I Would Do Anything for Love (part 1 of 2)

a Slayers fanfiction by Dodger K Diamond

Dana awake in a strange room that was not familiar to her. In fact, 
this life was totally new to her. Even being a her was new to Dana. 
Two days ago, Dana was a male demon called Xellos.

Xellos had been a demon for more than a millennium. He always did what 
he was told until one day. Before that day, Xellos had followed Lord 
Kaana's orders to the letter and then some, in the past. Xellos 
enjoyed his work normally. He use to love creating death, chaos, and 
destruction in the name of the demon race.

However, for some weird reason, Xellos did not want to continue his 
work anymore. He had lost the will and interest to take life anymore. 
He felt that he had nothing to define himself besides his past sins 
against those who live. At first, Xellos thought that constant contact 
with humans had corrupted his work, but deep down inside, he knew it 
was something more.

He dreamed of a blond-haired woman with a golden smile and an 
incredible joy for life. The woman wore a long pink dress. She worked 
in an antique shop in a small village. She was the caretaker of an egg 
that would one day give birth to the world's only ancient dragon in 
existence. The woman had two employees who worked with her in the 
shop. One of them was a fox- man named Jilas. He was an explosives 
expert who had lost one of his eyes. He had a love and compassion for 
his work that was equaled to the woman's love for life.

The other worker was an ogre named Greivous. Greivous was your typical 
ogre except he was also missing an eye. Greivous had no love for his 
work but he had a strong need to be somewhere.

The woman usually ordered her two employees in a strict and firm 
management style but neither of them seemed to mind. Filia was a kind 
and gentlewoman at heart who cared more for the world around her than 
the world did for her. Filia's beauty, pose, style, attitude, and 
general personality had consumed Xellos' thoughts. He longed to see 
her again. There were several different things he wanted to ask her.

'Why did these sudden feelings for this golden dragon appear? Why am I 
thinking like this?' Xellos asked himself.

He constantly thought about Filia during every free moment he had. 
Even during a mission, Xellos continued to think about her from things 
like her gorgeous face to what she would do in his situation.

'I am a demon' Xellos proclaimed. 'I should not have these feelings.' 
Dispute his intentions; Xellos was thinking, feeling, and doing things 
that were unheard of for a member of the demon race. He was not the 
type to be absorbed by his thoughts. He was regretting his past 
actions and decisions. The more he thought about it, the more he hated 
what he is, was, and had become. He was a heartless monster who long 
for blood, pain, and death. He did not want or need love. Hehad no 
friends nor wanted any. He was happy.

No, he was not happy. He had wanted to be friends with Lina and the 
others. He wanted to enjoy himself besides them in several wild and 
crazy adventures. He longed for feelings that were alien to him and 
his kind.

His kind? He started to loathe them even more than he had ever in his 
entire lifetime. He hated to be ordered, controlled, and manipulated 
by those who called themselves his superiors. He always hated it but 
now it was different. Now it was stronger. It had more compassion to 
it. The desire for freedom compelled him to do more, be more, and hope 
for more than he ever dreamed possible.

Xellos dreamt of freedom, friendship, love, and control. Control of 
his own life. Control to do what he wanted. Control to make mistakes 
without severe punishments as a result. He desired rebellion. He 
needed his freedom from the demon race and may Shabranigdo protect 
those who get in his way.

Xellos knew that there would be repercussions for his actions but he 
never expected this. His punishment for betraying the demon race was 
to be trapped for the rest of his life in the form of a beautiful 
woman. Never again would he know what it was like to be a man. But 
deep down in his heart, Xellos did not hate it as much as his 
exmasters would expect.

Xellos created a new name for him now herself that she wanted to be 
called. She decided to call herself, Dana Lords. She began doing 
things in her new form that she had dreamed of for years. She was 
going to find Filia and explain what had happened to her and express 
her love for the golden dragon in hope that the two of them could 
become lovers.

Did Filia like women? Could she love women? Would she love me? Did she 
love me? Was I too late? Would she hate me because of things I did in 
my past? And how could I redeem myself not only in her eyes but in the 
eyes of Lina and the others as well?

These were but a few of the questions that had consumed Dana's 
thoughts. Her new form would cast daught on who she is. Her new form 
would shock others. Her new form could be fun.

Dana would enjoy being a woman. She would purchase a wardrobe of 
clothing, jewelry, and shoes that would rival her former master's 
collection. She would embrace her beautiful form for as long as she 
had it. She would unlearn the harsh lessons of being a male demon. But 
first, she needed money.

That meant either she needed to get a job or she could beat up bandit 
gangs to get the money. There were other ways to get the cash but even 
she was not willing to sell her 'services'. Besides she has no 
interest in men, having been one once herself. Dana decided if she was 
to make love with anyone it would be Filia. If she would have her.

Dana decided to walk and think about her problems on the road. She 
picked the direction at random. For once, Dana would let fate choose 
her path. She never had any faith in anything before. She had no 
reason to until now.

Today was a sunny day. The wind was mildly blowing and the cloud cover 
was light. The aroma of the forest tickled Dana's nose with the strong 
smell of pine tree needles. The sound of nature surrounded Dana 
letting her know that everything was normal.

About an hour later, Dana came upon the outskirts of a village. It 
appeared to Dana to be a quiet village, at least, at first. The 
screams of scared villagers running past Dana told her that there was 
trouble. Dana was determined to find out exactly what the trouble was.

Dana's fear had come true. The destruction, which lead to the source 
of the trouble, was a demon. And to make matters worse, Dana knew this 
particular demon in fact. His name was Azuma. Azuma was a wolf demon 
that also just happened to be Kaana's Third In Command. She most want 
Dana dead.

"Wooo! Lord Kaana told me that you were a woman now but she said 
nothing about you being a looker!"

"What do you want from me, Azuma?" Dana asked.

"Oh, haven't you figured that one out, my dear? Why, I am here to 
complete your mission." He paused. "But first I have another more 
important mission to carry out. Your death!" "Wait!" Dana replies. 
"Haven't I been punished enough?"

"Here is my answer!" Azuma fires an energy blast at Dana, which she 
easily dodges.

Dana teleports to a nearby tree and breaks off a large branch. Dana 
wields the branch like a sword. Azuma begins to laugh.

"What do you plan to do with that, my dear?" "Nothing really. I just 
wanted to keep you off guard long enough for me to power up!" Dana 
exclaims then nails Azuma with a full-powered energy blast. That is 
the last thing Dana remembers before waking up staring at a strange 

"Are you awake, miss?" Says an elderly male voice.

"Oww!" Dana replies, "My head still hurts." Dana had not felt pain 
like this in quite sometime.

"Please, lay back down. I will bring you some tea when it is ready." 
The old man exclaims.

Dana laid her head back on the pillow and observed the room from 
there. It was a small shack. One part of the inside was the kitchen. 
Another part was a bedroom. And finally the last part of the inside 
was a living room with tables and chairs. The place was quite tidy but 
comfortable at the same time. No dust or dirt could be found anywhere 
in her sight. Dana noticed her old uniform piled up in one area torn 
to shreds.

"Don't worry about that!" The old man says. "My daughter left a few 
things behind when she married that rich merchant husband of hers five 
years ago. I still have it in the closet of mine. I believe you and 
her are about the same size. No worries, Good Ole Uncle John will take 
care of you."

"What happened?" Dana asked sitting up to drink her tea that Uncle 
John had placed down besides her.

"Don't know myself. I was just walking past Ole Miller's field when I 
was you asleep in his scarecrow's arms. I looked closer and found out 
that you were injured really bad so I took you back home with me and I 
have been nursing you back to health."

Dana was surprised. A total stranger helped her out for no reason what 
so ever. Why was he being so nice? What did he plan to get out of her?

"You don't owe me anything for helping you, miss." Uncle John said as 
if he could read her mind.

"How did you."

Uncle John interrupts "know what you were thinking?" he pauses. "Why, 
it is written all over your face, miss!"

Dana smiles. She had realized that Uncle John was a kind, sincere, 
older man who liked to help out where he could.

"Thank you" Dana replies

"Not a problem, miss. Now you relax some more and we can talk about 
this in the morning."

Dana falls instantly back to sleep.

Dana awakes the next day feeling completely refreshed and healed. 
Uncle John was nowhere in sight. Dana noticed a pink dress with flower 
designs on it, laid out at the foot of the bed, for her. She quickly 
changes into it. Dana notices that it goes to a half an inch above her 
knee and that the dress has a v-cut section on the chest that nicely 
shows off her cleavage. Dana founds a pair of long black ladies boots 
placed on the floor next to her. She puts them on and then walks over 
to a small display table with a mirror attached to the back of it. 
Dana ties up her long purple-white hair into a ponytail with a hair 
band that she found on the table. She also puts on a pair of 
star-shaped yellow earrings and a pair of green bracelets on her arms. 
Once Dana is done she takes a few steps back and looks over herself in 
the mirror.

She is above average height, altheliticly thin, with long 
purplish-white hair and blue eyes. Dana was well developed for just 
being transformed into a woman who had long thin legs. That pink 
dress, with the multicolored flowers on it, displayed all of Dana's 
best features. If Dana didn't know it, she would have sworn that she 
had been born a woman. And a very sexy one to boot.

"How are you doing in there?" Uncle John yells.

"It is safe for you to enter, Uncle John." Dana calls back.

"Well" Uncle John implies "don't you look cute in that! Turn around 
and let me get a good look at you."

Dana does as Uncle John requests.

"You look as beautiful if not more in that then my sweet Anna did back 
in the day!" He pauses momentary. "Now, how about some breakfast for 

"Thank you, Uncle John, but I still have no way of repaying you for 
your kindness!" Dana guilt fully replied.

"All you owe me is smile with those pearly white teeth of yours, 

Dana smiled sincerely. "Thank you again for everything, Uncle John!"

"Forget about it! Now how do you want you eggs?"

"Anyway is fine!"

Ten minutes later, they both were finished with breakfast. Dana was 
helping Uncle John clean up when he started up a new conversation.

"So miss, if you don't mind me asking, how did you get yourself into 
quite a mess like that?"

"I was attacked by a demon." Dana accidentally said then she cussed 
quietly to herself 'Why did I say that?'

Uncle John laughed. "If you don't want to tell me the truth I can't 
force you. Let's try something easier. What is your name?"

"Dana. Dana Lords. My name is Dana Lords."

Uncle John held out his hand. "My name is John DeMorris. Farmer, 
hermit, and royal pain in many lords' sides. Or at least I was in my 

Dana laughed softly. "I've raised my share of hell too."

"Well, Dana, I have to head in to town for a few things. You are 
welcomed to join me if you want."

20 minutes later, Dana and Uncle John are walking down the mountain 
path towards the village.

"Where are you from, Dana?"

"Far away. It's not near anywhere you would recognize, Uncle John!"

"I wouldn't go and say that! I have had many wild and crazy adventures 
in my day."

"I can image, Uncle John, I can image" Dana said with a smile.

"What do we have here?" Uncle John replies as he spots a cloaked 
figure down the road who is wearing a white shirt and pants with a 
matching set of white gloves. His face is covered up with a thin white 
piece of cloth. He has a sheath on his back with a long sword in it. 
The man is examining the dirt on the road before him. Dana instantly 
recognizes who it is but she remains silent to be on the safe side.

"Are you looking for something, sir?" Uncle John inquires.

The cloaked man says nothing and continues to make his way towards the 
village running ahead of them.

"What do you think he is looking for?" Uncle John asks.

"I don't know." Dana says 'But I wonder?'

30 minutes later, Dana and Uncle John arrive in the remains of what 
used to be a thriving village. Buildings are in shambles and many of 
the people are injured, dead, or missing. Uncle John runs away towards 
another section of the village leaving Dana alone. Dana spots the man 
from before in the center of town with a horrified look on his face 
and his face is exposed his time.

"This is awful! Who could have done such a thing like this?" Delgado's 
says in anger.

"Hmmm!" Dana begins her investigation of the scene. She discovers some 
sim- fresh blood. She tastes it. It is Azuma's blood. He is wounded 
but still alive.

"Damn you, Azuma! You're beef is with me not these people!" Dana 
screams in rage.

Zelgadis quickly grabs by the neck. "What do you have to do with 

"I could tell you but that's a secret!" Dana replies. Zelgadis 
violently drops her to the ground in disbelief.

"Xxxellos? Is that you?"

"In a fashion, yes. I will explain later." She says and then begins to 
follow Azuma's blood trail.

Dana and Zelgadis follow the blood trail to a nearby cave. Azuma is 
lying down on the ground in a corner nursing a fatal wound on his 
chest. Azuma is breathing very heavily.

"Azuma! You bastard! Now you die!" Dana replies in pure rage.

"Xellos, please don't! I was only following orders; I hold nothing 
against your decision to abandon the demon race."

"Fuck you!" Dana says as the fully powered energy blast nails Azuma in 
the chest vaporizing his entire body upon contact.

Zelgadis is standing there in total shock. Dana is slowly cooling 

"Wooh! Since when could you do that?"

"I always could but I had no reason until now to do so."

"So you disguised yourself as a woman to hide from your pursuers 

"No. It is not a disguise. And it was not by my own choosing. It is my 
punishment for betraying the demon race. I was ordered to kill Filia 
and destroy the ancient dragon egg of hers and I declined to do so."

"Why would you do a thing like that for?"

"Because I love her!" Dana says then Zelgadis became oddly quiet for a 

"You love her?"

"Yes. Yes I love Filia." Dana said then she began to turn red. "I know 
it is strange for one of my kind to care for anyone or anything 
besides the destruction of this world but she began to consume my ever 
waking thought and even my dreams were filled with her and her beauty. 
I love her face, body, style, and more. I am constantly thinking about 
her. I am forced to continue to live out my days as a woman because of 
my love for Filia but I don't mind. I just hope that she and everyone 
else can look past my sin as Xellos Beastmaster and that they will 
except me now as Dana Lords."

"Look um we better get back!"

"Yes. Let's go!"

Dana and Zelgadis arrive back at the village 5 minutes later. Uncle 
John is waiting there upon their return.

"Dana, I am glad you are safe. Where did you go?"

"Uncle John, we had to take care of something. Everything will be 
alright here from now on. The creature responsible is dead."

"That is great new. We needed some after that. Everyone here will need 
to rebuild. I have agreed to go to Kanazo and purchase some supplies 
that they will need. Would you be interested in going with me?"

"Gladly." Dana replies.

"Who is your friend there?" Uncle John asks.

"He is Zelgadis Greywords. We were traveling companions years ago. He 
helped me kill the monster."

"Wonderful. Would you care to join us?" "Of course. Besides Dana and I 
have a lot of things to caught up on. Don't we, Dana?"

"That's right!" Dana says. 'What have I gotten myself into this time?'

Several hours later, Dana, Zelgadis, and Uncle John break for camp. 
Uncle John decides to head out to pick up some firewood, leaving Dana 
and Zelgadis alone to talk.

"So who is he?"

"You mean, Uncle John? He appears to be a kind old man who helped me 
out when I was injured."

"So do you trust him?"

"Yes, I do. " Dana pauses momentary. "So, what brings you out here?"

"I was looking for a way to cure my problem. What else?"

"That would appear to be your only goal in life. Do you have a girl or 
maybe even a guy you like?"

"I am not gay! Besides I don't have time for love."

"Everyone has time for love. So who is she? Do I know her?"

"I said that it was none of your business."

"It's Amelia, isn't it?"

"Yes. I mean no. I mean can we talk about something else!"

"Seriously though, Zelgadis, I don't know of any way to break magical 
curses of any type. If there is an answer for you, I could not tell 
you where to begin."

"I will just have to keep searching far than."

At this point, Uncle John returns with a small amount of firewood. He 
places them down and begins to start a campfire. Dana gathers out the 
rice containers and the rice and brings them over to him.

"I will be right back." Zelgadis says then he leaves.

Ten minutes later, Zelgadis returns with the carcass of a dead boar, 
which he is carrying over one shoulder. He places it down before the 
fire. Uncle John starts to prepare it for cooking.

"It is pretty quiet out there tonight." Zelgadis exclaims.

"We can only hope that it remains like so." Dana replies.

6 days later, Dana, Zelgadis, and Uncle John arrive at the outskirts 
of the town of Kanazo. Kanazo is a small town of roughly 200 people. 
The town is relatively active for being a trade town. Several 
merchants are selling varies wares from clothing to pots and pans to 
weapons of various shapes and sizes.

"Well, I guess this is where we part ways. Take care Uncle John and 
you too Dana." Zelgadis says as he then vanishes into the crowd.

"I will gather the things we need. I will meet with you at the Royal 
Crown Inn tonight. I suggest you explore the city while you wait." 
Uncle John says as he too vanishes amongst the crowd.

A man with a long scroll of paper bumps into Dana knocking to the 
ground. "Oh, sorry miss! Too much to do and no time."

Dana asks, "What are you doing?"

"Huh! Oh me? I have the honor of planning for a wedding for the 
strangest couple that I have ever had the joy of dealing with."

"When is it?"

"Tonight. So you can see why I am in such a hurry."

"Can I help?' Dana inquires.

"Oh, thank you, miss! You are a lifesaver!" He says then tears the 
list in two and hands Dana one half plus a large bag of gold coins. 
"That is 700 gold coins. It should be more than enough to pay for 
everything on you half of the list and then some. Buy yourself a nice 
new dress too. You are invited for your assistance." He says as he 
quickly leaves Dana in the gust of wind he creates as he runs off.

3 hours later, Dana arrives at the only church in town with a large 
sack of things. She is wearing a long red dress with roses sewn into 
it. Dana hands the sack to the man who is now dressed as a priest.

"Excellent. You found everything." He says as he looks into the sack. 
"You look lovely, miss." Dana blushes. "Why, thank you. Where is the 
couple at?"

"They are in their dressing rooms. If you don't mind, would you like 
to be the lady's bridesmaid? They were in such a rush to get married 
that they forgot to bring one." The priest nervously asks.

'You are a woman for no more than a month and you are already a 
bridesmaid. What luck!'

"It would be my honor."

"Excellent. The lady is in the last room on the right and down the 
hall. You can't miss it."

Dana begins to walk down the hall towards the lady's room. As she is 
about to enter, someone walks out of the room across the hall. Dana 
sees Zelgadis wearing a white tuxedo outfit as he enters the hallway.

"So he talked you into this too?" Dana said referring to the priest.

"Yes but I wouldn't miss this for the world." He exclaims.

"What do you mean?"

"Now that's a secret!" Zelgadis laughs. "Seriously you'll see." He 
says and then walks towards the wedding hall.

'What did he mean by that?' Dana thinks as an older elderly woman 
walks out of the room in haste. She almost knocks Dana down.

"The rest of it is your problem. I quit!!" the elderly woman yells as 
she walks out.

"Wait!" says a familiar female voice coming from the room

'It can't be!'

Dana knocks on the door. "May I come in? I was asked to be your 

"Yes, thank you. Everything is going wrong today. I am about to call 
this whole thing off if it wasn't for that yogurt-brain oaf wanted to 
do this so soon."

'It can't be her. I am just imaging things.' Dana thinks as she walks 
in the room. Before her eyes, Lina Inverse is sitting down on a stool 
wearing a beautiful silk white wedding dress. Dana stops deadpanned in 
utter shock.

"What? What is it? My hair? Is my hair a mess?" Lina panics.

"Huh? No, it's not that. It is just. nothing that can not wait until 
later." Dana replies. 'Oh please demon or god who is listening. Don't 
let her figure out who I am!'

"That's good. Would you help me?" Lina asks.

"Oh sure." Dana thinks. 'Pleeease!'

One hour later, the ceremony begins. The priest is standing behind the 
alter as the organ lady begins to play. Gourry is standing in the 
middle in front of the alter looking nervous. Next to him, Zelgadis is 
patently standing holding the rings. Directly across from him, Dana is 
standing holding a bouquet of red roses that match her dress. Lina 
starts to walk up the isle. She looks prettier now than she has in the 
past. Lina can be graceful when she needs to. One minute later it 

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here tonight to wed in holy 
matrimony, Gourry Garbiev and Lina Inverse. If anyone has any reason 
why these two should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your 

The front doors fly open as two figures run in. One is a tall man with 
a black mustache and the other is a young girl

'Well the gang's all here'

"I object! Miss Lina, how could you think of getting married to Mr. 
Gourry without inviting us first? " Amelia proclaims.

"I could not agree more, my daughter. Beside, if you had told us, we 
could have thrown a major one in Sayrun. This will just not do." 
Prince Philanel replies.

"To hell it wouldn't!" Lina yells. "If you two don't sit down and shut 
up, I will blast the both of you with a Dragon Slave!"

The rest of the ceremony goes uneventful.

"You make now kiss the bride."

The kiss passionately for two minutes.

"I now pronounce you man and wife." The priest says ending the 
ceremony. Everyone cheers.

"Congratulations, Miss Lina." Amelia replies.

"We have been waiting for this for a long while." Zelgadis proclaims.

"That was so beautiful!" Prince Phil cries.

"So," Amelia asks. "Who is this lady in the red dress?"

Zelgadis speaks up. Dana begins to panic.

"This is. Dana Lords. She is a magic user that I meet on the road. We 
saved a town from an attacking demon. Our journey lead us here."

"You seem familiar." Gourry proclaims. "I know." He says. Dana worries 
even more. "You served us that delicious pot roast meal two months ago 
in the valley of Tolone."

Swear drops cover Dana's face. "Yes, that was it."

"I never forget a face." Gourry proudly proclaims.

Lina walks up and grabs him by the ear as she starts to pull him away. 
"Yeah but you forget everything else."

Later that night, at the reception, Uncle John meets back up with Dana 
who is at a table in the corner by herself.

"So this is where you ran off to. I have gathered the supplies and a 
wagon will follow us back to town." He pauses briefly. "Dana, are you 
coming back with me?"

"I don't think so, Uncle John. I have someone I need to find. Thank 
you for everything that you have done for me."

"Think nothing of it. So, since we are here, would you do me the honor 
of joining the dance?"

"No, thanks! I don't dance."

"Oh come on! I am a lover not a dancer myself but that has never 
stopped me at a wedding before."

Dana stands up and grabs his hand. "Well, maybe just one."

While she is dancing with Uncle John, Dana's mind begins to wonder. 
She images that she is dancing with Filia in place of Uncle John. Dana 
swears that she can feel Filia's soft gentle hands firmly held in her 
own. She sees that Filia is dressed in an aqua blue dress with sky 
blue roses sown into it similar to Dana's one.

Dana can smell a sweet flowery perfume that Filia must be wearing. It 
all seems so real. It all feels so real for the moment the dance 
lasts. It is a dream come true.

"Boss!" Jilas yells as Filia for the tenth time. Filia awakes from her 

"Yes, Jilas?" She asks.

"You told me to remind you when your new dress arrives. It is in the 
back room for you."

"Thank you, Jilas. Well, if that is it for today, you two can go 

"Aye, Boss." He says then he starts to leave with the ogre named 
Greivous. "If you don't mind me asking, what where you think about?"

"Oh!" Filia pauses remembering the beautiful face of the 
purplish-white haired woman in the ballroom dress she was dancing 
with. "Nothing at all!" She replies and continues to think about her.

"It was that woman again, wasn't it, Boss?" Greivous replies.

"No it was not!" Filia lies.

"Boss, if you love another woman, me and Greivous don't mind." Jilas 

"I will have you know that I am not gay!" Filia shouts. 'Am I gay? Do 
I love this woman? Who is she? Have I met her? What does her beautiful 
lips feel like?'

"Are you alright, Boss?" Jilas asks in concern for Filia.

"Just go." Filia cries.

"But Boss."

"I said go." She yells with tears running down her face. She wipes her 
ears. "I can handle the rest. Please, I need to be alone."

"See you tomorrow, boss." Greivous says then he leaves.

"Are you sure that you'll be ok?" Jilas asks also crying.

"I'm sure. Now please, go."

"Ok, boss" He sniffs and then runs after Greivous.

'Do I love her?'

Outside the antique shop.

"Why did you say that you idiot?" Greivous replies hitting Jilas 
softly on the back of the head.

"Ow!" he yells. "I was only trying to say that we don't care if she is 
gay! Master Valgaav was."

"I know that you nimrod but there are more diplomatic ways of asking."

"Name one."



"I don't know. Let's not worry about it for now. This is something 
that the boss will have to come to terms with in time."

"But we can still support any decisions she comes up with, right?"

"That's right!" Greivous replies.

"That right!" Filia thinks out loud. "I asked the seamstress in town 
to make me the prettiest dress she could dream up. Let's see what she 

The lid of the box falls to the falls as Filia lets it drop. The dress 
inside is the exact one she was wearing in her daydream dance with the 
other woman. It must be fate. 'But who is she? And where is she now?'

'Where is she now?' Dana thinks as the dance ends and she returns back 
to the normal world. Dana lets go of Uncle John's hands.

"That was an excellent job, Dana!"

"Ah, thanks, I think?" 'Was that real or just a dream?'

The crowd starts to leave as Lina and Gourry head off for their 
honeymoon. Prince Philanel and Amelia also depart, leaving Zelgadis, 
Dana, and Uncle John alone in the reception hall.

"What do you plan to do now?" Uncle John asks Zelgadis.

"I am heading for the village of Stronola. I will be leaving in the 

"Isn't that where Filia lives?" Dana asks.

"Yes, it is." He replies.

"Then I will be joining you!"

"Great!" Zelgadis mumbles.

"Is she the person you are looking for?" Uncle John asks Dana.

"Yes. I have to ask her something."

"Well then, I wish you both a safe journey. It was a pleasure meeting 
both of you. If you are ever in my neck of the woods, stop and say hi 
sometime." He says then he leaves.

"So I am stuck with you again?"

"I will be on my best behavior. Demon's honor."

"Meet me at the east gate tomorrow morning."

During that night, Dana enters another vision like dream state of 
mind. She is lying on her back in a field on top of a blanket. The sun 
is shinning down upon her body. The clouds are small and in different 
shapes and sizes in the clear blue sky above. Dana is wearing her pink 
dress. She is laying next to Filia who is wearing her normal pink 
dress. She looks back at Dana.

"Who are you?" Filia asks her.

'What do I say?' "I am called Dana Lords."

"Why are you invading my thoughts?" She asks.

"I don't know. But you have clouding my thoughts for months. I think I 
love you." "Why?"

"I don't know. I have never felt love before. It is a fire that I have 
never noticed before. I have and would do anything for you."

"I feel that way too. But I can't. It is not love."

"Filia, look down deep within your heart. Tell me why can't this be 

"But you're a woman?"

"What is wrong with that?"

"Well nothing I guess. I just thought that I would fall in love with a 

"Filia, I get this funny feeling ever time you are near. I have felt 
it for so long that I can deny it any more. I love you. And if you 
don't love me too, I will understand."

"It's not that, Dana. It's just that. you know. How do we please each 
other if we are both woman."

"I don't know but how about we find out?"

Dana says as she kisses Filia on the lips. The kiss is intense and 
passionate. The kiss removes all doubt in Filia's mind on whom she 
loves. Filia and Dana start to undress each other. Filia takes off 
Dana bra with her teeth and Dana begins to kiss Filia up and down her 
naked body. Soon both Dana and Filia are naked on the blanket 
exploring every passionate spot on their bodies. They both are at the 
height of pleasure when the vision ends.

Dana wakes with a strong scream of passion. She realizes that she is 
sweating intensely. Dana feels strange. She has a sudden feeling of 
joyfulness that she has never felt before. Dana notices that both she 
and her sheets are wet. Once she thinks the great sensation is over, 
it happens again.

Filia awakes in her bed. She has a strange strong passionate feeling 
of intense pleasure that she has never felt in her life. Both Filia 
and her bed are wet. It is totally incredible and it occurs twice in a 

"I love her and must find her again." They both say in their different 

Dana gets up and dresses in the pink flower dress. She quickly gathers 
her things and meets up with Zelgadis at the eastern gate. Dana is 
humming an ole children's song that has been lost to mankind for 

"You're in a good mood today." He replies.

"I got some last night." Dana says with a smile on her face.

"I don't even want to know what that means!" Zelgadis says with an odd 
look on his face.

Filia arrives at her shop whistling a tune that she hasn't thought of 
since she was a child. She has an amazing extra spark of energy today 
that she lacked in the past.

"You are in a good mood today, Boss!" Jilas replies.

"Yes. Today will be a great day." She says and then goes back to 

Both Jilas and Greivous give her a strange glance.

"I'm in love!" Filia replies.

"Ah!" They both say in unison.

She continues to whistle that same tune all day long.

"Would you stop humming?" Zelgadis demands.

"Huh?" Dana says. "Oh, sorry!" She reaches into her backpack and pulls 
out a scroll of paper and a quill of ink. She starts to write down her 
thoughts into a song.

Several hours later, Dana finishes her song as they break for camp. 
She softly begins to sing it.

"So Dana, how much of the demon race is after you?"

"I could not say. If I had to guess, I would say all of them."

"Then why are you going towards Filia? Wouldn't that put her in more 
danger than ever?"

"Not if I can protect myself, her, and the egg."

"And you plan on confronting the entire demon race by yourself?"

"That is the plan."

"You're nuts! Why didn't you ask Lina and the others for help?"

"How would you like to interrupt Ms. Lina on her honeymoon?"

"Good point. But seriously what are you going to do?"

"First thing is to locate Filia and the egg. The rest I will worry 
about once it happens."

"You can count on me. I owe Filia a thing or two."

"Thank you."

"You know what, Dana?"

"Yes, Zelgadis?"

"You have changed. Six months ago, I would have suspected that you had 
an alter motive for doing this. But now, now there is more emotion to 
your words. You mean what you say. You seem more alive somehow."

"I hope to never return to the man I was before. If that means I must 
live the rest of my life, as a woman then so be it. Besides, I get to 
do several things that I never dreamed possible now."

Zelgadis falls on his face. "If I didn't know better, I would swear 
that you were born a woman!"

Dana giggles.

Suddenly they hear a woman scream in terror. Both Zelgadis and Dana 
run towards the direction of the sound. Once they arrive they see a 
woman, on the ground, wearing a very revealing bikini-like outfit, 
with long black- bluish hair, bleeding to death on the earth, next to 
a tree. Standing before the woman is a giant hedgehog-like creature. 
The creature is 7 feet tall and 3 feet wide. It appears to have some 
human features. The creature's head is humanoid, but the rest is not. 
Its claws are covered in the woman's blood. It turns toward them.

"Humm. Humm. Fresh meat, meat!"

"Goladus! What are you doing here? I thought that Keeper had you 
imprisoned in the pit." Dana proclaims.

"He had, had. I was let out, out, on good behavior, behavior. Besides, 
besides now that you betrayed the demon race, race, we all are ordered 
to kill you on site, site." The demon said as his voice echoed the 
last words he spoke.

"Zelgadis, grab the girl and get out of here!" Dana commanded.

"You're not going to fight it alone?"

"I must. Besides she needs your help now."

He picks up the woman and runs off.

"Death will be to kind for you, Goladus, but I am going to give it to 
you anyways!" Dana says and then hits Goladus with a million tiny 
fireball attack.

Samuel is sweeping up the last of the dirt out of his house when he 
notices a person running up carrying someone in his arms. As he gets 
closer, Samuel can see that the woman in the man's arm is hurt.

"She is dying!" The man exclaims. "Are you a healer?"

"Yes, I am. Follow me." Samuel says. 'I am glad that I took those 
white magic classes instead of soldier training at times like this.'

Samuel leads the man to his bed. "Put her down here."

The man does as ordered. Samuel casts the highest level-healing spell 
that he knows on the woman. After ten minutes, the wounds on the 
woman's chest stops bleeding.

"That is all I can do for now." Samuel says tiredly. "She is going to 
need about a month's worth of rest to recover."

"Well, at least she lives." The man says.

"Zelgadis?" A female voice calls out. "Are you in here?"

"Yes, I am, Dana." The man named Zelgadis answers.

In walks a tall thin woman with purplish-white hair tied back into a 
ponytail. The woman is wearing a pink dress with flower designs all 
over it. It goes down to about an inch above her knees. It also has a 
v-cut section on the chest revealing her beautiful cleave. The woman 
also is wearing a pair of long black boots, a set of star-shaped 
earrings, and a pair of green bracelets on her arms.

"So is she alright?" The woman named Dana asks.

"Yes. Thanks to this man right here." Zelgadis replies.

"The name is Samuel." Samuel is a young man in his early twenties. 
Samuel is quite handsome with long curly blond-reddish hair. Samuel is 
wearing a red shirt with red pants and black shoes on. "What happened 
to her?"

"She was attacked by a monster in the forest. We found her bleeding to 
death." Zelgadis explains

"And the monster?" Samuel asks.

"Oh, I can assure you, it is quite dead." The woman proclaims.

"I don't have much to offer but if the two of you would like, you are 
welcomed to stay here the night." Samuel states.

They both look at each other for a moment.

"It would be safer than out in the woods." The woman says.

"You have a point." The man retorts. "We will take you up on your 
offer, Samuel!"

"Great!" He says. "I will start making diner now."

Later that night, Zelgadis, Dana, and Samuel are all sitting outside 
on chairs on Samuel's pouch. Zelgadis is looking over his map; while 
Dana and Samuel are both relaxing out there sharing Samuel's pipe and 
his 'tobacco'.

"So" Samuel takes a drag "the two of you are adventures."

Dana takes the pipe from Samuel. She takes a hit and then answers. 
"You could say that!"

"So where" he coughs "are you going?"

"Stronola" Dana replies.

"I know that town. What do you want there?" He asks.

"We have friends there that we need to see." Zelgadis replies finally 
after finishing with his map.

"That's cool!" He takes another drag. "I have to return my friend's 
lute to him there. Can you do it for me?"

"Sure thing." Dana says as she takes another hit. "What" She coughs. 
"does he look like?"

"Well, he's around my age, with curly brown hair and he's got a 
mustache. He is a musician at the Cantina Inn." Samuel replies.

"Not a problem." Dana states.

"Are you sure you want to take care of her? We could take the woman on 
the road with us. I mean Stronola is only a three-day journey from 
here." Zelgadis remarks.

"Don't worry about it! She'll be in the best of care right here. 
Besides it will give me something to do between writing my poems."

"You write poems?" Dana asks. "Can I read one?"

"Sure thing!" He says as he runs back inside.

Filia awake the next morning with the thoughts of a new song in her 
mind. For whatever reason, Filia could have sworn that she heard it 
somewhere before. She goes about her day in her normal fashion except 
now she thought a lot more about the purplish-white haired woman named 
Dana. Filia had the strong impression that the two of them would meet 
in person very soon. Filia longed for Dana's sweet embrace once more. 
"Boss," Jilas says. "What is that song you kept singing?"

Filia snaps back to reality and she realizes that she is singing that 
song she heard in her dreams. 'Dreams? In fact, that song is called 
Dreams. Cause that's what dreams are made of' "Oh!" She blushes. "It 
is just a song I heard somewhere before."

"It's pretty, boss!" Greivous replies from the other room.

"You two can go for today, if you want." Filia says.

"But Boss," Jilas exclaims. "We haven't sold a thing all day. Don't 
you want to wait for a customer first?"

"It's ok. We will sell something tomorrow."

"You're the boss." Greivous says and then leaves.

"See you tomorrow, boss!" Jilas says then he leaves.

'Soon my dreams will become a reality.'

Two days later, Zelgadis and Dana begin to arrive in the town of 
Stronola. Stronola is a large trade town at the base of a giant 
mountain range. Dozens of merchants are selling various wears from 
clothing to jewelry to shoes and beyond. Several minutes later, 
Zelgadis leads Dana to a small two-story building. The sign hanging 
outside of the shop reads: Antiques. Dana is overwhelmed with 
excitement and anticipation. Zelgadis opens the door and walks in, 
Dana quickly follows.

Inside there are dozens of shelves lined up along the walls and in the 
middle of the room there are four three foot high tables which are all 
covered from ceiling to floor with different antique pieces ranching 
from jewelry and pots to antique dolls and other toys. Towards the 
back of the room there are glass contains with a cash register laying 
on top of it. Behind that there is a doorway leading to another room. 
A fox-man is standing behind the counter wearing an eye-patch over his 
right eye polishing a vase with what appears to be a damp rag.

"Welcome, How may I help you?" He says as he gentle places the vase 
down on the counter.

"We are looking for Filia. Is she in?" Zelgadis asks.

"Oh! You just missed her. She went out on her lunch break. She said 
she was going to the old oak tree just north of town if anyone were to 
ask." He pauses momentary. "You're her, aren't you?" He runs over to 
Dana and grabs her hands. "You're the purplish-white haired woman the 
boss keeps talking about!"

"You've met Filia in this form?" Zelgadis asks.

"Yes. In a dream that we both shared about a week ago." Dana explains.

"So that's what you meant?" Zelgadis replies.

Jilas looks at Zelgadis and Dana in confusion. "I don't know what you 
two are talking about but I am sure the Boss would be thrilled if you 
were to join her." He says as she looks seriously at Dana.

"Thank you." Dana says as she starts to leave. Zelgadis blocks her way 

"We've got other business to attend to, remember!"

"I know. I just want to talk to her by myself first. I will meet with 
you at the Cantina Inn tonight."

"And all you plan to do is talk, right?"

Dana blushes as she dodges past Zelgadis. "Well, that will be our 

Dana finds Filia sitting down on the hill on a blanket underneath a 
giant oak tree. Filia runs up to Dana and catches in a hug. They kiss.

"I had a feeling that we were going to meet each other today. That is 
why I waited for you here. I love you, Dana."

"And I love you too, Filia! But there are so many things that I need 
to tell you and ."

Filia interrupts her. "Shh. It can wait until later. Right now is 
about us."

One hour later, Dana is laying down on the blanket naked holding 
herself besides Filia's beautiful naked body.

"Filia, I must tell you about my past. I am."

"The woman that I love." Filia again interrupts her. "Let the rest of 
your history die in the past. There are things in my life that I would 
like to forget and I know that is the same for you. It will only haunt 
your mind for the rest of your days if you don't."

"I guess you are right. I don't want to ever become that person again. 
I am your lover and the rest is unimportant."

"Dana, I had almost given up on love before I meet you. I never imaged 
myself in love with a beautiful woman such as you. Your love dwarves 
my expectations of what real love would be like. Everything about you 
brings me more joy than I ever thought possible. The man of my dreams 
turns out to be a woman who brightens my days and fulfills my every 
desire. I love you in everyway possible and then some."

"Before I met you, Filia, I never knew what love was. Your beauty has 
more than just blinded me. It has compelled me to be so much more than 
I ever expected. I would face everything that both heaven and hell 
could throw at me just to see your smile again. I would sacrifice 
everything for you. You have made me experience things that I have 
never felt before. I will love you in everyway possible till the end 
of my days and beyond. I would do anything of love."

"Then let us share ourselves with each other again while we have right 
now." Filia says as she starts to kiss Dana all over.

Meanwhile, Zelgadis walks into the Cantina Inn. Inside the Inn, there 
is a long bar with a large sized performance stage to the far left. 
Before the stage there are twenty round tables with the chairs sitting 
upside-down on top of them. In the center of each table there is a 
small candleholder with a brand new unlit candle inside. To the right 
of the bar, there is a doorway that leads to what would appear to be 
the kitchen. And directly in front of the bar, there is a counter with 
a key rack behind it with several keys missing. To the left of the 
counter lays a set of stairs leading to the sleeping quarters above. A 
plump elder woman walks out from the kitchen, cleaning a plate with an 
old rag. "Yes." She says in a stern voice. "Can I help you?"

" I would like to rent two rooms for the night."

The woman walks over to the counter placing the plate down on top of 
it. She reaches behind the counter and pulls out a large book, a pen, 
an ink container, and a set of bifocals. She puts on the glasses, 
opens the book, and dips the pen in the ink. "What names would you 
like the rooms to be signed in under?"

"Zelgadis Greywords and Dana Lords."

The woman scribbles the names in the book. She hands Zelgadis two keys 
that she takes off the rack. "Rooms 39 and 40"

"Thank you." He grabs the keys. "Is there a man named Michael around 
here anywhere?"

"Out back. He is watching the brothers playing in the alley." The 
woman says with a distasteful tone.

Zelgadis walks around to the alleyway behind the Cantina Inn. As he 
makes his way back there, he hears this beautiful noise. Zelgadis sees 
three young men, two of which are making the noise. One man is playing 
a lyre. The man has long black hair that goings midway down his back. 
He is dressed in a long dress shirt that is unbuttoned revealing this 
thin chest. The sleeves of the shirt are rolled all back to the man's 
elbows. He is also wearing a pair of pants with the knees worn out. 
The man is smoking a cigarette, which he has currently placed at the 
head of his lyre's neck.

The next man is a tall, thin man with short curly black hair. The man 
is only wearing a pair of pants. A white T-shirt is laying on the 
ground besides him. The man has a set of oil tins in front of him (2 
large ones and a small one in the middle), which he is banging on with 
two sticks as if they were a drum set.

The final man is a young man with short brown hair with a beard and a 
mustache. He is wearing a T-shirt and a pair of faded pants. The man 
is watching the other two play. The men stop once Zelgadis arrives.

"Are you Michael?" Zelgadis asks the man with the beard and mustache.

"I am. Who are you?"

"I have something for you." Zelgadis pulls out the lute from his 
backpack. "Your friend, Samuel, asked me to give his to you."

"How is old Sammy?" The man with the lyre asks.

2 hours later, Dana and Filia arrive back at Filia's shop fully 

"We're closed." An ogre with a glass eye says. "Oh, Boss, It's you!"

"Jilas, Grievous, I would like you to meet Dana Lords."

The fox-man grabs Dana's hands again and begins to shake them 
diligently. "It is my pleasure to finally make your acquaintance." 
Grievous pushes Jilas aside. "Enough of that." He says to Jilas. He 
offers to shake Dana's hand. "Nice meeting you, miss."

"You both can go if you like. I will close up myself." Filia tells 

"Goodnight them." Grievous says as he leaves.

"See ya tomorrow, Boss. Take good care of the boss ya here." He nudges 
Dana in the arm.

The ogre reaches back inside and pulls the fox-man outside. "Would you 
knock that off already?"

Filia sweeps the last of the dirt out of the store as Dana observes 
the wares for sale in the shop. Nothing here really catches Dana's 
attention but she keeps herself busy for Filia's sake.

"So, Dana, what are your plans for tonight?" Filia asks.

"I figured I would meet back up with Zelgadis. We were asked by 
someone to deliver a lute to his friend in town." Dana recalls the 
other reason she wanted to see Filia. "Filia, can I ask you a favor?"

"You already know that answer. What is it?"

"Ok. Zelgadis and I came upon an injured woman in the woods. We 
managed to find a young man who knew healing magic. He saved her life 
but she is still badly hurt. The man believes that she will be in a 
coma for several months. We thought you could help her recover 

"I will go with you tomorrow and see what I can do. Well, everything 
is done here, let's go find Zelgadis."

Inside the Cantina, Zelgadis is relaxing to the comedic styling of a 
'magic' duo. All of their magic tricks are nothing more than mere 
illusions but their charisma is amazing. They both are enjoyable, 
especially the silent guy. They are so distracting that Zelgadis fails 
to notice Dana and Filia's arrival until they set down next to him.

"Did you two have fun?" He asks.

Both of their faces turn red. "I told Filia about the injured woman at 
Samuel's place. She agreed to go there with us tomorrow."

"I should buy more supplies. It is a three-day journey at best." He 

"Don't worry about that. I can just change into a dragon and the two 
of you can ride on my back."

"I thought you hated transforming in front of others, Filia."

"Dana helped me get over my fear of being naked if you know what I 

"Ook?" He replies.

The comedy magic duo finishes their act and the curtain lowers. A man 
dressed in a flashy coat and pants outfit walks to the center of the 
stage. "Well, folks, that is the show for tonight. The kitchen and bar 
will continue to remain open for a while. Also Edward's band will play 
music for those who wish."

"I will see the two of you ladies, tomorrow. Here is your room key, 
Dana." Zelgadis hands Dana her room key then he leaves.

"I had better let Grievous know that I will be gone for a while." 
Filia says as she gives Dana a goodnight kiss. "Sleep well, darling!"

"You too, my sweet!" Dana replies.

The next day, Filia meets up with Zelgadis and Dana outside the inn.

"Are we ready to go?" Zelgadis asks.

"Yes. If you would follow me." Filia orders as she begins to walk 
towards the old oak tree. Once they arrive, she transforms. "Hop on 
and hold tight!"

Instantly, Filia is soaring through the air at great speeds. Even at 
her top speed, Dana has never traveled this fast before. The wind 
makes Dana feel more alive then she has ever before. 2 hours later, 
they arrive outside of Samuel's cabin. Filia changes back as Samuel 
runs outside to see what is happening.

"Did you see that? I thought I was a golden dragon with a pink ribbon 
tied to its tail fly by." Samuel proclaims.

"Not to worry. That was me." Filia explains.

"You're a golden dragon?" he asks.

"Yes. But, I am a friend. Dana and Zelgadis asked me to help."

"Um, Ok. Follow me." He retorts.

Samuel leads them to his bed where the unconscious woman lies. Her 
condition has not changed for four days now. Samuel is afraid that her 
coma might last forever. But now that Zelgadis and Dana have returned 
with this drop-dead gorgeous blond babe in a long pink granny dress, 
his opinion has altered. The woman walks over to the bed and begins to 
cast a healing spell that Samuel has never hear of before.

"Ha!" The woman yells once the spell is over.

Samuel notices that the unconscious woman's wounds fade away 
completely. He can also see that she is breathing a lot easier now 

"She will awake in a few days. Her fever is gone now." The woman in 
the pink granny dress says.

"Thank you. Your healing powers are amazing, miss! Where did you learn 
a spell like that?" Samuel asks.

"I learned it years ago in temple."

"Hey!" Dana responds. "Doesn't she look familiar a little bit?"

Zelgadis walks over to the bed. "Now that you mention it. She does. I 
believe she could be Amelia's older sister. I think her name was Nagha 
Lenah Telos Sayrun if memory serves me correct."

"Do you think we should inform Prince Philanel about this?" Filia 

"It would probably be best. Filia, can you take us back to town so we 
can prepare for the journey?" Zelgadis asks.


"Can I get a ride with you to Stronola?" Samuel asks. "I have never 
seen a real golden dragon up close before."

"Of course." Filia replies.

2 hours later, Dana, Filia, Samuel, and Zelgadis arrive back at the 
old oak tree with the unconscious Nagha safely being carried in 
Zelgadis' arms.

"I will take her to the inn. It might be best if we travel on foot. I 
don't know how the people of Sayrun will react to a golden dragon 
flying over head." Zelgadis explains.

"I had better find Grievous and Jilas and explain the situation to 
them." Filia states.

"And I should purchase a wagon and the supplies." Dana says.

"I just wish there was something more I could do for her." Samuel 

"If it was not for you, she would be dead by now. We will inform 
Prince Philanel of your generous deeds. I am sure he will more than 
reward you for your kindness." Zelgadis implies.

"I didn't save her life to be rewarded. I did it because it was the 
right thing to do. I would just like to visit her once she fully 

"I'm sure that can be arranged." Zelgadis says.

They part their ways. Zelgadis and Samuel go to the Cantina Inn. Dana 
goes to the market place. And Filia returns to her shop. Everyone 
meets back at the inn that night. Samuel is joined by Michael, Edward, 
and his brother Alexander. Jilas and Grievous are also at the bar.

"So," Dana asks. "What is the plan?"

"Well," Samuel speaks up. "I am going to remain here for now. Edward 
has decided to turn my poems into songs. He also says I have a great 
singing voice."

"That is a wonderful idea." Dana states. "I know that your poem 
'dreams' would make an excellent song."

"And I am sure you will create many more great songs." Zelgadis 

"Yeah!" Michael, Edward, and Alexander yell raising their mugs for a 

"Well, the first thing we should do is head to the town of Atlas City. 
It is only two weeks away from here. Then it will only be another week 
to Sayrun from there." Zelgadis says, "Assuming we don't run into any 
trouble along the way." He gives Dana a suspicious look.

"And we will hold down the fort while you are gone, right Boss?" Jilas 

"That would be correct. Plus I need for the two of you to make sure 
Yonval's egg is safe. It will be 2 more years before he hatches." 
Filia replies.

"We will have an early morning tomorrow. I suggest we get as much 
sleep as we can." Zelgadis says as he leaves.

"I guess we had better leave too." Grievous says as he pushes his 
chair back.

"Goodnight, everyone. Take care, Boss!" Jilas replies as he leaves. "I 
guess we had better do as we are told. Goodnight, boys." Filia says.

"Good night!" They say in unison.

"Sweet dreams, my love." Filia says as she kiss Dana goodnight.

The boys hoot and howl.

"Settle down, children!" Dana remarks as she walks Filia out.

Onwards to Part 2

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