R'lyeh (part 1 of 2)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by Baka Gaijin30

"That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange aeons even death may die."

The Necronomicon of the mad Arab Abdul Alhazred.


---Tokyo, 2043---

Three days.

Or was it four?

She could no longer remember the last time she slept. Or ate. Or left 
the room.

They'd left her here. Alone. 

Of course, at the time she had told them to. Her two friends and her 
love. And once she was alone, the vision came to her. The vision, and 
the compulsion to capture it.

In the heat of summer, she kept the windows closed. Soon enough she was 
sweating, her clothing soaking wet from perspiration. She undressed. She 
didn't have to worry; she was alone after all in the room. Just her, the 
canvas, the paint, and that damned thing staring out at her from the 
canvas, each brush stroke bringing it more into focus.

She felt sick as she looked at the painting she was working on. The 
fumes from her paints and the turpentine wasn't helping any. She was 
exhausted, and hungry, but couldn't leave the room. It was like some 
invisible force was keeping her here, a prisoner, forced to paint the 
horrific image before her.

She'd run out of room on her pallet, and had begun to mix the colors on 
her arm, her torso, her legs. She was unable to get the effect she 
needed in the background with her brushes, and had resorted to her 
fingers. After days without sleep, painting nonstop the thing on the 
canvas, she looked away briefly to her now filthy body. She had become a 
second painting, she thought bitterly. 

"Is this what it feels like to be crazy?" she asked out loud. Looking at 
the paints and brushes before her, her vision turning blurry from 
exhaustion, a smile crept upon her face. "Might as well go all the way," 
she murmured as she took a brush loaded up with alizarin crimson and 
began to lazily paint her areolas and nipples, then the rest of her 
breasts the dark red color. She took the tube of light green paint and 
squirted some of it into her palm, rubbing the paint all over her 
abdomen as she started to chuckle.

Next was the titanium white, then the sky blue. She cackled to herself 
maniacally as she then ran her hands and fingers through her hair, the 
usually well-kept locks now a greasy stained mess. When she was 
finished, she looked back over to the canvas, to the hideous red eyes 
staring out at her.

"I hate you," she whispered bitterly, all laughter disappearing as tears 
now filled her eyes. As she silently cried to herself, she picked one of 
her brushes back up and went back to work on the painting.


She woke up slowly to the smell of freshly brewed coffee. Grabbing her 
pink bathrobe and her transformation pen, she went to her bedroom door 
and called out.

"Mamo-chan?" she asked, "Is that you?"

"Yes hon," her husband called up, "I'm home from my trip. How do you 
want your eggs?"

"Scramble." Usagi answered with a yawn as she put the pen back in her 
pocket. Going down the stairs, she entered the kitchen to find Mamoru 
standing in front of the stove. She went up from behind and hugged him.

"Oof," Mamoru said playfully, "Not while I'm cooking, hon."

"Spoilsport," Usagi joked as she left her husband's side, "So how did 
the lecture tour go?" she asked. Mamoru smiled ever so slightly.

"Not badly." he admitted, "In all honesty though, I'm surprised that my 
books still sell as well as they do after all these years, to say 
nothing of having young people come up to me at the colleges after my 
speeches to ask me to sign their books. By the way," he added as he 
poured his wife a cup, "When are the others..."

"I called them all a week ago to make sure they could attend the little 
reunion. They'll all be over tomorrow." Usagi said as she pulled the 
transformation pen back out, "We have to keep up appearances you know."

"Oh yes, of course. We can't have people in their seventies running 
around looking like their in their early twenties, can we?" Mamoru asked 
with a smile. After flipping the eggs in the skillet he was working on, 
he turned back to Usagi. "So Ruka will be here in time?"

"Yes, the 'Grand Dame of Motor Sports' will arrive by plane this 
afternoon actually. And apparently she has some news."

"Let me guess." Mamoru said as he placed the plate of scrambled eggs 
before Usagi, "She thinks she has a possible lead on her. Something 
about Tibet?"

"She doesn't know for sure, but we're all hoping." she said. The two sat 
down to breakfast together silently, enjoying each other's company and 
hoping for the best for Haruka and the other Outers.


Professor George Angell walked the campus grounds of Brown University in 
Providence, Rhode Island, heading for the archaeology building. Angell, 
Professor Emeritus of Semitic Languages, while greatly respected by his 
academic peers, was still a rather quiet and reserved man, not given to 
excitement or adventure of any sort. He preferred quiet evenings at home 
with Mrs. Angell and working with his colleagues in translating some 
recently discovered cuniform texts over going rock climbing, riding 
roller coasters or participating in some similar escapade.

Which was why he was so flustered at the moment. Somehow, against his 
will, he had become involved in a mystery.

It all began when an artist came to him with a bass relief. The image on 
the small tablet was of something out of a nightmare. It resembled some 
sort of a cross between an octopus, a dragon and a man. Under the image, 
a strange type of text in an unintelligible alphabet was etched into the 
surface. Upon first seeing the image, the professor simply laughed, 
pointing out it was definitely not of any sort of antiquity, but was of 
modern origin.

"I know," the artist answered, "I made it."

"What?" the professor had asked, "Then why are you bringing it to me?"

"I was given it in a dream, both the image of the beast and the writing. 
I have no idea what the writing means, though. I'd like to leave it with 
you to see if you can decipher it."

The professor was at a loss. Before he could object, the artist left the 
tablet with him and left.

That was six months ago.

Things would've ended there but for the incident three weeks after the 
encounter with the artist, when two seemingly unrelated articles in a 
newspaper caught his eye. One was about the artist who'd visited him, 
and who was now in a mental ward after some sort of complete mental 
breakdown. The other, buried deeper in the back of the paper, involved a 
famous Russian psychic who lost his mind. By the time the authorities 
caught him, he'd decapitated his land lady, stuffed a dead octopus on 
her neck, and was worshipping her corpse.

The professor somehow felt a link between the artist's dream and the 
psychic's madness. He began paying closer attention to the more obscure 
news stories, as well as the internet stories traveling around. Sure 
enough, a frightening pattern began to develop of artists and people 
claiming psychic abilities going insane, or suddenly being assaulted 
with images such as the one on his tablet. One of the most disturbing 
coming out of India, where a sculptor stabbed herself to death when she 
became convinced the baby in her belly was trying to eat its way out of 
her body.

Something was definitely not right. And, while the professor was usually 
a very analytic fellow, he began to get the growing feeling that some 
sort of dark malevolence was reaching out to these people for some 
sinister purpose.

And lately...

Lately, he'd begun to suspect he was being watched. Once or twice, he 
thought he even caught a fleeting glimpse of someone tailing him. He now 
believed that, whatever dark force was behind the insanity sweeping 
through both the artistic and psychic community had become wise to him. 

Entering the Archaeology building, he made his way to his office, 
locking the door behind him quickly. Several years ago, there was a 
student here he'd made friends with. She was a Japanese woman, studying 
abroad for a year for her major in the medical field. It was the same 
year that one of the Japanese heroes known worldwide as the Sailor 
Senshi suddenly appeared on campus to stop a robbery in the cafeteria. 
He'd always suspected there might be some connection between the two, 
but had never come out and asked the shy Japanese student if she and 
"Sailor Mercury" were one and the same.

Professor Angell ruffled through his desk, eventually finding the 
woman's email address. He then pulled out the disc he'd saved all the 
information on, and downloaded it, sending all the information to her. 
Once he was sure the message had gone through, he removed the disc and 
smashed it against his desk, destroying it. He then quickly removed the 
computer's hard drive and likewise demolished it, making sure there was 
no way anyone could now find out who he'd sent the email to.

It was then he heard the footsteps outside in the hallway. It was a 
weekend in August; no one should be on campus. The professor's heart 
began racing as the steps stopped outside his office door.

"H... Hello?" Angell called out nervously, "Whose out there?"

The professor was answered by a spray of machine gun bullets ripping 
through his office door, tearing through his flesh and leaving him 
sprawled out on the floor of his office in a pool of his own blood. The 
door was then kicked open by a blond woman, her features obscured by the 
sunglasses she was wearing.

"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh," she whispered as she looked down at the bloody 
corpse before her, "Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn."

She looked at the computer in the room, and at both the smashed hard 
drive and the shattered computer disk. A curse escaped her lips as she 
stalked out of the room.


She writhed around as she felt the tongue lapping around her swollen 
bud, thrusting her hips and crying out in ecstasy. Minako grabbed her 
hips to hold her in place as she continued to explore her with her 
mouth. Rei was clutching the bed sheets as she felt her mind go numb 
under her blond lover's ministrations. As she felt the buildup to orgasm 
rising, the priestess closed her eyes as her body stiffened.

And then... She was falling into a great white light.

She was suddenly no longer her, and Minako was no longer Minako. They 
were Mars and Venus, and they were consummating their love for one 
another in the Silver Millennium. Then she was neither Rei nor Mars, but 
someone else, a priestess of some long forgotten cult of the Mother 
Goddess watching and observing as her fellow barbarians of the early 
hyborean age fought against an earlier form of primitive men for a bit 
of ground near an oasis. She was a Wise Woman among the Homo Habilis, 
treading across the African plains with her female mate in search of 
food. She was a youngster in a group of Australopithecus Afarensus 
walking under the forest canopy on her hind legs as they foraged for 

She observed all, watched and participated, as she continued to feel 
Minako's tongue lapping her, her teeth pressing against her clit as her 
fingers dug into her thighs. She was about to come, and somehow she knew 
that the closer she came to that moment of sexual release the faster her 
backward descent would become. She tried to speak, to tell her Mina-chan 
to stop, but she couldn't make her vocal cords work. The years were 
racing by now faster and faster. She was now watching as a fellow 
primitive mammal was caught by a rather nasty-looking carnivorous 
dinosaur the size of a chicken. Now she herself was the predator, 
chasing down a slower-moving plant eater. Now she observed with her 
fellow pre-Cambrian life forms in the great ocean as the great Old Ones 
from outer space came.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Rei screamed as she opened her eyes back into the 
present and came. She was shuddering all over from both the orgasm and 
the experience she'd just been through. Minako raised her head expecting 
to see the post-orgasmic glow that was usually there on the priestess' 
face after they made love. She was alarmed to see instead a look of fear 
and revulsion.

"Rei-chan?" Minako asked as she moved up to her lover's face, "Rei-chan, 
what happened, dear? Did I hurt you? If I was too rough, I..." before 
the blond could get anything more out, Rei gripped onto her in an 
embrace and buried her face in her shoulder. 

"Hold me." Rei whimpered, "I... I can't talk about it. Not yet. Please, 
hold me. Hold me tightly, so I can feel you." 

Minako hugged her back, noting the tears now silently falling onto her 
shoulder. She didn't know what just happened to Rei, but from the way 
she was acting it must've been horrific.


She came to the Buddhist Temple looking like someone who'd obviously 
been through a traumatic event. When asked her name, she refused to give 
it and asked to be allowed to join their community anyways. She took a 
voluntary vow of silence, shaved her head, took the robes of the temple, 
and began doing the most menial and degrading chores for the monks and 
nuns in attendance. After a few years, the monks and her fellow nuns 
began to notice something strange. At first, they ascribed it to her 
being baby faced, then to her simply looking younger because of her 
shaved head. After several years turned into a decade, then another, 
they realized the truth.

She wasn't aging.

Now, after thirty-two years within the temple walls, the monks and nuns 
regarded her with a sort of holy awe, a reverence for someone who had 
attained such heights of enlightenment that she no longer aged. They'd 
begged and pleaded with the frail-looking nun to break her vow of 
silence, to tell them what she had learned. Even Buddha, they reminded 
her, was finally cajoled into speaking after his enlightenment under the 

Her response was always the same.


While the temple monks and priests had thus far been able to keep the 
woman's presence a secret from the world at large, word had leaked 
somehow of a nun who had been on a religious fast for the last three 
weeks. The truth was that the Buddhist nun had been on her fast for the 
last twenty-three days, living on nothing but water. And then there was 
the other mystery; it was obvious she was an enlightened one, and an 
exceedingly holy personage. Why then, in all of the thirty-two years 
that she had been staying at the temple, had she never smiled?

In the temple grounds, under a large tree by the well next to the bell 
tower, she sat as she had for the last twenty-three days; unmoving, 
uncaring and unresponsive. She'd been sitting so long in place that her 
skin had started to ulcerate, and small open lesions had appeared on her 
legs. Her ribs were sticking out now, and her eyes and cheeks were sunk 
in. It was twilight, and she was once again alone with the thoughts that 
haunted her every waking moment. She was just about to close her eyes 
for sleep when a noise directly in front of her attracted her attention.
As she looked on, showing no emotion, the timegate appeared before her. 
As it opened, a woman came out; a woman she did not want to see or deal 

It was her future self.

The Senshi from the future looked at the hairless waif in front of her 
silently for a few moments before sitting down in front of her on the 
backs of her legs.

"Taru-chan," she said in a gentle yet firm voice, "This self-imposed 
exile must stop. It's time for you to go back out into the world."

Hotaru didn't say anything in response. Instead, she closed her eyes and 
bent her head down to go back to sleep.

Lady Saturn got up and walked over to her past self, sitting back down 
again beside her, "I know it hurts." she said, "But it wasn't your... 
our fault."

"I..." Hotaru's voice was weak and hoarse from decades of neglect, "I 
can still... remember his..."

"I know." her future self said gently, "And, for what it's worth, it 
does get better for you, for us. You need to heal, and that's not why 
you're here."

"B... But I... I've come a long way since coming here, and..." 

"Don't give me that." her future self said sternly, "You're not here for 
enlightenment, but for escape. You don't seek liberation from the self, 
but from your responsibilities. Neither can nor will be attained out 

Hotaru looked away from the future Senshi dejectedly. Lady Saturn put 
her arm around her past self's shoulders.

"Taru-chan, please try to understand; you are a Senshi. It is your 
destiny, and there is no way out of it. I know, more than anyone else 
ever could, the pain you're feeling, and have felt for the past 
thirty-two years. But you're not the only one who's been hurting. And, 
as much as it pains me to say it, you're needed."

"N... Needed?" Hotaru asked weakly.

"Something is coming, Taru-chan. Something big and terrible, and you 
will be needed. Even now, it is reaching out to Michiru-mama."

"Mi... Michiru-mama?" Hotaru asked, her eyes glistening as warm memories 
of happier days in the Outers mansion rushed in upon her.

"Yes, Taru-chan. She needs you, and so does the Princess. Every Senshi 
will be needed before this nightmare is over." she then reached into a 
dark purple bag she had by her side and pulled out a rice ball. "Here." 
she said, "Eat this. Your wounds were healed for you while we spoke, but 
you will still be weak from hunger," she explained. She then placed her 
hands on top of her past self's head. A small gasp escaped Hotaru as she 
felt a tingling sensation on her scalp, followed by hair rapidly growing 
from her shaved head, reaching down to her shoulders before Lady Saturn 
pulled her hands away.

"Take my hand," Lady Saturn commanded, "And I'll deliver you to the 
Outers mansion through Setsuna-mama's timegate."

Hotaru struggled weakly up to her feet and took the hand offered her. A 
second later, both she and her future self were gone.


Haruka entered the familiar mansion with a smile on her face; they 
finally had a solid lead on where Hotaru might be. She removed her shoes 
and took her coat off, feeling better than she had in years. Looking 
around, she noticed that Setsuna and Kihomi were nowhere to be found. No 
problem, they were probably still on their anniversary vacation. Since 
all the Senshi would be reuniting tomorrow anyways, they could wait. In 
the meantime, she'd go to the small studio built onto the property to 
tell her beloved.

She opened the door to Michiru's art studio, and immediately her smile 

Michiru was crouched down in a corner of the room, naked. Her hair was 
in disarray, and she'd smeared paint all over her body. Reds and blues, 
yellows and oranges graced her form, and were streaked through her once 
lovely aqua locks. At the sound of footsteps, she looked up with a sad, 
lost look in her eyes, her face painted a bright red. Seeing Haruka, she 
began to weep uncontrollably.

The blonde rushed to her wife and pulled her into her arms, not caring 
if her dress pants and blouse became filthy. She held her tightly as the 
artist shuddered against her.

"Michi-chan," she gasped, "Michi-chan, what happened? Tell me what 

The artist didn't answer. Instead, she pointed to something off to the 
side of the room. Haruka looked, and saw a disgusting image painted onto 
a canvas. The thing had the body of a man, dragon-like wings and an 
octopus for a head.

"What..." Haruka stuttered out in a loss for words, "Michi-chan, you're 
going to have to help me here. What are you trying to say?" she asked, 
finding herself slowly starting to panic as she tried to make sense of 
what was happening. Michiru didn't answer, instead she just continued to 
point at the picture as her lower lip quivered and she continued to sob. 
The blonde was about to get up to get her wife something to at least 
cover herself with when the sound of soft footsteps alerted her to the 
fact that she and Michiru were no longer alone. She turned around, only 
to feel all the breath escape her at the site of the skinny waif now 
standing in the studio.

"H... Haruka-papa," Hotaru muttered, her voice still raspy from disuse, 
"I'm home."

Onwards to Part 2

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