A Special Case (part 3 of 16)

a Revolutionary Girl Utena fanfiction by Erica Friedman

Back to Part 2
There is nothing as relaxing as a hot bath, and tonight I appreciated 
it more than usual. My meal, a boxed thing I picked up on the street, 
had been good, but I was feeling uneasy. After I had packed my bag for 
tomorrow’s journey (and deposited my client’s check in my account) I 
needed to do something to kill time. I relaxed into the hot water, 
sighing with relief. Several fellow bathers shot me tight smiles and 
returned to their conversations.

My conversation with Tobei had been a surprise, to say the least. When 
he had answered the phone, it seemed like he had been expecting my 

"Yeah, hey." He was always informal to the point of rudeness. One of 
the things I loved about him when we met.

I told him of Miss Himemiya’s visit, her request, the useless dead end 
in the info she sent me, and my suspicion that something had happened 
to the missing girl. He made a rude noise into the phone.

"Nah, you know, we investigated that angle." 

They did?

"Yeah – when Miss Himemiya came to town. An executive order was 
received. We were to open a case – missing person’s believed murdered, 
no habeas corpus, or anything, but like a Jane Doe case." I nodded, 
just what I was thinking.

"Well you know how it is, there’s more pressing things that take up 
your time – we put out the APB, and asked for help from the NPA…of 
course we turned up nothing."

"No candidates at all?" There had to be *someone* who fit the bill.

"Nope." I could hear him shrug over the phone. "Houou’s pretty far off 
the beaten path."

"What about the lure of the big city and all that? Maybe she left 
school and got in trouble in Tokyo."

"Unh-uh. All the bodies we had were poorer, bad physical condition, 
bad teeth – ya-chan, illegals, foreigners, you know the rap. This girl 
was strong, healthy, athletic. No way they could be her."

It was my turn to shrug. "So what happened?"

"Well, we sent all that we got to the higher-ups. A week later we get 
an order that we can drop the case. Next day, that robbery on the 
train hits and we’re off to new pastures."

I made a noncommittal noise.

"You know," Tobei finished up, "I kept wondering who your Miss 
Himemiya is…someone important enough to get our brass to open a new 
case for her."

Yeah, I wondered that too. We chatted a bit, reaffirming our next 
night for dinner together, then hung up.

Long after I returned from the bathhouse, I lay there on my bed and 
thought about Himemiya Anshi and her friend, who had disappeared off 
the face of the earth not quite ten years ago.

Onwards to Part 4

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