If I Can't Be Yours (part 8 of 16)

a Neon Genesis Evangelion fanfiction by RocketBabe

Back to Part 7

"Why the hell not?" They both stumbled, giggling, into the bar. One of 
the seediest clubs in Toky-3 was also the only all-night Karaoke bar and 
it had become something of a tradition for the two women to round off 
their drinking sprees with a few dreadful ballads sung in a key 
somewhere beyond H. By the time they reached the club however they were 
always too drunk to care, as were most of the patrons. They located an 
empty booth not far from the stage and Misato had barely sat down before 
she was headed to the bar. "Same again?" Ritsuko nodded with a smile. 
Although she didn't do it as often anymore, she could still put away 
alcohol almost as well as Misato, it seemed she hadn't lost some of the 
life experience gained in college. She checked out the current performer 
on the stage. A man who looked more than a little familiar singing 
Bowie's "Ashes to Ashes." On closer inspection she realised that it was 
one of her technicians, Aoba to be precise. She grinned and joined in 
the cheers for him as Misato returned with a pitcher of Margherita.

"What are you yelling at?" Ritsuko pointed at the stage. It took Misato 
a few moments to realise who was singing but once she recognised him she 
was back on her feet cheering "Go Shigeru! Atta boy!" He saw her and 
grinned widely as he strutted, obviously drunk, but loving every minute. 
Once his number was over he made his way across the smoky room.

"Heya captain, how are you?" He then caught sight of Ritsuko. "Dr Akagi! 
Lovely to see you!" He grinned. Ritsuko raised her eyebrows in 
recognition, in the middle of lighting up a cigarette. Misato clapped 
him on the back.

"Nice going up there! The crowd loved ya." He cast a sceptical eye at 
the still-rowdy collection of customers, but Misato didn't notice. "So 
what brings a nice young man like you to a place like this on a Friday 
evening? You got a date?" He gestured over to the opposite side of the 

"Yup, I'm here with my two main ladies, Ibuki and Hyuga." Ritsuko's 
interest was piqued at the mention of Maya's name. "In fact, Maya 
dearest is up next." Sure enough a drunk but still nervy Maya was now 
onstage, waiting for her song to start. "How about you two come join us 
at our table? It'll be fun."

"Sure! C'mon Ritsuko!" Misato grabbed her wrist and the cocktail jug, 
following Aoba over to his booth. Makoto blanched at the sight of them.

"Umm.Dr Akagi! Captain Katsuragi! I...erm..." He shot a vicious glance 
at Shigeru and the two women laughed.

"Relax Hyuga, we're not at work now." She flashed a sparkling grin at 
him. "We're just here to have some fun." She deliberately shuffled close 
to him, teasingly, moving close to his ear she purred "and isn't that 
what you came here for too?" Ritsuko couldn't help but laugh at Misato's 
drunken advances on Hyuga, who seemed surprisingly happy to have her 
friend so close to him. She made a note to keep an eye on the pair of 
them, if nothing else it could be entertaining. The opening bars of "The 
Name of The Game" played and Misato laughed. "Abba? You have GOT to be 
kid-" but she was silenced by an unexpected glare from Ritsuko, who then 
turned her attention to the stage.

".it seems to me, for every time I'm getting more open hearted.

I was an impossible case, No-one ever could reach me But I think I can 
see in your face There's a lot you can teach me."

"Wow, the girl doesn't sound too bad huh?" The two men nodded their 
agreement with Misato's statement.

"Yup, Maya's really great, she just doesn't give herself enough credit 
for it and she's too self conscious to sing when she's sober." Makoto 
took a swig from his bottle of Asahi. "And it's a shame, because she 
really does sound good." Ritsuko wasn't paying attention to the 
conversation; she was completely absorbed in Maya's performance. She was 
stood perfectly still onstage, her eyes fixed on a point somewhere above 
the heads of the audience, as if she had shut them out completely and 
was in a world entirely of her own. Ritsuko had heard the song before 
but never really paid attention to the lyrics. Cheesy as they were, she 
could identify with them in a way she hadn't noticed before, especially 
coming from Maya.

".What's the name of the game? Does it mean anything to you? What's the 
name of the game? Can you feel it the way I do? Tell me please, 'cause I 
have to know I'm a bashful child, beginning to grow."

The noises of the customers cheering, talking and drinking were an 
annoyance but Ritsuko managed to ignore them as she listened.

"And you make me talk And you make me feel And you make me show What I'm 
trying to conceal."

Ritsuko had never suspected that Maya had such a beautiful singing 
voice. She had now stopped staring over the heads of the audience and 
was looking around the bar, smiling a little at the mostly positive 
reaction from her audience.

".If I trust in you, Would you let me down? Would you laugh at me If I 
said I care for you? Could you feel the same way too? I wanna know."

A couple of bars into the second verse Maya made eye contact with 
Ritsuko. Losing her focus for a split second she went horribly flat for 
one note, but then regained her composure, or most of it, although she 
seemed a little tenser than before. Ritsuko didn't notice that it was 
her who had sparked that reaction in Maya; she turned her attention from 
the stage just long enough to pour herself a margherita. She closed her 
eyes and allowed the sound of Maya's voice to surround her.

"Your smile and the sound of your voice And the way you see through me 
Got a feeling you give me no choice, But it means a lot to me."

She sighed and leaned back, relaxing into the blue velvet-effect fabric 
of the booth. She hadn't been as drunk as this for a long time, she knew 
how dreadful she would no doubt feel the next day but she really didn't 
care, she was enjoying herself too much.

Onwards to Part 9

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