The Slayers Matrix (part 1 of 16)

a Slayers fanfiction by Hawk Shadowharper

Author’s Notes

           No, I don't own Slayers. No, I don't own the Matrix. Yes, I 
do own the characters Hawk and Seraya Shadowharper. No, Hawk in this 
story isn't a self-insert; he's way cooler and l33ter than me. Yes, I 
like reviews, positive and negative. Yes, I prefer constructive 
criticism but I'll take what I can get. No, I haven't seen the two 
sequels yet. Yes, I plan to. Yes, there are 16 parts not counting 
these notes and all are/will be available. Yes, I plan to do the 
Slayers Matrix Reloaded and Slayers Matrix Revolutions. Yes, I also 
plan and am working on the Slayers Matrix Revisited. No, you can't 
change my mind of which characters are replacing which ones in the 
Matrix crew. Yes, there is a lesbian relationship between Lina and 
Seraya. No, I'm not going to write a sex scene between them. 

           That is all.


           Somewhere in the darkness, a phone rings. "Yeah." The 
darkness comes to life as computer language appears and columns of 
numbers and symbols zoom by. 
           "Is everything in place?" The columns shift and change, 
becoming just ten columns. They're looking for something. 
           "You weren't supposed to relieve me." 
           "I know, but I felt like taking a shift." The first three 
columns suddenly stop, showing '312'. It's the area code for a phone 
           "You like her, don't you? You like watching her." 
           "Don't be ridiculous." Three more columns stop, showing 
'555'. Soon, the number will be known and... 
           "We're going to kill her, you understand that?" 
           "Xelloss believes she is the One." 
           "Do you?" Two of the last four columns stop, '06'. 
           "It doesn't matter what I believe." 
           "You don't, do you." The last columns stop, '90'. 
           "Did you hear that?" 
           "Hear what?" 
           A little bit of panic seeps into the voice. "Are you sure 
this line is clean?" 
           Cool confidence. "Yeah, of course I'm sure." 
           "I better go." Click. 

           A small group of cops creep down a dark hallway with 
flashlights glowing, checking room numbers as they go. Once they reach 
room 303, they ready themselves on either side of the door as the 
biggest officer among them kicks open the door. 
           Inside the nearly empty room, they find only a fold up 
chair and table with a laptop and cell phone on it. Sitting in the 
chair is a small girl, her long blond hair falling over the back of 
the chair, her hands on the keyboard of the laptop computer. She's 
dressed in a uniform of black leather vest, jacket and pants. 
           "Freeze, police," yells the first cop that kicked down the 
           "Hands on your head," calls a second cop. "Do it, now!" She 
narrows her eyes at the computer screen as she raises her hands behind 
her head. 

           Outside the building where a couple police cars are parked, 
a black sedan pulls up behind them. Out climb three Dragon Agents 
dressed in dark gray business suits and wearing sunglasses, even 
though it's night. Each also is constantly hard-wired, a small 
earphone in the right ear. One has green hair that seemed to defy 
gravity; his name is Valgarv. Another has blond hair that fell halfway 
down her back; her name is Filia. The last has shoulder-length blond 
hair and stands several inches taller than his comrades; his name is 
           "Lieutenant!" The green-haired Agent steps forward towards 
the police officer in charge. 
           "Oh shit," the cop mutters to himself. 
           "Lieutenant, you were given specific orders." 
           "Hey, I'm just doing my job. You give me that 
‘juris-my-diction’ crap, you can cram it up your ass," the cop looks 
at the Agent, obviously sick of taking orders from the guy. 
           "The orders were for your protection," the green-haired 
Dragon says slowly, as if to a child. The officer, though, laughs. 
           "I think we can handle one little girl," he says, looking 
back towards the building. "I sent two units, they're bringing her 
down now." 
           "No, lieutenant," the Agent replies, "Your men are already 

           Back inside, the head officer pulls out a set of handcuffs. 
This is easy, what was the problem with one petite girl? But then-- 
           With inhuman speed, the girl punches the cop open-handed, a 
burst of energy burning into his chest. He drops with a cry of pain, 
and the other police stare in shock. Then they come back to their 
senses and charge towards her. 
           She is amazingly fast, disabling the other three cops as 
well within seconds. Using their own weapons against them and a 
strange set of energy blasts from her fingers, the four cops are on 
the floor in moments. "Shit," the girl mutters. 

           Valgarv heads for the alley as Filia leads another group of 
cops into the hotel. They won't let her get away this time. 

           "Xelloss, the line was traced, I don't know how," she says 
into her phone. 
           "I know, they cut the hard line. There’s no time, you're 
going to have to get to another exit," replies a cool voice through 
the phone. 
           "Are there any agents," she asks, watching the door. 
           "Goddamn it," she curses quietly. 
           "You have to focus, Seraya. There's a phone at Wells and 
Lake. You can make it." Ser nods, even if he can't see it. 
           "Go." She is out the door immediately. She glances down the 
hall and the elevator opens up. Inside is Filia with the group of cops 
following her. Seraya dashes down the hall, the Dragon and police 
chasing her. She pushes open a door and goes out onto the fire escape. 
           Outside, she glances down. There's Agent Valgarv, staring 
up at her. Up's the only available direction. 

           Racing across the roof, Seraya's chased by the female 
Dragon and several police officers. When she makes it to the edge, she 
jumps to the next roof, movements graceful and smooth. The Agent 
matches the liquid motion, unlike the wild leaps of the cops she's 
           Nearing the edge again, the next building is easily forty 
feet away but Ser and the Dragon continue racing towards it. The 
police stop, expecting to see something messy. However, Ser jumps and 
glides through the air, ground beneath flowing under her. She lands, 
somersaults and starts running hard again. Agent Filia matches the 
move while the cops stare slack-jawed in disbelief. 
           "That's impossible!" 
           Now time is running out, the Dragon is catching up on her. 
Across the street, an even longer jump is a lit window glowing amongst 
the dark bricks of the building. Seraya pushes herself to run faster, 
aiming for the point of light. 
           Hurtling over the edge of the rooftop, she dives towards 
the window. The square of light grows as she flies over the street, 
holding her arms over her head until-- She crashes through the window, 
shards of glass following her as she rolls down a flight of stairs 
then stops against the wall at the bottom, coming up with two guns 
pointed at the busted window. 
           Seraya's breathing hard and shivering a little, visibly 
shaken. "Get up, Seraya. Just get up.. get up!" She pushes to her feet 
and runs, a little slower, towards the stairs. 

           On the roof still, the Dragon Agent touches her earpiece. 

           The street below is empty as Ser looks at a phone booth on 
the street corner, absently scratching at a trail of blood down her 
left temple. Suddenly, the wheels of a dump truck squeal loudly as it 
U-turns and heads towards the booth. Seraya dashes out of her hiding 
spot and races the truck. The phone begins to ring. 
           Lights from the truck make the booth glow as it nears, Ser 
pushing herself despite cuts and bruises she's received. She jumps 
into the booth and answers the phone, looking up. The dump truck fills 
her vision. 
           And demolishes the booth, crushing it under it's massive 
weight. There's an icy moment of silence before the truck backs up and 
comes to a stop in the middle of the street, then Agent Valgarv steps 
down from the vehicle. He inspects the damage, eyes cold behind his 
sunglasses. There is no body. She escaped. 
           The Agent's jaw sets in frustration as Agents Filia and 
Milgasia step up behind him. "She got out," Filia notes. 
           "It doesn’t matter." Valgarv replies. 
            "The informant is real," remarks Filia. 
            "We have the name of their next target," adds the tallest 
           "The name is Lina." 
           "We'll need a search running," says Valgarv. 
           "It's already begun," answers Milgasia. 

Onwards to Part 2

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