Super Sailor Mercury: Shattered Ice (part 31 of 34)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by Shanejayell

Back to Part 30
Sailor Star Fighter hesitated a moment as the black haired woman 
exchanged glances with her two companions, silently communicating. "We 
should go," she murmured softly, only to have a hand placed on her arm.

Sailor Mercury was still in her alternate form, her cloak giving her a 
regal majesty as the blue haired woman met Fighter's eyes. "Please 
stay," she said quietly, "you seem to know more about the threat than we 
do." Her gaze shifted to Iron Mouse as she added, "And I hope that you 
can verify anything she does tell us."

"She's got a point," Star Maker said quietly, her long brown hair 
flowing with the breeze.

Healer shook her head, but the white haired woman looked hesitant too, 
as if she weren't quite sure. "Do what you want," she said, "we'll 

Both Uranus and Neptune kept their expressions relatively neutral as 
they stood guard over the freed Iron Mouse, Uranus' Space Sword at the 
ready. Pluto sent a glance of mute appeal at them, while Chibi-Moon and 
Sailor Saturn looked on.

"I...," Fighter hesitated a moment as she wrestled with a instinctive 
fear, "I think you're right, Mercury. We'll help."

"Thank you," Mercury said as she looked around the wrecked front of the 
school grounds, "and now I think we'd better get out of here."

"Where to?" Sailor Pluto asked, putting a comforting hand on Mercury's 
shoulder, her long black hair shimmering green.

Mercury thought a moment, "The Hino shrine." A little sadly she 
explained, "Since the miko of the shrine died, there's much less people 

"Then let's go," Maker said even as she noted, 'Mercury had real sorrow 
in her voice just then... she must have known the miko there.'

With the supernatural speed and strength the senshi were known for the 
group bounded across the city, eventually arriving in the wooded area 
around the Hino shrine. The trees were cool under the hot sun, and a 
sense of peace lingered as they found seats on fallen logs.

Uranus' sandy blonde hair fell in her eyes as she looked down at Iron 
Mouse, the girl barely taller than Chibi-Moon. "Iron Mouse," she asked 
grimly, "who are you? Who is this Galaxia you served?"

Iron Mouse smiled weakly, "It's a long story."

With that she told the tale of the coming of the golden goddess Galaxia, 
a being of unbelievable power who took over worlds with ease. Where she 
came from no one knew, but she seemed to seethe with the force of Chaos, 
and oddly of light. Forcing the senshi of different worlds to fight each 
other she enslaved the victors with her armbands, making them her 
heralds and slaves.

"I didn't realize you were being forced," Maker admitted after a moment, 
studying the girl thoughtfully.

"I didn't realize it either," Iron Mouse admitted as she rubbed her arms 
unconsciously, "the wrist bands suppress your memory and sense of who 
you are. I never even knew to resist until I met..."

"Sailor Mercury," Neptune murmured, the green haired woman having seen 
the awakening in the girl's eyes when Mercury has saved her.

Mercury actually blushed faintly. Looking at Iron Mouse she changed the 
subject, "Does Galaxia have any weaknesses?"

Iron Mouse shook her head regretfully as she said, "Not that I know of, 
Mercury-sama. As her servant I saw warriors of many worlds attack her, 
but no one succeeded." She paused, "I do have to admit, I've never seen 
anyone with your concentration of power before. That may make a 

"Mercury-sama?" Mercury blinked.

"Let it go," Pluto advised.

"She's right," Healer admitted, "the only one I've seen with similar 
power is..." She trailed off, realizing she had said more than she 

Fighter sighed, but decided it might be simpler to let it go. "Our 
Princess Kakyuu," she nodded, "whom we've come here in search of."

"Your Princess is missing?" Chibi-Moon asked.

"Yes," Maker smiled grimly, "we escaped our world when Glalaxia 
attacked. Our Princess had gone to earth seeking a legendary Sailor 
Soldier, whom she believed could turn the tide against Galaxia."

"Who?" Saturn asked, her black hair flowing over her shoulders.

"We don't know," Healer admitted with some frustration.

'I suspect it's Sailor Mercury,' Fighter mused silently, 'but I suspect 
it might be a bad idea to tell her.'

Mercury looked thoughtful, "It would seem we have two things on our 
agenda: hiding Iron Mouse and finding Princess Kakyuu. Neither of which 
will be easy."

"I know!" Chibi-Moon said eagerly, "Why not have Iron Mouse pose as a 
little kid? She could go to school with me."

"What?!" Iron Mouse looked indignant as she said, "There is no way that 
I'm pretending to be a little kid."

"I suppose we could pass her between our friends' houses," Neptune 
suggested dubiously.

"Don't look at us," Fighter said dryly.

Mercury hid a smile then said seriously, "Actually, I have a idea that 
might help." She looked at Iron Mouse, "How would you like to stay 

"In the woods?" Iron Mouse sounded dubious.

"With a old friend of mine at the shrine," Mercury corrected. "I think 
the spiritual defenses here should help shield Iron Mouse."

Not long afterward Mercury had Iron Mouse set up in a spare bedroom at 
the shrine, pausing only to warn Grandfather to be on his best behavior. 
Not that Ami really thought he'd try something, but she thought it was 
best to cover all the bases. When she returned to the others she was 
disappointed to see that the Sailor Starlights were gone, presumedly off 
looking for their princess once more.

"Sorry," Haruka said, "we asked them to stay but..."

"Not your fault," Mercury answered wryly. In fact, she had been a bit 
surprised the Starlights had stuck around as long as they did.

"Saturn," Pluto frowned slightly as she looked over at the young woman, 
"where are Luna and Artemis?"

"Ah..." Saturn actually looked sheepish.

"We weren't sure they'd let us go help you," a blushing Chibi-Moon said, 
"so we locked them up."

"Artemis is just going to love that," Michiru predicted.

"Where did you...?" Haruka had to ask.

"Closet at home," Saturn shrugged.

"We'd better go let them out," Mercury said, hiding a smile as they all 
headed out together.

Nearby the family home they transformed back to normal, the group of 
women and children opening the door to hear remarkably annoyed yowling. 
"Oh dear," Michiru sighed, hurrying to open the closet door.

Both cats were puffed out in anger, but they quickly calmed down once 
Hotaru and Usagi apologized. Both were also mollified by hearing what 
they had learned about both Sailor Iron Mouse and her mysterious leader, 
Galaxia. "You were right to go," Luna admitted, the little black cat 
still looking a little poofy.

"So the enemy leader is Galaxia," Artemis murmured, the white furred cat 
looking rather thoughtful, "it sounds familiar...?"

"Can you two research it for us?" Ami asked, sitting on the couch beside 

"We'll do our best," Luna nodded.

Setsuna took Ami's hand in hers as she said quietly, "It looks like 
we've made a important discovery today."

"Oh?" Haruka asked, the boyishly dressed woman sitting up straight.

"In addition to learning about our foes we've discovered Mercury can 
cure her soldiers," Michiru noted, "that is what you mean?"

"Exactly," Setsuna nodded.

"Assuming no one is working for her willingly," Haruka had to point out, 
"remember the Witches Five. All of them were willing converts, as far as 
we could tell."

"Point taken," Ami conceded tiredly, the day's events finally catching 
up to her as she leaned against Setsuna.

Setsuna gave the others a look of warning as she wrapped a arm around 
Ami and said, "Maybe we should continue this tomorrow?"

"Good idea," Hotaru smiled wryly as she saw the two of them cuddle.

"Ami," Michiru offered, "you and Usagi could stay over tonight if you 

"Could we!" Usagi looked over at Ami excitedly.

Ami smiled, "Sure."

Onwards to Part 32

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