Sometimes It's Better to be Bored (part 2 of 2)

a Slayers fanfiction by Shadowfire

Back to Part 1
"So, this is Varsiun." Lina gazed at the town from the top of a nearby
hill. Gourry was on her right side, with Sylphiel on his.

Gourry looked over at her. "You haven't been here before?"

"No, I've just heard about it. Varsiun is supposed to be a very
religious city, but with lots of different religions. Nearly every
religion there is has a temple in Varsiun, and new religions are
sprouting up all the time.

"The ruling family has successfully separated themselves from the
often-arguing religions. No one knows who they worship, if anything.
That way, none of the separate religious groups have a hold on them,
and they don't favor any one in particular."

Lina gazed at the glittering city, the spires and domes of the various
faiths' temples. It was truly a beautiful city, if a bit eclectic,
with each of the temples trying to outdo the others, no doubt hiring
the best and most expensive architects.

Next to her, Gourry also stared silently at the city, but instead of
admiring its beauty, he was simply wondering the the heck Lina was
talking about. "Uh... okay..."

"Well, let's go."

Lina, Sylphiel, and Gourry continued down the hill to Varsiun, passing
through the gates under the watchful eyes of the guards.

<At least we aren't on any wanted posters currently...>

"Lina-san, there's a good inn near here; you may want to set up base
there," Sylphiel suggested quietly. Lina nodded, and they followed her
to the inn.


A shadowy figure trailed them at a distance, weaving in and out
between the people, horses, and carts. It ducked into a back alley as
Gourry glanced back for a moment.


"What is it, Gourry?"

"Oh, nothing. I just thought I saw something moving."

"Jellyfish brains! We're in a CROWDED CITY! Of course people are

They continued on.


A few hours later...

"Ah, I'm finally full. What a great feeling. Yosh'! I'm ready to take
on that cult now!"

"Ano... Lina... it's almost midnight."

Lina looked around. Gourry was snoring on the table.

"Ahh... I was wondering why no one was trying to steal my food," she
smiled. Sylphiel sweatdropped.

Lina reached over and shook Gourry until the swordsman woke up. "Ne,
Gourry, maybe you should go to bed."

Gourry mumbled something, then got out of his chair and stumbled up
the stairs to the hall where their rooms were. Sylphiel and Lina
remained at the table, as a tired and harried waiter removed the empty

"So, Sylphiel... I have some questions," Lina said, setting her elbows
on the table and resting his chin in her hands.

Sylphiel blinked as Lina took her attentive pose, then smiled softly.
"Go ahead, Lina-san."

"First of all... why did YOU come to get us? Why didn't someone more
closely affiliated with the royal family come? You said you were just
in Varsiun to find people who would help you rebuild Sairaag."

"Well, truthfully... I didn't come find you because anyone asked me
to. The king's councillors-- the ones that weren't in the castle, that
is-- each sent out agents to find people who could drive out the
cultists. Many of the higher priests did the same. They're all hoping
that if their warriors save the royal family, they'll get influence in
the dealings of the city, and the more sinister ones want to forcibly
take control while the king is weak," Sylphiel answered quietly.

"Well, that does make sense... it kind of reminds me of Seyruun. But
why did you come find us?"

"Because I know that at least one of the priests sent their agents out
to find you. I don't want anyone but the royal family ruling Varsiun,
and I know that with you and Gourry-sama's skills, you would
undoubtably defeat the cultists and save the royal family. If I hire
you before anyone else, then no one will have any hold on the king."

"That's... pretty smart of you, Sylphiel," Lina said, looking
surprised. She hadn't credited the shrine maiden with that much common

Sylphiel smiled and got up. "Thank you, Lina-san." She turned to go,
then turned back. "Also..."

Lina blinked. "Yes?"

"I also came to find you and Gourry-sama because it's been so long
since I've seen you. I was beginning to miss you." Lina was suprised,
to say the least. She knew about Sylphiel's infatuation with Gourry,
but why in the world would the other girl miss her?

Her thoughts must have been visible on her face, because Sylphiel
smiled, leaned over, and pressed her lips lightly to Lina's.

As the sorceress sat there in shock, Sylphiel turned and left,
presumably headed to her room.

Lina's thoughts were in a turmoil. Sylphiel liked girls?! More then
that, Sylphiel liked... HER?! What the HELL was going on?! She would
have to do something... but what? What do you DO in a situation like

<Hey... maybe she was just joking. Or maybe she meant it in a sisterly
way,> Lina thought, but she knew neither of those were true. The look
in Sylphiel's eyes... Lina shook her head to clear away the thought.
Definitly NOT sisterly. And she knew Sylphiel wasn't much of a joker.

Lina felt her eyelids drooping, and decided that whatever she was
going to do, it would have to wait until morning.

The sorceress made her way to her room, intending to think a little
more about this as she tried to fall asleep, but it was not to be. As
soon as her head hit the pillow, she was asleep.

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