Black Rose, Blue Thunder (part 16 of 19)

a Ranma 1/2 fanfiction by Dreiser

Back to Part 15
	It didn't make any sense.

	Nearly an hour had passed since Ryoga's disappearance 
and Ukyo's swift departure at the hands of his lax bodyguards and 
it still didn't make any sense to Nabiki.

	None of it made any sense. The fight itself, Ryoga's 
enraged actions, Ukyo's seemingly purposeful taunts. They all 
remained a complete and utter mystery to Nabiki.

	She had always considered herself to be a fairly intelligent 
person but Nabiki found herself entirely baffled by the situation at 

	Perhaps it was because it involved her so closely.

	So, strangely enough, Nabiki found herself asking her 
normally carefree companions for advice. Even stranger yet, what 
she found herself receiving was the best and most sage advice that 
she had heard in a few years.

	And it was coming from Ranma and Kodachi.

	Would miracles never cease?

	"It wasn't his fault, Nabchan," said Ranma in rather solemn 
tones while he folded his arms across his muscular chest. "Ryoga 
can't control himself when he gets angry like that. What you saw 
wasn't him, not really. He didn't know what he was doing when he 
was fighting with Ucchan."

	"I don't understand," said Nabiki. "How could Ryoga not 
know what he was doing? I saw him..."

	"You saw him in an enraged state," Kodachi murmured. 
"Rest assured, Ryoga didn't know what he was doing when he 
attacked Ukyo-kun." She paused to look at Ranma then said, 
"What was it that you called him, darling?"

	"A berserker," said Ranma solemnly. "That's what my big 
bro is, Nabiki. When he gets angry he just loses all sense of 
himself. It's something he inherited from Mom. It isn't the guy's 
fault, honest. I mean, you saw the look on his face when he saw 
you. He was horrified by what he did. It's always like this when he 
snaps out of it."

	"Snaps out of it?" Nabiki echoed dimly.

	"Yeah," said Ranma with a nod. "When he snaps out of his 
berserker mode and goes back to normal." His cobalt eyes seemed 
to plead with Nabiki for understanding as he said, "It isn't his fault, 
Nabchan. Really it isn't. Ryoga would never purposefully hurt 
someone like that. Don't hold this against him and please don't hate 
him." Averting his eyes, Ranma coughed before he said lowly, "I 
know it's not my place to tell you this but the guy cares about you. 
I know for a fact that he cares a lot. If you even feel just a little bit 
of the same way about him just hear him out. Let him explain why 
this happened... let him show you that he hasn't changed, not really. 
That he's the same guy inside."

	After a long moment of silence, Nabiki's eyes grew lidded 
and giving a short nod, she said, "All right, Ranma. I promise to 
hear Ryoga out."

	Just as Ranma's eyes lit up and he was about to exclaim 
something due to his obvious happiness about her decision, Nabiki 
added, "There's just one catch."

	"Oh yeah?" asked Ranma a bit warily as the happy 
expression on his face faded. "What's that?"

	"How exactly are we going to find him?"

	Ranma's only response was overwhelming silence.


 	Perfume was still pouting.

	Or to be more apt, she was still in a grouchy mood. Not 
even beating up the perverted old man who was dumb enough to 
try and molest Shampoo had cheered her up.

	And when beating up people who deserved it didn't cheer 
her up, Perfume knew that she was in trouble.

	Her dilemma was this: to merge with her pixie half or not to 
merge with her pixie half? What should she do?

	Perfume honestly had no idea. And because of this, she 
was so distracted with contemplating her situation that she failed to 
notice the cry of surprise from the apartment building that she was 
walking alongside.

	However, she did notice when a bucket full of cold water 
landed on her head, turning her into a pixie and trapping her 
underneath the bucket as well.

	She noticed it and had only one reaction.

	She immediately listed off a rather long and descriptive 
litany of curses in her melodic pixie language.

	But after she did this, Perfume grumpily sat down in the 
one dry place on the concrete sidewalk and stared at the dark 
walls of the bucket she was trapped under. And as she did this she 
couldn't help but realize one thing.

	If she was merged with her pixie half then this would never 
happen ever again. Because if she was merged with her pixie half, 
she wouldn't be this small and helpless. At least, she didn't think 
she'd be this small and helpless. That was a detail that she would 
have to ask her Grandmother about to get the correct answer.

	Either way, Perfume was starting to look a lot more 
favorably on the idea of merging with her cursed form. Because if 
there was one thing that she hated more than anything else, it was 
the idea of being helpless.

	It just didn't fit her image as an Amazon Enforcer.


	"Chocolate?" began Akane in some confusion. "Why are 
we in this tree? Does it need pruning?"

	Trying to regain her breath, Chocolate paused to look up 
with Akane with wry but loving eyes and said, "It isn't that, Akane. 
I'm sorry if I frightened you but... I just wanted to be alone with 
you, that's all."

	"Oh," Akane said quietly. Her light brown eyes turned 
bright and as they twinkled mischievously she scooted closer to the 
other girl. "So why exactly did you want to be alone with me, 
hmm? For fun reasons?"

	Before Chocolate could formulate a reply Akane rested 
her hands on the Amazon's waist. Then in a swift and precise 
movement, she pulled Chocolate to her and left only a few 
millimeters between their faces.

	Forming a slow smile, Chocolate murmured in rather 
breathless tones, "It depends on your idea of fun."

	"I see," replied Akane slowly. "Well then, you'll just have to 
tell me if your idea of fun is the same as mine."

	With that, Akane dipped her head forward and gave 
Chocolate the sweetest and most tender kiss that she had received 
from the other girl so far. And when they finally parted after several 
long moments, Akane seemed reluctant to leave the Amazon's lips 
and gave small soft kisses along her lips and jawline before pausing 
to look up with an almost impish expression at Chocolate.

	"So?" Akane asked with a smile. "Was that fun?"

	"No," said Chocolate raggedly as she looked down at 
Akane who wore a face of definite surprise. Then out of nowhere 
Akane found herself swept up in Chocolate's arms as the other girl 
said, "This is my idea of fun."

	And so began the two hour make out session that caused 
Akane to miss all of her early morning classes.

	It was a makeout session that would have lasted longer if 
not for the fact that Chocolate hadn't picked the most sturdy of 
branches and just when things were getting particularly adventurous 
it chose to break and send them falling towards the ground in a 
tumbled pile.

	The experience of falling wasn't so fun for Akane and 
Chocolate themselves but for the students who saw it? Well, lets 
say that it was definitely a memorable sight.

	Especially because of that fact that when they fell 
Chocolate, for some reason, was missing her bra and shirt.

	But what really stuck out in their mind was what happened 
next. What happened when Shampoo arrived.

	"Ouch," said Chocolate with a wince. She looked down at 
Akane who's face was completely buried in her abundant chest and 
asked, "You okay, Akane-chan?"

	"I'm fine," came Akane's muffled reply. Her light brown 
eyes peeked up at Chocolate but she did nothing to move her face 
from where it was resting. "And you?"

	"Well, my butt hurts," said Chocolate sheepishly.

	"That not the only thing that be hurting, Mousse."

	Akane watched in surprise as Chocolate turned deathly 
pale and slowly moved her head to look up at the figure of 
Shampoo who was standing next to them.

	"Shampoo," said Chocolate in a hushed whisper.

	"Mousse," said Shampoo in dark tones.

	Darting her gaze from Chocolate to Shampoo and then 
back at Chocolate again, Akane blinked dimly before she 
reluctantly scooted up so her face was no longer in the soft 
firmness of Chocolate's breasts.

	"Excuse me?" Akane said as she raised her hand slowly in 
the air. "Can I ask a question here?"

	Both of the Amazons turned to look at Akane and when 
they did she noted that their expressions softened by an enormous 

	"Shampoo," began Akane. "You know my Chocolate?" 
She paused to form a bright expression and clapping her hands 
happily she said, "I'm so glad! She doesn't have enough friends 
here! Just me and those guys in her fan club! But they're not really 
friends, you know?"

	Twitching slightly, Shampoo said, "Mousse and I not 
friends exactly, Akane. That what I come to tell you--"

	"Mousse?" interrupted Akane. "Who's Mousse? Do you 
mean Chocolate?" Turning to look at the girl next to her who was 
still missing her bra and shirt, she asked, "Did you change your 
name to Chocolate, Chocolate?"

	"Eh... uhm... I... it's..." Chocolate stammered nervously. 
Finally turning beet red, she sprung to her feet and produced a 
round object out of nowhere. "I'm so sorry, Akane-chan!" she 
cried out in tearful tones.

	Then moments later she threw the smoke bomb and clouds 
of black smoke engulfed them. When the clouds cleared away 
Akane found herself alone with neither Chocolate or Shampoo 
anywhere in sight.

	Blinking in confusion, Akane unsteadily rose to her feet and 
whispered, "Chocolate? Where did you go?"

	The observing students above could only watch in stunned 
horror as something that they never wanted to see happened right 
before their very eyes.

	Akane collapsed to her knees and began crying.

	This was a sure signal that this was turning out to be a truly 
dark day in Furinkan High's not so glorious history.


	"Are you sure about this, darling?" Kodachi asked Ranma 
in uncertain tones as they walked with Nabiki.

	"Of course I'm sure, Dachi," replied Ranma. "I bet if 
anyone can find my big bro, the old ghoul can. She'll just do one of 
her weird old ghoul things and find him easy. It's gotta be easy for 
her." He paused to point at the amulet he still wore around his neck 
and said, "After all, she got me stuck wearing this damn thing for 
eternity, didn't she?"

	"An apt point," murmured Kodachi. "But I'm not sure that 
means she'll be able to find Ryoga, my dearest."

	"You worry too much," Ranma said with a snort. "Just trust 
me on this one, Dachi. The old ghoul's the best bet on us finding 
him. It's either her or trying to summon my Grandma and I dunno if 
I want to try that right now."

	"Your Grandma?" Nabiki cut in with some surprise. "What 
could she possibly do to help?"

	Chuckling at this, Ranma said, "What couldn't she do to 
help is more like it. Grandma could find Ryoga with no problem at 
all but as much as I love her, she has this bad habit of meddling and 
you and him need to work out stuff on your own. That means no 
help from Grandma." His handsome features turned thoughtful and 
he said, "I could try calling Grandpa though. But Grandpa is worse 
than Grandma when it comes to meddling. And more scary."

	Before Nabiki could question Ranma on his Grandpa, they 
found themselves in front of the building that Cologne had bought 
and gaping at the sign on it.

	"Sensual Sorcery?" said Nabiki skeptically.

	"Heh," Ranma gave a low chuckle. "I like it."

	"As do I," purred Kodachi while she hooked her arm into 
Ranma's. "But I can't help but wonder about the name. It certainly 
doesn't seem like something that the Elder Cologne would pick 

	"Maybe that's simply because she wasn't the one to pick 
out the name, my dear. I was."

	The three teenagers looked around for where the low and 
charming voice that had said that came from and saw nothing. At 
least, until they looked up.

	Because when they looked up they saw a drop dead 
gorgeous blonde woman who had her long hair in a high ponytail 
and wore a rather scanty outfit that served to make her look quite a 
lot like a magical genie of sorts.

	 "You must be the infamous demon thieves," the woman 
pronounced smoothly. "How I've wanted to meet you. It was such 
fun seeing the stink you caused back in the village. We haven't had 
that much excitement in close to a hundred years and I can't say 
how much I delighted in watching it."

	"Oh yeah?" asked Ranma as his eyes narrowed slightly and 
he moved on the defensive.

	The power that Ranma sensed in this woman was like the 
old ghoul's, but even stronger, and it served to remind him of his 
aforementioned Grandma. Someone that Ranma would never even 
dream of messing with.

	"Now, now," the woman said as she floated to the ground. 
"No need to get nervous. I'd never hurt such very delightful 
mischief makers like yourselves." She paused to look at Nabiki 
then added, "Or the beloved little sister of my own dear apprentice. 
Although," she murmured. "I have heard that you protest her 
engagement to my precious Perfume."

	"Who are you?" demanded Nabiki. "And how do you 
know my Oneechan?"

	"Impatient thing, aren't you?" the woman said as she tilted 
her head to one side. "My name is Siren but you can call me 
whatever you like," she said with a playful smile. "And how I know 
Kasumi is quite simple. She's my new apprentice. I'm training her 
to be a Mage, as I myself am."

	"Kasumi? A Mage?" said Nabiki, Kodachi, and Ranma in 
very similar tones as they gaped at Siren.

	Apparently they weren't expecting this news.


	Shampoo was angry. And when Mousse released her 
about a mile away from Furinkan High she was about to express 
that anger when she found the other girl bowing at her feet with her 
head buried in her arms.

	"Please, Shampoo!" cried Mousse as she kept her head 
down. "I'll do whatever you want but please don't tell Akane-chan 
that I'm a man! I can't bear to lose her love!"

	"What?" Shampoo said with a blink.

	"I can't live without her!" Mousse went on. She lifted her 
head to reveal teary teal eyes that were pleading with Shampoo 
with all of their being. "Akane-chan is the most wonderful person 
that I've ever known! I didn't know what love truly was until I met 
her! She makes all other women seem insignificant! If I lost her I 
would die!"

	"It seems that he has no interest in you, Shampoo."

	Jumping on hearing the sound of a husky voice in her ear, 
Shampoo whirled around to face Tatewaki who had a small smile 
on his handsome and defined features.

	"Tachi? When you get here?" asked Shampoo. Her scarlet 
eyes narrowing she then demanded, "And how you manage to 
surprise Shampoo like that?"

	"My Mistress taught me many skills," murmured Tatewaki. 
Averting his eyes slightly, he handed Mousse a shirt that he had 
draped over his arm. "And luckily, stealth was amongst them. 
When I saw you approach Mousse, I must admit that I became 
curious and when you left the grounds I felt that it would be best if I 
followed you."

	"Tatewaki," said Mousse, who had just finished pulling the 
shirt over her head. Unsteadily, she rose to her feet to look the tall 
boy in the eyes. "I know that it's too late to ask for your 
forgiveness but I do apologize for what I did to you. I apologize to 
the both of you, for what I once was and what I once did. But 
Shampoo," Mousse once again wore a pleading face as she looked 
at the other girl. "I've changed. I now know what love really is 
because of Akane. All I ask is that you not take that away from 
me. Please... please don't take Akane away from me. I just..." 
Breaking off tearfully, she finished in wavering tones, "I just can't 
live without her."

	Observing in some shock as Mousse collapsed to the 
ground and began crying, Shampoo was lost for an appropriate 
response. That was when she felt Tatewaki clasp her shoulder and 
looking up into his tawny eyes she felt her heart leap as he gave her 
a warm smile.

	"Shampoo-san," said Tatewaki softly. "Look at him. Can 
you truly find resentment in your heart for him still? I know that I 
cannot. He's a changed ma... woman. Should we not give hi... her 
a chance at redemption? Doesn't everyone deserve a second 
chance in their own lifetime?"

	"Tachi," whispered Shampoo. Turning back to look at 
Mousse, her eyes narrowed by a notch. Taking a slow step 
forward she knelt in front of Mousse who lifted her head to look 
into Shampoo's eyes. "You really love Akane that much, Mousse? 
And you really has changed?"

	"Yes, Shampoo," said Mousse in shaky tones that were 
laced with tears. "I know now how wrong I was to treat you the 
way I did. I want to start my life over and I want to start it over 
with Akane if I can."

	Giving a short nod, Shampoo rose to her feet and looking 
down at Mousse, she said, "Shampoo believe you. I'll keep your 
secret... for now. But you have to be telling Akane the truth and 
you have to be telling her soon."

	"Yes," Tatewaki agreed solemnly. "Akane deserves to 
know all of you, Mousse. Not just the bits and parts that you want 
for her to see. If what you have truly is love then she will 
understand and accept you. Trust in that."

	"Thank you," whispered Mousse as she wiped away the 
last of her tears and slowly stood up. "Thank you both for 
understanding and giving me this chance."

	There was a slight pause as all three teenagers smiled at 
one another as a wave of peacefulness fell over them. Then 
Shampoo formed a scrunched up expression.

	"But tell Shampoo one thing," Shampoo began as she 
studied Mousse carefully. "Why you on Earth would you be 
picking the name of Chocolate for a disguise?"


	"So you want to find Ryoga," said Siren in thoughtful tones. 
"Well, that seems easy enough." She turned to look at Kasumi and 
said, "How about it, Kasumi dear? Would you like to give it a 

	"Oh my," said Kasumi, who had been listening to the whole 
conversation very attentively. "Certainly I want to help Imotochan 
find her iinazuke but I'm not sure that I would know where to start, 

	"Sensei?" repeated Nabiki rather dubiously.

	"Don't sound so shocked," said Siren as she favored 
Nabiki with a teasing smile. "I do happen to be her teacher in the 
ways of sorcery after all. Now then," she turned and walked to 
Kasumi's side. "It really isn't all that difficult to attempt. Just allow 
me guide you."

	Narrowing his cobalt eyes, Ranma watched as Siren lightly 
ran the tips of her fingers over Kasumi's eyes as the eldest Tendo 
sister closed them. A brilliant glow seemed to surround them and 
on seeing it he frowned.

	Seeing his change in attitude, Kodachi asked softly, "Does 
something bother you, darling?"

	"Can't you feel it, Dachi?" replied Ranma as he kept his 
eyes focused on Siren and Kasumi. "I know that you gotta just 
from what I've taught you about the art."

	"Yes, I can feel the energy she's summoning but I don't--" 
Kodachi suddenly paused in what she was saying as her violet eyes 
went wide in realization. "It's not just her alone, is it? Kasumi is 
somehow summoning it as well."

	"You got it," Ranma said as he gave a short nod. "But how 
she's doing it is something that I can't figure out."

	While the couple were pondering over this, Nabiki was 
transfixed as she watched her older sister awash in the bright 
golden light that surrounded her. Kasumi's head was slightly tipped 
back and Siren floated behind the girl as she murmured soft and 
seemingly gentle words into her ear.

	It was a mesmerizing scene to say the least but what 
Nabiki couldn't get over was the power and the sheer level of 
confidence she felt coming from Kasumi now. She had never seen 
her Oneechan like this before.

	And Nabiki wasn't really sure if she liked it.

	"Every person has a soul and every soul has an energy, that 
energy is distinct, like the person," murmured Siren in low magnetic 
tones. "Call it a spiritual fingerprint if you will. To locate Ryoga, all 
you need to do is concentrate on him. See him in your mind as 
clearly as you would if he was standing across from you now." 
Pausing, Siren smiled before she said, "Good girl. What you see is 
his outer self. His shell, his body. Now look deeper, look at his 
soul, find that energy inside of him that makes him a living and 
breathing person. Find that and you will find him."

	Kasumi felt herself drifting away, in a mass of lights and 
colors, and suddenly she found herself floating above Ryoga who 
was sitting in front of a lake wearing a morose expression as he 
tossed stones into it.

	Then just as suddenly, she found herself being pulled away 
from him and when she opened her eyes Kasumi saw the proud 
face of Siren beaming at her.

	"I knew it!" exclaimed Siren happily as she engulfed 
Kasumi in a sudden hug. "I knew that you had the makings of a 
powerful Mage inside of you! Imagine, you traveling on the astral 
plane with only the scarcest aid from myself! I've never heard of 
such a fast learner!"

	"It was so wonderful," Kasumi said in dazed tones to Siren 
who had released her from the hug. "I can't quite describe how I 
felt. Just so warm and cared for. And the lights... their voices were 
just so overwhelming, Sensei. I didn't know which one I should 
listen to at first."

	"You still found him all the same," said Siren proudly. "A 
simply excellent job, my dear. I'm so--"

	Siren was cut off from her praise when she heard a loud 
cough and tilting her head she looked at Nabiki who wore a deep 
frown on her sharp features.

	"Sorry to interrupt," said Nabiki drolly. "But I was 
wondering if maybe you could tell me where Ryoga is?"

	"Oh, I'm sorry, Imotochan!" Kasumi exclaimed. "He's in 
the park sitting on the shore of the lake, right by that area that 
Akane sometimes likes to go boating in."

	"The park," repeated Nabiki. Turning on her heel she 
started out of the shop but paused to look at Ranma and Kodachi. 
"Thanks," she said softly. "For explaining everything to me. I swear 
that I'll keep my promise."

	With that, Nabiki ran out the door and to Ryoga.

	"Kids," said Siren in bemused tones. "I do hope that she 
resolves their little trouble." Sapphire eyes then locked on Ranma 
and she smirked. "Now, if I'm not mistaken don't you have 
something to ask of me? A favor, perhaps? Or a request of some 

	"Ranma darling?" said Kodachi as she turned to look at her 
boyfriend who was staring at Siren.

	Giving a low chuckle, Ranma said, "You don't miss much, 
do you lady? And yeah... I'd like to ask your help if I could. I 
suppose that you know about this amulet, huh?"

	"The legendary slave amulet," Siren murmured. "Such a 
nasty little trinket. It controls the wearer through the force of chi 
and from what I can tell Cologne is the one who imprinted it. She 
must be terribly annoyed with you to have done that."

	"You could say that," said Ranma dryly. "Do you know of 
some way that I could take this thing off?"

	"I'm afraid not," said Siren a bit sadly. "Not even a Mage 
of my caliber could remove it. The purpose of the amulet is to be a 
safety of sorts. A control switch, with it Cologne can monitor your 
actions. Although," Siren wore a thoughtful expression. "I don't see 
why she would have you wear it. You seem to have a strong aura 
but the magic I sense in you is almost repressed. Not enough to be 
a threat."

	"Dachi," said Ranma who kept his eyes locked on Siren. 
"Do the honors, would you?"

	"My pleasure, dearest," said Kodachi as she produced a 
flask out of nowhere. She then proceeded to pour the contents 
over Ranma's head.

	Siren watched as the handsome black haired pigtailed boy 
before her turned into a gorgeous blonde haired pigtailed elf and 
said, "Ah. Now it makes more sense. Cologne wishes to control 
the power that your cursed form holds. Very logical considering 
what I'm sensing from you now and I get the distinct impression 
that you don't even know the most minute of your many abilities."

	"Incredible," Kasumi murmured. "The power that I sense in 
Ranma now is almost as strong as yours, Sensei."

	"He's an elf and they're a powerful lot," Siren replied easily. 
"Not to mention a dangerous lot as well."

	"But like you said, I don't know how to use my powers. I 
don't even know my abilities," said Ranma.

	"But...?" Siren prompted mischievously.

	"But I'd like to use my powers and I'd like to know what 
my abilities are," Ranma supplied carefully.

	An unspoken communication seemed to take place 
between Siren and Ranma and forming a slow smile, Siren 
murmured, "Very well. I do think that we should speak on this in 
private though." Peeking over Ranma's shoulder at Kodachi, she 
said, "I promise to return him shortly."

	Seconds after saying this, Siren and Ranma disappeared in 
a flash of golden light as they winked out of existence to leave 
Kodachi and Kasumi alone and more than a bit surprised at their 
sudden exit.


	"I ruined it," said Ryoga in soft self deprecating tones. "I 
ruined it all. Everything that Nabiki-chan and I could have had. I 
don't deserve to live..."

	After saying this, he tossed yet another stone into the lake 
and watched as it caused a huge splash. He knew that he was 
bothering the people who were trying to have fun on their boats but 
he didn't really care.

	Ryoga wasn't like his mom in the fact that when he got 
depressed it didn't go away quickly. Instead, he tended to be 
depressed for long periods of time. Replaying the event that caused 
his depression over and over in his head until Ryoga reached such 
a melancholy state that he wasn't aware of anything else but his 
feelings of depression.

	Lucky for Ryoga, and everyone else, he hardly ever got 
depressed. Like anger it was a rare emotion for the lost boy who 
lead a nominally happy life.

	It was a life that had recently gotten its happiest with his 
engagement to Nabiki. When he was with her he finally felt that 
small little empty place in his heart fill up and Ryoga suddenly found 
himself a whole being.

	At least, he was until he screwed things up.

	"I'm such an idiot," Ryoga muttered darkly. "Why didn't I 
concentrate on what Mother taught me and just ignored Kuonji?" 
He said the last part in biting tones as he fingered the smooth stone 
he held in his grip. "Even with what he said about taking Nabiki 
away from me I knew that he wasn't a match for me. Although..." 
Ryoga trailed off thoughtfully. "He did manage to block my punch."

	Pondering this, Ryoga heaved a deep sigh then threw the 
stone into the lake to cause yet another huge splash that sent a 
nearby sailboat rocking perilously back and forth across the water. 
Staring at the long grass, his dark brown eyes grew pensive after a 
few moments.

	"Nabiki-chan isn't even mine to defend," murmured Ryoga 
sadly. "I wish she was but she isn't. Maybe one day she might have 
been but that's probably all gone now."

	"I wouldn't be so sure."

	Whipping his head upwards, Ryoga looked up at Nabiki's 
beautiful features with wide and shocked eyes.

	"Nabiki-chan?" whispered Ryoga. "How...?"

	"Magic," said Nabiki somewhat playfully as she smoothly 
sat down next to Ryoga on the lake shore.

	Several moments of complete silence passed before Ryoga 
said very quietly, "I'm sorry. I know you must hate me for what I 
did but please believe me... I didn't mean to do it. If I could take it 
all back I would." He paused and gave a deep sigh then continued, 
"I'm not making excuses for what I did but I have this problem, I 
guess I got it from my Mom somehow. I don't get mad often but 
when I do I lose all sense of myself and become engulfed in the 
anger. When Kuonji said that he wanted you for his own," Ryoga 
said this rather tightly and clenched his hands in the grass. "I saw 
red and before I knew it we were fighting."

	A gentle wind blew across the lake and averting his eyes 
from where they had rested on the people who were still trying to 
steady their sailboat, Ryoga gazed at Nabiki.

	His dark eyes were shining with unshed tears and were a 
deep well of sadness as Ryoga whispered, "If you don't want 
anything to do with me anymore I'll understand, Nabiki-chan. After 
all," he gave a harsh laugh. "Now you have a movie star in love 
with you too. I'm sure that he's a much better catch than I am and 
has far less problems."

	"Ryoga," said Nabiki in stunned tones as her hazel eyes 
went wide. "What did you just say?"

	Flushing darkly, Ryoga quickly moved his gaze away from 
Nabiki's and said quietly, "I'm in love with you. And apparently 
Kuonji is too." Staring at the ground now, Ryoga picked at the 
grass. "I can't really blame him for that I suppose... for loving you 
as much as I do. He thinks that he's the better man for you and I 
guess he is. At least he doesn't lose his temper and turn into an 

	Ryoga abruptly rose to his feet and purposefully avoiding 
Nabiki's eyes, he said, "I... wish you good luck, Nabiki-chan. 
Maybe one day we'll meet again and when we do I hope that you'll 
have found it your heart to forgive me."

	He then started to walk away only to be stopped by the 
lightest tug on his hand. Turning his head, Ryoga stared at Nabiki in 
certain wonder.

	"Don't go," Nabiki said it like it was an order even though 
her sensual voice was trembling slightly.

	"Nabiki-chan?" said Ryoga in amazement.

	"If you go..." began Nabiki helplessly. "I won't have anyone 
to talk to. I won't have anyone... I..."

	"Nabiki-chan," said Ryoga again as he stepped closer to 
her and softly wiped at the tear falling down her cheek. "I won't go, 
not if you don't want me to. I only want to make you happy. I... I 
never want to see you scared or unhappy like I did back there. I 
just thought that you would be happier with me gone. That way you 
could be with Ukyo and start over..."

	"Idiot," Nabiki said in a bare whisper.

	"What...?" Ryoga asked in confusion.

	Lifting up her hazel eyes Nabiki gave Ryoga a shaky smile 
and said in rough but fond tones, "You're such a big idiot, Ryoga-
kun. Do you know that?"

	"Yeah, I guess so," said Ryoga wryly. "Ranma tells me that 
often enough for me to realize that it's sort of true."

	"Don't go," repeated Nabiki quietly. "I don't want you to 
go away, Ryoga-kun." Almost painfully,  she ripped her gaze away 
from his and continued, "I'm sorry, but I'm just so confused about 
you and Ukyo... I can't sa--"

	"It's all right," interrupted Ryoga softly as he tenderly 
pressed his fingertips against Nabiki's lips. "Take all the time that 
you need. Just knowing that you care about me and want me 
around is enough for me."

	"Ryoga-kun," Nabiki breathed shakily.

	They didn't know how it happened but one way or another 
they ended up in each others arms. Nabiki was warmed by the 
gentle sensation of Ryoga's arms around her while the lost boy 
exalted in the knowledge that Nabiki wanted him with her despite 
seeing the very worst part of him.

	This, thought Ryoga with a smile, is perfection.

	Or at least it was perfection until Nabiki lifted her head 
from his chest and said rather sternly, "Ryoga?"

	"Yes?" asked Ryoga a bit nervously.

	"I want you to apologize to Ukyo first thing tomorrow 
morning at school," began Nabiki. When he opened his mouth to 
reply, she cut him off and said, "I'm going to ask him to apologize 
to you as well. You're my iinazuke and he's my... well... co-star, I 
guess. I want you both to try to get along for my sake. It will..." she 
trailed off as her eyes grew pensive. "Help me figure things out."

	"All right, Nabiki-chan," said Ryoga softly as he formed a 
slow smile. "I'll apologize to Kuonji. To tell you the truth, I was 
planning on doing that anyway."

	Returning his smile, Nabiki once again rested her head 
against Ryoga's strong chest and said, "I thought as much. You are 
my faithful iinazuke after all."

	"Yeah," murmured Ryoga who happily breathed in the 
clean scent of Nabiki's hair. "I am, aren't I?"


	When Chocolate, Shampoo, and Tatewaki arrived back at 
the Furinkan High campus they were greeted by a hundred or so 
fearsome glares burning into them.

	"This," said Tatewaki lowly. "Doesn't bode well."

	Shampoo could only give a short nod as slowly the 
students turned towards them and their eyes growing even more 
fierce, if that was even possible, together they gave a tremendous 
shout that reverberated in the air as they then accused, "You made 
Akane-chan cry!!"

	While Shampoo and Tatewaki visibly paled at the 
threatening tone of the crowd Chocolate was pale because of what 
they had just told her.

	Did she really make her sweet Akane cry?

	"What?" Chocolate said as her eyes went wide. Pushing 
past Shampoo and Tatewaki, she ran towards the crowd who 
glares softened just a bit because of just how incredibly good 
looking she was. "Akane-chan?" she cried out. "Where are you, 
Akane-chan?! It's me... Chocolate!"

	A long moment passed before Chocolate heard a sniffle 
and a muffled voice say her name. Pushing through the crowd with 
a face of determination, Chocolate found Akane sitting on the 
ground where she was surrounded by assorted members of the 
Furinkan High girls sports teams.

	"Akane-chan?" whispered Chocolate who fell to her knees 
in front of the other girl. Hesitantly reaching out to cup Akane's 
cheek, she said, "Please don't cry..."

	"Chocolate?" said Akane in tones of wonderment as she 
looked up at the other girl. "Oh, Chocolate! Where did you go?! I 
thought you left me for Shampoo and you went with her to do what 
we did in the tree but except in another tree and I don't want you 
doing that with anyone but me! When I thought about it my chest 
hurt and Yumi wanted to take me to the nurse but I said no and--"

	"Akane-chan," murmured Chocolate who gave a mixed 
sob and laugh as she buried her face in the warmth of the star 
athlete's shoulder. "I love you so much."

	"Chocolate? Do you mean it?" said Akane softly.

	Giving a slow nod into Akane's neck, Chocolate lifted her 
head and murmured in her ear, "I'm in love with you, Akane-chan. 
And I don't want to do what we did in the tree with anyone but you 
either. I swear on my life."

	Earlier it was said that Shampoo's arrival on the scene 
heralded the most memorable moment in Furinkan High's not so 
glorious history (for today at least) and this statement was certainly 
true. Because when Chocolate and Akane decided to resume their 
activities from earlier in the tree but now in front of a rather large 
crowd, Shampoo was there, and she, along with everyone else 
who watched the pair, found their interaction very memorable to 
say the least.

	And some might say Shampoo's arrival did herald it.

	Although Shampoo herself would balk at this statement if 
anyone told her about it. Of course, the most interesting part of the 
day was yet to come.

	Because, after all, this is Furinkan High and even more 
importantly this is Nerima. And in Nerima just when it seems like 
things can't possibly get any more interesting and any more crazy is 
precisely when they do.

	Thus giving the district an odd combination of both surprise 
and predictability when it came to the insanity there.


	When the flash of golden light faded from Ranma's eyes 
she found herself inside of a sort of void that was only filled with 
the continuous flash of multicolored lights.

	"So, do tell," said Siren in jaunty tones that served to 
distract Ranma from studying their surroundings. "What exactly do 
you want from me? Besides the coveted honor of being my student 
along the side of the lovely Kasumi."

	"You've been around for awhile, right?" asked Ranma 
slowly as she studied Siren with careful eyes.

	"Well, it depends on your definition of awhile," Siren said 
suavely. "But some would say that I've been around the block a 
few times. Why do you ask?"

	Heaving a sigh, Ranma said, "If you've been around then I 
bet you know that things aren't always simple and to get what we 
want sometimes we gotta do stuff we're not too happy about. 
Y'know what I mean?"

	"Certainly I do," replied Siren. She tilted her blonde head 
to one side and said, "I must admit that your maturity surprises me, 
Ranma, but don't think that you're fooling me."

	"What?" Ranma could only blink in surprise.

	"Silly girl," Siren purred as she floated close to the blonde 
haired elf. Holding Ranma's defined chin in her soft hands, Siren 
murmured, "Don't try to lie to the master, it will only end up getting 
you into more trouble."

	"Huh," Ranma released a huff of air as she formed a slow 
smile of respect. "You're something, lady."

	"I'd like to think so," said Siren in sultry tones. "Now, do 
cut to the chase and tell me what it is you require."

	Snorting at this, Ranma shook her head a bit then said, 
"Well, this is gonna sound stupid, I know, but I need your help to 
help me fulfill this promise that I made."

	"Indeed?" Siren quirked an eyebrow. "And what exactly is 
making you keep this promise? From what I've heard from 
Cologne and countless others the infamous demon thieves hardly 
care about what is just and right."

	"Normally that'd be true," admitted Ranma. "But in this 
case the person that I made the promise to is a hell of a lot stronger 
than me, and I'm not in the mood to get my butt kicked. Especially 
not in front of Dachi." Ranma paused to consider Siren then added, 
"That's why I did the whole thing in the first place. To impress... 
well, more to keep Dachi happy by winning the fight against the 
freak." Her blue eyes narrowed as she muttered, "It's too damn 
bad for me that she didn't even notice when I beat up the old goat."

	"Old goat?" Siren asked curiously.

	"Yeah," Ranma nodded. "His name's Happosai."

	Seconds after Ranma said this she was met with a very 
shocking sight. The sight of the normally carefree and easygoing 
Siren forming a face of absolute fury.

	"Did you say Happosai?" said Siren in slow tones.

	Unable to reply, Ranma instead gave a quick nod of her 
blonde head and on seeing it, Siren's sapphire eyes seemed to flare 
with fire and she clenched her hands into fists.

	"Happosai..." Siren seethed quietly.

	Observing as the Mage started to twitch, Ranma said very 
reluctantly, "So... you know the guy already?"

	"Oh, I know him," muttered Siren who was starting to 
revert back to her usual self. "How could I ever forget him? He 
was the one who stole her away from me..."

	"Stole who?" Ranma pursued.

	Lifting her gaze to meet Ranma's, sapphire eyes glinted and 
giving the elf a friendly smile, Siren murmured, "It's nothing, dear. 
Now, why don't you tell me just what the promise you made to 
Happosai entailed?"

	"Sure," said Ranma slowly. Still studying Siren with careful 
eyes, this time because of the Mage's recent odd change in mood, 
she said, "The old goat made me promise to get him all of the ladies 
panties in Nerima in exchange for letting me beat him up in battle."

	There was a long moment of silence and Ranma studied 
Siren's blank features rather anxiously. What if the Mage got angry 
again but this time blew up? Ranma had no way of knowing if she'd 
be able to survive that.

	But then Siren burst out into melodic laughter.

	Blinking at this, Ranma finally said in droll tones, "Glad that 
you find it so funny, lady. But I gotta get him those panties or 
there's going to be trouble."

	"I'm sure there will be," Siren managed through her 
laughter. Wiping at the tears in her eyes, Siren gave a few more 
chuckles as she said, "And you want me to help you collect these 
desired panties for you?"

	"Well... more like I want you to help me think of a way to 
get the panties but stick him and not me with all of the blame for the 
whole mess going down," Ranma said as she formed her patented 
sly smile that so many knew.

	"An interesting proposal," murmured Siren. "One definitely 
worth considering." She paused for a moment to form a thoughtful 
expression then eyeing Ranma with a look that could only be 
described as sultry, Siren said, "Very well. I'll help you, but only if 
you make me a promise."

	"A promise?" Ranma repeated warily. "Great."

	"Now, now," Siren said huskily as she floated close to 
Ranma and tapped the elf on the nose. "It's nothing at all like the 
promise that Happosai made you take. In fact, I think that you'll 
find mine far more appealing than his."

	"So what's the promise?" asked Ranma.

	"I want you to promise to never make another promise to 
Happosai again," Siren said as she moved her face inches away 
from Ranma's so breath was on breath. "If you do then in turn, I'll 
promise to teach you just what talents your cursed form holds and 
take you as my student."

	"That's it?" asked Ranma skeptically. "All you want is for 
me to never promise the old goat nothing ever again and you'll 
teach me about magic and stuff?"

	"That's it," said Siren with a nod of her head. "Of course," 
she paused to smile lasciviously. "It would make the deal sweeter if 
you caused some trouble for him as well."

	"Heh," Ranma chuckled at this. "I think that I can manage 
that, lady. The old goat didn't seem like anyone I wanted to keep 
as a friend anyway. Even if he is pretty damn powerful for a 
wrinkled old squirt." Giving Siren a flirty smile to match her own, 
Ranma continued, "And you're a hell of a lot more fun to look at, 
that's for sure."

	"Why thank you, dear," Siren replied smoothly. Flying 
backwards, she then tilted her head to one side and held out her 
hand as she asked, "Is it a deal then?"

	"You bet," said Ranma while accepting Siren's outstretched 
hand. "It's definitely a deal."

	"Excellent," said Siren in sensuous tones. "Well then," she 
tossed her blonde head and twirled her index finger in the air. "Lets 
get to work, shall we?"


	"Nerima," Akari read the sign aloud. Turning to regard her 
two companions she asked, "What do you both think?"

	"Doesn't seem so strange to me," said Taro as he regarded 
the quiet neighborhood. "I wonder where all the stories about it 
being the source of all chaos came from?"

	"Tauros, tauros," murmured Tauros thoughtfully.

	"Yeah, that's true," Taro said with a smile as he rubbed the 
hulking Pokemon's neck fondly. "Things aren't always as they 

	Tauros was about to reply when Akari beat him to it by 
releasing a high pitched and very panicked shriek.

	Whirling around to regard the girl, Taro clasped her on the 
shoulders and asked anxiously, "What is it? Are you all right? Did 
something happen, Akari?"

	"My... my..." Akari stammered shakily.

	"Your what?" Taro prompted. "Your heart? Your eyes? 
Your feet? Your head? What's wrong?"

	"My panties," Akari whispered as she met Taro's gaze with 
wide eyes. "They're gone."

	At this, Taro could only wear a blank expression as his 
eyes got glazed and he said dimly, "Your panties?"

	"My panties," affirmed Akari with a nod.

	"But... why would your panties be gone?" asked Taro once 
he finally regained his equilibrium.

	Akari started to open her mouth to respond when she froze 
and her eyes went wider than before. Observing this, Taro turned 
around to see what caused this reaction.

	And that was when he saw several thousand panties go 
whizzing past them and down what were once the formally quiet 
streets of Nerima.

	Upon seeing this, Taro was starting to understand just 
where all of the stories about this district came from.

To be continued...


I'd like to thank Jim Robert Bader, Red 
Death, and my brother Patrick for listening to my goofy ideas. Also 
special thanks to Wade Tritschler for allowing me to be a part of 
his Altered Destinies project.

Chat with me on ICQ! My ICQ # is: 37674780 

Thanks to Red Death all of my fanfics are archived at:

Next up: The panty magnet. Nothing else need be said.

"Black magic isn't on a list of a wife's duties!"
-Lina Inverse; The Slayers-
Juri Rules All.
Mokona is Satan.
Yes, I'm a girl.
-Quotes from my dinky self-

Onwards to Part 17

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