One Little Kiss (Prologue)

a Ranma 1/2 fanfiction by Dreiser

	"Where are we going again, Pops?"

	The red haired pigtailed girl who asked this pushed a wet 
strand of hair out of her eyes before looking at the large panda which 
walked at her left side. On her right side was a curvaceous lavender 
haired girl wearing Chinese style clothes like the pigtailed girl except 
that hers were tended to cling more then what the redhead was 
wearing. The lavender haired girl was also the only one in the group 
that was dry. That probably was due to the fact that she was the only 
one holding an umbrella.

	The panda produced a sign that read: <I told you. We're going 
to the Tendo dojo to visit an old friend.>

	"Right," the redhead snorted. "You have friends? I'm really 
buying that one."

	<Show some respect,> the panda's reply sign read.

	"Hard to show respect for stupid animal," commented the 
lavender haired girl as she formed a smirk.

	Chuckling at this, the redhead said, "Good one, Shampoo."

	"Much thanks, Airen," replied the lavender haired girl whose 
name was apparently Shampoo.

	<No respect,> the panda's new sign read. <I get no respect at 
all. Shouldn't you respect your Elders, girl?>

	"Not when they act like you, Pops," the redhead retorted. 
"And stop trying to use Shampoo's code of honor as an Amazon 
against her. Y'know it ain't going to work."

	As the redhead and the girl named Shampoo continued to 
walk down the road, the panda grumbled lowly before he held up a 
sign that read: <It was worth a try.>

	"Ranma," began Shampoo in slow hesitant tones. "I not sure I 
understand why we come here still. Is friends of your stupid panda 
father? That it?"

	"Yeah," said the red haired girl known as Ranma while she 
chuckled once again. "I guess that's it. Maybe Pop wants to check up 
on his friends now that we're back home. That's the only thing that I 
can think of."

	Shampoo nodded solemnly before she mused, "Still. It very 
strange. Idea of stupid panda man having friends."

	"You're telling me?" Ranma asked ironically. "The guy nearly 
got killed a hundred times in your village. Only thing that kept people 
from coming after him was you."

	"Is so," said Shampoo as she gave him an impish smile. "They 
not go near relatives of their Champion. Is very bad to threaten 
because of that and all in tribe know so they play nice. Even if mean 
have to not kill stupid panda man."

	"And what about me?" asked Ranma.

	"You is too cute to kill," Shampoo replied playfully.

	Snorting in disdain at this, Ranma never-the-less blushed 
slightly as she paused in front of a rather nice looking house and read 
the sign before she turned to the panda. "Hey Pops!" Ranma called out 
to the panda which was waddling their way. "I think that I found it!"

	<At last!> the panda's sign read as he stood in front of the 
large wooden gates before he began pushing them open. <At long last 
our promise can be fulfilled, Tendo!>

	Ranma and Shampoo watched in dim surprise as the panda 
went barreling onto the premises. But after a moment, Ranma 
shrugged and said, "We might as well go in."

	Slowly following after the redhead, Shampoo had the strangest 
sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. It was like somehow she knew 
her life had just changed.

	But whether it was for the better or the worse she didn't know. 
She just hoped that it was for the better.

Onwards to Part 1

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