Chasers 2075 (part 12 of 48)

a Original Fiction fanfiction by Shanejayell

Back to Part 11
Jen sat in the command chair, looking clearly uncomfortable. But Gwen 
was off on some mysterious errand, Kate and Beth were off duty, and that 
meant that she was the senior officer. To make manners worse, the young 
man on the computers was almost completely silent.

"Any new reports?" Jen asked.

"Nope," was the simple reply.

Jen sighed. 'If he's like this all night, I don't think I could stand 
it,' she thought. "You want some coffee?" she tried asking.

"Yep," he said.

Jen grit her teeth, and went to get the coffee pot. 'I'm going to need 
it,' she thought grimly. She poured herself a cup of coffee, and left 
the pot out for him, too. She went back to her seat and gazed at the 
monitors, 'Wonder what everyone else is doing tonight?'

The restaurant was crowded, and Gwen navigated through the mob with 
ease. 'Must be a popular place,' she thought. The dark haired Asian 
woman reached the table and pulled out a seat before saying, "You 

Dr. Alexis Jameson smiled, "I'm glad you could get away." She pushed her 
black hair back, "Can you stay for dinner?"

"Yes," Gwen nodded, "but not much longer than that. Any progress with 

The psychiatrist smiled, "Surprisingly, yes." The waiter came up to the 
table and she ordered a chicken salad and a glass of wine.

Gwen made a face at the rabbit food, ordering two different types of 
sushi and a bottle of sake for herself. "What happened?" she asked 
Alexis quietly.

"I can't go into too much detail," Alexis said, "but Kate actually 
talked to me! Compared to the last two sessions of dead silence, it was 

"Congratulations," Gwen raised a saucer of sake, then threw it back in a 
smooth motion.

Alexis visibly shuddered, remembering trying sake for herself. Not her 
style, not at all. She remembered something else from her session with 
Kate and asked, "Did she work with another officer named Lynn?"

Gwen stopped, the sake part way to her mouth, "Did she mention her?"

"Mentioned, but she pointedly refused to talk about her," Alexis said 
with a sigh. "Was she important to Kate?" she asked.

"She was Kate's partner," Gwen said quietly. She smiled fondly, 
remembering the blonde police officer, so bright and energetic. "They 
were a good match, and worked closely together for over a year," she 

"Partners," Alexis murmured thoughtfully, "personally as well as 

Gwen ate a moment, her expression thoughtful. "I'm not certain," she 
admitted, "but I think they were both. Certainly, Kate had strong 
feelings for her."

"What happened to her?" Alexis asked quietly. From the tone of Gwen's 
voice she suspected it was something bad. She hoped not, but...

"Lynn was killed in the line of duty," Gwen said softly, "a few months 

'I'm sorry I was right,' Alexis thought to herself grimly. She stalled 
for a moment, sipping a bit of wine, "How did Kate take it?"

"Terrible," Gwen sighed. Quietly, she explained, "Kate just... shut 
herself down. I've seen more emotion out of early model androids then I 
saw in her eyes. She's only started to come out of it the last month or 

Alexis raised her eyebrows, "So what changed?"

Gwen smiled slightly, "Her new partner, Jen. She irritates Kate and 
challenges her a bit, too." A smirk, "She seems to be good for her."

Alexis thought about what else Kate had said to her, about how badly 
Gwen had taken it when she and Alexis had broken up. She tried to find 
some way to bring it up politely, when Gwen looked down at her watch 
with a frown.

"I'm sorry," Gwen folded up her napkin and put it down by her empty 
plate, "but I've got to go." She put money down for her share, adding, 
"I'll see you later, maybe." With that, the dignified Asian woman 
smoothly made her way through the crowd and out of the restaurant.

"Maybe next time," Alexis sighed to herself softly.

Across town, Beth passed the club once before slowing, then walking back 
to the door. She gave a nod, recognizing the bouncer, and made her way 
back to the bar. "Hey, Jack," she nodded to the slim man standing there 
making drinks.

"Beth," Jack nodded with a slight smile. He was a weather beaten man, 
rough around the edges. He could be anywhere from his early twenties to 
his late fifties, his leathery face would age that well. His blue eyes 
twinkled with mischief, and his smile was dangerous.

"So what's the action like?" Beth asked him curiously. She wasn't here 
cruising tonight, she wasn't really dressed for it, but she was curious. 
There was always something interesting going on here, she knew. She took 
her coat off revealing a tight little T-shirt, draping it on a seat, and 
sat on it with her stretch pant clad butt.

"Y'know Jamie?" Jack smirked.

"Yeah," Beth answered him cautiously. Jamie was even more of a flirt 
than Beth, and she firmly believed in non-monogamy. Of course, she often 
didn't tell her various lovers who else was involved in her love-life.

Jack cleaned a glass as he recounted, "Jamie came in with Sam, who seems 
to be her primary lover of the moment. Cara, who is also a lover of 
Jamie's, was there and Jamie spent a good hour trying to keep them apart 
so they couldn't compare notes."

"Let me guess, it didn't work?" Beth smirked back at him.

"You got it," Jack sighed, "Cara called Sam out, they scraped for 
awhile, then both of them decided that Jamie was the source of both of 
their troubles."

"Ouch," Beth winced. "What did they do with her?" she asked.

"Tied her to a bondage rack in the back room, whips available to anyone 
who wants to try," Jack shrugged. At Beth's surprised look he added, 
"I've got somebody back there keeping an eye on things, just in case."

"You're an old softie," Beth snickered softly, raising her glass in 

Jack tapped a glass full of what looked like liquor against hers. Beth 
had sipped from one of his glasses once, and discovered that it was 
simply colored ginger-ale. "Oh yeah," Jack remembered, "someone was 
asking about you."

Beth tensed slightly, "Who?"

"Didn't seem to be trouble," Jack quickly reassured her, "a pair of 
ladies. They're at one of the back tables, last I checked."

"Thanks," Beth smiled at him.

Beth picked up her drink, looking over the crowd as she smoothly rose 
from her chair. She draped her coat across her shoulders and moved out 
into the crush of people. Hot, dancing bodies twisted and turned, 
tempting her, but Beth's curiosity drew her on.

The tables were in a darkened corner, where anything could and often 
would happen. An almost white haired young woman sat at one of them, her 
tawny haired companion kneeling on the floor beside her. People would 
cautiously approach them, only to be rebuffed coldly.

'Christa,' Beth though, remembering her night of passion with the 
dominant and her sexaroid companion. 'They couldn't be the ones Jack 
said were asking about me, could they?' she wondered.

Christa looked up, her white hair shining in the light, and she smiled 
slightly when she saw Beth there. 'Come here,' she gestured, and Beth 
walked towards them, feeling the envious glances that the crowd was 
giving her.

"Join us," Christa smiled as Beth reached the table.

Beth pulled out a chair, then paused. The sexaroid knelt on the filthy 
floor, resting on who knew what. She grabbed a second chair and said to 
the kneeling figure, "Sit, please."

The sexaroid looked up at Christa, who merely smiled, "Indeed, sit." The 
sexaroid gracefully settled into her seat even as Christa studied Beth 
thoughtfully, "Why do you care about her? She's merely a machine."

Beth looked down uncomfortably, "She feels pleasure and pain. That's 
reason enough not to mistreat her, I think."

Christa nodded thoughtfully. She sipped her drink, "I was hoping that 
you would call on me again, little one."

Beth blushed, "I'm sorry."

"Maybe," Christa reached out to stroke along Beth's collar, "you could 
make it up to me tonight, then."

Beth gulped nervously but answered, "I'd love to." The three women rose 
from their seats almost as one, and disappeared into the darkness.

The apartment was dark, the light streaming in the window lighting up 
the figure sitting in her chair and looking out at the towers that 
surrounded her apartment. Ice cubes clinked together in her glass, and 
she sipped carefully.

Kate stretched in her chair, then relaxed again. She looked down at the 
old style phone she had, hesitating. She picked up the receiver, then 
punched in the code she had memorized days ago.

"Yes?" the smooth, female voice answered.

Kate gulped, "Silver? It's Kate." 

Onwards to Part 13

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