Quest for Balance

a Slayers fanfiction by MysticMew

Timeline/Spoilers: After Try, I will not include any events from the 
movies other than stray references and maybe a few things from Motion 
Picture (since that is the only one I've seen).


Well, as so many other works I started this on a whim. I got the 
Anime on DVD a week before starting this (I have a lot of time to 
watch at the moment) but I had seen most of Slayers in a local dub 
before. For all of you to understand how I'm going to do things. 
Mostly references and info will be taken either from the 78 anime 
episodes, MAYBE the movie with Joylock and Rowdy in it here and there 
(since that is the only one I've seen) and what I can pull from 
Slayers Universe ( like spell incantations, names 
etc. I may take some liberties in interpreting a name here and there 
because there are so many alternative ways to romanize a Japanese 
name that you can't just pinpoint a single one. Because of this there 
won't be any inclusion of Naga because I barely know her other than 
from internet sources and that one movie. Of course that could change 
if I come into possession of the other movies for example but you 
should better consider it highly unlikely.
This work will be divided in four separated segments. You can read 
those four in any order you'd like though they will most likely not 
be completed parallel but as my mood and my muse likes too. :) The 
primary focus though you can expect to be on Lina's party since that 
was the initiator for the story altogether.
Constant updates for now will be done at my Slayers group 
(, Pmak's Lina/Sylphiel group 
( and on the SA board 
(, where I 
will develop this story slowly. In many ways this is a first for me 
since there are no clear parts for posting, just the segments and 
releases to the archives if enough material is there. And I have 
already written up a hell of a lot background stuff, something that I 
rarely do. So I guess Maia really got stuck on this. *sigh* I have 
way to many fics...


I sat motionless in the clear water of the spring. The water's 
temperature was cold as expected so high up as these regions were. 
However, that didn't bother me. Having spent several days up here 
lets your body grow accustomed to it and the clear water was doing 
wonders to one's body as long as you didn't overdo it.
	It had been months now since I parted ways with Lina-tachi. 
Restless but without a purpose and goal I had wandered across the 
land, searching for people who might be in need of my service until I 
finally returned to Sairaag, in hopes of aiding its rebuilding. Sadly 
enough the shockwaves from the Lord of Nightmare's brief appearance 
had pretty much destroyed everything that was still standing after 
Copy Rezo's casual destruction. That meant the city would have to be 
rebuild from scratch which might as well take several lifetimes.
	Quickly I had found myself growing restless and questioning 
my purpose again, now that my father and hometown were gone. I had 
enjoyed being in company of Lina, Gourry and the others, yet had 
lacked the feeling of a closer connection. The four of them - meaning 
Lina, Gourry, Amelia and Zelgadis - were a good team, I always sort 
of felt like the fifth wheel. Not to mention that the odd displays of 
affections between Gourry-sama and Lina weren't tolerable for me in 
the long run. I had long since figured out that Gourry would never be 
mine. However, I hadn't been exactly sure what his feelings towards 
the redheaded sorceress were. It could be both love or simply a 
strong bond like siblings... After the defeat of Fibrizo though their 
affection had become so blatantly obvious that they could have 
declared it from the rooftops and no one would have be surprised.
	Deciding for myself that it was time to find myself and my 
continued purpose in this world I had left behind my homeland and 
embarked on a lone mission towards the outer world and soon after 
getting back on land found myself in this mountain range, high over 
the Kingdom of Goya, one of the bigger ones around here. Up here was 
a small shrine that had for generation served the purpose for 
travelers to use as a place to find enlightenment. Few people ever 
came here and right now the place was utterly deserted except for the 
kind caretaker, a middle-aged woman who claimed that she was living 
here for centuries already. I found that hard to believe since she 
neither stroke me as Shinzoku and surely not as Mazoku. Besides the 
latter would have had a hard time living in a place so pure as long 
as she claimed.
	The small mountain spring was my favorite place for 
meditation and I came here almost everyday a few hours. And while I 
was still unclear of where my path would lead me next I had already 
one bitter truth revealed to me. So far a part of my life had been a 
delusion, a self-deception based on nothing more but simple hero-
worship. Yes, I was speaking about Gourry. I had become totally 
infatuated with the blonde swordsman for the sole reason that he once 
saved our town from a monster, carried the Sword of Light like the 
legendary hero who once fought Zanaffar and he liked my cooking. It 
wasn't as if Gourry didn't have appealing character traits but I had 
always only seen him as a hero and never really treated him like the 
normal person he still was... Treated him like Lina did. My so-called 
love for Gourry Gabriev was nothing more than an illusion.
	Surprisingly this truth did not hurt as much as I expected. 
Maybe it would have hurt more if I hadn't realized before that my 
chances at a relationship with Gourry were next to zero, as it was I 
just felt a little sad and maybe a bit foolish about my antics, 
looking back on it.
	A sudden tingling sensation that crawled over my body was the 
only warning I got as I was jolted out of my reverie and scenes, 
pictures, of a vision maybe, flashed before my mind's eye. Too fast 
to clearly make out, too clouded to make out details. Destruction, a 
lot of it was the generous theme. It looked like scenes from a war, 
an ultimate struggle. Dragons, Mazoku, hideous beasts and strange 
creatures were everywhere. Blood, there was so much blood, 
meaningless deaths and even more destruction. Cities, whole countries 
were laid to waste as if nothing more than obstacles. Then there was 
a glowing light, an eerie twilight in a mixture of blackest pitch and 
brightest light with blue flames dancing around the light's corona. 
It was like an eclipse and a sunrise at the same time. Three figures 
could be seen in the center of the light but they were hard to make 
out. The one in the center though...
	And then the vision abruptly ended and I bend forward 
gasping, almost falling face-first into the water. The feelings that 
came with the scene were so intense and realistic. All this terror 
and the screams of the innocent. But looking at this light had made 
me feel so warm and at ease. I had felt a strong pull, as if I 
belonged there, needed to be inside this light...
	I shook my head to clear it and rose from the water, 
beginning to clean up and don a light robe over my body. Stopping at 
the edge of the mountain top I looked across the land below. It 
seemed it was time to set out again. Something about this vision was 
pushing me onwards, an urgent message to seek out the meaning behind 
this. And there was one person who usually ended up in the midst of 
such troubles.
	Lina Inverse.


Quest for Balance - Humanity's Chosen (Lina's Quest)
Based on the works of Hajime Kanzaka and Rui Araizumi
By Matthias Engel


<Outskirts of Goya Kingdom (Lina)>
	There was a brief and truly unsettling pause before flames 
shot out from the cave entrance, hissing and devouring. Destructible 
forces of natures let loose with a single word which had become 
feared on her home content among those that had to actually fear it. 
Soon afterwards Lina Inverse emerged from the cave, sacks of bounty 
over her shoulder and quite happy for the record...
	Would you stop trying to put thoughts in my head that make me 
appear as if I usually refer to myself in third person? Why, thank 
	Anyway, as I was saying, today's bounty had been good and 
together with all the bunch acquired over the last month or so we 
might as well afford something better than a fifth-classed inn and a 
shabby meal consisting of only three different courses at best... 
divided through two.
	I looked sideways at my companion, expecting to find a 
sulking, dignified displeasure screaming at everyone who simply 
looked. To anyone's amazement who did not follow last month's 
progress that wouldn't have been what they would have found, the 
young Princess only seemed unconcerned and indifferent about the 
whole thing, having long since become accustomed to our usual means 
necessary for our continued survival.
	Heaving an exasperated sigh I lifted one hand, pointed over 
my shoulder and let a single Mono Volt fly, hitting dead-on the 
person hiding behind some rocks so blatantly obvious a child would 
have seen it. That had been how many times now?
	"One hundred sixty-two, I think."
	"Thanks, Amelia. I swear the guy is dumber than Gourry or he 
simply is on a quest for suicide. Maybe I ask him next time."
	Agreed, it might be even understandable for someone plotting 
revenge on us under his circumstances. That particular bandit had 
been one of the first we had stripped off of all his treasure, right 
down to his clothes. Literally. But we had been hungry, in desperate 
need of currency and without a guide or benefactor in sight. Clothes 
sell too, you know. So, it was understandable. I had people following 
me for more stupid reasons and ideas of revenge, mind you. However, 
the guy was practically far worse than many of the most shabby 
bandits back home and his only fearful feature was the plain 
annoyance factor.
	"What do we do now?" Amelia asked, tugging at her clothing. 
The mage robes were slowly beginning to actually dirt and gather 
sweat. Even with a permanent use of the Gray Buster spell you had to 
wash them once in awhile and money had been scarce, just enough to 
come by and the water around here was to polluted for my taste, 
seeing as technology had progressed far more than anywhere else I had 
traveled before. It was totally not my taste.
	"Well, I, for myself, would not mind a nice meal and a bed 
for once... and get those clothes washed before I'm really going to 
stink." The dark-haired princess nodded her consent 
enthusiastically. "And then we can see what we can afford." 
Increasing my pace I waved the other girl to follow. "Let's find 
ourselves some place to sell this stuff."


	About two hours later, sunset had come over the Kingdom of 
Goya, and we were walking into the entrance hall of a nice, small but 
cozy inn, miles better than most of the places we had become used to 
in the last month - which were often abandoned in favor of camping. 
Finally trading in all of the stuff had been a HUGE relief, both in 
terms of poverty and carrying a lot of the stuff around. It was 
really fascinating how EASY it was to make the most simple things 
into huge money. Take magical amulets or regular artifacts that might 
be rare but not totally uncommon on our home continent for example. 
You'd get a fine price for those from a shop that understood its 
business. Nice enough to come by for a few days, maybe even weeks. 
Here, in a world where humanity was so vastly ignorant of magic, your 
regular amulet got treated as the discovery of the century. I swear 
if I had sold some of the higher quality products I came across on my 
travels - like the Orihalcon statue for example - I could have been 
rich for ten lifetimes.
	Sufficient enough to say by careful haggling - meaning, 
dictating a ridiculous high price which got accepted without blinking 
an eye - I managed to make enough local money that would manage to 
support both us in finding a passage back to the northeast coast and 
a boat back home.
	Why we needed that? Why Amelia and me - only Amelia and me - 
were here and not together with the others? What had happened to get 
us into that predicament. Geez! You are asking now? Is that all the 
curiosity you got? Or were you just so fascinated up to this point?
	Oh well. It is quite simple actually. And I really don't like 
to talk about it too long. So I make it short. We got back from 
defeating Dark Star/Vorfeed/Valgaav and were on our way back home, 
got into a fight between some of the last remaining Shinzoku and some 
Mazoku. Of course we were mixed up into it and immediately scattered 
into all directions of the wind for the second time in a few days. It 
was pure luck that Amelia and I had been nearest too each other at 
the moment the overload of Holy, Unholy and Chaos magic sort of 
decided they had enough and just exploded... At least I didn't wake 
up in a damned attraction of an amusement park that tried to tell me 
I was in a world between the dimensions. I swear if I see someone 
with a pig costume EVER again, I...
	"ONE ROOM?!? I don't believe it! We finally have enough money 
to BUY this whole place and you only have ONE room left?!?" Well, I 
would be doing something like I intended for the poor clerk behind 
the counter who was sweating profusely in the face of impending doom.
	"With one bed..." the clerk added in a tiny voice, 
immediately inching even closer to the wall behind him, not that that 
was possible.
	I was about to seriously consider blasting something but felt 
a hand on my shoulder. "It's alright, Lina-san. It's not as if we 
didn't do this before and I'm too tired to argue." Amelia's voice was 
soft and almost pleading, tired as well. And I could not fight the 
truth of my own exhaustion and desire for ANY kind of comfort, even 
if as small as this one.
	"Fine." Grudgingly I took the keys from the desk and as an 
afterthought only paid three quarters of the price. The clerk was in 
no particular situation to argue. "Tomorrow we are going to look for 
something nicer. C'mon, Amelia, I'm tired as well."
	The young princess followed wordlessly with a quick, 
apologetic look in the direction of the clerk.


The inn was actually cheap compared to the ones we frequented when 
our travels were founded - either on my or Filia's account -, the 
room though was small but comfortable. Cozy and nice. Nothing much to 
look at. To the eyes of two girls who had traveled the road without 
much local currency and no decent city with shops to sell their 
acquired treasures to, however, the room could be compared to the 
room of a queen. Which, if I thought about it, was a ridiculous 
comparison since I knew firsthand how those looked like. It didn't 
matter much to me right now.
	Anger already gone Lina yawned and stretched after having 
strolled into the middle of the room. Dumping the sacks of gold and 
local currency into a corner she immediately proceeded to shrug out 
of her clothing... I might have objected at this point but simply 
turned away with a faint blush and a feeling I couldn't quite 
describe nor actually understand. It's not as if we hadn't seen each 
other naked before anyway. Besides, I could very well understand the 
desirable urge to get out of the by now fairly stinking clothes. An 
itch I could not resist myself even if I wanted to.
	We turned to each other and in mutual agreement 
declared: "Bath." And thus the course was decided, clothing discarded 
and only clad in a bathrobe provided by the inn we hurried off for a 
long needed soak, depositing our clothes into the hands of a maid on 
the way.


	An hour - and one irritated bath attendant who actually had 
just been about to close the tiny but adequate furo for the night - 
later we had returned to our room cleaned and practically shining, 
both of us content over the soft and FRESH robes and nightgowns 
provided by the inn. Curiously I hadn't recalled that they had been 
there when we left for bathing but I might have missed them or the 
patrons simply felt sorry for some poor travelers who only wished for 
a good night's rest.
	Anyway, Lina and I went for a late night snack and after 
returning to the room the redhead went straight to bed and was out 
like a light within the next five seconds. I would have followed her 
example, being beyond tired myself and wanting to cherish the luxury 
of a bed for as long as possible. However, this was the first quiet 
time I had in... ages and even though my tired mind protested I could 
not completely shut out the troubling thoughts that had plagued me 
for half of our journey since arriving on this continent. I had not 
allowed myself to think much about it in the critical phase of saving 
the world, again, and even less so while on the road with Lina. Now 
though I could... as much as I didn't want to.
	I opened the window and leaned on the window-sill, staring 
out into the cloudless night, decorated with countless stars which 
were reaching into infinity. So much to see. So much to experience 
and cherish. So many adventures, people to meet, roads to travel. So 
much... fun. So much that was not for me to have. I was a princess. 
Born from royal blood, chained to duties. It was times like this I 
loathed at my fate, for my life to be so limited.
	Don't get me wrong. I liked who I was now. Traveling, 
adventuring, even spreading the word of justice... But it would all 
go away soon. Go away, be gone beyond my reach, as soon as I set foot 
into Saillune again. And all that because of that one damned letter 
and the one thing my father - who I adored, don't get me wrong on 
this too - could have done to totally shatter my belief in him.
	"I don't want to go back," I mumbled quietly to myself, 
clutching the tiny but oh so important piece of paper between my 
hands. It had a royal sigil and all, neat handwriting, autograph and 
all... I could have done without the content. I hadn't opened it 
right away when we "set out" for the new world. I knew it was meant 
for the original scouting mission and probably was some fancy speech 
and best wishes from my father. It was mostly that, plus one crucial 
	I yelped a little as the letter was snatched out my hand, to 
surprised to hold onto it. "Why's that?" I heard Lina's voice as I 
spun around to see the sorceress standing there reading the letter 
with the sort of interest you could only develop when you were deeply 
	"Ah, Lina-san," I said cautiously, trying to divert attention 
and get her to forget about the letter. "I didn't mean to wake you, I 
just wanted some fresh air..." I trailed off at the expression 
crossing my friend's face. Face scrunched up, brows drawn together, 
eyes like slits but suddenly not from weariness but something quite 
more lethal.
	"I see," she stated calmly. Well, as calmly as you might be 
able to imagine Lina Inverse can when she was secretly fuming. I 
really was glad not to be on her bad side right now. Wouldn't be 
healthy at all. I wasn't quite sure what to make out of this reaction 
since I was expecting actually more something like indifference or 
pitying if it came to the worst but... Why the heck did Lina look so 
	"Maybe it's not quite the right moment but what do you want 
do? We wanted to talk about this anyway." She handed back the letter 
and sat on the bed, patting the spot next to her. Slowly I closed the 
window again and made my way over, sitting down and looking at her 
strangely, bewildered and rather confused.
	True enough, the month I had been traveling with Lina alone 
had somewhat changed what I had taken for granted with Lina Inverse. 
There was a lot underneath the superficial character, the legend 
anyone knew. There was far more than just the bandit killer and 
famous sorceress extraordinary. I had come to know Lina more as a 
person who simply enjoyed life, who chased her dreams and there was 
nothing that would get her sidetracked when she had set herself a 
goal. Lina Inverse had always been someone I had looked up to, seen 
as a hero. These last weeks had taught me more about the person 
underneath all the glory and fame and I felt myself beginning to 
think of someone I looked up to in the sense of envy and longing. She 
had her whole future in front of her, undetermined. She was wild and 
free. Everything I wished to be...
	"Well, that is pretty low, telling you this sort of thing in 
a letter," Lina commented with a huffing sound. "I never quite 
thought of your father as a coward."
	"It's not like that," I defended. "He probably just thought 
it would be a nice surprise. That I would be grateful and have 
something to look forward to." I wasn't really sure where that came 
from, probably from years of formal training and attendance at court. 
It was true that I had never seen myself as much of a princess but 
that didn't mean that I couldn't be one. And some responses simply 
had become automatic.
	"Do you?" I looked up at her, startled at the soft and 
genuinely worried tone. "Do you look forward to it? I mean, you are 
the princess. Shouldn't you be, like: 'Oh, I get my own, dreamy and 
handsome prince and spent the rest of my life in luxury!'" I wasn't 
positive if the statement was meant to be sarcastic or not, yet there 
was that look that told me Lina wanted a honest opinion. My opinion. 
Not that of the Princess of Saillune.
	And so I bit back the automatic reply that had come to my 
lips immediately. "No." It was so quiet hadn't the room been silent 
anyway I doubt even with her closeness the sorceress could have heard 
it. I shook my head silently, fighting back tears. This wasn't a 
place or a time to break down, my upbringing screamed at me. "I want 
to be able to choose myself. I don't want to be chained by society, 
ruling a country and following the ideals of my father. But... It's 
not important what I want. You said it yourself, I am the princess. 
Society expects it from me and..."
	"What do YOU want?" Lina interrupted, jolting me out of my 
self-inflicted melancholy. I stared at the other girl totally baffled 
and unsure how to answer that. My thoughts were spinning in my sleepy 
mind and my basic instincts screamed at me, rattling at their cage, 
wanting to be set free from their concealment beneath formal 
	After a long period of silence I said in a tiny voice. "I 
want to be like you."
	THAT got Lina's attention. "Huh?" She raised an eyebrow 
curiously. "I mean, not that that isn't boosting my ego but again: 
	I chuckled actually, the sound being a mixture between hoarse 
and bitter. "You are everything I ever wanted to be. You are wild and 
free, following your dreams without any restrictions. I never wanted 
to be a princess. I never wanted to be kept in a fancy palace only 
getting out under heavy guard and for a limited time. Ever since I 
was a small child I had a dream of my own. To get out into the world 
and see all the wonders, meeting people and making friends. For a 
time there I thought following my father's example would grant me 
some of that freedom, that I could set out to journey under the guise 
of justice... You and all I've experienced since first meeting you 
taught me how much of an illusion I had been living and how deep I've 
actually buried my dreams."
	One of those instances that had really gotten me to think was 
the old guys pretending to be heroes on that lone island after we had 
been scattered from the shockwave of the gateway being closed. Seeing 
how utterly pathetic their antics were and how much I had wanted to 
be like them, how much I WAS like them, had managed to override the 
false pretense that I actually had some sort of control over my life. 
The speeches, the logic, all of it had come from my father's example. 
I had simply followed in his shadow. I was doing what I never wanted.
	It was for me to be confused again as I blinked at Lina who 
looked for all it was worth as if with that response everything was 
settled and she was ready to go back to sleep. "Excuse me?" I 
sputtered. "How is that okay?"
	"Simple," my friend replied in that matter-of-fact tone she 
always got when she explained the reasons that for her were utterly 
flawless. "You don't want to go back? Fine with me. I wanted to see 
more of the outer world anyway. You say you want too? Then we do. 
Home can wait a little longer."
	"But..." was all I got out before being once again totally 
astonished by Lina's ability to fall asleep within a single moment. I 
sat there, mouth slightly agape for several minutes before I actually 
thought about closing it. The whole thing, the whole conversation, 
had just been too weird and I was unsure of how to take it all. One 
primary emotion though had latched onto Lina's words, fueled by the 
released feelings.
	The ray of hope was tiny, not even worth noticing. But it was 
there. And my heart soared slightly at the prospect of freedom. Be it 
even so tiny and seemingly unreachable. It was there. Lina in her 
casual, easy-going manner had managed to bring forth a secret I had 
hid for most of my youth, dreams suppressed for so long revealed in a 
matter of a few minutes. And for the first time since I was five, 
when I last had seen my sister and when the dreams of an innocent 
child were shattered by her disappearance, I felt free again. 
Relieved of the burden. It wouldn't last, I knew. Whatever Lina might 
think, it wasn't that easy. But for the moment I decided to simply 
believe it was.
	Smiling at the redhead who was making tiny snoring sounds I 
slipped under the covers, hoping to catch some untroubled and much 
needed sleep. I did not even blink an eye when after a few minutes of 
lying awake and arm fell over my upper body and a body snuggled 
closer, sighing comfortable. The occurrence of Lina snuggling up to 
me in her sleep had become so much routine I didn't even wonder about 
it anymore. Something would just not feel right. And at the moment I 
felt much to content to question this strange behavior.
	A few seconds later sleep claimed me as well.


Wandering through the streets of Garabid, the capital of Goya 
Kingdom, I took my time in walking around aimlessly. The sky was 
already turning dark but I had proposed a room earlier and would not 
have to worry about anything. Besides, there was a nice collection of 
stands on the rather enormous market place. A lot of traders and 
merchants were present and selling goods. I had learned fairly 
quickly upon first coming to this continent that the people here 
sometimes had rather old and rare magical artifacts in their 
possession without even knowing so. Family treasures passed down or 
found in some sort of archeological excavation. They merely believed 
it to be a cultural treasure and thought they could make a good 
price. Usually those prices were far beneath the item's actual value. 
In a small percentage of cases they were ridiculous high though.
	I wasn't much the type to take advantage of such a situation 
like... well, Lina. However, it certainly helped to either raise some 
money or get a few items I could only dream of achieving in my 
homeland. And I needed some resources to go and look for Lina and the 
others after all. It might be that I was overestimating this... 
vision... but I was a careful girl, always had been. Better to take 
care of a potential danger now when endangering someone I might have 
been able to help. Lina said to me I was worrying too much. Maybe 
that is the case, being raised as a shrine maiden for most of my life 
often had such an effect on people after all.
	I did, however, take the sorceress' advise and tried to relax 
a little as long as I didn't have a clue where to start looking. I 
knew that Lina-tachi was here somewhere. Anybody sensitive enough - 
even back home - probably felt the echo of the incredible power wave 
about a month ago. Chaos magic. It made me shudder a little although 
it hadn't been unpleasant. Yes, there was a destructiveness about the 
echo but also something warm.
	I had made a reading earlier, trying to pinpoint Lina's 
location specifically but only got as much that she definitely hadn't 
left the continent and actually had to be in a rather close 
proximity. Until I found out more sufficient details though, I 
decided to look around a little. You never knew what you could 
stumble upon as traveling briefly with Lina-tachi had illustrated.
	So it was that I came upon a booth with a wide variety of 
items, varying from cheap imitations to highly valuable amulets and 
other such things. I was not an archeological expert but had read a 
lot during my teachings and was fairly versed in magical and cultural 
items that dated far back, further than the Resurrection War even. 
And as I scanned over the items with a mild interest my eyes passed 
such an object I did at first glance not recognize but a moment later 
my gaze snapped back towards the item like a predator spotting 
prey... Well, okay. Maybe that would be more what Lina had done but 
my reaction came close. Trying to hide my interest - as impossible as 
that seemed judged by my reaction - I looked up to address the man 
behind the booth. I had to look funny there for a moment because the 
seller was currently engrossed in a hushed conversation with a fellow 
merchant and hadn't even acknowledged my presence, yet.
	"I tell you it was supposed to be a real big lizard, a dragon 
maybe. The color of the darkest waters and eyes so sinister a ghost 
would run screaming..."
	A... dragon? With sinister eyes? I blinked at that but before 
I could say something the other man interjected already.
	"Pah, I heard it was supposed to be some horror creature. A 
hideous beast like an octopus with thousand tentacles, devouring 
everything in its sight."
	The two men continued to argue about how hideous the beast 
exactly was and what it looked like. I must say, I felt rather stupid 
and more than a little confused just standing there.
	"Ano... Excuse me..." The two men jumped slightly before 
whirling around. "*sweatdrop* What exactly are you talking about?" I 
inquired curiously, trying to get attention and finding their 
exaggerations for some reasons too heated to be a simple rumor.
	The salesman with the long beard looked at me funny as if I 
wasn't off this world. Well, granted, being sealed away for a 
thousand years from the outer world might count for something similar 
but... "You didn't hear?"
	The other, quite bald and muscular man quickly took 
over. "There is a rumor about some demon beast rampaging along the 
coastlines on the outer edge of the border. Nobody is quite certain 
what it looks like but it has apparently caused a lot of destruction 
in several small cities. People are frightened and pressing King 
Randolf to do something."
	The other salesman nodded in confirmation. "They try to 
downplay it, of course, but you can tell they just have no idea how 
to handle something like that."
	"Oh," I said after a pause, probably sounding rather silly 
being so nonchalant about the matter. I mean, growing up in Sairagg 
you weren't that unfamiliar with that sort of thing. Rumors such as 
those just didn't get to you so much as I suppose it would to common 
people. Especially those that had no background knowledge of magic 
and world order. It could be anything from a lower dragon, over a 
wild beast to a low-level Mazoku. IF the rumor was true, of course.
	I was about to change the topic and get back to try and 
purchase the item I spotted  when a frightened scream split the late 
evening's air. It was the scream of a young girl and that immediately 
set me on high alert. Not to mention that my shrine maiden senses 
shrieked in sudden alarm. "Wha-Wha-What is that?" stuttered one of 
the merchants behind me as I turned around to see what was definitely 
at the very least a wild and quite unpleasant monster - could be a 
Mazoku though - hovering over a young girl menacingly.
	People screamed all around me and I heard a frantic mother's 
voice trying to push through the crowd. I had no idea what was going 
on but I couldn't just stand aside like that. Raising a hand I 
concentrated hard and poured all my will into the spell. Failure 
could mean the little girl's death. "FLARE ARROW!" To my relief the 
arrow that shot from my hand was well-sized and didn't go out like a 
candle in the wind upon contact. All it did though was divert the 
creature's attention which gave one of the bystanders time to pull 
the girl away.
	"That is not very nice," I said, calmly closing some of the 
distance between myself and the creature. "Why are you attacking an 
innocent child like that?" The... thing snarled in response and 
launched a magical bolt at me that bounced off the barrier I had 
risen out of caution. Mazoku then. That shot was too powerful for a 
simple monster but still rather low-level. He might be powerful in 
its own right but compared to some of the things you ran into when 
traveling with Lina...
	With a start I realized how often I tended to compare myself 
with Lina in one or the other way lately. Not because of Gourry 
anymore but just because the redheaded sorceress had made quite an 
impact on my life. I pushed away those thoughts and focused on the 
task at hand. The apparent Mazoku eyed me with a new level of... 
contemplation. Not caution or wariness or alarm or something. After 
all what could a simple human like me do to a superior creature of 
	"It is none of your business, human. But if you must know 
before you die. I am here to spread the word of my master who will 
soon rule this part of the world!" Somehow that sounded... utterly 
	"And who would your master be?" I asked curiously silently 
readying a plan of attack. Okay, maybe there wasn't so much to ready. 
Only few methods existed to combat Mazoku and despite being a fully-
trained shrine maiden I did not know any holy spells since they were 
lost with the end of the Resurrection War. That left only one option 
and for the first time I was really, really glad to have learned this 
spell for a different reason than to impress Gourry.
	"I am under direct orders of Larul, General of the Great Deep 
Sea Dolphin-sama! And I will spread fear over this worthless piece of 
	THAT gave me pause. Dolphin's general? Here? As much as I 
knew this continent was mostly Shinzoku territory and rather 
untouched from both superior races. At least that was what the 
general ignorance and missing knowledge about world order suggested 
to me. What was a Mazoku Lord doing here. Especially making a move so 
openly. They were usually much more subtle.
	"I see. I must ask you to leave this city alone, please. None 
of us means you any harm but I am afraid I must intervene if you 
further terrorize innocent people." As expected the Mazoku simply 
laughed at me not bothering to pay anymore attention, too far gone 
into what he thought was very amusing behavior for a weak human. I 
sighed and dropped the barrier to begin the chant. "Darkness from 
twilight, crimson from blood that flows; buried in the flow of 
	The Mazoku's laughter started to die down and he looked on 
curiously making no move to intervene. His mistake, I suppose.
	"... in Thy great name, I pledge myself to darkness!"
	Now the Mazoku began to look doubtful. "Masaka. You can't..."
	"Those who oppose us shall be destroyed by the power you and 
I posses!" I did not bother with a dramatic pose but simply pointed 
my hands forward, the crimson ball that had formed there crackling 
with power. The Mazoku DID look fearful now and tried to get away. 
Too late.
	It wasn't all that different from how it went with Lina's 
usage of the spell. To my relief and the Mazoku's bad predicament he 
obviously wasn't able to warp through the dimensions all that well 
and could only let out a strangled cry that was quickly turning 
shrill as the crimson fire consumed him in a wash of blinding energy. 
A lot of rubble threw everywhere, screams were shut out by the 
following explosion that resulted in a few buildings reduced to ash 
and a bit of a little crater forming in the middle of market place. 
All in all the explosion wasn't as bad as I had initially feared.
	"Well," I said, turning back to the duo of salesman. "I did 
warn him, right?" The poor men were a little shocked, their mouths 
hanging open but that was to be expected. For some reason I was a 
little disappointment, after all with Lina spending some time on this 
continent word should have spread a little already. Not that they 
were going to call ME Dra-mata or something similar now. Well, it 
couldn't be helped.
	"Now, for that ring. I am afraid I can't quite afford this, 
would you like to trade for..."
	The beardy man stared at me as if I had grown yet ANOTHER 
head and quickly picked up the small ring I was pointing out. "Oh no. 
Please, we owe you. You saved us from that monster. Please take this 
as a token of our gratitude. It's not worth that much anyway!" He 
picked up the ring quickly and put it in my hands before I had time 
to protest. For a moment I was tempted to point out that the ring was 
probably worth more than he could ever hope to earn in all his life 
but then decided leaving something so valuable in the hands of a 
clueless merchant would just not be right. And if they meant to thank 
me who was I to decline such a gracious offer?
	As I thanked the man and began to walk back through my inn I 
was wondering though how he ever came in possession of a magical 
detector like this. That would make finding Lina SO much easier! The 
Mazoku worried me slightly though since it seemed to only further 
strengthen my vision. But for now I needed some sleep. Tomorrow I 
could see about tracking Lina down.
	I was a little startled to find that I was met with looks 
varying between awed and grateful and unconsciously smiled a little. 
Certainly I wasn't Lina but even I could use some attention and I had 
to admit that I was rather proud of myself of handling the situation 
so well.


Breakfast was eaten in silence. Except the sound of food being 
devoured at a... leisure pace. Well, mostly. I wasn't about to drop 
my usual eating habits but I didn't have a decent six-course meal in 
over a month after all. So for once I was keen on savoring every 
bite... or every ten at least. And Amelia knew me well enough not to 
try and strike up a conversation while eating. Besides, next to 
Gourry and me the Saillune princess - or ex-princess judged by last 
night's revelations - came in as at least a distant third.
	Now, if she would just drop that utterly annoying, secretive 
smile that screamed "I know something you don't". And that from 
Amelia. It was actually quite scary. However, other than that smile 
that sometimes showed through when she thought I wasn't looking 
Amelia did the impression of someone extremely nervous and edgy. I 
knew of course this was about yesterday night. I had wanted to talk 
more, explain my logic that even to me seemed like a spur of the 
moment comment. But I was too damned tired. I wasn't sure exactly WHY 
I had woken up in the first place. Surely not from a little fresh 
air. We had camped outside more often - with nothing else than a 
magic circle - in the last weeks than sleeping indoors. Some fresh 
air wouldn't have bothered me. There was just that tug and I was 
awake. Maybe I was beginning to get insane or something.
	For a moment I really wished I just spotted a suspicious-
looking priest with his eyes closed, purple hair and the most 
annoying smile this world probably had ever seen. THEN things would 
at least make some sense. For example why I had these weird dreams 
about Amelia and why... No, not going to bring up that detail again. 
I was doing a very good job of totally banning it from my mind right 
	"Okay," I finally declared letting the spoon in my hand drop, 
the food had been cleared mostly anyway and that left some for 
dessert if I felt like it after the conversation that was to 
follow. "What's up with the smile?" I tried teasingly wiggling my 
fingers in front of her face while peering curiously at the younger 
	Amelia jumped a little and immediately snapped to 
attention. "Wh-What smile? What makes you think I am smiling? I don't 
know what you are talking about, Lina-ch... Lina-san."
	"Right," I stated in this drawn-out voice that clearly said 
that I didn't believe a single syllable. "You know you can call me 
that if you want to since we are going to travel together for some 
more time." Amelia visibly swallowed and quickly drowned half of the 
contents of her glass. I blinked a little perplexed but shrugged. I 
knew what was coming next. It was predictable.
	"Ah, about that. I mean about last night, what you said..."
	"I meant what I said."
	"But, how can you! Don't you want to go home too? After all 
that was the originally plan and the others will try to do so as well 
since it is the logical thing to do. Don't you want to meet up with 
Gourry again and..."
	I fixed the... ex-princess with a sharp look. "And what? Do 
you want to tell me that you know better what I want?"
	Amelia waved her hands frantically. "No, no, that's not it. I 
mean..." She dropped her head and inhaled deeply, then let out a 
slow, long breath. "Everybody knows that you have feelings for Gourry-
san even if you don't want to admit it. You are..."
	I slammed my fist on the table, making it shake sharply and 
the dishes threatened to fall over the edge. But it was effectively 
cutting off the familiar rant, the oh so well-known speech about how 
Gourry and I were the perfect couple. Amelia stared at me in shock, a 
little frightened. I sighed and recomposed myself. "Amelia. I'm going 
to tell you something now that I have never told anyone else of you 
before. I DO love Gourry." I was about to continue with the "but 
part" BUT the look from Amelia put me off for a moment. It was barely 
visible, a tiny, short, brief flash of... dejection? I put it off as 
a reaction that she probably thought I changed my mind but the image 
sort of stuck in my head.
	"BUT," I continued after an uncomfortable silence. "I am not 
in love with Gourry Gabriev." The other girl opened her mouth to 
protest but bit back her response, waiting for me to continue. "The 
truth is," I said with a voice that was soft and a little sad, "that 
Gourry sort of is the brother I never had and always wished for. I 
always was a rebellious girl, never fitting into the tight role model 
of how a young girl should behave. But that was fine with me. I love 
my sister even though she is more scary than a Mazoku sometimes. 
Still, I always wished I had a brother to play with, to brawl a 
little maybe, just have fun the way I wanted to. Other girls mostly 
avoided me because I was different and most of the boys just thought 
I was weird, being a tomboy..."
	There was an even MORE uncomfortable silence after that 
statement and I closed my eyes briefly, trying to chase away the 
melancholic thoughts of childhood again. Girls are supposed to be 
cheerful, not lost in the past. It didn't help much. I had long 
debated with myself whether to ever tell this ANYONE. But Amelia 
deserved to know after she opened herself so readily yesterday. And 
it felt good to tell someone, finally.
	"Lina-chan..." Amelia whispered quietly, breaking the thick 
silence around us again. "I never..." She closed her eyes and smiled 
sadly. "I sort of know what you mean. And I am sorry that I never 
really saw it." And then she looked at me again and I knew her words 
were honest. There was a silent understanding passing between us 
without either one really being aware what exactly the message was.
	"I guess for awhile there I really thought there was 
something between us and I tried actually. After that whole mess with 
Fibrizo, and Sylphiel kept nudging me sort of. I thought I might have 
fallen for the baka but in the end, it won't work out. You 
understand? In a weird sense we are too similar. He is great as a 
friend, as a... brother. You can drag Gourry into every single thing 
and we simply have fun. I just don't think I want someone like this 
for a life mate." And with a smile that said the matter was finished 
with I summarized. "And that is why I am in no particular hurry to 
meet up with Gourry again. Sure it would be nice but that can wait. I 
am much more interested into the outside world when just turning 
around and going home now. That's not my style."
	Amelia nodded in silence and for a while none of us said 
anything and we continued our breakfast at an even slower pace. It 
became quickly apparent though that Amelia still had her doubts. I 
waited patiently this time, having said what I wanted to say. 
Explained my own motivations to go along with staying here for a 
little longer. If there was something else I was willing to be a good 
friend and quell her doubts if I could but only if she told me.
	"It isn't going to work that easily," Amelia said after 
awhile. I didn't response immediately just watched, waiting for her 
to continue. "I can't just run away. I love my home, and they need me 
there. I am the Princess. How can I just turn tail and run when my 
	"I hear your father talking. Besides, your sister obviously 
managed to... disappear." I immediately felt bad at seeing the wince 
and the pain crossing her features. It was gone quickly. Schooled 
away obviously through years of training. But I had a sister myself I 
knew those kind of signs. And it was better not to bring it up again 
for now. I doubted Amelia was ready to reveal that memory to anyone 
yet. "I mean, didn't you say yesterday you never wanted to be a 
princess? You can never step out of your father's shadow if you keep 
that attitude up. You know what you want, so follow that path. Or do 
you want to be the single fighter for an ideal of justice that is 
anything but for the rest of your life?"
	The dark-haired girl bit her lower lip in response, then 
shook her head. "Father will be angry. And he will never understand. 
For him its just what he is. He is FREE the way he lives and maybe 
that is the right thing for him. He's born as a royal just like me 
and... Oneesan... For him it's natural being that and he couldn't 
understand why someone else with the same upbringing wanted out. I 
don't want to disappoint him, Lina..." she trailed off and looked 
down at the table and I sighed a little exasperated this time.
	"The first rule of freedom is realizing that you are free." 
The other girl looked up again but I continued. "Seize your dreams, 
set yourself a goal and realize that you can do it. That you are free 
to do ANYTHING. Not because people allow you to be free or give you 
their blessing. That isn't about freedom. Freedom is about realizing 
that no bonds, no force can hold you down and chain you to something 
if you don't want to. Do you BELIEVE that you can accomplish your 
dream and be the person you wish to be?"
	Actually, if someone asked me right now where I had come up 
with all that philosophical and psychological nonsense I would have 
given them a shrug and another because I truly didn't know. I just 
tried to tell her how I felt most of the time, how I had pushed 
through everyone, including my sister, telling me I wasn't cut out 
for a traveling mage and much too young when I started. I was sitting 
here right now, enough money in my possession to buy the whole inn, 
having saved the world several times, taken out Mazoku my sister 
would have not dared to face with all her Ceiphied-bestowed gifts. 
All in all a pretty successful traveling mage if I dared say so - and 
I did dare. And Amelia said she wanted to be like me. Well, maybe not 
exactly like me. I guess it was a comparison thing, a role model of 
sorts. So I guessed that was about what she wanted to hear.
	Amelia opened her mouth, shut it and opened it again. It 
became apparent she didn't have a suitable response or argument 
left. "But..." I got an impish smile and took my fork, stuck in some 
of the last bread pieces and stuck the food in her mouth. The result 
was pleasing imminent. As I said, a distant third after Gourry and me.
	"No buts. Girls are supposed to be more cheerful. Stop 
doubting yourself or you never succeed. Now let us finish eating."
	And we did, neither saying a further word until we were 
finished but the silence wasn't so thick anymore. In fact it was 
quite pleasant.


To put it nicely, Lina was... different. Ever since being separated 
from the others she was acting a little weird. I doubted that was 
just because we weren't traveling in a big group because I just 
couldn't quite imagine Lina acting so different. Most of the time the 
difference wasn't there but once in awhile I caught her being 
quieter, more serious, contemplating... There were two sides to Lina 
Inverse, a fact I had quickly learned. Cheery, carefree and easygoing 
Lina and cheerful, carefree and easygoing a bit more serious Lina 
when it was necessary - like, say, slaying a Mazoku Lord.
	She could be thoughtful if needed but it never lasted that 
long and then it came to actual confrontation she tended to rely 
solely on her instincts. Yet, in the past month, I caught her looking 
lost in thought, somewhere far away and most unsettling were those 
side glances sent my way when she thought I wasn't looking. If it 
wasn't so ridiculous I could swear I detected some sort of concern in 
them. For what I didn't know. But as I said it was ridiculous, 
probably a trick of my mind.
	Except that she was doing it again as we walked along the 
streets of the town in relative silence. Relative silence was not 
exactly a term to be used while traveling with the redheaded 
sorceress. She must have a lot on her mind. Probably didn't help that 
I brought up that thing with Gourry, I thought quietly. In a way I 
could understand her even, hazard a guess at least. Fighting Dark 
Star had left us all in a sour mood even before we were separated. I 
wasn't sure what Lina was thinking about but for me it brought me all 
the way to my admission and decision from last night. Hearing and 
experience this pointless war firsthand had made me contemplate fate 
and if it really needed to be locked and set in stone. I had felt for 
Valgaav on a level more than just pity or sympathy. I could 
understand it basically. His predicament was similar to mine and 
still my problems felt so much more insignificant. And I hadn't even 
brought up the courage to stand up for my own wishes until Lina made 
her offer.
	That grumpy mood - though Lina would never admit to it - got 
on my nerves though. It just wasn't the same as with a cheerful Lina. 
Thinking hard on something to snap her out of it, I had to grin as a 
sudden mischievous thought sprang to mind. I knew I annoyed her to no 
end with it upon my first request. "Lina-s..." I resisted the urge 
for the honorific after all Lina had made it quite clear that there 
would be little need for it. The reflex was just hard to suppress. 
The sorceress looked up questioningly. "I've been thinking and 
well... I think I grew up a bit from when we first met, so... Can you 
teach me the Dragu Slave now?"
	Lina stopped frozen in her tracks, boggling and unresponsive 
for a moment. I couldn't hide the grin on my face very well and 
Lina's eyes grew wide upon spotting it. Then her expression suddenly 
turned dead serious which made me gulp for no apparent reason other 
than the twinkle in the corner of one eye that didn't mean anything 
	"Actually, I think I will."
	THAT gave me pause and I almost fell over in surprise. "You 
will?" The expression on my face had to be comical because Lina broke 
out into giggles almost instantly. I faked a pout but couldn't 
maintain it for longer than two seconds before joining my friend. 
Passer-byes were looking at us funny but neither of us cared. The 
feeling was just too good and I felt a lot of the stress and dark 
thoughts disappear from my own mind.
	After about a full minute of near-hysterical laughter we 
calmed down a little and Lina smiled. "Thanks for that, Amelia. I 
needed a mood booster." I just smiled in return and she smiled back. 
Shortly after that we resumed walking. "But seriously. I meant what I 
said." Okay, I almost stopped again. Almost. "Not right away though. 
You've shown that you can master powerful spells. Your progress in 
Spirit magic just from watching and learning a little from Zel is 
astonishing. I'm not quite sure if you are ready for Black magic yet. 
But if the two of us are going to travel together I want you to be 
able to hold your own in a fight without me always bailing you 
ought." There was that concerned side glance again but I decided not 
to dwell on it for the moment.
	"You really mean it, don't you?" I asked, still a little 
unsure about the whole traveling thing. A part of me still said it 
was like running away. But what Lina said was also true and... well, 
I was just confused. "It still feels like neglecting my 
responsibilities. I've been raised like that, Lina. I can't just 
decide not to be a princess anymore and do what I want." My sister 
did, sort of, as Lina so painfully reminded me but I pushed that 
thought back into the far corners of my mind.
	Lina didn't say anything for a few moments. "Well, if you 
need an excuse for now until you made up your mind what you really 
want, I suppose, we could always say that we are doing what you were 
supposed to do."
	I met her gaze with a blank one and Lina chuckled 
quietly. "Your father wanted to make contact with the outside world 
and this was originally a scouting mission before Filia decided to 
rally our little party in for her prophecy, right?"
	"Yes, that was what I and the rest of the fleet were meant 
to... Oh!" My face must have brightened immediately and I could smack 
myself for not thinking of that. After all I had been trained in this 
sort of thing. Subtle reading between the lines. Diplomatic skills. 
Even when I didn't make that much use of them before...
	"He never said when you were expected to be back," Lina 
verbalized the conclusion I had come to and on impulse alone I 
engulfed the surprised redhead in a hug that made her gasp for air.
	"Thank you, Lina! That is a wonderful idea!" I cheered and 
continued to cling to the immobilized - in both the sense of movement 
and speaking - sorceress. I wondered briefly why I felt so... warm 
and simply RIGHT but then followed Lina's example and decided not to 
wonder about the whys and simply enjoy the moment.
	"You are welcome," Lina said smiling after I had lessened my 
grip a little. The smile she sent down my way was infatuating and as 
I looked up from my position, head rested against her chest, time 
seemed to freeze for a single moment. Nothing happened. Really, 
nothing at all. We pulled away as if the moment never came up but it 
was there and I felt a small twinge of... disappointment and loss. 
Although of what I could not tell.
	Smoothly bridging the gap of awkward silence that might have 
followed Lina continued in her walk and I fell in step. "Alright. You 
already showed you can do Fire magic if you want to. Why don't we 
start there and I teach you some advanced spells. Shamanism is a 
concept of balance mostly and good enough to teach some adequate 
control. And that's basically what you lack. The skill is there, the 
control could be better."
	I deflated a little at the reminder but knew that Lina was 
right. I understood that you should know when and how to use a spell 
first but I guess I never was a very patient girl. Maybe that was in 
a way my rebellion against my upbringing, always trying to plunge 
headfirst into action. There was the difference between Lina and me. 
Compared to me the other sorceress knew what she was doing even if it 
often looked blind and rush. A trait I envied greatly.
	"Sounds great," I nodded enthusiastically.


Sitting in the inn's lounge and sipping some tea I enjoyed the quiet 
morning and used it to examine the locator ring. It worked pretty 
much like a divination spell. The difference was though that you 
could actually locate a person this way. Normally locating an at 
least half-talented mage by divination was next to impossible. The 
magical field around the mage in question would distort the astral 
waves and therefore provide a natural protection even if you knew the 
person. A locator ring like this was an old item, meant to bypass 
these natural shields. The guilds back when those were a little more 
common were skeptical about it of course but for the task at hand it 
should prove useful.
	My thoughts drifted back to the last evening though. I had 
been wondering if I was turning into Lina or something for awhile but 
quickly discarded the thought. While it was true that I was usually a 
passive one, raised in the ways of White magic and the service to 
Ceiphied and the good of mankind, I could take action when it became 
necessary. One of the valuable lessons Lina had taught me. Watching 
passively while other people were in danger and I COULD do something 
was going against my ethics as well. Okay, she phrased it a little 
differently but that explanation went better for me. Still, using a 
Dragu Slave... Shesh, Sylphiel. One could think you are getting 
violent. Oh my...
	There hadn't been much of an option though. The Mazoku was 
rather weak and I knew he wouldn't be able to take a full-scale Dragu 
Slave, not to mention that this was the only attack spell I had that 
was at least reliable. Although why was even beyond my understanding 
because any other attack spells usually went wrong. It was an enigma 
I long had given up trying to figure out.
	Concentrating back on the ring I focused my mind as if I 
would be casting Divination, calling up the image of Lina and her 
astral waves which I had gotten a good look at during our travels. 
The white gem on the bronze ring glowed faintly for awhile as the 
magic tried to seek out the target. Then, without warning, it 
suddenly flared brightly, blinding me for a moment. I did see Lina, 
alright. But everything around us was strangely surreal, the 
background white and unfocused. I wasn't able to take much of a look 
around either since I found myself face to face with the object of my 
search, deep red eyes seemingly staring into the depths of my soul. 
It was quite disconcerting and Lina's gaze was so captivating I 
couldn't even react as the redheaded sorceress leaned in to softly 
touch her lips to mine...
	Another bright flash and the vision ended...
	My eyes snapped open - I hadn't even realized that I closed 
them in the first place - and I had a hard time getting my breathing 
back under control. It was a wonder I hadn't knocked anything over. 
My mind was a haze, trying to make sense of what I had just seen or 
better experienced... That was just... I sat a long time in the 
chair, barely moving, silently, trying to get my beating heart and 
that strange fluttering feeling under control. I had absolutely no 
idea what just happened.
	Sure I was a good shrine maiden - I didn't need others to 
tell me that - but I rarely ever had a vision. Once or twice in my 
life before but those were mostly insignificant things. I never was a 
seer or developed any sort of psychometric ability. But that... 
that... Ceiphied, it had felt so real, so... good.
	No, no, NO. I shook my head vehemently. I was not going to do 
the same thing as I did with Gourry. Falling for someone because of a 
vision was probably just as bad as the crush I had on him. And that 
was Lina we were talking about, she would probably freak out at the 
simple idea of what I had just experienced, it would be like trading 
one impossibility for an equal other and... Goddess, why was I even 
trying to reason with this seriously? It was just a silly... silly... 
mental reaction. Yes, that's what it was.
	"Excuse me, Miss..."
	I jerked out of my mental rambling with a start at the gruff, 
male voice and must have appeared as if frightened to death just 
moments ago - which came remarkable close. But the middle-aged rough-
looking soldier didn't have to know this. "Are you alright, Miss? I 
didn't mean to startle you."
	I shook my head. "No, it is alright. I was just... deep in 
thought." The man looked doubtful but didn't comment. I studied him 
more closely, noticing the neatly polished armor in black and white 
with the royal crest of the Kingdom in several places. He carried a 
sword at his side that looked rather menacing. The face of someone 
who had been in service as a guard or soldier for most of his life. 
Mid-thirties probably, a thick beard and hard lines in his 
face. "What is it you wish from me, Sir?" I asked politely, really 
wondering what a soldier could want from a traveler.
	"Ah, Miss..."
	"Sylphiel. Sylphiel Nels Lahda. But please call me Sylphiel."
	"As you wish, Sylphiel-san. I am here on royal order to 
accompany you to an audience with His Excellence, King Randolf," the 
soldier said in that authority voice most of them recite orders with.
	I blinked, surprised, then raised an eyebrow. "Really, 
whatever for would the King need my service? Or is there anything bad 
I did?" Except blowing up a part of the capital, of course, I added 
silently but then I suppose there would be more soldiers and 
definitely more threatening. This one didn't look threatening, just 
someone who was making an errand, carrying out orders. I had seen 
enough of those at home.
	"I do not really know," the soldier said a little sheepish to 
not provide better information, "but it seems Randolf-sama has heard 
of your... performance last night at the market place and would ask a 
favor of you." At my perplexed look he quickly added, "No, and I do 
not think he is going to press charges."
	I sighed and stood up. I really wanted to get on with finding 
Lina and the others but at the same time trying a divination again 
was making me a bit wary at the moment, that strange... whatever it 
was still spooking around my mind. And it was never good to refuse a 
royal invitation. I could at least go and see what this was all 
about.  "Alright then," I said finally, putting a few coins on the 
table. "Lead the way."


I had seen and defeated a fragment of Shabranigdo, I had messed with 
Gaav and Fibrizo and was more or less responsible for bringing about 
their demise. I had gone out into the outside world and brought down 
a merged beast of Demon Lord, God and Ancient Dragon, together with a 
Mazoku and a Dragon Priestess. I had been possessed by the mother of 
all things, the Lord of Nightmares. There are very rare times anymore 
when I was truly impressed. Such a time was now and I had never 
expected that Amelia of all people would come close to be mentioned 
in the same breath as the points above.
	Granted the accomplishment wasn't so impressing as the other 
experiences but... I was still impressed. Little Amelia, making-up-
her-mind-about-declining-being-the Princess of Saillune was a natural 
adept to Shamanism magic. Quite frankly I wasn't sure why I never had 
seen it before, given that she had just with a little pre-training 
taken to Spirit magic very quickly and mastering it up to the 
strongest spell in no time. I should have gotten suspicious, I should 
have changed my opinion but... Well, frankly I was pretty fooled by 
her act just as anyone else. Not quite so an act as a natural 
behavior indoctrinated through years of training and influence from 
her father. She had me fooled, she had anyone fooled.
	Not that Amelia didn't really wished to seek justice. That 
alone was a fine goal if you knew what you were talking about. 
Unfortunately her family's wacky belief of what justice was and what 
not left her - now that she began to face the reality - confused and 
without a clear idea of what and what was not justice. Like a child 
who always followed what his or hers parents told them until he or 
she woke up one day and realized that what the parents said wasn't 
always true.
	However, as misguided as Amelia seemed at the moment, trying 
to seek out her own dreams for a change, she took to magic like a 
mosquito to light. She had the basics of a lot of elemental magic 
down already and was quite adequate in Fire magic. The way she 
managed to memorize and actually learn the mastery of the lore was a 
little frightening. We had settled on a lonely hill between two 
cities, secluded and pretty much untouched. I hadn't even been sure 
why I really suggested that I wanted to teach her. Well, not sure 
other than because of the dreams, but I wasn't talking about them...
	Amelia had been very attentive when I launched into the 
basics of control and harmony. There were people in our homeland who 
believed Shamanism wasn't only a fairly balanced lore but actually a 
toned-down version of Light-Dark Fusion, Chaos magic. It drew upon 
spirits which was sort of like using a chant to focus your will for a 
spell instead of going right to the source as the Laguna Blade did. 
Spirit lore was neither Good or Evil. It was just nature, chaos, just 
like the Lord of Nightmares was. It made sense in a way.
	Amelia had mastered spells of the caliber of Rune Flare and 
Burst Flare - in theory - down within a few hours of actual teaching 
and absorbed my basic knowledge of Air and Water magic like liquid. I 
wasn't much an Earth person but she said that she had observed 
Zelgadis a lot.
	I was impressed, yes. And I was impressed that surprisingly 
most of what I lectured about seemed to have been taken to heart 
because just a bit below of my position on the low roof I had sought 
cover on, I quietly but critically observed her taking out a local 
bandit gang that had just happened to cross our way. Now, you see, we 
were speaking about really big and nasty guys here, a lot of them as 
well. The kind I would usually not just stay away from messing with. 
But I wanted to see how my new... charge - funny that, I never wanted 
to be a teacher, not so early anyway - would hold herself on her own. 
I might not always be there in the future - even though a tiny part 
of me rebelled against the possibility - and she had to be able to 
really take care of herself.
	So far I was not disappointed. Amelia had not discarded her 
entrance speech but kept in simple this time and - amazingly - didn't 
trip at all. I kept a spell at the ready in case she'd get in trouble 
but the younger girl hurled elemental spells into all directions with 
a precision and efficiency that was alarming. Alright, she was 
overdoing it a little the way she constantly changed elements and the 
power levels were quite a bit overdone. But that was a feeling I knew 
all too well. I was simply satisfied that she apparently took my 
speech about control to heart. If I had known she could be so 
reasonable underneath the cheery, bubbly mask I would have thought 
differently about teaching her something bigger.
	My eyes widened and I whistled in appreciation at that 
particular variation of one of the most powerful Fire spells a human 
could cast. The multi-colored beams of heated, pure energy circled 
around a group of bandits with a blurring speed before suddenly 
charging inwards at their caged prey.
	It was almost over now and I was about to fly down again when 
my eyes caught movement. Only the experience of years of traveling 
and dealing with this sort of thing let me react that split second 
earlier that I needed. Charging up a Flare Lance so powerful it could 
tear through a few meters of thick rock I hurled the spell at the 
blur of shadowy motion heading towards Amelia.
	I think the other girl sensed something as well since she was 
already moving away on instinct when the Flare Lance exploded against 
its target but it wouldn't have been enough to escape the Mazoku in 
time. The large, hideous form of dark blue-brown skin and blade-like 
limbs instead of arms hovered in the air disorientated for a moment 
from the impact giving Amelia time to jump back in actual fright. The 
rest of the bandits were quick to catch on the diversion and ran for 
it. But they were our least problem.
	"I thought we finally left those behind. You okay, Amelia?" 
The dark-haired girl nodded faintly. The slight shock was 
understandable the way the Mazoku had sneaked up on her. I stared the 
thing down with my best glare, cracking my knuckles. "So what's your 
deal, buddy?"
	"I Am hERe tO kIlL liNa iNveRSe aNd heR FrieNdS!" the Mazoku 
hissed, raising his limbs, dark magical energies crackling around his 
blurry form.
	"Can't you guys come up with something interesting? It's 
either kill Lina or let her do what you want or something different. 
This is getting quite boring, you know?" The Mazoku didn't respond, 
just proceeded to drift forward again. "Alright already, let's get 
this over with. I took down bigger ones than you after all." Focusing 
my will on my talismans I began the chant. "Oh Lord of Darkness 
	The talismans staid inactive. Sealed, just like against Dark 
Star. I never thought of testing them afterwards...
	"Oops..." I stated intelligently and dodged to the side under 
a rather sharp limb swing through the air in the space I had just 
vacated. Amelia had apparently shaken out of her state as well and 
moved to the other side. My mind was working quick, judging the power 
of the Mazoku as possibly not too strong but strong enough that 
normal spells wouldn't work. I could try and cast Laguna Blade 
without the amplifiers but wasn't sure if I could maintain the power 
long enough to be of any help. And one try would probably tire me out 
completely. Too risky.
	At least the Mazoku ignored Amelia now and was busy keeping 
me running, dodging and jumping. I didn't bother with anything more 
than a few diversion spells to get some breathing space. All 
attacking seriously would achieve was draining reserves I might still 
need. The problem was that that particular Mazoku was quick and it 
wasn't long until I wasn't fast enough. A cry of pain came unbidden 
from my lips when I received a long gash along my left arm. My world 
exploded in pain, a lot of pretty colors, as my opponent took 
advantage of the situation and blasted me to the ground, hard. I 
didn't even have time to blink or properly clear my vision before the 
Mazoku was above me, readying himself for a last strike...
	"FEHLZAREID!" The spiraling ray of spiritual light crashed 
into the unsuspecting Mazoku's back and threw him a few meters away 
before he recovered. It was enough for me to roll into a kneeling 
position, arms outstretched. I ignored the pain as best as I could 
and took advantage of my... our foe's efforts to shake of the 
powerful Astral attack. "BLAST ASH!" As the black void dropped in on 
the hideous creature I nearly missed the chant from behind me over 
the roaring inferno of magical energy and the haze from blood loss...
	"... crimson fire burning bright!"
	She wasn't...? I was up in a flash, ignoring the screams of 
protest from my body and whirled around to dash back towards a 
chanting Amelia. Damn it, what was she doing casting that spell here 
and at that short range? It could burn us or at least her in the 
process as well.
	"Gather together in my hand and become an inferno!"
	With a burst of speed I hadn't been aware of achieving 
before, fueled alone by adrenaline, I grabbed Amelia with my 
uninjured arms, cast a levitation spell and hauled us into the air. 
The other girl was a little disorientated and almost lost her control 
of the spell. "Aim it down!" I cried out and thankfully it was enough.
	The surge of blue flame was impressive. I could manage a 
bigger one if I wanted to but the aim was true and just as the Mazoku 
emerged from the black void of the Blast Ash spell he was assaulted 
by the most powerful Fire spell that a human could cast without an 
amplifier. I wasn't so dumb to believe that would be enough though.
	Guiding us up to the roof of the lone cottage that I had used 
as an observation platform before - it was apparently unused for 
years already -, I forced myself to act quick and complain later. The 
plan forming through the haze of pain was pretty much only the 
beginning of one but I did neither have time or concentration for a 
better one. "Cast a Ra Tilt. We'll hit it with a Fusion spell!"
	"But you are..." Amelia protested, worry clear in her voice.
	"NO! Not now, we don't have time!" She reluctantly nodded and 
took a stance. I hope I had enough power and concentration left for 
	"Darkness from twilight, crimson from blood that flows; 
buried in the flow of time..."
	"Source of all souls which dwell in eternal and infinite."
	"... in Thy great name, I pledge myself to darkness!"
	"Everlasting flame of blue..."
	"Those who oppose us shall be destroyed by the power you and 
I possess!"
	"... let the power hidden in my soul be called forth from the 
	I almost collapsed under the strain of maintaining that one, 
single Dragu Slave but gritting my teeth, I poured every bit of 
remaining power into it. Gotta keep her safe, I chanted in my mind, 
not really realizing that I did so.
	A lance of crimson and white blue flowing into each other was 
the last thing that both the Mazoku and I got to see. With the 
difference that for the Mazoku it WAS the LAST thing he got to see, 
while I only sank into blissful unconscious. Or at least I hoped so...


A castle or a palace usually was a rather pompous thing, drowning in 
luxury, sparkling like a miniature sun, great and glorious like the 
god of the world - or the land at least. This one was not much of an 
exception. Surrounded by high walls of reddish marble the actual 
palace stood in glittering colors varying between bronze and gold 
although the talented eye could clearly see that most of it was fake 
and just for the effect. Building a palace out of rare raw materials 
was a foolish thing, every sensible person new this. Three towers 
rose high up into the air, with the center one at the back of the 
castle as the highest structure in the whole capital if not the whole 
kingdom. It would be an impressive sight if you were not from a 
continent used to magical achievements. I had seen a castle once that 
floated directly atop the peak of a mountain. A difficult trick, yes, 
but very impressive.
	Nonetheless King Randolf obviously knew how to construct a 
palace well, I noted, as the soldier, who had introduced himself as 
Marcus, led me through the wide hallways that were much too spacious 
for my taste, especially because they often only had the task of 
connecting chambers and nothing much else. Long red carpets that 
seemingly flowed in a straight line towards the throne room since we 
had not stepped off it since entering.
	Noticeable was the lack of statues. No, don't get me wrong 
there were statues, plenty of them. Masks, crests, etc. BUT it lacked 
anything religious. No Ceiphied, no Dragon Lord, no patron, no 
nothing. I shouldn't be surprised but the lack of anything remotely 
mythical was... odd. Faith usually didn't just die out because most 
people didn't know that there were Shinzoku and Mazoku fighting for 
world domination. In those places they tended to make their own 
beliefs. At least something would always be there.
	"Do your people believe in a deity or something?" I asked the 
soldier walking silently next to me. There had not been much 
necessity for small talk. The grumpy man made his job and didn't know 
anything beyond his orders. I couldn't quell my curiosity though.
	"Mmmh?" The soldier glanced sideways before focusing back on 
the path ahead - which he must know by memory actually, step for 
step. "Nonsense. We are an advanced country, technology is the craft 
of the future. There are no such things as monsters and gods or all 
that stuff." He didn't look the type to believe it and frankly, if I 
was less tactful and more direct, I would have pointed that out but 
intended to keep silent.
	After a short while Marcus made a grunting noise, obviously 
he had expected me to retaliate in some way. "I mean, that's what the 
King says and what the King says is law, you know? He's a decent guy, 
actually rather nice but pretty atheistic." He looked at me 
curiously. "What about you? You are not from around here, aren't you? 
What do you think about gods and stuff?"
	I considered my reply for a moment. "Oh. I KNOW a lot of 
things about this. But I doubt you would believe me. I can't blame 
you people. From where I come we grew up with magic, legends and 
general worldview everybody at least knew the basics of. I've been in 
this lands for a few months and I tell you it is amazing how many 
magical treasures you have that you could sell for... well, a lot."
	Marcus didn't respond right away and never managed to give a 
reply before we reached two HUGE double doors that screamed throne 
room entrance. Marcus said something to the guard and I was properly 
announced. Having had that pleasure once in awhile back home in 
Sairaag I composed myself and resumed my walk through the doors that 
were opened in a dignified manner. If the hallways were overly 
spacious the throne room was... enormous. A lot of empty space, even 
over the top of what most monarchs desired. What I failed to tell was 
that by all the space and the expensive looking makeup from the 
outside, the inside wasn't all that rich-looking. At least no walls 
with diamonds upon every square inch of the surface or something 
similar. Expensive, yes, but not in a way that was meant to scream 
your wealth at everyone stepping inside.
	I focused back on the man on the throne. King Randolf was not 
much of an impressive person either. Average looks, a light beard, 
dark and actually kind eyes, soft blond-brown hair under the golden 
crown and a long flowing robe in red and a dark blue. He was as best 
as I could judge still pretty young, younger than Marcus. I thought 
myself a pretty good judge of people and could tell that King Randolf 
was a kind and righteous ruler if maybe a little thickheaded at 
times. But then again, most nobles were.
	I bowed upon reaching the throne. "Your Highness. I am here 
upon your request. What would you have of a simple traveler as 
myself?" I asked, seeing no sense in stalling. I had other things to 
do. I had to find Lina. Despite the vision from earlier there was a 
feeling of urgency I could not deny.
	"Welcome to the palace, Sylphiel-san, and thank you for 
coming." Randolf stroke his chin in thought, a trait common among 
rulers. "I am sorry for the suddenness of the matter but we have 
heard of your deed on the market yesterday as you slew the wild 
beast. You made quite an impression, young one."
	"Uh... thanks," I replied, not sure how to react. I could 
point out that what he called a "wild beast" was actually something 
far nastier but decided to keep quiet, remembering Marcus words. It 
was not likely King Randolf would believe me.
	"I understand you are a powerful sorceress from far away, is 
that not so?" I nodded and waited for him to continue. "In this case 
we would like to enlist your service." I blinked at that but didn't 
say anything right away. "Surely you must have heard the rumors of 
the hideous beast rampaging our towns on the coast," he 
continued. "We are a peaceful country and such things have not 
happened in a long time. The reports coming back are sketchy at best. 
I fear we are ill-prepared for whatever is out there, endangering my 
Kingdom's peace."
	At this point I did intervene. "And you would want me to do 
what? Slay the hideous beast?" I asked with a little bit of sarcasm. 
Something rare for me but I was getting annoyed at the repeated 
mention of "beast" and the barely audible but present disdain at the 
mentioning of "magic" and "sorceress". King Randolf seemed like a 
nice ruler but he was quite ignorant of some things.
	"After your spectacular display yesterday, I believe it would 
be an easy task to do. Of course you would be rewarded. Say a hundred 
gold pieces?"
	He was desperate alright. But still... "No."
	Clearly surprised at this King Randolf was quick to 
react. "Two hundred."
	Alright. Really desperate. "Believe me I would but I can't."
	Silence hung over the room for a few heartbeats. Quite 
whispers from the guards present. Obviously it was not expected that 
someone would refuse such a generous offer. "Why is that so?" the 
King finally asked the question I was expecting.
	"Several reasons," I replied. "First and foremost the beast 
from yesterday was a Mazoku. A weak one, mind you, but still of the 
superior demon race of this world. They are not easy to deal with at 
all. And if the one I met told the truth - and besides being not 
exactly the trustworthy kind there was no need to lie - what you call 
a hideous beast is something far beyond my power. I am a shrine 
maiden, a healer. I practice the white arts. The spell from yesterday 
is one of the most powerful ones known but it is basically the only 
offensive spell I have. Against a Mazoku Lord or something directly 
underneath it wouldn't do a single thing."
	"That is foolish belief!" one of the obvious advisors 
exclaimed. "Demons and such don't exist. It's just a mindless beast 
corrupted by nature probably and..." He trailed off under my sharp 
	"I come from the land locked from your eyes before the Pillar 
of Light appeared. I am sure you must have heard. I cannot hold it 
against you that you have such poor understanding of how the world 
works but believe me when I tell you this is a beast you'd better 
leave alone." The advisor was about to protest but I continued 
anyway. "Secondly I am on an important journey myself which might 
lead me directly towards your problems anyway. But I will not 
approach this situation without the aid of friends I am about to 
	A wave of his hand silenced the King's advisor who was 
clearly not the kind to back down. "I will not speak against your 
wisdom then. You know your lore better than I, clearly. But why don't 
we decide upon an arrangement that would suit us both? You say that 
you seek friends of yours. I understand they are in the area but you 
don't know where exactly?" I confirmed that with a nod. "Why don't 
you stay here then and we will aid you in your search. I admit I have 
not much belief in magic and the sort but we are a peaceful country 
and my men do not know how to deal with what is threatening us."
	I contemplated the proposal for a few moments. Clearly there 
wasn't much against it and if Lina-tachi was close having every guard 
and soldier looking for them would be convenient. Not to mention that 
having a quiet place to work with the locator would be helpful as 
	"I can agree to that."


Finding us an inn was an easy task, getting Lina there and in the 
room was another. The redheaded sorceress was not exactly light - not 
that I was implying anything bad here - and I wasn't all that fit 
after the battle anyway. I needed awhile to rest after making sure 
that Lina's wound wasn't too bad. After that I had settled to cast a 
slow Recovery and rest my energies to at least fly us to the next 
town. That was about the best I could manage, after that I had to 
actually carry her to the inn.
	I put the limp bundle down on the bed and took a couple of 
deep breaths before checking up on the healing process again. I was 
just glad that the wound hadn't been poisoned. Not that I couldn't 
cast Dicleary but Mazoku Poison was... persistent. I had seen one or 
two cases and those weren't nice to look at afterwards. The gash on 
her arm was almost gone now but I was carefully not to put her on 
that side to ease her sleep. Most of the exhaustion was a combination 
of blood loss, channeling of high-level magic under those 
circumstances and the body recovering because of the spell. She 
wouldn't wake up until morning, or sometime deep in the night.
	Sitting on the edge of the bed my hand tucked away a few 
erratic strands of red, Lina's hair was messy and a lot lighter than 
usual. However, that was to be expected. Normally Lina could cast a 
couple of Dragu Slaves without tiring but in her weakened state it 
had taken her a lot of concentration. Also she must have put most of 
her reserves into that last one to make it work. The result was 
spectacular though. I wondered why nobody else had ever thought about 
such a method of combating a Mazoku and reminded myself to ask Lina 
tomorrow. There probably was a good reason.
	I stopped the motion of my hand against the redhead's cheek 
suddenly and blinked, realizing that my thoughts had drifted. I 
almost regretted standing up again and after pulling the covers up, 
going over to my own bed. I had gotten used to being close to someone 
while sleeping. It was a strangely comforting feeling. But before 
today most of the times were born out of a lack of space and... well, 
whatever made Lina do what she did. But the redhead wasn't one to let 
people get TOO close when she could help it. I wasn't sure why she 
allowed me to but didn't question it either. I had observed her and 
Gourry long enough to know that Lina would deny any emotional 
reaction in such a direction.
	Too tired from the exertion of the day my thoughts refused to 
focus as soon as I was lying down...


	... and waking up in a strange place. Not exactly waking up 
per se since I was sure I was dreaming. Despite the belief of people 
I was not a very big dreamer whether be it about justice quests, food 
or gold. I was what most people would call a sound sleeper and never 
really remembered much about them, neither being so conscious in one. 
But the surrealistic place here surely was a dream. A nonexistent 
dream if that made any sense. Darkness beyond blackest pitch, deeper 
than the deepest night. A void so black it was not even black 
anymore, it was just... there. I couldn't feel my body, couldn't 
touch see, hear or smell anything. Nothing at all. Just the awareness 
of being. Being... Being... Who...?
	Memories, flashes, pictures. A girl not much more than five 
or six wearing all black on a cemetery, in front a gravestone. That 
was me... NO! That was... Me? Amelia? But I was Amelia, wasn't I? 
	*Oneechan left...* the little Amelia said and the memory 
	A new one. A girl nine or ten maybe. Red hair, adorably 
cute... Me? Lina? I didn't know... Little Lina running after a man, 
carrying a struggling dark-haired girl on his shoulder... No, not 
that! Not Myria... Please...
	The memory ended. More came, less detailed, blurred, in a 
haze. Of Lina, of Amelia, of me. But who was I? I didn't know and yet 
I did. I was both. We were both. How could that be? It felt so good, 
so warm and right and... Something was missing, something important. 
I couldn't tell what but I... we felt...
	Huh? What? Who?
	Awareness spread out, senses returned and the void lit up 
became tangible, shining in a dull hull. Liquid, water, around me... 
us. I was drowning and yet not. I didn't breathe but there was no 
need to. A big sea of golden light. A sense of belonging. A sense of 
home and yet my... our mind boggled and screamed in primal fear.
	It was too much, the voice wasn't loud but it was everywhere. 
Simply overwhelming and too much to comprehend. The enormous presence 
so familiar and yet so strange. I...
	I looked down at myself the first time. Not much to look at 
was there. I was neither of Lina's or Amelia's size, something in 
between, physical attributes a blend as well. The water - despite 
being in it - reflected my image. Our image. Dark red hair flowing 
into black, reaching just to the shoulders. Eyes a deep violet. The 
	"Who...?" The question could have been anything from "Who are 
you" to "Who am I?" Philosophical questions that were oh so important 
and justifiable right now. But the dream ended...


	... and my eyes opened, awake again, to fix upon ruby ones 
gazing sleepily back at me. No words were spoken, none of us moved. 
None of us dared to even breathe.
	"Lina?" I asked finally, timidly, carefully. "Did you just 
	"... that I was you and you were me and we were one and we 
were visiting the Lady of Dreams?"
	Okay, that was not what I was going to say but... "Yeah. 
Something like that." After a pause I added, really not wanting to 
move and ignoring the thought of anything so unimportant than 
sleeping arrangements. "Uh, Lady of Dreams?"
	"Don't know where that came from. But I suppose since 
nightmares are just bad dreams and dreams are just good nightmares, 
it makes a weird kind of sense. Uh, did that make sense?" Lina 
explained, still sleepily, not moving either. We still held our 
gazes. The dream memories came unbidden back to me, she must have 
seen... No, not yet. This felt just too nice to end...
	"I... guess..." A little light went off over my 
head. "Dreams, Nightmares? As in Lord of Nightmares? We've just 
spoken with GOD?!? No wait, she spoke to us or mind-talked or 
something or..." Alright, I wasn't the quickest sometime but at least 
I wasn't as bad as Gourry and I think my brain was just about now 
catching up with the significance and decided not dealing with it was 
just fine.
	Then Lina did something totally unexpected. "You are 
babbling, Amelia-chan. But that's okay, you are cute when you do 
that." I might have fallen out of the bed from being too stunned and 
thrown completely off guard by that. However, Lina was holding me, so 
that didn't happen. I felt like I should say something in return but 
my mind had just went into meltdown from the overload and I could 
only move my mouth in a futile attempt to form speech.
	"I... uh... I mean..." Lina began to stutter and 
instinctively pull away, her eyes now wide awake. I scrambled to grab 
for her arms and pull her down again, an instinct that was very 
strong but not strong enough to overcome my paralysis quick enough. 
The motion proved to be unnecessary since upon reaching a sitting 
position far too quickly Lina let out something between a yelp and a 
howling sound and collapsed back onto the bed, one hand to her 
forehead. "Oh, my head..." she groaned.
	This time I pulled her into an embrace, encountering brief 
resistance and a whine-like sound that could have passed as my 
name. "Shh, it's okay. You are still weak from being hurt, your body 
hasn't adjusted yet. Rest some more," I tried to tell her with my 
best soothing voice. I never was a good person to lull people to 
sleep and Lina winced a little as my voice was entirely too loud for 
her senses... "Oops, sorry," I mumbled.
	"My bed..." Lina mumbled, could have been a grumble too. 
Definitely another protest.
	"I put you there," I pointed out. "And that is definitely my 
bed. And no, I didn't wake up." And I doubted that I could sleepwalk, 
carry a larger Lina over, lie down again and snuggle into her arms. 
Err, no. Definitely not possible. And I didn't sleepwalk. A clear No.
	"I..." Lina looked sheepish, almost afraid. I could 
practically see mental and emotional shields straining to snap into 
place but finding no leverage. "I didn't... L-sama, I'm sorry, 
Amelia, I..."
	"Shh," I stopped her again, not wanting to let go even though 
the temptation to use a finger and touch this soft... What the 
heck?!? Scratch this thought, forget it right away! My mind still 
wasn't working rationally. "I really don't mind. I have no idea why 
you are doing this but we both know it can't be denied. It feels... 
nice..." Eh? Well, that was true at least. Didn't help much to stop 
the weird train of thoughts though.
	"Love you..."
	And again Lina dozed off, leaving me totally confused and 
just too much info to deal with. I needed to get out of here. Take a 
cold bath, clear my head, get some fresh air. The problem was that I 
just felt too good to leave this spot for, like, ever. I didn't get 
it and maybe I really didn't want to think about it anymore for the 
time being...
	I didn't sleep anymore after this, for some reason content to 
just watch over the redhead.
	After about two hours passed I got a little restless though. 
The sun had already risen and the morning was turning late. Not that 
I was begrudging Lina her sleep or wasn't totally content where I was 
now but... Carefully untangling myself from the sleeping girl I 
slipped out of the bed and into a pair of slippers. Making a quick 
tour to the inn's dining hall, I ordered a big load of breakfast - 
figuring that there was plenty of energy to replenish - and took the 
whole thing upstairs.
	The process took about half an hour and when I came back into 
the room, Lina was tossing a little and muttering something 
incoherently. I put the LARGE tray down next to the bed and slipped 
back into my previous position, noting with relief and a tiny smile 
that obviously my presence seemed to calm the other girl.
	Settling down, another couple of minutes passed before Lina 
finally stirred. Blinking sleepily upwards she was met by a warm 
smile and a bit of a concerned gaze. "Feeling better now?" I wanted 
to ask about the other thing... things but thought better of it, 
suppressing my usual curiosity. Lina nodded slowly and tried to sit 
up, this time very carefully and actually succeeding. I reached down 
beside the bed and brought the tray up. "Breakfast," I announced with 
a cheerful smile, trying to lighten the awkward mood a little.
	Lina stared for a moment, then grinned, reached for the tray 
and started to... devour everything on it in less than thirty 
seconds. I was VERY glad that I had eaten something downstairs. A 
content belch came from Lina's throat and she laughed 
nervously. "Sorry."
	I shrugged, signaling that it was alright. "So, were we 
really dreaming about L-sama and why did you say that you love me?" I 
blurted out. I couldn't help it. I was a curious person, a natural 
bother, my cousin Alfred had once put it. I had been moody this 
entire last month and my own curiosity had taken a backseat in a lot 
of things recently. That might be why I was so eager to take up 
Lina's serious offer for magic lessons. It was a way to satisfy my 
own natural drive to learn new things. Not so much anymore in the 
name of justice but just... to be a better person. Someone I could 
define myself with, even though in a lot of ways people always define 
themselves through others.
	Lina was turning a nice shade of red, matching her hair color 
and surpassing it briefly, then laughed embarrassed. "Eh heh... Yes, 
yes, I'm sure we were in The Sea, so that only leaves one logical 
conclusion. Not to mention the Mazoku from yesterday... Gah, that 
stinks, screams prophecy if you ask me. I just wanted some quiet 
time!" She was saying all of that very rushed, so I figured out 
quickly that maybe the direct way really wasn't that good all the 
	Deciding to drop the comment and write it off as a sleep-
induced, post heavenly - or watery - dream encounter, which I had 
planned to do anyway, I decided to give a different approach one more 
try. "But you do think I am cute?" I said a little teasingly.
	I wasn't expecting a reply, not at all the one that came from 
Lina, effectively silencing me. "Yeah, much more than that..." she 
trailed off and quickly continued. "I mean, don't try to stall me!"
	"Stall you?" I asked confused. "From what?"
	"From talking about yesterday! What was the big idea about 
almost scorching us alive in there? You don't fire off a Burst Flare 
at point-blank range!" the redhead chastised a bit louder, 
immediately flinching from her own raised voice.
	I looked away sheepish but still managed to reply somewhat 
steady. "I... He hurt you and I just... I didn't have much time to 
think..." And I wasn't Lina. I didn't have her experience and speed 
to work out a good strategy at the drop of a hat. Seeing Lina on the 
ground, injured and helpless was just... I couldn't describe and 
didn't want to think back on it if I could help it. Rarely I had felt 
such anger at a being than at the Mazoku at this point. The spell 
just sprang to mind, it had been the best way I knew how to deal 
damage that moment. Looking back on it, I had to admit it was a 
stupid thing to do but I would do it again if the outcome was the 
same with Lina alive.
	"Hey, it's okay," Lina said more softly, one hand on my 
shoulder. "After all I'm the mistress of overkill and maybe just 
being hypocritical. So... Just keep it in mind. I am not invulnerable 
and neither are you." As I relaxed Lina looked thoughtful and a lot 
more troubled. "In any case, it was a miracle that the combination 
did work. They did merge, right? My memories are still a little 
fuzzy." I nodded in confirmation. "That's odd. Usually a Black magic 
and Spirit spell don't work that well together. I never saw someone 
do it before. That probably was a high gamble..."
	"But it worked," I pointed out, having received the answer to 
my earlier question. We were lucky but there was no need in 
questioning the luck afterwards.
	"Yeah. It did. However, what did the Mazoku want from us and 
what was the deal with that dream?"
	I didn't have an answer for those questions either.


<A couple of days later>
After recovering for a full day Lina and I had settled into a kind of 
routine. Staying in motion - so that we wouldn't give an easy target 
if followed - we traveled from town to town, further towards the 
opposite coast and deeper into the heart of the kingdom. You could 
tell the latter easily by the rising number of guards present and the 
distinctively wealthier flare of some of the towns and villages. 
Coming from a country similar to this one - safe for the use of magic 
of course - I could tell that easily. No Mazoku showed up again. No 
sneak attacks or weird creatures bothering us. Not a single one.
	The days were spent either with training or bandit hunting. 
Even though we had acquired more than enough, Lina pointed out that 
it was always better to be prepared and stocked in case something 
came up and I couldn't fight that logic since neither could I nor 
really did I want to use my royal account. The money would have 
helped us not very much anyway here.
	Besides learning new Shamanism spells - a fact that maybe 
surprised me even more than Lina - we concentrated on trying out a 
few Fusion spells - just in case - and Lina spent most of the 
remaining time trying to work out why her Blood Talismans had been 
sealed and how to fix the problem. That detail worried both of us 
because quite frankly even with the talismans Lina had been able to 
only combat simple Mazoku but they didn't help much against a Mazoku 
Lord. Without them a definite advantage was lost.
	Right now we were relaxing in a nice little town, having 
earned the short rest far more than anyone else. "Seems pretty quiet 
lately. Maybe it was just a remaining servant of Gaav or Fibrizo, 
seeking revenge. You made yourself quite some enemies after all," I 
pointed out, taking a sip from my drink and quickly returning to 
eating since otherwise you wouldn't find much remaining on the plates 
very soon.
	Lina paused chewing on her chicken leg and swallowed the 
bite. "Hmph. Gaav I could understand since he was more the rebellious 
type but Fibrizo was a bit lunatic if you ask me. I doubt there are 
much Mazoku who really liked to serve him and I suppose they found 
themselves new bosses by now. I don't know what the guy wanted - or 
better why he wanted to kill me - but I got a feeling this is not the 
end of it. This is just the sort of thing I tend to get pulled into."
	"We," I corrected. At Lina's confused look, I explained 
further, "We are getting into it. I'm a part of the party, you know? 
I might have not done as much as you but I added my own help here and 
there. I doubt those Mazoku leave anything behind that could cause 
them trouble later on."
	Lina finished her chicken leg shrugging but then smiled 
somewhat proudly. "You are starting to grow up. That's good. I 
wouldn't want someone always standing in my shadow for an 
apprentice." After a pause she added, "Still, you never know what 
those bastards are planning. They love to play with humans, enjoy 
torturing them... I wouldn't want you to become a target because of 
me." The last bit was mumbled and if I didn't have such good hearing 
I would have missed it.
	Granted, Lina's compliments were doing wonders for my self-
confidence. I had always felt pretty inferior to the redhead and got 
the impression of being treated like a little girl most of the time. 
Something that I could not really hold against her since I was acting 
like one while in truth I was actually a bit older than my size gave 
me credit for. I always had been a late bloomer I suppose and had 
just started to gain some sufficient height in the last years. Around 
ten you could have mistaken me for a seven year-old. I was still a 
bit younger than Lina though but quietly could sympathize with her 
underdevelopment issues.
	"I can take care of myself," I assured Lina, puzzled over the 
genuine concern that was deeper than I had expected. That together 
with the odd looks as of late, not to mention the awkward morning a 
couple of days ago... Which had pointedly been ignored in mutual 
agreement... However, I could still remember how good it had felt to 
be so close to Lina. I was confused and couldn't figure out why I had 
felt that way.
	Lina sighed and finished her dinner with less enthusiasm than 
before. "I know," she finally said in defeat. "It's just..." She 
looked down at the table but I caught the conflicting emotions of 
concern and reluctance in her eyes.
	Reaching out I lay my hand upon hers, making the sorceress 
look up again, startled. I was taken aback by the short wild and 
frightened expression. "What is it, Lina? You are acting weird around 
me ever since we got separated from the others. I can't help or 
reassure you if you don't tell me what's up." Fixing her with my best 
resolve face I almost faltered under the troubled eyes looking back 
at me and softened my features a little. "Please?"
	"I..." For a moment I thought she was going to not say 
anything and change the topic as she always did at the few occasions 
I dared to bring the topic up in the last days. But defeat settled in 
quickly and Lina leaned lack, looking weary. "You'll think it's 
silly." I shook my head and tried my best to reassure her. "I think 
it's silly. Probably it's nothing. But after that attack..." I waited 
patiently for her to continue and didn't have to wait that long. "I 
am having dreams. Not only of you but... someone else. I can't recall 
that part just that they are there and it's also important. However, 
I can remember the ones with you and they are not quite pleasant. 
Most of them are more flashbacks... You remember Gaav, when his 
servant nearly killed you?" I nodded, shuddering at the quite 
unpleasant memory. Not one of the brightest moments in my life. I 
really thought I was going to die. "In the dream Milgasia wasn't 
there to heal you," Lina finished gravely.
	"Or when Fibrizo sort of killed you all... I..." Recalling 
the images must be painful, I could understand. I was the victim and 
who knows what had been different in the nightmares. I squeezed 
Lina's hand to signal her that I really didn't need to know every 
detail. It was clear what was troubling her now.
	"I don't think it's silly. We dreamed about meeting L-sama 
and being one person. Maybe they are... a warning or something. It 
could be the doing of a Mazoku..." I struggled to come up with 
something comforting. Truth to tell, I felt touched by the concern 
from the other sorceress simply because of some nightmares. There had 
to be something more to the story but decided that I had pried enough 
for the moment. "Look, I promise to be more careful. And I trust you, 
Lina. I know you would never let any of us come to harm even though 
it seems that sometimes you don't care all that much. I can 
understand that, really."
	Lina smiled faintly but relaxed somewhat. "Thanks, Amelia. I 
think the best we can do at the moment is avoid trouble and try to 
find out what all this is about." She grumbled something 
incoherently. "I hate that. I prefer a straight fight over these mind 
games all the time." Perking up she made a nice show of convincing 
herself - if not me - that her mood had changed drastically. "Well, 
no time to brood about what we can't change, ne? Let's get back to 
	I grinned for her benefit, playing along for her sake. I was 
glad that the redhead at least made the effort to be a bit more 
cheerful. That was more the Lina I remembered and loved... err, 
liked. Geez, I wonder where that came from? Anyways, even if it was 
forced I felt a lot more relieved now. Lina hadn't told me 
everything, I was sure about that but at least I had an idea now what 
was bothering her lately.


Soft light filtered through the window and a lukewarm breeze kept the 
air acceptable. Living so high up actually had its advantages, seeing 
as the air was much cleaner than below. As Marcus said, technology 
was on the rise in this continents and while the pollution wasn't 
alarming it could be in the near or far future. That was hard to tell 
since I had only seen a little and understood far less of the 
developed science field in this area of the world, but there was 
definitely a near unstoppable development. It would most likely not 
bother this or any further generations too much, so there was not 
such a dire need to worry. I had other worries anyway.
	Stepping away from the big window I returned back to the 
small study in the corner of a room, a constant light spell floating 
over the table instead of using the artificial light. After accepting 
King Randolf's offer I had been put up in a room in the highest tower 
to work undisturbed on finding Lina. Actually that had been a rather 
easy thing. There had been no further complications, no confusing - 
and embarrassing - visions and the tracking ring worked perfectly 
fine, locating Lina not far from the capital, moving randomly but 
generally towards Garabid. I had informed Randolf, orders were given 
and in a couple of days they would reach the area where Lina was.
	It worried me a little that I hadn't been able to find Gourry 
anywhere near the sorceress - which of course could have a lot of 
reasons. Even though the blonde swordsman didn't do magic he still 
possessed astral waves... and should have been easier to find anyway 
because of that. I could have made a specific search but I felt bad 
enough for using such a questionable item and limited my efforts to 
the near proximity of Lina. I had been raised with certain ethics 
after all and was reluctant to disturb a person's privacy like that 
until totally necessary. That was too much like surveillance for me.
	No, the search hadn't been the problem. The dream vision I 
first had in the mountain shrine, however, had repeated itself. The 
figures were still blurry but there was a distinct familiarity. One 
was almost beyond doubt Lina. I hadn't been able to figure out much 
more or grasp onto more significant details, so I did the best I 
could. I sat down and took notes. During my training one of my 
teachers had explained that it often helped her to write down aspects 
of a vision, as unclear as they might be. Sometimes they would make 
more sense that way and sometimes it simply served the purpose that 
important details wouldn't slip your mind.
	I sighed, and set the pen aside. There was not much to add 
from last night and I had already noted everything that I could 
remember. Trying to meditate on the vision was also rather futile and 
brought minimum to no results at all. My hope was that if Lina was 
really a part of this it might help to have her present. At least she 
needed to be warned. As a friend and most likely for far greater 
	Stretching, I dispelled the Lighting and proceeded to take 
some fresh air to clear my mind. It was a nice day after all with 
barely a cloud on the horizon but still not too hot. Now normally 
walking down all this steps would be... tiring at best. If you were a 
sorceress, however, you did have a few other options. One of them was 
simply casting a Levitation spell and flying down the tower. I 
couldn't hide the smile and wink in the direction of the guards upon 
passing over the front entrance and touching down into the inner 
courtyard. While the first few times the stunned look was sort of 
funny now most I got in return was a nod and an occasional grin. They 
had gotten used to it.
	I found King Randolf in one of the side rooms, standing next 
to a window and staring out past the gardens into the city, seemingly 
lost in thought.
	"Your Highness?" I made my presence known, trying not to 
disturb or surprise the man. Randolf, however, didn't react startled. 
Instead a small sigh came from his direction and he remained where 
and how he was.
	"You always seem to find me, Sylphiel-san, even though 
probably no one else in this place could have done so quickly. I just 
wanted to be alone for a few moments." After a brief pause of silence 
in which I was tempted to simply leave the room in silence, Randolf 
finally turned and gestured towards a chair. "But I don't wish to be 
rude. Please sit down and tell me what brings you here so early."
	"Ah," I began, waving my hands slightly, "I was just a little 
restless and needed to get out of the room for some time. I wasn't 
trying to impose..." The older man held up a hand, stopping my 
rambled apology and indicated again for me to have a seat. I 
complied, carefully studying the man. He seemed... older somehow. A 
heavy weight on him that was becoming a near unbearable burden.
	"Please, that is understandable. And I'd like to talk with 
someone who doesn't want anything from the king but just wishes to 
talk to a normal man." I stayed quiet, waiting for where this was 
leading. Randolf slowly sat down himself and fixed me with an intent 
but not unnerving gaze. "Why don't you tell me a little of the land 
you come from and what exactly makes those Mazoku so dangerous? I 
would like to know." There was no suspicious or disbelief there, 
which was the first thing that stroke me as odd. No, there was only 
genuine curiosity and a startling tiredness.
	Composing myself, I complied with this request. "I will make 
it basic as not to bore you with details. The world we know, this 
whole world, is only a part of many. Presumably there are four worlds 
that are all resting on something like staffs in a great golden sea. 
The Sea of Chaos. The Lord of Nightmares - that is only a term given 
by those living on this world, mind you - rules over all. She is 
creator, mother, father, destroyer and many more things all in one. 
On each staff there is a Shinzoku King - a God - and a Mazoku Lord - 
a demon, so to say - who fight for dominance over the other. In this 
world those are Flare-Dragon Ceiphied and Ruby-Eye Shabranigdu. Both 
waged a long and bloody war on each other that ended as much as 
history states about five thousands years ago with both defeated but 
leaving behind parts of themselves to one day return. Both have 
created their own followers on this world. The Golden Dragons take 
the part of Shinzoku while the Mazoku the opposite. They are mostly 
at equal power and sufficiently stronger than any human mage could 
ever hope to be. They are superior races of Good and Evil if you 
wish, though these lines as you might know are always to be seen 
	Randolf nodded contemplatively, not making a move to argue or 
doubt what I said, so I continued eventually. "Our continent has been 
sealed off from the outside world about thousand years ago during a 
war that involved the resurrection of one of Shabranigdu's parts. The 
Mazoku raised a God-sealing field and thus the power of the Shinzoku, 
one of the only ways to battle a Mazoku, became lost. I am a Shrine 
Maiden and specialize in White magic but I have never learned any 
Holy spells that might be of help against a Mazoku. I am a priestess, 
a healer, at best." I paused to study Randolf's reaction and then 
carefully asked, "If you don't mind my curiosity, why let me tell you 
about all of this. You obviously didn't seem to believe much in those 
	A long silence fell upon the room and I could see the inner 
battle in the older man as well as I could see it end with 
resignation and a tired sigh. "I only wish my Kingdom to be safe. As 
a born ruler you have not much choice, you know? I love my people and 
the Kingdom father entrusted me with but I am not sure if I would 
have become King, given a choice." Seeing my puzzled look, he laughed 
heartedly. "But that is really not the point here. You see, I am 
gravely ill. A strong virus or something, the healers are not 
certain. I become weaker with every passing day. Most likely I will 
still live a long life but..." Again he stopped, turning his head to 
gaze out of the window again. "I lost my faith in magic and such 
things through my illness. There wasn't a healer strong enough to 
cure my illness. A foolish notion of a young man, I know. But I had 
my whole life in front of me and you can imagine that to be quite a 
shock. With your arrival and the ease you do things considered high-
level magic in our lands made me think. I want my Kingdom to be safe 
and not terrorized by some evil demon. Life for me has become empty 
otherwise. I don't want to lose the only thing I can still do."
	I had listened carefully and somewhere during the last 
sentences I had concentrated, reaching out with my senses and 
searching for this mysterious illness. I found the telltale traces 
within a minute and could hardly believe my eyes. This virus was old 
and considered harmless on our continent for the better part of a 
century. Every healer who understood their lore could cure it. The 
disturbing difference between magic levels within the space of a 
thousand years was disturbing. I couldn't imagine that just the God-
sealing field had such an effect on the knowledge of magic.
	"I can heal that," I stated into his ramble that I hadn't 
paid much attention to the last few sentences.
	The expression on King Randolf's face was one of stupefied 
shock, giving way to hope and an almost childlike glee. "Really? I 
wanted to ask but I couldn't have hoped... I mean... It would be... 
No one ever could... They said..." I smiled slightly at the confused 
babbling, knowing all too well the feeling of a hope you thought 
never to feel again, long forgotten and buried. I had felt the same 
upon seeing Sairaag resurrected, upon seeing my father... The hope 
hadn't lasted, but maybe I could make another one's last.
	"It may take a bit of preparation and time but, yes, your 
illness has been combated successfully by healers from where I come 
from for a long time. I believe, I can do it."
	The incredible relief and joy on the King's face was not 
halted - only dimmed - when a servant came in, informing us that Lina 
had been found.


The bustling activity of the city was a sure sign how close we had 
come to the capital of Goya Kingdom. Not that that had been 
intentional, however, our initiate reason for staying was to see more 
of the outside world and you learn a lot about the world through its 
culture. Granted, I wasn't sure if I liked this practically atheistic 
culture but it was still interesting and the artifacts you could find 
here were pretty amazing. That had to be explored after all. Now that 
the god-sealing field was gone others would also set out for the 
outside world soon. At the moment we had an advantage, best to make 
use of it.
	Right now, I wasn't to keen on exploring though. It was early 
morning, shortly after breakfast. Amelia had gone to the market to 
refill our travel resources. I didn't feel all that well this 
morning, so I had decided not to tag along. The reason for this was 
again troubling sleep, as so often in this past month. I wasn't a 
prophetic person, neither did I ever remember much about my dreams. 
That's why the ones lately were so disturbing. I wouldn't have paid 
much attention to it, if I simply had had trouble sleeping, 
nightmares that I couldn't remember afterwards. There was really no 
sense in worrying yourself to death about something you couldn't 
change. However, I remembered every dream in vivid detail, detail 
that I had no intention of going into... ever.
	Tonight's dream had sent me into a state of numbness ever 
since waking - an hour before sunrise or so - to a point where I was 
sure I would worry Amelia sick. The dream had not even began as 
anything special, not even disturbing as that. Just a simple memory 
of the Gaav confrontation at Dragon's Peak. Not the wretched version 
of Amelia in a pool of blood from Saygrum's attack while Zelgadis and 
I were trying to revive her without success. No, this time Milgasia 
was there like he should be. Everything went as it should be. 
Defeating Saygrum, almost slaying Gaav, Fibrizo showing up... That's 
there it became odd. I almost didn't realize it but this time instead 
of Gourry being kidnapped by the lunatic kid, Amelia was.
	The scene had shifted to Fibrizo's hideout. Just like in 
reality I had to watch as everyone was killed, leaving only Amelia. 
Again, the difference here was that she was being tortured by some 
very nasty looking Mazoku and a couple of Brass Demons. That had sent 
me over the edge. You must know that I am partial aware of it every 
time I have those weird dreams. I know to a degree that all this is 
just my subconsciousness. All the aggravation, frustration and worry 
caused by the nightmares had come together at that moment. And then 
Fibrizo had clearly made a mistake, materializing fully, his astral 
self not protected. And I had struck. With a Laguna Blade unlike any 
before I had struck the devious child down, impaling him through his 
dark heart...
	The dreamscape had blurred for a moment and then I could see 
again there wasn't Fibrizo anymore hanging limply in the air, only 
held by the chaos blade. It was Amelia staring at me with disbelief 
and betrayal in her eyes. Fibrizo stood where Amelia was held before 
laughing like the madman he was.
	All I knew afterwards was losing it upon seeing Amelia's 
prone form falling to the ground dead. There had been so much 
blood... I wasn't sure what happened afterwards but in the dream I 
might have cast the Giga Slave, destroying everything because there 
was only blackness around me but that was a petty detail. I was still 
there afterwards. Alone. Alone with the lifeless body of my friend...
	I had sunken to my knees shaking my head, angry tears running 
down my cheeks. A voice echoed through the void, hard to pinpoint and 
impossible to figure out any characteristics.
	"Behold, you who wields chaos! Before the next moon rises to 
full might, you will have taken an innocent life! This is not a 
warning, this is your fate!"
	I woke up screaming and couldn't get any sleep afterwards. 
Every time I tried I saw Amelia's face, full of disbelief, so 
accusing of betrayal. I couldn't bear it. And it was still hunting 
me, even after several cups of strong coffee. And I was truly no fan 
of the exotic drink. That's why I needed to be alone for a bit. 
Amelia hadn't commented but I knew she suspected something. The talk 
two days ago had not been brought up again, which I was thankful for, 
and in truth I had felt a lot better afterwards. I didn't want to 
worry Amelia any further.
	"This is crazy," I muttered. "I can't do this again." I 
wasn't sure when it had begun. I doubted it was just by being 
separated with Amelia alone or the dreams that made me pay more 
attention to the ex-princess-by-choice. Maybe there always had been 
an interest before. She reminded me of Myria in some ways but I 
wasn't sure if I could ever go through this again. I admitted it 
freely to myself, I was scared of the feelings building inside of me. 
Losing Myria had left me scarred very early and on a conscious level 
even I had refused to get emotional bound to someone like this again. 
Amelia was similar to Myria not only in character but also in social 
status. While I could see that Amelia might really have the strength 
to break free from her chains, I might not be ready myself again.
	"I can't let this happen again. It's only going to end up 
with broken hearts," I whispered, the wind carrying the words away 
almost immediately over the small river underneath the bridge. I 
sighed, gazing down into the water, head rested in my hands. Memories 
about my childhood resurfaced unbidden. Myria and I playing. Innocent 
children. She had been my only friend, the only one who constantly 
liked to play with me. I knew I had been weird as a child already. 
Studying Black magic and all sort of other things. I had my dreams 
set then and I was happy as it was. As long as Myria and I remained 
friends but then...
	I shook my head trying to chase the memory away but without 
little success as the smiling face of the blonde girl changed into 
that of a dark-haired, younger version of Amelia... Just like in the 
shared dream. I knew Amelia had seen it but hopefully had no idea how 
to interpret what she had seen. "Gah!" Frustrated I threw my hands 
into he air. "Xelloss, would you just come out and tell me what's 
going on?!? Even if it is only a bloody secret!" There was no 
response and I hadn't really expected one. I doubted that the 
trickster had anything to do with the dreams. That wasn't his style.
	"Um, excuse me, Miss, um... Lina In..."
	"Oops." The trio of guards were well-scorched from the Flare 
Arrow. "Sorry about that. But you should know not to sneak up on a 
person like that." I eyed the three guards suspiciously and they 
looked back worried, not making a move. Getting annoyed I put my 
hands on my hips and tapped my foot. "So? What do you want? I didn't 
blow up anything big recently, so..."
	"Ah... No, no. Nothing like that," one of the guards was 
quick to response. "We have, um, been notified to escort you to 
Garabid, the capital of Goya. His Highness, King Randolf, wishes to 
see you."
	I arched an eyebrow, contemplating. The suspicion wasn't 
gone. Actually it was rising into red levels. "And why would that be? 
How would he know of me anyway? I am not from this region."
	"Oh, everybody knows about the violent girl rampaging through 
towns in the Kingdoms, making the inns poor from food cost, causing 
random damage..." I was strongly tempted to roast the young boy, not 
older than seventeen or eighteen at best. Strongly tempted, in my 
words, usually meant I didn't resist and a moment later the young 
soldier lay coughing on the ground.
	"Wrong answer." I glared at the apparently highest-ranking of 
the three. "So what is this about. And HOW did you find me anyway?"
	The quite muscular man was sweating a little and exchanging 
nervous glances with the other guard. "Ah, we are sorry, Inverse-san 
but I am afraid we are just carrying out orders. We have been told to 
look out for someone that matches your description passing through 
here and to bring them to His Highness, King Randolf."
	I couldn't detect any trickery in the three men and doubted 
they had a reason to lie. I knew how command chains worked. They were 
most likely telling the truth. Which didn't mean that I have to like 
it or that it was less suspicious. "And what will you do if I refuse? 
You see, I don't like being told what to do and where to go. I am 
probably coming through the capital on my own accord very shortly as 
well, so why the haste? No forget that, you probably don't know 
	The guard's leader was about to answer but was interrupted 
again by the young fellow. "We don't have to take this from some 
witch-girl, Lieutenant. Nobody refuses a royal invitation!" 
Idealistic to the core, loved his country, firmly believed in the 
crown, in what he had been taught... I hated guys like him. That's 
why I was secretly glad that there was this other side to Amelia I 
had seen lately. With her the attitude was more amusing than anything 
else anyway. And quite annoying at times too.
	Now the fool was even drawing his blade, poor Lieutenant was 
making a strangling sound and backing away. But nothing happened. 
Nothing was allowed to happen. Because, well... just at this moment, 
Amelia happened.
	"Hold, evildoers!" I was about to groan but then changed my 
mind and grinned instead at seeing the shorter girl standing on a low 
branch from that really old tree slightly next to the bridge. Which 
effectually took her to the same level as us on the peak of the 
bridge. What really made me grin and almost laugh was her posture, 
balanced completely still - she had improved on that a lot - one arm 
outstretched and pointing at the guards, a big bag of groceries slung 
over the shoulder of the other arm. "Pretending to be soldiers and 
threatening an... innocent... girl that I cannot forgive! FREEZE... 
	I had to admit a certain approval at seeing the spell work. I 
mean actually WORK. That thing had been one of Naga's originals and I 
had only described it to Amelia. Much like everything else concerning 
Shamanism she had mastered it quickly and the ball of ice emitting 
the icicles was actually controlled and winked out after its job was 
finished. The three guards were completely encased in ice. I blinked 
a few times, whistling quietly to myself before facing Amelia who had 
run up to me.
	"Seems that I was just in time. I hope they weren't bothering 
you..." She stopped upon seeing my stare. "What? Yes, okay. I 
promised no cheesy speeches anymore and I thought it was dumb anyway. 
But you know, old habits and such... Umm..." She paused, looking a 
bit more worried now. "That wasn't it, right?"
	I sighed and patted her on the shoulder for support. "It's 
alright, you couldn't know." At her puzzled look I explained. "Those 
ARE royal guards... I think. The young boy was just a bit... 
overjoyed to do his work."
	"Oh." Another pause in which Amelia looked at the three 
frozen soldier sheepishly. "What did they want?"
	I shrugged. "I am supposed to meet the king. But they have no 
idea why for. You know, orders and those things." Amelia nodded 
dully. "What do you think? Want to check it out? Maybe His Highness 
has some job for us. They didn't seem here to arrest me at least. I 
know you probably don't want to see a palace anytime soon..."
	"I don't want to LIVE in one for the rest of my life, Lina. 
There is a difference." Now it was for me to look sheepish. I really 
had to watch what I was saying. I swear Amelia was already getting 
annoyed enough with my continued worry.
	I raised a hand and melted the ice with a light Fire spell, 
making sure to add a little extra for the youngster. The response was 
	"Cold... Cold... Cold... Hot! Hot! Hot! HOT!!!"
	I fixed the three guards with a glare. "I hope this is worth 
the trouble. I don't like being dragged off to see some King for 
nothing." All three men gulped and nodded quickly. "Alright then! 
Lead the way!"


Garabid was a nice city, no doubt there. The hyperactivity, the high 
standards of buildings, shops and other places, the structures you 
would only be found in this quality in the capital city of a royal 
kingdom. The palace was far more modern than the one in Saillune and 
judged from the design our artist back home could learn quite a bit 
from the one who designed this one. Pompous, luxurious, yes. But in a 
way that was only really understandable to those of royal blood, it 
was also beautiful. I doubted Lina, walking right next to me, could 
see this. She was probably right now counting the exact wealth of 
this King Randolf and what demands on a reward she could make for 
whatever possible task he had for us. That was Lina for you and I 
didn't mind. Lina was one of the most vicious bargainers I had ever 
seen and I doubted that without her we would have gotten half of the 
money out of the items we sold lately.
	It had only taken a day from where we were to Garabid. The 
group of guards had taken us straight to the heart of the kingdom and 
had left us no time to really enjoy the city upon arrival. Ushering 
us right to the Royal Palace.
	I had said it didn't bother me and I meant it. It pretty much 
didn't. This wasn't Saillune, not my home, not the country father 
intended me to rule one day. However, memories came unbidden and with 
the decision of trying myself at defiance, at reawakening my 
childhood dream, walking straight into a palace again was not doing 
much for my self-confidence.
	Memories of endless hours spent alone studying in my room, 
endless hours of loneliness inside while maintaining the cheerful 
mask... Father and everyone else had thought it was mother's death 
that had affected me so, her death and 'Neechan's disappearance. That 
was true. But I doubted they ever truly understood why I suddenly 
changed from the rebellious to a dutiful child. It had been so easy 
to don the mantle of a Wil Tesla Saillune. Easy to just fit into the 
expectations of my father, the way of our family. It was easy to 
forget and ignore the betrayal that way...
	I shook my head, blinking my eyes a few times to clear my 
head from the painful memories of times long forgotten. I felt a 
gentle squeeze of my hand and looked sideways into Lina's worried 
face. "We can still turn around," she offered with a wave of 
understanding passing between us that needed no words.
	I offered a wry smile. "I mange," I said. "As long as you let 
me do the talking and don't blow the place apart..."
	"Who froze them solid, you or me?" She indicated at the trio 
of guards, walking silently in front of us. I winced at the reminder. 
The three had been quite demure the whole trip, sending wary glances 
in our direction every now and then.
	"Ah... well that... You burned the poor kid almost to death!" 
I retorted, not coming up with a better comeback right away.
	Lina smirked. "He deserved it." Which was true. The young 
soldier had lamented and send us evil looks all the way here and I 
was more than tempted to follow Lina's usual means of dealing with 
this sort of thing.
	I couldn't help myself any longer and burst out into giggles 
and soft laughter which Lina quickly joined in. The mutual bond that 
had been growing stronger between us had increased even more through 
the events of the last days. Both of us knew instinctively when the 
other needed a diversion from melancholic thoughts, a good laugh to 
lighten the mood. The guard trio in front of us grumbled and we only 
laughed harder making them scowl in annoyance. I rewarded Lina with a 
grateful smile though I wasn't sure if she cheered me up now or I 
cheered her up. That was an insignificant detail though.
	Finally, we reached the palace entrance and were brought 
inside. What awaited us was not quite what I expected. The palace 
was... alive. Quite literally so. People were running hither and 
wither. More guards were presented inside than was surely normal and 
they were all clustered in a specific wing of the palace. What was 
even more suspicious when all the activity was the total quietness it 
was done with. Hushed voices, limber footsteps... An aura of 
extreme... wrongness hung in the air.
	"What the...?" stated Lina at my side, stopping at the same 
time to look around. The lieutenant moved forward to speak with one 
of the other guards inside who when disappeared into a different 
corridor. "What's going on here?" Lina spoke my thoughts out a loud.
	We were not given an answer immediately. Instead we were led 
towards the corridor where the other guard had disappeared into. The 
feeling of wrongness was even stronger here. I was never an overly-
powerful shrine maiden but even those that were still in-training 
should feel it. I was sure Lina felt it. We were told to sit down and 
wait and as we did I began to notice something that was nagging at 
the back of my mind. I knew this scene, what was going on here. I was 
certain I knew...
	"Lina," I whispered sharply, breaking the thick silence and 
making the redhead almost jump. "I... This sort of activity, the 
silence, the feeling of wrongness and the uncertainty of the people 
around us... I know what it is." And the memory made me tremble. I 
wanted to run. I wanted to get away, do everything just to get away 
from this horrible reminder. Lina's hand squeezing mine prevented any 
of that quite effectively but it didn't take the wild and fearful 
look out of my eyes that I was sure was there.
	"The king... or someone of his family.. is either gravely ill 
or..." I trailed off, not having the strength to finish the sentence. 
Flashes, memories, played before my eyes but in a colossal effort I 
forced them away, buried them deep into the back of my mind, instead 
focusing on my healer's oath. I was a shrine maiden after all and all 
of us had to swear oaths to heal people in need as long as it was in 
our power.
	Lina was about to say something but the door we were sitting 
next to opened silently and a young man in his mid-twenties and royal 
robes looked out. With a gesture he indicated for us to come in. The 
other sorceress looked about to protest and I was almost sure that 
she would have dragged me out of here any minute now at my obvious 
	I stood up, gathering all my courage and reminding myself of 
my oath I moved to the door before Lina could protest. I heard her 
mutter behind me but didn't pay attention to it. The inside of the 
room was only dimly-lit. Curtains were half-closed, allowing only a 
shimmer of the sunlight to fall into the room. Right next to the 
window was a large bed, the size and type a ruler would have and the 
prone figure of a middle-aged man lay on it.
	I didn't pay that much attention to him though because my 
eyes had wandered to the person kneeling in front of the bed, hands 
on the man's chest, glowing a bright white. The purple robe, the 
golden shoulder guards, the rod leaning unused next to the bed and 
the unmistakable black-purple hair left not much room for doubt. My 
mind boggled at the coincidence but at least now some things began to 
make sense.
	"Sylphiel?" Lina gasped behind me and was it just my 
imagination or was there a sliver of almost expectation next to the 
disbelief. I shook it off and focused my attention on the older girl 
and fellow shrine maiden. There wasn't much strain there yet but it 
was apparent that whatever healing she was doing had to be 
complicated. I looked back at Lina and she nodded silently as I moved 
	"Hello, Lina-san, Amelia-san, it is good to see you even 
though I had wished the circumstances were a little better than 
this," Sylphiel greeted and nodded for me to kneel next to her. I 
followed the silent order unsure of what to do next or what to do 
with. "I am afraid that every conversation will have to wait. As you 
see. I am quite occupied at the moment." She focused her attention 
back to who had to be King Randolf. "I tell you if I need help," she 
said to me, her eyes falling closed as the White magic flared between 
her hands once again in renewed strength.
	I sat there waiting, watching intently, not quite daring to 
probe right now. What Sylphiel did seemed complicated, I didn't want 
to interrupt or confuse her. Glancing back briefly at Lina I saw that 
she was worried too but unlike me she wasn't a healer and therefore 
must have felt a little helpless right now.
	Suddenly Sylphiel jerked hard next to me. Immediately I 
snapped my gaze back to her. She had one hand half-lifted. "Amelia... 
I need you in here... now..." she pressed out. Forcing back the fear 
and the oh so familiarity of the whole situation I did not think 
about my actions but simply did act. Grasping Sylphiel's hand I felt 
my consciousness being drawn away immediately as I was surged into 
the other shrine maiden's healer's trance. What I found there was 
disturbing to say the least...


The sudden change in pace of the king's illness had come as a 
surprise to me as well. I knew how this virus worked and the sudden 
drop in health was more than just concerning. I had been the second 
one to even discover that Randolf had apparently not woken this 
morning, locked in a comatose state since time unknown. It could have 
happened during the night already, and judging by the frightening 
decrease of antibodies, this was a distinct possibility. His immune 
systems was weakening with every minute and I had yet to find the 
origin of all of this.
	After finding Randolf not present when I was awake I had 
immediately been drawn to the Royal Chambers and found him in his 
room attended by his private, but rather helpless healer, Mendez. I 
had to push him aside by force and told him in no uncertain terms 
that whatever he was doing might only make it worse.
	Now, I had been sitting here for almost two hours and had 
just decided to pull my spirit back for a moment and let the Recovery 
spell sustain Randolf's body by itself for a short while. I needed 
time to clear my thoughts and gather my concentration again. There 
was a knock on the door and I looked back wearily as one of the 
guards entered and spoke to the healer who was leaning against the 
wall in hushed voices. Through the haze the uphold of a constant 
stream of magical energy produced I managed to catch Lina's name 
	"Bring them in," I managed to whisper more than speak, making 
the two men look at me. The healer nodded quickly and ushered the 
guard out of the room before looking back to me questioningly. I 
shook my head in the negative to the unspoken question. "I am not 
sure what caused this yet..." I wished to have better news but 
unfortunately could not produce miracles... even if those people 
might believe that to be the case.
	I focused my attention back on Randolf, not being able to 
afford too much disconnection. I would not give myself to the 
delusion that there was no immediate danger because there was. 
Whatever affected him was very dangerous and one mistake, one 
hesitation could decide between life or death. I wished I knew what I 
was fighting. All I managed up to now was combating the decrease in 
inner defense, trying to maintain at least the weak state Goya's king 
was in.
	After a moment I sensed two other presences in the room and 
as I turned to acknowledge the newcomers I was a little startled to 
only see Lina and Amelia but didn't give it much thought. In a way, I 
was almost grateful for Amelia's presence who seemed to immediately 
sense that her help might be needed.
	After a short greeting I dived back into the stream of power, 
carrying my spirit directly into the body of the ill monarch...
	... and barely managed to avoid a crushing blow that would 
have shattered my spirit in millions of tiny pieces. *What in 
Ceiphied's name...?* There was a pitch-black sphere of pure darkness 
hovering right in front of me, obscuring the virus that had before 
slowly drained Randolf's life force. The combination was pulsating 
between a sickly green-purple and this absolute black. I knew what it 
was. And it send a shudder right through my mental self.
	Snapping barriers into place I reached out of myself to drew 
Amelia in, very thankful now for her presence. She was not quite up 
to my level but I always believed that she gravely underestimated her 
skill. New power flowed into me as our spiritual selves joined into 
one. That was rather unusual but I didn't have the time nor the 
concentration to explain all that mentally.
	*What is... Oh no...* As expected Amelia immediately 
recognized what was in front of us. Suddenly I felt such an intense 
surge of panic and agony that I almost had to push the princess back 
to the mortal plane or risk getting both of us killed. She was 
struggling against the fear though. Memories flashed through my mind 
and I felt very intrusive at the moment. This was not for me to see 
but at least I knew now what to do.
	*Amelia! Snap out of it! We can do that!*
	Somehow I managed to get through to her and the younger girl 
calmed, the fear replaced by intense determination. She was clinging 
onto her healer's oath but that would do. Unfortunately the little 
episode had only helped to let the blackness grew even more as it had 
feasted upon the fear. Like any Mazoku would so would Mazoku Poison.
	*How could you attempt to fight this alone?* Amelia asked 
mentally but began to add her own power to mine.
	*I had no idea. It was a simple Reconue virus until 
yesterday. I believe it must have hidden somewhere or was implanted 
this night. Until a few seconds ago I had no idea what caused the 
drop in his immunity system.*
	Only silence answered me but there was nothing more to tell. 
Amelia knew what we were up against and it would take all of our 
power to remove the poison, especially since it was stronger than 
everything I had ever encountered before. The stench of death flowing 
around us and the weakening health was draining our reserves even 
faster and at the same time strengthened the poison.
	For what seemed like an eternity we worked silently, working 
up a quarantine field around the poison within a mental magic circle. 
As soon as the poison was isolated we would have to act. It would not 
hold the poison long, however, having two people made it possible to 
chant two spells. That could be our best advantage. The usual 
procedure for a singe mage to heal Mazoku Poison would be to chant 
both a Dicleary and a Resurrection or Recovery spell - depending on 
the damage done - in short order after another. That shortened the 
time frame even more and only the most skilled were able to pull it 
off. I had spent so much time fighting an uphill battle for the past 
hours already I didn't believe I could have done it.
	The circle was almost complete and already it became hard to 
hold it in place. The poison was pushing hard against the bonds which 
made it clear that whoever placed it in here was powerful. I didn't 
waste any thoughts to the who and why, that would be a waste of 
mental energy right now which I still needed every ounce of.
	*Are you ready?* I asked Amelia and was met with silence for 
a moment. The memories were all gone now, the painful past banned 
from her consciousness... or better subconsciousness for the moment. 
It lurked on the edges though and I sensed her uncertainty, her fear 
of failure, of letting someone down... From what I've seen I 
understood quite well and it saddened me. *You can do it,* I assured 
her. *Together we can. Trust me.* There was a brief pause of 
hesitation and then there was a new feeling of confidence, much 
brighter than before, much stronger. Something else was there too, a 
power unlike anything I had sensed before but it was distant and 
faint, practically gone before it could be pinpointed.
	I paid it no mind anymore. The circle was complete. The time 
was now. *You go first.* I would have to leave the Dicleary to Amelia 
because the level of a Resurrection spell needed afterwards she could 
not achieve. At least not yet...


I stood watching the two clerics with a mixture of feelings. 
Helplessness, impatience, concern, fear... Helplessness at being 
unable to aid them. Impatience at the slow process and as a 
consequences of the helplessness. Concern because whatever it was 
they were fighting was strong enough to give Sylphiel trouble. Fear 
for Amelia and Sylphiel's health, I did not wish to lose either one, 
not again. All this was mixed together into a slow agony that began 
to drive me crazy, more so than any Mazoku scheme ever could achieve. 
And I believe it was showing.
	I had schooled my features into a stoic calm mask, my eyes 
fixed forward on the couple kneeling side by side in front of the 
bed, ready to jump to their aid at any given second. As little as I 
might be able to do I would do it. Any ordinary person would have to 
get a reaction out of me first to even suspect that my nerves were 
ready to explode any moment. The healer, however, seemed to see right 
through me. Not with that pitying amount of magical skill but more 
with the wisdom of someone whose job involved reading body language 
very often.
	I couldn't bear the stare any longer and decided to break the 
silence. The missing knowledge of what was going on was gnawing on me 
anyway. Turning my head to look directly at the rather young man - 
for a healer - I had the satisfaction of seeing him flinching back 
for a moment under my gaze.
	"Alright. Question. What exactly is this illness that your 
King has?" The healer hesitated for a moment, looked around as if he 
suspected that someone would hide in the wall just to hear him reveal 
that detail. I briefly closed my eyes, reached out with my senses, 
and then shook my head. "No one is listening. The guards outside are 
talking." I had picked this trick up during a treasure hunt a couple 
of years ago, even before I met Naga. It wasn't much reliable but 
enough for now.
	The healer still looked doubtful but sighed then. "I swore an 
oath to Randolf-sama not to talk to anyone about this but I suppose 
it does not matter now. His Highness suffers under a rare illness 
which your... friend has called Reconue. Randolf-sama did not want to 
worry anyone or present a weak image for the kingdom. He loves his 
people dearly and would not want them to worry."
	"Oh," I said, understanding the motives well enough. Selfless 
rulers were not that often seen but the line between selflessness and 
necessity in this society class was very thin actually. A weak ruler 
would be gone from the throne quicker than they could look behind 
them. "But why all the fuss? Reconue is a slow virus and as much as I 
know Sylphiel should not have a problem clearing it."
	The healer sighed. "We do not know. I found His Highness in a 
state of fever sleep, rapidly slipping into coma this morning. My 
abilities are limited, I admit to that, and I could do nothing to 
prevent it. Apparently Randolf-sama had asked Sylphiel-san yesterday 
to cure him but she was as surprised as me at the sudden loss of 
strength and inner defense."
	Great. That sounded like this King Randolf had been totally 
healthy - as healthy as you can get with Reconue - and had suddenly 
dropped over the edge of life from one moment to another. Something 
was amiss here. Of course, I had that already figured out when 
Sylphiel had sought Amelia's help rather hastily. Not to mention that 
their auras had begun to blaze so intensely right away that it had 
been blinding me for a moment. The brightness had decreased by now 
and had warped through a serious of concerning changes. Right now 
they were preparing something big. I could FEEL it.
	Amelia jerked for a moment, but not as much as at the 
beginning where I had to restrain myself from intervening, somehow. 
The white, constant glow of healing energy emitted from their hands 
dimmed to almost nothing for a moment before coming back to life.
	The healer had moved towards the bed, however. "I cannot let 
this continue. It is too dangerous..."
	I was in his face a moment after he took his first step, a 
small ball of fire in my hand. "I think not," I stated, my voice hard 
and bearing no argument. "If you want your King to die, go ahead, I 
wouldn't care right now. But I care about Amelia and Sylphiel. You 
have NO idea what is going. As much as I do. I am no healer, however, 
I trust them. I owe Sylphiel my life and that is quite enough for 
me." For a brief second I could see in the healer's eyes the 
challenge, entertaining the thought of not backing down. But he 
relented quickly, my own gaze not wavering.
	"I suppose I have no choice then. I must trust your friend as 
	I smiled faintly, returning to watching the scene 
worriedly. "Sylphiel is the best human healer I know... and I know 
quite a lot. She could make a few dragons look bad I suppose. If she 
can't beat this, whatever it is, you won't..."
	Just at that moment both Sylphiel and Amelia gasped as I 
heard a mental cry of exertion and the beginning whispers of Amelia 
chanting Dicleary. But it wasn't as much Amelia I was worried about 
but Sylphiel at the moment. I could feel that even the shared power 
could not replace the loss of energy from hours of working White 
	"NO ONE interrupts us. Absolutely no one!" I hissed at the 
healer before practically springing forward and against any warning 
every half-trained apprentice could give you, grasped both Amelia and 
Sylphiel's hands in mine. The result was as unexpected as it was 
unpredictable in any way beforehand.
	An explosion of golden radiance suddenly blinded me 
completely, physically and mentally before I could feel two other 
presences in the blinding sea of extreme light. Amelia and Sylphiel 
were trying to ignore the spectacle around them and I could hear the 
beginning of Sylphiel's Resurrection incantation. I saw now, as 
clearly as if I had never done anything else in my life what was the 
source of such trouble. And I did not hesitate but a single moment 
before reacting. They would need more power. Sylphiel was staggering 
through the words and Amelia was drained from her own effort to a 
point where she might not even be able to pull out of here again.
	The mental energy I sent their way was taken thankfully and 
without hesitation. I felt something tug at my consciousness and knew 
that whatever I had set in motion with my impulsive action was 
reaching its peak. Forewarned about my own nightly visions and 
nightmares I could instantly tell what was coming.
	But here? Now? It would kill them if they lost even an ounce 
of the concentration to work the final spell. The Mazoku Poison was 
already dissolving but only Resurrection would deal a killing blow 
with the enormous size of the thing. And even if it wasn't necessary, 
the damage done do this body was already lethal. It needed immediate 
	I have no idea how I knew this, mind you. I was relying on 
what my instinct and the connection told me. That was enough though 
to do what needed to be done. As utterly reckless and stupid as it 
was. I felt mental shields trying to deflect the incoming flashes of 
visions but it wouldn't be enough. With all my mental might I pulled 
and managed to somehow take the swirling mess that represented the 
incoming visions into myself...
	The world around me erupted in a bright flare and then there 
was nothing but absolute and utter darkness. Only an eternity later I 
could hear the faint sound of waves, could see ripples of gold and I 
knew where I was... again. However, this realization was not left 
much room as the images began an relentless onslaught, all of 
different situations, different persons. Amelia, Sylphiel, me... It 
wasn't all meant for me, I knew. But I was the only receiving person 
so they needed an outlet. The endless crescendo of images was slowly 
driving me crazy, I could not grasp anymore than a single picture in 
midst of thousands at a time. And it made no sense that way...
	Finally the flow of visions stopped and a clearer picture 
formed. I could make out Dragons and Mazoku locked in mortal combat, 
bolts of holy and destructive power were thrown carelessly around. 
Where they hit only empty space remained, canceling out cities, 
villages, kingdoms in a mater of seconds. Monsters and beasts were 
everywhere, even elves I could make out. Then suddenly a light flared 
in their midst. A light so intense it could surpass the sun's rays, 
so gentle it could rival the moon's beams, so promising as the new 
dawn and so eerie and foreboding as the deepest dusk. Twilight in 
perfection. And around it a corona of blue spiritual fire. Three 
figures could be seen in the center of the light but before I could 
make them out the light flared in a mixture of brightness and 
darkness, completely blinding me and my spirit was yanked to 
consciousness once again with a silent scream...


*Oh, blessed and humbled hand of god, life and breath of Mother 
	A rumble caught my attention briefly and for a moment that 
was almost too long I hesitated. A golden light spread out over the 
spiritual plane, encompassing everything. A brilliance I had only 
seen once before. In the light that had surrounded Lina when L-sama 
had overtaken her body. This was far grander though. I felt Lina's 
presence behind us and new power began to flow through me. I took it 
with open arms, not asking any question, not wondering what was going 
on. I knew what was happening... well, sort of. However, there was 
nothing I could do. Snapping mental shields into place around us I 
hoped desperately that I would be quick enough before whatever 
reaction the contact between the three of us caused would shatter my 
	*... come before me and show your great compassion and 
deliver us! RESURRECTION!*
	The blackened form of the poison shrieked as the gentle 
breeze of all-consuming White magic swept over it and spread 
throughout the whole body. I drew upon the surrounding area so 
strongly I feared to make someone collapse from exhaustion. Faces 
flashed before my mind's eye, people from the palace I've got to know 
in these few days. The nameless followers of a loved ruler fearing 
for his welfare, their prayers for his survival. All this and the 
golden light that seemed to mix and mingle with my efforts gave the 
spell enough strength to rip a Mazoku apart at point-blank range.
	Carefully but quickly I worked. As soon as the poison 
collapsed under the inferno of holiness I began to patch the body 
back together, connecting veins, reestablishing the correct blood 
flow, refilling the king's life force. Healing that way was a slow 
and tiring process to the wielder since with a Resurrection you had 
to do most things yourself instead of let the body do the work. In 
actually it might as well have taken less than five seconds. It felt 
like hours though.
	Finally, I pulled back, somehow managing to string Amelia and 
Lina's minds with me as well. My eyes snapped open and immediately I 
felt the strain and exhaustion as my vision blurred with brightly-
colored spots. I collapsed to the floor immediately, my breathing 
coming in short, erratic gasps for quite some time. "It is done..." I 
managed to croak out before simply closing my eyes and staying where 
I was for several moments.
	A thought racked at the back of my consciousness. Something I 
was sure I had forgotten. Something really important.
	I groaned with a sudden fit of nausea as I tried to sit 
upright. Somehow I managed. I noticed Amelia leaning against the bed 
in a similar state but Lina was... "Lina-san!" I cried out, lunging 
forward and grasping the sorceress in her half-tumble that would have 
resulted in quite a nasty fall I suppose. The shout had brought 
Amelia out of her tired state as well and she was on Lina's other 
side in a flash as I lowered her to the ground. There was nothing 
outwardly wrong with the redhead. However, the small tremors and the 
glassed eyes spoke a clear language.
	"Sylphiel-san, she..." Amelia began, her voice suddenly 
frantic, scared even.
	"I know. She took it all upon herself so that we wouldn't 
lose our concentration." I shook the other sorceress slightly but 
didn't get a reaction. A small whimper escaped from Lina and I felt 
my heart clench. A vision alone wasn't nice, getting three at once 
must have been horrible... "Snap out of it, Lina!" I practically 
	There was a short flare of gold around Lina and in her eyes 
when she jerked awake with a terrified look and a scream that seemed 
to be stuck in her throat. I didn't think about it a single moment as 
I wrapped my arms around her and felt Amelia do the same. For several 
long minutes we sat there, each on the brink of collapse but not 
willing to let go.
	"Baka," I heard Amelia whisper finally. "And you call me 
casting a Burst Flare at close range reckless..." Lina wanted to 
answer something but only a hoarse chuckle escaped her which 
lightened all of our hearts considerably.
	"What did you see?" I asked cautiously, wondering what had 
brought on such a violent reaction.
	Lina shook her head. "I'm not sure. It was too much at once. 
I could barely make out single images." Not surprisingly so. "But I 
know that I am really beginning to hate this crap..." I wasn't sure 
what to answer to that, so I remained silent.
	In the meantime the healer had moved over to his King's side 
checking his condition. "He will sleep for awhile but should be 
perfectly fine now," I explained before he could ask. My eyelids felt 
heavy and I knew I would collapse every minute now. "If it is not too 
much to ask I would like for me and my friends to be brought back to 
our rooms. I think..." I couldn't quite surpass the yawn.
	"Yeah," agreed Lina. "I could use a doze of sleep as well." 
Amelia just nodded, leaning against Lina.
	The healer chuckled quietly. "Of course. I will see to it at 
once. I believe that is the least we can do for you after what you 
did for us." He walked over to call over a couple of guards.
	"Nah, pal..." Lina managed to weakly press out. "You owe us a 
lot more." Somehow I managed to laugh at that. Good old Lina, still 
the same. Half dead and still thinking about a reward... "But I think 
I'm going to sleep now. Wake me up in a week or so. Goodnight." And 
with that she closed her eyes and fell asleep.
	I looked over to Amelia who smiled fondly and couldn't help 
but doing the same. There were a bunch of questions that needed to be 
answered, soon, but for now I was content with the successful healing 
and the reunion with at least two of my friends. Everything else 
could be discussed tomorrow...
	My eyes drifted shut even as I thought these last thoughts...

End of 1st Part of Lina's Quest

TO BE CONTINUED... sometime...

Author's Notes

Phew getting through with that took me longer than expected. I just 
started this as a test of sorts, posting the scenes individually to 
groups and boards. I am a little disappointed at the reaction though. 
Somehow I just don't seem to get that much reaction at all on the SA 
board even though I know you guys read my stuff... Doesn't really 
help, you know?

Anyway, since this is my first pure Slayers fic and the first one 
that was written with the full knowledge of the Anime (and other 
sources) I had a few troubles at first. The characters are all so 
very different and hard to write that trying to establish a common 
ground for the girls in this fic was proving hard to do. In the 
process I might have brutalized Amelia a little, I think. I had the 
most trouble with her because I simply could not see any closer 
affection building with her childish attitude in the way. At the same 
time I didn't want to just turn her character around hundred-eighty 
degrees. The concept of how I wanted to do it more or less formed 
during the writing which might have resulted in some rough spots. 
Forgive me that, yes?

Now, as most of my other works I cannot say when I write more but if 
I continue the scene-posting scheme on the SA board and the lists you 
might see the one or other at the time.
I have a good outline for this fic, so I will probably come back. 
Writing Slayers in POV proves to be a challenging but interesting 
tasks. As I said the characters are hard to determine, especially 
what is underneath all the quirks and craziness. It will be 
challenging indeed to write Gourry in first person... oh boy... ;)

That's it from me. No romance yet, I know, but that will come soon.
Feedback as always to Step by and visit my 
homepage or the official list of the fic and Slayers Shoujo Ai/Yuri 
group. The URLs are in the header. Thank you.

Ja ne, yours


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