Silly Assed Utena X-Over Fic (part 3 of 21)

a Crossovers fanfiction by Shanejayell

Back to Part 2
The Ohtori Motor and Mecha Club...

Keichii nodded firmly as he addressed the members. “OK, we really have 
to make a spash and get this club recognized in Ohtori! To do that, we 
need a really spectacular first project. Do you have any suggestions 

Washu got a frighteningly manic expression on her face, Skuld and 
Megumi began to confer, Mackie Stingray just grinned, Noa Isumi 
laughed, Shinji Ikari looked thoughtful, Duo started waving his hand 
wildly and Miki had a “What have I gotten myself into?” look on his 

Keichii smiled comfortingly at Miki, their newest member. “Don’t 
worry, they settle down after a while.” he commented.

“I hope so!” Miki answered, sweatdropping. Several of the ladies of 
the club instantly gathered to “comfort” poor Miki. He got a even more 
worried look on his face, if that’s possible. He slipped free of Noa, 
Megumi, Skuld and Washu by using the oldest trick in the book: He 
pointed out the window and said “What’s that?!” They looked, he fled.

After a bit of heated debate, an project idea was decided on: to build 
the Akio-Mecha! A perfect mechanical replica of the chairman! Nobody 
knew where the idea came from, but it just seemed so appropriate, 

The Ohtori Troubled Hearts Club

Tuxedo Kamen sighed mounfully, in a tragic hero sort of way. Tenchi 
just looked depressed. Saionji only leaned on his bokken and cried. 
Touga Kiryuu took the podium and brought their first meeting to order.

“Let’s each first explain our particular problems, shall we?” Touga 
said smiling. There were resigned nods all around.

Tenchi stands first. “I live in a house with,” stops and has to count 
on his fingers, “seven females, and I’ve been totally unable to chose 
which one I am in love with.” He sighs sadly. “They’ve gotten tired of 
waiting for me to make up my mind and turned to each other.” he 
finishes, and sits down.

Ranma reaches over and gently pats him on the back before he stands 
up. “I feel for you, brother. My idiot father engaged me to several 
different girls for some of the stupidest reasons you could imagine. 
To make matters worse, they’re all matrial arts experts.”

Noises of sympathy from the membership.

Just then the auditorium door slams opens and Akane, Shampoo and Ukyo 
enter, looking as if they were searching for something. Ranma whispers 
“Oh, no.” and dives out the nearest window. The girls trample several 
club members in their hot persuit of Ranma.

After they were gone, and some of the damage was repaired, Sonomi 
Daidouji got up and looked about the room with a suspicious gaze. 
“Everything said in here stays in this room, right?” she asked firmly. 
Nods from the crowd. “I’m still in love with my highschool sweetheart, 
even after she married a man and passed away.” she said with a sad 

Touga rises and smiles charmingly. “I fooled around alot with the 
ladies, but it was only meaningless entertainment to me. However, the 
girl I’m truly in love with thnks I’m a total cad.” shrugs and sits 

Cape swirling around him, Tuxedo Kamen takes his turn, “I’m in love 
with a girl who has seven best female friends who are all a bit in 
love with her.” He sighs deeply. “It doesn’t help there all terribly 
cooler than me as well!”

Sylia Stingray goes next as she steps up and speaks firmly. “The woman 
I’m in love with is completely oblivious to me.”

Saionji simply stand up and wails “Anthy! I love you! And why won’t 
you give me back the exchange diaries?!” sits back down and cries.

Everybody sweatdrops.

The Akio-Mecha Arises!

Akio Ohtori looked up at the giant robot, and broke into a broad 
smile. “What does this thing do?” he asked in awed tones. The robot, 
as tall as any of the gundams, was dressed in Akio’s uniform, and even 
looked a little bit like him.

“It is intended to be a perfect visual replica of you, in tribute to 
your many sterling qualities, and Duo and Washu insisted on installing 
the two weapon systems.” Miki explained quietly.

“Weapon systems?” Akio softly echoed with eyebrow raised and an oddly 
dangerous twinkle in his eyes.

“Duo installed a, what did he call it, oh yes, a beam saber! Because 
of all the dueling at the academy, of course. And Washu installed 
something she calls ‘Akio’s Rocket of Love’. We asked her to explain 
what it is, but she won’t answer, she just cackles at us madly,” Miki 
said with a shrug.

Akio looks up at it with a very sinister smile, and Miki gets that 
sinking feeling yet again. “How do I pilot it?” Akio asked.

With a ‘follow me’ gesture, Miki led him over to one of the Mecha’s 
boots and activated a concealed switch, opening up a hidden elevator 
door. “This will take you up to the cockpit,” Miki says, 

Speaking softly, but getting louder, Akio exclaims:

“If the chick does not crack it’s shell,

it will die without being born!

We are the chick, the world is our egg,

Crack the worlds shell! For the revolution of the world!”

“I’ve always wanted to do that!” Akio finished cheerfully, as he rode 
the elevator up to the top. Taking the command chair, he looks around 
happily. “This is going to be fun.” he said with a smile, and starts 
flipping switches.

Miki watched the Akio-Mecha start to move with a sinking heart. The 
beam saber popped out of it’s concealed arm mount, dropped into the 
mecha’s hand, and ignited in a flare of white-hot energy. “Oh, hell.” 
he said quietly in despairing tones. About a second later, the serious 
destruction of nearby buildings began.

“Why in the world do - I- have to fight that thing, anyway?” Utena 
protested loudly, as she was running down the hallway and quickly 
pulling on a flight suit over her regular duelist’s uniform. Heero Yui 
follows her at a slightly slower pace, with the other gundam pilots 
tagging along behind him.

“The ongoing battle between you and Akio is a fundamental constant of 
this world! You must be the one to face him in combat, for it is your 
role here to do so!” Heero drops out of the pretentious speech for a 
moment and suddenly gets a sour expression. “Besides, if Duo hadn’t 
been such a total dumbass and built a beam saber into that 
monstrosity, we wouldn’t be having this conversation!”

“I’m sorry! Really I am! I’m just used to it, you know, when you build 
a big mecha, you install some cool weapons!” Duo tried to protest. 
Quatre, Wu-fei and Trowa stopped, pulled him aside and started to beat 
the living crap out of him.

“That is such a load of bullshit!” Utena shoots back.

“All right, I’ll tell you!” Heero grimaces and holds up his leg in a 
cast, hopping as he continues talking, “Look, Duo got a little rough 
last night, I can’t pilot my gundam like this, and I don’t trust any 
of these yahoos to do it!” Utena looks over at the four brawling 
Gundam pilots and even she has to admit, he has a point.

They emerge into a giant hanger, and Utena suddenly stops, as she 
looks up at the Wing Zero Custom, angel wings unfurlled in all it’s 
glory. “Wow.” she says quietly. “I get to pilot this?” she says, 
turning to Heero.

After a few minutes of hurried instruction, Utena grabbed the cable to 
pull herself up to the cockpit, when “Take my Revolution” suddenly 
starts playing. Utena stops the lift, the music stops. “What in the 
world ?” Utena asked, surprised.

Heero shuffled over. “Happens to me, too.” He, somewhat awkwardly with 
his cast, climbs up and “Just Communication” starts to play. It stops 
when he comes down. Heero and Utena both look at each other and shrug.

“You’ll need this,” Heero says, handing her a small, bright yellow 
manual. A few moments later, the Wing Zero cleared the hanger doors, 
clipping one of them on it’s way out. Inside, Utena flipped open her 
“Gundam Piloting for Dummies” book and checked to see what she’d done 
wrong, still smiling happily.

Akio was also smiling happily as he swung the beam saber forcefully 
down on another badly designed building. He had already totaled 
several of the uglier buildings in and around Ohtori, and was actively 
looking for any other pieces of aesthetically-unappealing architecture 
to eliminate. He looked over at the bright red button on the control 
panel, and smiled. ‘Why not try it,’ he thought.

He suddenly makes a odd gesture, as if he was in a bad live action 
mecha series. “Akio’s Rocket of Love, Activate!” he yells 
dramatically, and hits the switch. Outside, everyone nearby watches in 
horror as the Akio- Mecha drops it’s trousers and a pair of Akio-car 
print boxers to fire off a proportionately large missile from around 
the groin area. Everybody sweatdrops. The robot then pulls it’s pants 

“Mental note: never, ever use that weapons system again.” a 
sweatdropping Akio said very quietly. Suddenly from out of the sky, a 
shadow appeared over him, and he looked up to see what looked like an 
angel. The Wing Zero descended to the ground nearby, it’s unfolded 
angel wings sweeping around it.

“Akio, we don’t have to do this,” Utena said in reasonable tones over 
the radio. “Just disembark from the mecha and nobody gets hurt.” she 
said simply.

Akio answered by quickly charging her, firing up his beam saber. He 
swung wildly, the Wing Zero gracefully dodged, and then she smoothly 
struck once with her own weapon. The Akio-Mecha stood still a moment 
while the Wing Zero moved away, as if it was frozen in surprise, then, 
with a noisy grinding of metal on metal, the top half of the machine 
slowly slid off the body and hit the ground.

“Come back here,” Akio yelled over the radio to Utena, “it’s just a 
flesh wound! I can still fight, damn it!”

Utena totally ignored him and brought the Wing Zero to a kneeling 
position, descending from the cockpit. “Wow, Utena-sama! That was so 
cool!” Wakaba said happily, bouncing up and down in joy. She looks 
over Utena’s shoulder at the remnants of the Akio-Mecha. “Why don’t 
you finish him off, though?” she asked.

Utena just shrugged and smiled over at Wakaba. “He’s perfectly welcome 
to flail around there on the ground until he blows a gasket or his 
batteries finally run out. He can’t really hurt anything.”

As they walked away, Akio kicked in the outside loudspeaker and began 
to yell loudly. “Get back over here, you coward! It’s just a minor 

Utena shook her head mounfully and just kept on walking, ingnoring 
him. “Baka.” she said quietly.

(AN: Yes, that was a Monty Python reference, from Holy Grail.)

The Coven of Light...

Super Sailor Moon stood in the center of the room and held the 
brightly shining Silver Imerium Crystal over her head, letting it’s 
pulsing white light fill the room. “Excuse me, but what is this 
supposed to do?” she asked quietly, looking around.

Washu shrugged, busy. “Nothing. It just looks cool.” she answered, as 
she and Skuld carefully tinkered with an unidentified machine. Sailor 
Moon faceplanted. Ryouko snickered loudly, getting a glare from Ayeka.

“Don’t tease the moon princess.” Sailor Pluto said dryly, as she, Rei 
Ayanami, and Sailor Mercury conferred over a three dimentional image 
of Ohtori. It looked very messy. Asuka was sitting down nearby, 
waiting and looking bored.

Ayeka nodded agreement. “You shouldn’t laugh at other people’s 
misfortunes,” Ayeka said in haughty tones.

“I didn’t see you keeping a straight face,” Ryouko answered with a 
smirking smile on her face. She lounged sexily against one of the work 

“I did too!” Ayeka protested. Suddenly, they were interrupted by a 
loud clearing of the throat. They turned to see Washu glaring at them 
and tapping her foot.

“Why don’t you two just skip the pointless fight, go find a room and 
start with the make-out session?” Washu asked them wearily. The two 
gapped at her in surprise. Washu smiles and taps her temple. “Mind 
link, remember? I can see anything Ryouko sees, and feel anything she 
feels.” She suddenly grins widely. “I must admit Ayeka, I never knew 
you were that flexible.”

Both girls blushed as Ryouko grabbed Ayeka and they disappeared.

Lina Inverse leaned over to reach for something on the work table, 
accidentally brushing one of Naga’s very impressive breasts. “Oh-ho ho 
ho ho ho!” Naga the White Serpent laughed, “Watch the hands, my little 
former sidekick!”

“If they,” Lina said, looking down pointedly, “weren’t always in the 
way, I wouldn’t have that problem.”

“You never complained about that before,” Naga said ,smiling 
seductively. Lina didn’t answer, just blushed brightly.

Belldandy looked over at Urd worriedly. “At the rate we’re going, my 
dear Keichii will be trapped in this terrible place forever!”

“And that’s a problem?” Urd answered with a smile. “He’s got a whole 
gang of people who are as into motors and machines as he is. If not 
more. Unless you’re worried about some competition?”

“I am not!” Belldandy protested, a little too loudly. “Besides, 
there’s more flirting going on around here than actual working.” she 
complained, stamping her foot as she looked around.

She turned back, only to see Mara pining Urd up against the wall, 
nibbling at her neck. “What was that?” Urd asked breathlessly, clearly 

“Never mind.” Belldandy sighed. 

Onwards to Part 4

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