No Rock to Cling to (part 8 of 14)

a Revolutionary Girl Utena fanfiction by LadyPrince Pyro

Back to Part 7
Internal Musings

It was dark and cold....the kind of cold that didn't didn't just....was...It numbed the skin and muscles so you couldn't 
feel them anymore. Just lead weights that you didn't even bother to try 
and deal with. A seductive darkness that was comforting and all 
encompassing. It clung and was one with the numbness, sweeping away 
light and reason. It was both primal and civilized...a presence in the 
mind that has been there since the dawn of time and the beginning of 
one's birth. Or so it tells you...

The Prince was so terribly deep and alone in that darkness...or so she 

But she seemed to have frequent visitors as of late...and perhaps that 
was a good thing, it kept her from sleeping too deeply in the caverns of 
her own mind. Kept her from being swallowed by a sword when her guard 
was dropped. A Prince must be vigilant...

And just what makes you think you can interrupt my games?! That girl has 
been troublesome...I should take her and make her one of mine.

The Prince stirred and answered with sharp glint of anger and outrage at 
such a notion. The girl was one she had taken under her she 
had saved from death's needle and the razor blade. She had offered a 
friendship and a place of comfort to the gothic girl...had been a 
shoulder to cry on, had held her hair away from her face as she vomited 
up pills and nasty concoctions, and had stroked her shoulder in comfort 
and secret when the withdrawals had gotten too bad. Had licked away 
tears of pain and betrayal and had offered her sanctuary through music. 
This girl belonged to the Prince and would not be a holder for one of 
the swords. The fragmented Prince stubbornly refuses...and promised a 
fierce tormenting battle should the issue be brought up again.

Fine...she will remain free for now...but the Rose Bitch and her 
disgusting lap dogs will die without interference from you.

The Prince calmly reminds the scrapping hissing blades of the deal that 
had been struck between them.

I know the rules, False Prince...I have not forgotten the bargain struck 
between you and we...but you misunderstand me. They will die...but not 
by my hand.

Confusion now...suspicious uncertainty. The Prince silently questions.

Ah ha ha ha ha...we made no agreements to spare the duelists...just the 
Rose Bride. You had not the foresight to spare them completely. And 
there are simply SO many delicious ways events can be engineered to 
warrant the Rose Witch an accidental death...a push into traffic...a 
slip from a roof top...a mugger on the street...her death will be 
assured...just as soon as we steal away the power of eternity coursing 
in her veins. It's very tiring trying to kill someone who simply will 
not die...

A flash of searing anger and a bout of threats. The swords rasped in 

We lied to you, stupid thing...we created lies and fed you on them until 
you grew bloated and fat and complacent...then we took you. And we will 
continue to rape this shell of a mind until we are satisfied. We WILL 
restore our brethren, and then we will sweep the globe. None can stand 
in our way!

A smirk and a casual response. The swords bristled.

The duelists are no match for such as we!

A questioning lilt and a cocked head. The Prince smiles warmly and gives 
a firm nod of belief and compassion.

We underestimate nothing! Those fools will fall, and the streets of 
these urban jungles will run red with their blood! Your Rose Knights 
will fail you, no matter how much conviction you place in them.

The Prince says nothing, but there is amusement and a love shining in 
the darkness. The swords give an acid hiss and decide to drive in their 

And what makes you think they will forgive you your sins, Fallen Prince? 
The Rose Bride will surely hate you now...the duelists will not forgive 
your betrayal. And why should they!? You struck an evil deal...gave up 
your soul for selfish solitude...and you re-opened Pandora's box of 
evils to unleash upon this world! All of this is your doing...we merely 
act in our own natures. We are Hatred incarnate in it's many forms...but 
you...what excuse have YOU!?

The Prince withdraws, silent and sorrowfully. She shrinks into the 
darkness, with chains of guilt and shame tightly wound about her. She 
recededs away from the laughter and dark glee, wondering if her 
existence would ever end...


Back in the world named Reality, a woman with shining emerald eyes sat 
woefully on a chair, a steaming cup of tea in front of her. About her 
three men sat uncomfortably, as they were tended to by a young woman 
with brown hair brushing her shoulders. She had a medical kit and was 
applying bandages and salve to bruises and cuts. She was 
uncharacteristically silent as she worked, biting her lip in 
concentration. Wakaba's skills as a nurse at the local hospital were 
suddenly in demand, and as if a switch had been thrown, the woman had 
switched over into clinical seriousness. She finished patching up Touga 
and sat down at the table with a sigh. The room was silent as a 
grandfather clock tock-tock-tocked. Then the silence was broken as yet 
another woman walked back into the room. She brushed plum hair away from 
her forehead as she approached the group.

"She seems to be sleeping now...that wound on her side is nearly healed 
completely. I...thank you for healing her Anthy..." Her eyes darted away 
to the floor, her expression carefully blank. Anthy sighed and put her 
face in her hands.

"No please...don't thank me...I....I'm so sorry for getting 
Arisugawa-san mixed up in this. It was my fault she got so seriously 
hurt. I can't apologize enough to you Shiori-san."

The other woman scowled to herself, but then sighed in acceptance. She 
had a steaming cup clenched in her two small hands with a tired 
expression on her face. "Juri...Juri is one who would not have stood by 
when someone needed help..." a smile tugged her lips and warmed her 
eyes. A gold ring glinted softly from her ring finger.

Miki gave a sad smile and placed his hand over one of hers. "Yes...I 
think you're right. It'll be okay."

Touga frowned and decided to break the ice that had formed between them. 
They needed a plan of action if they were going to somehow rescue their 
Prince. "So let's go over the facts everyone, shall we? This Ten thing 
is what's left of those swords from the final duel...and they plan 
to...multiply again? The band members have all been turned it looks 

Miki chimed in, "So that's at least four of the ten swords accounted 
for. And it looks like tomorrow's concert is when it plans to awaken the 
rest." But Anthy held up a hand. " order to raise the lesser 
swords, it would need to get the other nine out of the way and out of 
Utena's body. They will be placed in hosts and will activate completely, 
if I'm not mistaken."

Saionji scratched his goatee in thought. "So...they're not active yet?" 
Anthy shook her head in negative. "Hmmm...then we may have a chance. 
Security for such a thing would be pretty tight. It will be hard to get 
close to her." He glanced at Touga sideways. "But I imagine some of us 
would have the means to pull it off...or at least get us closer than we 
normally would be able to."

Touga merely smiled a secret smile, the only reaction necessary for the 
group to know he had his resources to get them there. Saionji gave a 
firm nod to himself and continued on his train of thought, "We'll bring 
our swords...she mentioned games, and the only games I recall ever being 
important were the duels. Maybe if we can corner that thing and beat it 
in a duel, we can distract it enough for Anthy to do...something."

The green haired man sighed and sat back gruffly in his chair. He wasn't 
stupid...but fore-planning and clever plans were never his forte. He was 
the man to get things done...the muscle in the old council. He had grown 
up a lot since those chaotic days, but some things never changed.

Miki gave a quiet cough, "Ah, the girl...the one who plays the piano in 
the band. Utena seems to be oddly protective of her. I think she isn't 
letting Ten turn her...but I'm not sure how long that will last. If all 
nine other swords need to be in new bodies for the ceremony to happen, 
Ten may overpower what's left of her. She seemed...scared..." His blue 
eyes lowered sadly. "When we played together, I could feel the passion 
and sadness from her music. She cares about Utena a lot, she talked 
about her often while we had lunch. She could maybe help us...I think 
she finally understands Ten isn't who it says it is. Poor Violet..."

Anthy gave a grim nod. "The girl will be in danger. If she's still free 
when we get there, we'll need to get her away. And I don't like 
involving the crowd of people who are going to be at the concert...but I 
have a bad feeling Ten is going to use them as a shield. We need to get 
down there and stop her, no matter what it takes. I'll do everything in 
my power! I swear it!" her hands clenched into tight fists, as the 
green-eyed woman's face became a fierce mask of determination. The 
occupants at the table all moved to place comforting hands on her, even 
Shiori. Anthy smiled sadly as wiped an angry tear from her eye, unable 
to speak. It was funny...years ago at that nightmare of a school, these 
were the people fighting over her, hitting her, trying to kill her, 
using her. All of them at one time or another had despised her...even 
Miki. But now, as adults and very different people, they were comforting 
her. Anthy...someone they had all forgotten...someone who was virtually 
a stranger to them now. They had open their doors and hearts, and 
pledged to help her free the one she loved. She put her face in her 
hands, as she whispered a heart-felt 'thank you'.

"W-we'll get her back Anthy. I promise...we'll free Utena from t-that 
monster, and everyone will be together a-again." A voice croaked from 
the doorway. Heads swiveled to look at a tired form leaning against the 
door frame. Orange curls in disarray, and bandages covering her nearly 
nude torso, Juri stood shakily in only her slacks and bra. The panther 
gave a fierce smile of encouragement as Anthy gave a nod of agreement. 
"Thanks for healing me...I already feel like I could take on Kyouichi or 
Kiryuu bare-handed." The tall woman gave a cheeky smirk and made to 
enter the room, only wincing slightly. Her steps were careful, but at 
least she wasn't limping or stumbling about like a fool.

Kiryuu gave a sly smile. "Well now, I don't mind you using your bare 
hands against me, but should such talk be occurring in front of 
your...wife?" He flipped his red hair seductively over his shoulder. 
Juri gave a surprised bark of laughter as she bent to share Shiori's 
seat. "Still an egotistical pig...comforting to know some things haven't 

Miki looked down at the digital wristwatch he had, and Anthy found 
herself fondly recalling his obsession with a stopwatch back in the days 
of the council. "Everyone, it's getting late. I'm sure we all have our 
preparations to make for tomorrow night. Where shall we meet?"

Touga leaned his head down as he thought. "Let's meet back at the front 
of one of my clubs, the Silk Blindfold. I wouldn't suggest you go in's not to most of your tastes." He received a few suspicious 
frowns at that, and had to chuckle. "I'm choosing the location based on 
it's proximity to the concert hall Crysanthium Ecstasy will be appearing 
at. It's also where I'll be meeting with the person whose going to gain 
us entry to the little soirée. The gentleman is a frequent customer 

Miki gave a hesitant nod. "Alright. I believe I know of the club you're 
talking about." He turned red as Touga raised a questioning eyebrow. 
"Ah...Kozue...sometimes pops in there. She took me by once as a 
prank..." He turned an even brighter shade as Touga's smirk deepened.

"And how is Kozue-chan? I haven't seen either of you in quite some time. 
Has her private business done well?" Miki looked embarrassed as he gave 
a nod.

"Y-yes. She's doing very well, and she really seems to enjoy it."

The group broke up a little while later, Anthy leaving with Touga as 
Saionji and Wakaba hailed a taxi. The two discomfort. No 
doubt Wakaba's newly resurfaced memories were going to need to be 
discussed between the two of them. School life back then wasn't entirely 
pleasant, Miki noted with a small sad frown. He wished them the best of 
luck. He lingered a bit and helped Shiori clean up as Juri rested on the 
couch after protesting greatly. The blue haired man chatted quietly and 
cheerfully with the plum haired woman, enjoying her company. When he had 
first met her, he hadn't thought very much of her. She had been petty, 
weak, and lacked confidence. Or so it had seemed. But over the years, he 
had watched in amazement as she had proven herself to be caring and 
capable, stubborn enough to stand up to Arisugawa when necessary. And it 
was obvious that despite their rocky start, the maroon eyed girl had 
grown to be a patient woman who truly deeply loved the older fencer. 
Miki was glad to have been proven wrong for once.

But after some time, he bid them goodnight as well, knowing the two most 
likely wanted their privacy. So walking down the dark cold streets, The 
slim man bundled tighter into his pale trench coat. He grabbed a cab 
back toward the spacious home both he and his sister currently lived. 
They had separated for some time...both twins feeling perhaps it was 
time to move on and let go of their insecurities. But a series of bad 
transactions and apartments had led them back to each other again. It 
was really more of a time share sibling staying at the 
house at certain times while the other worked or traveled. But it was 
pretty late perhaps he'd see his sister tonight. He missed 
talking with had been a week since they'd had time to have a 
good conversation. Only glimpses as one sailed out the door, or another 
tiredly stumbled into the bath.

Turning the key in the lock, he was surprised to find it open on it's 
own. Unlocked? What on earth...had Kozue gotten careless? No...that 
wasn't right...she was very cautious about getting broken into. 
Something wasn't right. Relying on his instincts, the fencer silently 
slid into the home, and crouched quietly. His eyes adjusted to the pitch 
blackness quickly, and moving easily on all fours, he hid behind the 
couch, edging his head cautiously around the living room wall.

His sister was always referring to herself as a wild animal...and truly 
she was wild. But unbeknownst to those who knew him, Miki could be wild 
as well...he just hid it better. Like a shadow, he slipped through the 
halls, passing rooms that were empty and undisturbed. At last, he found 
himself in front of Kozue's door. He rarely went was her 
room. Her place to unwind and relax...where she brought her lovers to 
sometimes, though less frequently as of late. There...a slight vibration 
on the other side of the wood. Someone was in there...someone who did 
not move like his sister.

If it was a lover, he would apologize to her...but he had to be certain 
everything was okay! Without waiting, he slipped an arm up to the wall 
and lifted his foil from where it rested, and flung open the door. He 
stopped as if he'd been turned to ice. His brain froze like his heart.

A body...on the floor...covered in blood...wearing painfully cutting 
ropes and bindings and nothing else. Hair...short...her color...her 
body...her bright red nail polish...bruises...welts...not moving...

Miki slowly lifted his head and would have gasped if he'd been able to 
utter a sound. Another figure was reclining on her bed, as if it owned 
the room. That sinister smile...those silver eyes. And that damnable 
pink hair!! With a guttural cry, Miki dropped to his knees in front of 
his sister's body, unable to bring himself to touch it. His sister...his 
twin...his other half!!

With an uncharacteristic roar, Miki shot to his feet and ran towards the 
woman who still hadn't moved, her nude form like a work of art upon the 
navy blue sheets. "I'LL KILL YOU FOR THIS!!" His blade whistled through 
the air, aiming right for her heart.

Faster than thought...eyes blind...couldn't see...only the agony...the hair lifting...a smirk widening...adrenaline singing in his 
veins...and then...


Moments later, Ten left the residence of the Kaoru's, a deep satisfied 
smile planted on her lips. Idly, she licked drops of blood from her 
fingers, savoring that familiar metallic taste. Amused she looked at the 
slip of a girl cowering in the limo waiting for her. Gently she ruffled 
Violet's hair, the gothic girl jerking back and away as if burned. She 
laid her face in her hands and sobbed silently.

Ten looked straight ahead, uncaring about a single human's need to 
release such pathetic emotions. What concern was it of hers? After all 
tonight was a night to celebrate...her swords were being drawn one by 
one...tomorrow night they would stand by her as her generals...a war led 
to conquer the world. Who needed a Revolution? And now one of the thorns 
that protected the Rose she so desired had been...removed. She chuckled, 
a thick throaty velvet sound that made the young girl hunched on the 
floor of the limo shivering in fear, even as her lips parted in utter 
lust. That maddening chuckle of pure evil...only a devil could have such 
a laugh! Ohhh...and how she wanted that devil to place those searing 
lips across hers again...

And as if reading her mind, she felt smooth fingers slip underneath her 
black long sleeved blouse and tighten about her. She made a sound 
somewhere between a whimper and a moan as those fingers trailed 
lower...searching and so painstakingly slow.

"Now little one...let us see just how delicious a trip to our next 
destination can be..."

Violet didn't even bother resisting anymore as a her senses exploded 
through the exploration and violation of hands...lips...teeth...and 

Onwards to Part 9

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