Mirror (part 4 of 28)

a Slayers fanfiction by Shanejayell

Back to Part 3
        "This could be trouble," Naga murmured softly, her short black 
hair blown back from the breeze. She strode on casually, but her eyes 
moved like a hawk's, scanning around them.

        "Bandits," Lina agreed, her own reddish made flowing away from 
her face. She grinned suddenly, "Good, I could use the exercise."

        "What, again?" Naga shook her head as she murmured softly, 
"You're incorrigible."

        "Does that mean you're not going to help?" Lina asked sweetly.

        Naga sighed softly, then a reluctant smile tugged at her lips. 
"I suppose that if they are foolish enough to attack us," she mused 
aloud, "it would only be just for us to deal with them."

        "That's the spirit," Lina said cheerfully.

        A few moments later the figures broke from the cover of the 
trees, five older men dressed in ragged pieces of armor and equipment. 
Their swords, however, were shining as they charged them. They quickly 
split up into a circle, surrounding the two of them with their weapons 

        "Give us all your money," the leader growled, his gray hair 
falling into his battered face, waving the sword threateningly.

        "Yeah, and your jewels," another added.

        Lina and Naga looked around them at the band of robbers. "How do 
you want to divide them up?" Naga asked Lina curiously.

        "Ah, what?" the bandit leader blinked.

        "Why don't I lead off, then you follow?" Lina offered.

        "Excuse me?" a younger robber tried.

        "Sounds good," Naga agreed with a smile.

        "What are you two talking about?' a third bandit offered, even 
as the bandit leader began to look just a wee bit nervous.

        Lina made a tossing gesture to the ground even as she cried, 
"Explosion array!"


        Even as two bandits went flying Naga was on the move, sword 
drawn and body low. She disarmed two easily, sword flashing, then turned 
to face the bandit leader. They stood there for a moment, even as Lina 
finished off the other two.

        Swords clanged, separated with a steely hiss, then the blades 
merely became a blur as they fought on. Finally, in a sweep of blades 
they separated, both standing still once again. "Don't worry," Naga said 
as the man began to crumple to the ground, "I only used the flat of my 

        "Not bad," Lina noted as they tied the five men to a tree, her 
money pouch weighed down with all the money from the bandit's criminal 

        "He had a very efficient style," Naga noted as the men began to 
revive, "though he had some problems with his guard."

        Lina and Naga were just walking away when the leader awoke. 
"Wait," he called to them, "could you please tell us who defeated us?"

        "Lina," the slim redhead turned around to smile dangerously at 
them as her cloak swirled around her, "Lina Inverse."

        "Lina the dragon?" a robber squeaked, "The bandit killer?"

        "And the swordswoman?" the leader asked with a certain kind of 
intensity. "I want to know who defeated the best swordsman in the 

        "Naga," she said simply, and with that the two of them strode 

        The leader watched them go, his expression thoughtful as he 
murmured, "Naga."

        "So, do you think you'll go back to visit the lovely Carolyn?" 
Lina asked Naga as they walked, referring to the village they had left 
earlier that day.

        "Oh, no," Naga shook her head, a faint blush appearing on her 
cheeks as she thought of Carolyn's rather blatant invitation to come 
back and visit her sometime. Preferably without bringing Lina along, of 

        'Naga's sort of cute looking when she blushes,' Lina found 
herself noting. She mercifully changed the subject, "It looks like the 
rumors of the bandits out here are true."

        "True," Naga agreed, "that's the third band we've dealt with so 
far. It shouldn't be long until we reach their headquarters, according 
to the stories."

        "And all the treasure they've accumulated," Lina grinned.

        "One track mind," Naga shook her head.

        "And proud of it, partner," Lina shrugged.

        "Well, I'm interested in making them pay for those hurt in their 
robberies," Naga said, "but that just gives both of us reasons to 
continue on."

        "And them good reasons to stop us," Lina muttered as a larger 
band of thugs came running at them out of the trees.

        "Let's go," Naga drew her sword and then charged. She hammered 
right into the startled front rank, throwing them off balance then she 
struck out with her sword.

        "Fireball Charge!" Lina cried, leaping up and over Naga to toss 
the spell down into the midst of their foes. The battle shifted to a 
rout, the bandits fleeing frantically. "Follow them," Lina ordered 
crisply, "they'll lead us back to the others!"

        "Right," Naga fell into step beside her, their cloaks fluttering 
around them as they ran. A few bandits tried to attack, but either Lina 
or Naga dealt with them quickly and effectively.

        "Fall back," Lina put her hand on Naga's arm.

        The two hid themselves carefully, watching their prey from the 
dark woods. The bandits looked around, trying to spot their pursuers, 
then seemed to relax. They took off in a new direction, and silently 
Lina and Naga shadowed them.

        "Scare them first, then let them think they're safe so that 
they'll head home," Naga murmured. She gave Lina an admiring smile, 
"Good tactics."

        "I've had a lot of time to practice," Lina murmured. The Bandits 
made their way to a bare stone face, then a boulder was rolled aside to 
reveal a passage. Once the boulder slipped back into place, the passage 
seemed to disappear once again.

        "No wonder no one's been able to find their base," Naga noted as 
they walked to the wall, "that's very well concealed." She put her 
shoulder to the boulder, and with a loud grinding noise it slowly began 
to move.

        "Here," Lina stepped up beside her, her own strength helping 
clear the passage. "Do you want to sneak in," she asked, catching her 
breath, "or should we do this the loud way?"

        "Sneak first," Naga flipped her cloak's hood up, pulling it 
around to help conceal her. "There were stories that they were taking 

        Lina pulled her own hood up, "And we can try to pinpoint where 
the treasure is."

        Together they moved through the thin crack in the rock, finally 
coming out into a hidden valley. It wasn't very large, barely big enough 
for the small town that had been built there. The buildings were all 
roughly built, thrown together with little skill or care. The streets 
themselves were lined with shops, many clearly selling stolen goods to 
the shady individuals who walked there.

        "A whole town on thieves and villains," Naga noted coldly, her 
hand almost twitching to go for her sword, "we're going to be busy."

        "Let's start searching," Lina agreed as they walked down a slope 
into the town itself. There was a foul scent to the air, and the place 
looked even dirtier up close.

        They walked silently to the center of town, ignoring the 
merchants and other marketers. Only once did Naga hesitate, when a badly 
beaten woman on a leash held by a cruel looking man offered herself 
meekly. Lina grabbed her arm, forcing Naga onward.

        "I hate slavers," Naga growled out.

        Lina nodded, "First we deal with whomever runs this place, then 
we start the rescue."

        At the center of town was a larger building, clearly the home to 
the leader of the bandits. Two men guarded the door, much larger than 
anyone else they had seen in the town. "No one sees the King," the first 
one said as they neared them.

        "But I'm sure he wants to see us," Lina said, keeping her face 
concealed beneath her cloak.

        "And who are you?" the other guard sneered.

        Lina flipped her cloak's hood back, sweeping her arm back to 
send the cloak fluttering, "My name is Lina Inverse, gentlemen."

        "Naga," she drew her sword, letting that motion fling her cloak 

        The two guards gaped at them, then bellowed together, "GET 

Onwards to Part 5

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