Marital Arts (part 7 of 8)

a Ranma 1/2 fanfiction by Jon K. Hayashi

Back to Part 6
What has gone before: 
Ranma Saotome goes to visit his fiancee Akane Tendo and her family 
accompanied by his mother Nodoka and twin sister Ranko.  While 
there, they learn that not only are they the heirs of the Anything-Goes 
School of Martial Arts, but the heirs of the Almost Anything-Goes 
Marital Arts School.  Ukyo Kuonji has entered the Tendo dojo 
disguised as a housekeeper named Kyoko.  Ranma and Ranko have 
been "Cat-Tongued" by Cologne. 

Episode 7:  Cold Water Chestnut Cats 
Everyone watched Ranma bounce off the diving board and dive into 
the water.  Ranko swam across the width of the pool. 
Female Student:  "Say Akane, when will the twins change back?" 
Akane:  "Well... I'm not the one to ask." 
Male Student:  "Its fine by me if he stays a girl." 
Ukyo watched as the rest of the class imperceptibly nodded in 
agreement.  Given the twins' lack of self-consciousness in their 
cursed forms, she guessed she wasn't the only one sneaking peeks at 
the nude body in the shower for the past two days, both male or 
female.  Of course, it had seemed a little ironic that their physical 
education class was scheduled to go swimming right after the twins 
had been "cat-tongued". 
Shampoo touched Ranma on the shoulder.  Because she was in her 
cat form, Ranma immediately tried to get away from her.  Ranko 
jumped out of the water at the sight of a white cat.  Shampoo chased 
Ranma until he hit the pool wall. 
Akane got the two out of the pool while Ukyo got some hot water and 
poured it on Shampoo, turning her back to her human form.  As she 
pulled a towel around her body, all the boys thanked the day that the 
Saotomes arrived in Nerima. 
Akane:  "What do you want?" 
Shampoo:  "Very good news!  There is pill can cure 'full-body cat-
        tongue' shiatsu!" 
Ranma and Ranko:  [confronting Shampoo]  "Is that true?" 
Shampoo:  "Do these eyes that lie?" 
The boys started to cry at the thought of a cure. 
Akane:  "What is it?" 
Shampoo:  "It Phoenix Pill." 
Ranma:  "Phoenix pill?" 
Akane:  "As in the bird that's reborn in flames?" 
Shampoo:  [nodding]  "Champion of heat resistance!" 
Ranko:  "Where is it?" 
Shampoo:  "Great-grandmother has it.  Great-grandmother says you 
        to take it from her." 
Ranma and Ranko:  "I'm gone!" 
Ranma and Ranko rushed to Shampoo's restaurant, kicking the door 
open and running toward Cologne, who sat behind the cash register.  
Around Cologne's neck hung a large locket with 'Phoenix Pill' 
engraved on the front cover.  The twins reached to grab the locket. 
Cologne jumped up and avoided the first attack, hitting Ranma in the 
head with her staff.  She quickly spun in midair and hit Ranko before 
she could recover. 
Akane, Shampoo, and Ukyo watched as two bodies flew through the 
doorway and landed in a trash can.  The twins quickly scrambled to 
their feet and reentered the restaurant.  The sounds of fighting drifted 
through the doorway until the twins were again knocked into the 
Shampoo:  "You see?  No way to beat great-grandmother." 
Ranma:  "Just you wait!" 
The twins spotted the Cat Cafe's 'help wanted' flyer and ripped it off 
the telephone pole. 
Ranma and Ranko:  "Ah-ha!" 
By late afternoon the news of two good-looking workers at the Cat 
Cafe had already spread. 
Male Student:  "Let's grab something at the Cat Cafe!" 
Male Student:  "Yeah, like that cute new waitress I heard about." 
Female Student:  "Why don't we stop at the Cat Cafe?" 
Female Student:  "Yeah!  Supposedly that new waiter is supposed to 
        be a real stud." 
The students entered the restaurant, only to see Ranma and Ranko in 
tight-fitting jeans and shirts. 
Male Student:  "Wha... its Ranma!" 
Ranma:  "Come on in." 
Cologne:  "Order." 
Ranma:  "Yes, ma'am!" 
Ranma went to the register to pick up the order and reached to grab 
the Phoenix Pill from Cologne.  Cologne deflected Ranma's attacks 
away.  Ranko came to join her brother in his attempt. 
Cologne felt invigorated.  It had been a long time since anyone had 
challenged her like these two had, either martially or emotionally.  
They still weren't her match, but they had the potential to approach 
her level of mastery.  Cologne figured two or three days of remaining 
in their cursed forms would be enough to spur them when she told 
them about the "Chestnuts" technique. 
Shampoo's Father:  "Order up!" 
Cologne:  "Hold still.  Take these bowls." 
Cologne quickly took bowls of hot ramen that appeared at the kitchen 
counter and brought them in between her and the twins.  To the 
customers, it seemed that the bowls were floating in the air.  But 
eventually there were too many bowls and the twins were defeated. 
Both Ranko and Ranma were left holding six bowls of hot ramen 
each.  Two on each arm, one on their head, and the last on a stick 
held by the teeth.  The customers clapped at the performance. 
Ranko and Ranma:  "Old Ghoul!" 
Cologne:  "Deliver them quickly or you'll spill hot broth all over 
Cologne smiled to herself and went back to smoking her pipe.  
Victory was hers! 
Cologne watched as the twins latest attempt to get the Phoenix pill 
ended in failure and they were caught with delivering the bowls of 
ramen while spinning them on top of the sticks that they had used in 
their attempt. 
The boy's 'wife' - she had ferreted the truth from Shampoo - Akane 
Tendo entered the restaurant.  Cologne could sense untapped 
potential in the girl.  Not the potential of Ranma or Ranko, but still 
better ability than the average amazon, and that was saying 
something for the soft culture of Japan. 
By now Cologne realized that Shampoo was probably very happy 
with her 'blood family'.  Even though she had been allowed to 'sneak 
out' only twice more since the night they arrived in Nerima, both 
times she had come home the next morning with a satisfied look.  
Cologne was worried that Nodoka seemed unconcerned that Cologne 
was finding out the secrets of Marital Arts - but knew that part of it 
must be because of Shampoo's feelings for Ranko. 
Cologne knew that Shampoo had started drinking the contraceptive 
tea.  She had helped adapt that recipe for japanese herbs when she 
gave it to her own lover, a hundred and thirty years ago. 
Shampoo had even repeated to her the first lesson verbatim:  "Lesson 
        1:  Because the male will almost always achieve orgasm, the 
        successful sexual encounter is incumbent on the orgasm of 
        the female.  To this end, the initial lessons of recognizing 
        the signals given by your lover are different for the male and 
        female.  The male must learn to control himself, the female 
        to abandon herself to the stimulation, while both remain 
        responsive to the other..." 
Cologne decided it was time to see if her impressions about the twins 
were correct. 
Cologne:  "Students!  Come here!" 
Cologne led the twins and Akane outside, where Shampoo had built a 
small fire. 
Ranma:  "Why do you wanna make a fire in this heat?"  
Cologne:  "Shampoo!  Hand me those!"  [takes bag from Shampoo]  
        "You see that I have a bag of chestnuts."  [throws some 
        chestnuts into the fire]  "Watch very carefully."  
Cologne grabbed the roasting chestnuts and removed them from the 
fire.  The twins looked at her with determination, knowing that she 
was challenging them to do the same. 
Shampoo:  "Ah!  Is legendary technique of 'Chestnuts Roasting On 
        Open Fire'!" 
Akane:  "I couldn't even see her hands!" 
Cologne:  "If you can master this... snatching the Phoenix Pill will be 
        child's play." 
Cologne laughed as she left for the restaurant.  The twins quit their 
Soun:  "Everybody ready?" 
Akane:  "Ready, father." 
Kasumi:  "Where are the twins?" 
Nabiki:  "Probably setting fires in the garden again." 
Ranma and Ranko sat around a small fire, hair slightly curled from 
their attempts.  Cologne jumped into the dojo's yard. 
Cologne:  "Have you two mastered the 'Chestnuts Roasting On An 
        Open Fire' Technique?  Its been a week!" 
Ranko:  "Listen, old ghoul..." 
Cologne:  "Lookie, lookie!  Here's the Phoenix pill that'll let you turn 
Ranma and Ranko grabbed for the pill.  Cologne dodged their first 
attack and deflected the others. 
Cologne:  "Heh.  You're still too slow." 
The twins looked down at their arms.  They were stamped with a red 
"reject" stamps.  Cologne pulled the chestnuts from the small fire to 
the applause of Kasumi and Nabiki. 
Cologne:  "I'll see you again soon!" 
Cologne laughed as she left the dojo. 
Ranma:  "Argh!" 
Soun:  "Hmmm... Ranma.... that's some lady you've gotten mixed up 
Ranma:  "To turn back... I've gotta master enough speed to snatch 
        those chestnuts!" 
Akane:  "But you can't!  Her 'Cat-Tongue' made you too sensitive to 
Ranko:  "Hot... so damn hot!  What do I do?  What do I do?" 
Ranko pounded the ground in frustration, causing some stray 
chestnuts to fly into the air. 
Soun:  "Buck up, Ranko.  You'll find your cure at the fair." 
Ranko:  "You mean..." 
Soun:  "Absolutely!  The fair'll help you forget about all this 
Ranko:  "Oh right.  Like forgetting is going to fix anything!" 
Nodoka:  "Why don't you two come with me and I'll get you ready for 
        the fair." 
Ranko and Ranko:  "Yes, mom." 
Nodoka took out two yukatas for her children, who started to protest 
when they realized which one they were to wear. 
Nodoka:  "Stop struggling, you two.  Like it or not, you're both stuck 
        in your cursed forms and that means dressing appropriately 
        for the festival." 
The twins sullenly dressed in the other's yukata. 
Ranko:  "Don't get mine dirty." 
Ranma:  "Don't tear mine up." 
Nodoka:  "That's enough." 
Both of Nodoka's children looked down at her admonition. 
Nodoka:  "I know that both of you would rather be in your normal 
        forms, but that's no excuse for being rude." 
Ranma and Ranko:  "Yes, mom." 
Nodoka:  "All she's doing is trying to convince you that she's a much 
        better martial artist than your father." 
Ranma:  "She is." 
Nodoka:  "Now, Ranma, be nice.  She's hoping that you'll follow her 
        back to China as her students when she leaves." 
Ranko:  "How do you know this, mom?" 
Nodoka:  "It isn't that hard to figure out, dear.  She wants to share 
        our Marital Arts secrets with her tribe.  I don't think that she 
        would force Shampoo to return with her, but if you were to 
        go willingly, then she wouldn't have to worry about that 

Kasumi:  "Poor Ranma and Ranko.  Trying so hard at pretending to 
        have a good time." 
Akane:  "'Pretend' isn't the word I'd use." 
The twins ran from booth to booth, playing the games and eating the 
food, while the rest of the families sat at one of the outdoor food 
booths.  Ukyo had to privately agree with Akane's opinion as she 
smiled at her two childhood friends.  Akane got up and took Ranma's 
hand, leading him to the goldfish tent.  Ranko followed them. 
Barker:  "Step right up!  Catch a fish, one hundred yen!  Catch 'em 
        all and take 'em home free!" 
Akane:  "OK!" 
Akane quickly lowered the small net into the tank filled with fish.  It 
broke on impact with the water. 
Barker:  "Try again, babe." 
Akane:  "Huh!  I barely got it into the water!"  [four nets later]  
        "Those things are defective!" 
Barker:  "Lemme see..." 
Ranko:  "You're just a klutz, that's all." 
Akane:  "Hmph!" 
Barker:  "I think you've got it." 
Ranma took Akane's hand in his own, realizing that it could be a 
social mistake since he was in his cursed form, but not caring. 
Ranko:  "Watch this!" 
Ranko soon filled seven bowls with goldfish from the tank.  Akane 
soon lost herself in the excitement. 
Akane:  "Get them all and they're yours!" 
Ranko:  "No sweat!" 
The barker started to sweat at the thought of giving away a tankfull of 
goldfish for free.  He got his 'backup plan' from the back of the booth. 
Barker:  "But there's one last part!  Bare-handed piranha catching!  If 
        you can't grab them all, you give back the goldfish." 
Akane:  "Its not fair.  Its not fair!" 
Ranko:  [cracks knuckles] "Very interesting." 
Akane:  "You'll get eaten, you dummy!" 
Ranko:  "I just have to catch them first.  The name of the game is 
        speed...  That's it!  This is the same as 'Chestnuts Roasting 
        On An Open Fire'!  If I can get up enough speed to catch 
        those piranhas before they bite, then I can master that 
        Chestnut technique!  This is special training!" 

Marital Arts 7 - Part 2
Shampoo:  "Come, please!  Come!  Ramen Vendors Association 
        welcomes to haunted house!" 
Shampoo was a little bored with standing in front of the booth.  She 
had gotten several interesting looks, and even a proposition, but 
wasn't that bored. 
Ranko:  "Shampoo!" 
Shampoo:  "Nihao, Ran... ma!" 
Shampoo remembered that she was supposed to be chasing Ranma at 
the last minute.  Ranko ran up to her and took her in her strong, male 
arms and kissed her.  Shampoo could feel her legs going a little 
weak.  To anyone else it would just look like a boy kissing a girl. 
Ranko:  "I've come for the Phoenix Pill!  Where's that old ghoul!" 
Cologne:  "Here, girl." 
Cologne touched Ranko in the back with her staff, startling Ranko.  
Cologne bounced into the haunted house as Ranko followed her.  
Ranma caught up to his twin as they entered the doorway. 
The haunted house actors tried to scare them.  Ranma and Ranko 
easily knocked them out.  When one of the props tried to breathe fire 
on them, Ranma grabbed a pole and knocked the prop down.  The 
twins caught up to Cologne, but she was floating in the middle of a 
boiling lake in a small tub. 
The twins jumped after Cologne, with Ranma using the staff to give 
Ranko a little extra push.  While Ranko made a grab for the locket 
then bounced off the tub back toward him, Ranma balanced on the 
end of the staff about a foot above the hot water.  Ranko then landed 
on Ranma's shoulders. 
Ranko:  "Heh heh.  Got it." 
Cologne:  "Agh!  The pill!  How... how..." 
Ranko quickly opened the locket and saw two small pills inside.  She 
dropped one to her brother and they both swallowed as they dropped 
into the hot water. 
Ranko:  "Heh.  Looks like a candy drop!" 
Cologne:  "It is a candy drop." 
Ranma and Ranko hit the water. 
Ranma and Ranko:  "Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot!" 
Akane:  "Ranma!  Water!" 
Akane threw the fishtank water onto the twins.  The piranhas started 
trying to eat anything in sight (mainly the twins). 
Cologne:  "I changed the contents, just in case.  So you two finally 
        mastered the 'Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire' 
        technique, eh?  Took you long enough." 
Shampoo:  "You catch all these?  Oh, good eating!" 
Akane:  "Good thing this tank was there!" 
Nabiki:  "Are you sure that Shampoo can get away tonight?" 
Ranko:  "That's what she told me." 
Nabiki:  "Finally." 
Ranko:  "Well, its not her fault that you had to study the nights she 
Nabiki removed her sweater and shorts and sat on Ranko's bed.  With 
Dr. Tofu's help with the application of the 'Tokyo Grandpa Point' (the 
one-time counter to the Cat-Tongue), Ranko had regained her female 
form for the night and was already undressed. 
Nabiki:  "I want to go to a good college and become rich, Ranko.  Its 
        important to me." 
Ranko:  "I know..."  [poking at Nabiki and pressing her nipple into 
        the breast]  "and what about Mousse?  Huh?" 
Nabiki:  "Well... it is nice having a man of my own." 
Ranko:  "Isn't it?"  [smirks at Nabiki]  "And is he the one?  Are you 
        in love with him?" 
Nabiki leaned over to kiss Ranko, and they both fell onto the bed.  
Nabiki crawled up Ranko's body so that their breasts flattened against 
each other; she ran her hand through Ranko's red pubic hair as they 
kissed again. 
Nabiki:  "Don't be ridiculous.  I don't know him well enough to be in 
        love with him." 
Ranko:  "Then what was that happy expression I saw on your face 
        when you told me and Kasumi about that night?" 
Nabiki:  "I didn't say he wasn't fun..." 
Ranko's hands slipped down Nabiki's back as Nabiki started to slip 
her finger into Ranko's pussy, gently separating the outer lips, almost 
tickling Ranko with the tentativeness.  Ranko grabbed onto Nabiki's 
butt and brought her body closer, bringing their legs to slip in and 
press against the other's crotch.  Nabiki brought her hands up to hold 
Ranko by the shoulders as both trailed kisses down their faces and 
necks, grinding their sexes against the other's thigh as they moved in 
a contrapuntal unison. 
Ranko:  "But is he..." [softly grunts]  "the one for you?" 
Nabiki:  "Maybe...  I don't know." 
Ranko stopped talking as she sped up their movements, wanting to 
reach her release as soon as possible.  Nabiki responded in kind, 
having made love enough times to instinctively react to the other.  
They held each other tighter as their bodies started to slip with their 
sweat; their juices started to coat the other's leg as it traveled back 
and forth. 
Both girls closed their eyes so that they could savor the feeling of the 
other pressing against their sex.  Both held their breath as they 
reached their release; exhaling as they felt themselves shake with the 
force of their orgasms.  They continued to slowly move against each 
other as they descended from their high. 
Ranko:  "Thanks Nabiki.  I've been waiting so long a time for that." 
Nabiki:  "Is it that bad?  Ranma seems to prefer his male form." 
Ranko:  "Yeah, but he's a guy to begin with.  I'm a girl.  And I prefer 
        my girlgasms." 
Nabiki:  "Its only been a week and a half since you got stuck in your 
        cursed form, Ranko." 
Ranko:  "And what about your week and a half?  So what about you 
        and Mousse?" 
Nabiki:  "If he wants to get together when he comes back... well, I 
        think I'd like to try something like that.  I don't think I'd get 
        any better results by dating any of the guys around here." 
Ranko:  "Like... Kuno?" 
Nabiki:  "Bleah.  I don't know why people think that just because I 
        exploit a guy that I'll fall in love with him." 
Ranko:  "Maybe its because you're both 17." 
Nabiki:  "What a stupid reason.  I don't respect him.  And I could 
        never marry someone I don't respect." 
Shampoo knocked as she hung upside down from the outside rafter, 
looking in through the window.  She was still dressed in her festival 
clothing and entered as the two girls got up from the bed. 
Shampoo:  "Nabiki go out with Mousse now?" 
Nabiki:  "Jealous, Shampoo?" 
Shampoo:  "Shampoo not know about Mousse love.  Mousse only 
        friend.  But Shampoo want Mousse be happy." 
Nabiki:  "Don't worry... if things work out between us, he'll be very 
Shampoo:  [looking at Ranko's female body]  "Ranko not man 
Ranko:  "Are you disappointed, Shampoo?" 
Shampoo:  "Shampoo like Ranko's cock in Shampoo.  Shampoo also 
        like Ranko's pussy..." 
Shampoo knelt and pulled Ranko's pussy to her mouth, intending to 
prove how much she liked making love to Ranko in her female form.  
Ranko danced out of her reach.  Shampoo looked confused. 
Nabiki:  [whispering in Shampoo's ear]  "First, lets get you 
        undressed.  No sense soiling your expensive kimono." 
Shampoo shuddered as the others undressed her, taking their time 
with 'inadvertent' touches on her body.  When Shampoo finally stood 
before them in her underwear, her panties were soaked with her 
excitement and she immediately grabbed Ranko and brought her to 
the floor. 
Ranko twisted slightly in her grasp as she moved to reach Nabiki.  
Nabiki separated Shampoo's legs and the three formed a small 
triangle, each linked to the other's pussy by their probing fingers and 
tongues.  Shampoo smiled as she slipped two fingers into Ranko's 
wetness; she was more than just 'happy' - she was in love. 
Ukyo hid in the darkness during Shampoo's entry into Ranko's room.  
She reminded herself to remain focused on her objective; to spy on 
Ranma and Akane.  As she passed above Ranko's room, she could 
already hear them begin their intimacies. 
She continued on her way, passing over Kasumi's room.  Again, she 
heard the sound of lovemaking coming from below her, but this time 
she couldn't help herself.  She crawled to the roof's edge and peeked 
through the window.  Kasumi gently guided Dr. Tofu into her as she 
lowered her body onto his.  Ukyo watched as Kasumi started her 
erotic movement; Dr. Tofu's hands caressing Kasumi's back and 
pulling her body down until her breasts hung right above his face.  
Dr. Tofu ran his hands over them as Kasumi continued to raise and 
lower her hips.  Kasumi suddenly spun around to look out the 
window, though not stopping her lovemaking. 
Not seeing anyone, Kasumi spun again and returned to giving her 
full attention to her fiance.  Just in time, too, as Dr. Tofu rolled them 
both over on the bed and grabbed her hips to meet his own.  Kasumi 
looked up at her lover as she spread her legs wider to allow him to 
fully penetrate her.  It hit her again how much she loved him.  Then 
the thought was lost as he picked up her body to bring his mouth to 
her breasts. 
Ukyo just barely managed to avoid being seen by Kasumi.  Had 
Kasumi actually been able to 'feel' her there?  Did that mean that 
Ranma or Akane would be able to do the same?  Ukyo was worried at 
the possibility, but decided to continue. 
Suppressing the desire to continue to watch Kasumi, Ukyo silently 
made her way to Ranma and Akane's room.  She listened for awhile, 
but there was no noises coming from below.  She risked a peek 
through their window. 
It was dark, so her eyes didn't have to adjust for that.  The room was 
empty.  Ukyo looked up, confused, not understanding where they 
could have gone.  As she sat back on the roof, she saw a small lump 
on top of a dark section of the dojo outer wall, lit only peripherally by 
a street light. 
Ranma:  "Why don't you want to learn the 'Chestnuts Roasting On 
        An Open Fire' technique?" 
Akane:  "I told you, Ranma.  I'm just not interested in it." 
Ranma:  "But Akane..." 
Akane:  "Shh... when I find a technique that I feel comfortable 
        learning, then I'll learn it.  OK?" 
Ranma:  "OK." 
Ranma continued to hug Akane around her waist as she sat between 
his legs.  The two of them enjoyed the view from the top of the dojo 
wall, looking out onto the skyline of Nerima from their dark 
viewpoint.  They sat on a large beach towel laid down on the small 
tile roof, wrapped by a blanket that left only their heads exposed to 
the night air. 
Both were naked under the blanket. 
Ukyo crept along the shadows of the dojo wall.  Her intuition was 
correct; the voices told her that Ranma and Akane were sitting right 
above her.  She checked to make sure she could not be seen by 
anyone in the house and sat against the wall to listen. 
Ranma:  "I'm just worried what'll happen if I'm not there and 
        someone tried to take you away." 
Akane:  "Ranma... I'm not helpless, you know." 
Ranma:  "Oh, really?" 
Ranma ran his hands over Akane's body, resting one on her breast 
and another on her crotch.  Akane sighed as Ranma started to play 
with her body. 
Ranma:  "Look!  All it takes is two fingers pinching a nipple and two 
        in your pussy to make you helpless." 
Akane:  "That's because its you, you dummy.  But don't stop." 
Ukyo eyes widened at the realization of what was going on above her.  
They were even willing to do it in public!  Well, semi-public.  And 
Akane did it with Ranma's male and female forms!  Was there 
anything she wouldn't do for him that Ukyo could do and use to drive 
them apart?  She knew that she had to find some better way to 
monitor them - maybe some kind of hidden camera in their room. 
Akane moaned as Ranma varied the speed of his fingers entering her; 
starting slow and speeding up, then abruptly starting the cycle again.  
Ranma knew Akane was close to orgasm by the way her hands took 
hold of his thighs in an effort to steady herself.  Ranma kissed the 
side of Akane's bare neck as she let her head fall to one side in 
Akane:  "Yes... Ranma..." 
Ranma:  "Chestnut Pulse." 
Ranma took the speed of his penetrating fingers to the next level, 
applying the technique he just learned on Akane.  Akane came as he 
held tightly to her body, coating his fingers with her honey. 
Ranma:  "See?  There are other uses for the Chestnut technique." 
Akane:  "Some things that are better done slow." 
Ukyo heard Akane shift around so that they were now facing each 
other, though still covered by the warm blanket. 
Akane:  "Hah!  All it takes to make you helpless is my hand guiding 
        your cock into my pussy." 
Ranma:  "I don't need your hand." 
Ranma took hold of Akane's hips and lowered her onto his stiff pole.  
Akane slowly ground their hips together, massaging his cock with 
her pussy muscles as they kissed each other. 
Ukyo could no longer resist the feelings she was experiencing as she 
listened to her friends make love.  She closed her eyes, imagining it 
was herself enjoying Ranma's love, and let her hands caress the 
inside of her thighs.  She found her pants already soaked with her 
desire.  Ukyo slipped a hand between her damp pubic hair and the 
soaked pair of panties. 
Ukyo listened as Akane set up a regular rhythm of movement, a soft 
sound on the roof marking each entry.  Ukyo couldn't help herself.  
She matched the rhythm with her fingers. 
Ukyo was so excited from before that she quickly brought herself to 
release, just barely able to keep silent as her inner muscles grasped at 
her honey-coated fingers.  Above her, Ranma and Akane continued 
their joining.  Akane's movements started to increase in speed and 
force as she approached her second orgasm of the night.  Ukyo 
started another round of masturbation. 
Akane stiffened in Ranma's grasp as her juices started to run down 
his manhood and onto the blanket below them.  She let out a gasp 
that shook Ukyo with its implied passion and love.  Ukyo continued 
to plunge her fingers deep into herself, excited and wanting another 
Ranma:  "Let's go back inside where its warm." 
Akane reluctantly slipped off Ranma's erect manhood and quickly 
picked up their clothes and the towel.  Ranma picked up the warm 
blanket that covered them.  They jumped through the darkness to her 
Akane:  "Hurry up, Ranma.  I want more..." 
Ranma:  "I want more, too..." 
Ukyo watched as the figures passed over her.  For a moment, 
Ranma's body was silhouetted against the house lights, and Ukyo 
could see the outline of Ranma's erect manhood, almost obscene in its 
wet unashamed maleness. 
She wanted it.  She wanted it inside her, giving her pleasure instead 
of Akane.  She didn't want to seduce and abandon him.  She wanted 
to claim him, to marry him, to make love to him until she was 
exhausted.  She reached her orgasm at the sight of her naked fiance. 
Ukyo shook with her orgasm, the force even greater than before.  She 
let out a small cry, unable to control herself in her pleasure.  She 
quickly turned so that she lay facing the wall, hoping that it would 
muffle what she could not. 
Ukyo laid against the wall for some time, catching her breath and 
gently playing with herself while she waited for the house lights to go 
off.  A small tear escaped her eye as she lay on the ground. 
Ukyo:  "Oh Ranchan... I still love you." 

Nabiki put down the phone and looked at the map that Ranma had 
given her.  It had been hard finding a place to stay, since the summer 
vacationers filled all the hotels and inns near the beach, in the 
working world's attempt to beat the upcoming school break.  But she 
had found a small place that was closer than the dojo.  It was still a 
short train ride to the beach itself, but at least they didn't have to 
waste time transferring between trains. 
It wasn't, strictly speaking, a hotel or an inn.  It was more of a 
boarding house.  It didn't seem to have a very good reputation in 
terms of the other tenants or the building's condition, but they weren't 
going to be staying long (even if they had to pay a month's rent - 
luckily it wasn't expensive), and they could leave later that day. 
She felt a little sorry for Shampoo, being torn between her lover and 
her family.  She probably hadn't even known about the move until she 
returned to the restaurant this morning.  Ranma and Ranko certainly 
didn't blame her. 
She crossed out the 'We're moving to the beach for two weeks!' 
wordage on the map and drew an 'X' to show the location of their 
temporary home.  Next to it, she wrote down 'Maison Ikkoku - Clock 
Hill Station', and went to the living room to tell the others of her 

Ukyo didn't quite understand how she had been persuaded to join the 
others in their trip to the beach.  But most of it was Ranko telling her 
how much she thought of her as a friend. 
She smiled at Ranko, who remained in her normal form, in spite of 
taking a bath that morning.  It had been interesting to learn that the 
curse only activated when the head was doused with cold water; the 
rest of the body could get wet without triggering the transformation.  
That didn't make taking cold baths any easier, but it did mean that 
they could stay in their normal forms for awhile longer by being 

Kyoko Otonashi (Chigusa if her mother had anything to say about it) 
sat quietly on a bench with a goldfish bowl and a small welcome sign 
at the Clock Hill Train Station, waiting for her new 'tenants' to 
arrive.  It seemed strange to her that they wanted to move in so soon, 
especially since it was clear they'd only be staying a week at most. 
Kyoko was glad anyway.  Hopefully they'd occupy the rest of the 
tenants so that she'd have some time to herself.  She knew she had to 
sort out how she felt about Shun... and Yusaku.  She tried to remain 
faithful to Soichiro's memory, but even she had to admit the loss hurt 
less as time went on.  Would she actually have let Shun kiss her last 
night at the summer festival?  He loved her, but so did Yusaku. 
The truth was, she wasn't sure how she felt.  She liked them both. 
But she wasn't yet ready to make that commitment again.  She wasn't 
ready to choose between them.  They both said they'd wait, but she 
knew it wasn't fair to keep them hanging like this.  She felt closer to 
Yusaku, but he was so spineless at times... 
Nabiki:  "Kyoko Otonashi?  I'm Nabiki Tendo.  I talked to you 

Kyoko thought about the group she led to Maison Ikkoku. 
Nabiki, the one she had talked to earlier that day, turned out to be 
only seventeen!  That was a shock.  She seemed so much more 
mature on the telephone.  It was clear that she controlled the 
finances, however, and the parents seemed to accept that.  Her two 
sisters, Kasumi and Akane, seemed nice enough. 
It was a surprise to learn that Akane and her 'husband' Ranma were 
married.  They were only sixteen, so they couldn't be married in the 
strict legal sense, but the ceremony itself wasn't something that was 
under the control of the government; and no one would object given 
how much they seemed in love.  It brought a small ache to Kyoko's 
The others, Ranko and Kyoko, and the parents, Nodoka, Soun, and 
Genma all seemed normal enough, which was a break from the 
people she knew.  Except for Genma's "curse" of turning into a 
panda, which came in useful for carrying their baggage but drew 
stares from the townspeople. 
Nabiki:  "Shouldn't you tell us about the others before we get there?" 
Kyoko was startled by Nabiki's statement.  She hadn't said anything 
about the others (she hadn't wanted to). 
Kyoko:  "Well... umm... I guess the most normal person there is 

Kyoko hoped the tenants would behave themselves.  They were 
excited when they learned of the Saotomes and Tendos moving in.  
That wasn't too unexpected; she was the last person to move in and 
that was a year and a half ago.  Mr. Yotsuya seemed too happy, and 
she was concerned about that. 
Mrs. Ichinose was the key.  If she had already started drinking... 
Kentaro:  "Mom!  Stop it!  You're embarrassing me again!" 
Kentaro's voice, followed by drunken laughter, was incredibly 
depressing.  Especially since it came from Yusaku's room and he was 
supposed to be out tutoring Ikuko. 

Kyoko showed her new tenants to their rooms.  It had been decided 
that since the downstairs rooms were larger, Mr. and Mrs. Saotome 
would stay in Room 2, the children in Room 3, and Mr. Tendo 
upstairs in Room 7. 
The preoccupation with the new tenants (and Yusaku's subsequent 
arrival) allowed Kyoko to slip back to her apartment unnoticed.  
Kyoko:  "Yes?" 
Kasumi:  "Its Kasumi.  Is it all right if I come in?" 
Kyoko:  "Of course." 
Kasumi:  "You looked like you might have wanted someone to talk 
Kyoko:  "I suppose it is nice to have someone not from here..." 
Kyoko made some tea and poured a cup for herself and Kasumi. 
Kasumi:  "Auntie Nodoka said that we might as well eat at the 
        festival and go shopping at the same time, since we didn't 
        bring any food.  Would you like to come with us?" 
Kyoko:  "You're all unfamiliar with this area and need a guide.  Of 
        course I'll go." 
Kasumi:  "So... are Yusaku and Shun and Kozue coming as well?" 
Kyoko almost choked into her tea. 
Kasumi:  "Oh, I'm sorry.  I didn't mean for that to happen." 
Kyoko:  "How did... how did you know?" 
Kasumi pointed upstairs, where the sounds of laughter once again 
overcame Yusaku's objections.  Kyoko blushed and wondered what 
they told the Saotomes and Tendos. 

Marital Arts 7 - Part 3

Nodoka:  "Kasumi!  Come here please!" 
Kasumi left Kyoko's room for Room 2 with a little regret.  She felt a 
closeness to Kyoko and wanted to talk with her more.  Kasumi 
entered Room 2 to the sight of Mr. Yotsuya lying unconscious on the 
floor with a frying pan on his head. 
Nodoka:  "Has Dr. Tofu been teaching you the shiatsu pressure 
Kasumi:  "Auntie!  What happened?" 
Nodoka:  "This peeping tom was preparing a observation hole from 
        the crawlway between the floors.  I felt him watching so I 
        threw the frying pan at him.  He's unconscious for now." 
Kasumi:  "What are you going to do?" 
Nodoka:  "I have a special punishment planned for this worm..." 
Yusaku walked behind the others on the way to the fair.  At least the 
newcomers didn't seem the type to cause trouble like the other tenants 
of Maison Ikkoku.  He was glad that neither Mrs. Ichinose (who 
decided to stay back at the last minute) nor Mr. Yotsuya (who had 
suddenly disappeared) was with them. 
He dreamt that he and Kyoko had stolen off for a private moment in 
the vacant lot... until he ran into a light pole. 
Yotsuya regained consciousness to a truly horrific sight:  Mrs. 
Ichinose undressing and approaching Mr. Ichinose for lovemaking.  
He tried to move, or scream, or shut his eyes to the spectacle, but he 
couldn't.  The application of the Paralysis Point by Kasumi prevented 
him from escaping his punishment. 
Below him, Mrs. Ichinose had reacted exactly as Nodoka planned to 
the Shiatsu Libido Point. 
Shampoo followed her father through the fair, eventually sitting at 
one of the many food booths. 
Shampoo's Father:  <Daughter.> 
Shampoo:  <Yes, father?> 
Shampoo's Father:  <I will be staying here at the beach restaurant.  I 
        will not be going back to Nerima with you and your great-
Shampoo:  <...> 
Shampoo's Father:  <It has been many years since your mother died, 
        and you are now an adult.  All that is left is the Ceremony of 
        Memories when you are 21.  It is time for me to start 
        rebuilding my own life.> 
Shampoo:  <But father...> 
Shampoo's Father:  <What is it, Shampoo?> 
Shampoo:  <Does this... does this mean that you no longer love 
Shampoo's Father:  <I will always love your mother.  But she and I 
        can no longer be together - and I am still a man.  Now let us 
        be quiet about this and enjoy the festival.> 
Shampoo:  <Yes, father.> 
Ranko spotted Shampoo and quickly jumped behind her, placing her 
hands over her eyes.  Shampoo quickly recognized Ranko's scent. 
Ranko:  "Guess who?" 
Shampoo:  "Ranko!" 
Shampoo's father looked up at the rest of his daughter's lover's 
family.  He had learned to accept the thought of the outsiders 
becoming part of his family.  There was some new faces behind them, 
though.  And one belonged to an attractive red-head.  It had been 
many years since he made love to a woman. 
Kyoko:  [whispering]  "Who's that?" 
Kasumi:  "That's Shampoo.  She's Ranko's lover." 
Kyoko:  [eyes widening]  "You mean they're..." 
Kasumi:  "Well, Ranko's bisexual.  I'm not sure about Shampoo." 
Kyoko:  "And no one tried to stop it?" 
Kasumi:  "You can stop it?" 
Akemi couldn't quite make out her mysterious chinese lover in the 
darkness, but that was one of the things that made it exciting.  For 
some reason she hadn't laughed off the small, meek man when he 
suddenly came up and told her that he was going to make love to her.  
She had followed him into the empty lot, and he pinned her back 
against the wooden fence, deftly slipping her pants and panties down 
to her ankles. 
Akemi grabbed the top of the fence as she felt the man's finger brush 
against her clit, momentarily slipping into her dripping pussy.  She 
was aroused from the anonymity of her lover as well as the possibility 
of being discovered; walking around in her underwear around Maison 
Ikkoku had never excited her like this. 
Akemi felt her shoes being slipped off and her clothes dropping from 
her legs, allowing the man to grab hold of her thighs and position her 
body to accept his manhood.  A cold breeze blew across her exposed 
skin, causing her to momentarily shiver in the dark.  The man 
touched his manhood to her inner thigh and let the heat warm and 
prepare her for his entry. 
Akemi had never been this ready this fast.  Not with any of her 
boyfriends.  Not even when she was the one doing the seducing.  She 
bit gently down on her lower lip to keep from moaning her desire. 
Then he entered her.  Akemi's body started to convulse. 
Kasumi watched as Kyoko was distracted by the arrival of Shun and 
Kozue.  The answer to Kyoko's problem was actually quite simple.  It 
was her tenants that were difficult. 
At the same time, just from talking to Kyoko, she knew that Kyoko 
wasn't ready to start a new, permanent relationship.  She could 
imagine feeling the same way if Tofu died.  It was obvious that the 
others around her were trying to push her too soon and cause trouble. 
Kyoko obviously had some old-fashioned views about sex.  But at the 
same time, Kasumi could sense something that was ready to start 
experimenting.  Probably be a lot of fun, with Kyoko's shapely body.  
Of course, Kasumi wasn't going to make any moves on Kyoko 
herself; she and Tofu were now together forever.  Any decision to 
include someone else would have to be made between them. 
But still, Kasumi decided to help her. 
Ranma and Ranko ran from booth to booth while the others trailed 
behind them. 
Ukyo:  [sighs]  "I never really went to these festivals before." 
Akane:  "Why not?" 
Ukyo:  "Well... I guess I was more concerned with finding my fiance.  
        I used to take training trips, every so often, to see if I could 
        find him.  But I never did." 
Akane:  "Kyoko... what are you going to do once you find him?" 
Ukyo:  "I don't know anymore.  I used to think that I'd beat him up, to 
        pay him back for the humiliation I endured, but what if all 
        my training hasn't been enough and he's still better than 
Ranma suddenly swung down from a overhanging tree branch. 
Ranma:  "Hey, what're you two talking about?" 
Ukyo:  "Umm... well..." 
Akane:  "We were talking about how Kyoko never used to go to the 
        festivals while she was growing up." 
Ranma:  "Yeah, well, neither did we.  Pops was always moving us 
        around.  We didn't really stay too long in one spot." 
Ukyo:  "You never made any friends on the road?" 
Ranma:  "No, not really.  I guess the only friends we really had were 
        Akane and Ucchan." 
Akane:  "Ucchan?  Who's that?" 
Ranma:  "This guy who's father owned an okonomiyaki cart.  Me and 
        Ranko used to fight him and if we won we'd get an 
        okonomiyaki.  We'd get an okonomiyaki practically every 
Akane:  "Isn't that called theft?" 
Ranma:  "Naw!  Ucchan used to draw pictures on the okonomiyaki 
        with the sauce.  He'd always have one hot and ready for me 
        and Ranko.  Then, one day, we had to go, and Ucchan came 
        with us.  But when we got home, Mom got mad at Pop and 
        took Ucchan back to his family.  I never saw him again." 
Ranko:  "Hey, you talking about Ucchan?" 
Ranma:  "Yeah.  I wonder what happened to him." 
Ranko threw a glass of water on Ranma, changing him to his cursed 
Ranko:  "Ucchan was a girl, you dope." 
Ranma:  [throwing some water on Ranko]  "Ucchan was a guy!" 
Ranko:  "Girl!" 
Ranma:  "Guy!" 
Ranma and Ranko started to fight. 
Ukyo:  "Are they always like this?" 
Akane:  "Pretty much." 
Akemi sat on the cold earth, her breath labored from her lovemaking, 
her partner vanished into the darkness.  She was still a bit dazed from 
the strength of her orgasms.  She pulled her shirt, which had been 
pulled over her head to preserve the anonymity of the encounter, back 
down onto her body. 
She looked around.  There was a presence in the shadows, watching 
and protecting her, but still indistinguishable.  There was no way she 
could go back to the festival in this state.  Akemi took off her panties 
and quickly wiped herself of the evidence. 
Akemi pulled on her pants and slipped on her shoes, making her way 
back to the festival.  Her lover was long gone.  She found that she 
preferred it that way.  Just before she stepped back into the light, she 
slipped her soiled panties into a garbage can. 
She knew that something like that would probably never happen to 
her again.  She sighed to herself. 
Kasumi watched as Kyoko Otonashi started to move the others 
toward the direction of Maison Ikkoku again, since she was 
somewhat responsible for Kentaro getting home safely.  Shun and 
Yusaku, of course, glared at each other over Kyoko, and Kozue didn't 
seem to notice. 
It was a little difficult to believe that she and Kozue were the same 
age.  Maybe that's why the triangle went on for so long; both Yusaku 
and Kozue were a little innocent and naive.  That made it a little 
easier for her; their naivites would ensure that things remained 
essentially the same until Kyoko was ready. 
The first step had to be the introduction of the idea that more than 
two people could take part in lovemaking.  The rest could happen at 
its own pace.  Kasumi figured she could probably use that redhead, 
Akemi, in this.  She looked the type that experimented once in a 
Ukyo slipped into her pajamas, a little self-conscious since she was 
doing it in front of Ranma.  But Ranma didn't seem to notice.  At first 
she wasn't sure if she should be relieved or insulted; but the fact that 
he changed into a girl and his sexual activities with Akane probably 
accustomed him to the sight of female flesh. 
Both he and Ranko insisted on spending the night in boxers, while 
Kasumi and Akane wore gauzy nightgowns.  Nabiki wore a light 
sweatshirt and panties.  Kasumi turned out the lights and everyone 
slipped into their sleeping bags. 
Akane:  "Ranma!  Your breasts are cold!" 
Ukyo couldn't help herself and started giggling at the normal 
absurdity of the statement.  Soon everyone was laughing with her.  
Ukyo remained awake as the others started to fall asleep, thinking 
about what she learned at the fair.  Ranma thought she was a boy!  
Was that why he never thought about why she went with them when 
they left?  Did Ranma even know about their engagement? 
Kasumi packed the lunch boxes while Nodoka prepared breakfast in 
the atrium.  The other residents started to stream out of their rooms 
as the odor of cooking food filled the building.  Nodoka finished 
cooking as the others commented on the absence of Mr. Yotsuya. 
Nodoka took the opportunity to reapply the Shiatsu Libido Point on 
the Ichinoses and managed to look surprised when they announced 
that they weren't going to the beach.  After breakfast everyone else 
got their beach clothes and left Maison Ikkoku behind them. 
Mr. Yotsuya, sleep-deprived and completely helpless above Room 1, 
watched in horror as the Ichinoses tore off each other's clothes.  He 
started to go insane. 
The arrival at the beach was, not surprisingly, chaotic.  Genma's 
panda form attracted the attention of all the children at the beach; 
they tried to play with him no matter how much he tried to shoo them 
away.  Ranma and Ranko ran off in search of Cologne, while Nabiki 
got a small snack.  Nodoka set up a small area for the family's things 
and Akane and Ukyo started to apply sunscreen to each other.  
Yusaku got stuck watching over Kentaro while trying to sneak peeks 
at Kyoko. 
Kasumi, Kyoko, and Akemi made their way to the water, attracting 
attention in their swimsuits. 
Kasumi slowly readjusted her swimsuit. 
Kyoko:  "Kasumi!  Aren't you ashamed, acting like that?" 
Kasumi:  "Like what?" 
Kyoko:  "Giving everyone a peep show of your bottom and breasts." 
Kasumi:  "Come on, Kyoko.  I'm doing a public service.  Isn't that 
        right, Akemi?" 
Akemi:  "That's right, Kyoko.  Its our duty to show ourselves off." 
Kyoko:  "What?" 
The three of them got out of the water and laid down on their towels, 
untying the back of their bikinis to avoid getting a tan line. 
Kasumi:  "All the guys who snuck peeks get aroused.  Their 
        girlfriends get the benefit of that tonight.  So everyone's 
Akemi:  [indicating Yusaku]  "What about the guys without 
        girlfriends?  Think they'll turn into sex fiends?" 
Kasumi:  "Is that necessarily a bad thing?"  [giggling]  "My Tofu 
        likes to surprise me sometimes.  After a patient leaves he'll 
        crawl underneath the nurse's desk to eat me out.  I don't even 
        wear panties at work anymore!" 
Kyoko:  "Kasumi!" 
Akemi:  "Yeah, Kyoko.  Its more exciting if there's a chance you 
        might get caught.  Last night..." 
Kyoko:  "Last night?" 
Akemi:  "Well, this guy I don't even know, just came up and told me 
        we were going to make love.  And we did - right outside the 
        fair!  I never found out who it was.  It was the best sex I ever 
Kyoko was in a daze at the frankness of Akemi and Kasumi.  She and 
Soichiro had made love, of course, and she had enjoyed it incredibly.  
But they had never done it with the wild abandonment of her friends. 
Kasumi:  "Say, Akemi.  What was the wildest thing you ever did?" 
Akemi:  "You mean beside last night?  Hmm... I guess it might have 
        been that threesome with my old boyfriend and his younger 
Kasumi:  "Gee, too bad Kyoko isn't like you, hmm?  Can you imagine 
        being between Shun and Yusaku?" 
Akemi:  "Well, Yusaku's kinda young..." 
Kyoko didn't hear the rest of the conversation.  A vision of her body 
being sandwiched between Shun and Yusaku had appeared in her 

Marital Arts 7 - Part 4
Kasumi pulled Nabiki aside at lunch. 
Kasumi:  "Nabiki, did you bring any of your 'magazines' with you?" 
Nabiki:  "A couple.  I sold most of them last night at the festival.  I 
        have only one copy of 'The Accident' left." 
Kasumi:  "Can I have it?" 
Nabiki:  "Well, I guess.  I was going to talk to our Kyoko about 
        taking some pictures with it.  But I guess it can wait until we 
        go home." 
Kasumi:  "Perfect!  Thanks, Nabiki." 
Ranma:  "Now where'd that ghoul get to?" 
Ranma and Ranko hung off the supports of lifeguard stations on 
opposite ends of the beach.  They had spent the morning 
unsuccessfully searching for Cologne amidst the beach and the front 
level of shops and restaurants that lined it. 
Ranma saw Cologne hopping through the street, carrying a delivery.  
He jumped down and ran after her.  Ranko, noticing the sudden 
movement, jumped down and ran to join her brother. 
Ranma:  "Hey ghoul!  Are you going to give me that pill or not?" 
Cologne:  "Oh, forget that.  Wouldn't you like to compete in that?" 
Cologne pointed at the banner with her staff.  On it were the words 
"Marital Arts Melon Splitting". 
Announcer:  "Its a race!  Its an art!  Its a war!  The rules are simple:  
        Contestants run while trying to split each other's 
        watermelon.  The first person to cross the finish line with his 
        melon intact wins!  And the prize for the winner is... Miss 
Shampoo posed in a one-piece swimsuit on a small pedestal.  A 
crowd suddenly formed to compete.  Ranma and Ranko saw the small 
locket that Shampoo held in her hand - the case for the phoenix pill! 
Cologne:  "If you want that pill, you have to win!" 
Ranma:  "Heh.  And I almost thought you were smart!" 
The announcer's microphone brought the beach's attention to the 
contest, except for the children who were trying to play with the 
panda.  The announcer fired his gun, signaling the start of the race.  
Ranma and Ranko quickly established their superiority over the other 
contestants by working together to smash the watermelons of half of 
the competitors. 
Nodoka watched as her husband tried to comfort a crying Soun.  She 
pulled Akane aside. 
Nodoka:  "Akane, I want you to enter the contest." 
Akane:  "Auntie?  Why?" 
Nodoka:  "Your father believes that Ranma's doing it to win 
        Shampoo.  We can use this to draw suspicion away from 
        Ranko and Shampoo." 
Akane:  [reluctantly]  "Ok, auntie." 
A shadow flew above them, and the twins were barely able to dodge 
Cologne's attack.  They started to attack Cologne in tandem, realizing 
that she was the most dangerous opponent there.  Cologne easily 
parried their attacks with her staff. 
Ranma:  "So you're playing too, ghoul?" 
Cologne:  "Don't get the wrong idea.  I just got to thinking about the 
        days when I was a girl playing on the beach." 
Ranko:  "How many centuries ago was that?" 
The twins were almost surprised by Genma and Soun's attack on their 
Soun:  "Ranma, how could you?  You're married to Akane!  How can 
        you be trying to win Shampoo?" 
Ranma:  "Wait a minute!" 
Akane:  "Never mind, father!  I couldn't care less if Ranma wants 
Kasumi:  "Go, Akane, go!" 
Kasumi and the others cheered from the sidelines as Akane gradually 
took the lead in the race (the twins being occupied by Genma and 
Announcer:  "Only five remain!  The pig-tailed girl, the pig-tailed 
        boy, the mustachioed man, the panda, and the living 
Cologne:  "Who's a mummy?" 
Cologne hit the announcer with her staff, knocking him out.  Akane 
ran for the finish line.  Shampoo jumped down to the beach in front 
of her. 
Shampoo:  "No one goes past me." 
Announcer:  [regaining consciousness]  "What's this?  The prize has 
        joined the fight!" 
Akane:  "Sorry, but... you're wrong!" 
Akane and Shampoo started their attack, each determined to show 
that they were more skilled than the other.  Ranma used the 
opportunity to destroy their watermelons as he jumped above them. 
Ranma:  "Girls shouldn't play with swords!" 
Genma:  [sign]  Don't be so cocky! 
Soun:  "Where do you stand, young man?  Akane or Shampoo!  
        Whichever you really want... kiss her!" 
Ranma:  "Huh?" 
Genma pushed the two girls in front of Ranma. 
Announcer:  "Now this race has taken... a truly unexpected turn!  
        Which of these girls will receive the kiss?" 
Ranma stood in front of the two girls, apparently unable to make a 
decision.  Akane started to get mad at Ranma, confused at his 
vacillation.  At the finish line, Cologne attacked Ranko, who had 
almost made it while all the attention was focused on Ranma. 
Cologne:  "You think I'd make it that easy?" 
Ranko:  "Yow!" 
Ranma ran to join his sister after destroying Soun and Genma's 
Cologne:  "I won't let you pass until you promise to become my 
Ranko:  "Old ghoul... its time for us to settle this!" 
Ranma:  "This is it, ghoul!" 
Ranma and Ranko attacked Cologne together. 
Announcer:  "The Martial Arts Melon Splitting Race has come down 
        to a battle at the finish line!  Whichever one survives, wins!" 
Cologne splits the twins' watermelons at the same time that they 
manage to reach hers. 
Announcer:  "It can't be!  Its a tie!  All three players are eliminated!" 
Shampoo:  "Oh my!" 
Announcer:  "What's this?  They're still fighting!" 
Cologne:  "You split my melon!  Since when are you two that good?" 
Ranma:  "I owe you a lot for all that training you put us through..." 
Ranko:  "So let us pay you back now!" 
Ranko hits Cologne's staff from her hand.  Ranma catches the staff 
with his foot, then kicked it up to hold it in his hand. 
Ranma:  "Heh, heh, heh.  What's wrong, old ghoul?  Old age finally 
        catching up to you?  Promise me, ghoul, if I win, you'll give 
        us the phoenix pill that'll let us turn back to our real bodies!  
Cologne:  "Do I have any choice?  However, if I win... you'll become 
        my students and move with me to Jokusetzuku!  Is that a 
Ranma:  "Sure its a deal!  Ha ha!" 
Akane:  "Ranma, no!" 
Cologne:  "Just remember... a deal is a deal!" 
Cologne grabbed her staff from Ranma and threw him to the ground.  
Cologne dodged a kick from Ranko and ran around her opponent, 
throwing sand into the air.  Ranma swung at Cologne, who dodged 
and threw the twins into the ocean with her staff.  Cologne followed 
Cologne:  "Since we're in the ocean, let me show you a fun water 
Cologne faced off the twins on the ocean floor, twirling her staff and 
catching them in her water spout.  Taking advantage of her position, 
Cologne headlocked her two opponents with her staff.  Ranko broke 
the staff in two and threw Cologne out of the waterspout, which 
collapsed back into the ocean.  Cologne landed on the water's surface. 
Akane:  "Impossible!" 
Soun:  "If anyone can do it, that old woman can!  For a true master of 
        martial arts... its possible to find a foothold  even on a single 
        twig floating on the water!" 
The shark that Cologne rode jumped out of the water. 
Akane:  "Its a shark." 
Soun:  "It is, isn't it?" 
Akane:  "That's dirty!" 
Shampoo:  "Is not dirty!" 
Cologne:  "I use this shark only as a foothold!  Now.. the Shark-Fist!" 
Cologne hit the surface of the water into the shape of a shark.  The 
water flying from her hands hit the twins.  Eventually the repeated 
use of the Shark-Fist threw the twins onto the beach.  Shampoo 
caught Ranko, while Ranma impacted with Genma. 
Shampoo:  "Ranko, is really time you give up.  You can't beat great-
Cologne:  "She's right!  Acknowledge your defeat and become my 
Ranko:  "Grr..." 
Ranma:  "We can win.  If you're with us, Shampoo... we can beat 
        anyone.  You'll help us, won't you?  Won't you?  Won't you?" 
Shampoo:  "You really need me?" 
Ranma:  "It can only be you!" 
Akane:  "Ranma!  And I suppose I'd only be in the way!" 
Ranma:  "Well, I'm glad to see you agree!" 
Ranma loosely tied Ranko and Shampoo to his back. 
Kasumi:  "You didn't have to hit him that hard, Akane." 
Ranma:  "Promise me Shampoo... no matter what, you won't let go." 
Shampoo:  "Ooo!  I promise!" 
Ranma:  "I'm coming, ghoul!" 
Cologne:  "Hmph.  Don't think I'll go easy on you two just because 
        you dragged Shampoo into this!" 
Akane:  "Why was Ranma so cruel?  So I'm a lead weight in water.  
        What about Shampoo?  When she hits water she turns 
Ranma hit the water with Ranko and Shampoo, turning Shampoo 
into her cat form.  Ranma tried to run away from Shampoo, who held 
onto his back.  Ranko escaped and swam away, knocking Cologne 
and her shark into the sky with her passage.  Ranma swam back 
toward the beach. 
Akane:  "Ranma!  He's resorting to the Cat-Fist!  The unbeatable 
        technique of becoming a cat - and fighting with a cat's 
        ferocity!  They can win this yet!" 
Ranma came into view of the beach, desperately trying to escape 
Shampoo, who continued to cling to his head.  Ranko had recovered 
and made her way back to the beach as Cologne followed on her 
Nabiki:  "Unbeatable technique, huh?" 
Akane:  "Would you please hurry up and change!  This is 
Akane grabbed Shampoo's cat body and shoved it into the twins' 
faces.  They meowed, then jumped at Cologne.  Cologne performed 
the Shark-Fist at them.  The twins scratched at the approaching water 
form and it disintegrated into wood-like shavings.  The two 
eventually reached Cologne and they started to fight, disappearing 
into the sea as the shark went underwater. 
Soun:  [After a couple of minutes]  "So... so quiet.  What happened 
        out there?" 
The water exploded and the crowd was momentarily blinded.  The 
twins landed on the beach together, holding the shark in their 
mouths.  Ranma and Ranko started to play with the shark as a cat 
would a lizard; the shark desperately sought to flee to the ocean, its 
body riddled with scratches. 
Akane:  "Ranma!  That's enough! 
Ranma jumped at Akane.  She had to trust that he still recognized 
her.  Ranma landed in her lap and started to purr.  Akane knew that 
no matter what, this was how Ranma felt toward her in his heart.  
The only other person who could control the twins in their cat state 
was their mother. 
Bystander:  "They're... they're calm!" 
Soun:  "Brr... what terror!" 
Cologne:  "So, to think they knew the Cat-Fist!  No one's given me 
        such trouble in fifty years!" 
Ranma moved to attack Cologne.  Akane held Ranma back and could 
see Nodoka doing the same for Ranko. 
Akane:  "Wait!  Do you still intend to fight?" 
Cologne:  "There." 
Akane caught the case thrown by Cologne.  It was the locket with the 
phoenix pill. 
Cologne:  "A prize... for fighting spirits!  We'll meet again!" 
Cologne laughed as she hopped away.  Ranma started to paw at the 
Kasumi quickly packed her things and got the magazine from Nabiki.  
She thought she looked strange in a blue wig and 'Lone Ranger' 
mask.  The title on the magazine was 'The Accident - A Masked 
Meeting'.  She quickly glanced through it to make sure it was the one 
she wanted. 
Page 1 -  Pictures of Kasumi in a bikini and stepping into a small 
Caption:  "Its so hot today!  I'll just take a quick dip to cool off! 
Page 2 -  Ranma and male Ranko passing by a hotel room.  They are 
        disguised with wigs and masks as well. 
Caption:  "Hey, what was that?"  "Sounded like a cry for help!" 
Page 3 -  Male Ranko carries Kasumi out of the jacuzzi.  Her bikini 
        top is undone and starting to slip off her body. 
Captions:  "My heroes!" 
Page 4 -  Kasumi pulls Ranma and male Ranko's head down to her 
Captions:  "I must reward you!"  "No need, ma'am!"  "Yes, there is!" 
Page 5 -  Kasumi pushing the others onto their back and stroking 
        their manhoods erect. 
Captions:  "We were happy to help, ma'am."  "Yes, and now I'm 
        helping myself and making you happy." 
Kasumi smiled to herself as she closed the magazine.  If Kyoko didn't 
throw it away, she'd surely draw the parallel with herself and her two 
boyfriends.  Kasumi didn't think Kyoko would actually do anything 
on her own; but the idea would seem more desirable as time went on, 
and actually seeing it done would make it more believable. 
Maybe she'd even include Kozue in her fantasies, since Akane joined 
them later in the magazine. 
Nodoka quietly pulled Mr. Yotsuya back through the hole in his 
room, closing the small peephole into Room 1 at the same time.  
Undoing the effects of the various pressure points, Nodoka left the 
voyeur lying in the center of Room 4 and went downstairs to pack her 
own things for the trip home. 
Mr. Yotsuya curled up into a fetal position and started to cry. 
Kyoko waved as she watched her temporary tenants leave for their 
own home.  She had enjoyed their time here, strange and short as it 
was.  And they had promised to come back toward the end of 
summer, even renting the rooms for another month. 
Kasumi had given her a lot to think about.  Most of which she wasn't 
ready for yet.  Despite her protestations to Mrs. Ichinose since she 
moved to Maison Ikkoku, her body had missed a man's touch; the 
hunger that she and Soichiro awakened in each other continued to 
grow as her heartache faded. 
Kyoko returned to her manager's room to find a magazine labeled 
"The Accident" lying on the table.  Curious, she opened it. 
The magazine fell as she realized exactly what type of publication it 
was.  She looked around to make sure no one had seen her looking at 
it.  Kyoko quickly got up and locked the door, to make sure no one 
would burst in unexpectedly (which happened more often than not at 
Maison Ikkoku).  She felt at her cheeks; they were hot with 
embarrassment.  But she sat down at the table and returned to the 
She hadn't felt this way since the last time Soichiro had made love to 
her.  Her hand slipped its way underneath her waistband as she 
watched the woman excite her two unknown lovers.  Her fingers 
reached her clit.  Two men and one woman... 
***************************** finis Marital Arts Episode 7 
[Author's Note #1:  I'm placing this Maison Ikkoku crossover during 
the second summer after Kyoko Otonashi's arrival.  This visit will be 
assumed to take place right after Viz Maison Ikkoku Graphic Novel 
#3, Part 6.  I believe Nerima is located to the northwest of Tokyo Bay 
proper, and unless I get a message stating I am wrong, I am placing 
Maison Ikkoku on the southwest side of Tokyo (nearer to Kawasaki) 
and placing the beach location "somewhere" around there.  The move 
to Maison Ikkoku takes place on a Sunday, with the day after being a 

Onwards to Part 8

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