The Quest: A Fractured Fairy Tale (part 3 of 5)

a Original Fiction fanfiction by Shanejayell

Back to Part 2
Snow White grit her teeth, strands of her black hair
falling into her eyes. "You have got to be joking,"
she sighed wearily, raising her sword unconsciously.

There was a rumbling laugh from the great wolf
standing before her, the five foot tall and
silver-gray furred beast studying her with an faintly
amused expression. One wouldn't have thought that the
wolf's snout, ears and golden eyes could convey such a
range of emotion, but somehow it all seemed to work.

"I rarely joke," the Wolf calmly replied, "the one you
call Charming was here only a day ago, but has moved
on since."

"At least I'm catching up," Snow sighed.

The Wolf regarded her with a faintly predatory
expression. "Of course, there is always the question
if I'll let you continue on your little trip," he
added, moving forward with a slight limp, the healing
scar of a recent wound on his upper leg.

Snow smiled back grimly, glad she was wearing the now
slightly smelly suit of chainmail armor. 'How do
knights do this all the time?' she wondered, moving so
that the sword was ready to strike. "That wouldn't be
a good idea," Snow advised him.

"Oh?" the Wolf twitched an ear curiously.

"You probably could manage to eat me," Snow conceded
as she waved her sword around for emphasis, "but I'll
hurt you worse than you already are. More importantly
trouble will follow me, others coming to avenge me
soon enough."

The Wolf growled deep in the back of it's throat, the
expression now of pure disgust. "You're royalty?" he

"Sorry, but yes," Snow nodded.

Wolf shook his head and complained, "I should have
just stuck with eating the damn pigs." He turned
around stiffly, slowly moving off into the forest but
she could still hear him ask, "Why do you call
Charming a prince?"

"He's of royal blood, of course," Snow answered in

A laugh came from the shadows, "No, that is not what I
meant." Wolf continued, "Charming cannot be a prince
because she is a woman."

"You're certain?" Snow managed to get past her shock.

The Wolf's final comment was simple, "I smelled it."

Snow stood there a moment on the path, then she shook
herself. "I still have to find Charming, if only to
get some answers," she murmured to herself. She
whistled loudly, piercing the silence then called out,

The sound of hooves on the hard ground signaled her
stallion's arrival and Snow smiled happily as the
great beast neared, long red mane and tail flowing in
the soft breeze. She grasped the saddle horn and
pulled herself up into the saddle stiffly, settling
into place with a sigh. A gentle tap of her boot heels
sent them off down the road even as the stallion made
a soft questioning sound, somewhere deep in the back
of his throat.

"The Wolf was gentlemanly," Snow reassured him as they
continued on through the shade of the trees, "I'm
fine." They moved down the road and she smiled
slightly as she revealed, "We are less than a day
behind Charming, it seems."

The High Queen's lands that they were traveling
through were prosperous, a beautiful region, but Snow
largely ignored the sights as they reached the highway
and continued on to the west, the last direction they
had for the wayward Charming. 'Charming is a woman?'
she thought, thinking back to the time she had seen

It was certainly possible, she had to concede. The
beautiful blonde boy had delicate features, almost
feminine, and while he had been strong there was no
reason in truth a woman could not have been. While
there had been no sign of breasts that was easily
explained by the armor, in truth Snow found herself
mistaken for a man in her own dress.

"So how upset will Rose be when I tell her about
this?" Snow wondered aloud, noting a marker indicating
there was a town just a few hours ahead of them. With
a smile she urged her horse forward, looking forward
to a warm bath, bedding and possibly clean clothes
even as Rosebud probably was for a clean stall and
good hay.

The town was a larger one, a walled keep out on the
edge of the High Queen's lands, likely intended to
help defend a valuable trading route. The walls
towered nearly twenty feet high all around, while a
small town extended out around the central keep
itself. The buildings were a mix of stone and wood,
signs handing out for various shops, people's homes
sandwiched in between the stores.

The inn was nearer to the keep, probably established
shortly after the keep itself was. Snow checked out
the stables first, looking over the stalls and finding
them to be both clean and well constructed. Leaving a
few coins with a page she walked away, pausing only to
warn the boy to be very cautious around her horse.
Rosebud huffed out a disappointed noise and Snow

The innkeeper looked up as she entered, taking the
details of her appearance in a glance. "Another
adventurer," he grumbled, his long black hair falling
in a graceful wave down his back.

'It couldn't be,' Snow thought with dawning hope. "I'd
like a room for the night," she said to him crisply,
reaching for her money pouch.

"One silver," he grunted.

Snow set two of her gleaming silver coins down on the
desk as she said, "What was that about another

The big man studied the coin a moment, finally nodding
in satisfaction when he was sure they were both real.
"Aye," he met her eyes and said, "the man's horse lost
a shoe an' the smithy is right busy, couldn't get to
it until today."

"Do you know where he is?" Snow asked eagerly.

"Out in the common room, last I checked," the
innkeeper looked at her a bit warily. "There ain't
gonna be trouble, is there?" he asked.

"I'll try not to," Snow answered, dropping another
coin on the desk. Ignoring his surprise she strode
down the hall, deciding to check the inn's common room

The air carried the sweet smoke of tobacco along with
food and drink. The tables were set up evenly apart,
crowded with people, and loud conversation went on
between the people. Merchants, farmers and town people
all mingled together, their clothes reflecting a wide
range of class and wealth. And in one corner, a figure
sat apart from everyone else.

The blonde hair framed a face that was almost too
pretty for a man's, blue eyes looking down
contemplatively into a drink. Charming was dressed
much as Rose was, battered armor and a fine cloak, and
from a distance she certainly looked much like a man.

Charming looked up from her drink as Rose approached,
her eyes widening, "You."

"You aren't very easy to track down," Rose sighed,
grabbing a chair and sitting down across from her,
"I've been chasing after you for weeks." Now that she
was so near, yes, she could be certain this prince was
a woman. The glaring absence of a Adam's apple, the
delicate cheeks, so many qualities added up. 'So why
didn't I see it before?' she wondered.

"So," Charming sighed as she took a drink of her ale
then asked, "have you come to avenge your sister's

"But Rose Red said you...." Snow trailed off. What
Rose had said was that Charming hadn't used a sword on
her, metaphorically speaking. That didn't rule out
much, really. "No," Snow sighed, "I've come to bring
you back to Rose."

There was a haunted look in Charming's eyes as she
said, "It could never work,"

"I assume my sister knows your true nature?" Snow
asked. She sighed once Charming nodded, "Remind me to
smack her one for leaving that little detail out."

Charming's eyes flashed, "Don't you dare."

Snow smiled, "I knew that you cared for her."

A faint blush colored Charming's cheeks. "And how
upset will your mother the Queen be about this?" she
asked with a sigh.

"You know, I've always wondered why she prefers having
so many female guards around," Snow answered her
dryly. She looked over at Charming thoughtfully and
asked the question that had been bothering her for
awhile, "So how did you get into this, anyway?"

"I was the last daughter of five," Charming sighed,
"and my mother named us for the qualities she wanted
in her daughters. Grace, Virtue, Serenity, Honor and
myself, Charming."

"Must have been interesting," Snow smiled slightly.

Charming nodded slightly, "As the last child I wanted
to go out to make my way in the world, and my family
reluctantly agreed." She smiled wryly, "I didn't set
out to be mistaken for a man, it just kind of happened
that way....."

Onwards to Part 4

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