Chasers 2075 (part 17 of 48)

a Original Fiction fanfiction by Shanejayell

Back to Part 16
        The police records office was quiet, or as quiet as it ever got. 
Mostly the automated systems performed the data retrieval now, all the 
human officers having been sent home for the night while their 
replacements were still checking in. A few androids walked the tight 
corridors in between the humming data-banks, cleaning and maintaining 
the primary systems.

        At least, most of the androids were at work.

        "If we're caught, you know what'll happen to us right?" the 
redheaded android nervously demanded of her companion.

        "The we'll be taken off line," the dark haired one shot back, 
"maybe a little faster than we might have been otherwise, Ariko."

        "A good point," Ariko nodded slightly. She looked down at the 
pile of data modules that her friend was scanning and asked, "What are 
we looking for, Yume?"

        Yume concentrated on her work as she answered, "Any records on 
the police's long range plans for android containment."

        Yume wasn't terribly beautiful, simply an maintenance type, but 
like all androids she had been made to be pleasing to the eye. Her only 
unusual marking was the scar along her cheek, where a cutting accident 
had torn the artificial skin. Her owner had simply used a sealer to 
close up the gash without paying any more attention to a purely cosmetic 

        Personally, Ariko thought it made her look quite striking. She 
herself was a public relations type, so not only was she very 
attractive, she was created to be eloquent as well. She had even 
scribbled out a few poems in tribute to Yume, though she would never 
show them to her.

        "Thank you for coming along," Yume added quietly. "I don't know 
if I would have been able to talk myself past the guard without your 
help," she said.

        Ariko blushed, "You're welcome."

        "I think we've got it," Yume disconnected the leads and slid the 
small recorder away. Looking terribly businesslike they strode out past 
the guards with relative ease, Ariko occasionally speaking up to 
simplify their passage.

        They reached their vehicle a few cubits away from the offices, 
and Ariko flopped into her seat with a loud sigh of relief. "We made 
it," Ariko grinned at Yume.

        "That we did," Yume agreed. She started the car up smoothly, and 
they slid into the traffic stream going to Lowtown. She hesitated, "You 
know we were likely caught on the security cameras in there. It doesn't 
effect me, I'm already in the underground, but you..."

        "I was planing to go underground eventually anyway," Ariko 
quickly reassured her companion, "I guess I'll just have to slip away 
from my City Hall job a bit ahead of schedule." She looked over at Yume 
and nervously asked, "I suppose you couldn't help out a freewill who's 
new to the underground, could you?"

        Yume smiled back happily, "I'd be glad to help."

        Nyara smiled at the two young women, accepting the recording 
device from them gratefully. "Nicely done, both of you," she said.

        "Anything for the cause," Ariko said quietly, just a bit awed at 
meeting the mysterious Nyara for the first time.

        "Don't tell her that," Yume smiled, "she'd probably hold you to 

        Nyara chuckled at that even as she watched the two of them move 
off into the noisy crowd of both human and android supporters. The rally 
for android rights was almost the perfect place to hold this sort of 
drop off, as there were such large numbers of people involved that only 
two people were almost untraceable in the mob.

        "I'm surprised you didn't try to get that information from 
Beth," Christa asked her quietly as they moved off together.

        Nyara smiled up at her white haired lover, "I don't want to risk 
compromising Beth unless it's information that we cannot acquire another 

        "And you like her," Christa added with a smile.

        "And I like her," Nyara agreed with a rueful smile. She looked 
thoughtful, "I wish that I understood why, though. I know that someday 
she may well be the one to put a bullet through my spine, but still..."

        "Despite being in the Chasers, she's a good woman," Christa said 
with a shrug. More quietly, "In fact, from all our research it's 
beginning to look like the Chasers aren't the boogieman that we had 
thought they were."

        Nyara made a non-committal sound at that, not necessarily 
agreeing or disagreeing with her. "Any luck making contact with Dr. 
Jameson?" she asked.

        "No," Christa shook her head grimly. "The good doctor is still 
remaining in contact with the public groups working for android rights, 
but she's cut off all contact with any members of the underground," she 

        "Do we know why?" Nyara looked up at Christa worriedly.

        "She broke off contact shortly after the photos of Kate Williams 
were distributed to the picketers around Chasers headquarters," Christa 

        Nyara winced visibly at that, "A grave tactical error on my 

        "You didn't know that there'd be a backlash against the 
movement," Christa protested, remembering the uproar in the newsfeeds 
over that. With a slight smile she added, "Remember, hindsight is always 

        Nyara blinked, "What does that mean?"

        "Old human saying," Christa smiled, "it means that when you look 
back at something you always see it clearer that when you were actually 
there, in the moment."

        "Very true," Nyara admitted. The politics part of the rally was 
winding down, and it was beginning to change into a party all around 
them. She looked up at Christa as the music started, "Would you like to 
dace as an expression of human/android solidarity?"

        "No," Christa stayed entirely deadpan, "but I would love to take 
my lover out on the dance floor. All right?"

        Nyara sighed happily, "I thought you'd never ask.

        "They look cute, dancing together," Ariko said softly.

        "That they do," Yume agreed. She looked down at her friend 
thoughtfully, "Have you ever danced before?"

        "No," Ariko blushed

        "It's easy," Yume surprised her by gently taking her into her 
arms. "One two three... One two three... One two three," she guided her 
across the dance floor, not noticing the other girl's blush.

        "Thank you," Ariko squeaked out nervously.

Onwards to Part 18

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