Neo Comet Swordsman Saizaki: War of Magics (part 7 of 13)

a Original Fiction fanfiction by Kaiser

Back to Part 6
Hunting You


Special Mission Corp's Temporary Camp, Ravensburg 

"I can't believe that many people died in the battle..."

Saizaki stalked around the tent until he leaned himself up next to the 
wooden stake in the middle of it. Across from him was Rainhande, wiping 
dried up blood from the Lightning Tooth with a damp cloth. On the other 
side of Rainhande was Lilia, with a quiet frown of disbelief on her 
face. And she wasn't alone. The events had shaken everyone up, really. 
For two days the remaining soldiers of the Special Mission Corps 
travelled west to escape from Diana's small army. The troops at the 
southern line were too busy fighting off the Covenant's main army to 
offer help to them. And the closest full scale base for the Order of 
Light was way to the northeast, further than they could go without any 
form of transportation. 

So they headed west, away from Munich and Rosenheim. It was a small 
town, but they would be moving on in the morning. They had been 
travelling by foot for days now. Food was running low and in truth, 
there was nowhere for them to go. They could have gone back to the 
Palace of Freiheit, but by now the Covenant soldiers were taking it and 
Munich herself over. 

Rainhande replied to Saizaki. "275 men were killed in the attack. It was 
mostly the elite soldiers who managed to escape with us. Almost all the 
trainees were killed. I suppose it just goes to show us the strength of 
the enemy."

Saizaki crossed his arms. "Man. Does this mean the Special Mission Corps 
is finished?"

"I am afraid so," Rainhande said passionlessly. "We have lost much in 
the attack. And, if the swords were not in our possession, it is quite 
possible that the entire Special Mission Corps would have been 

Lilia shook her head. "But we weren't. The Corps still live. As long as 
we believe in ourselves then we can still win this war. We just can't 
lose hope."

"You think?" Saizaki asked sceptically, "Because after seeing Diana in 
action... I've really been thinking about how this war will pan out. 
Unless the main armies can push back the Covenant troops at the southern 
border and march back up to Munich, Diana can do what she likes in this 
half of Neo-Germany. She could even hunt us down and we'd be defenceless 
against her."

A deathly silence fell upon the three of them. And Lilia looked to the 
ground in sadness. Though it was a horrible situation to admit, Saizaki 
was right. They were in a horrifying position. There were less than 
sixty soldiers left at this camp. A small number remained in the Palace 
of Freiheit. Some of the remaining group wanted to go back to Munich and 
rescue them. But Aarin had ordered against. He (and everyone else 
really) knew that the Palace of Freiheit was no longer theirs. Now all 
Aarin seemed worried about was getting the swords away from Diana and 
her crew. 

Lilia turned to Rainhande. "Where is Commander Highland?"

"He left for the Great Hall of Ogma to speak with the council this 
morning. Some people from Ravensburg managed to find a suitable horse 
for him. He should be back by morning."

Still, the girl had her worries. "Do you think it's safe for him to 
travel the Neo-German countryside alone now?"

"Not entirely," Rainhande continued to wipe blood from his sword, "But 
one man on his own will not attract much attention. The Commander should 
be fine as long as he keeps a low profile."

Saizaki spoke after a while. "What about the soldiers left in the Palace 
of Freiheit?"

"They..." Rainhande stopped cleaning his sword for a moment, "Cannot be 

"What do you mean, cannot be helped?"

The Neo-German youth sighed. "Because they are isolated there. As you 
said, Diana's forces could be anywhere. And they have most likely gone 
after Munich. Venturing back there would be a waste in effort. And would 
just end with our deaths. Surely you have the wits to see that?"

"So you'll just sit there, cleaning your sword, while those guys just 
lay down and die without a single person coming to help them? Well 
aren't you a caring little bastard."

That was one rude remark too many. Rainhande looked up at an angry 
Saizaki. But offered the Japanese man stern eyes of cool contempt. The 
Captain stood onto his feet, and walked up to Saizaki, coming face to 
face with him. Lilia watched this anxiously. She always knew that 
tensions would reach a peak between these two, but not now. Not after 
all that has happened.

Rainhande tried (in vain) to keep his antipathy in check. "I am your 
commanding officer, Lieutenant Seisuji. So if you wish to disrespect me, 
be aware of the consequences."

"What, you'll slap me on the wrist?" Saizaki retorted, "You know, I'm 
getting real sick and tired of your holier-than-thou attitude, 

 Rainhande's eyes narrowed. "...I am warning you..."

"A warning?" Saizaki continued his verbal jabs, just to get a rise out 
of Rainhande. "Well isn't that just the cat's ass! Tell you what, why 
don't you call me when I give a fuck."

That was it. Whatever restraint that Rainhande had holding him back was 
blown into the winds. The German swordsman grabbed Saizaki by the 
collar, and glared daggers at him, fully ready to land a blow with his 
fist. "I have had it up to here with your insubordination, Saizaki!"

The Japanese guy merely grinned. "C'mon! Gimme your best shot, 

"Stop it!" Lilia wouldn't allow something like this to happen. Not when 
she had the power to prevent it. The girl instantly went up to the two 
warring soldiers and tried her best to push them apart. "Both of you 
just calm down! This is neither the time nor the place for us to be 
arguing! We have to concentrate on our next move and work as a team! 

Neither Saizaki or Rainhande wanted to upset Lilia. But the animosity 
between those two was reaching a whole new level. Yet they still had 
enough of their senses to know that this really was not the time. 
Rainhande acted first, lowering his fist and releasing his grip on 
Saizaki's collar. The two glared at each other, still burning with 
distrust and distaste. Saizaki scowled at him, then walked away, out of 
the tent and into the cooling night air. The young man walked past the 
other soldiers, who sat around camp fires and talked of the failed 
mission. He blocked all of that out and walked over to the limits of the 

He said nothing, just stuffed his hand into his pocket and fished out a 
pack of cigarettes. One of few luxuries left over from the Pre-Comet 
world (in Saizaki's opinion). The brown haired boy removed one from the 
pack, put the rest away and lit it with a spare lighter. Then Saizaki 
held the cigarette it to his chilled lips and enjoyed it, breathing a 
puff of smoke through his nostrils. 

Smoking was an guilty habit that he had taken up from Setsuya. But it 
had one handy use. Smoking helped to calm him down. And he needed that 
right now. Because things were really beginning to look desperate. Out 
here in the wilderness, they were sitting ducks for Diana's army. But 
they couldn't leave until Aarin got back. No matter which way you looked 
at it, this situation was dire. 

And Saizaki was running out of ways to cope with the pressure.


The Great Hall of Ogma, Schrobenhausen, Neo-Germany

Once again Aarin found himself in the darkness, on the spotlight, 
surrounded by the pretentious council of the Order. But this time they 
were even more reserved than they had been before. Which was surprising 
considering the circumstances surrounding them. Diana and her forces 
were very close to conquering the southern half of Neo-Germany. With no 
significant force to stop them... 

Aarin growled under his breath, watching the surrounding council eye 
him. "I cannot believe this is such a difficulty. The Special Mission 
Corps is on its last legs, thanks to your half-baked attack plan. I 
warned you of the consequences of failure and you did not heed those 
warnings. I would have thought that the least the council could do would 
be to send some troops from the front line to aid us."

"You're the military commander here, Aarin." One of them retorted. 
"Battle tactics are not our forte in the least. We simply told you what 
we wanted."

"...Why you-" Aarin's fist shook in his rage. These council members 
never ceased to infuriate him. Soldiers were dying for these people and 
they didn't seem to care a lick. 

Another spoke before Aarin lost his temper. "Calm down, Commander 
Highland. This situation calls for haste not chagrin. Despite the losses 
we sustained in Rosenheim, there were many benefits. For one thing, we 
have seen the power of the swords. And we are... pleased with this 
power. And-"

Aarin shook his head. "Please tell me that the battle of Rosenheim was 
not just an excuse that you used to see the power of swords...?"

"Do not interrupt me, Commander," The council-member said before 
continuing, "As I was saying, we are pleased with the power of the 
swords. Reports say that many of the enemy were taken down with us as a 
result of their strength. Second of all, the Order now knows what it is 
truly up against in the south of Neo-Germany. And thirdly, we have 
learned that Diana Angelinous is outside of Neo-England. Which presents 
a brilliant opportunity..."

That had Aarin quite curious. "...What do you mean by that?"

"This war is a dying battle," He told the Neo-Englishman, "Even though 
we unified with the Neo World Federation again after 51 years; and 
resurrected three of the four sacred swords, it still was not enough. 
Battles of attrition against the Covenant of Sorcerers will not work. 
Not any longer. They will surely seize the world if we do not prevent 
it. There is only one thing left to do..."

"Which is?" Aarin asked.

The council-member smiled from the darkness. "The assassination of Al 
Gul Jehed."

"What?!" Aarin really was not prepared for something like that. "Are you 

He nodded to the swordfighter. "Deathly serious. The council have agreed 
on a unanimous vote that Al Gul Jehed must die for this war to end. He 
is the icon. The thread that binds all facets of the Covenant as one 
whole. His death would send shockwaves through the enemy armies. We 
could then use the confusion that they would be thrown it to, by 
striking. And smashing their offensive with our maximum force. This is 
only plan left."

Aarin gritted his teeth. "I can guess who you want to kill him. The 
three sword wielders."

"Correct," Another man answered.

He guessed as much. The council had to be insane. Killing Al Gul Jehed? 
He was the most powerful known magic-user walking the face of the earth. 
If Saizaki and others could not defeat Diana with the swords, what 
chance did they have against Al Gul?

"This is another of your hapless plans," The old master remarked. 
"Cooked on a whim, just like Rosenheim was. Do you not understand 
mortality? This is not a game of chess. Those soldiers have just come 
out of a battle they might never forget! And now you wish to put them 
into a crackpot assassination attempt that may end up with their deaths? 
You have no right to toy with people's lives like this!"

One of the other council members raised his voice. "Stand down, 
Commander! You are out of line! This is the only option available. Who 
else but the three soldiers carrying the swords in our name, could 
defeat him? This is for the survival of world as we know it!"

That was the one notion that kept Aarin from shunning this plan any 
further. The idea that this was the last option. The only trump card 
they had left to play. And although he hated the idea of dragging 
Saizaki and the others into battle again; he had other people to think 
about. He had a daughter (Rowena) and three grandchildren (Kathryn, 
Nastasia and Aarin jnr) to think about. They fled Neo-England after the 
death of their mother, Aarin's beloved late wife, Gwendolyn. Because of 
this war they were living in a Neo-Russian town, in hiding. If there was 
the slightest possibility that they could have their lives back with the 
end of this war... then Aarin had to take it. No matter what he thought 
of it.

Aarin lowered his anger, in defeat. "Fine. What is the council's plan?"


Prasutagus Manor, Greenwashe, Cath Maige Tuired

"Bonnie... you did all of this...?"

Rhiannon was flabbergasted. She knew that Bonnie was going to make an 
effort tonight but to go this far? The Highland Woman sat upon the thin 
multi-coloured blanket that had been laid out over this particular patch 
of grass. They were at the manor, but in the back gardens rather than 
the house itself. It was night now. The moon hung high above them, 
illuminating all that needed to be seen. Including Bonnie's spread for 
the day. The gentle magic-user kneeled to the ground beside Rhiannon and 
showed off all that she had done. They hadn't had a midnight picnic in a 
while but now felt like no better time to do this. And Bonnie had set 
out so much for the two of them. Three different kinds of cheeses cut 
into small chunks, crackers, two bushels of grapes (one red the other 
one green), at least six sandwiches each of which with a completely 
different filling, a bowl of chocolate strawberries and to top it all 
off; a bottle of expensive-looking red wine alongside two empty glasses. 
The candle acting as a kind of centrepiece did a lot to add to the 
romantic side of all this. Such a spread made Rhiannon remember how much 
of an effort Bonnie made for the relationship whenever they were 

Bonnie clapped her hands together. "Oh, I just knew you'd like it! I was 
actually planning to do something like this the last time you came to 
Cath Maige Tuired but we never got the chance. As soon as you settled 
down you had to leave again. So when I found out that you'd be the one 
protecting me before the sealing rites took place, I thought I'd do this 
for you when you got here, Rhiannon."

"Oh Bonnie, you're such a cutie," The redhead leaned over to Bonnie 
curled her thin fingers under the blonde's cheek, and planted a firm but 
oh-so-loving kiss upon the beautiful pink lips of hers, "You're always 
thinking of others. I'm glad you did this. The sealing rites start soon. 
I wanted us to spend a night together before that happens. As soon as 
it's over... I'll have to leave again."

Bonnie's expression became downcast at the thought of that. For such a 
naturally happy girl, she tended to lose that cheer when Rhiannon was 
taken away from her by those soldierly duties of hers. And when Rhiannon 
saw that look of sadness in Bonnie's eyes, she tried to break some of it 
purely by reflex.

"Hey," She said assuring, running her hand through Bonnie's blonde hair, 
"Look, I know that it's hard. But we don't have to dwell on it. Lets 
just enjoy ourselves right now, okay?"

That really didn't do anything to make Bonnie more at ease with the 
prospect of being left behind again while Rhiannon up and went out for 
war. After all, Bonnie couldn't stand the thought of Rhiannon dying out 
there on some lonely battlefield. But if anything, the idea that they 
should spend as much of each other's time now as possible was a charmer. 
And it wasn't like Bonnie had the power to deny Rhiannon anything. She 
had known from long ago that she was falling for the Highland girl. A 
reluctance to argue was just another facet of that love and emotion 
Bonnie felt.

The girl nodded to the soldier. "Uh huh."

"Good." Then Rhiannon leaned over and picked up one of the glasses that 
Bonnie had left out for the two of them. She took the un-corked bottle 
of red wine (year 2112) and poured some of it into the glass, "Take 

Bonnie took the glass from Rhiannon's hand while the redhead poured 
herself another glass. Then setting down the bottle, she lifted her 
glass to her lips and took a sip, saying, "I want you to know that there 
is nothing I wouldn't do for you, Bonnie."

"I know that, Rhiannon." The blonde smiled brightly as ever and leaned 
into Rhiannon once more, pressing their lips together. The two kissed 
under the haughty moon and its subjects, the stars. Moments in time that 
Rhiannon wished could last forever."


St. Paul's Cathedral, London, Neo-England

In the three months since Al Gul came to the Cathedral of St. Paul's, it 
had really undergone some changes. Though the arches still crumbled and 
rotted, the statues destroyed, the ruins were seeing a new light. The 
glass had been given new life with magic, paned with bright 
multi-coloured flair. The floor pathway leading up to the throne-like 
chair in the centre of the Great Hall had been re-stoned. All symbols of 
the former Christianity had been purged from this place. The images of 
Jesus and God, the crosses, bible books, all had been burned by Al Gul 
Jehed in his zeal. His zeal for the creation of a new order. And on that 
throne, was the Warlock King himself.

Al Gul Jehed.

The man smiled, one of his magic-brandishing hands clutching the armrest 
of his throne. The other was at his chin, his bony fingers running 
through the smoky grey hair of his long beard. He said in his usual 
robes of black and gold, with a small smile across his wrinkled face. 
Kneeling before his throne was the staff-mistress, Esperanza D'Laine. 
She had brought him news from the Neo-German front, provided to her by 
Diana Angelinous herself. 

"Lord Jehed," Esperanza began, "Diana just gave me the 411. She 
successfully pushed back the Special Mission Corps when they attacked 

The necromancer smirked cheerfully. "Excellent, I must remind myself to 
reward Diana for all her efforts after the Neo-Germany Safe Zone has 
been conquered. The Special Mission Corps have always been a thorn in 
the side of my plans. What of the three remaining sacred swords? Does 
she have them?"

"No sir," Esperanza replied. "The three people using the swords got 
away... including the guy I met with... Saizaki Seisuji."

Al Gul thought for a second. "Hmm. It seems the fate of the Seisuji 
family is tied in with those swords. First Keijiro finds them in the 
innards of the Genesis Comet. His son, Setsuya, used one of them to kill 
the legendary knight, Zephaniah. And now the son of Setsuya-- this 
'Saizaki' boy; is using the very same sword to oppose me. It seems that 
fate has bound the Seisuji family to the swords of legend. And I foresee 
that the swords will have an impact on our future. That means the 
Seisuji legacy will threaten mine. Unless I end that family once and for 

"Huh?" Esperanza blinked. Surely Al Gul couldn't mean to... kill 
Saizaki? "Do you really think Saizaki is that much of an issue? I 
think... that he would make a great soldier for our cause." 

Al Gul continued to smile. "Maybe. But what makes you think like this, 
Esperanza? Surely you do not have feelings for this man, do you?"

"Guh!!" Either this wizard was psychic or Esperanza was being completely 
obvious. "What in the world makes you say that?!" 

Al Gul Jehed lowered his brow, giving a little smirk. "You may go now, 

Well that was a little bit of a shocker. In more ways than one. There 
was the fact that Al Gul knew Esperanza had a little thing for Saizaki. 
And the fact that Esperanza had feelings for Saizaki at all. And being a 
soldier for the opposing army, well that just made the situation a bit 
more complicated. Esperanza hauled herself to her feet and then nodded 
to Al Gul Jehed. She left directly after that, walking back to the 
surrounding corridors of the Great Hall. In her mind, there was a 
question burning that had yet to be answered. 

What were her feelings for Saizaki?

Onwards to Part 8

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