Descent: Child of Shadows (part 2 of 22)

a Original Fiction fanfiction by Shanejayell

Back to Part 1
        She stumbled a bit, walking down the lonely street, making 
herself as small as she could in the safety of her battered 
trenchcoat. It was cold, the breath puffing whitely in the night air, 
but she continued onward tiredly. There was a motion up ahead in the 
alley, and a figure leapt from the shadows. The knife he carried shone 
silver, cutting through the air like a sword, it sliced where her head 
should have been, but she was gone.

        The pale young woman rose up majestically, all signs of 
tiredness gone as she shrugged the coat aside. She grabbed him by the 
front of his shirt, the black clad woman's eyes glowing softly in the 
darkness. He struggled frantically, his eyes bugging out, but he 
couldn't break free. There was something in her face that seemed to 
strike terror into him, despite her seeming beauty.

        "I've been looking for you for days," Descent murmured softly, 
"I almost left this area, moved on into another part of town."

        "Let go of me," he squeaked weakly, greasy black hair falling 
into his eyes. sweat poured down his face, his breath coming faster.

        "After how long I searched for you, killer?" her voice came 
out a soft whisper. Descent smiled grimly, "I don't think so."

        Descent began to speak softly, the glow around her eyes 
becoming brighter and brighter. She met his gaze even as he struggled 
to turn away, whimpering softly in the back of his throat. Oddly he 
began to relax as the staredown continued, finally slumping in her 

        "That's the knife that you used on the other girls you killed, 
isn't it?" Descent finally asked him. When he nodded sluggishly she 
continued on, "I want you to turn yourself into the police, confess, 
and give them the knife."

        "Don't wanna," he muttered weakly.

        The smile Descent gave him was chilling. "Turn yourself in, or 
you can face me," her voice dropped to a dangerous purr. "Chose, now."

        She let him go, the man stumbling out the alley and she 
followed him after quickly reaching the rooftops. The nearest police 
station wasn't too far away, and he went on inside just like she had 
ordered him to. Only a few moments later she heard the bedlam break 
out there as he confessed, and she smiled coldly.

        'Looks like that geas I put him under worked,' Descent mused. 
She leapt down to the street, pausing a moment to take in her 

        The face and form that looked out of the window was nearly 
perfectly human, but only nearly. The skin was still oddly pale, the 
face just a touch too angular. Her hair was as dark as a raven's wing, 
almost unnaturally so. But it was the eyes that were most distinctive, 
piercing, almost red irised eyes that needed to be shielded behind 
sunglasses if she was going to talk to anyone casually.

        "Hey, Anne!" the voice cried out as the little blonde ran up 
towards her.

        Descent paused, and had to think for a moment to remember the 
name that she had given while searching in this neighborhood. The 
sunglasses slid into place as she turned around, the simple black 
clothes hugging her slim body. "Yes Lisa?" she asked softly.

        "Are you busy tonight?" Lisa asked. She hesitated before 
continuing on, "I've got a special job tonight, but it needs two 

        Descent blinked in surprise. She hadn't actually claimed to be 
a prostitute while asking her questions about the slasher, but 
obviously Lisa had jumped to that conclusion. Part of her wanted to 
turn the girl down flat, but she was curious...

        "What sort of job?" Descent asked curiously.

        "What the Japanese like to call a subsi-date," Lisa explained, 
"paying us for our company but nothing more than that."

        "What's the catch?" Descent frowned, picking up on Lisa's 

        "You're a sharp one, Anne," Lisa admitted. She looked down a 
bit uncomfortably, "It's a double date, and both the customers are 

        Women... Descent had thought about that sort of thing before, 
but only in the most abstract terms. She hadn't been a beautiful 
woman, before, and hadn't dated much. If at all, honestly. The idea of 
going out with a woman was oddly interesting.

        "I'll go with you," Descent finally said, "but if I don't like 
the looks of it, I'm leaving."

        "Oh, thank you," Lisa surprised her with a sudden hug.

        The townhouse was surprisingly classy, in an expensive part of 
town. Lisa rang the door bell, and only moments later the door opened 
into a warm front hall. The brunette gave them a disdainful look as 
she said, "The mistress of the house is waiting upstairs." Turning 
around with military precision she continued, "Follow me."

        'I don't think I like her,' Descent noted, the girl's attitude 
clearly grating on her. For a moment she was tempted to give her a bit 
of the evil eye, but restrained herself. 'Plenty of time to do that 
later if needed,' she thought grimly.

        The hallways they walked through were beautifully decorated, 
almost enough to take one's breath away. Expensive drapery, paintings, 
and the occasional piece of fine pottery on a pedestal were placed in 
the halls, all the symbols of great wealth. Much like the beautiful 
maid, also a symbol that whomever lived here could afford to employ 

        'So why do they need to hire dates?' she wondered.

        The parlor they entered was old fashioned, but clearly 
designed that way. None of the furnishings were all that old, they 
were just in older styles, set up to resemble a room from a long lost 
age. A redhead rose from her hair by the fire in a dramatic gesture, 
her long green gown flowing around her body.

        "You've arrived at last," she had a whisky smooth voice, the 
redhead. The glow of the fire gave her body a golden hue, but her skin 
was bone white otherwise. When she spoke her teeth flashed silvery, 
something a bit... odd there.

        The woman in the other chair finished her goblet of wine 
before setting it down on a tray beside her. She rose sensuously, her 
body filling out her gown with a more earthy body, her eyes heavy 
lidded as the brown haired lady looked at Descent. "And a lovely 
companion you've brought for me, Lisa," she smiled, and her teeth 
gleamed, especially her fangs.

        Lisa stumbled forward, falling to her knees beside the 
redhead, "I've brought the new one here, mistress, as you commanded 

        "What a good little thrall," the redhead reached down to 
stroke Lisa's hair, and the girl moaned out her pleasure.

        'Vampires,' Descent thought, feeling the power of the two 
women's presence washing over her. An ordinary woman would have 
succumbed to them immediately, but her mind remained relatively clear 
so far.

        "I am called... Dominique," the redhead declared. Descent 
couldn't help a snort of laughter, and Dominique looked startled, 
"What's so funny?"

        Descent fought a smile, "I kind of doubt your mother named you 

        The brown haired woman had to smile too, "You must admit, it's 
far better that being Stacy from New Jersey." She gave Descent a 
thoughtful look, "I call myself Nocturne, Anne."

        "At least you're honest," Descent answered softly. Putting a 
little fearful quaver into her voice she softly asked the vampire, 
"What are you going to do with me?"

        "Fear not," Nocture stroked Descent's long black hair back, 
savoring the texture. "We'll have some fun with you, then we'll 
entrance you and take the memory of this night away. You'll find 
yourself back on the street, a pocket full of money, and pleasant 
memories of a regular night out," she kissed Descent's neck gently, 
sucking a bit to bring up a hickey.

        Looking up, Lisa was sprawled back in one of the fine chairs. 
Dominique had the girl's blouse open, sucking on pointy little 
nipples. Lisa cooed softly as hands began to stroke up her thighs, 
spreading her legs so that her already short skirt rose up even more. 
Dominique chuckled wickedly, kissing the girl intensely.

        Descent shuddered softly, realizing that she didn't sense and 
deception from the vampiress. Softly she said, "I'm not quite... 
normal. My blood might taste very unpleasant to you."

        Nocturne gave her a sultry little smile, "Who said I was 
interested in your blood? That I can get from any blood bank in the 

        Descent smiled slightly, puffing out a nervous breath, "Brace 
yourself." She took off her sunglasses, her odd, piercing eyes exposed 
to the vampiress.

        Nocturne's hands stilled for a moment, then went up to gently 
stroke Descent's face. "So bold," she murmured, pressing their lips 
together, "striking."

        The two moved towards the unoccupied chair and Descent softly 
confessed that, "I'm a bit inexperienced at all this."

        Nocturne pushed her back onto the chair, laying over her dark 
haired lover. "You won't be able to say that after tonight," she 
murmured, and kissed her again.

Onwards to Part 3

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