The Unforeseen

a Suikoden fanfiction by Monikku

     We meet in this place;  in my dreams. You are so gallant, so 
unaware of the power you hold within your heart. It feels as if I have 
known you all my life. In a way, most certainly, I have. I know the 
crevices, the curves, the intricacies of your being far better than even 
my own.

      The spirits guide me, create visions of the future. To me, they 
feel more like memories. I hold them so dearly. The barest touch of your 
hand to my own, the sensation is catalogued in my mind. It has been for 
years now. The insecurity of your eyes, the questions in your gaze upon 
me. You seek in me answers. You long to find your identity so 
desperately. I know only the paths you will travel, and even those I can 
never reveal to you.

      We will meet only briefly, but you will feel it, won't you? You 
will feel the pull, the presence of fate will weigh heavily all around 
us. We are destined, and yet not. Destined to meet, destined to connect, 
then destined to be pulled apart. You will mourn, Chris. You will feel 
hollow at my passing, and never understand why.

     I will send this message to you now, as we stare at the same sun 
blazoned horizon. Let my words be carried upon the breeze that flows to 
the west, to you. We have met over and over in my dreams. Countless 
hours I have spent watching over you, always I have been with you. 
Through every battle, through every tear fallen; I have prayed for you. 
I have loved you.

     Evermore, Chris, I will be with you.

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