Super Sailor Mercury: Shattered Ice (part 1 of 34)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by Shanejayell

        "Ami!" Chibi-Usa startled her, bustling into the kitchen with 
a smile.

        "Good Morning," Ami smiled down at the little pink haired 
girl, "breakfast is nearly ready."

        "Did you make pancakes again?" she asked eagerly.

        Ami smiled slightly, "Of course." She went over to the stove, 
flipping them expertly as she asked, "What do you want to do today?"

        "Could I go over to see Hotaru?" Chibi-Usa asked happily.

        Ami avoided showing her wince as she answered, "Of course. 
I'll go visit my mom after I drop you off there."

        "Ok," Chibi-Usa smiled.

        'The resilience of children,' Ami thought sadly. Chibi-Usa 
wsn't over it, of course, the nightmares came to her more often than 
to Ami, and often she would slip into Ami's bed at night. Especially 
right after it happened...

        Ami's first reflex had been to try to return Chibi-Usa to her 
own time, but on further concideration she discarded that idea. Ami 
had developed two theories on the child's continued existance after 
her parent's death in the here and now, neither one terribly pleasant.

        The first was that Chibi-Usa was now some kind of temporal 
anomaly, a little blip in the fabric of space time. If so, attempting 
to transport her through time could cause her to simply cease to 
exist. As grim as that idea was, another darker possibility also soon 
occured to her.

        Sometime in the future, Usagi, Mamoru and all the others would 
be reborn. Usagi and Mamoru would get married, eventually becoming the 
rulers of the future era of Crystal Tokyo, and have Chibi-Usa as 
planned. Then, they would quite deliberately send their daughter back 
in time to face the slaughter of her own parents' past selves.

        If that were so, Ami had grave misgivings about sending her 
back home. However, Chibi-Usa had taken the decision right out of her 
hands. On a visit to the Tsukino home Chibi-Usa had used the Luna-ball 
to hypnotize everyone in Usagi's family into forgetting that she had 
ever existed, then explained to Ami that she was going home with her.

        'Which lead to it's own problems, of course,' Ami thought as 
she helped Chibi-Usa up into her compact car.

        Ami drove the car with the same sort of precision she used in 
everything, reaching the little house in only a few minutes. She 
reached over and unlocked the passenger's door, but Chibi-Usa 
hesitated. "Is something wrong?" Ami asked her softly.

        "Well," Chibi-Usa looked down, "Hotaru told me that Haruka, 
Michiru and Setsuna would really like you to come in, sometime."

        Ami opened up the passenger door as she softly said, "I'm not 
ready to do that, not yet."

        Chibi-Usa nodded, "It's all right." The front door of the 
house opened up and she ran forward, nearly knocking over the slightly 
older Hotaru.

        Ami noticed three figures standing at the front window looking 
out at her, and for a moment met their gazes steadily. Then she 
started up the car and was off.

        'The Outers,' Ami remembered their first meeting, 'that was a 
incredible disaster.' They had met when the Heart Snatchers had begun 
to attack, a event that quickly broke down into shouted recriminations 
and harsh words that couldn't be taken back.

        Uranus had been brutal with her, but the worst had been her 
own cold fury with Pluto, the Senshi of time. Rationally she knew that 
Pluto was bound by her duties not to interfere, but at that point she 
had just not cared. It had been poor Chibi-Usa who had brought her to 
her senses, tearfully pleading with her to stop yelling at Puu.

        'Of course, Haruka was right about my failing Usagi,' Ami 
admitted as she climbed out of her car to walk towards the hospital 
doors, 'probably why I got so angry. And my feelings of guilt are 
what's keeping me from working effectivelly with them.'

        The nurses called out their greetings to Ami, and she gave 
them a wave. "Dr. Mizuno's up on the fifth floor, doing her rounds," 
the youngest nurse smiled.

        "Thanks," Ami smiled as she stepped into the elevator. The 
ride up was silent, and she saw her mother fairly quickly as she 
entered the wards on that level.

        Dr. Nicole Mizuno looked up with a smile as she pulled Ami 
into a swift hug. "Good to see you," she murmured into her daughter's 
ear softly.

        Ami blushed a bit, but returned the hug gently. "You about 
done?" she asked, knowing the answer having timed her arrival to her 
Mother's break.

        "Just about," Nicole agreed. They soon retired to Nicole's 
office, and the good doctor poured out cups of tea for both of them. 
"So how's your... other job?"

        Ami smiled slightly. After her injury, and especially after 
bringing Chibi-Usa home with her, she had told her mother everything 
about her double life and how she got hurt. "Pretty quiet, lately. I'm 
hoping it lasts," she added.

        "And Chibi-Usa?" Nicole asked.

        "On the surface she's fine," Ami sighed out softly, "but I'm 
not so sure. I wish I could read her just a little bit better." She 
looked up to see Nicole smiling at her oddly. "What?"

        "You sound like a mother," her mother pointed out with a 
smile. Ami groaned, and Nicole smirked as she sipped at her tea, "And 
her friend, Hotaru?"

        "Fine, I think," Ami looked away uncomfortably.

        "You haven't tried to make friends with the other Scouts 
off-duty, have you," Nicole made it a statement, not a question at 
all. She sighed, "Usagi and your other friends wouldn't have wanted 
you to mourn them forever."

        "I know," Ami nodded. She smiled wryly, "It doen't help that 
the three of them sort of hold be in awe now, either."

        "Wha..?" Nicole blinked.

        The battles against the Heart Snatchers had all ended in a 
foot race, of all things. The Holy Grail shone before them all, 
hanging there in midair between the three talismans, and it came down 
to whom would reach it first. Sailor Mercury had leapt for it, putting 
all her strength into that effort, and her hands closed on the Grail.

        And the world exploded around her as she transformed to 
another level.

        The power surged outward, erradicating the remaining Witches 
Five in only a single moment. Professor Tomoe's lab as next, the dark 
presence in his body expelled forcefully even as Sailor Saturn awoke, 
her and the Grail's power destroying the presence of Mistress Nine 
within her.

        "It can't be her," Sailor Uranus' shaken voice in the 

        "The legends spoke only of a princess and a champion," Sailor 
Pluto's voice quietly replied, "so why not her?"

        The Grail sang in her mind, telling her how to erradicate all 
evil, purify the entire world. It was rediculously easy, the detailed 
map laid out in her brain. But with all her will Ami turned away, 
letting the light of the Grail die down as she floated to the floor.

        "Are you all right?" Chibi-Moon asked worriedly.

        "I will be," Sailor Mercury managed weakly.

        "Why did you stop?" Sailor Neptune asked softly.

        "This power isn't meant for me to use," Sailor Mercury had 
said to them softly, "it belongs to the future."

        And Sailor Pluto had gravely nodded her approval.

        "That's incredible," Nicole blinked at her daughter. "But what 
did you mean, it belongs to the future?" she asked softly.

        "We, the Senshi, visited the future once, a utopia called 
Crystal Tokyo," Ami answered her quietly. She touched the Grail crest 
on her broach, "I think they used this in creating it."

        "Incredible," Nicole repeated it softly. She hesitated for a 
moment, "Do you ever regret moving out?"

        Ami smiled sadly, "I regret fighting you over Chibi-Usa and 
the rest of it when I left. But I still think that it's for the best. 
If what happened to Usagi, Rei, Makoto and Minako taught me anything, 
it that the life I lead is very dangerous." Her eyes narrowed with 
resolve, "And I won't see you being hurt by it."

        "I can never argue with you when you make that face," Nicole 
said with a smile. She reached out to take her daughter's hand, "I 
know that Makoto left you a great deal of money, but if you need 
anything, anything at all, just call."

        Ami hugged her back, knowing that her mother's break was just 
about over. "I will," she answered her softly.

        "And try to make friends with those Outers," Nicole gave her a 
no- nonsense motherly look, "that's an order."

        Ami actually laughed softly, "I'll try."

Onwards to Part 2

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