The sun was close to setting as a taxi was waved past the gate of the Hellsing manor. Near the front gate, Pip Bernadotte, leader of the Wild Geese, watched in fascination as the vehicle made its way to the door of the huge mansion. As soon as the rear door opened, Moria Hedgley, burdened with several bags, managed to struggle out of the cab. Setting down the packages, she managed to pay the cabbie before resuming her load. "'Allo, Mademoiselle Moria," the one-eyed Frenchman greeted the struggling maid, "how was your trip?" "You can ask me later," Moria groaned in French, "just help me out with these damned packages!" "Oui-oui, Madam, just don't get too cranky on me!" Pip then had taken a sizeable quantity of the packages from Moria and helped her upstairs. "Zo," he continued, "I heard zat you are going to working more with Mignonette and Rally, non?" The maid nodded. "It seemed that Sir Integra felt that my combat skills were worthy of being a part-time agent within the Hellsing Organization," she said, "And please, could you reply in your native tongue. I realize you can understand English but I could use the practice." Pip nodded, and then noticed some of the items in one of her bags. "A new language book... and tapes, too," he said, then looked further. "So now it's Romanian, isn't it?" "Oui," Moira replied. "I just looking through all the books and tapes they had and thought it would be an interesting one to learn." "I do recall there's one of the Geese zat is fluent in Romanian," Pip added. "Maybe you might want to drill your progress with him, non?" "I do... and if I get the nerve to even get near him, I might try with Alucard as well," Moria said as they got to her quarters. As soon as she unlocked the door, the two made there way into the room. "Merci, Captain Bernadotte. Climbing up the stairs with all that might have caused me to have an accident." "I appreciate zat," the mercenary said. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'd best supervise ze Geese at ze target range." "Then I won't hold you back, Captain," Moria answered. "See you in the morning!" "And you, too. Adieu," Pip repeated, closing the door as he did. Soon afterward, Moria collapsed on the bed, weary from this afternoon's shopping excursion. "I'm glad that's over," she said to herself, careful not to let her thoughts run stray, least the vampire Irene "Rally" Vincent - who she was bonded to - caught them. "And I still have to get ready for... whatever Rally and Seras has in mind downstairs." She then produced the language kit she purchased, looked at it and smiled. "Still, it was pretty productive; gotten some new lingerie, as well as this little thing." She then glanced over to the windows, noticing the sun was setting. "Well, no use putting things off too long." Getting up, she found a small bottle of a light-scented perfume, dabbed a little of it behind her ears, then set off for the sub-basement level. But as she descended the stairs, Moria couldn't help but to feel a little nervous. Granted, this would be her second time down into the bowels of the mansion, but for some reason, she felt more at home down here - and that slightly unnerved her. "I don't believe that I could possibly get adjusted to this place the way I have," she muttered. "Feels like a damned dungeon to me. How in the world Rally and Seras get used to this place is beyond... EEEEPP!!" So much she was in her own musings, she had nearly ran into Alucard, who was standing in front of her. For a few seconds, the No-Life King did nothing, his eyes covered-up by his glasses. Then he smiled, which only unnerved Moria further. "Well now," Alucard purred, "headed down for your meeting, I see." Moria gulped. "Uh... yes, Mr. Alucard. I..." "Please, just 'Alucard' will do. And don't worry, I have no intention of harming you," the red-clad vampire said, still smiling. "If I did, I would certainly be in a big fight with Rally Vincent. And I really don't have any wish to fight her, if you follow my meaning. She can be very vicious if she wanted to, the way her powers had grown." Sighing in relief, Moria was able to relax, but she did ask, "She... would?" "Yes. You see, you belong to her... figuratively speaking," Alucard explained. "In short, you are under her protection. Any other vampire who wishes your blood would have to have her permission to do so... and would think twice before trying to take it without first asking her!" He then relaxed his stance and eyed the maid seriously. "You have been given a unique opportunity, Moria Hedgley - the chance to learn under two very special vampires. I'm certain my master Sir Integra has told you of what you might find from them." "Indeed I do," Moria said, nodding. Alucard took an appraising look at the young girl and added, "And in addition, you might learn firsthand what a vampire has to endure every night. Something to think about... if you ever wish to join Rally Vincent into the darkness as her fledgling." "It's nice that you have such faith in me," Moria began, "but I'm not certain that Rally wishes for me to become a vampire. In fact, I promised her I would think about the prospect first before making such a decision." Alucard nodded. "A wise notion, to say the least." He then sighed and said, "Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to see what my master has in store for me. I will see you later." He then left the maid to her own devices. However, as soon as she was out of earshot, he muttered, "With all the preparations Rally and Seras are making at this moment, I hope the girl has a good time tonight." Not hearing Alucard, Moria made her way through the dim corridors of the lower levels of the mansion until she reached the door to Rally and Seras' quarters. Steeling her nerves, she lightly tapped on the door... only to find it swing open as she did! "How odd," she mused. Deciding to be brave, Moria crept inside the room. It took some time for her eyes to adjust to the gloom, but when they did, she could see that the room was apparently deserted. Quietly, she ventured further into the room, wondering where the vampires were. What she didn't see, though, were the forms of two individuals behind her, blending in the shadows. "Rally? Seras?" she asked, peering into the bathroom but seeing nothing. "Alright, this is ceasing to be funny!" she growled as she returned to the center of the room. It was then she noticed she was not alone, seeing a form in front of her. Scared but not wishing to show it, she decided to challenge this unknown person. "If you're thinking of harming me," she said, going into a defensive stance, "then you better get to it now, because I'm going to show you no quarter if you do!" "Okay, calm down Moria," Rally's voice announced in front of her, stepping forward as she did. But when she came into view, it was all Moria could do not to faint outright! Rally was totally nude - and smiling in a rather seductive manner. "I'm just here to help celebrate our new arrangement." "Uh... uh... uh..." Moria stammered, backpedaling away - only to be restrained gently by Seras, who was also nude! "What in the devil!?" she gasped. "Oh don't worry, Moria," the Draculina purred as she began to unbutton the maid's top. "We, along with Rally, are going to have a little fun together." She then nuzzled the back of Moria's neck, causing the brunette to shiver as she added, "Besides, you did see me and Rally make love when we were in Roanapur." "Y-yes, but I... AHHHH!!" Moria soon found her right breast being fondled by Seras. Rally, in the meantime, finished what Seras had started, unbuttoning Moria's blouse - and catching sight at what she was wearing. "Oh my," the dusky vampire giggled, seeing the half-cup bra, "such scandalous undies! Even the nipples are exposed!" She then kneeled and gently pulled-down the pants. "Wonder what you've got down here?" By now, Moria wasn't thinking clearly as Seras unhooked her bra. The vampires were seeing her in her most intimate manner, causing her pulse to race. In the meantime, Rally began to remove her thong panties. "We better take these off before they get damp," she said... then took a double-take at the maid's exposed crotch. "Oh my," Rally chuckled, "looks like you shave, too... and from the looks of it, your pussy's almost drenched!" "I... uh... I had myself waxed... just yesterday," Moria groaned, Seras massaging her breasts. "I'd rather not use a razor blade down there." "Waxed? Wow that HAD to hurt!" Rally replied standing up. "I think we'll leave the garter belt and stockings alone... they make you look better." Seras then backed away as Rally took Moria into her arms. "You look like you're about to pass-out. Here, let me guide you to bed." She then led Moria to the coffin/bed in the center of the room. "Rally," Moria said breathlessly as Rally laid on top of her, "please know that... this is my first time. Please... be gentle?" "Don't worry," the dusky vampire said, drawing closer to her face, "I will... you cutie." She then looked over at Seras, who was seating herself next to the bed. "What about you, Master?" "Oh... I think for the time being, I'll just amuse myself by watching you and Moria go at it," Seras replied, pulling up a chair backwards beside the bed and sitting down. "After all, this is her 'first time'... and I think it's only fair that you do the honors, my dear Rally." "Why thank you, Master." Laying on top of Moria, she then said, "So... do you think you can handle it, Moria?" "I think I can adapt... my lovely," was the sultry reply, Moria slinging her arms over Rally's shoulders. The answer that Rally made was, "Alright," then she and Moria's lips met. For the better part of two minutes, the two, vampire and human, kissed on the bed, and when they parted, their tongues still played with each other. At the same time, Rally's left hand kneaded Moira's left breast, occasionally pinching the hardened nipples gently, all the while, the human girl began moaning loudly. After their tongues parted, Moria had found herself gasping, trying to fathom the sensations she was experiencing. "Rally," she managed to say, "that was... phenomenal!" Looking deeply into the vampire's eyes, she added, "Is that... all?" "Oh no," Rally whispered, "I'm just getting started." She then started to lightly kiss Moria's body, starting at the chin and slowly working downward - which prompted the maid to moan louder. As soon as Rally gotten to Moria's breasts, she taken the right nipple into her mouth, sucking it as her right hand began to grope at the left breast. Moria gasped, surprised at the electric sensations she was experiencing as Rally's ice-cold mouth worked its magic. 'Oh my god!' she frantically thought. 'This... this is better than any of my fantasies! I'm not certain I will be able to hold out!' Satisfied with the results of her ministrations, the dusky vampire continued downward, lightly kissing Moria's taunt stomach - briefly licking the naval as she did, which caused the maid to moan even louder. The she arrived at Moira, generously-dampening hairless crotch, sticking her cold finger inside the pink folds. "AHHHHHH!!" Moria bolted upwards, the sensation a powerful shock. "Rally... I beg you," she cried, "don't torture me like this!!" "That's not what I have in mind... Moira dear," Rally purred, pausing for a bit before she began to lap at the girl's juicing slit. "YEEEEEAAAAUUUUGGGHHHH!!" The feeling of Rally's cold, wet tongue upon her sex nearly drove Moria mad. "OH GOD... OH GOD!! AUUUUGGGHHH!" Every lap Rally had made was like a jolt of electricity to the maid. Moria's head began thrashing to-and-fro, gasping and screaming as she did. This was more powerful than any orgasm she had... and yet Moria knew she hadn't came yet! She was beginning to wonder if, when she did came, if she was going to survive the experience. At the same time, Seras simply sat in her chair, watching Rally make love to Moria. She smiled, wondering how the maid was enjoying herself. "Beautiful," she breathed. However, she did notice something about Moira that made her wonder. 'Her teeth,' she thought to herself, 'did I see... fangs? That's impossible, Moria's human!' She just shrugged, possibly discounting it to a trick of the dim light. In the meantime, Moira had found herself bracing, preparing for the moment when she climaxed. She was afraid of possibly dying as a result of her orgasm, and yet wishing she did. She tensed up every muscle in her body, delaying its reaction as a result. This activity was not lost to Rally, who noticed Moria was clenching. 'Thinking about delaying the inevitable, are you my dear?' she thought to herself, still licking Moria's slit. 'Well, I've got a solution to that!' It turned out, during her many lovemaking sessions with Seras, she had discovered an ability that turned-out to be... handy in situations where her master was deliberately holding back. Plunging her tongue deep into Moria, she then stretched it, covering the full length of the maid's love canal - until she reached the cervix. When she found her target, she then touched the tip of her tongue firmly against it - and into Moria's womb! That did it! Feeling Rally's cold tongue plunging deeply into the core of her womanhood caused Moria to lose control. Eyes wide, she suddenly arched her back, at the same time spraying her secretions into the vampire's face. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" The power of Moria's orgasm was phenomenal - as if every nerve in her body short-circuited! It lasted over ten seconds, afterwhich Moria collapsed on the bed, eyes still wide and a trail of drool coming from her panting mouth. Seras looked closely at Moria's mouth, examining her teeth. Sure enough, no fangs... but still, the Draculina wondered what was it she saw. "Moria... are you alright?" Rally finally said, her face still wet from the maid's climax. She began to look concerned, not seeing a reaction from Moria. Instead, she saw a blank look on her face, with no apparent expression Rally can see. "MORIA... ANSWER ME!!" Rally was beginning to wonder if she had driven her insane. Then finally, a smile crept over Moria's features, at the same time tears began streaming from her eyes. Finally acknowledging her lover, she looked into her eyes and gasped, "Rally... that was... the most wonderful thing that you did!" She then began sobbing as she drew Rally in for a kiss, delighting in the taste of her passion. Finally calming down, she added, "If you and Seras can do that EVERY night... it will be worth it!" "I'm glad you liked it," Rally replied, "but you did have me worried for a bit. You really went-off like a shot! I was a little concerned that I may have fried your brains!" Then Moria turned Rally on her back, saying, "Thank you for your concerns, my lovely," she purred. "Now let me show you my gratitude." Almost immedietly, she had repeated what Rally had done to her, slowly making her way down to Rally's crotch. Upon reaching it, she placed her fingers inside the two rings that pierced her labia, spreading them as she did. 'So THAT'S what they're for! Rally, you are a naughty one, that's for sure!' Smiling, she then began to lap at the pink folds that were exposed. "UHH... MORIA, ARE YOU... UHH... SURE THIS IS YOUR FIRST... OHH... TIME?" Rally managed to gasp, surprised at the unusual ease Moria was working her magic. "YOU'RE... YOU'RE... A NATURAL, THAT'S FOR CERTAIN!!" For about ten seconds, Rally endured an apparently gifted Moria's lovemaking, blissfully ignorant about her master's whereabouts - until she noticed Seras strattled over her face. "I know you're busy at the moment, Rally," the Draculina purred, spreading her labia, "but do you have a little time for me?" Rally didn't answer, instead grasping Seras' hips and beginning to service her. For the next hour and a half, the three women had done just about every lesbian sex act ever known - and possibly inventing a few new ones on the spot! So it wasn't any surprised that after such an aerobic and vigorous sex session that the three had laid down together, Moria in-between the two vampires. The maid then decided to break the silence between them and said, "You know... I was a little surprised that you two haven't gotten a chance to sample my blood yet." Rally thought for a moment. "I wasn't sure you wanted to, Moria," she replied. "Well, I've talked to Dr. Trevelyan last week. I told him what I wanted and he approved, provided I increase my iron intake to rebuild my blood afterwards," Moria said. "I've been taking vitamin supplements, and I have increased by intake on spinach salad. So I'm saying it's alright if you and Seras sample my blood." "I guess if the doctor approves," Seras replied, "then I think it would be alright... but I have to ask Rally first, since she's under your protection." "I don't mind, Master," Rally said. Then turning her attention to Moria, she added, "I'll only take a little. Remember, you still got your promise to me." "I remember," the maid replied, craning her neck up. "I think I'll take a... different approach, if you don't mind," Seras smirked. Then gently, Rally sunk her fangs into Moria's neck, causing the maid to gasp slightly. At the same time, Seras bent down, taking the maid's left breast into her hands and bit carefully into the inside. Both vampires took only a couple swallows, then licked the wounds to seal them. Recovering slightly, Moria smiled at the two - only to be surprised as both of them left the bed. "Wait, where are you going?" she asked, wondering if she did something wrong. "We still have to go to work, Moria," Seras said, smiling. "After all, me and Rally still work here." "Hey don't worry about it," Rally added, kissing Moria's cheek. "We'll be back when the sun rises and pick-up where we left off from." She then pressed the switch on the bed's lid, causing it to close slowly. "You don't mind sleeping in a coffin, do you?" "Uh... no," Moria muttered, suddenly realizing a minor complication in the working arrangements she now had with the vampires. "Don't worry about your uniform," Rally added. "I'll ask Walter if I can bring your change in. There's a shower and tub in here when you need it." The lid then closed, Rally concluding telepathically, 'See you!' 'Yes... see you.' Moria then made herself comfortable inside the coffin/bed, drawing the covers over her. 'Well,' she thought to herself, 'looks like in the morning I'm going to have to have a little talk with the lady... mostly about adjusting my schedule.' SIR INTEGRA FAIRBROOK WINGATES HELLSING'S OFFICE, THE NEXT MORNING... "I do not quite follow what you mean, Moria?" the Hellsing leader asked, seated at her desk sorting through the latest paperwork. "Sir Integra, I kindly request that you adjust my hours to accommodate my newest duties," Moira repeated, dressed in her maid's uniform and standing in front of Sir Integra's desk. "You see, I found out during..." she blushed slightly, "a rather involved discourse between Rally and Seras last night... and early this morning that the schedule I have is in direct conflict with my duties to them." "In what way?" Sir Integra implored, having a faint idea about what Moria meant by 'discourse'. Moria composed herself, carefully choosing her words before continuing. "Vampires are nocturnal: the night is their natural habitat. Humans like myself, however, exist in the daylight, and as a result have to sleep during the night, which would diminish greatly my ability to aid them in the night." Straightening herself, she added, "In order to be most effective, I must become nocturnal. Therefore, my first request is that my duties be moved to the evening - the time which vampires are most active." Sir Integra thought for a bit. "That does not seem unreasonable. I believe I can have Walter adjust your schedule for the nighttime hours." However, she did add, "But I wonder how you will be able to sleep during the daylight hours. Your room in the mansion is quite bright, and it could make sleeping difficult." "Which brings me to my second request," Moria replied. "I wish my quarters to be moved into the sub-basement level - in Rally and Seras' room." "Really?" Sir Integra's eyebrows raised. "Are you certain you wish to endure such an environment? The sub-basements are not exactly the best place for someone like you. They are a bit cold and damp... not to mention you may have to endure meeting up with Alucard from time-to-time." Moria smile wryly. "I believe I can adapt," she said. "So, do you accept?" "Indeed I do, Moria," Sir Integra said. "I will have the Wild Geese move your belongings immedietly, although it would be very clumsy to move your bed there as well." "That will not be necessary," Moria said. "I spent the last night in Rally and Seras' coffin. It's not that bad, actually. It's roomy and quiet, so I think I can be of no trouble." 'Somehow, I have the odd feeling that is NOT the only reason why she would make such an unusual request,' the Hellsing leader thought to herself, suppressing a smile. "Very well, when do you wish to start your new schedule?" "Tonight, if you don't mind," answered Moria. "So be it, then." Sir Integra then made a few notations, then added, "Now if you do not mind, I have an impossible amount of work to do here." She indicated to the 'in' box, which had a sizable amount of paperwork on it. "And I am afraid that it will only grow larger if I do not address it." "Then I won't delay you any further," Moira said, bowing before leaving the office. XXX For the remainder of the day, Walter C. Dolnez had supervised a group of the Wild Geese into moving Moria's belongings to the room shared by Rally and Seras. Of course, Moria had to quickly pack her intimate wear and moved them in ahead of time, not only because she wanted to spare herself the embarrassment of having Pip Bernadotte's men see her treasured scanties, but mainly because she didn't want the Geese - or their perverted leader for that matter - to take a few 'souvenirs' with them afterwards. In any case, not only her clothes, but some of her treasured mementos were quickly moved inside the spacious confines of the room of Rally and Seras with plenty of room to spare. Taking a rest upon the chair after the last box was placed on the floor, Moria decided to take stock in her new surroundings. She looked upon a shelf on the wall and giggled at the plush panda Rally owned, the fuzzy toy dressed in a Chicago Cubs home uniform. There were also several pictures from Rally's previous life as a bounty hunter, mostly of Rally and her friends. She even noticed a picture of a nine year-old Seras and her parents, then remembering the tragic events the Draculina had related to her about their deaths. Looking around her stacked boxes, she looked at the clock that was near the coffin/bed. Judging from the time, she realized it was almost sunset. "Well, almost time for them to get up," Moria said to herself, standing up from the chair. However, a small knock on the door distracted her. Opening it, she found Walter standing there, a cart with two units of blood cooling on ice. "Oh there you are, Miss Hedgley. Still recovering from your move?" "Quite so, Mr. Dolnez," Moira answered. "So, you have Rally and Seras' rations?" Walter nodded. "Indeed I have," he said, wheeling the cart inside and placing the rations on the table, as well as two bowls. "I suspect they might not be needing these, but it is best to be prepared as well." He then handed a note to Moria. "Also, I have this from Sir Integra... official orders giving Miss Victoria and Miss Vincent the night off, presumably to aid you in getting your things in order, as well as... other matters afterwards." This disclosure made Moria blush, saying, "I believe I will... let them know about it, Mr. Dolnez." "Then I will leave the matters to you," Walter concluded, bowing. "Well, I will be leaving you right now. Until tomorrow night, then?" "Yes," Moria replied, bowing in turn. Just as Walter left the room and the door was closed, the lid of the coffin/bed chose that moment to open, the two vampires inside awakening. Rally was the first to rise, stretching - then taking a double-take at the boxes lying around the room. "Hey!" she sputtered, "What the hell is going on?" "It looks like someone's turned this place into some storage locker of something," Seras added, also bewildered. "Oh don't worry about all that," Moria said, reassuring the two. "This is all my stuff. Starting today, I'm moving in with you two." "You're kidding?" Rally asked, scratching her head. "You... move into a damp, musty dungeon... with two potentially dangerous vampires?" "Now don't be jesting," Moria pouted. "I don't think you two are that dangerous. That is... if you count being in bed with you is what you mean!" She then added with a playful smirk, "You two had me screaming last night and this morning; I wasn't certain I would have the stamina to get all this done this afternoon. As for the dampness... well, I have brought a couple of dehumidifiers downstairs that should help." Seras decided to look around the assorted boxes, saying, "I guess it wouldn't be too bad, Rally. However, this could be a couple of days work, being you might be alone while me and Rally are working." "Oh don't worry about that," said Moria, presenting Seras and Rally the letter. "Sir Integra said that you two could have the night off. Also, I requested to work the night shift, so that I can be more of a help to you." Rally took a look at the note, then at the various boxes, as well as a couple of dressers and wardrobes added. "Looks like everything's in order. I guess we can help you get unpacked and set-up. But even with our help, that still means we still have at least four hours to kill before the next sunrise." "I anticipated that," Moria said, "and afterwards... I don't believe I'm going to say this," she added, blushing, "I want you two to shag me until the sun rises!" Both Rally and Seras blink in surprise. "Man... that is a stretch, you saying that," Rally quipped. "Are you certain you have the strength to last that long?" the Draculina added. "I recall last night and this morning you almost passed-out from the stress!" "I don't care!" Moria answered, then she embraced both vampires. "What I had experienced was greater than any dream and fantasy I could ever have. Besides," she further said, a seductive look in her eyes, "I don't believe no human girl could possibly hold a candle to you two." Still embracing Moria, Rally and Seras took an appraising look at the maid before replying telepathically, 'She does mean well, Rally, although I still am a little worried about harming the girl shagging her.' 'Wouldn't blame you there, Master... but at least she can dish it out as well as she can take it. I say we take her upon it,' Rally answered. 'But still, I like to err on the side of caution in regards to sex, until she is used to our level of play.' A sly look came over the Draculina's face as she added, 'We DO still have our toy box. I guess it wouldn't hurt to... gradually bring her up to our level. You still have your strap-on?' Rally smirked, bringing Moira closer to them. 'You know I always do,' was all she said.
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