Deeper Than The Surface (part 1 of 2)

a Slayers fanfiction by Only Yuri

<"No, Gourry, please, you can't do's impossible for you...">

<"Shh, Lina, it's all right now...don't worry, I'll be back in no time,
all right?">

<"No, you can' don't have your sword of light anymore...GOURRY!!">

<But Gourry surged forward, regardless of Lina's genuine screams of
concern. Suddenly, a new flash of light came from the already bright
area ahead, and Lina could not see Gourry's tall figure any longer. She
reached out, but her feet did not allow her to go forward. She screamed
Gourry's name one last time, but did not receive an answer.>

<"Oh my">


Lina sat up suddenly in bed, her forehead covered with sweat, but she
did not make any effort to wipe it. She looked upward, to the bland
ceiling of the inn. Lina would have wanted desperately to say it was
merely a nightmare, but that wasn't true. Lina was revisiting an event
that had completely changed her life. It had been real. Her eyes were
once again wet, and she was hardly surprised when a drop of her tears
landed on her hands that were clasped before her on the bed. She had no
strength to wipe those away either. Finally, she let her head fall, and
the tears fell freely to the bed, dampening the thin sheets. Only one
thing pulsed through her mind: Gourry was dead.


When Phibrizo had taken Gourry, Lina's heart had ripped, but she was
determined to get him back. But now, she hardly even had the incentive
to wake up in the morning. But her stomach had insisted, and Lina was
frustrated to learn that even her feelings could not overcome her
appetite. So Lina dressed, and slowly stepped downstairs into the inn's
small restaurant nook. She sat down, sighed and slunk down into her
same old degenerate state since Gourry's death. But that wasn't before
she ordered four helpings of the breakfast course. There was some noise
outside the restaurant, but Lina completely ignored it. She was so into
her personal thoughts that she didn't notice that everyone else had
left. Suddenly, a hand was slapped down on her table and she gradually
looked up to find herself staring into the eyes of someone she presumed
as the leader of a group of bandits. The man was taken aback at the
lack of fear or concern in Lina's face.

"Look around you girl, every single person in this place has left, so
it's just you and me...want to take a guess why everyone left?"

"Because...they're all cowards," answered Lina, and she stood up.

The man gave Lina a look of disgust that changed into surprise, and
finally, fear.

"It''s you..." he stammered, backing away and recklessly
overturning chairs. "It's you...the bandit-killer...I gotta get out of
here..." he scrambled out the door with on last, fleeting look. Lina
continued to stand there, as if in a daze. Then, she carefully lowered
herself down into her chair again. The manager of the inn lifted
himself from behind the counter and looked around the dining room
first, then at Lina.

"Thank...thank you, miss." He gulped, still staring at Lina.

"That's about my breakfast..."

The manager nodded immediately, and headed into the kitchen.

"Waitress! Give this young lady her food!"

"Right away, but we're still getting it all ready!"

"All...?" He turned to give Lina a confused look, and nearly fell when
the waitress came out with a tray full of food.

"Young lady..." he managed to gasp. "You're going to eat this all?!"

Lina did not answer, and the manager followed the tray of food with his
eyes. Lina dug in, but only half-heartedly. She was concentrating so
hard on the tabletop that she didn't notice the girl that walked in.


"Lina...?" Sylphiel whispered quietly to herself. Then, she cleared her
throat and tried once again.


Lina paused and turned to look, and to Sylphiel's surprise, with
nothing in her mouth.

"Sylphiel!...what...what are you doing here?!"

"Well, I was about to ask you the same thing...but since you asked
first... I'm just on vacation. Now, what brought you to these parts?"

Lina shrugged, and continued in her gorging.

"Wait, something's missing here...of yes!" Sylphiel slapped herself on
the forehead. "Where's Gourry? Isn't he usually with you, sneaking food
from you?"

Again to Sylphiel's surprise, Lina stopped eating at once, literally
dropping everything from her hands.

"Gourry's..." Lina tried to choke back tears. "Gourry's...not here."

"Oh...well, that's nothing to cry over...right?" Sylphiel tentively put
a hand on Lina's shoulder.

Lina did her best to smile. "It's just that...the food's just
SO good!" She continued to eat. <But at a slower pace,> Sylphiel noted
to herself.

"Well, Lina, it's so nice to see you are things?"

Lina shrugged again, so instead of forcing her to talk, Sylphiel went
ahead and talked about her good life ever since Slayers NEXT.

She was still talking when Lina finished her breakfast. She was so
incredibly happy with the progress that she didn't notice that Lina was
barely listening. In fact, Lina had her head down, and she was
frowning. <*How can she be so happy when...when Gourry's <dead>?!*>
Suddenly, she found herself resenting Sylphiel's presence.

"That's just great..." she mumbled, highly aware of the fact that her
voice indicated the opposite.

"I'm sorry...Lina, am I bothering you? Maybe I...I should just go...I'm
sorry..." Sylphiel made a move to leave, but Lina grasped her arm,
lightly at first, but her hold gradually tightened. Sylphiel noticed
that Lina's head was down, and she sat down again.

"I'm the one that should be sorry Sylphiel...please don't leave me..."
The last plea came in a soft whisper, so that Sylphiel could barely

"Lina..." moments passed, "where <is> Gourry?"

Lina took in a shaky breath.

"Gourry...Gourry's..." She blinked rapidly, but Sylphiel had already
seen the tears.

"Gourry's dead."

Onwards to Part 2

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