Lavender Ghost Story (part 12 of 23)

a Pokemon fanfiction by Nikolai Mirovich

Back to Part 11
"Chaotic Good Before 10:30am..."

Somewhere on the edge of her hearing, her watch's pager went off. The internal 
randomizer chose something classical out of the fourteen different lyrical 
selections it had at its disposal to get its owner's attention. A long stream of 
insistent sounding chords that refused to be ignored for the minute and a half 
they droned on for.

But being wedged haphazardly between a light sweater and a pair of polar fleece 
lined jeans, the sound of the pager was muffled. Even the gentle green 
luminescence of the watch's tiny screen, desperately flashing "Message Waiting" 
under the large black LED that read "6:02am" was hidden, leaving the person 
leaving the message little choice.

The painfully annoying ring filtered through Miranda's mind with all the 
subtlety of a jackhammer. She'd chosen the high-pitched, incessantly whiney 
chime for just this reason. The repeated, painfully annoying sound was one of 
the only things that could pry her out of bed from the deep sleep she'd been 
experiencing, and wished beyond anything else she could still enjoy.

Miranda waited for several moments, her not yet fully conscious mind forging a 
shortly lived dream around the sound where she was eating breakfast and her 
cereal kept making strange ringing noises. At last, however, Miranda remembered 
where she was, and realized the origin of the sound. 

"Cursed thing," she grumbled, trying to remember where the edge of the bed was, 
despite there being ample space to stand on either side, "I'll get rid of it 

By the fifth ring, Miranda was sitting on the edge of her bed, shivering naked 
in the morning's chill and looking back over her shoulder at the still sleeping 
form of Misty. Looking warm and content, still wrapped securely in the layers of 
blankets, and somehow blissfully unaware of the cell phone's final piercing 

"Lucky you," the courier said with a smile, reaching back to brush her lover's 
hair from her eyes, envying her immensely. 

Miranda turned back to where the sound had come from, and considered the 
consequences of simply going back to bed. Of just wrapping herself in her 
blankets again, of sharing Misty's warmth and feeling her lover's soft skin 
against her own until sleep came to take her once more.

"This had better be good," she grumbled, leaning forward to dig her watch out of 
pile of clothes she'd set aside for that day, "The world had better need saving 
or I'm breaking someone's kneecaps..."

It took her a moment to recognize the number that scrolled by at her command. 
But the little emergency icon that lit up above it jogged the courier's memory. 
"Why would she need my help?" Miranda inquired of the little jumping rattata 
icon before glaring at her backpack that held her cell phone, "Oh well, 
whatever. I'm sure it's good."

Reluctantly, Miranda pried herself off the bed, staggering slightly and only now 
noticing the unpleasant fuzzy taste in her mouth that only added to her dislike 
for being up that early, as stepped halfheartedly into her Winter jeans and 
gazed longingly at Misty one last time.

In the time they'd been together, sharing beds and joined sleeping bags alike, 
the she had never snored, or ground her teeth, or flailed her arms dangerously 
in her sleep. Misty had been, as she was at that moment, quite. Content to reach 
out and hold onto Miranda with a slight smile crossing her face from time to 
time. A still, unmoving monument to deep contentment and a beautiful reminder of 
the love they both shared. Only now, she was alone. Her hand reaching out to 
where her beloved had been, her fingers desperately gripping at one of Miranda's 
overstuffed pillows, and looking so forlorn that it nearly broke Miranda's heart 
to simply leave her there.

"I love you," whispered the courier, her hand clenched and held against her 
naked chest as she looked down at Misty's sleeping form, wondering which she'd 
feel guiltier for. Leaving her beloved behind, or ignoring whatever medical 
emergency Lavender Town's Nurse Joy was calling her in to assist with. 

"I'll regret this either way," she muttered after a moment, and quickly shuffled 
into the rest of her clothes and grabbed the cursed artifact she called a cell 
phone before quietly leaving the room and heading downstairs.


The kitchen was filled with dull gray light as she walked in, the cold linoleum 
beneath her feet reminding Miranda that she needed a new pair of woolen socks. 
And as she punched the numbers reluctantly into her cell, she spotted the large 
wooden container Bob often kept full of his left over baked goods.

"Joy?" she asked into her phone, using only the right side of her brain, as the 
left couldn't muster the will to be polite that early in the morning.

"Ms. Lilcamp?!" came the desperate, and all too loud voice of the para-
veterinarian, the sounds of the ocean intersplaced by other muttered voices that 
sounded gruff yet equally worried, "Oh good! I'm so glad you're up. I need you 
to bring your gastly down to the South Beach. There's been an accident."

"He's a haunter now," the courier corrected, wincing as she turned down the 
volume and pulled open the small door hopefully, "Why, what's happened?"

"Um, I need someone who- Oh! Hold on!" Joy replied, her voice suddenly muffled 
as she yelled at someone half incoherently before returning to Miranda, "I need 
someone who can put pokemon to sleep."

"Gee, thanks," Miranda chuckled wryly, smiling happily as she yanked a 
reasonably fresh crescent roll out and took a bite.

"No, I mean I need a pokemon with hypnosis!"

"What's wrong with Morticia?" Miranda asked, opening the fridge and shivering as 
she held the phone between her shoulder and cheek in order to grab out the large 
pitcher of orange juice she found.

"Um, the dewgong hit her pretty hard the moment she tried to 'sing'," Joy 
explained, her tone becoming more worried, "I had to 'return' her, and she'll be 
down for at least a few hours..."

"So why me?" Miranda asked, stuffing the rest of her crescent roll into her 
mouth and chewing as quickly as she could, "Why not Zack or somebody? Or just 
get a tranque-rifle brought over?"

"His injuries are quite extensive," Joy explained as Miranda tilted her head 
back and poured the orange juice straight into her mouth, not caring as some of 
it dribbled down her cheeks and landed on her gray woolen socks after dripping 
off her chin, "The drug could kill him. Also, um... You're the only one who's 
answered the call. Sorry."

"Eh, no problem," Miranda assured her, setting down the mostly empty container 
on the counter and trying to belch as quietly as she could into her hand, "I can 
be there in less than five."

"Great!" exclaimed Nurse Joy, unaware that the cell phone was already lying on 
the island counter next to the orange juice, slowly spinning in place as Miranda 
hurried out the front door...


It wasn't the first time Miranda had wished her glasses were photosensitive as 
the wind stung her eyes into tearing up, but that morning ranked fairly high 
upon the list. The sun above seemed as cold, and harsh as the stiff breeze off 
of the water, yet its blinding rays of pale yellow light seemed far more 
offensive than the icy chill that cut through her Fall courier jacket as she 
rode her mountain bike recklessly down the front porch steps.

"I hate days like this," she muttered rhetorically, standing on her pedals to 
make better time as she sped away from 1313 Mockingbird Lane, and cut through 
her neighbor's yard to reach the road leading to Route 12 quicker, "Why can't 
bright and sunny days be warm, and cold days be dark and dreary?"

There seemed no answer, even as she skidded to a halt before the winding 
staircase and left her mountain bike to clatter noisily to the ground as she 
took the stairs two at a time. 

As she went, she glanced up at the mob of seabirds, both mundane and pokemon 
circling overhead and wondered if she wasn't too late. But as Miranda reached 
the halfway mark, a shouted warning broke Miranda from her reverie, causing her 
to react without thinking.

With a panicked shout, the courier leapt over the side of staircase, gripping 
the railing at the next landing as a cone of strange, multicoloured light 
enveloped the entire flight of steps she'd been using. A second alter, and the 
now shimmering wooden stairs shattered into splinters, having reached a 
temperature that neared absolute zero.

"Aurora Beam?" Miranda pondered, glancing down below her dangling feet and out 
across the beach to where a crowd of fisherman cowered behind a determined 
looking woman in a long black cloak.

"Nurse Joy!" Miranda called from her precarious position, swinging her legs 
forward and dropping down onto the next landing below, "What's with that 

The para-vet glanced over her shoulder with a worried expression as Miranda 
sprinted down the stairs and the wounded pokemon that rested several meters away 
from her fired off another blast of unnatural cold.

"Run!" the woman called as Miranda ducked under the cone of prismatic light and 
rolled painfully down the next flight of stairs, "We'll try and distract it!"

"I should be running back up!" Miranda muttered, staggering to her feet and 
hoping the sharp pain in her ankle was nothing serious.

"Come on! Over here!" called the men down on the beach, suddenly running towards 
the water waving his hands as the large aquatic mammal growled angrily and 
targeted him with a crackling blue ice beam.

"Oh, my heroes," said Miranda wryly before slipping and taking the last flight 
of steps sliding on her bottom until the cold sand of the beach stopped her.

"Just great," she grumbled as Joy ran over to her, the woman's heavy cloak 
billowing, and thankfully arachnid free.

"Are you okay?" the para-veterinarian asked, grabbing Miranda's arm and pulling 
her to her feet with surprising strength.

"I'll live," Miranda replied, eyeing the several canisters on Joy's utility belt 
hopefully, "But if you have any of those left after we're done here, I think I 
sprained my ankle."

Joy nodded sympathetically, and looked all the more worried as she helped 
Miranda limp closer to the scene. "If not, I'll get you a new one myself," the 
woman assured, helping Miranda to sit-down as she used a simple trick of 
prestidigitation to summon Wraith's gray/black pokeball to her hand.

"Wraith," she whispered into it as the dewgong turned to face her, it's single 
pointed horn glowing dangerously as several of the fishermen stood to block his 
view, "Stealth mode."

There was a gentle hiss as the ball clicked open and Wraith materialized 
invisibly a short distance away. 'You're hurt,' came his voice in Miranda's 
mind, his tone sounding suspicious as he survived the scene.

"It's nothing," his trainer whispered, activating a second, purple/white ball 
that released Nezumi, "Right now, we have a job to do."

The little rattata materialized out of the crimson glow yawning broadly and 
rubbing his eyes with his free hand. As he stood upon his haunches, a loose 
fitting white bathrobe about his tiny shoulders and a large mug of steaming 
liquid in his right paw, Nezumi looked up at Miranda with the one eye he seemed 
to be able to open and all but glared up at her.

"Eeesshcheeeetthhh," he replied dryly, and incomprehensively, his tone sounding 
dry, hollow, and just a little pained.

"Sorry, dear," Miranda replied, petting his head affectionately as she spoke, 
"But I need your help. You have a way with words, and I need you to distract 
that thing over there long enough for Wraith to put him to sleep. Okay?"

Nezumi nodded warily, his whiskers drooping as he knocked back the rest of his 
coffee and tossed the mug away, discarding the robe before scampering 
compliantly off to assess the situation...


"Whoa!" the rattata exclaimed as he broke through the crowd and came to a 
skidding halt before the wall of rubber booted feet, "What the heck happened to 

The nearly six-foot long, two hundred and sixty-five pounds of blubber, wrapped 
in sleek white fur, and topped with a long, unicorn style horn upon it's 
forehead, backed up by two eighteen inch long tusks that sprouted from its upper 
jaw, turned his attention to Nezumi, and let out an angry yell.

"Stay back!" the dewgong roared, slamming his huge front flippers down upon the 
sand as he tried to pull his bulk forward.

"Hey, uh, like, no problemo, guy!" assured Nezumi, sitting back on his haunches 
and waving his forepaws dismissively, "I, uh, I'm just here ta talk."

"I- I have nothing to say to you, traitor!" the aquatic mammal spat, wincing as 
the enormous tear in his side sent another wave of pain through him, and more of 
his lifeblood stained the cold sand, "You- You have the stench of humans upon 
you! Keep your distance or I'll blast you just like the other one!"

"Aw, come on now," laughed Nezumi, hoping that Wraith wasn't just standing 
around siphoning off the dewgong's pain, "Human's ain't that bad. Heck, if it 
weren't for the Boss Lady, I'd be lunch for some persian by now! And do you know 
what the life expectancy of my kind is in the wild? Practically nil! And ya eat 
a whole lot better with a human as your master, let me tell ya! Wow! Why'll 
never forget that wheal of cheese I got for my birthday last year-!"

"Enough!" the wounded pokemon yelled, the end of his horn glowing brighter with 
a swirling rainbow coloured light, "No more lies! Humans did this to me! And now 
I'm taking as many of you down with me as I ca-!"

The light suddenly faded as the dewgong went slack jawed and his head dropped to 
one side. A moment later, and Nurse Joy ran over to the loudly snoring dewgong 
wielding a white cylinder with strange red markings that Nezumi half recognized.

"'Bout freakin' time Fang Face!" the rattata exclaimed, clutching his heart as 
his pulse raced in his ears, "I thought I was done for!"

"Eh, death ain't THAT bad," replied the haunter with a shrug, "It's just the 
actual 'dying' part that sucks..."


"Nanites do your thing," the para-vet muttered in a worried tone as she sprayed 
the clear liquid over the wound, immediately causing the blood to clot and the 
entire injury take on a peculiar sheen.

"Will he live?" Miranda inquired, limping over before sitting back down in front 
of the beast and petting his head concernedly, "Misty'll have a fit if he 
doesn't pull through."

Joy nodded before waving for the fishermen to disperse. "I wouldn't worry," she 
replied, "I've seen motor boats do worse things to water-types and have them 

"A boat did this?" the courier pondered, noticing for the first time the way the 
long gash was actually made of several unpleasant cuts along the dewgong's left 
flank, each connecting in a gruesome spiraling pattern.

"Probably some tourist," Joy explained, "Some of the fishermen saw them, coming 
up from Maiden's Peak in one of those boats they rent out for day trips. When 
they hit the dewgong, they just laughed. Something about 'one more ghost for the 
Tower' apparently... Must not be from around here."

"Psychos," Miranda muttered bitterly, shaking her head at the audacity of some 
humans, "No respect for life."

"It happens," the para-vet replied, taking a second canister off her belt, "Now 
if you could just roll up your pant leg...?"


"Home at last," Miranda sighed as she quietly turned the handle and opened her 
bedroom door, smiling as she heard the slow, steady sounds of Misty's quiet 

'Miss me?' the courier thought to herself with a smile before sliding back out 
of her clothes and sitting on the edge of the bed to examine her ankle.

'They do good work,' she pondered, rotating her foot experimentally, and 
wondering how many treatments the dewgong would need before his injuries were 
fully healed, 'I hope Uncle Frank finds those reckless tourists, though. I'd 
hate to have to do that again!'

Miranda sighed, stretching out her wary limbs as she recalled having to climb 
past the broken sections of stairwell to get back to her bike, and being 
thankful that even though most people still had to get up to change the channel 
on the TV, at least they could heal a sprained ankle in a matter of seconds. 

"Miri...?" came Misty's quiet voice as her hand touched Miranda's arm, bringing 
a smile to her lips.

"Right here, dearest," she assured, pulling back the covers as Misty opened her 
eyes slightly, smiling back and holding open her arms as Miranda approached, 
"You okay?"

Misty nodded. "I was just dreaming," she yawned, sighing contentedly as she felt 
Miranda's arms encircle her once more, "That you were gone..."

"Duty calls now and then," Miranda replied, but Misty had already fallen asleep 
again, her expression seeming somehow happier than when she had left.

"Alright then," the courier mused, slipping off her glasses and setting them on 
the nightstand, before snuggling closer and shivering as her lover's warmth 
chased away the chill of her skin, "I'll tell ya later. Goodnight again, my 

Onwards to Part 13

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