Authorss note... Ah know its not much =( but ah would like to dedicate this chapter to all the poor souls who perished at the pentagon and the world trade centers as well as those who lost their lives in the skies over Pennsylvania. My prayers are with you and anyone who was touched by such ah disaster. (huggles all) and be safe Love.... Chendzeea Li Calm before the storm. It was late when Fujin left Quistiss apartment, they had spent the better part of the evening going over what she would need in order resume her classes. She couldnt help but frown in dismay upon coming face to face with Zell and Irvine in the hall. "Ah hell when did you get back?" Zell asked as his expression darkened. Fujin eyed him warily as she brushed past him before stalking up the hall without a second glance. "Rude little lady that one." Irvine shrugged. "You didnt have put up with her while growing up." Zell scowled as he knocked on Quistiss door. "Kinda cute though." Irvine watched her leave appreciatively. "Ugh dude shes a bitch." "Still cute." He smirked. "Whatever." Zell knocked again. Quistis opened the door cautiously and poked her head out. "What? Oh hey guys, whats up?" She asked curiously. "Well me and Kinneas here just got back from seeing Lords of Blood and the Skull King." Zell said merrily. "Its a gripping tale." Irvine joked. "Sounds positively riveting." Quistis droned. "We ran into Xu and Nida there and they said you was on probation or something so we wanted to ask whats up?" Zell folded his arms and waited. Quistis sighed. "Give me a moment I need to get dressed." "Sure thing." Zell replied as Irvine bobbed and bounced trying to sneak a peek as she shut the door in their faces. Irvine grinned lewdly then looked up the hall. "Interesting?" He said smilingly. "Dude your like dating someone, remember." Zell looked at him with grimly. "Ah shes a hotty and you know it." "Dude! Shes like a sister or something." Zell elbowed him and shivered. "Yeah, yeah alright. Puzzle me this then my friend. What was Fujin doing there?" Irvine thumbed up the hall. "Beats me, its none of my business what that Ghoul does so long as she stays the hell away from me." "Yeah well, two cute gals and one of them naked makes is the stuff of dreams "Irvine said with an obviously vulgar undertone. "DUDE!" Zell clamped his hands over his ears. "That! Is so very wrong! Shut up before you creep me out." "Ah live a little." Irvine laughed. "You.... Youre twisted." Zell shoved him playfully. "Hey now dont ruffle the merchandise." Irvine said indignantly as he smoothed his coat out. Quistis opened the door. Irvine winked and whistled at her jokingly, prompting her to eye him sourly. "Your disgusting Irvine Kinneas." She said bluntly and motioned them inside. "Hey I resent that. Pretty lady like you shouldnt be so rude." He responded and smiled a dashing smile. "Please, spare me the melodramatics." She grinned over her shoulder as she went to the couch. Zell laughed. "Sorry about the wait, I was getting ready to take a shower." She apologized as she sat down. "No probs Quisty." Zell hoped onto the opposite couch and propped his feet on the coffee table. Irvine sauntered down beside him. "Well spill the beans Teach." Zell said excitedly. "Theyre not really pulling you license again are they!?" "Well Xu would love nothing better I think, Squalls staying out of it best he can, Cid though is deciding to review my case and then give me an answer. Till then I have the next week off." Shed decided not to worry herself sick over the matter and sighed helplessly. "Whoa! That sucks ass." Zell frowned. "Sorry Quisty thats a raw deal, but at least you still have a chance." Irvine said as he leaned over to look at the pile of textbooks and papers atop the coffee table near Zells feet. "Burning the midnight oil again eh." Irvine joked as he thumbed through one of the textbooks. "Oh I pulled those out to help Fujin get back into the SEED program." Quistis said idly. Irvine looked at Zell and winced as the blonde youth exploded in shock. "WHAT!? Are you out of your frigging mind woman!?" He shouted in surprise. Quistis looked shocked and a bit insulted that he would take that tone with her. Irvine shrugged sheepishly and buried his nose in the book. "Zell? What the hell was that about?" Quistis said defensively. "Sorry for yelling you just shocked me is all. You know I have no love for Ghoul, or did you forget she held my hometown hostage. It was bad enough when you guys let her back in Balamb but now this." Zell said, throwing his hands in the air in frustration. "Shes not a Ghoul Zell." Quistis said with a glimmer of anger. "Yeah, yeah I hear ya teach. Well I trust your decision, I may not like it but you know what your doing I guess." He shrugged. "This mean I have to be nice to her?" "Zell have you ever thought about trying to talk to her about it?" Quistis sighed as she went to the kitchen. "Yeah Zell you and her could become best friends." Irvine guffawed at the thought. "Eh up yours cowpoke." Zell grunted. "You BOYS want something to drink?" Quistis asked as she pulled a few sodas from the refrigerator. "Yes Ma am" Zell piped up. "Im good." Irvine declined politely. "Zell did I mention you make me feel about forty every time you call me Maam?" Quistis said as she handed him his drink then sat back down. Irvine smiled and settled back comfortable on the couch. "Fujin eh, shes a cutie be glad to see her around more." Irvine smiled hugely. "Oh geeze." Zell shook his head. "Irvine please control yourself. Your far more appealing when youre not trying to be." "Shamed." Zell shouted laughingly. "She says that now." Irvine gave Quistis a knowing wink. "Your hopeless." Quistis sighed. "So teach, do you think youll be able to keep teaching?" Zell asked her with a concerned look. "Only time will tell honestly." She shrugged. "I hope so, Id hate to loose the position but Ill do what they feel is best for my students." She sighed and smiled regretfully. "Itll be okay Quisty, trust me." Irvine said brightly and stood up. "Come on Zell lets let the little lady get her shower." Zell stood and smirked. "Yeah Quistis itll be fine, even if we have to beat some sense into Xu and Cid ourselves." He did a little flurry of punches to emphasize the point. "Hopefully it wont come to that, you two." Quistis laughed as she escorted them to the door. "Well goodnight hope you have fun if you decide to actually go anywhere on vacation." Zell said as he stepped out into the hall. "Night Zell thanks for stopping by. She smiled fondly. Irvine stuck his head back in the door puckering his lips. "Do I get a good night kiss?" He whined with a goofy look. "Go home Irvine." Quistis laughed as she shut the door. ******************** Fujin lay in her bed; her gaze locked somewhere between realities as she thought about the paths she had chosen. Things where very different now, she was different now. For the first time in as long as she could remember she trusted someone, even come to care for someone who to her surprise returned the feelings fully. She smiled at the thought of Quistis and, how gentle and caring she was. So unlike anyone else whod ever mattered in her life. It was a welcome change Fujin thought, though she could tell Quistis was still treading carefully, not wanting to risk breaking their fragile relationship. Fujin was thankful for that, everything was new and frightening to her. This was a challenge she never prepared for, but she was willing to try and face it. Quistis had come to mean a great deal to her lately, true she was a friend, but there was more to it than that. She may be inexperienced in all things social, but even she could feel the tension between them and it was intoxicating, she didnt know how to express it or even if she should. Confusion clouded her mind and she rolled over in annoyance, burying her head in her pillow with a sigh. She curled up shivered faintly in remembrance of the night before. Quistis had fallen asleep in her arms. Fujin remembered her scent, the comforting warmth of her body pressed against hers. Quistiss delicate softness lay in delicious contrast to her own tone, firm frame. She remembered looking into her eyes, those entrancing pools of crystal blue that called to her like a siren song, she could have given herself to them, to her. Fujin gasped at the thoughts that flooded her mind. Seductive and passionate, unlike anything she could have imagined. Her body responded as well and she felt warm all over, she was in shock that her mind would betray her so. Sitting up abruptly wiped her forehead, a cool sheen of sweat covered her skin. She exhaled slowly and trembled, she was startled at the new sensations her body was sending her. She stood and started to slip out of her clothes, as she felt the urgent need for a cool shower.
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