Blossomed Love

a Slayers fanfiction by Dira

The wedding bells rang melodically harmonizing with the music that was
from the organ. The bride walked down the aisle with a smile carved on
her face. Her over flowing white , silky , wedding gown making her
looked like an angel. Her eyes met her future husband to be as he
beamed slightly. The groom couldn't take his eyes away from his future
wife. he can't believe this is happening. The bride blushed as she
walked nearer and nearer to him. She thought he looked absolutely
charming. Yet ... she sighed.


Sylphiel wiped off a tear. Filia handed her more tissues. Sylphiel said
that she always cry at weddings. Filia smiled as she tried to restrain
Chibi Valgarv from running away. Chibi Valgarv sulked as Filia sternly
warned him if he'd ever got away..

Xelloss could hardly believe his eyes that they..the both of them are
getting married ? He shrugged as he began sliding down his seat. Zelas
stifled a yawn. She isn't used to this stuffs but hey, anything to get
away from work. Luna, who was sitting beside Zelas, began chattering
away with Zelas. Xelloss sighed.

Marchina grinned as her eyes began forming stars and she began feeling
romantic and wrapped her arms around a surprised Zangulus who was
searching for Gourry. But then he decided to draw back. Why spoil such
perfect day ? He'll simply have to settle this some other time.

Gourry and Lina sat right in front of the guests. Gourry smiled as he
looked at the bride who was hand in hand with her father as they
walked. He began to wonder when will his and Lina's time going to come.
Speaking of Lina. she seemed a bit weird today. He glanced over to
Lina. No smile or frown was on her face. She was.. expressionless. Lina
was staring towards the wedding couple but it was as if she was looking
straight through them. Gourry frowned. <Maybe it's the time of the month>,
he decided. <I'll ask her later.>


Amelia sighed silently. This was the happiest day of her life. No
problems occurred during the whole ceremony. Here she is, in her
wedding dress, holding a bouquet, her father accepted her choice, her
dashing groom. Zelgadiss. She looked over to him in his attire. She
smiled. He returned the smile. This is what she wants isn't it ? Isn't
it ? But what is this feeling that I'm having right now ? She couldn't
believe she had the guts to actually asked for Zelgadiss's hand in
marriage and even more surprised when he gave a yes. Yes.. The
infatuation she had on him had turned to love. A mutual love and she
was glad about that. Focus on your wedding!! She reprimanded herself.

"I do," Zelgadiss's answer perked into Amelia's ears and brought her
back to the wedding. Amelia smiled. Amelia could hardly hear what the
minister had to say but all she knows is that she had to answer an ,'I
do' . Arrrgghh!!! Amelia felt as if her brain was going to burst. Stop
! Stop ! She screamed inside her. Suddenly she could feel every eyes in
the church on her. She realized that it was her turn to answer. She
opened her mouth but nothing came out. She glanced over her father,
Gourry, and Lina. as they gave her an approving nod. Amelia turned back
to an expecting Zelgadiss and the patience minister. Amelia cleared her
throat as she tried to answer.

"I.I.." Amelia stammered.

"WAIT!!" bellowed a voice from the guests. Zelgadiss and Amelia turned
around. A pair of gloved hands suddenly grabbed her wrist and pulled
Amelia away.

"Lina san !" Amelia said, half shocked. Zelgadiss's eyes were wide

"Amelia." Lina shook her head. Amelia threw her bouquet away as she and
Lina ran down the aisle much to the surprise of everyone. Gourry's eyes
were wide open, Zelgadiss's mouth were hanging.Filia and Sylphiel
fainted. Marchina and Zangulus gasped.

"Interesting.." Xelloss grinned.


"Lina san, are you nuts!" Amelia laughed as she and Lina ran and ran.
Lina's laughter filled Amelia's ears.

"No, Amelia ! I am totally crazy!!" Lina replied. Amelia huffed. Lina
lead them down a cliff and into a big cave. The view of the sea in
front of them was as blue as the sky. Lina sat down and hugged her
legs. Amelia sat down beside her.

"Why did you kidnap me, Lina san ?" Amelia asked ,curious. But she
knows the answer already.

"Why did you follow me, then ?" Lina shot back. They gave each other a
knowing smile. "You should know, Amelia.." Lina continued.

"Mmm.." Amelia murmured. "I guess, I do." They were silent for a moment
as they gazed to the blue sea.

"Are you sure you want to sacrifice your life, your society ?" Lina
asked , concerned. "You'll be giving up Zelgadiss, you know,"

"And you, Lina san, you'll be giving up Gourry san," Amelia teased.
"Oh, Lina san, I would if you would,"

"God. what are we going to tell them. you just ran out of your most
perfect wedding, Amelia chan!," Lina put in.

"Amelia chan." Amelia echoed. "I like that name, Lina san.. I don't
care Lina san." She rested her head on Lina's shoulders. Lina rested
her head on Amelia's. "It wasn't that perfect anyway.I'd rather be with
you." Amelia replied softly. Lina played with the veil as Amelia played
with her hair. The bright sun shone through the mouth of the cave and
on the new couple. For now, they'll put their worries aside.

"Ai shiteru, Amelia chan." Lina whispered.

"Ai shiteru, Lina Inverse...." Amelia sighed.


Xelloss watched with much amusement. So. Lina Inverse and Amelia
Saillune.. a pair. He chuckled. No wonder neither of them didn't looked
happy just now. The Dora Mata and the Princess of Saillune... I wonder
what will Gourry and Zelgadiss say.. Then from a distance he saw Gourry
and Zelgadiss running toward him. Speaking of the devils.They are
probably searching for the new lovebirds. Zelgadiss had this worried
look on his face. So did Gourry.

"Xelloss!!" Zelgadiss stormed over to the mazoku. "Have you seen Amelia
and Lina ?!!" he asked, anxiously. "We are all very worried!"

"Everyone's searching for them!" Gourry replied, panic. "Where did they
go ?"

"Sore wa himitsu desu,"

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