Senshi: the Gathering of Five (part 25 of 29)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by Shanejayell

Back to Part 24
Mamoru had seen and done much over the years, much
blood staining the hands of the black haired warrior
prince, but even he felt his blood chill as he met
Hotaru's eyes. Whatever once was within those violet
eyes was gone, there was only the desire for
destruction, a need for the life and blood of any who
opposed her.

"They're coming," Mamoru could feel them approach, the
power within some of them stirring the foul air of
this realm.

Queen Serenity nodded, her smile as cold and beautiful
as ice. "First we must blood them," she said in a
purr, "send my personal servants."

Standing to the side the young man bowed, his simple
tunic and cloak flowing, white hair glittering in the
torch light. "Of course, m'lady," Diamond purred, "can
we kill them?" Beside him Rubius and Emerald looked
nearly as eager, eyes alight with bloodlust.

"I want the bitch Setsuna and my daughter kept alive,"
Serenity answered him before smiling coldly, "the rest
are yours."

"I want to accompany them," Hotaru said softly, her
voice eerily like the whisper of wind across an open

"As you wish," Serenity bowed her head slightly, and
the four disappeared from the room in a burst of
unearthly speed.

"Is that such a good idea, my Queen?" Mamoru asked
once they were sure they were gone, "She was once

With a casual manner Serenity backhanded him, sending
Mamoru to the floor to spit blood on the stone floor.
"Do not question me," she said coldly, "ever."

Mamoru felt his blood chill once more as he heard
something new in his queen's tone, something that he
had never heard from her before. She was scared,
honestly frightened! "Of course my lady," he murmured

Outside the doors to the queen's chamber the four took
their places, each ready to face battle. Emerald
looked at Hotaru, her green hair flowing as the beauty
murmured to her, "Thank you for honoring us, fighting
beside us here."

Hotaru raised her glave, the rune encrusted weapon
glowing a faint violet in the darkness, her voice
steel like, "Don't slow me down, that will be enough."

"Here they come," Rubius murmured, the mob of Oni
warriors separating with contemptible ease as the
Senshi strode forward, lead by the princess herself.

A nearby warrior quailed under Hotaru's gaze as she
suddenly reached out, yanking him towards her. "I need
to feed," her voice was cold, without regret as if
explaining something commonplace, "to face them."

"No," he softly bleated, trying to break free but
Hotaru was too quick.

The three warriors gazed in shock as the blade of her
glave plunged into his chest, the runes inscribed on
the weapon lighting up with a sullen red glow. Violet
light danced up the weapon into Hotaru, filling her
with health and vigor even as his own life was sapped
away, in moments leaving nothing but an empty husk.

"By the darkness," Diamond's voice came out in a
whisper, then he shook himself. "For one who was once
human," he said softly, "you are as ruthless as any of
our blood."

"Thank you," Hotaru answered, her voice strangely full
of life now, eyes shining with an unholy energy. She
yanked her glave free, sending her victim's desiccated
husk falling to the floor where she coolly kicked it

The band of warriors neared, and Rubius studied them
thoughtfully. The princess was easily identified, her
blonde hair flowing around her, the hated blade
shining on her shoulder, Her expression was focused,
intent, ready to destroy like many of their blood.
Beside her walked a miko, her black hair glistening,
the scholar of ice, the masked killer, a tall and
capable warrior and two of the hated cat-beasts
wearing their false human forms.

"Setsuna," Hotaru's voice was soft, almost deadly as
her gaze locked onto the tall woman with an awful kind
of familiarity.

"How do you want to divvy them up?" Emerald asked, her
voice eager and dangerous.

Diamond gave Hotaru a thoughtful look then he smiled
slightly, "The Princess and the masked one are mine."

"I suppose I can take the cats and the barbarian,"
Rubius said confidently, the red haired boy smirking

"Then I must have the miko and wise woman," Emerald

"Setsuna and the two godlings are mine," Hotaru
purred, "thank you, I have an old... debt to settle
with them all."

Princess Usagi pointed her sword, her stance confident
as she met their eyes. "Stand aside," her voice was
iron, unyielding, "or you will face the consequences."

Diamond bowed to her, a strangely graceful gesture.
"Your time of rulership has not yet come, princess,"
he said, "but I will make you a counter offer: yield
to us now and we'll let you keep all your pretty
companions as pets."

"Never," Usagi cried and led the charge.

Almost as if they had practiced it Rubius, Emerald and
Diamond thrust hands forward, combining their powers
and lashing out in a single blast of unholy force. The
occult energy washed over them all in a foul wave,
staggering them and sending them to their knees. Then
they leapt forward, splitting up to choose their
targets.. or victims.

Emerald raced right by the miko, backhanding the black
haired woman as she suddenly loomed I front of the
wise woman. The blue haired woman tried to bring her
pistol up but Emerald was too fast, grabbing her by
the wrist. As the chaos of battle raged around her
Emerald smiled, "You are a most attractive one, are
you sure you wouldn't yield?"

"Go to hell you old hag," the blue haired girl gasped
out in pain.

"Hag!" Emerald cried out in anger, tensing her grip
unconsciously. With a loud snap the girl's wrist
broke, the bone's grinding together as Emerald
tightened, listening to the girl's wails...

"No!" the miko cried out. Completely forgotten the
miko's arrows lanced into the startled Emerald,
staggering her. She wheeled around in time to see the
last arrow coming... right before it plunged through
her eye and into her skull.

Diamond saw Emerald fall, her body bursting into
purifying flames but he was too busy to act. His first
attack had been gifted with surprise and he had struck
viciously, shredding the upper arm of the masked one
and rendering her helpless, then drawing his blade he
attacked the princess.

Swiftly she parried his attacks, the gorgeous blonde
seemingly unaffected by the dark power they had
unleashed. Instead she almost seemed invigorated,
katana flashing as she fought back and forth with him,
refusing to give ground to him.

'She doesn't care about her comrades,' Diamond thought
admiringly, 'merely my destruction. Truly she is one
of our blood!' Aloud he said, "You fight well, would
that I had been chosen for your consort rather than
that fool, Mamoru!"

"Don't talk about him!" The Princess' rage gave her a
burst of strength, enough not only to break his blade
but to continue the swing right at Diamond's head.

Unaware of his fallen comrades Rubius laughed as he
tossed Luna's broken body aside, letting the black
haired catgirl fall wetly to the floor. "I was
expecting more sport," he commented mildly.

Artemis' howl contained no words, filled with a hollow
sort of rage. Throwing blades glowed as the white
haired boy tossed them, striking deeply into the red
headed boy's arm. Faster than he had ever moved before
he closed the distance, eyes flashing as he ripped and
tore with clawed fingers.

Even as Rubius tried to fend him off the brown haired
woman struck, grabbing him by his already wounded arm
and driving the blades deeper with a irresistible
grip. To the sound of his howls she purred, "Your
friend shouldn't have hurt Ami, that made me mad."

"Die you whore!" Rubius cried out, unleashing another
wave of the dark power against her with his free hand.

The power buffeted her, blood trickling from her mouth
as she staggered but it seemed the monster woman would
not fall. "You first," and with that Makoto grabbed
his head and twisted until there was a wet, breaking
sound and Rubius fell.

Hotaru smiled as she met the green haired woman's eyes
who tried to guard her stunned companions. "I remember
you, Michiru," Hotaru purred, "you fought along side
the storm god and that witch Setsuna to slay me."

"No," Michiru shook her head, "we wanted to save you."

Hotaru laughed as she spun her glave, eyes glittering.
"Save me to die from illness?" she mocked, "I would
rather be damned."

"You're still human, Hotaru," Michiru appealed, "you
don't have to do this."

"I will show you how human I am," Hotaru purred as she
struck. Her glave was nearly invisible it was so fast,
slicing flesh like butter as Michiru cried out, blood
splattering. "I will not take your life," she said,
"I'm full right now."

"Get back here," the sandy haired woman groaned,
pulling herself up despite the force which Hotaru had
used to dispatch her earlier. She swayed unsteadily
but she gazed with eyes that burned both with rage and
concern for her fallen comrade.

Hotaru's eyes took in the battle field, gazing at the
injured Senshi and her own fallen comrades with a
smile. "The Queen is waiting," she answered as she
raised her glave in salute then was gone in a burst of
unearthly speed.

Onwards to Part 26

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