Breakfast at Balamb It was a peaceful and quiet morning at Balamb Garden, Zell as always waited first in line at the cafeteria. Luccian and Archibald waited behind him idly waiting for breakfast to be served. "Why again are we here when we could be training?" Luccian said sourly. "Or asleep." Archibald mumbled with a huge yawn. "Listen guys you want me to train you in Qua Fang your gonna have to do things my way, I’ve a very strict schedule." Zell snorted in annoyance at their whining. "You make hotdogs a strict part of your schedule?" Archibald smirked. "Of course dude don’t ya know Balamb Dogs are mana from the gods." Zell winked. "Idiot." Luccian whispered derisively as he stalked about impatient. "So Louie?" Zell asked, turning to regard the angry youth. "Luccian." He hissed politely. ‘Sorry Lou, I mean Luccian. So what’s up between you and Quistis. I hear tell you two hate each others guts?" Zell asked with genuine curiosity. "What I’m supposed to tell you, so you can tell her, shyeah right." Luccian grunted. "Hey easy man just trying to make talk while we wait." "I’ve no beef with Trepe, we just don’t see eye to eye on things." "Fair enough, that’s between you two though, so long as you guys keep it civil." "Hey she’s the one who hit me." "Yeah well." Zell shrugged, Luccian had a point he supposed. None of them noticed as Fujin walked into the Cafeteria and took a place in line behind them. Luccian, completely unaware of her presence continued his rant. "It’s that Fujin chick I didn’t like. She assaulted me twice with no good purpose, ask Archie." "Yeah she beat his ass." Archibald said smirking. "That’s enough Arch." Luccian groaned. "It was bad very bad" "Shut Up!" Luccian growled. "Hey, Hey guys calm down already." Zell said firmly. "I’m beginning to think you two don’t have the stability to be in my dojo." "Oh we’re cool, it’s all in fun, trust me." Luccian replied with a shadowy smile. "Uh huh, if you say so. Still, I think I’ll train you two on a trial bases only." "See what you did." Archibald whispered harshly to Luccian. Luccian simply ignored him and turned to leave. He bumped fully into Fujin who in turn slowly looked up at him with a near sinister smirk. "What the hell!?" He stepped back in surprise. Zell and Archibald turned to see what cause his outburst. "Aw geeze here we go." Zell mumbled. Archibald looked only mildly surprised and turned back around. Luccian’s first instinct was to slap her but he held it in. "You’re back huh?" He said simply. Fujin just looked at him with a bored expression. Luccian huffed and pushed past her and left the cafeteria. She didn’t give him a second glance. Zell steadied himself and regarded her cautiously. "Fujin." He acknowledged with a curt nod. "DINCHT." She nodded back. "Quistis said you was back. Find what your where looking for?" She nodded somberly in reply. Archibald shoved his hands in his pockets awkwardly. "So why’d you come back?" "HOT DOGS." She said simply and folded her arms. Zell smirked. "Are you serious?" Archibald balked. Zell burst into laughter. ********************************************* Rinoa and Nicole waited as Selphie and Quistis walked up the hall towards them. "I’m impressed Selph you actually got her up." Rinoa smiled. "Not my doing, she was up and about already." Selphie shrugged. "Why you all feel the need to baby-sit me lately I have no idea." Quistis grumbled. "They think you going crazy I would reckon." Nicole said with a wink as she headed towards the Cafeteria. "Come on I promised Zell to have breakfast with him too." "Oh we wouldn’t want to disappoint now would we." Rinoa ribbed playfully. "Please." Nicole rolled her eyes. As they entered the cafeteria Nicole saw Zell sitting alone and happily gorging. "Ever the charmer." Selphie chuckled faintly. "Brat." Nicole hissed as she grabbed a tray. "There’s your buddy Quistis." Selphie chirped snidely. Quistis looked and noticed Fujin sitting at the far corner of the cafeteria. "Selphie please." Quistis sighed. "I know, sorry." Selphie shrugged. They got their plates and soon joined Zell at his table. "Hey ladies." He greeted them with a broad smile. "Hello lover." Nicole whispered and kissed him on the cheek. Quistis set her tray down and looked toward Fujin. Rinoa sat down and looked up at her then over to Fujin. "What’s up Quisty?" "I’m going to ask her to join us." Quistis said evenly. "Aww what the hell for?" Selphie scowled. "She’s never gonna feel welcome if we don’t treat her normally." Quistis said softly. "Um Quistis, I hate to break it to you but she’s not normal." Selphie pointed out with merry sarcasm. Zell stifled a laugh and Nicole stomped his foot. "Wha?!" He shouted while giving her a hurt look. "Shush." Nicole whispered. "Selphie, everyone deserves a second chance." Quistis sighed. "You should be more understanding, this isn’t like you." "Hey now!" Selphie glared. "If you recall it’s because of her gooney friends that Trabia was destroyed." "You can’t blame her for that." Quistis tried. "Can’t I?" Selphie scowled. "Selphie calm down." Rinoa said gently. "Calm down?’ She huffed "Seifer and her had a hand in several of my friends deaths and you tell me to calm down." She looked stunned at the idea. Zell folded his arms and coughed loudly. "Ladies, a moment please." He waved his hand in the air. They all turned to regard him with various annoyed expressions. "Selphie ya know I have no love for the woman and I hate Seifer, but." He sighed and looked at Quistis. "We forgave Edea and in way she was the cause of all our problems. So lets try and be somewhat understanding." Nicole smiled in pleasant surprise at him. Selphie’s expression softened slightly and she pouted. "Yeah but that’s different. Matron was possessed." She said thinly. "I know, but hey, the least we can do is try to be somewhat social, hell even I’m trying and she personally took over my home town." He shrugged nonchalantly. "He’s right you know." Rinoa said gently. "We all have our reasons to be angry but lets try and be civil." "Fine!" Selphie sulked and slumped in her seat defeated. "Okay then." Quistis nodded. "I’ll be right back." "I still ain’t gonna pretend to like her." Selphie add as Quistis left. Quistis walked quietly over to Fujin, who was apparently lost in deep thought. Quistis stood a moment before sitting down across from her. "Hey Fu." She said brightly. Fujin looked up with a start then relaxed. "GREETINGS." "You’re looking lonely all over here by yourself." "ENJOY SILENCE." "Oh don’t give me that. Come sit down with me." Quistis suggested, giving her a lovely smile. "FRIENDS HATE." "Never mind them, that’s why I said, come sit with me, not sit with them." Quistis said smartly and stood. "Come on." She grabbed Fujin’s plate and smirked. "BAD IDEA." Fujin replied and did not budge. "They said they would behave and they don’t hate you. They just don’t know you, and you’re different to them is all. "BLAMES." "What? Who blames who for what?" Quistis asked. "BLAMES FUJIN." She looked down and sighed faintly. "They do not." Quistis stopped and nodded grimly. "That not true, Selphie is made at you and Seifer about Trabia." "NOT GOING." Fujin stated. "Your have to try if you want to fit in hon." "DO NOT WANT TO." "Yes you do." "NEGATIVE." "Don’t negative me." Quistis wagged a finger at her. The gesture struck Fujin as rather humorous. "BAD IDEA." "So you’ve said." Quistis stamped her foot getting mildly flustered. "Come on I promise it’ll be okay. "VERY WELL." Fujin relented with a huff and stood. "Great." Quistis smiled joyfully as the duo walked back to the others. Everyone looked up at Fujin who stood just behind Quistis. Nicole, ever the good soul immediately stuck her hand out. "Hi Fujin I’m Nicole." She smiled companionably. "FUJIN." She introduced herself, causing Nicole flinched at Fujin’s abrupt manner of speech. Quistis motioned her to sit and Fujin found herself beside Zell. "Sup Fu." Zell nodded. Rinoa waved and smiled her greeting. Fujin nodded hello as she looked across the table. Selphie was directly in front of her. The young woman was busily stirring her oatmeal and only gave an angry glance. Fujin tried to ignore the negative feelings she was sensing. Quistis sat down, thankful for how well it was going so far. A small glob of oatmeal arced across the table and smacked Fujin right in the face. "Ops how clumsy." Selphie said smartly then licked the remaining oatmeal off her spoon. Most everyone at the table stared in stunned silence. Zell buried his face in his hands in an attempt to keep from laughing. A few other students sitting nearby saw the encounter and giggled. Fujin quietly took a napkin and gingerly wiped her face, then without a word or a glance she exited the cafeteria.
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