No Need for Boys! (part 9 of 13)

a Tenchi Muyo fanfiction by Shanejayell

Back to Part 8
        There was a long moment of silence after Kagato disappeared, 
leaving Tenchi gazing in shock at where he had disappeared along with 
his captive and former slave, Ryouko. The breeze blew past them, and 
she could hear it blowing through the leaves of the sacred tree, the 
one that was once part of Yosho's ship. Tenchi barely noticed it, she 
had other things to worry about. 

        Nearby her Ayeka gazed at Yosho in shock, "Elder brother?" 

        "Ayeka," Yosho's mouth formed that very familiar smile, and 
with a soft cry Ayeka ran into his arms, soon to be joined by a crying 
Sasami. They began to talk together softly, but Tenchi wasn't really 
listening to their words. 

        "Tenchi?" Mihoshi walked over to her side. 

        Tenchi turned to look at the Galaxy Police officer, and was 
mildly startled by the compassion that she saw in her eyes. It was 
easy to underestimate her, with how clumsy and tearful she could be, 
but Tenchi knew there was a stronger core to her. 

        "I'd like to help you go after Ryouko," Mihoshi said to her 
quietly, "and attempt to arrest the notorious criminal Kagato." 

        "It'll be risky," Tenchi cautioned her gently. 

        Mihoshi raised her chin forcefully, "Danger is only part of 
the Galaxy Police job description." A bit more gently, "I'd really 
like to help, Tenchi." 

        Tenchi smiled back, "I'd be glad to have you, Miss Mihoshi." 

        With a bit of a blush on her cheeks she looked down shyly and 
said, "You can just call me Mihoshi, Tenchi." 

        "All right, Mihoshi," Tenchi agreed with a slight smile. She 
saw Ayeka and Sasami had run down talking to her Grandfather and said, 
"Excuse me." 

        "Charming another girl, Tenchi?" her grandfather asked, 
nodding to where Mihoshi stood, a flush to her cheeks and eyes wide. 

        "Not intentionally so," Tenchi sighed wearily. She gave her 
grandfather a pointed look, "You just had to announce yourself, didn't 
you. You couldn't have just jumped him like we had planned?" 

        "It wouldn't have been honorable," Yosho answered. 

        "Neither is he, if you hadn't noticed," Tenchi growled. 

        Yosho shrugged his agreement with that point, but not 
necessarily conceding that he had actually been in the wrong. He gave 
his granddaughter a shrewd look as he asked, "So what do you intend to 
do now?" 

        "Go after them," Tenchi simply said. 

        Part of Ayeka wanted to loudly protest that idea. She so 
wanted to tell Tenchi to just leave Ryouko to her fate, to go with her 
back to Jurai and marshal the forces of that world against Kagato. But 
her real reason was to keep Tenchi for herself, and she knew that is 
she actually said those words, Tenchi would never forgive her. 

        "And I'll go with you," Ayeka said to Tenchi instead, "we can 
use my ship to engage Soja in battle, along with Ryo-Ohki." 

        Tenchi smiled, "Thank you." 

        "I'm coming too," Sasami spoke up. 

        Tenchi knelt down by the little girl, "I need you to stay 
here, Sasami." She opened her mouth to protest as Tenchi continued, 
"You see, I need you here to keep an eye on my Grandfather for me." 
Tenchi gave him an impish look, "He's pretty impetuous, so without 
someone to keep an close eye on him he gets into trouble." 

        Sasami sniffled gently, "All right, Tenchi. I'll do my best." 

        Grandfather gave Tenchi a stern look over that, but the corner 
of his mouth was twitching upward as he fought back a smile. 

        Tenchi knelt down where Ryo-Ohki crouched low to the ground, 
looking up into the darkness where Tenchi was certain the Soja waited 
for them and hissing softly. "Will you help us to go rescue Ryouko, 
Ryo-Ohki?" Tenchi asked the cabbit softly. 

        "Myah!" was the forceful yes that Ryo-Ohki gave her. 

        "Tenchi," her Grandfather said quietly. 

        "Yes?" Tenchi turned to look at him. 

        Her Grandfather gently put his hand on her shoulder, "I just 
want you to know that I've never been more proud of you than I am 
now." Gently smiling he finished, "You can do this, Tenchi." 

        "I've got the sword with me," Tenchi hefted the wooden hilt, 
"I'm sure that I'll manage." Tenchi was mildly surprised when her 
Grandfather shook his head no. 

        "Don't rely on the blade," Grandfather quietly cautioned her, 
"the power that you need is within yourself." 

        "Within myself?" Tenchi blinked. But her Grandfather didn't 
answer her, he just smiled slightly as he walked away. 

        "Why don't I bring Ayeka along with me in Yukinojo?" Mihoshi 
stepped up to offer, referring to her Galaxy Police cruiser. 

        "Shouldn't we take.." Ayeka started, then she trailed off 
thoughtfully. "He knows I'm here, but I doubt he knows who Miss 
Mihoshi is. If we take her cruiser, we might gain an advantage in 
surprise," she smiled. 

        Tenchi looked down at Ryo-Ohki, then over at the two young 
women thoughtfully. "You know," she murmured, "I think I have another 
idea to surprise Kagato with, too." 

        "What is it?" Mihoshi asked eagerly. 

        Tenchi didn't answer her, instead she looked up into the 
darkness, trying to imagine what was happening to Ryouko right then. 
'Try to hold on,' she sent the passionate thoughts out to her, 'we're 
coming to rescue you soon.' 

        The ship hung in the blackness of space, a massive vessel 
sculpted in silvery metal and alloys. It was a sight that had struck 
fear in many cultures, with a dark reputation that was known all 
across the galaxy. Corridors stretched on, twisting through the vessel 
until it reached a large central room. Within, Kagato stood before 
what resembled an giant organ. 

        It wasn't his bad playing that awoke Ryouko, nor the 
discomfort that she felt. Instead it was a voice, a familiar one 
gently touching on the edges of her mind. "Tenchi," Ryouko whispered 
to herself, her eyes gradually opening. 

        "Awake at last," Kagato smiled, a twisted, cold thing. 

        Ryouko glared down at him, struggling within the sand that 
held her captive. Her power built, sending the sand churning all 
around her, and she took in the hourglass tube she was contained in. 
But the sand sapped her power, the clear walls of the chamber 
resisting the strongest blows, and exhausted she slumped, the sand 
pouring in around her again. 

        "Interesting," Kagato softly murmured, "when I last saw you, 
there was no way that you could have defied me like this." He frowned, 
"What power does this Tenchi possess, that could turn you against me 
like this?" 

        "No power," Ryouko smiled slightly, thinking of the kindness 
that Tenchi had shown her. But that was something that a man like 
Kagato could never understand, so she kept silent. 

        "I suppose it doesn't matter," Kagato turned back to his 
keyboard and finished, "I'll be testing that power soon enough." 

        "No, you won't," Ryouko answered simply. 

        Kagato looked at her with a raised eyebrow, "Oh?" 

        Ryouko felt a deep pain as she quietly said, "Princess Ayeka 
won't let her. She'll bring Tenchi back to Jurai with her, and make 
sure that you two don't cross swords." With a sad little smile she 
added, "You see, she loves him too." 

        With a cold smile on his face Kagato said, "You had best hope 
not, for your only value to me is as a hostage, now." Something 
brought his attention back to the main view screen. and he scowled at 
what he saw. 

        The lone Galaxy Police cruiser approached the Soja, and the 
communications system activated, "This is Galaxy Police Detective 
first class Mihoshi and I order you to lower your shields and 
surrender yourself, Kagato!" 

        "Told you," Ryouko murmured to him sadly. 

        "Scan for Ryo-Ohki," Kagato barked at the ship around him. He 
scowled as the readings came up negative, "That coward! How dare he 
send another in his place?" Kagato strode away as he said, "Let the 
automatic systems deal with that... fool out there." 

        Ryouko felt a few bitter tears streak her face. She was glad 
to know that Tenchi was safe, but still, she had hoped for rescue... 
Suddenly, her head jerked back in surprise. 'I feel Ryo-Ohki through 
our link.' she thought, 'but how?' 

        The bridge of the Galaxy Police cruiser wasn't terribly large 
to start with, and with five people in it if you counted Ryo-Ohki and 
the main computer unit, it was positively cramped. "Our shields should 
have kept Kagato from detecting all of you," Mihoshi said cheerfully. 

        "Ooof," Ayeka gasped as Mihoshi gave her an accidental elbow 
to the gut. After giving her a death glare and wiggling back far 
enough to hopefully prevent another hit she looked over at Tenchi, "So 
what do we do next?" 

        "Yukinojo, is the Soja's weapons systems responding to us 
automatically?" Tenchi looked up to ask the ship itself even as she 
tried to shift into a more comfortable position on the console that 
she was perched on. It didn't help much. 

        "Analyzing firing pattern," Yukinojo murmured, and a moment 
later announced, "It appears the automatic systems are controlling the 

        "Kagato isn't paying attention," Mihoshi noted, "because he 
things it's only one GP cruiser he's facing off with." 

        "Giving us a slight advantage," Ayeka noted. Her eyes widened 
as Mihoshi smoothly dodged the ship away from a burst of weapons fire, 
"Nicely done." 

        "Thank you," Mihoshi beamed at her cheerfully. 

        "Is there someplace Ryo-Ohki and I can take off from?" Tenchi 
asked her as she moved towards the rear hatch. 

        "The shuttle bay," Mihoshi volunteered the information. 

        "Get us as close as you can safely get to Soja," Tenchi paused 
in the doorway, Ryo-Ohki right behind her, "and let us know when you 

        "Be careful," Ayeka said softly as Tenchi stepped out into the 
corridor, but the dark haired woman didn't answer her. 

        "This is going to be tricky," Mihoshi bit her lip as she 
thrust the slim cruiser forward. 

        "Woah!" Ayeka grabbed another console to keep from falling 
over as the cruiser bobbed and weaved through the weapons fire, 
dancing closer and closer to the great ship itself. 

        "Tenchi!" Mihoshi used the ship's communicator to try to 
contact her and asked, "Are you in the shuttle bay yet?" 

        "Just about there," Tenchi yelled as she reached the door. She 
keyed it open with a wave of her hand, and stepped into the large boat 

        "Good," Mihoshi's voice came from a nearby screen, "because I 
think we're as close as we're going to be able to get." 

        For a moment Tenchi gazed in shock at the image on the 
viewscreen. The cruiser was actually skimming along the skin of the 
Soja, dodging bursts of weapons fire as she did so. Tenchi grabbed the 
cabbit and flung her forward, "Go, Ryo-Ohki!" 

        "Myah!" the cabbit cried as it expanded, forming the black and 
scarlet crystalline ship. A red energy beam engulfed Tenchi, and she 
found herself on the bridge of the ship, which was zipping along 
beside Yukinojo. 

        "You two can go if you want," Tenchi said as Ryo-Ohki opened a 
communications link to the other ship, "Kagato only challenged me." 

        "We're following you in," Ayeka said as Mihoshi nodded firmly. 

        "Thanks," Tenchi gave them a smile. The link was cut, and she 
looked up to one of Ryo-Ohki's crystal computer units. "We don't have 
to do it this way, you know. There might be another way to get us 

        "Myah." The answer was firm, no hesitation at all. 

        "Thank you, Ryo-Ohki," Tenchi smiled sadly, "I won't forget 
this." She took a deep breath and commanded, "Ramming speed!" 

        "Myah!" the eager reply. 

        The small ship leapt forward, the hull of the Soja swiftly 
filling up the screen as they went faster and faster. 


Onwards to Part 10

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