pile of notes, containing meticulously detailed diagrams. "Now, we'll need some disguises, fifteen metres of rope..." "It looks interesting," Fatora interrupted. "But this evening, I'm going to be in the link with Makoto. It'll have to wait for another night." Alielle sank back into her seat. That was disappointing. But relationships were all about making sacrifices, right? Shayla sat alone on the palace balcony, as the sun began to set behind her. Soon, Makoto would be here. Her courage in asking him to meet her was more or less unprecedented. Makoto had almost certainly interpreted it simply as one friend asking to meet another, but Shayla hoped that tonight, she might finally be able to make her feelings clear. How he would respond was uncertain. It was up to him. It probably wouldn't do any good, she thought, but it was something she had to do. Fatora's head was spinning as she made her way to the bedroom. Strange images from the link were still fresh in her mind, as she opened the door, and found Alielle sitting on the bed wearing an unfamiliar expression. She looked almost... annoyed. Alielle never got angry, at least not with Fatora. "Alielle? Are you okay?" "Where have you been, Miss Fatora?" Alielle asked, her voice wavering a little. "You... know where I've been," Fatora replied cautiously. "I was with Makoto..." "You promised you'd be back more than three hours ago." Alielle interrupted. Three hours? Fatora suddenly realised that she must have lost track of time again. She was wondering how it suddenly got so dark. She looked back at Alielle's face. Oh God. She'd been waiting here all that time. "Alielle, I'm sorry," said Fatora, confused. "I didn't mean to keep you waiting." She sat down on the bed and held out her arms. "Come on." Alielle broke into a reluctant smile. She shuffled along the bed and embraced Fatora. "Let's make up for lost time," she whispered, and began to gently kiss Fatora... Fatora pulled away a little. "Alielle, I'm really tired. Could I just..." Alielle stopped and looked away. "Go to sleep? Of course." They both climbed into bed. Fatora seemed to drift off to sleep almost immediately. Alielle was left staring at the ceiling, trying to convince herself that everything was fine... Fatora mumbled something. How strange. Fatora never talked in her sleep. She did it again. "Mm... Makoto..." A tidal wave of absolute horror broke over Alielle. Within seconds, she was out of bed, out of the room and running down a corridor. Fatora continued to sleep. Nanami was completing the day's accounts when she heard a frantic knocking on the restaurant's door. "Hey, we're closed!" she shouted as she got up from her chair. When she opened the door, she was greeted with the unexpected sight of Alielle, dressed only in her underwear, looking up at her with a desperate expression. "Wow, Alielle," said Nanami, not sure where to begin. "Your seduction techniques are really losing their subtlety." Alielle instinctively grabbed Nanami around the waist and buried her face in her shoulder. "Nanami," she whimpered, "please help me." "Fatora and Makoto?" The concept was so absurd that Nanami found herself trying to suppress a smile. "Alielle, are you absolutely sure you're not imagining this? You have to admit it sounds a little... unlikely." "I didn't see it at first." Alielle was sat opposite Nanami, now wearing Nanami's brown school blazer. It was several sizes too big, but it did an excellent job of covering her up. "I was happy that Miss Fatora and Makoto were friends. I never realised it was leading to this." "Look, Alielle, please don't take this the wrong way, but... Fatora's never been especially faithful. This wouldn't be the first time she's been interested in someone else. In fact, you've always encouraged her. How is this situation different?" Alielle shook her head determinedly. "Miss Fatora never ignored me like this. We've always chased other girls, but we did it together." She looked directly into Nanami's eyes. "Miss Fatora has always loved me. Although... I know you don't really believe that. Nanami shifted in her chair. "That's not true, Alielle." "Please, Nanami. I know you don't like Fatora. You don't believe she's capable of love. Nobody does." "That's really not what I think," Nanami insisted. Admittedly, I don't really understand your relationship, but I do believe Fatora loves you." Nanami paused, then decide to ask a question which had been on her mind ever since she first encountered Fatora. "Just how did you and Fatora meet, anyway?" Alielle brightened noticeably as she began to tell her favourite story. She left out no detail, and no opportunity to praise Fatora, as she described how her beloved had rescued her from the villainous, blackmailing Prince Fran. By the end of the story, Alielle was quite exhausted, and Nanami was suitably impressed. "Alielle, that's really... sweet. I never imagined that you and Fatora had such an interesting story." "Well," sighed Alielle, "it doesn't matter now. I've lost her." "Come on, Alielle," replied Nanami, trying to sound encouraging. "That's not the Alielle I know. You never give up that easily." "But I can't win," Alielle protested. "I'm up against something way too powerful." Nanami looked puzzled. "What do you mean?" "The telepathic archive. I think it's affected Miss Fatora's mind. It must be that, because my Fatora would never, could never fall in love with a boy." "You think it's the archive? In that case, maybe we should..." Nanami was stopped by the sound of an explosion outside. She and Alielle immediately ran to the window. In the street outside, half-lit by the fire surrounding her, was a furious Shayla, taking her anger out on nothing in particular. "Shayla!" Nanami called through the open window. "What the hell are you doing? You'll set this whole place on fire!" Shayla seemed to hear, but just kept on hurling flames in random directions. Alielle joined in Nanami's protestations. "Miss Shayla, please stop!" Shayla froze on hearing Alielle's voice. Slowly, she turned and walked towards the window with a look of apocalyptic fury on her face. "You!" she screamed. "Your Fatora! What has she done to Makoto?" Alielle and Nanami looked at each other, bemused. "Makoto was supposed to meet me tonight," Shayla continued. "When he finally turned up, two hours late, all he could talk about was Fatora! About how close the link had brought them together! About the 'special bond' between them! What has she done?" "No," whispered Alielle. "This is awful." "Hey, wait a minute," Nanami suddenly objected, "just why were you meeting Makoto tonight anyway?" "That's my business!" Shayla snapped. "I don't like this," Nanami replied. "You asking him to meet you is bad enough, but the fact that he accepted..." "Will you ever stop interfering?" "You have no right to try and seduce my Makoto!" "Try and stop me!" At this point, the conversation descended into a barrage of screams and threats. "Shut up! Both of you!" Nanami and Shayla fell silent, and looked in amazement at Alielle, who was wearing a deadly serious expression. "What Shayla said about Makoto only confirms what I was saying earlier. The telepathic archive is affecting Fatora and Makoto's minds. We need to put a stop to it. Do we all agree?" Nanami and Shayla nodded in agreement, still shocked by Alielle's outburst. "Hey, Alielle," said Shayla discreetly, "you want to try and calm down a little." The three women marched through the mid morning crowd in the palace courtyard. Their targets: Makoto and Fatora. Shayla spotted them first. "That's them! Come on, I want to get some answers!" Nanami saw them too, then saw something that made her heart skip a beat. "Alielle, maybe you'd better wait over..." Too late. Alielle had seen as well. "They're... holding hands." "Okay," snarled Shayla, "that's it, I've seen enough." She ran over to Makoto and Fatora and immediately confronted them. "Fatora! What the hell are you doing? Why must you curse my existence at every turn? Why? First you and your damn pet Alielle try to get me into bed at every opportunity, then you steal my first kiss... now you take Makoto from me!" Nanami didn't really want to watch the ensuing chaos. She took Alielle by the arm. "Come on," she said. "I know who I ask whenever I need advice." Miz listened intently as Alielle and Nanami recounted the story. When they finished, she looked over at Mr Fujisawa. "Masamichi, this is all very odd." "What should we do, sensei?" asked Nanami. "Uh, well," Fujisawa hesitated, "this isn't a matter I'm really qualified to speak on. I didn't attend the student counselling course for this subject. So, just see how it plays out. Youngsters like Makoto and Fatora can get very sexually confused." "But Mr Teacher," Alielle insisted, "my Fatora is falling for Makoto! Please, think of something!" "Personally, I can see an up-side to it," Fujisawa continued. "One of my students... in love with royalty? I feel so proud." "Masamichi!" Miz objected. "Don't be so insensitive to poor Alielle's feelings. I'm sorry," She leaned in to Alielle and Nanami. "He's been drinking." Fujisawa overheard this. "I have not! Come on, Miz! Not in front of the kids. They see me as a role model!" "Come to think of it," Miz pondered, "I've heard a lot about telepathic archives but I've never heard of anything like this happening with them. Perhaps you should go and see Doctor Schtalubaugh." By now the courtyard was almost empty. The palace's inhabitants had recently come to know of Shayla's legendary temper, and it was remarkable how quickly an are could empty of people when word got around that she was angry. Now she had the bemused Makoto and Fatora cornered and was interrogating them thoroughly. "Shayla! Just cool it before you kill someone!" Nanami's voice echoed through the courtyard. The fire priestess looked over her shoulder t see Nanami running towards her, followed by Alielle, Afura Mann and Doctor Schtalubaugh, who was moving at a fair speed considering his age. "Princess! Makoto!" The doctor called. "I must speak with you urgently!" "What's the matter, doctor?" Makoto asked innocently. I believe there may be a serious problem with the telepathic archive," the doctor said as he reached them. "Your friends have observed a distinct change in the relationship between yourself and the princess." "That's just how the link works," Makoto reassured. "It's brought us closer together." The old man shook his head. "I beg to differ. I have studied the ancient telepathic archives for many years, and never once have I heard of a case like this. They are for data exchange- nothing more. The alterations to your behaviour suggest that there is something wrong with the archive. It is creating serious emotional side effects." "Doc, what are you saying?" Fatora asked. "Princess, I fear that the link is harming you both. We must find a way to terminate it, and remove the archive from you. Quickly!" "Never!" Fatora moved closer to Makoto. "I don't see what the problem is," Makoto insisted. "The link must stay." "But Makoto," Afura interjected, "can't you see you're acting irrationally? You're falling for Fatora!" "Maybe I am," Makoto replied. "I just see it as two minds coming together." Afura continued. "What about Ifurita?" Makoto paused. His face went blank. "And Miss Fatora," Alielle asked nervously, "do you still love me?" Fatora's expression was similar to Makoto's. Finally, she said, "Alielle, I... care for you." Alielle, devastated at this poorly disguised rejection, grabbed onto the nearest person, who happened to be Afura, and started to cry. Nanami, upon seeing this, had had enough. "That does it. Fatora, you have no idea what you're doing!" Nanami grabbed Fatora's arm, furious. What happened next took her completely by surprise. "Activation results in cascade sequence. Cascade level one. Low level trans-dimensional nexus established. Energy ducts in sector eight-seven-green move to position C. Following..." Nanami pulled away. "Was that... the link?" Schtalubaugh looked at her closely. "Miss Jinnai, did you just access the telepathic archive?" "I guess I did," Nanami nodded. "Most unexpected," the doctor said, raising his eyebrow. "It seems my original hypothesis, that Makoto's unique abilities gave him sole access to archive, was incorrect. Perhaps all dimensional travellers can access it." "Hey! They're getting away!" Shayla shouted, as she noticed that Makoto and Fatora had used the confusion to escape. Shayla, Afura and Nanami gave chase, but it was too late. Makoto and Fatora were now inside the palace, and their pursuers found themselves greeted with an impossible number of potential corridors. "We have to find them before it's too late," Afura stressed. Alone, at last. Makoto quietly locked the door of his research laboratory. He turned to Fatora. "I don't understand what's wrong with them." "They can't see what we have," Fatora replied, but even as she spoke, she could feel blood rushing to the backs of her eyes. She began to feel dizzy. "The link..." she said. "Fatora, are you okay?" Makoto asked, concerned. Her head was pounding. The next thing she knew, the floor was coming up to meet her. "Fatora!" Makoto knelt down beside her. "I'm fine," she insisted. "Just a little dizzy. The link... is becoming very overwhelming." For a long time they stared into each other's eyes. Then slowly, irrevocably, their faces moved together... The door exploded. "Not so fast!" yelled Shayla. Makoto and Fatora looked up at her in surprise. Behind her, Nanami, Alielle, Afura, Miz, Fujisawa and Schtalubaugh looked back at them in horror. "Princess!" Schtalubaugh shouted. "I know what the problem is! The archive was never meant to be operated by a member of the Royal House. Your spiritual gene has interacted with it, and enhanced its effects many times! If we do not remove it immediately, the feedback effect will soon destroy you both!" "You don't understand!" Fatora cried. "None of you could ever understand the bond between us!" "I refuse to listen to any more of this crap!" Shayla screamed. Instinctively she picked up the nearest object, a cube-shaped artefact which was one of the subjects of Makoto's research, and hurled it at the couple. It hit Fatora in the stomach. "Shayla-Shayla!" Miz scolded. "That was most unnecessary." "Look!" gasped Nanami. The object was somehow drawing a green light out of Fatora's body. "The archive," Afura said. "It's coming out." Makoto and Fatora collapsed simultaneously. The archive hovered for a second above the object that had removed it, then gradually drifted upwards to a height of about six feet, where it stopped, hanging above their heads. Makoto and Fatora drowsily opened their eyes... and looked at each other with a sudden mixture of horror and disgust. Then they both fainted again. "What now?" Fujisawa asked. "The archive is still safe to use," Schtalubaugh replied, "as long as it is contained within one who is not a member of the Royal House. The question is- who should receive it?" A brilliant idea crossed Nanami's mind. If she took the archive, just imagine how long Makoto would spend with her, getting the information out. And just perhaps, it might bring them closer together too. She stepped forwards. "I'll take the archive." "Oh no you don't!" Shayla objected. Damn, Nanami thought. Shayla had the same idea. "Well, I'm taking it!" Nanami said defiantly, running towards the ball of light. Shayla grabbed her by the collar and pulled her back. "Makoto is mine!" Shayla snapped, as Nanami wriggled free. "Miss Shayla," Schtalubaugh said sternly, "when operating normally, the link will not cause any emotional attachment between the users. Besides, I..." "Yeah, Shayla," Nanami smiled. "He's obviously right. So it doesn't matter if I take it." Nanami made a run for it. Shayla propelled herself upwards with a fire blast, then shoved Nanami out of the way in mid air. She was just about to touch the archive when someone else pulled her back. It was Mr Fujisawa. "Now listen, Priestess Shayla," Fujisawa said angrily, "I won't have you treating my students to rough. You apologise to Nanami right now." "Go to hell!" Shayla screamed, smacking Fujisawa away. Fujisawa immediately fought back. Soon, a full blown battle was in progress, with both protagonists bouncing off the walls of the little room. Nanami saw her chance. While Shayla was occupied fighting Mr Fujisawa, she made her way discreetly to the archive, until it was directly above her head. She reached upwards, and could almost touch it, but then... "Fujisawa... kick!" Fujisawa sent Shayla hurtling through the air, on a collision course with the archive. Nanami tried to beat her to it, but she was too late. Shayla absorbed the light, then landed perfectly by the far wall. She walked up to Nanami, grinning broadly. "Bad luck, Nanami," she smiled. "Looks like I get to go in the link." "But not with Makoto!" Schtalubaugh boomed. Everyone turned to look at him, as the doctor continued. "I would not recommend him using a telepathic link again in the foreseeable future. After his recent experience the results may be unpredictable." "Then how will he be able to get the information on the Eye of God?" Miz asked. "As I understand it, Makoto is the only one who can access the archive." "Not quite," Schtalubaugh pointed out. "We have recently discovered that Nanami also has access. I propose that she extracts the information from Miss Shayla on Makoto's behalf." Shayla was horror struck. Nanami gave her a wicked smile. That'd teach her. Alielle and Fatora sat on the bed. Fatora had her head in her hands. "Makoto, of all people. A man! I almost kissed him! I feel so dirty!" She looked at Alielle pleadingly. "Will you ever be able to respect me again?" "Fatora!" Alielle squeaked. "I'm so glad you're better!" She leapt on top of Fatora, who, it appeared, had her answer. Somebody knocked on the bedroom door. Fatora looked up, frustrated. "Alielle," she instructed, "hold that thought." She got up and opened the door. It was Makoto. "Princess, Alielle," he smiled nervously. "I just felt I should apologise. I guess we were both acting a little weird, but I..." "You've got a nerve coming here!" Fatora roared. "You're lucky I don't have you locked away for sexual harassment! Now get out of here! I'm busy with the delicate task of trying to piece my relationship back together!" She slammed the door in his face. "Alielle," she smiled, "hurry up and get undressed." Alielle was about to comply, when they heard Shayla's voice outside. Fatora opened the door a little and peeped out, as Shayla ran, hysterical towards Makoto. "What's wrong, Miss Shayla?" Makoto asked. "She's completely crazy!" Shayla gasped. "Half an hour in the link and she's flipped! I thought the doctor said this wouldn't happen again!" "What do you mean?" asked Makoto, more confused than ever. "I have to go! She's after me!" Shayla turned and ran. Then Nanami's voice could be heard approaching. "Sister Shayla!" she yelled. "Come on, don't be so shy! I just want to get to know you better!" Nanami ran up to Makoto. "Makoto-chan, have you seen Sister Shayla? She's playing hard to get, but I just know I'll win her over!" Without waiting for an answer, Nanami ran off down the corridor. "Oh," said Makoto. "I think I get it." Alielle approached Fatora, who was still watching the events outside. "What's happening, Miss Fatora?" "Well," Fatora smiled, "I'm not one hundred percent sure. But I feel it is our royal duty to find out. And where possible, participate." With that, Fatora and Alielle darted out of the room together, and off on another one of their adventures. THE END Fatora's moral of the story: "Don't worry if you're sexually confused. Heterosexuality is often just a phase anyway."
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