Night Angels (part 22 of 32)

a Gunsmith Cats fanfiction by Elwin Blain Coldiron

Back to Part 21

A driving rain had set itself down upon the busy highway outside London 
this night. Motorists, either in cars, vans, or lorries, slogged their 
way down the wet roads, some of them making their deliveries or others 
getting home. Either way, it was going to be a rough commute.

All of a sudden, though, a late 1988 Honda Civic, radically customized, 
began barreling its way erratically down the highway. Suddenly, it 
swerved clumsily in front of another car, causing that car to crash into 
it, which in turn started a chain reaction of other vehicles, one 
plowing into another.

One of those vehicles turned-out to have been a tanker truck, which 
jackknifed away in order to avoid the other cars. However, the tanker, 
which was filled with gasoline, had overturned, falling on its side. 
Almost immedietly, a van has slammed into the tank, bursting the shell 
and igniting the fuel, causing a huge fireball to billow around and 
upwards, enveloping the other crashes.



It had taken a very long time, but finally the Chancellor of the 
Exchequer and Second Lord of the Treasury had finally, after the 
debauchle of the Tower of London, restored full government funding for 
the Hellsing Organization... which now meant they could finally restore 
their troop levels to that of before the massacre led by the Valentine 
Brothers. Of course, the organization was still prohibited from 
recruiting directly from the British Army and MI-5, but that didn't 
exclude bolstering the membership of the Wild Geese.

So with a few calls, a motley group of various mercenaries now found 
themselves in the main parlor of the Hellsing mansion, awaiting whatever 
they were about to face. Some of them busied themselves while waiting 
looking out at the driving rain outside. "So what in the world are we 
going to do?" one mercenary asked.

"Whatever it is, I sure hate to think its security work," another added. 
"I didn't sign-up to shadow some rich dude's ass!"

Another had turned to one man - Alfie Henderson, a felon from Chicago - 
and said, "Do you think we're going to be fighting in London."

"Who cares? I'm just glad to be out of Chicago," Alfie muttered, who was 
still a little confused about his sudden displacement. For the last 
couple of years, he had contentedly been serving a five year sentence 
for breaking and entry, grand larceny, and receiving stolen goods, 
proving himself to be a 'model prisoner'. Then all of a sudden, several 
members of Homeland Security had approached the supervisor of Joliet 
State Prison, requesting that Alfie be entrusted to their care - which 
meant, as he found out, being flown to London for he found out was his 
expertise in explosives. However, when he asked about the terms, all his 
caretakers would ever say was, 'You'll find out when you get there'.

"Alright, settle down, ze lot of you!" a voice called out. Soon, the 
leader of the Wild Geese, Pip Bernadotte, dressed in a Hellsing uniform, 
walked in front of the group. "I know all of you are wondering what in 
ze world are you doing here." The one-eyed Frenchman smiled as he added, 
"All of you have been recruited to fight monsters."

Alfie simply glanced-up, hardly surprised. However, one man said, 
"You've got to be kidding! Fight monsters?"

"It is true," another voice added. Stepping to one side, Pip allowed the 
source of that answer - Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing - to 
walk inside the parlor. "Your duty is to hunt down and destroy creatures 
that subsist on human blood. You will fight them with bullets, garlic 
and holy water; drive a stake through its heart, cut off its head, burn 
the body and scatter its ashes at a crossroads." She then smiled as she 
added, "For further instructions, consult Bram Stoker."

Several of the mercenaries had looked at Sir Integra as if she was 
insane. "That's crazy," one of them chuckled. "Everyone knows there's no 
such thing as vampires!"

"Asshole," Alfie muttered under his breath. He knew better.

"Then everyone is quite mistaken," Sir Integra interjected, "or more 
precisely, we have kept the world in a state of blissful ignorance." She 
then straightened herself as she added, "For over one hundred years, the 
Hellsing Organization has waged a silent war against the undead in the 
service of Queen and Country... vampires in particular." She then made a 
small laugh as she pointed to the far end of the parlor and declared, 
"For those of you who still doubt my word... then I present to you a 
genuine vampire!"

Everyone turned to where Sir Integra was pointing to... only to see 
Seras Victoria leaning against a wall. "Uh... good evening, gentlemen," 
the Draculina said nervously. However, Seras thought to herself, 'I 
can't believe Integra has gotten me to do this again!'

Quietly, Pip had sided next to Sir Integra and whispered, "I wonder if 
ze men will try what I did in zese situation when ze Geese first came 

"Then let us watch and find out," was all the Hellsing leader said.

It didn't take long. One mercenary, a rough-looking black-haired man 
with facial stubble, got up from his chair. "Now wait a minute," he 
grumbled, walking up to Seras, and then examined her. "Are you telling 
me you're a vampire, little girl?"

"Yes I am," she replied, smiling nervously. "How do you do?"

The burly man took a few more minutes to study the Draculina, and then 
burst-out laughing at me. "I... take it you're laughing at me?" Seras 
said uncomfortably.

"Then I suggest you do something to correct it," Sir Integra said, not 

"Oui, Mignonette," Pip added. "I like to see you put him in his place, 

Seras' eyebrow rose. "Oh I see," she said, brightening. "Alright then."

"Hey Vic," one of the mercenaries said to the laughing man, "are you 
sure that's a good idea?"

"Oh lay off!" Vic roared, still laughing. "If this girl's a vampire, 
then I'm the Jolly Green Giant!"

"Well then," Seras replied in a low voice... then gave the laughing 
mercenary a light flick to the forehead, which opened up a cut on it, as 
well as causing Vic to stumble backwards.

Vic stopped laughing, a stream of blood coming down near his eyes. But 
before he could react, Seras flicked him further - although each flick 
felt like being kicked by a mule! After stumbling backwards, Seras 
advanced upon him, covering a distance of three feet in an eyeblink, and 
flicked him one last time, sending Vic flying backwards thirty feet into 
the stunned crowd.

Sir Integra leaned over to Pip after the show was through, whispering, 
"Experiencing a bit of... déjà vu, Captain?"

"Just a little bit, mon commander," the Frenchman replied, forcing 
himself not to laugh. "I'm just fortunate I wasn't at ze receiving end 
zese time."

In the meantime, the other mercenaries had helped the unfortunate Vic on 
his feet. "Are... are you alright?" one of them said, still stunned at 
what happened.

Vic just shook his head. "I don't believe it," he snarled, staring 
bullets at a smiling Seras. "All that little... whatever, did is tap me! 
It's as if that bitch was some sort of monster!"

"Then call yourself lucky, human," Alucard's voice called out, 
afterwhich the red-clad vampire walked through the parlor wall. "The 
Police Girl may be a lower-powered vampire, but she is more than a match 
than the rest of you whining cowards!" Indeed many of the men, including 
Vic, had to scramble to get up and back away.

"ALUCARD!!" Sir Integra snapped, annoyed that her servant decided to 
scare her new men. She would have added more, but Pip held-up a hand.

"Eet's alright, Sir Integra," the Wild Geese leader began, "I asked 
Alucard eef he could make an appearance." He then turned to the 
Nosferatu and added, "Merci," bowing as he did.

The No-Life King then bowed in turn, added, "You're welcome. At least 
this group of wannabees seem to have a little bit more on-the-ball than 
when the Geese first came here. Now if you'll all excuse me, I must be 
going. I leave you to this bunch of cowards!" Deciding not to walk 
through the wall again, he took the door out of the parlor.

Pip then returned to the gathered men, stating, "Zat was just an example 
of what we'll be facing. Believe me when I say zat I do not want any 
chicken-shit cry-babies in zese unit. Anyone who doesn't wish to fight 
ze undead, zen I suggest you leave right now... otherwise, follow me." 
Oddly enough, all of the men decided to follow him, although Vic 
continued to give Seras a poisonous look. The Draculina, for her part, 
just gave the group a cheerful wave as they left.

As the men filed out of the room, Sir Integra watched as they left 
one-by-one. However, as Alfie passed by her, she held out her hand. "Not 
so fast," she said. "I wish to talk to you."

Alfie paused, then recognized her. "I thought I knew you," he began. 
"You were there when Rally busted me in that alley. If you hadn't 
stopped her when she had that gun of hers in my jaw, I might not be here 
right now." He then though further and added, "Come to think of it, you 
were there when Rally got into trouble with that booby trap Goldie made 
me set-up. Do you happen to know if she's alright, by any chance?"

"That is for later," Sir Integra said plainly. She then held-up a file 
folder and studied its contents. "Albert 'Alfie' Henderson, former U.S. 
Army engineer, court marshaled after stealing and selling explosives on 
the black market, spent the time after leaving the stockade running 
various criminal enterprises until your capture. Spent the last two 
years of a five year sentence in the state prison in Joliet, Illinois, 
with conduct possibly qualifying for release on good behavior." She then 
closed the file and added, "However, with your current record, it would 
have been extremely difficult to obtain legitimate employment, the end 
result possibly a return to criminal activity."

"That's the story of my life," Alfie commented. "So could you tell me 
what the hell am I doing in England instead of Joliet?"

"That I shall," the Hellsing leader said. "However, I expect those who 
work for me to abide with proper conduct. If you end up betraying the 
trust I have extended, I will personally have you flogged within an inch 
of your life and have your carcass shipped back to Joliet to serve the 
remainder of your sentence, do I make myself clear?"

"As crystal," Alfie answered, a little unnerved by the edge in Sir 
Integra's voice.

"Good." Sir Integra then eased her hard demeanor by adding, "But since 
you have exhibited exemplary behavior since your incarceration, I 
decided to offer you this second chance. All you have to do is to offer 
your services for a minimum of one calendar year. If, after that, I feel 
that you have proved yourself to be of value to me, I will notify my 
contacts in your country's State Department to have your civilian and 
military criminal records expunged - as well as your discharge status in 
the U.S. Army changed from 'dishonorable' to 'honorable'." She then 
smiled, further adding, "Clearly you can see the advantage of serving me 
for that time."

"That I can," Alfie added. "Okay, since I can't refuse such an offer, I 
accept your terms."

"Very good," the Hellsing leader said. "Now, I want to further add that, 
while you have already met Alucard and Miss Victoria, the Hellsing 
Organization has a third vampire at its service. That vampire would like 
to meet you personally."

"A third vampire... wanting to see me?" Alfie wasn't sure he wanted to 
meet this creature, especially one who as requested him personally. "And 
just who is this vampire, might I ask?"

"I think I will let you discover for yourself, Mr. Henderson," Sir 
Integra said. "Now, I am a busy woman, so I will let you go to your 

Alfie said nothing as he exited the parlor, although he was a bit 
mystified about a vampire knowing who he is. Since when had he met ANY 
vampire for that matter. Possibly someone who simply claimed that he was 
a vampire, just to score points with Sir Integra. Deciding that thinking 
too much about the subject was only going to give him a headache, Alfie 
just decided to go ahead and find this... being.

But just as soon as he rounded a corner, a familiar voice called out to 
him. "Hey Alfie, what's up?" Surprised, he turned in the direction of 
the voice, seeing Irene "Rally" Vincent, who was wearing sunglasses, 
waving at him.

"Rally!" exclaimed Alfie, smiling. "I'm glad to see you're well. I was a 
little worried the last time I saw you, back in that warehouse, 

"Sure do," Rally replied.

"All the same," the former criminal continued, "I'm a little surprised 
that you're over here than in Chicago."

"I work here now," Rally answered. "Integra's an old childhood friend of 
mine, so when she approached me about the job, I decided to take it." 
Her face then grew serious, "Alfie, there's something I need to talk to 
you about..."

"How about later, Rally?" Alfie said, starting to walk off. "Sir Integra 
said that there was another vampire that wanted to talk to me, and I 
after seeing the first two, I don't want to keep him waiting. So if 
you'll excuse me, I'll be going. Catch you later."

"Alfie, wait!"

As strange as it seemed, Alfie noticed a sense of urgency in Rally's 
voice. "Is there something you need to tell me about, Rally?" he asked.

"Alfie... since when does a vampire know you personally?" Rally said, a 
tone of sadness in her voice. Perplexed, Alfie just stared at her. Then 
closing her eyes, Rally removed the sunglasses and looked squarely at 
the engineer.

Alfie was shocked! The blue eyes that he was used to seeing in Rally was 
replaced by orange-red ones, which seemed to glow on their own. When he 
finally made the connection, his own eyes widened - not out of fear, but 
in amazement. "No way... you're the vampire, Rally?"

The nod he got was the confirmation he needed. "Alfie... like I said, 
there's something I need to talk to you about," Rally repeated, "and I 
really want you to listen."


"Hey take it easy, willya, Vic?" one of the mercenaries chuckled as Pip 
led the group to the shooting range. "So you got beat up? Big deal! I've 
known you to take a beating and get right up and continue fighting!"

"Yeah Hal, but this is different," Vic growled, still sore from his 
beating. "This organization is supposed to be hunting vampires, and yet 
they got TWO of them! Sounds hypocritical if you ask me."

"Listen you two," Pip put in, overhearing, "zere's a reason zose two are 
here! Alucard just happen to be bonded to Sir Integra's family, and 
Mignonette was once his servant! Zey, along with..." but was interrupted 
with two of the original Geese, Sergio and Andreas, called over to him.

"El Capitan?" the Spaniard began, "we need a little help with the 
uniforms for the new men. We could use your help in that?"

"I guess it wouldn't hurt." Pip then made his way out. "Now zese won't 
take long. Just don't get into any trouble while I'm gone, mon amis."

The newcomers just looked as the three departed, then were distracted by 
the sound of gunfire coming from the range. Curious, the men entered - 
and just happened upon Moria Hedgley at one of the stations. The pretty 
young brunette, still in her maid uniform and wearing eye and ear 
protection, was shooting at a target placed at least 100 meters away.

The men just looked at the buxom maid, scratching their heads. "Man," 
Hal said, shaking his own head, "they even have the maids armed. Talk 
about a strange house."

Another one looked at the target Moria was shooting. "Hey, get a load at 
the spacing of those shots!" he said, pointing at the target. The group 
of shots placed on the target was tightly spaced. "She's good, that's 
for sure," the mercenary continued.

Vic was looking, too - only not at the target. "Who cares?" he leered. 
"My sights are on HER. I mean, get a load of those tits - and that ass 
of hers - it just doesn't quit!" He then began to side over to her, 
adding, "Just keep an eye out for the captain while I make my move!"

"Are you crazy, Vic?" Hal said. "You remember the last time you tried to 
get a piece of ass?"

"Yeah, we ended up running for our lives when her father found out - not 
to mention not getting paid for the job!" another added.

Ignoring his fellows' warnings, Vic just walked next to Moria, smiling 
suavely. "Hi there, beautiful," he said as Moria finished a clip. "I see 
you're quite talented with that Glock 22 of yours. I just happen to be 
quite a shot myself - and not just with a gun. How about after 
orientation we find a quiet place to get to know each over better?" No 
reply, just Moria setting down the empty clip in preparation to reload 
it. "Uh... miss?" he continued. Then he realized she was still wearing 
her earmuffs. He then tapped her on the shoulder.

That got her attention. Turning around, Moria lifted one of the cups of 
the earmuffs. "Pardon?" she asked.

Finally getting her attention, Vic continued with, "Like I said before, 
I noticed that you're a good shot. I was wondering, if you had any free 
time, that you and I... get to know each other. So what do you say?"

Moria studied Vic carefully. To her, the mercenary had a sleazy bearing 
to him, not to mention he smelled. Deciding to let him off easy, she 
answered, "I'm afraid not, and I've got quite a bit to do after 
practice. Besides, I'm not interested in you... or any man, for that 
matter." She then returned to reloading her clip.

Now Vic had a vicious scowl on his face. "Oh... some sort of carpet 
muncher, are you?" he growled. Roughly grabbing Moria's upper arm and 
turning her around - much to his companions' alarm - he then snarled, 
"Okay, dyke, you're not going to refuse me!"

It was at that moment that Moria's eyes had locked on Vic's. She looked 


"So that's what happened," Alfie said as he and Rally sat in chairs next 
to each other. "Rally... I'm sorry that happened to you. If that bitch 
Goldie hadn't gotten me to make that booby-trap for her..."

"Hey don't worry about it, Alfie," Rally said, patting him on his left 
shoulder. "Most of it was my fault anyway; I walked into Goldie's trap 
without thinking about it." Sighing, she looked at Alfie and added, 
"Besides, since we're going to be working together from now on, I just 
wanted to talk to you and let you know that there is no hard feelings."

"Thanks," Alfie laughed. "I was worried for a bit. Still, I'm a little 
bit curious why Sir Integra would be interested in a felon like me for 
her organization in the first place."

"Who do you think recommended you to Integra in the first place?" Rally 
chuckled. It was then that Alfie caught on, then smiled. "You may have 
made a few mistakes, but you do deserve a second chance. At least after 
the year is up, you'll be able to take advantage of vet benefits once 
the status of your discharge is changed."

"No doubt," added Alfie, standing up. "Well, I better get myself back to 
the group. There's still my uniform to get, not to mention my billet."

"Oh let me come along," Rally offered. "I need to check on someone 
and..." All of a sudden, though, something had caught the dusky 
vampire's attention. She then darted in another direction, shouting, 

"RALLY, WHAT'S GOING ON!?" Getting no answer, Alfie followed Rally, who 
was at that moment telepathically contacting Sir Integra and Seras.


"OW-OW-OW-OW-OWW!! HEY LET ME GO, YOU BITCH!!" Vic yelled while the rest 
of the mercenaries stood agog. The look on Moria's face was that of 
barely-contained rage as she had her left foot against the prone Vic's 
jaw. His right arm, meanwhile, was being wrenched painfully backward, 
her left leg being used as a fulcrum while her right hand pressed it 
against her knee. If that wasn't painful enough, she had also twisted 
his wrist around, while prying the second and third fingers apart. "SO 
arm further pressed against Moria's knee.

"I would watch that foul mouth of yours if I were you," the maid 
snapped, "otherwise I'll render this arm of yours totally useless!"

The other mercenaries were still in shock. "Boy, all he did was grab her 
arm and in one second - wham, he's on the floor!" one of them said.

"Makes me wonder about the rest of the staff," Hal added.

At that moment, five individuals converged upon the firing range - 
Rally, Alfie, Seras, Pip and Sir Integra. "WHAT THE DEVIL IS GOING ON!?" 
the Hellsing leader raged.

"Sir Integra, y-you have to help me," the rather restrained Vic began. 
"You see, this female had gotten mad for no reason, all because... 
YEEEOOOWW!!" He found his fingers spread further.

"Liar!" Moria snarled. "Sir Integra, this lout came up and tried to 
proposition me. When I turned him down, he tried to get rough and I had 
to defend myself."

"N-no way!" Vic squeaked. "All I did was..." but then froze when he 
caught sight of an angry Rally, her eyes glowing bright.

"Oh shit," Hal gasped, seeing the dusky vampire for the first time, 
"they've got a THIRD one!"

"Quite right," Sir Integra added, "and if you ever think about 
concocting a falsehood around her, then she will PERSONALLY show you the 
error of your judgment!" Then turning to Pip, she added, "Well, where 
were YOU during this episode, CAPTAIN?"

"Well... mon commander," Pip began, "Andreas and Sergio needed help with 
allocating ze uniforms for ze recruits and..."

"And you abandoned supervising these recruits to do what they could have 
done themselves?" Sir Integra sarcastically said. "Your first duty was 
to keep this rabble from causing trouble, not quartermaster chores! Now 
I suggest you correct this problem or I will do it for you... by cutting 
your pay!"

"ULP!!" Suddenly, poverty seemed a least favorable outcome in the 
Frenchman's future. "Oui-oui, Madame, I will see to eet now!" Turning to 
the men, he called out - in an agitated tone, "Alright, ze lot of you, 
to ze barracks... NOW!" He then added to Moria, who still had Vic at her 
mercy, "Mademoiselle, eef you may?"

Moria nodded, then released the mercenary from her grip. Vic was tempted 
to immedietly attack the maid, if he hadn't once again catch sight of an 
angry Rally. Reluctantly, he got up and followed the others... but he 
made a note to somehow return the favor to the maid - one day.

"If you'll excuse me, Rally," Alfie said, following the mercenaries, 
"I've got a feeling that includes me! We'll catch up on things later."

"Okay, Alfie," Rally said, waving to the mercenary. However, as soon as 
they were out of earshot, she added, "I think we better keep an eye on 
that one guy Moira ran into, Integra. I've got a feeling that guy's 
going to be trouble. I wonder how Pip is going to handle him?"

"He will probably come down one the whole lot of them quite hard, I am 
afraid," Sir Integra answered. "I did dress-down Captain Bernadotte in 
front of his men, and I have a feeling that in order to salve his 
wounded pride that he will take it out on them."

"Good luck to him," Seras remarked, then said to Moira, "Are you 
alright? He seemed quite large."

"Well, it was nothing I couldn't handle," Moria dismissed, who then 
gathered up her gun and ammunition.

The four women then exited the range, where Walter C. Dolnez was waiting 
for them. "I assume the situation was resolved to your satisfaction, Sir 
Integra?" the old butler said.

"Quite so," Sir Integra replied.

"Good. While you were away, we had received a call from Scotland Yard," 
Walter began. "It seems that there was an accident on the M-5 motorway 
and was wondering if we could send an investigation team down to the 

"What?" Sir Integra's voice was fairly reeking with exasperation when 
she replied, "This organization if for the defence and protection of 
England from the evil undead, not to investigate the occasional 
fender-bender! Have you told those idiots of the Yard that?"

"Well, ordinarily that would be my first response to the situation," 
Walter replied, "but..."

Sir Integra didn't like the tone of that 'but'. "But what?" she added.

"Ma'am... the request came from Sir Townstead," the butler said.

Rally took note, as well as Seras. "So it may have to do with the FREAKs 
again?" she summized.

"It would stand to reason," Seras added. "Sir Integra, do you wish us to 
go to the accident scene?"

"By all means," the Hellsing leader said. But in an afterthought, she 
added, "You know, this might be a good opportunity for Moria to join you 
as well." Turning to the maid, she further added, "Would you accompany 
them, my dear? This would be considered as your first true field 

"Yes, Sir Integra," replied Moria. "But could I first change out of my 
uniform before I do?"

"Yes, please but be quick about it. Rally, go down to the motor pool and 
have your car warmed-up and ready. Please be aware that it is still 
raining out, so dress accordingly."

"Will do," Rally answered. "Moria, I'll have the car up front and 
waiting for you."

"Yes, thank you," Moria called out as she made her way to the 
sub-basement levels.


It was only in the last week that Moria had fully moved into the 
darkness of the sub-levels of the mansion, along with the vampires that 
had become her lovers. She quickly went through the wardrobe, found a 
blouse and denim jeans, comfortable boots - and a raincoat - then 
stripped-off her uniform and re-dressed herself.

As she was making her way out the door, she happened to look upon a 
small dresser near it. A pile of mail, obviously left by Walter, was 
lying on it - and one envelope with a certain name on the return address 
caught her attention. Picking it up, she opened the letter and quickly 
read it. She then found something else inside, namely a bank-issued 
money order - one for £25,000.

'Funny,' she told herself, 'I keep telling Father I have a job now and 
no longer need this.' Moria then smiled and added, 'Oh well, he DID make 
all the trouble getting this to me, so I might as well deposit it. I'll 
see if I can ask Rally to take me to an ATM after we get back.' Folding 
the money order, she stuffed it in her jeans pocket, further thinking, 
'Father's been gone all this time and he still care about me. I just 
wish he was there when Mum got killed, as well as Grandfather.' Taking 
note about the time, she made her way out the door.

AUTHOR'S NOTE - I don't really think I've covered the fact about Moria's 
parents yet. I did give plenty of time about her maternal grandfather 
Peter Farguson, but I've got something special in mind for her... and it 
might be a shock. If you've followed the love scene in the last chapter, 
then I think you might know what I'm leading to, but I like to hear from 
you. Please, R&R, then let me know about your ideas.

Until the next chapter... LATER!!

Onwards to Part 23

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