The Willow Files (part 5 of 7)

a Non-Anime Fanfiction fanfiction by Shanejayell

Back to Part 4
Willow Rosenberg pulled up to the driveway in her old
jalopy, checking the note she clutched in one hand to
see if the address was correct. Satisfied it was
Willow turned down the lane leading into the small
marina, passing the sign reading 'Safe Harbor.'

A long ramp extended into the water, with a floating
pump island nearby, and near the water was a large
convenience store and restaurant. Near the woods
bracketing the inlet were cabins for rent, probably
only large enough for two people at most.

Standing at the railing around the large main building
was a older man, grey in the tall fellow;'s hair, but
he was well muscled and fit in his almost lumberjack
looking clothes. Beside him was a much younger woman,
with honey blonde hair, a nice figure and dressed in a
tight checked shirt and blue jeans tucked into her

"Ms. Rosenberg," the tall man walked up as she got out
of her car.

"Mr. Lawson," Willow nodded. She shook his hand as she
said wryly, "No offense, but you're not what I'd
expect an ex-watcher to look like."

He laughed as Lawson said, "Trust me, when I retired I
wanted to get as far away from being a watcher as

"Ahem," the blonde cleared her throat as she walked up
to them.

"And this is Sae Jenkins," Lawson nodded to her,
"co-owner of Safe Harbor."

"Nice to meet you, Ms. Rosenberg," Sae nodded as she
shook her hand.

Addressing both of them she said, "I'm going to get
tired of Ms. Rosenberg fast, why not just use Willow?"

Larson chuckled, "Of course, Willow."

"I'd love to," Sae added with a slight smile.

"So," Willow said as she took her tool kit out of the
car, the bag with all her various magical implements,
"what's the situation?"

"Something is... attacking residents at night," Larson
summarized as the bear-like man lead her up to the

"Something?" Willow echoed.

"Descriptions vary," Sae jumped in, "about all
everyone agrees with is that it's not human and it's
scary as hell."

"You eaten yet?" Larson asked.

"Just a snack a few hours ago," Willow said.

"We'll make you something," Sae smiled at Willow
sweetly as she held open the front door to the café.

Inside the building a few morning people were already
there at various tables while a older, grandmotherly
looking woman worked behind the front counter cooking
away, flipping pancakes and frying eggs. There was a
remarkably homey atmosphere to the place., even with
the required trophies hanging on the walls along with
the folksy decorations.

"Alice," Lawson nodded.

"Yo," the older woman replied as she put a serving of
eggs on.

"Three breakfast specials, please," he ordered.

"Coming right up," the grey haired lady nodded as she
flipped the contents of another of her cooking pans.

"The special will fill you up," Sae said as they sat
down at a table by the front window.

"Yup," Larson agreed. Giving Willow a serious look he
said, "Rumors are spreading about us being haunted, in
fact we've already had a few cancellations. Do you
think you can do something about it?"

"I can't promise anything," Willow said firmly, "but
I'll give it my best efforts."

"That's all we can ask," Sae said as she reached over
to squeeze Willow's hand.

Willow was faintly surprised to feel a thrill of
excitement at the woman's touch, though she hid it as
well as she could. "Where have the appearances been
happening?" she asked in a brisk, businesslike tone.

"The cabins," Larson said, "and only overnight."

"Then I'd better take a cabin to sleep in tonight,"
Willow said thoughtfully, "and wait to see what's

"You need any help?" Larson offered.

Before Willow could answer Alice arrived with three
loaded plates, stuffed with pancakes, eggs and
sausage. "Here ya go," she dropped them off casually.

"Thanks Alice," Sae grinned with mirth even as she saw
Willow looking down at her food with wide eyes.

"Another masterpiece," Larson agreed.

"Thank you, ma'am," Willow agreed, wondering if she
was really going to be able to finish it all without

"Enjoy," Alice chuckled softly as the older woman
hurried off to answer another order.

Sae had a impish look, "More than you expected?"

"Oh yeah," Willow murmured as she tried some sausage.

"Should have warned you," Larson chuckled as he broke
off some toast and began to eat, "she really likes to
show off to newcomers."

The rest of the day was spent with Willow exploring
the marina and trying to get a feeling for the
situation. She walked around the cabins, down to the
water and then back to the woods, all the while trying
to sense any kinds of supernatural phenomenon. Oddly,
despite her best efforts, she was coming up with zero.

"Hey," the voice called as a figure emerged from the
trees. Sae looked good enough to eat as she slipped
from the shadows of the woods, her only concession to
the chill of the ocean air the addition of a leather

"Hi," Willow turned, putting the piece of crystal she
had been using away in her pocket. She smiled,
"Beautiful place."

"If you like remote," Sae smiled wryly as she walked
over to Willow's side. The breeze stirred her long
hair as she added, "But it is nice to visit."

"You don't like it?" Willow asked.

Sae shrugged slightly. "I split my time between here
and the city," she admitted, "but I'd rather just
leave everything to Lawson. But he feels I need to be
here on site, in case he needs to make changes

"Hmm," Willow nodded. She looked out over the ocean,
seeing the waves rise and fall as she asked, "Have you
seen it?"

"No, thankfully," Sae answered. She stepped close,
looking over Willow in her jeans, long overcoat and
sweats, "Not used to this chill?"

"I used to live in California," Willow said in

"Ah," Sae stepped close, smiling up at the slightly
taller Willow. She dropped her voice, "If you like, I
could... warm you up a bit?"

Willow blushed. "I'm sorry," she said, "but I'm

Sae sighed as she stepped back, "Your loss." With that
she stalked off, disappearing once more into the

"That was odd," Willow blinked as she set off to
continue her explorations. 'So if it isn't magic,' she
mused as she walked, 'what is going on here?'

Later on that evening Larson blinked as she entered
his office, sitting down across from him as she laid
out her theory as to what was going on there at the
marina. "You can't be serious," he finally said.

"It does sound pretty crazy," Willow admitted, "but I
think we can solve this, if you'll lend me the gear."

"Heh," Larson smiled wryly, "all right, I'll even help
you set it up."

As night fell Willow retired to her cabin, sitting
back as she listened to the waves lap against the
shore outside. She ate some crackers she brought along
as she waited, sitting on the bed with her surprise
within easy reach.

"OoooooOOooooOhhhhh," the moaning cry came as
something slowly shuffled it's way up to the door.

"Come on," Willow murmured tensing.

There was a click as the door was unlocked, then the
figure burst into the room, waving glowing arms as it
moaned, "Leeeave this place! Gooo!"

"You have got to be kidding me," Willow said flatly as
she calmly released the rope triggering her surprise.


The weighted net dropped from the ceiling, pinning the
monster to the floor as the thing make a very feminine
gasp of surprise. "Why you..." it gasped.

Willow picked up the walkie talkie she borrowed and
sent, "Got it, Larson."

Larson rushed in a few moments later, taking in the
struggling figure on the floor thoughtfully. "It looks
a lot less frightening than described," he noted.

"Well, surprising people out of a sound sleep probably
helped," Willow calmly noted as she knelt down beside
their captive. She reached out, found a seam in the
monster suit then pulled off the mask.

"Alice?" Larson blurted.

"Damn it," the older woman growled, "let me up!"

"Would you mind explaining why, first?" Willow asked

Alice glared at her under bushy eyebrows. "My family
used to own Safe Harbor," she finally growled, "until
bad business decisions drove them out of business."

"So you figured you could drive Larson and Sae out of
business by haunting the place, then buy it back
cheap," Willow concluded.

"Argh," Larson made a face, "why do I feel like a
character in a bad sixties cartoon?"

"Jinkies," Willow agreed.

"Well, at least she didn't say," Sae said as she
sleepily arrived, "I would have gotten away with it if
not for that damn kid."

"You mind letting me up?" Alice asked grouchily.

"No," Larson scowled.

"Now that you've caught her," Sae sauntered over to
Willow's side dressed only in her nightie, "does that
mean you're not working, now?"

Willow blushed, "Guess so."

To be continued...

Notes: Yes, this is a homage to Scooby Doo. lol

Onwards to Part 6

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