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Author: neonprodigy

Name: NeonProdigy
E-mail: Moblesuitman@aol.com

NeonProdigy has written 2 fanfics:


Sailor Moon

Because There's Not Enough Madness in Shoujo-Ai added 2006-08-10
Pairing: Ami/Makoto, Rei/Usagi, Haruka/Michiru, ChibiUsa/Hotaru, Minako/Setsuna
A story that is at times either random or repetitive, written by an (oxy)moron of an author. It's also a good example of why I should be banned from writing fanfiction. Don't expect anything to make sense. [UNFINISHED]

Not Your Average Usagi/Mamoru AU added 2006-09-12
Pairing: Rei/Usagi, ChibiUsa/Hotaru, Haruka/Michiru, Minako/Setsuna
I've been looking through Sailor Moon fanfiction, and finally realized how many Alternate Universe Mamoru/Usagi stories there are. I tried to write one. Instead, I got this. Please read and enjoy.