Marital Arts (part 2 of 8)

a Ranma 1/2 fanfiction by Jon K. Hayashi

Back to Part 1
What has gone before: 
Ranma Saotome, a 16 year old martial artist, goes to visit his fiancee 
Akane Tendo accompanied by his mother Nodoka and twin sister 
Ranko.  While there, they learn that not only are they the heirs of 
the Anything-Goes School of Martial Arts, but the heirs of the 
Almost Anything-Goes Marital Arts School.  Ranma and Akane are 
given the option to break the engagement after a week together, but 
choose to let it remain after a few days.  To seal the pact, the two 
spend the night together, and are joined the next day by their sisters 
when Akane refuses to make a vow of exclusivity.  Nodoka decides 
to take them on a month-long training trip to keep their school a 
secret, even from Soun and Genma.  Shampoo and Ryoga arrive 
from China chasing the Ranma, but reach Nerima too late.  Ryoga 
promptly gets lost and Shampoo finds a job, determined to wait 
them out.


Episode 2:  Reunions - Part I

Ryoga cursed Ranma for the millionth time somewhere in the 
vicinity of Osaka.  Not only did he run out on their fight, but he was 
cursed while following them so that he turned into a baby black pig 
whenever he got drenched by cold water.  He had one week left to 
reach Nerima if he wanted to be there when Ranma returned.

He wasn't sure if he'd kill Ranma, but he'd definitely beat him up.  
No, he'd kill him.


Shampoo was bored, and as the proverb went, there could be 
nothing worse.  She had waited three weeks for the return of her 
prey, Ranko Saotome, the girl who defeated her in Jokusetzuku the 
day of the tournament.  She had spent those weeks employed at Dr. 
Tofu's clinic as an apprentice nurse, most of which were spent 
helping treat injuries that would have been borne proudly (as a sign 
of age, and therefore respect) in the village.  Still, his kind and 
gentle manner gradually wore down her disdain for such an attitude.

She had figured out why everyone was convinced that Ranma was a 
boy and not a girl (and vice versa for Ranko).  She had looked at Dr. 
Tofu's medical records and Ranma was clearly a boy.  They must 
have switched names when they went to China just in case they got 
into trouble.

Part of the problem was that there was no challenges in Japan.  
There was that boy who tried to attack her with a wooden sword, but 
he was too easily beaten and she didn't care for his proprietary 
attitude even though he lost.  Shampoo hated to admit it, but she 
wanted to meet Ranko again, and not just to kill her.  She was the 
only one she could look upon as an equal.  Maybe she could 
convince her to become a blood sister and therefore a member of the 

Then she could seduce Dr. Tofu and they could all go back to the 
village and be happy.  Her Great-grandmother would surely be 
happy at the thought of a doctor as a great-grandson and at a new 
student.  Ranko could even bring along her brother and his fiancee.  
But that was just a fantasy that she fell asleep to.  Inside she knew 
she had to kill her.  And Dr. Tofu was already involved with 


Soun and a panda danced for in the streets at the news of Ranma 
and Akane's marriage, then continued to dance at the thought of 
returning to Kasumi's and Nodoka's cooking, then at the...

Nodoka shepherded the others into the house, and was partially 
shocked at the mess that cluttered the kitchen, the living room, the 

Nodoka quickly called Soun and Genma and started them on 
cleaning up the dojo.  Everyone else went upstairs to reclaim their 
rooms.  Everyone smiled at each other as they enter their separate 
rooms; they had spent the last month sleeping in the same room and 
it would be strange going back to the way things were before they 
left.  They had all found out one important thing about themselves:  
that like Nodoka, they found that the lovemaking techniques were 
fine every once in a while, but they preferred not to use them unless 
they had to.

Ranma and Akane entered what had previously been only her room.  
Truthfully speaking, they weren't married, but Nodoka had said the 
lie was the only way they could be together without sneaking 
around.  They didn't mind.

They had reached a sort of compromise on their relationship.  They 
would be married in truth after they graduated from high school, 
and at that point they would vow to remain exclusive to each other.  
Until that point they would welcome any of the others if they wanted 
to join them, but their sisters knew that they preferred to be alone.  
They weren't insulted.

Akane made room for Ranma's things (there wasn't that much, 
mostly clothes), then sat on the bed.  She felt a little tired from the 
journey, so she lay down on her side and watched him unpack.  
After finishing, Ranma looked at Akane on the bed and stripped 
down to his underwear, slipping under the covers.  Akane got up 
and removed her clothes, leaving only her panties.  From outside, 
she could hear Kasumi telling Nodoka that she was feeling a little 
unwell and would be visiting Dr. Tofu.  Akane smiled to herself and 
joined Ranma under the covers that he held open for her.  The two 
soon fell asleep, Ranma's arms around Akane's waist as she closed 
her eyes and held his hand.


Kasumi had picked her dress carefully, a low-cut affair that would 
slip easily off her body, with a long skirt that almost touched the 
floor.  The material was thin enough to be light and airy, but thick 
enough to hide the fact that she wasn't wearing any underwear.  The 
upcoming event excited her, causing her to caress her mound.  She 
immediately stopped herself.  It wouldn't do to walk around with a 
wet spot on her skirt.  She pulled on a light sweater so that she could 
slip unnoticed past her father.

Kasumi walked slowly to the clinic, centering herself.  Today was 
the day that she would make love to Dr. Tofu and cure him of his 
"love hysteria" for her.  She hoped that he felt the same way for her 
as he did a month ago; she was not the same person that she was 
when she left.  His patients made way for her once they saw  her 
coming, just like they always had, but now she noticed them and 
knew why they ran away.  Kasumi smiled to herself; she and Dr. 
Tofu would have complete privacy.

Kasumi frowned as she entered the clinic.  Inside was a girl dressed 
(if that was the term) in an incredibly tight and revealing 
combination of a chinese dress and a nurse's uniform.  With her new 
appreciation of such things, she immediately noticed that the purple-
haired girl was quite cute, and wondered what it would be like to 
make love to her.  But then she wondered if this girl had made any 
moves on Dr. Tofu.

Dr. Tofu walked into the room then, surprised to see her.  Kasumi 
could definitely the change in Dr. Tofu's behavior.  She licked her 
lips as she thought of what lay ahead.  Dr. Tofu introduced the other 
girl as his new apprentice nurse, Shampoo, and then introduced his 
skeleton as her.  Kasumi blinked as Shampoo ran to the back to get 
some sort of balloon on a stick and then leave the clinic.  What a 
strange girl.


Ranko kicked open the door to Akane's room.  Ranma and Akane's 
eyes flew open as they watched her push through the door, her arms 
full with Ranma's futon.  She dropped it onto the floor and smiled at 

Ranko:  "Just cleaning my room."  [sighing]  "I envy you, Akane.  
	You're the only one of us that's going to be getting it 
	regular for awhile."

Ranko sat on the side of the bed, then french-kissed both Ranma and 
Akane.  She was taking a chance that Genma wouldn't burst into the 
room to take them for some martial arts training.  She quickly 
jumped to the other side of the room, winked at them, and quickly 
lifted the front of her shirt to flash them her bra-clad chest.

Ranko:  "Got to go back to cleaning my room.  See you two later."

Ranma hugged Akane a little tighter as Ranko closed the door 
behind her.  They had both explored (and been explored by) every 
inch of Ranko, Nabiki, and Kasumi during their training.  They had 
all slept in the same room and became the best of friends again.  
Ranma and Akane fought, of course, but they found that the best 
way to deal with it was to just hold each other until it didn't seem so 

Ranma:  "Do you miss having the others around?"
Akane:  "A little.  I'm glad you're here, though."  [laughs lightly]  
	"In the same bed that I lost it to you about a month ago."
Ranma:  "I lost it to you, too."
Akane:  "I know."


Shampoo ran through the streets of Nerima.  Her day had come at 
last; she would be able to fulfill the "Kiss of Death" and finally go 
home.  She refused to allow the thought of losing to enter her head.  
It was true that Ranko had defeated her that day, but she wouldn't be 
trying to kill Shampoo, which would be her mistake.

Along the way she was attacked by the boy with the wooden sword, 
who yelled something about "joining my other two loves", whatever 
that meant, and boomeranged her bonbori off his head.

Shampoo burst into the Tendo Dojo and headed for Ranma and 
Ranko's room.  During the three weeks she lived in Nerima she had 
prepared for this day; sneaking into the Tendo Dojo and learning its 
layout, talking to people about her prey.  She ran through the house, 
trampling over the pet panda and the Tendo patriarch who were 
scrubbing the floor and knocked the room door down with her 

Ranko turned from arranging her clothes in the closet, surprise on 
her face at Shampoo's entrance.

Shampoo:  "Ranko no fool Shampoo with name again!  Die!"
Ranko:  "Shampoo!  What are you doing in Japan?"

Ranko quickly threw one of her dresses into Shampoo's face, and in 
the split second she gained, ran down the stairs into the bathroom.  
Shampoo quickly followed to find a wet boy whom she now knew to 
be Ranma.

Shampoo:  "Ranko?"
Ranko:  "Heh, heh.  Not here."

Shampoo looked into the bath.  There was no one there.  She saw 
Ranko turn into the room, and now she somehow lost her.  Shampoo 
patted Ranko's chest to make sure that she was a man.  There was no 
sense in threatening the brother; if she was going to check him out 
as a possible husband (even if the rumors were that he was already 
engaged) it would be best to stay on his good side until he proved 
unworthy.  Shampoo quickly left to hunt for Ranko in the 

Ranko went to warn Ranma.


Nodoka:  "Genma!  What was that all about?"
Genma:  "Growf."
Nodoka:  "Don't 'growf' me!  I want an explanation and it better be 
Genma:  "Growf... yow!  Hot!"

Kasumi closed and locked the front door behind her to ensure that 
no one would bother them.  Nodoka had said that she would have to 
lead Dr. Tofu, at least in the beginning, and that she would know 
when the 'Love Hysteria' had passed because Dr. Tofu would act 
startled and disoriented.  Kasumi removed her sweater.

Dr. Tofu:  "Kasumi!  So nice to see you again!"
Kasumi:  "Did you miss me, Dr. Tofu?"
Dr. Tofu:  "Of course, of course, would you like to go for a walk?  Its 
	not much for a first date, but its such a nice day out..."

Dr. Tofu entered the kitchen.

Dr. Tofu:  "Oh look, a flower, I'll pick it for you."

Dr. Tofu picked up a plate and handed it to Kasumi.  Kasumi took 
the plate and placed it back on the counter.  She took Dr. Tofu's 
hand (causing a slight burst of giggling) and led him to the 
examination room.

Kasumi:  "I thought of you while I was gone."
Dr. Tofu:  "Well, isn't that nice?  I thought of you, too..."

Kasumi sat Dr. Tofu onto one of the chairs, then sat on his lap, her 
arms around his neck.  She removed his glasses and put them on the 

Kasumi:  "Dr. Tofu, I've waited so long for this day."
Dr. Tofu:  "You have?  What's so special about this day?"

Marital Arts
Episode 2:  Reunions - Part II

Kasumi answered by kissing Dr. Tofu.  From below, she could feel 
his member stiffen and tease her basal lips; even if his mind didn't 
entirely realize what was happening, his body did.

Dr. Tofu:  "I seem to have an erection.  I hope you're not shocked."
Kasumi:  "Not at all.  I think its nice."

Kasumi ground her hips into his lap as she kissed his neck.  She 
then stood up, placed one hand on the drawstring of his pants and 
loosening it, the other hand caressed his manhood through his pants.

Kasumi:  "Oh, Dr. Tofu, I hope you won't think I'm a slut after all 
Dr. Tofu:  "Why, Kasumi, I could never think of you..."

Kasumi slipped Dr. Tofu's pants and underwear down to his ankles 
and knelt between his legs.  She looked at the erect cock (she had 
learned the 'correct' term in the course of her training) for a moment 
and kissed the tip.  Dr. Tofu stopped talking as she grasped the shaft 
and pumped her hand along its length.  He shuddered when she 
stopped kissing it and started to lick, drawing her tongue slowly 
along the vein, circling the tip while it was engulfed in her mouth.

Kasumi started to bob her head up and down his shaft; he rapidly 
approached release.  With only a second's warning, his seed burst 
into her mouth.  She swallowed quickly like she had been taught, 
her lips locked around the base as he started to soften, a last intimate 
kiss in case he couldn't stand to be around her anymore.

Dr. Tofu looked down at the woman who had stopped her 
ministrations and now looked up at him with a scared expression.  It 
seemed to him that he was of two minds; one which knew that he 
had just come out of the Love Hysteria (a condition which he had 
read about but never thought to encounter, much less suffer from) 
and one that knew he had been in love with the growing girl but 
couldn't express himself until she did.

Kasumi:  "I knew you were going to think I was a slut."
Dr. Tofu:  "No!  I could never think that... I love you."
Kasumi:  "Oh, Dr. Tofu!  I love you, too."

Kasumi hugged Dr. Tofu's waist.  He placed his hands on her arms.

Dr. Tofu:  "I just thought... we'd be married before we did this."
Kasumi:  "Oh, Dr. Tofu... is that a proposal?"
Dr. Tofu:  "I... I... Yes.  Do you want to get married?"
Kasumi:  "I hardly know you, Dr. Tofu."

Kasumi pulled back to give him a good view of her cleavage.

Kasumi:  "I think we should get to know each other first."

Kasumi took his hands and slipped them into the front of her dress, 
then pulled the straps from her shoulders to give him better access.  
She moaned as he started to caress her breasts in his grasp.


Nodoka:  "Well, now that my husband and children have explained 
	what happened in China, we have to decide how to deal 
	with the problem."
Nabiki:  "Maybe Ranma can convince her to leave us alone."
Akane:  "Nabiki!"
Soun:  "Nabiki, how can you suggest such a betrayal of your sister?"  
	[starts to cry]
Nabiki:  "I didn't mean it that way.  Sheesh."
Ranko:  "I can talk to her.  She doesn't know about the curse.  As 
	long as I'm a guy I should be safe."
Nodoka:  "Very well, Ranko.  If that doesn't work we'll see what else 
	we can try."  [looks around her]  "Hmmn... now that the 
	house is clean again, it is time for Dearest and I to take our 
	week's vacation.  Ranko, if you still have problems with this 
	girl you have my permission to see me during a quiet time."
Ranko:  "Yes, mom."

Genma gulped.  Nodoka dragged him to their room.

Ranma:  "You think we'll see pops alive again?"
Ranko:  "Don't know.  They've never taken a whole week off 
Akane:  "Ranma, what is this 'week's vacation'?"
Ranma:  "Oh, well... mom and pops are going to... you know.  And 
	that's all they're going to do for, I guess, a whole week 
	except for sleeping and eating."
Akane:  "Well, Kasumi might not be back for some time, so I'll 
	prepare lunch."

Everyone else gulped.


Shampoo grew tired with her futile search for Ranko.  She decided 
to go back to the clinic, perhaps she could talk to the Tendo sister 
that came in and glean some small bit of information from her.  She 
reached the clinic but found the front door locked.

She went around the side of the building and peeked into a window 
that looked into the examination room.  Her hand lifted the front of 
her short dress and found its way into her panties at the sight she 
saw; she quickly looked around and jumped into one of the nearby 
trees to make sure that no one saw her.  From her vantage point she 
had a perfect view of the couple inside.  Her hand returned to 
rubbing her sex.


Dr. Tofu slipped his hands under Kasumi's arms and brought her to 
sit on his lap again.  Somewhere deep inside he knew he shouldn't 
be doing what he was, but he found that he couldn't stop himself.  
After all, he was only a man like anyone else, and she was a woman 
that he had loved for years.

Kasumi was so wet that she just wanted him inside her.  His cock 
had regained its vitality and was once again poised at her entrance; 
she wiggled her hips, parting her lips with his manhood and then 
sliding down with delight.  Dr. Tofu gasped... he hadn't expected 
things to go this fast.

Kasumi:  "Oh, Dr. Tofu... you feel so good inside me.  Ohh... yes... 
	kiss my tits!"

Kasumi leaned backwards as Dr. Tofu trailed kisses down to her 
breasts.  She put a hand on the back of his head and smothered his 
face with her chest.  Feeling him start to stand up, Kasumi hung on 
to his neck with her hands and his waist with her legs.  Every step 
was sweet torture as she exploited her connection to him.

Dr. Tofu placed Kasumi's ass onto one of the examination tables, 
then climbed onto it after her.  Kasumi used the time they were 
separated to turn her body toward him and to raise her legs onto the 
table.  She saw his spear glistening with her juices, wanting to lick 
it, to clean it again, but wanting it inside her even more.  Dr. Tofu 
looked down, looking at the woman who was ready to accept him 
into her again, her dress top pulled down to show him her bosom, 
her skirt hiked up to allow him a perfect view of the lower half of 
her body.  She moaned as Dr. Tofu leaned his hips closer and ran 
the tip of his manhood down her outer lips.  Dr. Tofu took her legs 
and placed them on his shoulders as he slowly entered her.  
Kasumi's hips lifted off the table to meet his.

Shampoo watched the encounter through the window, noticing 
everything.  From the length and thickness of Dr. Tofu's manhood to 
Kasumi's body writhing underneath his.  She could see her yelling 
out "Fuck me, Dr. Tofu, Fuck my cunt good!" through the window, 
even though she couldn't hear her; every thrust lifting her hips to get 
him to penetrate deeper, each impact causing the table they were on 
to shake dangerously on its supports.  Rubbing the outside of her 
mound had no longer been enough for Shampoo.  She started to 
penetrate herself with her fingers, first one, then adding another and 
another when she needed it.  Her panties were already soaked and 
she desperately would have wanted to touch her breasts, except that 
she needed her other hand to steady herself.

Kasumi found herself rapidly approaching her orgasm, a familiar 
feeling even before she had left on the training trip.

Kasumi:  "Dr. Tofu, I'm almost there..."

Dr. Tofu sped up his motions at her urging.

Kasumi:  "I'm cumming, Dr. Tofu, cumming!"

Dr. Tofu continued to grind himself into her sex as she spasmed 
around his cock, her juices ran down her thighs and onto her skirt.  
Dr. Tofu pulled out of her, still erect.  Kasumi thought to herself 
that Akane was right; being in love did make a difference.  She felt 
Dr. Tofu's hands on her and she turned over, getting up onto her 
knees and elbows, then nudging his cock with her ass.

Dr. Tofu positioned himself and penetrated her from behind, 
grabbing her hips and pulling them together repeatedly.  Kasumi's 
arms failed and her head suddenly lay on the cushioned table, 
gasping for breath as she reached her hands down to her clit, 
rubbing it and bringing herself nearer to another orgasm.

Anyone passing the clinic by would have noticed a tree shaking 
madly, one of the lower branches causing the whole tree to sway; 
except there was no one because of Kasumi's presence.  Shampoo no 
longer cared whether anyone saw her or not; her hand was soaked 
with her juices and she was about to cum again watching Kasumi 
and Tofu make love.  Suddenly she moaned as her whole body 
started shake with the force of her orgasm.

Shampoo had so lost herself in the pleasure that she lost her balance 
and fell into the bushes surrounding the clinic.

Kasumi:  "Oh!  Dr. Tofu!"

Dr. Tofu grunted as he started to empty himself into Kasumi's tight 
sleeve.  Kasumi came as she felt the hot splashes inside her.  
Kasumi collapsed onto the table; Dr. Tofu fell onto her back, both of 
them breathing heavily.

Kasumi felt fulfilled.  She also felt Dr. Tofu kiss the back of her 
neck and shoulders.

Dr. Tofu:  "Will you marry me, Kasumi?"
Kasumi:  "Its too soon... people will talk.  I have to watch my 
	reputation, Dr. Tofu."

Dr. Tofu lifted his body as he felt her start to turn her body so that 
she faced him.  He lowered himself as she put her arms around his 
body in an embrace.  She looked at his sweaty body and she wanted 
to lick every inch of it, to clean...

Kasumi:  "My dress!" 


Kasumi whistled happily to herself as she walked home.  Dr. Tofu 
had offered to walk her home, but she said that it wasn't necessary, 
feeling that it was better for them if no one knew things had 
changed.  They made a real date for the following night, to be 
preceded by another "examination" in the clinic.  Perhaps they'd go 
another ride on the clinic's dryer.  When she left the clinic she 
encountered Dr. Tofu's nurse, Shampoo, waiting by the door.  They 
exchanged pleasantries and Kasumi smiled to herself.  The scent of 
Shampoo's passion permeated her presence.  She must have been 

She entered the dojo.  It was almost time to start thinking about 
dinner.  Soun called her into the living room.

Soun:  "Are you feeling OK, Kasumi?"
Kasumi:  [nodding]  "I'm fine, daddy.  Isn't Dr. Tofu so sweet?  He 
	asked me out tomorrow night.  Do you have any 
Soun:  "Of course not, Kasumi.  A girl your age has to start thinking 
	about marriage."
Kasumi:  "Daddy!  I'm only nineteen!"
Soun:  "Girls can never get married too early, Kasumi.  And he's a 
	doctor, as well.  A fine profession."

Kasumi looked around.

Kasumi:  "Where's the Saotomes?"
Soun:  [coughing]  "They're... umm... in their room."
Kasumi:  "Is Auntie busy?  I'd like to talk to her."
Soun:  [uncomfortable]  "I wouldn't disturb them, Kasumi.  
	They're... meeting their matrimonial obligations."

Kasumi remembered to blush.

Soun:  "He doesn't seem the type, but if Dr. Tofu should try to... take 
	advantage of you, just tell me and I'll take care of it."

Kasumi nodded like she knew her father expected her to.  She 
couldn't tell him that not only would he take advantage of her, but 
that she would rather that it be the whole date.

Soun:  "Kasumi, you have been delinquent in your duties."

For a moment Kasumi thought that he had figured out what she and 
Dr. Tofu had been doing.  It was painfully obvious to her; she could 
smell her lover all over her body.

Soun:  "Akane had to cook lunch for everyone.  You should tell 
	everyone when you think you're going to be late."
Kasumi:  [meekly]  "Yes, father."


Ranma was pulled out of bed by his father.

Ranma:  "Pop!  What are you doing?"
Genma:  "A month of no training has made you and your sister 

Marital Arts
Episode 2:  Reunions - Part III

Genma pulled a snoring (male) Ranko along by her pigtail.  Genma 
opened the window and threw the both of them out.  Ranma fell into 
the carp pond while Ranko hit the tree and woke up.  Both of them 
yelled at Genma, who jumped after them.  The sounds of fighting 
quickly drifted into the bedroom.  Akane already missed the warmth 
of Ranma's body, so she got up to prepare for school once her alarm 
clock went off.  Nabiki took some pictures of the now female Ranma 
from her window with her zoom lens.


Ranko carried two hot water bottles in her school backpack.  One for 
emergencies and the other to change before school.  With Shampoo 
in the area, she decided that it would be safer to sleep and walk to 
school in her male body, change back before going to school, then 
walk back to the dojo as a man.  It worked to her benefit that both 
she and Ranma wore the chinese outfits instead of the school 
uniforms; she could never have gotten away with it in that ugly 
school dress.

The three of them were mobbed by the other students.  They all 
wanted to know how things were going between Ranma and Akane.  
Ranko dropped the news that they were married, causing more 
confusion than when word got out that they were engaged.  Kuno 
burst into the room and attacked Ranma, but was promptly triple-
kicked by Ranko, Ranma, and Akane and taken to the infirmary.  
After that, all the boys noticed that she wasn't wearing a bra and 
started to stare at her breasts during class.


Ryoga grabbed an exiting student.

Ryoga:  "Hey, where's Furinkan High School?"
Student:  "Hey, aren't you the guy who was here three weeks ago 
	with no sense of direction?"
Ryoga:  "Where's Furinkan High School?"

The student pointed to the nameplate on the wall.

Ryoga:  "Where's Ranma Saotome?"

>From inside the schoolyard a voice calls out Ranma's name.  Ryoga 
enters as Ranma kicks Kuno's legs out from under him and Ranko 
lands on his head, driving him into the ground.  Ryoga jumped up 
and thrust his umbrella at Ranma, who sensed him coming and 
dodged his attack.  Ranma looked at him with a puzzled expression.

Ryoga:  "Don't you recognize me, Ranma?"
Akane:  "Do you know him, Ranma?"

Ranma thinks for a few minutes.

Ranma:  "Hey, you were in my class at my old high school... Ryoga 
	Hibiki.  Long time no see."
Ryoga:  "Shut up!  You coward!  Running away to China with your 
	father.  Running out on our duel."
Ranma:  "I waited three days for you."
Ryoga:  "So?  When I arrived on the fourth day you had gone!"
Ranko:  "You mean this is the guy we were waiting for?  The guy 
	who challenged you because of lunch?"
Shampoo:  "Ranko kill!"
Ranko:  "Shampoo!  Not you again."

Shampoo jumped down from the wall, swinging a sword at Ranko, 
which she dodged.  Ranko ran off to look for some cold water while 
Shampoo chased her.  Ryoga pulled a bandanna from his head and 
swung it at Ranma, wrapping it around his wrist as Ranma moved to 
block it.  Ryoga swung with his other hand, which Ranma dodged.


Ranko jumped into the pool, changing to her boy form in the 
process.  Shampoo ran up to the pool a minute later, to find Ranko 
climbing out.

Shampoo:  "Where Ranko?"
Ranko:  "I'm Ranko."
Shampoo:  "Male Ranko... not Ranma?"  [remembering that Ranma 
	was in the courtyard]
Ranko:  "Would you stop trying to kill me... I mean female Ranko?"
Shampoo:  "Male Ranko... female Ranko... male Ranma... female 
	Ranma, too?  Shampoo confused."
Ranko:  "Please, Shampoo.  Just return to China and tell them you 
	fulfilled the 'Kiss of Death'.  No one will have to find out 
	you didn't do it."
Shampoo:  "You hide female Ranko!  Tell Shampoo where or kill!"

Shampoo swung at Ranko with her sword.  Ranko used the time for 
the follow through to kick Shampoo, who impacted one of the diving 
boards and fell unconscious into the pool.  Ranko sighed and pulled 
her out, hoping that the act of saving her would convince her to give 
up on her vendetta.

Shampoo woke up to find Ranko looking down at her.  She had been 
defeated!  Again!  She threw her arms around Ranko and kissed her.  
Ranko responded for a second, then remembered where she was.  
She broke off the kiss and pushed Shampoo away from her.

Ranko:  "Just go home, Shampoo."

Shampoo walked toward the clinic, her thoughts in disarray, 
knowing that she had no real hope of fulfilling both sides of the law.  
Ranko went to find her brother.


Ryoga and Ranma fought for about fifteen minutes, using a variety 
of kicks, punches, Ryoga also using his bandannas and umbrella.  
They left the school and eventually made their way to the park, 
losing their audience.  They continued to fight, until Ranko threw a 
bucket of water on the both of them, yelling that it was enough and 
that she really needed to talk to her brother.  Ranma turned into his 
cursed form.  So did Ryoga.

Ranko and Ranma looked at the small black pig that took Ryoga's 
place, then looked at each other.  It was even wearing Ryoga's 
bandannas.  Ranko picked the pig up by the bandanna.

Ranko:  "I guess we have a lot of things to talk about.  You go get 
	his backpack, Ranma.  I'll meet you in my room."

Ranma nodded and left for the school while Ranko picked up 
Ryoga's clothes.


Akane suddenly found herself being carried by Ranma as he ran 
back toward the school.

Akane:  "Ranma, what happened?"
Ranma:  "Ryoga's a pig!"
Akane:  "You don't have to call him names, Ranma."
Ranma:  "No, he's really a pig.  Cursed, like me and Ranko."
Akane:  "Oh."

Ranma picked up Ryoga's backpack and the two of them ran home 
to the dojo.


Ranko made it back to her room holding Ryoga and his clothes in 
her arms.  She took her spare hot water bottle and poured it on 
Ryoga only after he promised to behave.  Ryoga frantically reached 
for his clothes when he found himself naked.  Ranma and Akane ran 
into the room.  Ranma had changed back to his real form.

Ryoga explained how he had followed them to China and how he 
had been knocked into a cursed pool.  He blamed Ranma for the 
entire incident; running away from their duel and knocking him into 
the pool.  He had even recognized the voice of the boy chasing a 
panda.  Ranma didn't remember a thing.  Ranko turned pale.

Ranko:  "It was Ranma chasing a panda, right?"
Ryoga:  "I know it was him!"
Ranko:  "I think it was me."

Ranko looked at Ryoga, seeing the realization dawn on his face.

Ranko:  "I'm sorry... can you forgive me?"

Ranko looked at Ryoga with wide eyes, then kissed him.  Ranma lost 
consciousness.  Akane fell backwards.

Ryoga's head exploded.

Ranko:  "Oh, I forgot that I'm still a guy!"


After Ranma recovered (Ryoga was still unconscious and off to one 
side), Ranko got his spare hot water bottle and changed back to her 
normal form.

Ranko:  "Ranma... Shampoo kissed me."
Ranma:  "What?"
Ranko:  "She swung at me with the sword and I knocked her out.  
	When she came to, she kissed me."
Ranma:  "It wasn't that 'kiss of death' peck that she gave me, was 
Ranko:  "No, it was like... you know, us; like you and Akane."
Ranma:  "Oh."
Akane:  "Well, nothing happened, right?"
Ranko:  "Akane, I wanted it to go on.  I wanted to make love to her 
	right there.  I almost did."
Akane:  "Oh."

All three sat in silence for a moment.  Ranma looked at the 
unconscious Ryoga.

Ranma:  "What about him?"
Ranko:  [uncertain]  "Well, he is kind of cute, and he's cursed like us 
	so he understands, and I do feel kind of sorry for him..."
Akane:  "But do you love him?"
Ranko:  "I don't know.  I want to make love to him.  Is there such a 
	thing as love at first sight?"

Akane and Ranma looked at each other and blushed.


Ryoga woke up to a female Ranko at his side, staring down at him 
with concern.

Ryoga:  "What..."
Ranko:  "I kissed you, then you lost consciousness."
Ryoga:  "Ranma!  You have insulted me beyond reason!"

Ryoga head impacted the floor as Ranko slapped him.

Ranko:  "That was me.  I can do it again."

Ranko brought her lips close to Ryoga's face.  Ryoga blushed when 
she kissed him.

Ranko:  "Ryoga, why did you follow us to China?"
Ryoga:  "Because your brother ran out on our duel."
Ranko:  "We waited three days."
Ryoga:  "You should have waited four!"
Ranko:  "If you knew it was going to take you four days why didn't 
	you start early?"

Ryoga couldn't answer.

Ranko:  "So, you're going to blame my brother because, even though 
	you get lost all the time, you followed us to China, where 
	you could get really lost?"
Ryoga:  "Stop it!  You're just trying to confuse me."
Ranko:  "Ryoga, do you think I'm cute?"

Ryoga couldn't answer because Ranko had taken his hand and held 
it on her lap.  Ryoga heard his heartbeat thumping in his head.

Ranko:  "Because I think you're kind of cute."
Ryoga:  "But your brother knocked me into the pond."
Ranko:  "I told you that was me.  Maybe I could apologize in a fun 

Ranko leaned back so that she was on her elbows, then adjusted her 
legs, opening them so that she looked at Ryoga down the length of 
her body.  Ryoga fell back onto the floor, a fountain of blood 
bursting from his nose.  Ranko barely dodged the outflow.

Ranko:  "Yuck!  At least I don't have to worry about diseases.  No 
	one can explode like that without being a virgin."


Genma prepared to open the door.  Nodoka called out while 
stretching lazily under the covers.

Nodoka:  "Genma, where are you going?  That's only been ten.  I 
	want at least another forty."

Genma gulped.  Nodoka got up and threw some cold water on him, 
changing him to his panda form.

Nodoka:  "We haven't tried this yet, dearest.  I suppose if you're not 
	man enough, I could always go to Soun..."

Nodoka grabbed a handful of fur and pulled Genma back to the bed.  
Genma 'growfed' and wondered when his wife had gotten so strong.


Nabiki:  "Kasumi, you are such a slut!"

Marital Arts
Episode 2:  Reunions - Part IV

The girls all giggled as Kasumi finished describing her encounter 
with Dr. Tofu.  Ranma was downstairs sparring with Soun.  Ranko 
seemed distracted after cleaning her room and joining the others.  
Akane wanted to ask her what happened with Ryoga, but Ranko 
didn't feel like talking.  From outside, came a yell of "Shampoo!" 
from Ranma.

Shampoo stared at Ranma for a second.  Dr. Tofu's medical records 
made it clear that Ranma had blue eyes and that Ranko's were green.  
Seeing blue eyes staring back at her, she decided to run up to 
Ranko's room.  If female Ranko was there she would attack; if male 
Ranko was there she would seduce.

Ranko rushed into her room to get the bottle of cold water that she 
started to carry with her since Shampoo's arrival.  Shampoo arrived 
to find a wet, male Ranko in her room (she also saw an unconscious 
Ryoga, but dismissed him).  Shampoo jumped into Ranko's arms 
and kissed her again.  Once again, Ranko felt herself giving into the 
kiss but resisted, pushing her away.

Everyone met in the living room, where Shampoo explained how if 
a man defeated her, village law required that she marry him.  
Ranma and Ranko tried to persuade her that the law was old-
fashioned, that it had no place in the modern world.  Shampoo tried 
to get closer to Ranko, knowing that if she could get close enough, 
Ranko might give in and come with her.

Eventually Shampoo left the dojo, returning to Dr. Tofu's clinic.  An 
idea had come to her, and she was surprised that it hadn't occurred 
to her before.


Akane:  "All right, no peeking now."

Ranma lay in bed, waiting for Akane to open the closet door.  He 
heard the door open, but as instructed didn't open his eyes until 
Akane told him to.  He looked at her.  She was wearing an 
nightgown that was made of some halfway transparent material.

Akane:  "Like it?  Kasumi gave it to me.  She said that it more 
	suited a 'married couple' than my pajamas."

Akane sat down on the side of the bed.  Ranma sat up.

Akane:  "I didn't want to tell her that I now sleep only in my panties.  
	Maybe she thought since your father burst in this morning 
	that we'd be more careful."

Akane moaned as Ranma reached around her to cup her breasts.

Akane:  "I thought you were going to rest a couple of days before we 
	started doing it again."
Ranma:  "I can't help myself."
Akane:  "Neither can I."

Akane reached around to grasp Ranma in her hand.

Akane:  "Ranma, where are your shorts?"
Ranma:  "I told you I couldn't wait."

Ranma reciprocated by dropping a hand to her mound, caressing it 
though the sheer material.  Akane slipped her panties off and 
climbed onto Ranma's torso, lifting herself so that she was poised 
above him.  Ranma put his hands on her waist as she lowered 
herself slowly, his manhood splitting her junction as it entered her.

Ranma spun her around so that her back was toward him, then ran 
his hands up from her hips.  Akane fell backwards, Ranma still 
embedded within her.  Akane started to bounce their hips together as 
her hands wrapped around Ranma's head.  He kissed the nape of her 
neck as his hands massaged her tits.

The bedsprings creaked every time Akane brought her hips down, 
but neither of them noticed.

In the next room, Nabiki definitely noticed.  She had been trying to 
catch up on the schoolwork that she had missed, but the sounds of 
her sister and her lover were starting to arouse her.  She lightly 
fingered herself while she sped up to finish what she had been 
working on.

Akane found that she never got tired of making love to Ranma, to 
the feeling of having him inside her.  Over the course of the last 
month, Ranma had found ways to bring her to release quickly, and 
Akane had found ways to postpone that release until she wanted it.  
But she wasn't working on it at the moment.

Ranma continued to thrust into Akane while his hands ran over her 
breasts, the material of the nightgown lightly clinging to his sweaty 
palms.  When Ranma slipped both hands down to her sex and she 
could feel her flesh trapped between his fingers and his cock she lost 
control of herself.

Akane came and fell backwards onto Ranma's body with a loud 
moan, her body shaking as it lost its grip on his manhood.  It rose 
freely into the air as it popped out of her.  His fingers continued to 
rub against her outer lips as she caught her breath.  Ranma slowly 
shifted out from under her and positioned himself to enter her from 
above.  They turned at the sound of the door opening.

Nabiki:  "We really have to invest in some soundproofing.  The two 
	of you are driving me crazy."

Nabiki entered the room dressed in a bedsheet, her lean legs visible 
as she walked.  Nabiki grinned at the two of them.  Nabiki spread 
the bedsheet onto the floor and closed the door behind her.  Akane 
reached up to Ranma after removing her nightgown.

Akane:  "Carry me."
Ranma:  "You are so lazy."
Akane:  "Think of it as pampering."

Ranma lifted Akane from the bed and carried her to the bedsheet.  
Nabiki sat down beside them as Ranma lowered Akane, then entered 

Akane:  "Umm... Nabiki."

Nabiki let Akane take her hand and maneuvered so that she 
straddled Akane, lowering herself onto her hungry mouth.

Ranma couldn't blame Nabiki for joining them, it was just that he 
didn't love her the same as Akane.  Still, he liked her enough to 
want to bring her as much pleasure as he could.

Ranma slowly pulled out, then just as slowly reversed the direction.  
Akane loved to feel his entire length slowly moving within her.  
Both girls didn't need much.  Akane's flesh was sensitive from their 
joining and Nabiki had been on the edge of her chair for much of 

Nabiki's body swayed in the air as Akane repeatedly flicked her clit 
with her tongue.  Nabiki's hands pinched and pulled at her nipples 
as she started to grind her pussy into Akane's face.  Akane didn't 
notice what Nabiki was doing.  She closed her eyes and continued to 
lick her sister's sex, savoring the feeling of her lover entering her, 
imagining she could feel every detail on his manhood.

With her own orgasm on its way, Akane started to attack Nabiki 
with greater speed.  Nabiki attempted to lower herself even further, 
moaning her approval.  At Akane's base, Ranma saw Nabiki's 
reaction and started to increase the tempo of his movements.  
Akane's face was moist with a mixture of her own saliva and 
Nabiki's juices.

Nabiki was rapidly reaching her own release, and when Akane 
suddenly stuck her tongue into her as deep as it would go, Nabiki let 
out a groan and released her honey onto her sister's face.  Akane 
eagerly lapped as much of it as she could, but her breathing was 
again growing ragged.  Nabiki moved away from her sister.

Ranma penetrated Akane with increasing speed, and her breasts 
bounced from the impact.  Nabiki kneeled next to Akane's body and 
kissed her, entwining her tongue with Akane's, her hands running 
over Akane's breasts.  Akane's back lifted off the ground as her 
muscles started to contract around her lover's cock.  Ranma grunted 
as he emptied his seed into Akane's willing body, the feeling of 
Akane's orgasm causing him to lose control of himself.

Nabiki:  [after waiting]  "Ranma, do you mind?"
Ranma:  [smiling]  "Of course not, Nabiki.  I'm ready now."

Nabiki lightly ran her hand on Ranma's chest and touched his 
Shiatsu Erection Spot.  Akane gasped as Ranma suddenly filled her 
again (since he hadn't yet pulled out).  With a little regret, Ranma 
and Akane separated themselves.

Nabiki and Akane switched positions so that Nabiki was the one 
lying on the floor, her legs spread in invitation.  Akane lowered 
herself onto Nabiki's waiting lips as Ranma entered Nabiki's moist 
pussy.  Ranma remembered that he had to change the way he 
approached making love; Nabiki preferred it fast and hard, as 
opposed to Akane's slow to fast buildup.

Nabiki was so moist that Ranma slipped easily into her.  He 
immediately started to pound their hips together.  Nabiki loved it.

Akane and Ranma's mixed juices started to run down onto Nabiki's 
face from Akane's pussy.  Nabiki knew that some of the girls in her 
class who had done it with their boyfriends thought that tasting it 
was disgusting.  Nabiki considered it their loss and started to clean 
Akane thoroughly.

Every meeting sent Ranma deep into Nabiki's body, making her feel 
like she was being both squashed and split apart.  Akane started to 
cum and ground herself onto Nabiki's mouth.  Nabiki had proved to 
be the most talented sister in their oral training, and Akane was 
enjoying every bit of that talent.  Nabiki didn't let up, inducing 
orgasm after orgasm in her younger sister.

Ranma didn't let up either.  As he kept up his pace he felt Nabiki 
start to cum, knowing that this was the way Nabiki wanted it.  All 
three would be deliciously trapped until Nabiki would finally stop 
them.  Ranma used all the control he developed to keep from 
exploding into Nabiki.

Nabiki came and came, flowing onto the bedsheet with abandon, 
almost drowning from Akane above her.  She induced a final 
orgasm from Akane and sat up, slipping out of Ranma, unable to 
take any more.  Ranma found himself being pushed onto his back as 
both lovers attacked his manhood with their mouths.  Enveloped 
first by one, then the other, and then having them attempt to kiss 
from opposite sides of his cock was too much.

Ranma spurted into the air, his cum landing on all three of them.  
Nabiki and Akane giggled at the gobs of semen that had landed on 
their faces, in their hair, around their bodies.  They hungrily cleaned 
each other up, then cleaned Ranma, licking every last drop from his 

Nabiki and Akane snuggled up to Ranma and pulled the damp 
bedsheet around them.  They fell asleep in its warmth.


Soun prayed at the family shrine before going to bed.  His wife 
would have been so happy at the way things turned out.  Akane and 
Ranma married.  Kasumi being courted by Dr. Tofu.  If only Nabiki 
would find someone everything would be perfect.

Soun found himself proud at they way his daughters turned out.  
With their mother's death, he didn't know if he could cope with 
raising three young girls to womanhood.  They were all so innocent 
and pure.


Ryoga woke up covered by a light blanket.  He had an incredible 
headache and the room was dark.  Sleeping next to him in the futon 
was Ranko in male form, but he didn't know if it was Ranma or 
Ranko.  He was somewhat confused; things had been so simple that 
morning.  Was she really attracted to him?  If she was, and they got 
married, that would mean Ranma would be his brother-in-law.  He 
couldn't hate Ranma then, could he?

He thought back to what had happened.  Ranko, lying there in front 
of him, ready to make love to him.  Ryoga's nose started to bleed 
again.  Ryoga left to find a faucet.


Shampoo crawled on the Tendo roof.  The moon shone brightly, 
giving her plenty of light for what she was about to do.  She made 
sure that the shampoo bottle was secure in her bodice, then sneaked 
into Ranko's room.  Inside, the sleeping Ranko stirred at the slight 

Ranko:  [mumbling]  "Ryoga?"

Shampoo knew what it was that kept male Ranko away from her.  It 
was her duty to kill his sister, female Ranko.  She had spent the 
night making the special shampoo that would make him forget 
female Ranko.  It was a technique that Shampoo was proud of, 
because she was the best (she knew this because her great-
grandmother had told her).  Shampoo smiled to herself; she would 
also make male Ranma forget Akane and Dr. Tofu forget Kasumi, 
and return home with three lovers of exceptional ability.  She would 
be the envy of the village.

She knew that Ranko would give in.  Shampoo had felt the way 
Ranko had fought to keep from responding to her kisses.  She crept 
closer, opening the bottle and preparing to perform the Xi Fa Xiang 
Gao Shiatsu technique.  In the moonlight Shampoo could see the 
muscles on male Ranko's bare chest rise with each breath.

Marital Arts
Episode 2:  Reunions - Part V

Ranko smelled Shampoo in the room.  It was one of the things that 
Nodoka had taught her; to be able to distinguish your lovers even if 
you couldn't see or hear or touch them.  Ranko waited until 
Shampoo was right on top of her before she brought her legs up, 
catching Shampoo's head between them and rolling her onto the 
floor, Ranko ending by straddling Shampoo's stomach and holding 
her wrists to the floor.  The bottle of shampoo went bouncing to one 
side, spilling its contents.  Shampoo looked at the manhood nestled 
on her body.

Shampoo:  "Male Ranko defeat Shampoo again.  For sure become 
	husband now.  Take Shampoo now."

Ranko looked down at Shampoo, Shampoo's chest rising and falling 
underneath Ranko's nude body.  Ranko wanted to kiss her.  Instead, 
she rolled off and walked to the side of the room to her spare hot 
water bottle.  She might be killed, but she couldn't keep lying to 
Shampoo.  Ranko poured the hot water onto herself.

Ranko:  "Shampoo... I'm really a girl."

The moonlight gave Shampoo an excellent view of Ranko's chest.  
Ranko fell back as Shampoo looked as if she was going to attack, 
Ranko closing her eyes as she prepared herself to be beaten, possibly 
killed.  When she opened them again she saw Shampoo crying in 
front of her, unable to attack.  Shampoo turned and started to leave.  
Ranko caught her hand and spun Shampoo around to face her again.

Shampoo looked surprised, tear trails ran down her cheeks.  Ranko 
kissed her and pulled her down to the futon.  Shampoo felt herself 
wanting to run away and give in as well.  Polygamy wasn't unknown 
in her village, but she had never thought the wives did anything like 

Ranko ran her hands up the length of Shampoo's legs, and when she 
reached the bottom of Shampoo's dress she started to kiss her way 
up, following the dress hem as she removed it inch by inch.  
Shampoo shuddered when Ranko first kissed her through her 
panties, then was half disappointed when she left it to make her way 
up her stomach.

Ranko paused when she reached Shampoo's chest, taking the time to 
run her hands over Shampoo's breasts, to pinch her nipples, to kiss 
the valley between.  Shampoo moaned, then tore the remaining 
material over her head.  Ranko nursed Shampoo's nipples erect 
while she brought a hand back down to run a finger over Shampoo's 
slit.  Ranko drew Shampoo's panties to one side and slipped her 
finger into the moist folds.

Shampoo arched her back at the penetration, pressing her tit into 
Ranko's mouth.  When Shampoo's back touched the floor again she 
lifted her head to see Ranko at her work.  Shampoo rolled them both 
over so that she was now on top, then returned the favor of 
attentions.  Ranko's hand moved to hold the back of Shampoo's head 
closer to her own body as Shampoo's tongue tickled her skin.

Ranko turned onto her side, and shifted her body so that her head 
was by Shampoo's purple bush, and Shampoo was by her red one.  
Shampoo gasped when Ranko kissed it, but quickly did the same to 
her.  Ranko penetrated Shampoo with her tongue.  Shampoo 
followed.  It quickly became a contest between the two of them, each 
trying to make the other orgasm first.

They started to lick each other's clits in desperation, then started to 
insert their fingers, pushing themselves into each other.  Faster, then 
faster their hands moved until they blurred from sight.  Ranko and 
Shampoo felt themselves on the edge, both of them moaning at the 
pleasure they received from the other.  Both of them screamed as 
they came, both trying to muffle the sound in the other's body.  It 
just prolonged the pleasure.

Both of them panted as they attempted to slow their breathing, 
lightly licking the juices that had flowed from the other.  Ranko 
crawled onto her hands and knees as she lay next to Shampoo, 
kissing her and holding her in her arms.


Shampoo woke up suckling on Ranko's breast.  Her eyes popped 
open as she realized what she had done.  She had made love to 
another woman.  The person she was supposed to kill.  She had to 
get out of there before anything worse happened.

She slipped out of Ranko's embrace and grabbed her clothes, making 
her way to the window.  She looked back at Ranko.  She wanted to 
make love to her again.

Making up her mind, Shampoo wrote a note and left it on the 
windowsill. She pulled her dress over her head as she jumped to the 
ground.  She would take whatever punishment there was for not 
fulfilling the 'kiss of death'.  She cried as she left for China.


Ranko woke in the darkness, the alarm clock telling her that it was 
nearly three.  She had fallen asleep with Shampoo in her arms, but 
her lover was nowhere to be seen.  On the windowsill was a note, 
but it was written in chinese so she couldn't understand it.  She 
looked outside; everything was quiet.  She turned back to her room 
and saw a small bottle of shampoo open on the floor, Ryoga's 
backpack in one corner of the room, her futon rumpled from the 

Ranko walked naked into the hall, going to her parent's room.  
Listening at the door, she could hear her parents going at it, their 
erotic noises bringing back memories of the sounds that she had 
been making earlier.  She went to Ranma and Akane's room and 
opened the door.

The moonlight outlined the bodies on the floor, Nabiki and Akane 
lying in the crooks of Ranma's arms, all three wrapped in a 
bedsheet.  Ranko lifted a corner and crawled on top of Ranma, 
resting her head on his chest.  The three of them woke.  

Ranko:  "Shampoo's gone."

Ranko started to cry, her tears falling onto her brother.  Nabiki and 
Akane drew their arms around her back.  Soon all four were asleep 
in each other's embrace.

They awoke the next morning in time to clean up and return to their 
rooms so that they wouldn't be caught by Genma if Nodoka allowed 
him out for Ranma and Ranko's 'morning workout' like the day 


Nabiki accidentally dropped a new set of photos by Kuno, the new 
ones, taken since her return from her training trip.  A couple of 
shots of (female) Ranma emerging from the pond, some of Ranko 
sleeping on their training trip.  Kuno eagerly snapped them up and 
groaned at the increase in cost, but bought them just the same.

Kuno:  "Where are the pictures of my love's twin sister?"
Nabiki:  "I'm working on it, Kuno.  Its not easy to take secret photos 
	of the two of them together .  Some of these are of her... 
	see, the blue eyes?"
Kuno:  "But when?"
Nabiki:  "I couldn't say for sure.  Ranko is somewhat depressed right 

Kuno ran out of the classroom.  Nabiki thought to herself that she 
wasn't really breaking a confidence; everyone had been talking about 
Ranko not being herself.  Kuno, being oblivious, just hadn't noticed.  
Nabiki stuffed her payment into her purse and set about to look for 
new customers.  They weren't hard to find; Kuno may have been the 
biggest pervert, but Ranko had a number of other admirers.


Ranko thought about Ryoga and Shampoo.  She admitted to herself 
that she was attracted to both of them.  She might have slept with 
both over the weekend, if Ryoga hadn't fainted, then gotten lost.  
She wanted to be between them, like when she was with Ranma and 
Akane.  Ryoga had to return sometime; his backpack was still in her 
room.  But she didn't know about Shampoo.

Ranko wasn't paying attention to the teacher's lesson, but that was 
OK because no one else was, either.  She wondered about what had 
happened to her life.  She thought that she'd find someone and 
they'd get married and have kids, just like her mother.  Except with 
a better looking guy.

Ranko looked at Ranma.  He was so lucky.  Things seemed to be 
working out between him and Akane.  Except when she tried to 

Kuno burst into the sophomore classroom and kneeled next to 
Ranko.  Ranko was irritated at his presumption.

Kuno:  "Oh my love, let my light chase away this melancholy that 
	afflicts your soul."
Ranko:  "Kuno.  Please leave me alone."
Kuno:  "Never!  You know that you love me!  Admit it freely to the 

Kuno felt Ranko lightly touch a spot on his chest.  He shivered.  She 
would vocalize her true feeling for him at last.  Ranko slapped his 

Ranko:  "Kuno, you pervert!"

Everyone followed Ranko's gaze down to Kuno's crotch, where there 
was a bulge in Kuno's pants.  Kuno 'acked!', then hopped out of the 
classroom trying to cover his erection from the class.  Everyone 
started to laugh at him.  Ranko smiled evilly to herself and thought 
"This Shiatsu Erection Spot could be a lot of fun.".

***************************** finis Marital Arts Episode 2

Onwards to Part 3

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