Plus de Compassion (More Than Sympathy) (part 1 of 7)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by April Eagle

Days of bitter cold

"Who's that?" The apprentice looked curiously at the boy who entered 
the hospital. He wore a great bunch of flowers in his right and a CD 
player in his left hand. Determined he headed towards the door and 
greeted the nurses shortly.

"The boyfriend of Kaioh Michiru. He comes every day to visit her and 
stays for a lot of hours." Answered the nurse and watched the boy 
entering the room.

"Kaioh Michiru? The famous violin player? The daughter of Kaioh Gendo? 
The famous piano player who died two months ago because of a car 
accident?" asked the apprentice with her eyes wide open.

"Hai. It's a wonder that she survived it. We all thought she would 
never awake from her coma and even the doctor gave up. But she fought 
and survived."

"But the visiting hours aren't yet. They start in the afternoon." 
Wondered the apprentice and plucked at the white overall. She wasn't 
used to it yet.

"This boy's kind of a medicine. The doctor said she's recovering just 
because she sees him so often. He gives her the hope and the strength 
she needs to accept her destiny." Explained the nurse and sighed. 
"Let's go on working. You shall learn a lot and not talking to me like 
old pensioner!" She clapped in her hands and they both disappeared in 
the corridor.

"Hi, Michi-chan." Haruka entered the room and put the CD player on the 
table in the middle. Two weeks after the accident the young violinist 
was allowed to leave the intensive care unit and even her doctor was 
surprised how fast she recovered. She had no brain damage and the rest 
of her body regained strength very quickly. Her broken bones healed 
and now two moths after the accident Michiru didn't want to stay in 
hospital any longer. There would be other meetings and a lot of 
therapies but Michiru was slowly sick of the hospital. The tense of 
disinfectant and ill people.

"Ruka!" The wheelchair turned around and Michiru rolled over to her. 
She was wearing her light blue tracksuit. Different magazines laid on 
her lap and her blue eyes shone. "I wanna go to this high school!" 
declared the young violinist loudly then she smiled at the flowers.

"White roses. Are they for me?" she asked and her smile grew even 
wider. She reached her hand and touched the soft petals. "I love how 
they smell." She whispered and took a deep breathe. 

"You really want to go back to school, don't you?" asked Haruka while 
she put the flowers in a vase and sat down on the bed next to the 
wheelchair. Michiru learned quickly to handle it. The nurse said that 
she had a talent for it. She practised hard because she didn't want to 
stay in bed forever as she told Haruka one day.

"Don't make such a face! You aren't so good that you can miss a whole 
school year. After all it is in Tokyo and there we would have our own 
apartment. All pupils have their own rooms or apartments there and 
I've got enough money to pay the rent. It's a very good school and I 
won't see anything that remembers me of my parents."

Haruka looked for some seconds sadly at the suddenly pale girl next to 
her. Michiru hardly spoke about the death of her parents but Haruka 
knew that it hurt a lot. The young violinist simply didn't want to 
move into one of the houses or the flats her parents inherited her. 
She wanted to live in another region for some years until she had 
enough power to accept and to understand the sudden death of her 
family. Of the persons who meant everything in her life. Who loved her 
with all their hearts.

Haruka leaned forward and touched gently the left hand of the musician 
and smiled understanding.

"The school takes talented young people and teaches them up to the 
last Level. We don't have to change school till we finish it. That's 

"Talented people?" Haruka frowned and looked into the papers down in 
Michiru's lap.

"Hai, I am known as a violin player and you're Junior Champion of 
Japan as a motorbike racer. They simply couldn't refuse us."

"Couldn't?" asked Haruka alarmed and raised one eyebrow as she saw the 
innocent look of the deep blue eyes she got to know too well during 
the last two months. Whatever Michiru wanted she achieved it. She left 
the hospital for some hours at weeks before she would have been 
normally allowed. She convinced the doctor that spaghettis and tomato 
sauce was better for her than pudding. She got a single room after she 
argued too much with the old woman who shared her room after she came 
from the intensive care unit.

"Well, Ruka. Here are our affirmations. The doctor said I'd leave 
hospital next week and I don't want to return in my parent's beach 
house before I am ready." She hold up two letters and grinned a guilty 
grin. But her eyes shone. Haruka just couldn't argue with her. Michiru 
found her goal after the accident and the young racer was pleased 
about it. She was relieved that Michiru invested so much powers in her 
future after she got to know the truth about the damage of her body. 
First Haruka had feared that the young violinist would give up herself 
and moan to death. But she didn't. She didn't give up.

She's the strongest person I know.

Haruka raised her hand and stroke some strands of the sea green hair 
on the small back of her best friend. Her only friend.

"You aren't angry? You see, you'll love this school, too." She took 
some papers in Haruka's hands and rolled over to the table were some 
others laid.

"Mugen Gakkuen? A strange name for a high school."

"But a very exclusive one." Michiru pushed some buttons on the CD 
player and soft violin music filled the air. It was the first concert 
the young violinist had ever given. Her parents had recorded it and 
Haruka took the CD out of the sea house she was staying at the moment. 
She wasn't allowed to stay the whole day and the whole night at 
hospital even if she wanted to.

Michiru took a deep breathe and rolled back to the bed and took 
Haruka's hand in her suddenly icy ones.

"And the apartment is made for handicapped people."

Haruka looked up from the papers and looked into the pale face of the 
girl who was sitting in the wheelchair. Who would never be able to 
leave it again. The doctor declared her that her backbone was damaged 
too much and that she wasn't able to move her legs anymore. Michiru 
still felt them, felt the pain when the broken bones were healing. But 
she didn't have the power anymore to move them or even to stand on 
them. Her whole life she would be dependent on the wheel chair.

Haruka squeezed gently the hand in her own ones and smiled loving at 
the pale girl. Michiru was very silent after she got to know about the 
truth and didn't want to see anyone during the next days. Not even 
Haruka. Then she asked after a wheelchair and since that day she 
learned very hard to handle it as if it was her legs now. She didn't 
give up and fought hard. That she planned her high school future 
showed how much she hung on life.

Hope her enthusiasm is not only for her a chance to ignore her 

But each time Haruka tried to talk to her about that topic Michiru 
simply changed it and so the young racer decided to give her another 
time to think it over. To accept it. And maybe to understand it.

"So you're going to leave this terrible house at last?" asked Haruka 
and the smile that evolved on Michiru's face warmed her heart.

"Hai, next week. When the doctor won't let me go, I'll leave this 
scary building by myself. And no one can hinder me!" Michiru made such 
a determined face that Haruka smiled automatically back.

"Sure you will." Haruka leaned forward and embraced the young 
violinist in the wheelchair. She laid her head on the small shoulder 
and looked down on the papers in Michiru's lap.

"So tell me something more about Mugen Gakkuen ."


The wind blew sharply and tears were burning in her eyes. She wore a 
thick jacket and thick trousers. A scarf protected her neck and gloves 
her hands. Determined she pushed her wheelchair down the drive of the 
hospital. She didn't want any help. She was able to reach every goal 
by herself.

It was such a wonderful weather when I left our house.

Michiru raised her head on looked at the blank trees. They looked like 
ghosts. Grey and naked. The trees disappeared some weeks ago and now 
nature was waiting for snow. The sky was covered with grey clouds and 
hardly the sun ever found a way through them.

The whole city around looks so pale, so dirty. So dead...

Michiru swallowed and fought successfully against the tears in her 
blue eyes. Her back hurt as she pushed the wheelchair towards the 
parking space. Of course it had a automatic service but she didn't 
want to loose the small powers that were left in her arms after the 
accident. If she used the automatic service she would give in that she 
was helpless and she didn't want to be helpless. 

Or weak!

Her strong Haruka carried her bags. She walked silently beside her. 
First she wanted to help her but one look in Michiru's determined face 
told her that she better took the bags and kept silent.

"What...?" Michiru stopped the wheelchair and looked surprised at the 
large dark blue car Haruka headed towards. It had a five doors and was 
big enough for a big family.

Or a wheelchair...

Michiru oppressed a sob and lowered her head as Haruka helped her out 
of the wheelchair and into the seat. She embraced her and hold her 
tight. For some moments they stayed so. Haruka pulled her gently 
against her warm body.

"I sold my Suzuki." She declared after a while and looked with a 
strange expression Michiru had never seen on her face down at the 
smaller girl. "The race two months ago was my last one. I don't want 
to go on the track again. It was my father's dream, not my own one." 
Haruka smiled confident. She didn't tell Michiru that she decided for 
this car because it was big enough for the wheelchair. And she didn't 
tell her that it was ideal for being modified in some years when the 
young violinist was old enough to get her own driver's licence.

Michiru just nodded and watched Haruka how she put the wheelchair in 
the boot and took seat behind the steering wheel.

"You're only fifteen. How can you drive a car by your own?" she asked 
after they started  The houses rushed by and Michiru hardly recognized 
the city she grew up. It all looked so different. So strange.

"Hey, I am Japan's Junior Champion. I got my driver's licence when I 
was ten years. I got it for the bike and for the car because my father 
wanted me to be a formula one racer after I'd reach World's 
Championship with the Suzuki." Declared Haruka and observed the 
mirrors. The young violinist watched her for another while in silence. 
Then she raised her hand and stroke over the scar that was visible on 
the girl's right cheek. Slowly it got paler and maybe it would 
disappear. But the mental scars wouldn't disappear that fast. Maybe 
they'd stay forever...

"Does it still hurt?" she asked and looked into surprised green eyes. 
They hardly spoke about Haruka's father and how he treated his 
daughter to become a cool, independent motorbike racer. How he forced 
her to cross her limits, to break the records and to be the best 
motorbike racer of Japan. But Michiru suspected a lot and it hurt her 
to know that Haruka was beaten by her father more than once.

"It's okay." The young racer took the stroking hand in her right one 
while the left one still hold the steering wheel. Encouraged she 
smiled at the smaller girl and wondered how she could be so concerned 
about her when she had her own nightmares to face.

It's okay. As long as you're with me.

She wanted to say it aloud but since that night when she almost lost 
her Michi-chan, Haruka didn't find the right words or simply the 
courage to say them aloud. But often Michiru seemed to understand her 
without many words.

The young violinist smiled back and squeezed the hand gently.

"I know." She whispered. Then she looked out of the window. They left 
the city and drove along the beach. The Mugen Gakkuen  laid a little 
bit outside Tokyo near the sea. Michiru looked out to the wide ocean 
and the waves reflected in the tears that suddenly burned in her deep 
blue eyes.

I loved it to walk along the sand. To swim in the fresh water...

She turned away and switched on the radio. Then she closed her eyes 
and listened to the classic music. She spent her summers in a light 
house by the sea with her parents. When her father needed the peace 
and silence there to compose his music and when her mother had 
holidays. It were the best summers of her life. There she could be 
wild and loud she wasn't allowed in their house in the city. She 
wasn't allowed at school or at stage. Those summers are over. Forever.

Again the warm hand squeezed her own one.

In such a summer I met my Ruka for the first time. She raced along the 
beach with her Suzuki and almost crossed over me. She was so sorry 
about it and invited me to an ice cream in the city. I went with her 
and we had a great day. For the next weeks she visited me every day 
and it were the best weeks of my whole life.

Michiru squeezed the hand back and took a deep breathe.

Until Haruka's father got to know it...

"We're... there." Heard Michiru her best friend's voice. She knew what 
Haruka first wanted to say: We're home. But both of them didn't have a 
real home anymore.

Michiru opened her eyes and looked at the girl sitting next to her.

All we have is each other.

She looked out of the window as Haruka took the wheelchair out of the 
boot. They stood on a huge parking space near the huge towers of Mugen 
Gakkuen. It was the largest construction Michiru had ever seen before. 
It was surrounded by a wall of trees and the sea rushed in their near. 
There were great meadows between the towers and other trees. Banks and 
sport places. And Michiru was sure that there was more she couldn't 
see yet. More inside and outside the huge buildings.

This is my future.

She decided to go to this exclusive school. Together with her Ruka. 
They never discussed about it. It was clear that Haruka would follow 
her Michiru everywhere. Just once she asked why it was possible for 
Michiru to rent an apartment and Michiru just explained that she had a 
good lawyer. And enough money. She didn't get a guardian because her 
lawyer was good enough to prevent it. She needn't one.

Ruka's my guardian angel.

Carefully Haruka took Michiru in her strong arms and helped her into 
the wheelchair. In some months she would be strong enough to get in 
and out of the car by herself but at the moment she needed help for 
this action.

"I'll take the bags later. First let's find someone who shows us our 
apartment." Declared Haruka and Michiru just nodded. Silently the 
young racer walked slowly beside Michiru who pushed her wheelchair 
with all her desperate powers.

"Welcome to Mugen Gakkuen!" A woman stood at the entrance and smiled 
at them. She wore a dark suit and her red hair fell open on her back. 
"I am Kaori. I am here to show you your rooms and to welcome you. Dr. 
Tomoe wanted to welcome you but unfortunately his daughter had an 
attack and so I overtook his task." She declared and shook their 

"I am Kaioh Michiru." Said Michiru and tried to bow in her wheelchair 
but it didn't feel right. She bit on her lips but hold back a swear.

"I am Tenô Haruka." Haruka bowed as well and touched gently the right 
shoulder of the smaller girl.

"We're pleased to have you as our pupils on our school. You will like 
it. Only renowned children of known parents are allowed to visit our 
school. But please come with me." She bowed and went out into one of 
the huge towers. It was even and Michiru couldn't see any steps. Huge 
elevator brought the persons at the different storeys. This tower had 
over thirty.

"This is the living-tower as I call it. The school is in those towers 
over there." Kaori showed through the huge windows while they entered 
the elevator. It was outside the building and consisted of glass. When 
they got up the ocean appeared in front of them. The could oversee the 
area of Mugen Gakkuen  and the beach behind. And the endless sea. The 
sun shone shortly though the thick clouds and the water started to 
shimmer. Automatically Haruka took away her sunglasses and watched the 
ocean quietly. She turned her head and saw the tears shinning in 
Michiru's eyes and knew that she had the same thought as she.

This is were we first met. Were we dreamed a great dream of a great 

"I've heard a lot of your music, Miss Kaioh." Declared Kaori as they 
finally left the elevator and walked along the corridor. The walls 
consisted of glass, too and they could still see to the ocean. The 
other walls were made of normal stone. Behind them the apartments were 
hidden. "I like it. You have an expensive Stradivarius, don't you?"

"Hai." Replied Michiru politely but she didn't want to think of the 
small case that laid on the backseat of the car as well. Haruka 
brought it with her from the light house by the sea together with the 
notes. But Michiru wasn't sure if she would ever be able to touch the 
instrument again.

The corridor was even as well and as they reached the door to their 
future apartment Michiru could see that there was no threshold as 
there were in the hospital. She had real problems to get over them 
with her wheelchair. Tiny steps that didn't interest her at all when 
she was able to walk. She didn't even mention them.

Kaori followed her look and smiled an understanding adult smile.

"Ten percent of all pupils are handicapped in the one or the other 
way, Miss Kaioh. Dr. Tomoe built these towers with the look of 
handicapped, high intelligent people who don't get the chance to study 
at a normal school. One of the reasons for him being so understanding 
is that his daughter survived a bad accident some years ago and she 
isn't really recovered now. She can use her legs but often she's 
simply too weak to. So you won't find any borders for your 
wheelchair." Kaori opened the door and handled each of them some keys 
and some id-cards. "If you have any problems or questions, feel free 
to call me or my colleagues. But I have to apology myself now. I 
promised the sports class to go swimming with them in our swimming 
pool this afternoon." She winked and was gone.

"A nice person." Declared Michiru and rolled into the apartment. She 
stood in the living-room and huge windows showed out to a huge 
terrace. From there you could oversee the ocean. Two bedrooms were 
after a small corridor to the left and the kitchen and a big bath on 
the right side. It was the biggest bad even Michiru had ever seen. 
There was a shower and a bath. The tube had a special  seat that would 
help her into the warm water and out without the need of any help from 
other persons. The washbasin were on her height and the mirrors, too. 
Haruka had to bow a little bit but she didn't complain at all. All was 
covered with soft carpet. Even the kitchen. The cocker was smaller 
than normal and she could almost reach all fans. 

"It's a strange feeling. " whispered Michiru as she rolled on the 
terrace. Here was no threshold, too. The underground was even and 
there were some chairs around a round table. The rim was high but it 
consisted of unbreakable class so that she was able to look down at 
the wide ocean. Suddenly tears were again shimmering in her eyes and 
she fought hard against them. Wind played with her long sea green 
hairs and for the first time after she'd left the hospital she really 
recognized what it meant to be paraplegic. 

No more running, no more riding. No more swimming...

Two strong arms took her out of the wheelchair. Michiru looked asking 
up into dark green eyes. Haruka went over to one of the deckchairs and 
sat down with the young violinist on her lap. She embraced her and 
hold her tight. Slightly she rocked her while they watched the sun 
reflecting in the surface. Rough wind went through their clothes but 
they didn't even mention it.

"Is this our new home?" asked Michiru with a quiet voice and leaned 
her head against Haruka's shoulder. The taller girl leaned her head 
against Michiru's one and started to stroke the sea green hairs that 
felt like velvet.

"I don't know." Answered the young racer honestly and pulled her best 
friend closer.

My home is wherever you are.


"Good morning, boys and girls. Today we have to welcome two new 
pupils." The young teacher stood in front of the class. They were all 
talented and very intelligent pupils from rich parents. The teacher, a 
friendly woman with long blonde hair, looked for some seconds in 
expectant faces, then she waved towards the door.

Haruka took a deep breathe and rolled her eyes. They moved into Mugen 
Gakkuen  one week ago and they both knew that they'd have to join the 
lessons. But she wasn't very keen on it. There were more important 
things to do than to study for silly exams she wasn't really 
interested in to pass. She preferred to got with Michiru to the 
doctor's appointments to see her regaining her strength. To pray every 
time that a wonder would happen and that her Michi-chan's life 
wouldn't be so hard any longer. It was more important for her to go to 
the cemetery together with the young violinist and to talk with her 
about her feelings about her parents' death.

And now I am standing here.

Haruka wore the boy's uniform of Mugen Gakkuen  and as she looked that 
morning in the mirror she had to admit that she really looked like a 
boy. With the brown trousers, the green jacket and the short blonde 
hair she really looked like the son her father always wanted to have. 
The young racer lowered her head and watched silently Michiru in her 
wheelchair. She wore the girl's uniform but she chose for a long green 
skirt instead of a short one. The green and brown colours were okay 
but a blue dress would have fitted better to her. Her sea green hairs 
were hold together in her neck and her face was very pale.

She's looking like a porcelain doll.

Shortly they exchanged glances then they entered the room. Together.

"These are Kaioh Michiru and Tenô Haruka." Introduced the teacher them 
to the class. "They're part of our community now and I hope you will 
be nice to them." The boys and girls nodded good and several curious 
looks touched Haruka but she didn't care about it. Her face was as 
motionless as Michiru's. Shortly they introduced each other to the 
class. Just a few words spoken with insensible voices. Just a few 
words that showed them about their hobbies, their favourite lessons 
and the lessons they didn't like at all. Just a few words that didn't 
betray anything about them. About their real characters. About their 
feelings. About their fears. About their hopes and their dreams.

The rest of the class stood up one after one, bowed and said some 
words to his or her person, too. The same short words that said 
nothing at all. And even if they did, Haruka and Michiru didn't 
mention it. They didn't even listen to them. They just stood their and 
watched the different pupils with empty eyes.

Michiru looked up for some seconds and Haruka understood without a 
word. Carefully she pushed the wheelchair to the two free places and 
sat down next to the young violinist.

"Okay, and now we want to go on with Shakespeare." The teacher smiled 
as some pupils groaned but they all opened their books and looked more 
or less interested down the lines. A girl with long, fire red hairs 
and light eyes turned slightly around and observed the new boy in 
class. Seldom she had seen such a beautiful boy and she decided that 
he was perfect for her. She smiled to herself because she already 
imaged herself with him by her side. It was just a matter of time. Up 
to today she always got what she wanted. Her smile fated slightly as 
she saw how the boy reached under the table for the hand of the 
handicapped girl and hold it tight. Shortly they exchanged glances 
that weren't any longer so empty as they had been some minutes ago 
when they were introduced to the class. Then they concentrated on the 
text. Their fingers were still entwined.


They stood in front of the huge table. Different sheets of paper 
covered the green background.

“The athletics' team?” Michiru rolled next to Haruka and watched her 
how she wrote her name on one sheet.

“Why not? Otherwise can you imagine me in a club where I should sit 
calm and quiet and listen to the teacher’s voice?”

A smile appeared on Michiru’s still pale face. She was a little bit 
worn-out because of the lessons. It was the first lesson she took part 
since over two months. Before the accident she had been on holidays 
with her parents and so she didn’t concentrate on one topic for a long 
time. And she wasn’t used to sit the whole lessons. Her back hurt and 
often it happened that she simply forgot about her handicapped body 
and wanted to stand up and to go in front of the class to explain 
anything in maths or in English. Quickly she remembered it as her legs 
didn’t obey. Fortunately Haruka didn’t mention it. She didn’t want her 
best friend being more concerned about her than she already was.

“No.” She replied and watched how Haruka went over to a page that hang 
too high for the smaller girl to reach. Without hesitation the young 
racer wrote down the young violinist's name. Just at the next page she 
turned around and looked asking at Michiru who just shook her head.

“Drawing is fine. But I don’t wanna play the violin in front of 
audience. Not yet.” She said then she looked away.

“Okay, then our schedule is set. I just don’t understand why I should 
learn French. I am already bad enough in English and Japanese is the 
hardest foreign language for me at all.”

“Don’t complain yourself, Ruka. At least you didn’t have to take the 
lessons in cooking I chose for myself.”

“You aren’t keen on eaten what I create.” Haruka shrugged her 
shoulders and put the pen aside. “And I don’t want to miss your 
dinners. What we ate yesterday was delicious.”

“Hai, it was pizza from the Italian restaurant in the city. They sent 
it free house.” Said Michiru and made a face but the shinning in her 
deep blue eyes betrayed the feelings she showed.

“But YOU was the one who put it on the plates. No one can put pizza on 
a plate like you do.” teased Haruka and leaned forward. Carefully she 
took the young violinist’s pale face in her suddenly trembling hands 
and looked with a now very serious expression on her face down at her.

“Let’s go for a walk along the beach. Do me that honour, Michi-chan. 
We didn’t leave the towers after we came here one week ago.”

Michiru took a deep breathe, then she lowered her look. Her hands 
grabbed the armrest of the wheelchair so hard that the wrist got 

“Didn’t you forget anything?” she asked with a very quiet voice. 
“There’s all this sand and the stones and I..”

“Don’t worry about that.” Answered Haruka and forced her best friend 
to look back into her dark green eyes. 

“Do you remember, Michi-chan, when you told me two years ago that we 
could handle every situation if we just wanted to?”

The young violinist remembered too well her Haruka being very 
desperate at their last evening after her father found out about them. 
It was the first time that Michiru saw the strong racer crying. She 
comforted her the whole evening until her father came and took her 
away from her.

We didn’t have the chance to talk again during the following two 


All I ever wanted was to be together with her. And now I am together 
with her and I am still sad. That’s so crazy.She smiled a sad smile 
and touched Haruka’s hands gently. Her back hurt even more and she was 
sure that her weak, useless legs would join it soon but she couldn’t 
say no when Haruka called her with that pleading voice. She could look 
like a puppy with her green eyes and she knew it.

All I ever wanted to be a partner for Ruka. A partner, not a burden...

“Hai. But afterwards you’ll repair this vehicle.”

“Don’t worry, I repaired my Suzuki several times and once I’ve touched 
your race car it will be so fast that no one can overcome you again.” 
Haruka took the handlebars of the wheelchair and turned it around and 
around until Michiru started to giggle.

“Stop it or I’ll threw up my lunch.” She giggled and tried to reach 
for Haruka’s arms. She laid her head in her neck and looked up in the 
wolfish grinning face of the racer.

“Better you do so. The canteen food wasn’t very delicious.” Replied 
Haruka and raced with her across the whole entrance hall of the school 
tower. “And now we see Kaioh Michiru how she beats all her opponents. 
Soon she will cross the finish line and then she’ll we have proved 
that she’s not only the most beautiful girl, but also the fastest and 

“Ruka! Watch out!” The giggling of Michiru stopped and they both 
almost crashed into the group of girl who left the elevator.

“Ups.” A girl with shoulder long, blonde almost white hairs and 
glasses jumped aside while another one with the same hairstyle but 
green hairs just looked surprised at the two fellows.

“Gomen.” Said the two racers with one excusing voice.

“You are the new pupils?” asked the first girl and stretched her hand. 
“I am Ochi Rumiko and that’s my younger sister Tarô. It’s nice to meet 
you.” They shook hands and Haruka and Michiru introduced themselves 

“I heard you draw very well. I can’t wait to see one of your drawings 
in origin. They wrote a lot in the newspapers during the past years. I 
am in the drawing's club, too.” Said Rumiko and smiled friendly at the 
girl down in the wheelchair.

“Are you a couple?” It burst out of Tarô and she blushed deeply as she 
saw the warning looks of her older sister.

“Gomen, but my sister doesn’t know how to behave. Tarô! What have I 
told you?”

“Don’t ask too much, I know. But then I’ll stay stupid. And do you 
want a stupid sister?”

“You devil!”

“You jerk!”

“You idiot!”

“You baka!”

The argument of the two sisters was interrupted as the elevator opened 
again and a girl with long, fire red hairs came out. She wore her 
hairs open and her look was determined.

“Are you arguing again? You’re a dishonour for Mugen Gakkuen!” she 
snapped at the girls who bowed automatically in front of her.

“Gomen. But she’s such a baka!”

“Gomen. But she’s such a baby!”

“Ah, and you’re the new ones.” The girl looked critically at Michiru 
but her expression changed into something softer as she watched Haruka 
from top to the toes.

“That’s Okuda Ayako.” Introduced Rumiko the pupil to the others. 
Michiru tried to bow in her wheelchair while Haruka just frowned. She 
didn’t know why but she didn’t like that girl. She could slightly 
remember her standing up to introduce herself this morning but she 
didn’t listen. Really listen.

“You don’t sit for long in this chair, d’ya?” asked Ayako and couldn’t 
hold back a satisfied smile as the smaller girl became paler.

Maybe she thinks she’s something special just because she has his 
attention. But she is just a little, handicapped girl who misuses her 
power she has over him. The power of sympathy. But she hasn’t deserve 
him. And I’ll make it clear to her. Up to the next school year he’ll 
be mine. That’s for sure!

“O, I didn’t mention. Was it an accident? My nephew has to sit in a 
wheelchair, too after he fell down a horse.” Said Takô who talked a 
lot when the day was long. “Did you suffer for a long time? Well, now 
you’re on Mugen Gakkuen and surely you will be very happy here.”

“Hai, because the whole building is build for people like you, too. 
Because Dr. Tomoe’s daughter is such a bloody cripple, too.”

“Ayako! Tarô! That’s enough! Don’t you feel ashamed of yourselves?” 
Rumiko stepped protective between the new pupils and her friends.

“Arigato, Rumiko. It’s okay.” Michiru raised her head and looked into 
dark green eyes and shook slightly her head. She didn’t want troubles 
in the new school. Surely not all pupils had that bad opinion. She saw 
how Haruka took a deep breathe and slowly opened her fists. She 
reached her hand and stroke some strands of sea green hair on the 
small back of her best friend.

“Let’s go, Michi-chan.” She whispered and took the handlebars of the 
wheelchair. They didn’t look again at the three girls again as they 
left the entrance hall.

“Go?” whispered Ayako and raised one eyebrow but the two didn’t hear 
her. And if they did so they didn’t react. “How could you dare?” 
Rumiko yelled at her friends and saw shocked the satisfied expression 
on Ayako’s face. The red haired girl stepped with a giggle back in the 
elevator and waved towards the others. But just Tarô followed her. 
Rumiko stood alone in the hall for a while and couldn’t believe the 
last words she heard before the door closed.

“Soon he will recognize that she’s nothing but a bloody cripple!”



Bloody cripple.

Michiru laid awake in her bed. She couldn’t find any sleep and she 
knew she didn’t want it anymore. Not when nightmares would be haunting 
her down.

What had begun as a wonderful afternoon ended in a disaster. She 
almost fell out of the wheelchair when one wheel got caught in the 
sand. Desperately she tried to reach for a mussel but couldn’t get it. 
And after Haruka hat picked it up for her she didn’t want it anymore. 
She threw it into the waves of the ocean and regretted it immediately. 
It made her so sad when she looked out to the sea and knew that the 
days when she swam out there like a fish were gone. Forever gone.

Then their dinner burned in the oven because she didn’t have to power 
to open the heavy oven door and Haruka was under the shower and 
couldn’t hear her yells. When she tried to set the table she broke two 
plates and knocked over her tumbler and the hot tea ruined her green 
skirt of her new uniform. She wanted to wash it but she just couldn’t 
reach the soap Haruka had put on a higher Level of the cupboard 
without thinking. After she cleaned the cloth she decided to take a 
bath. Of course she never used the chair before to get into the tube 
and with a awkward motion she lost balance and fell into the water. 
Well, she couldn’t drown in the light water but she splashed the whole 
bathroom and then she actually didn’t get out of that silly tube 
again. It was only possible with Haruka’s help.

She went, well, she rolled directly into her bedroom and let Haruka 
watch the film they both wanted to watch the whole afternoon. She 
didn’t want to see it anymore. She simply felt ashamed. Not that 
Haruka had seen her naked. That was okay. She had nothing Haruka 
didn’t have, too. Michiru simply felt ashamed because her best friend 
had seen her so helpless. So weak.

The young violinist switched on her CD player and pulled the headphone 
over her ears. She didn’t want to hear anything more from the cruel 
world. Silently she listened to the soft woman’s voice. Her father 
gave her this CD to her last birthday and she loved it. The songs were 
full of love but also full of despair. She chose a very slow, very sad 
song and heard it again and again while she stared at the ceiling of 
her bedroom and wondered if it had been such a good idea to come to 
Mugen Gakkuen. Sure it was her lifeline. She needed a goal after those 
terrible weeks in hospital. All she wanted was to escape the pitying 
looks of the nurses and the doctors who declared her that there was no 
hope for her handicap to be cursed.

Bloody cripple.

Michiru reached for the remote control and the music got louder in her 
ears. She didn’t want to hear the girl’s voice anymore.

And I don’t want to cry anymore!

The young violinist pushed her icy hands upon her burning eyes and 
took a shaky breathe. She didn’t want to think about the next time she 
had to go to the toilette. Now she couldn’t simply leave the bed and 
walk over to the huge bathroom. Now she had to climb somehow into that 
damn wheelchair, get right through the door and somehow get on this 
bloody toilette without falling on the ground. 

I won’t wake Haruka up for such a normal thing.

But now for her it wasn’t normal anymore. It was also very hard for 
her to get dressed in the morning and to get ready for bed in the 
evening. She didn't want to be dressed like a baby, although Haruka 
would have helped her if she’d asked. 

She always wants to help me. But I don’t need her help. I don’t need 
her sympathy. I don’t need...

Michiru shook her head and sighed deeply.

The doctor told her every appointment that took place twice a week 
that she would learn it. She had to learn so many things from the 
beginning as if she was just a five year old girl. The accident was 
just two and a half months ago and it needed time.

Time! Time won’t solve any problems!

Michiru tried hard to behave as normal. As she used to be before that 
bad accident. But deep inside she was desperate and broken. She didn’t 
show it – not even Haruka. She didn’t want to concern her best friend 
and she didn’t need the sympathy of any pupil in her class. 

I have to handle it. As I handled so many complicate situations before 
in my life.

Michiru turned her head towards the open window and watched the cold 
wind playing with the curtains. The young violinist laid on her 
blanket and her breathe froze in front of her face to dust. Her body 
shivered and she was cold but she didn’t care about it.

But this is the most complicate situation of all. Well, at least 
Haruka seems to understand me a little bit. Without her I wasn’t sure 
what to do. Without her I wouldn’t know how to carry on with all this.

She thought that going to Mugen Gakkuen would solve some of her 
problems. Here she would have a new home and new teachers. And new 
pupils. But actually nothing changed. She used to be the rich brat in 
her normal school. The spoiled child of the famous piano player.

Now I am just a bloody cripple. What a career!

Michiru turned on her side in the bed and kept staring out of the 
window. But the sky was cloudy and she didn’t see any stars nor the 
moon. Suddenly she felt very alone.

The violinist tried to roll herself up in a ball as she used to do 
when she felt so sad. But today she oppressed a sob as her hurting 
body refused this motion.


She left her shower as she heard the ringing of the door bell. Ayako 
frowned and covered her body with her bathrobe. Who could this be? She 
didn’t expect any guests, especially not at that late hour when she 
had to write an English test the next day.

“Just one moment.” She yelled and corrected quickly in the corridor 
mirror her still wet hair. Then she opened the door and froze in 
motion as she saw the shadow standing outside. Dark green eyes shone 
angry down at her but the rest of the pale face was calm and without 
any expression.

“Haruka?” asked the girl surprised and stepped back to let the boy in. 
Shortly she observed the black tracksuit he was wearing and the messed 
blonde hair. It seemed as if he had already slept for a couple of 

He’s so be beautiful!

“Don’t you want to come in?” asked Ayako and raised an eyebrow as the 
boy simply shook his head. Then she saw his clenched fists and that he 
breathed hard as if he ran the whole way to her door.

“If you ever call her a cripple again, you’ll regret it.” Said Haruka 
with a calm but dangerous quiet voice. She didn’t want to think of the 
fragile shadow lying on the huge bed listening to one sad song. Again 
and again. Of course she heard the oppressed sobbing as she watched 
the movie without really seeing it. It hurt her so much to see her 
Michi-chan in pain not knowing what to do. Of course everything went 
wrong this evening but the young racer was sure that it wasn’t only 
destiny’s fault. Since that so selfish grinning girl said those cruel 
words the young violinist wasn’t the same. After those words she 
looked sadder, more desperately. Really lost. And I can’t help her!

“You come at midnight to tell me such a silly thing? We’ll write a 
test tomorrow, don’t you remember? You should be at bed sleeping deep 
and tight. After all she shouldn’t be so weak! I won’t be the last one 
calling her this way. Our world is a cruel one, sweetheart.” She 
grinned again at Haruka and the racer stepped towards her until only a 
few inches separated them.

“But you’ll be the first one stop talking to her in that way! She went 
through enough pain. I won’t let you hurt her in that way again!”

“You threaten me?” Ayako managed to giggle although she was afraid of 
that angry expression that laid now on the boy’s face.

He’s only a boy after all...

“No, I just made my point clear.” Haruka turned around and didn’t care 
about her still surprised looks that followed her.

“She’s your girlfriend, isn’t she?” yelled Ayako suddenly after her 
and didn’t care to wake up the whole neighbourhood. “But she isn’t 
good enough for you! She sits in a wheelchair but you want to be in 
motion. I see it in your eyes. You’re unsteady. You like it to run and 
to drive your bike. After all you’re the Junior Champion. She’s just a 
burden for you!”

Haruka clenched her fists and stepped into the elevator. The high 
voice died away as the door closed and Haruka knew that she would beat 
this silly girl down the next time she opened her big mouth again.

The young racer sighed and leaned herself against the wall.

Michi-chan isn’t just my girlfriend. She’s all I’ve got.

Haruka yawned and ran a hand through her messed blonde hairs.

She’s all I need.


She awoke from her light sleep as the music stopped. Someone laid down 
on the bed next to her, took the headphone away and covered her 
shivering body with the soft blanket.

“Ruka?” whispered Michiru with her voice full of sleep and tried to 
turn around. She groaned as her back started to hurt again and she 
simply wasn’t able to move. Panic filled herself but it disappeared as 
two warm hands started to massage her hurting shoulders. They loosed 
her tensed up muscles and reduced the pain in her body. Michiru 
shivered again but not because of the cold that filled the room. 
Slowly her body relaxed and she closed her eyes. The strong hands 
slowly stopped the massage and slipped under the top of her deep blue 
pyjama. Tenderly they caressed the skin of her back, took away the 
nightmares, dispelled all her sorrows even if it was just for some 

“Feeling better now?” heard Michiru her racer whisper and she felt the 
warm body beside her own one. “Hai.” Replied the young violinist and 
suddenly the loneliness she had felt some minutes ago disappeared. She 
felt how Haruka took her in her strong arms and held her tight. With 
an almost happy sigh she leaned her head against the shoulder and 
smelled the perfume Haruka used. 

Here she felt save and secure. Here no one could harm her. Here was 
where she belonged.

“Shall I stay for the rest of the night?” asked the young racer and 
buried her face in the velvet sea green hairs. She could feel how 
Michiru returned her embrace and nodded against her dark pyjama.

For a long time Haruka laid there and listened to the regular breathes 
of her best friend. Soon Michiru relaxed in her arms and settled into 
a deep, peaceful sleep. In the light from the moon that broke through 
the dark clouds Haruka could see a relaxed expression on the now 
redden face of her young violinist. Her lips were slightly curved in 
an honest smile.

I love you.

“Good night, Michi-chan.” She said instead aloud although she knew 
that the smaller girl couldn’t hear her. Haruka corrected the blankets 
and made sure that Michiru wouldn’t freeze anymore.

I can’t heal your body. And I can’t help you to accept your destiny.

The young racer laid her head back on the soft pillow and closed her 
tired eyes. The warm body next to her was appeasing and made her 
forget about her own, private nightmares.

All I can do is to be there for you.

Haruka squeezed Michiru gently then she followed her slowly into 

Hope that’s enough.

Onwards to Part 2

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