Crystal Tokyo, California (part 2 of 7)

a Sailor Moon fanfiction by Shanejayell

Back to Part 1
She was locking the office door when she felt someone coming up behind 
her. She turned, quickly, and startled the beautiful green hared girl. 
"Michiru?" Haruka said surprised. The younger woman seemed to look 
even better than when Haruka had first seen her, with the flush on her 
cheeks and the glitter of her angry eyes. Angry?

"Don't startle people like that!" Michiru said crossly.

"You snuck up behind me," Haruka answered her quite mildly. Michiru 
blinked a bit at that, then she blushed.

"Anyway," Michiru continued, looking a bit embarrassed "I wanted to 
apologize for running off when Setsuna introduced you." Her face 
flamed a bit brighter as she looked away from Haruka's searching gaze.

"It's all right." Haruka said smiling, and placed her hand lightly on 
Michiru's arm. Haruka smiled down at Michiru a bit sadly, "I've scared 
people away before."

"Then they didn't know you very well," Michiru found herself 
answering, even as she continued to look into Haruka's eyes.

Michiru smiled shyly up at Haruka for a moment, then shook herself. 
"Setsuna sent me," she said, "to let you know lunch is being served."

Haruka looked a bit perplexed, and Michiru suddenly smiled, 
astonishing Haruka with how it seemed to light up her beautiful face. 
"You haven't had one of Makoto's meals yet, have you?" she asked her 
with a cheeky grin. She laughed softly, "Trust me, once you eat her 
cooking, you don't want to miss it."

Haruka smiled and laughed. "Ok, I guess I can't miss it." Tentatively, 
she offered her arm, and with a warm smile, Michiru took it. They 
walked together slowly along the boardwalk, enjoying the sun and some 
envious glances.

"I was wondering, how did a small frontier town end up with a name 
like Crystal Tokyo?" Haruka asked smiling.

Michiru laughed. "You've seen the town's Asian population? Apparently, 
some ruffian got the bright idea of having a exclusive brothel filled 
with all sorts of sweet young Japanese things," Michiru said in biting 
tones. "Being an abusive fool as well, he mysteriously disappeared one 
night. The young women he imported decided to stay here and sent word 
to friends and family back east. They, along with some new arrivals, 
began to try to establish businesses and to prospect in the area."

"When the large veins of quartz and other crystals were found outside 
of town, they began to more seriously organize the place," Michiru 
continued, "and Crystal Tokyo was born."

Haruka nodded. "I noticed a photograph in the office, of Setsuna, 
Usagi and another woman. She was the sheriff, wasn't she?"

Michiru sighed softly, "Yes, she was. Serenity came here about a year 
ago, and helped get us all moving, really." She continued sadly, "She 
was mayor and sheriff, and everyone came to her with their problems."

"Big shoes to fill. And what did she have to do with Setsuna?" Haruka 
asked softly. She thought she knew, but it was best to be sure.

"She and Serenity came here together. They lived separately, because 
of their jobs and that Serenity was a very private person, but they 
planned to get married. Until Diamond and his goons came," Michiru 
said bitterly.

"Thanks for telling me," Haruka said with a sad smile as they reached 
the Palace together. They stopped outside for a moment, and Michiru 
looked up at Haruka's handsome face. The blond haired woman looked 
questioningly into Michiru's eyes.

"I'm glad you cared enough to ask," Michiru said softly. She looked 
torn for a moment, then went up on tiptoe to place a soft kiss right 
on Haruka's lips. Before the other girl could react, Michiru slowly 
smiled and sauntered into the building.

Haruka stepped in and found the front room of the Palace empty, but 
she heard the chatter of many voices from the kitchen. Walking in, 
Haruka came to a dead stop, even as her eyes widened in astonishment. 
A long, ten foot table was covered, from one end to the other, with 
delectable foods, western and Japanese.

"I've said it before, but I'll say it again: I've died and gone to 
heaven." Haruka said, grinning happily. The others were gathered 
around the table, smiling at her awed expression. As Haruka sat down, 
a silent signal seemed to have been sent, and everybody dug in!

After lunch, Haruka smiled at Setsuna, gesturing slightly towards the 
stairs with her head. Setsuna excused herself from the talking, and 
followed Haruka up to the parlor. They both sat, and Haruka leaned 
forward to speak.

She looked across at Setsuna, and she wondered what other secrets her 
Aunt now had. She was still a bit shaken, to learn about her and 
Serenity, to discover that there was a very large part of Setsuna's 
life that she knew absolutely nothing about.

"You have that serious look on your face," Setsuna said. She leaned 
back casually and asked "Is it good news or bad?"

"I'm staying, and I'm willing to be the town's sheriff." Haruka said 
to her simply. Setsuna smiled, but noticed Haruka's serious expression 
hadn't gone away. Haruka started to speak, then she stopped and 
thought about something for a moment.

"If you want to know, just ask." Setsuna quoted herself with a smile, 
even as she looked across at her niece anxiously..

Haruka smiles a bit at that. "Why, in all those letters you wrote, did 
you never tell me about Serenity?" Haruka asked her sadly.

Setsuna looked at her in surprise, "I'm sorry, Haruka. I wanted to 
tell you about her so many times, but the opportunity never arose."

"You probably wanted to tell me in person, and I kept saying I'd be 
back for a visit. But I never found the time to go back home," Haruka 
said with a sad sigh. "I guess you would have told me if I had, huh?"

Setsuna nodded her agreement. "I met Serenity not long after you left 
home, Haruka. We were friends at first, and eventually we became 
lovers. She was a widower with a daughter to raise, so I felt I needed 
to keep her secret."

"I wish I had the chance to meet her." Haruka said sadly. "Anyway," 
Haruka brightened a bit, sitting up, "you've found your sheriff."

"Knowing my friends downstairs," Setsuna said with a laugh, "we'll 
probably have a big party to celebrate."

"As long as I don't have to wear a dress," Haruka quipped, rolling her 
eyes and shuddering. "So whom do I see to get sworn in?" Haruka asked, 
all business.

"You'll have to go see the mayor for that," Setsuna said, rising from 
her seat. She began to rifle around one of the nearby bookcases, 
looking for something mixed in with all the books and boxes resting 

Haruka asked "Do I need to make an appointment?"

"Ah ha!" Setsuna exclaimed as she finally found whatever it was she 
was looking for. She held up the sheriff's badge proudly. "No, I'm 
pretty sure I can fit you in my schedule. We'll do a public ceremony 

"You're the Mayor too?" Haruka asked, though somehow she wasn't really 
that surprised. Setsuna always was a take charge kind of person.

Setsuna actually blushed a bit as she explained to her modestly, 
"Well, nobody else wanted the job." She straightened Haruka's shirt a 
bit, then carefully pinned the shining tin star just over her breast 

Haruka noticed immediately that the front of her shirt sagged from the 
weight. Setsuna began to laugh, before she unpinned the badge. "I 
always wondered by sheriffs wore those silly looking vests," Haruka 
sighed, "and now I know why."

Setsuna nodded in sympathy. "Serenity used to complain about it too," 
she sighed a bit sadly. She brightened a bit, "Hold on!" and got up to 
step into her bedroom. The sound of her rummaging in one of her 
closets could be heard.

She emerged with a tanned leather vest, colored a soft gold. "Try this 
on," Setsuna urged Haruka with a smile.

Haruka slipped it on, then looked in the long mirror before nodding to 
herself thoughtfully, "It looks good." She looked over at Setsuna 
curiously, "It's not something I would have thought you'd wear, 

"Serenity had it made for her," Setsuna said, then she chuckled a bit, 
"but it was a bit too small across the chest." She mimed trying to 
pull a too small item across one's breasts, and they both shared a 

Haruka picked up the badge, turning it gently in her fingers as she 
looked at it thoughtfully. She extended her hand to Setsuna, "Let's 
try it again."

The badge glinted on the golden vest, shining silver in the sunlight 
from the parlor window. "Let's take you down stairs," Setsuna said 
with a impish smile, "I'm sure you'll set all the ladies' hearts a 

Haruka smiled a bit, "So far there's just one heart I'd like to get 
going." She grinned at Setsuna's soft laugh.

They came down the steps together, Haruka just behind Setsuna, so it 
took a moment for everyone to see the badge she was wearing. Makoto 
spoke up first, "Congratulations," and slapped her on the shoulder so 
hard Haruka staggered.

"Thanks," Haruka winced, rubbing her sore shoulder.

Ami smiled at her in sympathy, "We're ready to support you."

Rei and Minako stepped up, Rei saying "I'm sure the Diamond gang 
hasn't got a prayer." Minako nodded in agreement.

Michiru looked at Haruka, her eyes wide. She took a few steps forward, 
reaching out to gently touch the badge. "It's very becoming," she said 
softly, then looked up at Haruka. She was about to say something more 
when a loud, wailing cry could be heard.

Usagi ran right at Setsuna, and began to punch at her wildly with both 
hands, "How could you?" the sobbing girl demanded. "Mother was the 
sheriff, not her..." she broke down into shuddering sobs. Setsuna 
reached out to try and grab her, but Usagi pulled away, running from 
the room and out the front entrance.

The other young women ran after her, leaving Haruka, Michiru and 
Setsuna standing there stunned. Haruka put her hand gently on 
Setsuna's shoulder, and when she turned her head saw that her Aunt was 

"Go after her," Haruka urged her quietly. At Setsuna's confused look, 
Haruka elaborated, "You're the closest thing to a mother she has, 

Setsuna took a deep breath, squaring her shoulders. "You're right," 
she conceded, and headed out after Usagi.

Michiru looked torn between staying with her new friend Haruka and 
chasing her old friend Usagi. After a few minutes she looked up at 
Haruka with a little frown and asked her, "Why aren't you going after 

"I'd probably make her more upset being there," Haruka said softly in 
reply, "being the cause of the trouble and all," and only adding in 
her mind, 'and I can't stand women crying.' She shook her head, "I 
wish that had gone better."

"Usagi's a good kid," Michiru said softly, "but I guess she misses her 
mother, and doesn't want someone else's legend to eclipse hers."

Haruka was about to ask what that might mean, when the others trooped 
right back in, Usagi in the lead. The girl walked right by and up the 
stairs without saying a word. She had stopped crying, thankfully, 
though it did look like she had taken quite a fall out there. She 
looked very dignified, still, even covered with a layer of brown dust.

Several of the girls followed her upstairs trying to reason with her, 
and getting the cold shoulder in reply. Setsuna stopped by Haruka and 
Michiru and heaved a weary sigh.

"What happened?" Michiru asked her quietly, sneaking glances as the 
dust covered girl went into her room, slamming the door behind her.

"She tripped on the sidewalk and fell face first on the road," Setsuna 
said, fighting the urge to smile at Usagi's clumsiness.

Haruka chuckled a bit, getting a glare from the other two. "Sorry," 
she shrugged.

"That cut the crying off," Setsuna continued, "and after a bit of 
talking we got her back inside to clean up. She's still pissed with 
me, though."

"She'll get over it," Michiru said confidently. She added, "Once she 
realizes that Haruka isn't trying to take her mom's place, she should 
calm down."

"I hope so," Haruka sighed softly. She didn't need anyone else angry 
with her right now, she had enough to worry about with the Diamond 

A rough camp was set up high in the hills, well concealed in the many 
twists and turns of the canyons. Several tents are arranged carefully 
around a campfire, where four pretty young women were trying to cook, 
while a short distance away, three figures are seen sitting around a 
small fire, talking quietly amongst themselves.

"It seems that Rubius wasn't up to the challenge," the lime green 
hared girl said with a cheery smile. Without warning, she broke into 
loud peals of laughter that made the two young men around her visibly 
wince in pain.

"I think we noticed, Emerald," the white haired man said to her dryly. 
He looked at her, then at the blue hared man sitting beside him, as he 
coldly asked "But do you really think you and Sapphire could do any 

Sapphire pushed his hair back from his face in a coolly arrogant 
gesture as he said, "Of course I could, Diamond. Rubius was a fool to 
shoot Serenity in the back, and a even greater one for losing to this 
Tenoh Haruka."

"She has quite a reputation, Sapphire," Emerald said to him archly, 
"do you really think you might be faster than her?" She shook her head 
mournfully, "I wouldn't want you to end up like poor Rubius, dead on 
the street."

"And how would you handle her, then?" Sapphire shot back, obviously 
angered by her teasing words. Diamond let them fight onward as he 
watched them with a great deal of amusement. If one killed the other, 
it would merely prove the victor was stronger.

"I'd let her handle me instead, " she answered him with a slow, sexy 
smile. She suddenly produced a slim, wicked looking knife, seemingly 
from nowhere as she added coldly, "And then I'd give her this."

Diamond held up his hands, stopping their fighting for a moment. "Lets 
do both, then," he said to the two of them calmly. He turned to 
Emerald first, "Get into the town and into this Tenoh Haruka's heart. 
You can do to her whatever you wish." She smiled broadly at that, a 
bloodthirsty glimmer in her eye.

Diamond addressed Sapphire next, "While she tries guile, I want you 
and the girls," he nodded to the four around the nearby fire, "to 
prepare to attack the next stagecoach. The new sheriff will surely be 
along to guard it."

Diamond got up to look at the hills around them thoughtfully. "The 
people in the town don't know about the riches concealed in these 
hills," he said softly, "and we must drive them away before they 
stumble upon it."

Onwards to Part 3

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